1、1 速騰八月創(chuàng)意工作量統(tǒng)計2 8月創(chuàng)意-速騰(1.2T+GLI+R-Line)成都車展三聯(lián)旗架FINAL3 8月創(chuàng)意-速騰(1.2T+GLI+R-Line)成都車展三聯(lián)旗架FINAL4 8月創(chuàng)意-速騰(1.2T+GLI+R-Line)成都車展三聯(lián)旗架-過往版本5 8月創(chuàng)意-速騰(1.2T+GLI+R-Line)成都車展三聯(lián)旗架-過往版本6 8月創(chuàng)意-速騰200萬上市傳播TVC+平面創(chuàng)意-R17 我是執(zhí)著Direction one8 創(chuàng) 意 闡 述創(chuàng) 意 闡 述C R E A T I V E RATIONALE每 個 速 騰 車 主 ,都 代 表 著 一 種 執(zhí) 著 的 精 神 ,為 夢 想 、
2、 為 超 越 、 為 世 界 ,或 就 是 為 了 認 真 生 活 。他 們 , 是 一 份 執(zhí) 著 。速 騰 , 是 他 們 在 執(zhí) 著 路 上 ,一 路 并 肩 同 行 的 伙 伴 ,給 他 們 動 力 ,守 護 他 們 安 全 ,令 他 們 享 受 舒 適 ,為 他 們 帶 來 有 質(zhì) 感 的 生 活 。始 終 堅 守 匠 心 品 質(zhì) 的 速 騰 ,也 是 一 份 執(zhí) 著 。“ 我 是 執(zhí) 著 ” ,是 每 一 個 速 騰 車 主 的 心 聲 ,也 是 每 一 輛 速 騰 的 宣 言 。速 騰 與 2 0 0 萬 車 主 并 肩 前 行 ,一 起 堅 守 每 一 份 執(zhí) 著 。# 我 是
3、 執(zhí) 著 #9 旁白結(jié)尾是 為 創(chuàng) 造 超 越 想 象 ,而 讓 不 凡 品 質(zhì) ,見 證 追 求 完 美 的 執(zhí) 著 。# 我 是 執(zhí) 著 #是 什 么 , 讓 執(zhí) 著 成 為 可 能是 為 心 中 那 一 份 熱 愛 ,而 讓 澎 湃 動 力 ,成 就 追 逐 星 辰 的 執(zhí) 著 ;畫面是 為 挑 戰(zhàn) 極 限 的 邊 界 ,而 讓 安 全 感 ,守 護 冒 險 不 止 的 執(zhí) 著 ;是 為 造 就 美 好 的 信 念 ,而 讓 舒 適 環(huán) 境 ,回 報 悉 心 付 出 的 執(zhí) 著 ;追 星 篇深 潛 篇造 林 篇品牌宣言品牌宣言MANIFESTO速 騰 堅 守 每 一 份 執(zhí) 著 10 在
4、 廣 袤 宇 宙 面 前 ,每 個 人 都 變 得 很 渺 小 。追 星 、 逐 日 ,想 想 好 像 是 不 可 能 的 事 。但 是 心 里 會 有 一 種 力 量 ,召 喚 你 出 發(fā) ,跨 越 萬 水 千 山 之 后 驀 然 回 首 ,才 發(fā) 現(xiàn) 原 來 已 經(jīng) 抵 達 。當 你 足 夠 熱 愛 一 件 事 情 ,執(zhí) 著 去 追 就 夠 了 。追星篇三支完整版Video:通過講述三個關(guān)于執(zhí)著的故事,詮釋速騰車主#我是執(zhí)著#與速騰的執(zhí)著態(tài)度站在品牌理念的高度與消費者溝通,加強既有車主與潛在消費者的身份認同同時在故事中穿插展示動力、安全、舒適三個功能點每 深 潛 一 米 ,壓 強 增 加
5、1 0 0 0 0 P a ,光 照 減 弱 1 0 % 。有 人 說 ,這 是 在 用 生 命 冒 險 。不 , 是 因 為 對 安 全 有 足 夠 的 信 心 ,才 敢 于 一 次 次 挑 戰(zhàn) 極 限 。自 由 潛 水 ,是 進 入 靈 魂 的 跳 遠 ,而 執(zhí) 著 ,讓 我 遇 見 更 真 的 自 己 。三 十 年 很 長 ,可 以 做 很 多 事 ,但 我 只 做 了 一 件 事 。值 得 嗎 ?我 相 信 時 間 會 作 出 公 允 的 裁 判 。自 然 而 然 的 舒 適 ,是 因 為 有 悉 心 付 出 的 堅 持 。當 這 座 島 嶼 重 現(xiàn) 生 機 ,我 知 道 那 是 時
6、間 在 告 訴 我 ,執(zhí) 著 終 將 有 其 意 義 。深 潛 篇造 林 篇內(nèi)容視頻內(nèi)容視頻CONTENT VIDEO11 舒適宜人,就是我悉心付出,堅守執(zhí)著的意義。我是執(zhí)著速騰 與執(zhí)著并肩令人信任的安全感,就是我突破極限,執(zhí)著向前的后盾。我是執(zhí)著速騰 與執(zhí)著并肩燃燒在心底的動力,讓我追逐星辰的腳步,更堅定執(zhí)著。我是執(zhí)著速騰 與執(zhí)著并肩三支三支15sVideo:分別以星空攝影師、自由潛水員、森林重建者的故事預(yù)告引出#我是執(zhí)著#的態(tài)度,在預(yù)告片中穿插速騰的三大功能點:動力、安全和舒適,并引導(dǎo)消費者查看完整故事視頻追星篇深 潛 篇造 林 篇預(yù)熱視頻預(yù)熱視頻15SECOND TRAILER12 主視
7、覺主視覺KEY VISUALS#13 主視覺主視覺KEY VISUALS14 主視覺主視覺KEY VISUALS速 騰 與 執(zhí) 著 并 肩追 星 、 逐 日 、 想 想 好 像 是 不 可 能 的 事 。但 是 心 里 會 有 一 種 力 量 , 召 喚 你 出 發(fā) ,跨 越 萬 水 千 山 之 后 驀 然 回 首 , 才 發(fā) 現(xiàn) 原 來 已 經(jīng) 抵 達 。當 你 足 夠 熱 愛 一 件 事 情 , 執(zhí) 著 去 追 就 夠 了 。車 之 道 , 為 大 眾追逐星辰的動力,讓我擁有了最美的夜空所有的無所畏懼,都是因為無需畏懼速騰與執(zhí)著并肩往更深的地方下潛,有人說,這是在用生命冒險。不,是因為對安
8、全有足夠的信心,才敢于一次次挑戰(zhàn)極限。自由潛水,是進入靈魂的跳遠,而執(zhí)著,讓我遇見更真的自己。車之道,為大眾15 明白不用說 執(zhí)著在心里Direction Two16 明 白 不 用 說執(zhí) 著 在 心 里每 一 個 認 真 生 活 的 人 ,都 對 于 品 質(zhì) 有 更 高 的 要 求 ,對 于 人 生 有 更 多 的 執(zhí) 著 ,因 為 他 們 有 更 大 的 目 標 和 夢 想 。速 騰 明 白 每 個 車 主 的 需 求 ,更 懂 得 他 們 內(nèi) 心 深 處 的 渴 望 和 堅 持。正 是 出 于 對 他 們 的 了 解 ,速 騰 以 匠 心 精 神 ,執(zhí) 著 對 待 每 一 個 細 節(jié) ,
9、完 美 平 衡 每 一 項 需 求 。速 騰 ,為 呈 現(xiàn) 更 好 的 品 質(zhì) ,為 真 正 的 質(zhì) 感 生 活 ,堅 守 每 一 份 執(zhí) 著 。創(chuàng) 意 闡 述創(chuàng) 意 闡 述C R E A T I V E RATIONALE17 品牌宣言品牌宣言MANIFESTO他 , 曾 是 班 里 跑 步 第 一 ,現(xiàn) 在 , 上 班 還 是 每 天 第 一 。因 為 , 贏 不 一 定 要 在 起 跑 線 上 ,只 要 動 力 夠 足 。他 , 曾 為 愛 夸 下 海 口 ,現(xiàn) 在 , 只 忙 一 家 三 口 。因 為 , 愛 沒 什 么 秘 密 可 言 ,只 要 每 天 安 全 到 家 。明 白 不
10、用 說 , 執(zhí) 著 在 心 里 。他 , 曾 要 的 只 是 一 個 外 表 ,現(xiàn) 在 , 更 在 乎 內(nèi) 在 的 品 質(zhì) 。因 為 , 生 活 不 需 要 大 肆 炫 耀 ,只 要 自 己 信 賴 的 就 好 。他 , 曾 任 性 揮 霍 自 由 ,現(xiàn) 在 , 享 受 一 下 難 得 的 自 由 。因 為 , 時 間 長 短 不 是 問 題 ,只 要 舒 適 能 趕 走 疲 憊 。旁白畫面結(jié)尾速 騰 堅 守 每 一 份 執(zhí) 著 舒 適動 力品 質(zhì)安 全18 主視覺主視覺KEY VISUALS19 主視覺主視覺KEY VISUALS20 陪 你 執(zhí) 著 去 拼 , 更 懂 你 心 中 那 個
11、更 高 遠 的 夢 想 。 一 汽 大 眾 速 騰 ,為 2 0 0 萬 車 主 堅 守 每 一 份 執(zhí) 著 , 1 . 4 T 渦 輪 增 壓 發(fā) 動 機 煥 新 動 力 ,1 7 英 寸 大 輪 轂 配 置 升 級 , 激 發(fā) 一 往 無 前 的 無 限 潛 力 。明白不用說,執(zhí)著在心里明白不用說,執(zhí)著在心里為 你 全 心 守 護 , 更 懂 你 心 中 在 乎 和 摯 愛 的 一 切 。 一 汽 大 眾 速 騰 ,為 2 0 0 萬 車 主 堅 守 每 一 份 執(zhí) 著 , 高 標 準 德 系 被 動 安 全 駕 享 無 憂 ,前 后 駐 車 雷 達 及 倒 車 影 像 , 讓 每 一 段
12、 旅 程 都 踏 實 安 心 。主視覺主視覺KEY VISUALS21 8月創(chuàng)意-速騰200萬上市傳播TVC+平面創(chuàng)意-R222 There is no need to speak, perseverance in the heart23 24 In the early morning, Hero A rush to the car and start the engine 25 He step on the accelerator , camera focus on the 1.4T icon, the car start to speed up Win maybe not on the b
13、eginning26 Camera back on the full view, and Sagitar speed up in a momentBut need strong power27 Hero A drive the car and pass the hero Bs home and saw he is hugging his kidsThere is no secret for Love28 B left his kids and get into the car, say goodbye to his family29 B started the car and head on
14、the roadOnly need you to arrive home safely30 B saw a Sagitar parking on the corner, Hero C sit on the car comfortably, and drinking coffeeTired is not a problem31 After the coffee, he started the engine and go aheadOnly need have a good rest32 Camera zoom out, hero D is driving on the overpassQuali
15、ty doesnt need to show off 33 Hero C saw a Sagitar and at the same time the camera focus on interiorOnly need you to choose the car which you trust34 Camera switch to the overlook view to show the the design of the car 35 Hero D parked the Sagitar and walk to the camera with his handbag36 He put on
16、his labor suit, and camera focus on the FAW-VW logo Perseverance only for your quality life37 Garage opened and a new Sagitar driving to the camera Sagitar, Persistence in Perseverance 38 39 40 Win maybe not on the beginning, But need strong powerThere is no secret for LoveOnly need you to arrive ho
17、me safelyTired is not a problem, Only need you to have a good restQuality doesnt need to show off, Only need you to choose the car which you trust Perseverance only for your quality life Sagitar, Persistence in Perseverance 41 In the early morning, Hero A rush to the car and start the engine You nee
18、d strong power for your dream42 Camera back on the full view, and Sagitar speed up in a moment43 Hero A drive the car and pass the hero Bs home and saw he is hugging his kidsYou need safety for your family44 B started the car and headed on the road45 B saw a Sagitar parking on the corner, Hero C sit
19、 on the car comfortably, and drinking coffeeYou need comfortable for the travel46 Camera zoom out, hero D is driving on the overpass47 Hero C saw a Sagitar and at the same time the camera focus on interiorYou need quality for the life48 Camera switch to the overlook view to show the the design of th
20、e car 49 When he arrived on the destination and he put on his labor suit and camera focus on the FAW-VW logo Perseverance only for your quality life50 51 52 You need strong power for your dreamYou need safety for your familyYou need comfortable for the travelYou need quality for the lifePerseverance
21、 only for your quality life Sagitar, Persistence in Perseverance 53 In the early morning, Hero A rush to the car and start the engine It is not a big thing to compare with other people54 When he arrived on the destination and he put on his labor suit and camera focus on the FAW-VW logo Only focus on
22、 every detail you can see the quality 55 He come to the wind tunnel laboratory, workers are testing the power 56 He come to safety test laboratory and workers are testing the safety57 He come to interior workshop, workers are making leather carefully58 Finally, he come to the quality test center, ca
23、refully check every car59 Camera focus on his concentrate eyePerseverance for the quality life60 Garage opened and a new Sagitar driving to the camera Sagitar, Persistence in Perseverance 61 62 63 It is not a big thing to compare with other peopleOnly focus on every detail you can see the quality Pe
24、rseverance for the quality life Sagitar, Persistence in Perseverance 64 65 In the early morning, Hero A rush to the car and start the engine He was the No.1 runner in the class, now he is the No. 1 arrived the company66 He step on the accelerator , camera focus on the 1.4T icon, the car start to spe
25、ed up Win maybe not on the beginning67 Camera back on the full view, and Sagitar speed up in a momentBut need strong power68 Hero A drive the car and pass the hero Bs home and s he is hugging his kidsHe was promise for love, now, only focus on his family69 There is no secret for loveB left his kids
26、and get into the car, say goodbye to his family70 B started the car and headed on the roadOnly need you to arrive home safely71 B saw a Sagitar parking on the corner, Hero C sit on the car comfortably, and drinking coffeeHe was wasted his freedom, now enjoy the precious freedom 72 B saw a Sagitar pa
27、rking on the corner, Hero C sit on the car comfortably, and drinking coffeeTired is not a problem, Only need to have a good rest73 There is a new Sagitar in front of C, camera focus on the trail of the car74 Camera zoom out, hero D is driving on the overpassHe only care about the appearance before75
28、 Hero C saw a Sagitar and at the same time the camera focus on interiorNow , more care about the insight 76 Camera switch to the overlook view to show the the design of the car Quality doesnt need to show off, Only need you to choose the car which you trust77 Hero D parked the Sagitar and walk to th
29、e camera with his handbag78 He put on his labor suit, and camera focus on the FAW-VW logo 79 He come to the wind tunnel laboratory, workers are testing the power 80 He come to safety test laboratory and workers are testing the safety81 He come to interior workshop, workers are making leather careful
30、ly82 Finally, he come to the quality test center, carefully check every car83 Camera focus on his concentrate eyePerseverance for the quality life84 A fresh-new Sagitar parked on the factory85 Garage opened and a new Sagitar driving to the camera Sagitar, Persistence in Perseverance 86 87 88 89 He w
31、as the No.1 runner in the class, now he is the No. 1 arrived the companyThere is no secret for loveOnly need you to arrive home safelyHe was promise for love, now, only focus on his familyHe was wasted his freedom, now enjoy the precious freedom Tired is not a problem, Only need to have a good restH
32、e only care about the appearance beforeNow , more care about the insight Quality doesnt need to show off, Only need you to choose the car which you trustPerseverance for the quality life Sagitar, Persistence in Perseverance 90 91 DESCRIPTION:Opening是為挑戰(zhàn)極限的邊界,92 I am perseverance93 94 Hero A is looki
33、ng for a comfortable hug on the road, he find a fat guy and sit on his leg and feel very uncomfortable95 He find a strong worker and the workers hug is too tight for him to breath96 He come to the zoo, and see a bear97 Suddenly, he has a flash of wit98 Hero B wear a very heavy cloth to rush to a sum
34、oist99 He arm himself with tire like a Michelin, stand on center of the bullring, the bull ran to him angrily100 He arm himself with amour and looking at an iron ball 101 He touched his helmet and with a firm eye.102 He dropped the helmet and ran to the ball103 Hero C on the top of the mountain and
35、sliding down104 He sit on the emitter and be bounced to the sky 105 He put himself into a plastic ball to stand on the edge of the cliff 106 Camera focus on his exceptive eye107 He roll down the cliff108 Three hero stand into FA-VWs factorySuper: Perseverance for a quality car109 Hero A is testing t
36、he seat110 Hero B is testing air bag111 Super: Perseverance for a quality car112 A 2 million version Sagitar appeared 113 A 2 million version Sagitar drive on the road Super: Sagitar, Persistence in Perseverance 114 115 116 Super &VO :Sagitar, Persistence in Perseverance Super &VO :Perseverance for
37、a quality car 117 Hero A is looking for a comfortable hug on the road, he find a fat guy and sit on his leg and feel very uncomfortable118 He find a tiny old man, and fell very uncomfortable119 He find a strong worker and the workers hug is too tight for him to breath120 He come to the zoo, and see
38、a bear121 Suddenly, he has a flash of wit122 Camera switched, he is testing the seat carefullySuper: Perseverance for a quality car123 A 2 million version Sagitar appeared 124 Super: Sagitar, Persistence in Perseverance A 2 million version Sagitar drive on the road125 126 127 Super &VO :Sagitar, Per
39、sistence in Perseverance Super &VO :Perseverance for a quality car 128 Hero B wear a very heavy cloth to rush to a sumoist129 He wear a soft and heavy cloth, stand on the soccer filed, lots of sportsmen rush to him130 He arm himself with tire like a Michelin, stand on center of the bullring, the bul
40、l ran to him angrily131 He arm himself with amour and looking at an iron ball 132 He touched his helmet and with a firm eye.133 He dropped the helmet and ran to the ball134 Camera switched, he checked the air bag and his head with bandageSuper: Perseverance for a quality car 135 A 2 million version
41、Sagitar appeared 136 Super: Sagitar, Persistence in Perseverance A 2 million version Sagitar drive on the road137 138 139 Super &VO :Sagitar, Persistence in Perseverance Super &VO :Perseverance for a quality car 140 A man ride on his bike, slipping from the mountain141 Hero C on the top of the mount
42、ain and sliding down142 He sit on the emitter and be bounced to the sky 143 He put himself into a plastic ball to stand on the edge of the cliff 144 Camera focus on his exceptive eye145 He roll down the cliff146 Super: Sagitar, Persistence in Perseverance 147 A 2 million version Sagitar appeared 148
43、 Super: Sagitar, Persistence in Perseverance A 2 million version Sagitar drive on the road149 150 151 Super &VO :Sagitar, Persistence in Perseverance Super &VO :Perseverance for a quality car 152 Hero A is looking for a comfortable hug on the road, he find a fat guy and sit on his leg and feel very
44、uncomfortable153 He find a tiny old man, and fell very uncomfortable154 He find a strong worker and the workers hug is too tight for him to breath155 He come to the zoo, and see a bear156 Suddenly, he has a flash of wit157 Hero B wear a very heavy cloth to rush to a sumoist158 He wear a soft and hea
45、vy cloth, stand on the soccer filed, lots of sportsmen rush to him159 He arm himself with tire like a Michelin, stand on center of the bullring, the bull ran to him angrily160 He arm himself with amour and looking at an iron ball 161 He touched his helmet and with a firm eye.162 He dropped the helme
46、t and ran to the ball163 A man ride on his bike, slipping from the mountain164 Hero C on the top of the mountain and sliding down165 He sit on the emitter and be bounced to the sky 166 He put himself into a plastic ball to stand on the edge of the cliff 167 Camera focus on his confident eye168 He ro
47、ll down the cliff169 Three hero stand into FA-VWs factorySuper: Perseverance for a quality car170 Camera switched, he is testing the seat carefully171 Camera switched, he checked the air bag and his head with bandage172 Super: Perseverance for a quality car 173 A 2 million version Sagitar appeared 1
48、74 Super: Sagitar, Persistence in Perseverance A 2 million version Sagitar drive on the road175 176 177 Super &VO :Sagitar, Persistence in Perseverance Super &VO :Perseverance for a quality car 178 179 DESCRIPTION:Opening是為挑戰(zhàn)極限的邊界,180 8月創(chuàng)意-速騰200萬上市傳播TVC+平面創(chuàng)意-R3181 堅守每一份執(zhí)著Persistence in Perseverance
49、(Back translation) 每個人內(nèi)心都有一份屬于自己的執(zhí)著,速騰以至臻品質(zhì),致敬兩百萬份執(zhí)著。Everyone has their own perseverance in their heartsSagitar, salute to the 2 million drivers who believe in persistency in striving for better quality.兩百萬輛速騰,凝聚匠心,堅守本心,執(zhí)著為用戶打造更高標準的精品轎車。The 2 million Sagitars are adhered to the true intension & pers
50、everance in providing high quality standard vehicle to their owners.182 堅守每一份執(zhí)著Persistence in Perseverance (Back translation) 每個人內(nèi)心都有一份屬于自己的執(zhí)著,速騰以至臻品質(zhì),致敬兩百萬份執(zhí)著。Everyone has their own perseverance in their heartsSagitar, salute to the 2 million drivers who believe in persistency in striving for bette
51、r quality.兩百萬輛速騰,凝聚匠心,堅守本心,執(zhí)著為用戶打造更高標準的精品轎車。The 2 million Sagitars are adhered to the true intension & perseverance in providing high quality standard vehicle to their owners.183 畫面:夕陽下,兩個兒童在賽跑,一個兒童(人物A)把另外一個摔在后面,他回頭看著伙伴,露出勝利的微笑。Visual: Scene open with two kids racing, the boy (Hero A) exceeded the
52、other kid behind and expressed a winning smile. 畫面:切到人物A長大后開車上班,將車停在無人的路邊,邁著輕快的步伐,走向他工作的地方。Visual: Cut to Hero A parked his car at the empty parking lot early in the morning, walking towards his office. 字幕:從小愛跑第一Super: Always want to be first since he was a kid字幕:上班后,更要爭第一Super: After he joins the w
53、orkforce, he still wants to be the first to arrive at the office畫面:切至人物A步入空蕩蕩的辦公室,他第一個到達,像平時一樣開始工作。Visual: Cut to Hero A walk into the empty office, as usual, hes the first to arriveTVC 30 秒腳本 30” TVC 184 畫面:機場到達廳,人物B抬頭看了看天色,拿起手機想了想又放下了。Visual: Hero B arrived at the airport, looked up to the sky the
54、n looked at his cell phone and put it down. 字幕:從不愛報平安Super: Never want to report his safe arrival to his family畫面:切到一個小孩驚喜地跑向人物B。他信守了自己承諾,給了孩子一個大大的擁抱。妻子欣慰地看著人物B。Visual: Cut to kid running towards Hero B with surprise. Hero B kept his promise by giving his kid a big hug with a warm smile from his wif
55、e behind.字幕: 總是用行動,給家人安全Super: Always wants to show it in action畫面:畫面拉開,人物B的速騰停在家門口,他和孩子在家門口嬉戲著。Visual: Camera zoom out to reveal Hero B playing with his kid in front of his house. TVC 30 秒腳本 30” TVC 185 畫面:人物C回到自己的車里,調(diào)好座椅,盡量舒服地坐好,喝著咖啡開始聽音樂。Visual: Hero C walked back to his car, adjusted the seat to
56、 make himself comfortable, then start drinking his coffee while listening to the music. 畫面:人物C從疲憊中恢復(fù),啟動引擎,開向下一個目標。Visual: Hero C resumed his energy and started the engine driving towards his next location字幕: 每次出發(fā),都活力滿滿Super: Always stay energetic when he starts his engine畫面:服務(wù)員遞給人物C一杯咖啡,抬頭看了他一眼,他C接過
57、咖啡,匆匆走出咖啡店。有一些疲憊。Visual: Barista looked at Hero C and handed him a cup of coffee to Hero C. Hero C then walk out of the coffee shop with a tired look on his face. 字幕: 從不讓人看到疲累的一面Super: Never wants to reveal his tirednessTVC 30 秒腳本 30” TVC 186 畫面:人物B專注地在修正著一臺建筑模型。Visual: Hero B concentrating in fine
58、tuning his architectural model 字幕:而是那一份不變的執(zhí)著Super: But its the persistency that you didnt change畫面:人物C走向鏡頭,回頭看了一眼自己車。露出了堅定而溫暖的笑容。Visual: Hero C walk towards the camera while looking back at his car with a firm smile.字幕:堅守每一分執(zhí)著Super: Persistent in Perseverance畫面:人物A看著窗外都市的霓虹閃爍,臉上的倒影緩緩移動。Visual: Hero
59、A looking outside while the neo signs together with the city skyline reflected on the window.字幕: 可貴的,不是變化Super: The most precious is not what youve changedTVC 30 秒腳本 30” TVC 187 畫面:速騰200萬輛紀念版行駛在灑滿陽光的城市。Visual: Camera switch to a Sagitar 2 Million Limited Edition running under a bight sunny city road
60、.字幕:速騰200萬輛紀念版閃亮登場Super: The introduction of Sagaitar 2 Million Limited Edition畫面:Volkswagen 車之道 為大眾 logo 出現(xiàn)Visual: Volkswagen logo appears畫面:FAW-Volkswagen 一汽大眾 logo 出現(xiàn)Visual: FAW-Volkswagen logo appearsTVC 30 秒腳本 30” TVC 188 從小愛跑第一 Always want to be first since he was a kid上班了,更要爭第一 After he joins
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