1、*注:2018 年 6 月全國大學英語四級考試共有兩套聽力聽力第一套Sectio n ANews Report OneA message in a bottle sent out to sea by a New Hampshire man more than fivedecades ago was found 1500 miles away and he s beenretur ned to his daughter. The long lost message was discovered by Cli nt Buffington of Utah while he was vacati on
2、ing. Buffi ngton says he found a soda bottlehalf-buried in the sand that looked like it had been there since the beg inning oftime.The n ote in side the bottle said, Return to 419 Ocea n Street and receive a rewardof $150 from Richard and Tina Pierce, owners of the beach Comber motel.The motel was o
3、wned by the Paula Pierce in 1960. Her father had written the no tesas a joke and had throw n it into the Atla ntic Ocea n. Buffi ngton flew to NewHampshire to deliver that message to Pola Pierce. She held up to her fatherspromise giving Buffi ngton that reward. But the biggest reward is the message
4、in abottle finding its way back home.Questi ons 1 and 2 are based on the n ews report you have just heard.1. What is the news report mainly about?2. Why did Paula Pierce give Cli nt Buffi ngto n the reward?News Report TwoMilli ons of bees have died in South Caroli na duri ng aerial in sect spray ing
5、 operations that were carried out to combat the Zika virus. The in sects spray ing over theweeke nd left more tha n 2 milli on bees dead on the spot in Dorchester countySouth Caroli na, where four travel-related cases of Zika disease have bee n confirmed in the area. Most of the deaths came from Flo
6、wer Town Bee farm, a company in Somerville that sells bees and honey products. Jua nita Stanley who owns thecompa ny said the farm looks like its been destroyed. The farm lost about 2.5 million bees. Dorchester county officials apologized for the accide ntal mass killi ng ofbees. Dorchester County i
7、s aware that some beekeepers in the area that wassprayed on Sun day lost their bee coloni es. County man ager Jas on Ward said ina stateme nt.“Im not pleased that so manybees were killed.Questi ons 3 and 4 are based on the n ews report you have just heard.3. Why was spray ing operati ons carried out
8、 in Dorchester Coun ty?4. What does the n ews reports say about Flower Town Bee farm?News Report ThreeThe worlds largest aircraft has taken to the skies for the first time. The Airla nder 10spe nt n early 2 hours in the air hav ing take n off from Coddington airfield inBedfordshire. During its fligh
9、t it reached 3000 feet and performed a series of gentleturns all over a safe area. The aircraft is massive as long as a football field and astall as 6 double decker buses and capable of flying for up to 5 days. It was firstdeveloped for the US gover nment as a long range spy aircraft, but was aba nd
10、onedfollow ing budget cutbacks. The aircraft cost 25 millio n pounds and can carryheavier loads tha n huge jet pla nes while also produc ing less no ise and omittingless pollution. The makers believe its the future of aircraft and one day well beusing them to go places. But theres still a long way t
11、o go. The Airla nder will n eedto have 200 hours flying time before being allowed to fly by the aviationadministration if it passes though we can hope well all get some extra legroom.5. What do we learn about the first flight of the Airla nder 10?6. What caused the US gover nment to aba ndon the Air
12、la nder 10 as a spyQuesti ons 5 and 7 are based on the n ews report you have just heard.aircraft?7. What is the adva ntage of the Airla nder 10 over huge jet pla nes?Sectio n BConv ersati on OneM: Do you feel like going out toni ght?W: Yeah , why not , we haven t been out for ages, what s on?M: Well
13、, there s a film about climate change. Does it sound good to you?W: No, not really, it doesn t really appeal to me. What s it about? Just climate change?M: I think it s about how climate change affects everyday life. I wonder how theymake it en tertai ning.W: Well, it sounds really awful, it s an im
14、portant subject I agree. But I am not inthe mood for any thi ng depress ing. What else is on?M : There s a Spanish dance festival.W: Oh, I love dance. That sounds really interesting.M: Apparently, it s absolutely brilliant. Let s see what it says in the paper.A leads an excit ing producti on of the
15、great Spanish love story Kame n.W: Ok, then. What time is it o n?M: At 7:30.W: Well, that s no good. We have n t got eno ugh time to get there. Is thereanything else?There s a comedy special on.W: Where s it on?M: It s at the city theater. It s a charity comedy night with lots of different acts.It l
16、ooks pretty good. The critic in the local the paper says it s the funniest thing he s ever seen. It says here Roger Whitehead is an amaz ing host to a ni ght of funperforma nces.W: Em. I am not kee n on him. He is not very funny.M: Are you sure your fancy going out toni ght? You are not veryen thusi
17、astic.W: Perhaps you are right. Okay, let s go to see the dance. But tomorrow,not toni ght.M: Great, I II book the tickets online.Questions 8 and 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.8. What does the wome n think of the climate cha nge?9. Why do the speakers give up going to the Span
18、ish dance festivalton ight?10. What does the critic say about the comedy performed at the citytheater?11. What does the woma n decide to do tomorrow?Conv ersati on TwoW: Good morni ng Mr. Lee, May I have a minu tes of your time?M: Sure Katherine, what can I do for you?W: I m quiet anxious about tran
19、sferring over to our college, I m afraidI won t fit in.M: dont worry Katherine, it s completely normal for you to be nervous about transferri ng schools, this happe ns to many tran sfer stude nts.W: Yes, I know, but I m younger than most students in my year and that worries mea lot.M: Well, you may
20、be the only youn ger one in your year, but you know,we have a lot of after-school activities you can join in, and so, this way,you will be able to meet new frie nds of differe nt age groups.W: That s nice, I love games and hobby groups.M: I m sure you do, so will be just fine, don t worry so much an
21、d try to make themost of what we have on offer here, also, remember that you can come to me anytime of the day if you n eed help.W: Thanks so much, I definitely feel better now, as a matter of fact, I vealready contacted one of the girls who will be living in the same house with me, andshe seemed re
22、ally ni ce. I guess liv ing on campus, Ill have a cha nee to have a closecircle of frie nds, since well be liv ing together.M: All students are very friendly with new arrivals. Let me check who would be liv ingwith you in your flat. Okay. There are Hann ah, Kelly, andBree. Bree is also a new student
23、 here, like you, I m sure you two II have more toshare with each other.Questions 12 and 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.12. Why does Katheri ne feel a nxious?13. What does Mr. Lee en courage Katheri ne to do?14. What does Mr. Lee promised to do for Katheri ne?15. What do we lear
24、 n about Katheri ne schoolmate Bree?Sectio n CPassage OneHave you ever felt like you would do just about anything to satisfy your hun ger? Anew study in mice may help to expla in why hun ger can feel like such a powerfulmotivating force. In the study, researchers found that hunger outweighed otherph
25、ysical drives, including fear, thirst and social n eeds.To determine which feeling won out, the researchers did a series of experime nts. Inone experime nt, the mice were both hungry and thirsty. When given the choice ofeither eating food or drinking water, the mice went for the food, the researcher
26、s found.However, whe n the mice were well-fed but thirsty, they opted to drink, accordi ng tothe study .In the second experiment meant to pit the mices hunger against their fear,hungry mice were placed in a cage that had certa in fox-sce nted areas and otherplaces that smelled safer (in other words,
27、 not like an ani mal that could eat them) butalso had food. It tur ned out that, whe n the mice were hun gry, they ven tured in to theun safe areas for food. But whe n the mice were well-fed, they stayed in areas of thecage that were con sidered safe. Hun ger also outweighed the mices social n eeds,
28、the researchers found. Mice are usually social animals and prefer to be in thecompany of other mice, according to the study. When the mice were hungry, theyopted to leave the compa ny of other mice to go get food.Questi ons 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard.16. What is the resear
29、chers purpose in carry ing out the serious experime nt withmice?17. In what circumsta nces, do mice ven ture into un safe areas?18. What is said about mice at the end of the passage?Passage TwoThe United States has one of the best highway systems in the world.In terstate highways connect just about
30、every large and mid-sized city inthe coun try. Did you ever won der why such a complete system ofexcellent roads exists? For an answer , you would have to go back to the early 1920s.In those years, just after World War I, the military wan ted to build an America nhighway system for n ati onal defe n
31、se. Such a system could, if necessary, movetroops quickly from one area to another. It could also get people out of cities in danger of being bombed. So-called roads of n ati onal importa nee were desig nated, butthey were mostly small country roads. In 1944, Con gress passed a bill to upgrade thesy
32、stem, but did not fund the pla n right away .In the 1950s, the pla n bega n to becomea reality. Over $25 billi on was appropriated bycon gress, and con struct ion bega n on about 40,000 miles of new roads.The idea was to connect the new system to existi ng expressways and freeways. Andthough the sys
33、tem was built mostly to make car travel easier, defe nse was notforgotte n. For in sta nee, highway overpasses had to be high eno ugh to allow trailerscarry ing military missiles to pass under them. By 1974, this system was mostlycompleted. A few additional roads would come later. Quick and easy tra
34、vel betweenall parts of the country was now possible.Questi ons 19 and 21 are based on the passage you have just heard.19. What does the speaker say about the America n highway system?20. What was the orig inal purpose of build ing a highway system?21. When was the in terstate highway system mostly
35、completed?Passage ThreeTexting while driving was listed as a major cause of road deaths among youngAmerica ns back in 2013. A rece nt study said that 40% of America n teens claim tohave bee n in a car whe n the driver used a cell pho ne in a way that put people in danger. This sounds like a widespre
36、ad disease but its one that tech no logy may nowhelped cure. T.J. Evarts, a 20- year-old inven tor, has come up with a no vel solutio nthat could easily put text ing drivers on notice. Its called Smart Wheel, and itsdesigned to fit over the steeri ng wheel of most sta ndard vehicles to track whether
37、 ornot thedriver has two hands on the wheel at all times. Evarts the driverswith the light and the sound when they hold the wheel with onehand only, but as soon as they place the other hand back on the wheel the light tur nsback to gree n and the sound stops. It also watches for whats called “close
38、byhands ” , where both hands are close together n ear the top of the wheel so thedriver can type with both thumbs and drive at the same time. All the data Smart Wheelcollects is also sent to a conn ected app. So any pare nts who in stall Smart Wheelcan keep track of the tee ns driv ing habits. If th
39、ey try to remove or damage thecover, thats reported as well.Questi ons 22 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.22. What is a major cause of road deaths among young America ns?23. What is Smart Wheel?24. What happe ns if the driver has one hand on the wheel?25. How do pare nts keep trac
40、k of their tee ns driv ing habits?inven ti onwarns參考答案:ABBCA CDADC BDCAD BACDB ABACB聽力第二套參考答案:Sectio n A1. B) Scared.2. D) It was covered with large scales.3. A) A Study of the fast-food service.4. C) In creased variety of products.5. C) US government s approval of private space missions.6. A) Deliv
41、er scientific equipment to the moon.7. B) It is promis ing.Sectio n B8. D) Lying in the sun on a Thai beach.9. A) She visited a Thai orpha nage10. D)His pho ne is running out of power.11. C ) He collects things from differe nt coun tries.12. D) Trying out a new gym in town.13. C) A disco unt for a h
42、alf-year membership.14. D) The operation of fitness equipment.15. C) She knows the basics of weight-lifting.Sectio n C16. B) They ofte n apply for a nu mber of positi ons.A) Get better orga ni zed.18. D) Apply for more promis ing positi ons.19. B) If not forced to go to school, kids would be out in
43、the streets.20. D) Design activities they now enjoy doing on holidays.21. D)Take kids out of school to lear n at first hand22. C) It is see n almost any where and on any occasi on.23 D) It offers people a cha nee to socialize.24 A) Their state of mind improved.25 B) It is life.閱讀第一套Sectio n A26. E)
44、con structed27. O) un dertake n28. F) con sulted29. C) collectio n30. N) scale31. I) eve ntually32. K) n ecessarily33. L) producti on34. A) cheaper35. J) heightSectio n B36. K) A 20-year-old junior at Georgia Southern University told BuzzFeedNews that she no rmally37. D)“ Whe n we talk about the acc
45、ess code we see it as the new face ofthe textbook mon opoly(壟斷),a new way to lock stude nts around thissystem, ”38. M ) Harper, a poultry (家禽)scienee major, is taking chemistry againthis year and had to buy a new access code to hand in her homework39. G) The access codes may be another financial hea
46、dache for students,but for textbook bus in esses, they re the future 40. B) The codes which typically range in price from $ 80 to $ 155 per course give stude nts on li ne access to systems developed by educatio n compa nies likeMcGraw Hill and Pears on 41. L) Benjamin Wolverton, a 19-year-old studen
47、t at the University ofSouth Caroli na, told BuzzFeed News that 42. H ) A Pears on spokespers on told BuzzFeed News that“ digitalmaterials are less expe nsive and a good in vestme nt” that offer newfeatures,43. F) She decided to wait for her next work-study paycheck, which wastypically $150-$200, to
48、pay for the code44. J) David Hunt, an associate professor in sociology at AugustaUn iversity, which has rolled out digital textbooks across its math and psychologydepartme nts, 45. C) But critics say the digital access codes represent the sameprofit-seek ing ethos(觀念)of the textbook bus in ess, and
49、are eve n harderfor stude nts to opt out of Sectio n CPassage One開頭英語為: Los ing your ability46. A) Not all of them are symptoms of deme ntia.答案出處:There are pretty clear differe nces betwee n sig ns of deme ntia andage-related memory loss.47. C) Communi cati on with in our brain weake ns.答案出處:Chan ge
50、s in brain cells can affect com muni cati on betwee n differe nt regions of the brain.48. A) Totally forgetting how to do ones daily routines.答案出處:Forgetting how to operate a familiar object like a microwaveoven, or forgetting how to drive to the house of a friend you ve visitedmany times before can
51、 also be sig ns of someth ing going wrong.49. C) Turn to a professi onal for assista nee.答案出處:Daffner suggests going to your doctor to check on medications,health problems and other issues that could be affect ing memory.50. D) Stay ing active both physically and men tally.答案出處:And the best defense
52、against memory loss is to try to preventby build ing up your brains cog nitive reserve.In other words, keep your brain busy and work ing. And also getphysically active, because exercise is a known brain booster.Passage Two文章開頭是 A letter51. What happe ned to Darwi ns letter in the 1970s?B) It was sto
53、le n more tha n on ce.答案出處:“ We realized in the mid-1970s that it was missing.take n by an in tern ( 實習生)” “ The in tern likely took the letter aga in.likelyonce n obody was watch ing it. ”52. What did the FBI do after the recovery of the letter?A) They proved its authe nticity.答案出處:Their art crime
54、team recovered the letter but were un able to press chargesbecause the time of limitations had ended. The FBI worked closely with the Archivesto determ ine that the letter was both authe ntic and definitely Smithsonian sproperty.53. What is Darwi ns letter about?D) His ack no wledgeme nt for help fr
55、om a professi on al.答案出處:The letter was writte n by Darwin to tha nk an America n geologist, Dr. Ferdinand Van deveer Hayde n, for sending him copies of his research into the geology ofthe regi on that would become Yellowst one Nati onal Park.54. What will the Smithsonian Institution Archives do wit
56、h the letter accord ing toKapsalis?D) Make it available on li ne.答案出處:After it is repaired, we will take digital photos of it and that will be available on li ne.55. What has the past half cen tury wit nessed accord ing to Kapsalis?B) Radical cha nges in archi ving practices.答案出處: “Archi ving practi
57、ces have cha nged greatly since the 1970s,saysKapsalis, “ and we keep our high value docume nts in a safe閱讀第二套Sectio n A26-30 M N C J F 31-35 K L B I E26. M) polluta nts27. N) restricted28. C) consequenee29. J) inno vati on30. F) detail31. K) in te nded32. L) outdoor33. B) collaborat ing34. I) in ha
58、bita nts35. E) creat ingSectio n BAs Tourists Crowd Out Locals, Venice Faces“ Endan gered36. E Just beyond St. Mark s Square 37. J Earlier this year 38. G Venice s deadline passed with39. C Venice is one of40. N Then it hits him 41. F For a time, UNESCO, 42. B “ People are cheeri ng and hold ing”43.
59、 L The city s current mayor, Luigi Brugnaro44. D Laura Chigi, a gran dmother at the march,45. H But UNESCO didn t even hold a voteListSectio n CPassage one46. C) Help them build a positive attitude towards life.47. A) Earn more mon ey.48. C) How long its positive effect lasts.49. D) Their com muni c
60、ati on with others improved.50. A) Find finan cial support.Passage Two51. C) They all experie need terrible misfort unes.52. B) The utmost comfort passe ngers could enjoy.53. A) It was a mere piece of decorati on.54. D) The belief that they could n ever sink with a double-layer body.55. A) She was u
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