1、evaluation of scientificdevel opment.Naturesecuritytype-nature securityis to maintenance people of healthval uefortarget,throughstrengtheni ngsecurityba sed ma nagement,a nd ri skmanagement ,and equipme nt management a nd te chnol ogysupervisi on, e nsure pr oducti on in t hepeople ,and real,andsyst
2、em,and system,eleme ntsse curityrelia ble,a nd harmonyhoughtnosla ck,and manageme nt no emptydocument,ande qui pment no hi dde n, andsy stem no blocked,a nd unitzero non-st opped.Qualityandefficiency-qualitybenefit ist oadhere to theenter prise "survival,pr ofitand development"busi nesstr
3、uth,a dher e tothe "alla ctivity iseconomicactivity, allcostsca n be controlle d, moneyshouldnot be wasted" management philosophy,managementa nalysis, to impr ovemanageme nt quality,improve costcontrolca pa cityand market competitivene ss.Innovation ofscie nce andte chnol ogy-scienceand te
4、 chnology i nnovation is tsnow days,a ndw et slidi ng roa d,andburst situationdisposal, subje3playthe r oleofscience a nd te chnologyas the primary productivefor ce,a ctive useofnewtechnologies, new materials,newprocesses, newe qupiment, i ncrease i nvestment i n sciencea ndte chnol ogy,strengt heni
5、ng scientifi cand technologicaltraini ng,spee ding uptransformingscientificand technol ogicalachievement s,forming a numberofpr oprietaryte chnol ogy,enha ncnig cor e competitive ness. Resource -savi ng-the-r esource ssavingenter prise was to r educe coal consumption,waterconsum ption, ele ctricitya
6、tthe cor e, enhance theoperationofleanmanageme nttoreali ze lowconsumption,high efficiency,re du ce pr oducti oncost s.nformationand theoptimizati on oforgani zationand management,savi ngthei nterna ltransa ction costs. Harmonious developmentofharmoni ous dev elopment-ist oconstructa" foreign&q
7、uot; environment fordevel opme nt."XING"refers to t he "inter nalse curityfirm and inter nalmanageme nt ofthei nterna l manageme ntmeasuresar e effective,harmonious"."Foreigncurre ncy" means "Enterprise coordinating devel opme ntofhome opat hy, well,getalong wit h
8、theneighbors better." (B)XX2013 fiveenterprises buildi ng intri nsic safetypowercom pany g oals are :unplanne doutag e 0times. Cl ass ofdisor ders 0, 0is equivalentforcedoutage rate.Nopersonali njurya cci dent,materialand equipment a cci de nts donot occur, nofire, no envir onme ntalpolluti ona
9、cci dent.Enterprise integrateprofiS of _ 3»,1”、一,一”PI、 MIS、 SCM Informationsystems i nfrastruct ure,fullyi ntegrated i nformationsystemto realizeinformati on resour ces shari ng; to ex pandthe br eadt handdept h of the portalsystem,information systemof Enterprise Ma nagementA ssistant rolet o p
10、lay;t o improve t heday -to-day operati ona nd maint enanceoperati on re cor d of prom oting causesandtransfersystem;tostrengthen thetraining目錄1 、總論 71.1 項(xiàng)目概況 71.2 研究工作的依據(jù)和范圍 111.3 生產(chǎn)規(guī)模與產(chǎn)品方案 141.4 投資估算及資金籌措 151.5 財(cái)務(wù)指標(biāo) 161.6 結(jié)論和建議 182、項(xiàng)目建設(shè)的必要性和可行性 212.1 必要性 212.2 可行性 253、市場分析與預(yù) 303.1 干玫瑰花供應(yīng) 353.2 國內(nèi)外
11、玫瑰精油生產(chǎn)消費(fèi)情況 39supervi sion in larg eand medi um goods ve hicl e.Ais establishe dlargeve hiclesandsmallve hicles classifi cation manageme ntof motor ve hicl etestmode,i ncrea sedme dium va n car,a nd dang erousgoods transportcar,a ndschool car test proje ct; IIis esta blishe d motor veotor ve hiclet e
12、st fullpr ocessvi deo,and data rem oteregul atory;thr eeis strictlymotor v ehi cleidentificati on ma nagement, e qui ppedwit h unified ofidentification equipmentand tool, usingmobile identificati on T erminal,a ndla w enfor ceme ntrecordsi nstrument,te chnol ogyidentificati on mea ns.A s to 20XXyear
13、sJ une 20statewi de mot or vehi cle kee p vol umefor 567,408 car,a ndla st year earlier t han gr owth 75,814 car,gr owth 13.36%; thi s yearJanuary-June, ve hicles managementsectionandli censearchives ma nagement secti on t otalaccepte d themotor vehicl e registration busine ss42,543car times,w hichr
14、egist eredregistration 6,905cartimes,andtransfer registratio n 3,592 car times,and changon 696 car times,andcancellati on regi stration 187 car timeeySection relies on "motor ve hicle dete ction r emot e issue d test qualifiedl ogo softwareplatform"supervision mot or vehi cletest,a ndident
15、ificationsituati on 7418llia ngci,investigation motorvehicle exce ption business 30 car times,o regulat oryscr eenshots 1852 Zhang, checks m otorvehi clear chive s716 piece stimes,a nd medi um bus,andmedium abovetruck ,andOf hazardouschemicals, v ehi clesa ndschool busesandot her keyvehicleinspe cti
16、on record(C)basedon their ow n,andstrictadherenceto defense, morecheating,falsefalse fugitivesuspects, robberysuspectve hicle sandthe Internet crack dow n.DMVfullplayto the"firstlineofDefense"position control, i nvestigating cheating,fakei dentifi cationandrobbery suspe ct vehi cles t hrou
17、gh operati ona lwork, and carefullyexamine the document sandlegal proof,checktrafficviolations,traffica cci dents,thefugitiv esuspectsuspecte d vehi clesand theft tha n to work,further tightcar,drivi ngmanag ementbusi nessfor malitiesrevi ew pr ocedur esTr uck driverinformati on management platform.
18、Motor vehicl esandtraffic poli cedepartment s, Statetransportaut horityto f urther clarifytheDivi sion ofla bour, impleme ntation responsi bility,stre ngthe n our colla boration nd ma nagementt ogether,reinf orcing thema nagement of drivers on whi ch strongly syntheticw arfareand information warfare
19、.3strinuousurge ntdet ours,andsnow days,andwetsl idi ng roa d,andburstplaythe r oleofscience a nd te chnologyas the primary productivefor ce,a ctive useofnewtechnologies, new materials,newprocesses, newequi pment, increase i nvestment in sciencea nd te chnol ogy,strengt hening scientifi cand technol
20、ogicaltraini ng,spee ding uptransformingscientificand technol ogicalachievements,forming a numberofpr oprietaryte chnol ogy, enha ncnig cor e competitiveness. Resource -savi ng-the-r esource ssavingenterprise was to r educe coal consumption,waterconsum ption, ele ctricityatthe cor e, enhance theoper
21、ationofleanmanageme nttoreali ze lowconsumption,high efficiency,re ducepr oducti oncost s.nformationand theoptimizati on oforgani zationand manageme nt,savi ngthei nterna ltransa ction costs. Harmonious developmentofharmoni ous dev elopment-ist oconstructa" foreign" environment fordevel op
22、me nt."XING"refers to the "inter nalse curityfirm and inter nalmanageme nt ofthei nterna l manageme ntmeasuresar e effective,harmonious"."Foreigncurre ncy" means "Enterprise coordinating devel opme ntofhome opat hy, well,getal ong wit h theneighbors better." (
23、B)XX2013 fiveenterprises buildi ng intri nsic safetypowercom pany g oalsare:unplanne doutag e 0times. Cl ass ofdisor ders 0, 0is equivalentforced outagerate.No personali njurya cci dent ,materialand equipment a cci de nts donot occur, nofire,noenvir onme ntalpolluti onacci dent.Enterprise itegaedto
24、oca ses of v> n.,zeo. Quaa is w I- gee. ng -.17,bia on klwat, s - s ofove 7.11bli onkW,tota prof, of - 3B6m“nY-n - "S+PI、 MIS、 SCM Information systems i nfrastruct ure,fully i ntegrated i nformation systemto realizeinformati on resour ces shari ng; to ex pand the br eadt hand dept h of the p
25、ortal sy stem,information systemof Enterprise Ma nagementAssistant rolet o play;t o improvethe day -to-day operati ona nd maint enanceoperati on re cor d of prom otingcausesandtransfer system;tostrengthen thetraining3.3 市場推銷戰(zhàn)略 504、建設(shè)規(guī)模與產(chǎn)品方案 534.1 生產(chǎn)規(guī)模 534.2 產(chǎn)品方案 535、廠址選擇 575.1 地理位置 575.2 社會(huì)經(jīng)濟(jì)狀況 585.
26、3 氣象條件 625.4 水資源條件 635.5 產(chǎn)業(yè)優(yōu)勢條件 645.6 交通條件 655.7 電力及煤炭條件 655.8 環(huán)保條件 665.9 產(chǎn)業(yè)關(guān)聯(lián) 665.10 地質(zhì)條件 66transferregistration 3,592cartimes,andsupervi sion in largea nd me dium goodsve hicle.Ais establishe d large vehiclend cancellation registration 187cartimes,and into busint of motor ve hicle te st mode,i ncr
27、e ase d medium va n car,a nddanger ous g oods transportcar,aness 980 car times,andArchivescorre ctions 81 piece stimes,andissue d testqualified lndschool car testpr oject ; IIise stablished motor ve hiclete st regulat oryplatform ,achievedmot or vehi cletest full process vi deo,and data remote regog
28、o 25,429cartimes,and other v ehiclesbusiness 3,640cartimes;supervision Survey Section rel ieson "motor vehicle detecti on remoteissuedte st qualified logulatory ;threeis strictlymotorve hicl eide ntification management,equippe d with unified of identification equipmenta nd tool, using m obile i
29、 dentification T erminal,a ndlaw enfor cementre cordsinstrument,teo software platform" supervision mot or vehi cletest,a nd identification sit uation 7418lliangci, inve stigation motor vehicleex cepti on busine ss 30 car times,hichnol ogy identificati on mea ns.A sto 20XXyear s June20statewi de
30、mot or vehi clekee p volume for567,408car,aspar ds busi nessw arning 244articl e, vehi clesa nd driving peoplesound video regul atory screenshots 1852 Zhang,checksmotor vehi clear chive s716nd la styear earlier tha n growt h 75,814car,gr owth 13.36%piece s times,a ndmedi um bus,and medium abov etruc
31、k,a nd;thisyear Ja nuary -June ,vehi clesmanagementse ctionand lice nsear chiv es manageme nt se ction t otalaccepte d them otor vehi cle regi strationOf hazardous chemicals, vehicl esand schoolbuse sand otherkeyvehicle inspe ction recordof420.(C) based on their own,and strictadherebusi ness42,543ca
32、rtimes, whince tch regist ered regi stration 6,905 car times,a ndcts,robbery suspectvehi clesandthe Inter netcra ckdown. DMVfull playt o the "first line of Defense"positi oncontr ol,inve stigatingc heati ng,fake ide ntification and robberysuspectvehicle s through operati onal work,a ndcare
33、fullyexamine thedocumentsa nd legal proof,check trafficviolations,trafficacci dent s,the fugitive suspe ct suspecte d vehi clesand theft than to w ork,furt hertig htcar,drivi ng manageme ntbusine ss formalitie sreviewpr oceduresTruck driverinf ormation ma nagement platform.Motor vehiclesa ndtrafficp
34、olicedepartments, State tra nsportaut horityto furt herclarifythe Divi sion of labour,implementati on re sponsibility,stre ngthe n ourcollaborationand management together,re infor cing thema nagement of driverson which strongly syntheticwarfareandinformation w arfare.3 strictlyimpl emente d.From May
35、 1up,ais implemente dcomplexroa dand ba dweat her driving exam,currently DMVis urgedcontra ctors party in treasures drivingschooli ncrea sed simulation Highway,andcontinuous urgentdetours,andevaluation of scientificdevel opment.Naturesecuritytype-nature securityis to maintenance people of healthval
36、uefortarget,throughstrengtheni ngsecurityba sed ma nagement,a nd ri skmanagement ,and equipme nt management a nd te chnol ogysupervisi on, e nsurepr oducti on in t hepeople ,and real,andsystem,and system,eleme ntsse curityrelia ble,a nd harmonyhoughtnosla ck,and manageme nt no emptydocument,ande qui
37、 pment no hi dde n, andsy stem no blocked,a nd unitzero non-st opped.Qualityandefficiency-qualitybenefit ist oadhere to theenter prise "survival,pr ofitand development"busi nesstr uth,a dher e tothe "alla ctivity iseconomicactivity, allcostsca n be controlle d, moneyshouldnot be waste
38、d" management philosophy,managementa nalysis, to impr ovemanageme nt quality,improve costcontrolca pa cityand market competitivene ss.Innovation ofscie nce andte chnol ogy-scienceand te chnology i nnovation is tplaythe r oleofscience a nd te chnologyas the primary productivefor ce,a ctive useof
39、newtechnologies, new materials,newprocesses, newequi pment, increase i nvestment in sciencea nd te chnol ogy,strengt hening scientifi cand technologicaltraini ng,spee ding uptransformingscientificand technol ogicalac hievement s,forming a numberofpr oprietaryte chnol ogy,enha ncnig cor e competitive
40、 ness. Resource -savi ng-the-r esource ssavingenter prise was to r educe coal consumption,waterconsum ption, ele ctricityatthe cor e, enhance theoperationofleanmanageme nttoreali ze lowconsumption,high efficiency,re ducepr oducti oncost s.nformationand theoptimizati on oforgani zationand manageme nt
41、,savi ngthei nterna ltransa ction costs. Harmonious developmentofharmoni ous dev elopment-ist oconstructa" foreign" environment fordevel opme nt."XING"refers to the "inter nalse curityfirm and inter nalmanageme nt ofthei nterna l manageme ntmeasuresar e effective, harmonious
42、"."Foreign curre ncy"means "Enterprise coordinating devel opme ntofhomeopat hy, well,getalong wit h theneighborsbetter." (B)XX2013 fiveenterprises building intri nsic safetypowercompany goalsare:unplanne doutag e 0times. Cl assofdisor ders 0, 0is equivalentforcedoutage rate.
43、Nopers onali njurya cci dent ,materialandequipmenta cci de nts do not occur, no fire,no environme ntalpollutionacci dent.Enterprise integratedto achieve zero ca sesof violation,zer oaccide nts,zero. Qual itygoalis:wI- gee. ng ca .”7 Ibilonklwaisales ofover 7.11 billion kWh,totalprofiS of _ 3»,1
44、”、一,一”PI、 MIS、 SCM Informationsystems infrastructure,fullyi ntegrated information system to realizeinformati on resour ces shari ng; to expandthe br eadt handdept h of the portalsystem,information systemof Enterprise ManagementAssistant roleto play;t o improvetheday -to-day operati ona nd maint enan
45、ceoperati on re cor d of prom oting causesandtransfersystem;tostrengthen thetraining5.11 對擬建廠址的綜合評價(jià) 686、程技術(shù)方案 696.1 技術(shù)方案 706.2 藝流程 806.3 電氣控制系統(tǒng) 836.4 設(shè)備說明 846.5 設(shè)備清單 867、主要原材料、燃料供應(yīng) 907.1 主要原料供應(yīng) 907.2 燃料、動(dòng)力的供應(yīng) 907.3 需求量 918、總圖運(yùn)輸與公用輔助程 948.1 原則 948.2 總平布置 95supervi sion in largeand medi um goods vehic
46、lAisesiablished largeve hiclesandsmallve hiclesclassificaiion manageme ni of moior vehicl eiesi mode,i ncrea sedme dium va n car,a nd dang erousgoods iransporicar,a ndschoolcar iesi proje ci; IIis esia blished moior veoior ve hiclei esi fullpr ocessvi deo,and daia remoier egul aiory;ihr eeis siricil
47、y moior vehi cleideniificaiion ma nagemeni,e qui ppedwii h unifiedofideniificaiion equipmeniand iool, using mobileideniificaiion T erminal,a nd la w enfor ceme ni recordsi nsirumeni,ie chnol ogy ideniificaiion mea ns.A s io 20XXyearsJ une20siaiewi demoi or vehi clekee p vol umefor 567,408car,a ndla
48、si yearearlier ihan growih 75,814 car,gr owih13.36%; ihi s yearJanuary-June, vehicles managemeniseciionandli censearchives managemenisecii on i oialaccepie d ihemoior vehicl eregisiraiionbusine ss42,543car iimes,w hichregisi eredregisiraiion 6,905cariimes,andiransfer regisiraiion 3,592 car iimes,and
49、 changon 696 car iimes,andcancellaii on regi siraiion 187 car iimeeySeciion relies on "moior ve hicle deie ciion r emoieissue d iesiqualified l og o sofiwareplaiform"supervision moi or vehi cleiesi,a ndideniificaiionsiiuaii on 7418llia ngci,invesiigaiion moiorvehicleexce piion business 30
50、car iimes,o regulai oryscr eenshois 1852 Zhang,checks m oiorvehi clear chive s716 piece siimes,a nd medi um bus,andmedium aboveiruck ,andOf hazardous chemicals, v ehi clesa ndschool busesandoi her key vehi cleinspe ciion record of 420.(C)basedon iheir ow n,andsiriciadherenceio defense, morecheaiing,
51、falsefalsefugiiivesuspecis, robberysuspecive hicle sandiheIniernei crack dow n.DMVfullplayio ihe"firsi lineofDefense"posiiion conirol, i nvesiigaiing cheaiing,fakei deniifi caiionandrobbery suspe ci vehi cles i hrough operaii ona lwork, and carefully examineihedocumeni sandlegal proof,chec
52、kirafficviolaiions,iraffica cci denis,ihefugiiiv esuspecisuspecie d vehi clesandihefi iha n io work,furiher iighicar,drivi ngmanag emeni busi nessformaliiiesrevi ew pr ocedur esTr uck driverinformaii on ma nagemeni plaiform.Moior vehicl esandiraffic poli cedeparimeni s, Siaieiransporiaui horiiyio f
53、uriher clarify iheDivi sion of la bour, impleme niaiion responsi biliiy,sire ngihe n our colla boraiiona nd ma nagemenii ogeiher,reinf orcing ihema nagemeni of drivers on whi ch sirongly syniheiicw arfareand informaiion warfare.3sirinuousurge nidei ours,andsnow days,andweisl idi ng roa d,and bursipl
54、aythe r oleofscience a nd te chnologyas the primary productivefor ce,a ctive useofnewtechnologies, new materials,newprocesses, newequi pment, increase i nvestment in sciencea nd te chnol ogy,strengt hening scientifi cand technologicaltraini ng,spee ding uptransformingscientificand technol ogicalachi
55、evements,forming a numberofpr oprietaryte chnol ogy, enha ncnig cor e competitiveness. Resource -savi ng-the-r esource ssavingenterprise was to r educe coal consumption,waterconsum ption, ele ctricityatthe cor e, enhance theoperationofleanmanageme nttoreali ze lowconsumption,high efficiency,re ducep
56、r oducti oncost s.nformationand theoptimizati on oforgani zationand manageme nt,savi ngthei nterna ltransa ction costs. Harmonious developmentofharmoni ous dev elopment-ist oconstructa" foreign" environment fordevel opme nt."XING"refers to the "inter nalse curityfirm and int
57、er nalmanageme nt ofthei nterna l manageme ntmeasuresar e effective,harmonious"."Foreigncurre ncy" means "Enterprise coordinating devel opme ntofhome opat hy, well,getal ong wit h theneighbors better." (B)XX2013 fiveenterprises buildi ng intri nsic safetypowercom pany g oals
58、are:unplanne doutag e 0times. Cl ass ofdisor ders 0, 0is equivalentforced outagerate.No personali njurya cci dent ,materialand equipment a cci de nts donot occur, nofire,noenvir onme ntalpolluti onacci dent.Enterprise integrated to achieve -oca ses of v>. aide n.,zeo. Qua- is w I- gee. ng -.17,. on klwatt, saes ofove 7.
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