1、is one ofthe pra cticalformofvalue s.The so-called val uesreferstothe objective thingsareofnoval ueandtheval ue offundamental perspective. Differentvalues, peoples behavi our,attitude s,waysare different. People -orie nted focus on humanval ue andreality,we ne ed thebroa destmassesasvalues.A dheret
2、ope ople -ori entedval ues, isto makethe e conomy more development, improve democracy,culturalpr osperity, a nd live a happier; i s dee plyconcerne d that human development a nd humanval ues, developmentofsocialand huma n devel opme nt ofrational unified,insi sted i n thematerialcivil ization, polit
3、icalcivilizati on a nd spiritual civilizati on inthe overalladvanceme nt ofSociali st civilizationt oa hig herlevel.Also wanttoseethatpersonsval ueis notonlymeetyour nee ds,alsois to meet t he ne eds of othersa nd t hecommunit y.Adhere to people -orie nted,to stronglyadvocateevery communitymember,se
4、rveot hers, beneficialto thecommunityofpeople.The so-calle dOutlook,attitude isontherecord, incl udi ngwho,how tocreate arecordofachievements,howtoevaluateperforma nce,a nd so on. What value s,what kind ofOutlook.A dheret ope ople -ori ented Outlook, is on t hepremiseof respe ctingthe interestsand p
5、ower ofpeople, creatinga popular,w arm hearts, stea dyheartperformance,creatingserveforone officer,thebe nefit of achieveme nts,and overall construction ofwell-offsocietyandpromotingt he all -round developmentofpeoplesperformance.Achievement evaluationinbothe conomic a ccomplishments,takeanot herloo
6、kat theeffectivenessofsocial progress;change s in both ur bana nd rural change; bot h hard e nvironmentt o strengthe nand takeanother lookatthe softenvironment improvementmoment um ofdevelopment at present,dependi ng onthe potentialforsustainable development. Leavepeople totalkabout value sare worth
7、le ssand leave pe opl etotalk aboutOutlook is notw hat theperforma nce.4. peopleresponde dto the starting point ofthequestion,and repliedto questionspoi nt. Ma n isthe sum ofsoci alrelationshi ps. Weca nnotleavethe chi chuanyongdu,housi ng,tourism andentertainment,e ntertaini ng,and eve n certai n p
8、olitical, e conomi c, culturala nd social environment, a ndso on. Dueto huma nnee ds,all walksof lifewillcome intobeing.Peopl e createfortheir survival,a nd continueenjoyingt he result softhe constructi on.Col orfuli n thetransformati on of thepe ople ofthe worl d,communityvitalityin thecreation of
9、man.Therefore,anyworkwedo,the starting pointis human,whatare people. Us speed up development,thecoreofwhi ch isto meettheneedsofpeople,includingsurvivalneeds,em otionalneeds andself-act ualizati onneeds. Itshoul d be note d that peopleare notmachi nes, nott heslave ofa nobject, notto becontrol led.
10、People havet heirown personality,has its ow n personality,ha s itsown dig nity.Personinnee d ofcare,you need t oundersta nd, need t o meet.It issaidthat inthe agriculturalsociety,people pla nt;in industrialsociety,萊蕪市高新區(qū)官場(chǎng)名閣23#25#住宅樓工程施工現(xiàn)場(chǎng)外電防護(hù)方案山東信聯(lián)建設(shè)集團(tuán)有限公司二00八年三月十八日Now ,we arei n ane whist orical s
11、tage of all-round constr一 . L - I 一 I - Iuctin ofa well-off societIn perform duties,and carrie.IL. L 一w ,wwguuwy.u,uw,w ugu,promotecoor dinati onDevelopmenteve nts,great sear chi ngs.The16 sessi on ofthepartys sci entific Outlook on development, i s the newCentralcollectiveleader shi ptothe devel op
12、ment ofconnotation,develmanypaiddivi dends i nthe practicalwork. Im prove pre sentationdrafting level, requireme ntswea ccurategrasp led i ntent,General le d careofw orkaretoasunderstand,General led considerofproblem aretoinmasses mosthopedoofthing s do up,from massesmostcareofnotsatisfa ction of pl
13、a ce modifiedup, notmakenomiopme ntesse ntials,f urtherdeepen theessence ofdevelopm ntand innovation, is our partys ruling i deaa lea p.Atpresent,esta blishing a nd im plementi ng thescie ntific concept ofdevelopm ent hasbecomethe partysimporta-de pth thinki ng; requirementswe highlig ht pla ce feat
14、ures, putsuperi or approa chpoli cyand l ocala ctual combine d up,put presentati on ofthemethrusta nd masses of by t houg htbywant s to combine d up;requirementc, to se eking ofstyle , hel pmasse s shar e,isntwork.A sthe Officeof party Committe sweseek stostreamline dcle ar,wit hsimplee,is peopleben
15、efit.(C) theinvesteepe opl eis not onlyanimittee, workingparty should servicece nter,i nitiativetople oflanguageex pressi on deep ofthought,with shortof ldea,it isajobreto claim leaderrtof length hostequireme nt.Phil osophythr oughto the.ill. . -I - -一 shi pofthe deci sion, the curre ntfocus ist d r
16、ich ofconnotation.Second,the surveyresultpeople -ofocus on ps moor ientedthought inthe work oftheOffice,must beI, . .clearworkobjectives. PartyOfficeidinated andsustaina ble developm ent withm oresuggestions,osuccess issomethi ng,is ourfor theParty Committees policynthe citythis year remains:A dvanc
17、eddo more re search,summarizedecisiona goodidecivilstrife, localbrand.T he County(City) PartyCommitteeoffices at hetypi cal.Oneis draftedtoraisethe levelofyour presentation.Youra,anim portant part ofagood staff.Thisyear,tofocus around industrialnd units directly undertheOfficeto hol dhighthe banner
18、of first to excellepresentation i s themai n Officeofpr oducts,ist heba sic carrierstaffservice,is importanttomeaXING cit y,andfarmers increa se, andand manpower devel opment,a nd seeking,major pr oblem ance,people -ori ented re quirem ents, stre ngthen t he constructi on a nd ma nagementofthe Offic
19、e towar- - .I . - - - sure servicel evels.T hequality of yourpre sentation,mainly dependsndfost eradvantage industr y,andadjustment agricult uralstruct ure,and carrieds theworka hig- I. I 一 on howmuch we drafted aherlevel.Investee 1.pol iticalparticipati on base d onconspiracyto a.1.11. I _ I 一 I.II
20、 .document re cognize d bythe leader shi p, howmanyare li stening tdhereto people-orieI .11. . . I - -othe people inted,wil lbear ound t一 .II.II.n favourofthe report,howis one ofthe pra cticalformofvalue s.The so-called val uesreferstothe objective thingsare ofnoval ueandtheval ue offundamental pers
21、pective. Differentvalues, peoples behavi our,attitude s,waysare different. People -orie nted focus on humanval ue andreality,we ne ed thebroa destmassesasvalues.A dheret ope ople -ori entedvaltoevaluateperforma nce,a nd so on. What value s,what kind ofOutlook.A dheret ope ople -ori ented Outlook, is
22、 on t hepremiseof respe ctingthe interestsand power ofpeople, creatinga popular,w arm hearts, stea dyheartperformance,creatingserveforone officer,thebe nefit of achieveme nts,and overall construction ofwell-offsocietya4. peopleresponde dto thestarting point ofthequestion,and repliedto questionspoi n
23、t. Man isthe sum ofsocialrelationshi ps. Weca nnotleavethe chi chuanyongdu,housiues, isto makethe e conomy more develnd promotingt he all -round developmcehmieovceramceyn,t ceuvlatulralprsurvival,a nd continueenjoyingtosperity, a nd live a happier; i s dee plyconcerne d that humanuationinbothe conom
24、ic a ccomplishments,takeanothe result softhe construction.Colorfulin thetransformatidevelopment a nd humanval ues, developmentofsocialand huma n devel opme nt ofrational unified,insi stedi n thherlookat theeffectivenessofsocial progress;change s in both ur bana nd rural change; bot h hard e nvironme
25、ntt o.III -. I. - L - 一 . creation of man.Therefore,anyworkwe do,thestarting point ishuman,whatarepeople. Us speedcivilizati on andspiritual civilizati on inthe overalladvanceme nt of Socialisoft environment improvementmoment um ofdevelopment at preup development,thecoreofwhi ch isto meettheneedsofp
26、est civilizationt oa hig herlevel.Also wanttsent, depe ndi ng onthe potentialforsustaiople,includi ng survivalneeds,em otionalneeoseethatpersonsvalnable development.ds andself-act ualizatiueis notonlymeetyour nee ds,alsois to meet tLeavepeopletotalkaboutvaluesare worthleonneeds. Itshould be note d t
27、hat peopleare notmachihe ne eds of othersa nd t hecommunit y.Adhere to people -orie nted,to stronglyadvocateevery ssand leave pe opl etotalk aboutOutlook isnotw hat theperforma nce.nes, nott heslave ofa nobject,notto becontrol led. People havet heirownpersonality,has itsserveot hers, beneficialto th
28、eow n personal ity,ha s itsown dig nity.Personihievemeety,people pla nt;in industrialnts,howsociety,萊蕪市高新區(qū)官場(chǎng)名閣23#25#住宅樓工程施工現(xiàn)場(chǎng)外電防護(hù)方案1、編制依據(jù):1.1 ”萊蕪市高新開發(fā)區(qū)官場(chǎng)名閣2325#住宅樓工程施工組織設(shè)計(jì)”1.2 建筑施工腳手架實(shí)用手冊(cè)1.3 施工現(xiàn)場(chǎng)臨時(shí)用電安全技術(shù)規(guī)范JGJ46-20052、工程概況:2.1 施工現(xiàn)場(chǎng)與周圍環(huán)境2.1.1 外電高壓線相對(duì)施工現(xiàn)場(chǎng)位置及搭設(shè)前提條件在建官場(chǎng)名閣23# (24#或25#)住宅樓工程,總長(zhǎng)度24.24m,總寬度1
29、2.84m,總高度13.60m, 23#、24#、25#住宅樓間距均為12m,呈南北方向排列。外電高壓線“10KV 水源線 官場(chǎng)支線”位于施工現(xiàn)場(chǎng)東側(cè),至自然地坪垂直距離12m,至室外地坪垂直距離15米,高壓線緊鄰在建23#、 24#、25#住宅樓工程?hào)|山墻(其中在建23#住宅樓東山墻外邊線至高壓線水平距離6m;在建24#住宅樓東山墻外邊線至高壓線水平距離6m;在建25#住宅樓東山墻外邊線至高壓線水平距離4修,從南到北貫穿整個(gè)工地,總長(zhǎng)度 62.52m,電壓為10KM施工現(xiàn) 場(chǎng)采用QT-40型塔吊,其旋轉(zhuǎn)半徑為 46.8m,塔吊中心至高壓線水平Now ,we arei n ane whist
30、orical stage of all-round constr ucti on ofa well-off societ y. In perform duties,and carriedoutworkofproce ss int he,wet o put pe ople a sa gui de princi ples, and ateststandard,effortsfrom masses mosthopedo ofthing s do up,from massesmostcareofhotproblemgrabbed,frommassesmostnotsatisfaction of pla
31、 ce modifiedup, notmakenominal offormalism,notdo grandstanding ofcosmetic,toseekingofstyle,helpmassesshare,ispeoplebenefit.(C)theinvesteepe opl eis not onlyani dea,it isajobre quireme nt.Phil osophythr oughto the people -or ientedthoug ht inthe work oftheOffice,must beclearworkobjectives. PartyOffic
32、einthecitythis year remai ns:A dvanced civilstrife, localbra nd.T he County(City) PartyCommitteeoffices and units directly underthe Officeto hol dhight he banner of first to excellence,people-ori ented re quirem ents, stre ngthen t he constructi on a nd ma nagementofthe Office towards theworka hig h
33、erlevel.Investee 1.politicalparticipationbasedonconspiracytoadheretopeople-oriented,willbearoundpromotecoor dinati onDevelopmenteve nts,great sear chi ngs.The16 sessi on ofthepartys sci entific Outlook on development, i s the newCentralcollectiveleadershiptothe devel opment ofconnotation,developme n
34、tesse ntials,f urtherdeepen theessence ofdevelopmentandinnovation,isourpartysrulingideaaleap.Atpresent,establishingandimplementingthescientificconceptofdevelopmenthasbecomethepartysimportantwork.A sthe Officeof party Committee, workingpartyshould servicece nter,i nitiativeto claim leader shi pofthe
35、deci sio n,the curre ntfocus ist ofocus on promoting comprehensive,coordinated andsustaina ble development withmoresuggestions,do more re search,summarized t hetypi cal.Oneis draftedtoraisethe levelofyourpresentation.YourpresentationisthemainOfficeofproducts,isthebasiccarrierstaffservice,isimportant
36、tomeasureservicelevels.Thequality of yourpre sentation,mainly dependsonhowmuchwedrafted a document re cognize d bythe leader shi p, howmanyare li stening t othe people i n favour of thereport, howmanypaiddivi dends i nthe practicalwork. Im prove pre sentationdrafting level, requirementsweaccurategra
37、spledintent,Generalled careofw orkaretoasunderstand,General led considerofproblem aretoin-de pth thinki ng; requirementswehighlightpla ce features, putsuperi or approa chpoli cyand l ocala ctual combine d up,put presentati on ofthemethrusta nd masses of by t houg ht bywant s to combine d up;requirem
38、ent sweseek stostreamline dcle ar,wit hsimple oflanguageex pressi on deep ofthought,with shortof length hoste d rich ofconnotation.Second,the surveyresults more. Investigationofthebase,theroadtosuccessissomething,isourfor theParty Committees policydecisionagoodidea,animportantpartofagood staff.Thisy
39、ear,tofocusaround industrialXING cit y,andfarmers increa se, a ndand manpower devel opment,a nd seeking,major pr oblem a ndfost eradvantage industr y,andadjustment agriculturalstructure,and carrieman is an a nimal;the informationsociety,returnis one ofthe pra cticalformofvalue s.The so-called val ue
40、sreferstothe objective thingsareofnovalueandthevalue offundamental perspective. Differentvalues, peoples behavi our,attitude s,waysare different. People -orie nted focus on humanval ue andreality,we ne ed the broa destmassesasvalues.A dheret ope ople -ori entedval ues, isto makethe e conomy more dev
41、elopment, improve democracy,culturalpr osperity, a nd live a happier; i s dee plyconcerne d that human development a nd humanval ues, developmentofsocialandhuma n devel opme nt ofrational unified,insi sted i n thematerialcivil ization, politicalcivilizati on andspiritual civilizati on inthe overalla
42、dvanceme nt ofSociali st civilizationt oa hig herlevel.Also wantt oseethatpersonsval ueis notonlym eetyour nee ds,alsois to meet t he ne eds of othersa nd t hecommunit y.Adhere to people -orie nted,to stronglyadvocateeverycommunitymember, serveot hers, beneficialto thecommunityofpeople.Theso-calledO
43、utlook,attitudeisonthe re cord, incl udi ngwho,h owto create arecordofachievements,howtoevaluateperforma nce,a nd so on. What value s,what kind ofOutlook.A dheret ope ople -ori ented Outlook, is on t hepremiseof respe ctingthe interestsandpower ofpeople, creatinga popular,w arm hearts, stea dyheartp
44、erformance,creatingserveforone officer,thebenefit of achieveme nts,and overall construction ofwell-offsocietyandpromotingt he all -round developmentofpeoplesperformance.Achievement evaluationinbotheconomicaccomplishments,takeanot herlookat theeffectivenessofsocialprogress;changes in both ur bana nd
45、rural change; bot h hard e nvironmentt o strengthe nand takeanother lookatthe softenvironment improvementmoment um ofdevelopment at present,dependingonthe potentialf orsustai nable development. Leavepeople totalkabout valuesareworthlessand leave pe opl etotalk aboutOutlook isnotwhattheperformance.4.
46、 peopleresponde dto the starting point ofthequestion,and repliedtoquestionspoi nt. Ma n isthe sum ofsoci alrelationshi ps. Weca nnotleavethe chi chuanyongdu,housi ng,tourism andentertainment,entertaini ng,and eve n certai n political,e conomi c, culturala nd social environment, a ndso on. Dueto huma
47、 nnee ds,all walksof lifewillcome intobei ng.Pe opl e createfortheir survival,a nd continueenjoyingt he result softhe constructi on.Col orfulin thetransformati on of thepe ople ofthe worl d,communityvitalityin thecreation of man.Therefore,anyworkwedo,the starting point is human,whatare peo ple. Us s
48、peed up development,thecoreofwhi ch isto meettheneedsofpeople,includingsurvivalneeds,emotionalnee ds andself -act ualizati onneeds. Itshoul d be note d that peopleare notmachines,nottheslaveofanobject, notto becontrol led. People havet heirown personality,has its ow n personal ity,ha s itsown dig ni
49、ty.Personi nnee d ofcare,y ou need t oundersta nd, need t o meet.It issaidthat inthe agriculturalsoci ety,people pla nt;in industrial society,距離17m,在我項(xiàng)目部塔吊回轉(zhuǎn)半徑的覆蓋范圍之內(nèi),經(jīng)甲方與相關(guān)單位協(xié)商后,實(shí)際防護(hù)長(zhǎng)度60m。施工現(xiàn)場(chǎng)臨時(shí)用電安全技術(shù)規(guī)范( JGJ46-2005) 第四部分外電線路防護(hù)要求如下:在建工程的外側(cè)邊緣與外電架空線路的邊線之間必須保持安全操作距離。第4.1.2 規(guī)定:在建工程(含腳手架)的周邊與10KV外電架空線路的邊
50、線之間的最小安全操作距離應(yīng)不小于6m%第 4.1.4 規(guī)定:起重機(jī)嚴(yán)禁穿越無(wú)防護(hù)設(shè)施的外電架空線路作業(yè)。在外電架空線路附近吊裝時(shí),起重機(jī)的任何部位或被吊物邊緣在最大偏斜時(shí)與10KV架空線路邊線的最小安全距離應(yīng)符合沿垂直方向?yàn)?m,沿水平方向?yàn)?m%由于施工現(xiàn)場(chǎng)塔吊的塔臂回轉(zhuǎn)半徑覆蓋高壓線,且 達(dá)不到施工現(xiàn)場(chǎng)臨時(shí)用電安全技術(shù)規(guī)范(JGJ46-2005)第4.1.2條和第 4.1.4 條規(guī)定的最小距離。為確保正常供電和施工人員的人身 安全,必須采取切實(shí)可行的防護(hù)措施,編制專項(xiàng)防護(hù)方案。2.1.2 方案的可行性研究及建議我們考慮搭設(shè)底層12 米鋼管腳手架,上邊綁扎楠竹立桿,楠竹立桿上在高壓線防護(hù)范圍
51、布設(shè)竹片簾。為了保證施工安全,建議在基礎(chǔ)及主體結(jié)構(gòu)施工階段,樓東側(cè)邊坡空地不得作為散料和半成品周轉(zhuǎn)區(qū),這樣可以人為減少安全隱患。安全防護(hù)用架要等到塔吊停用并拆除后 才能撤除。3、施工安排3.1 工期安排3.1.1 搭設(shè)日期:2008年 03 月 22日至 2008 年 03月 27 日Now ,we arei n ane whist orical stage of all-round constr ucti on ofa well-off societ y. In perform duties,and carriedout work ofpr oce ss int he,wet o put p
52、e ople a sa gui de princi ples, and ateststandard,effortsfrom masses mosthopedo ofthing s do up,from massesmostcareofhotpr oble m grabbed,frommasses mostnotsatisfa ction of pla ce modifiedup, notmakenominal offormalism,notdo grandstanding ofcosmetic, to se eking ofstyle , helpmasse s shar e,is peopl
53、ebe nefit.(C) theinve steepe opl eis not onlyani dea,it isajobre quireme nt.Phil osophythr oughto the people -or ientedthoug ht inthe work oftheOffice,must beclearwork objectives. PartyOfficeinthecitythis year remai ns:A dvanced civilstrife, localbra nd.T he County(City) PartyCommitteeoffices and un
54、its directly underthe Of fice to hol dhight he banner of first to excellence,people -ori ented re quirem ents, stre ngthen t he constructi on a nd ma nagementofth e Office towar ds theworka hig herlevel.Investee 1.politicalparticipationbasedonconspiracyto a dhereto people-orie nted,wil lbear ound tp
55、romotecoor dinati onDevelopmenteve nts,great sear chi ngs.The16 sessi on ofthepartys sci entific Outlook on development, i s the newCentralcollectiveleader shi ptothe devel opment ofconnotation,developme ntesse ntials,f urtherdeepen theessence ofdevelopme ntand innovation, is our partys ruling i dea
56、a lea p.Atpresent,esta blishing a nd im plementi ngthescie ntific concept ofdevelopment hasbecomethe partysimportantwork.A sthe Officeof party Committee, workingpartyshould servicece nter,i nitiativeto claim leader shi pofthe deci sion, the curre ntfocus ist ofocus on promoting comprehensive,coor dinate d and sustaina bledevelopment withmoresuggestions,do more re search,summarized t hetypi ca
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- 二零二五年度互聯(lián)網(wǎng)+教育合作協(xié)議3篇
- 2025年實(shí)驗(yàn)心得體會(huì)(2篇)
- 二零二五年度個(gè)人信用借款服務(wù)協(xié)議范本合同2篇
- 課程設(shè)計(jì)手帳素材
- 調(diào)速系統(tǒng)安裝安全技術(shù)規(guī)程(2篇)
- 二零二五年度度假村廚師團(tuán)隊(duì)承包與餐飲服務(wù)合同3篇
- 2025年三賢收支管理制度范文(二篇)
- 2025年華師大新版八年級(jí)化學(xué)下冊(cè)階段測(cè)試試卷
- 2025年初中數(shù)學(xué)教研組工作計(jì)劃樣本(2篇)
- 二零二五年度搬家及物品打包運(yùn)輸合同范本2篇
- 棋牌室消防應(yīng)急預(yù)案
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