1、1. 書信結(jié)構(gòu)英語書信結(jié)構(gòu)一般有以下幾個(gè)部分組成:1)信封(envelope )。英語的信封和中文的一樣,有三部分組成,即發(fā)信人地址、收信人地址和郵票。只不過英語信封的格式除了郵票所貼的位置(信封的右上角)和中文的一樣外,英語信封上要寫的發(fā)信人和收信人的地址和中文的大不一樣。發(fā)信人的地址應(yīng)寫在信封的左上角,收信人的地址應(yīng)寫在信封偏中右偏下處,如下:Liu Yan-huiRoom 302, Nc. 4也Ro" WShanghai, 20040F. RstampPr"E Johxi Hill607 Nor th Willing on AveniiiWest Plm BacK F
2、l on da 33404U. S. A2)信頭(heading),即寫發(fā)信人的地址和日期(右上角)。3) 信內(nèi)姓名地址(inside address),即寫收信人的姓名和地址(左上角)。4) 稱呼(salutation),即寫對收信人的尊稱(一般用Dear Mr. ,;Dear Madam Helen,; Dear Miss,;Dear John,; Dear ProfessorSmith,等)。稱呼直接寫在收信人地址的正下方,中間空一至二行。稱呼后面的標(biāo)點(diǎn)一般只能用逗號。以上信頭、信內(nèi)姓名和地址三部分的結(jié)構(gòu)如下:Liu Tan-huaRgm 302,4也 Taiun OH)Shughai
3、200Q40P. B. China22, 200ZFrof John Hill GOTNorth Willington AvenueWest Falm Beachj Fiori da 33404U S.扎DearHill*5) 正文(body),即信件內(nèi)的主要內(nèi)容。正文第一句句子一般和稱呼之間空一至二行。6) 信尾客套語 (complimentary close) ,即寫信人在信的右(或左)下角,寫上表示自己對收信人一種禮貌客氣的謙稱。一般有 Sincerely,; Sincerely yours,; Yours sincerely,; Friendlyyours,; Truly yours,
4、; Yours truly,; Cordially yours,; Yours cordially,等。7) 信尾簽名(signature),即親筆簽上寫信人自己的姓名。如果是用打字機(jī)或電腦寫的信,在寫信人簽名的上方,同樣應(yīng)該打上寫信人的姓名。除以上七個(gè)部分外,有時(shí)一些英語書信還包括:(1)附件(Enclosure),以Enc.表示,如附有。證明"應(yīng)寫為EncCertificate ;(2)再啟(Postscript),以P.S.表示;(3)抄送件(Carbon Copy to),以c.c.表示,說明一式多份抄送其他有關(guān)人員。這些都是次要的補(bǔ)充部分。P.S.主要在私人信件中使用,事務(wù)
5、信件中應(yīng)避免使用,以免造成寫信人粗心大意的印象。Enc.和c.c.大都用在商貿(mào)信函中。2. 書寫款式英語書信的款式一般有兩種:齊頭式(Block Style)和折衷式(Semi-Block Style)。齊頭式常常在商貿(mào)、官方以及一些正式的信件中使用,以顯示信件內(nèi)容的嚴(yán)肅性,真實(shí)性,可靠性。而折衷式則顯的比較隨便,主要用于家人、朋友、私人之間來往的信件。如果兩人之間不是第一次通信,相互比較了解,可以省略信內(nèi)的雙方地址。以下分別介紹齊頭式和折衷式信件兩種款式。A:齊頭式信件款式:(范文1。)Liu PingEwe 406lei jiiig Vhi ver si tyBaijiU 100871F
6、R. ChinaJuly 10, 2002DirectorDept, of Geology匚olumbi a Um 74r sityNew York, NY, 10028U. S. ADe«r Professor Sullivan,This 1s a r equst far gdmittance to your University as a vi siting scholar. I hope it will b# poTsible for m& to tak& some courses «iid also do some research work in
7、your depar 七mwii 七. Our Government will provi de mg with all traveling andexpenses.Erbdased pl ease find, my appli cation and thr te letters of recommend.it 1 on; which T hop t you will find sati sfactory. Thank you for your kind cciiLt derati on. 工 m lc<kin for war i to your srli«st reply.S
8、iiLcarely yoursLin Fin名注:用齊頭式信件寫信,其正文與稱呼之間空一至二行。每段的第一句句子不需要空格,但段與段之間需要空一至二行。齊頭式信件的信尾客套話和簽名可以有兩種款式。第一種寫在左下方,這是最常用也是最正式的 另外也可以寫在右下方,這種形式則表示寫信人與收信人之間的關(guān)系比較熟悉隨便。下面是另一種齊頭式信件的格式。齊頭式信件款式:(范文2。)22p 2002I irrivftd At Shanghai yesterday afterrbooTi. My wife and my daughter met me at tFe airport. They were vary
9、 much glad that I c*ul4 came hack just Wafers Chr i Etms axid the naw year! 5 day. On our way home I told them a lot about my stay in AjreriC4f until now they are alzays encouraging me to tell them seme interesting incidents and exciting experiences that I encountered in th« State You know they
10、 have 界ewgy been abroad, and therefore everything may strvige to them, It is ev$n eKincredible for them to lniow that every iiy wt took half an hoir drivt £&r our lunch which is quite natural fcr srdinfiry people.My fe and daughter wmt me to thukk daughter 1«V4S th« toy dog very m
11、uch ie sleepiti備 My wife lcvs the purss.you 珈 your gifts to them. Myand zhe always holds it evtn when sheSh電 faelz 20 proud of owning it,speaks so highly cf iIs quiLity that sheit to ill her &i就dw.Anyway IT m much obliged ta you for your Kospi tali ty during my st7 therE and to your wifej Cather
12、ine espftci ally. She is really a ni ce young l&dy who 1 s kindj frank and gen«iroii. With Ker uidan" and. instriact cxitj I ColL di t 5om« places that I had been langing for, find seme important (iiat«ris and lara omethins in deti 1 baut Am«rican cultura. Meanwhile I wo
13、uld thazik your colleagues for their tr&nendaus hwlp without whirh it would hwm btn impose i bl« for me to cope wj th everything.I v on' t come ta my office until January 6. Ne will, inform you £ our d«ci si on about the contract as eooti as posibl.Fl總:kse r&m*mb*r in«
14、; to your vi £* ani two diTightsrs.Sine er ely yourZhou Y an-wenB:折衷式信件款式:用折衷式書寫信件,其正文與稱呼之間空一至二行。第一段第一句的第一個(gè)單詞必須在Dear稱呼的直接下面。 以后每段開頭都要與第一段第一個(gè)字對齊。信尾的客套話和簽名都寫在右下方。朋友之間寫信一般都使用折衷式,而且稱呼與正文之間一般不空行。具體款式和要求參見后面的一些信件。以下是一封折衷式信件。Li KisugCcrmerci si and Trade U1TSOS Park MotelNo, IS Haijing Rgd 00Shanghai
15、2OQQ1F R. ChinaMy 20, 2002Mr. Smith HeidcelMeager of Import DivisicnVi ctor i a Industries Co.FlminglQii 3032VIC# AustraliaE«ar Hr, IfenkalW電 acknowledgi the receipt cf your letter and its enclosure of FebruaryID about the supply of washing m&chin&s.We regret tht 11 is difficult for he
16、to cqileld«r the purchase as cur company does not need the item for the time bem. Me hwe recorded your qnotati on of our further us = .Thank you for your kind attention tc thi s reply.Ycurs E&i tkfully,Li Kiaiig3. 信件書寫要求:寫英語信件一般可以使用打字機(jī)、電腦,朋友之間比較隨便的信件也可以用鋼筆、圓珠筆甚至彩色筆,但不宜用鉛筆。不管你用什么形 式書寫,一些重要的信
17、件,簽名處必須用深藍(lán)色或黑色墨水筆簽名。(二)各類常用信件1)感謝信October 5 2002 D電ar Mik%Your letter and package reached me yes ter day. Tgu really give a great surpris電. I wls wandering what 將削豎 i曲 such & nic電 package imtil I carefully opened i t and. found that you sent me an attractive present for my birtkday. Thiink yeu v
18、ary much for yaur kindik&EE uid I lik« the present whi ch will giva me pleasure for a long time to come.Again it is thou歡t£ul of you to send me the present on my birthday. YesterdAy evening my cell®agues held a birthday party for cn已 including John. Liu*I think you can rjmembeira
19、nice tall bey, who invited you and I to his birthday last October. &njoyed oureelves, and all of ue ni'entioned your stay with us. We hope that you will come to China soori if possibl皂.Pleise accept my sincere thanks and best wish&E.YoiorsPeter sng2)祝賀信May 16. 2003 Dear Mr, Blake,Thank y
20、ou for informing us your new house address. It is fantasitic that you have at last a h.ouse of your own, whicX as explained, is located, in & sea ei te ci ty_ .1 can imaginar that you ar« now enj oying your life and. work w.A you can entertain yourselves in 雪ii亡h a big house.Whm I told the:
21、 news Peter Li* Jaines Wang and ITaiLcy ZHan岳 the girl wko always wears a long h臣and went to Bei j ing with us last year they all wi sh you. tohe Eovne pi cturaE of your new house, tfe hope that whenw go on 電 rrand in America next ye ar, w® cstn pay a visit to your fiirnly. Th-en we ar & su
22、re to have a mgather i ng.This; morning Peter and I went to an Art gallery to pi ck up an oil painting wi th a beauty spot o£ China* s esouthern part 魚£ 電 token o£ our hearty coringratulati ons. We hope it cart add up to your de cor at i ons wher ever you lik% and we also wish you wil
23、l like i trYours xincftrelyWilliafni Fang3)邀請信April 5, 2002Dear Mr. EriThank you for your letter of March 20, As Spriiigthea ye* com勺 everything i t nice h«rTht tfeather i zilvriysfineblsso.numberccmfortabl*. trsts become green vsrious kinds of flowers他 thirtfort, invi te you in vi si t our ci
24、ty £r&m April 2SIf you accept our inviplease inform in detailat your ptple thir naiti電禺 end yur suggestions *£ your visit. Meour best to arrange everything according to your plaiL, and wethat youill enjoy every minute of your trip hewVi'a are lacking forward to your reply.Sincerely
25、 yourSjLi Xiafl-hu44) 一般信件1506 Topp Lut« BE Glenvi 阜眄 IL 60025 U S. A.臥一 26, 199&lesr Sun Y&ngkan:Ypur letter eventually foil owe d eg to my new 扛 ddt電 mm (above). If m afraid I csn* t be of much sp#cifi e help to you. I am, how&vrt eending you a directory of physics programs in the
26、 U. S. On pp. 176 - 180 are programs to 5l Master! s or Ph. D. My sugeEtion i s to look over the program d«scriptioiki and tKen to write dir&ctly to the addresstE givn if any Look apprcpriatft. Stress that yuu n&ed finajicial ai d.I waul in' t worry too much about your Enl i sh. fou
27、r ac i c background £總儷£ strong.Good Luck,HsrTfly Hiiler5)商業(yè)信件HROADfATAUTOSKfidfnrd, Vircini4 24142TELEFAX: 765542TKLZFTOM: 0464 6»023Jacques RcICi«34 rue du Frofissfiur Nicola35009 Clermont Ftrrand.Prince7 August 20027cqu4SjI' m writing te you because wt7 ve b電電業(yè) having bit
28、of trouble with one of our sui)plier5 who make生 th« lightweight batteries weto por curv«hi cles. Ir m prfitty zur« you don1 t haT4 a local di strilntor of your productin this country which is why 工'm writing to you direct to nt if 苜g cur help u£ out. I did try to call but you
29、 weren* t «vailabl«.I' m sending some Copiof aur tecknival bracKur« tc th«t ycu cut s«& wht wg n««d. Here' s thm peci £ic«tion:Folyaeric B«tteri卅竝imuift Sire:Height: 2O0minDepths 200mmWidth: 300mmfl 竝 i m呷 壯 i ght:5kgOutput:1000 wtts 迪 12
30、 voltsRwchargEMblE life &七 full paw電i:S hourseLz : E&uh uni t should bear a 1 abel givi ng;:The output of th電 battery; its month and year of mainiEactiire your own compMiy' e nans «nd country, a pr duet code nuinbr and a unique unit numb&rQuantity:4* 300 uni ts暝丄計(jì)四卩:by 15 Septem
31、ber 2002V d appreciate it if you could quote us your best CIF price, giving afull specification of your productand shipping date. Of course ourtechnical department would need tohave some samples of the batteries totest in our laboratories before wecould place a firm order.We usually deal with new su
32、pplierson the basis of payment in our currencyby confirmed irrevocable Letter of Credit.Assuming the laboratory tests go well, and you can quote us a competitiv© price, we* d certainly be able to place more substantial orders on a regular basis.V 11 be out of the office for a couple of weeks fr
33、om tomorrow. In the meantime, do get in touch with one of my assistants M”. Cloud and Mrs. Lewis if you need any more information.Looking forward to hearing from you.Giving my best regards to Jeanne and the kids.Best wishes,FredFred A. Nor th, Buying manager6)求學(xué)信Lin ChengrweiDepartment o£ Forei
34、gn Languages East-China Normal Universi ty No. 3663 Zhong Shan Road (N) Shanghai 200062People5 Republic of ChinaMay 18, 2003ChairDepartment of LinguisticsBrigham Young Universi ty2129 JKHBProv5? Utah 84602U. S A.Dear Sir,I am an assistant teacher of English at East-China Normal University. Now I am writing to you to apply for admission to your department majoring in TESLFrom
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