1、范文最新推薦四川九寨溝英文導(dǎo)游詞九寨溝:世界自然遺產(chǎn),世界生物圈保護區(qū)網(wǎng)絡(luò), 國家AAAAA級旅游景區(qū),國家級自然保護區(qū),全國文明風(fēng)景旅游區(qū)示 范點,中國著名風(fēng)景名勝區(qū)。下面是由小編為大家?guī)淼年P(guān)于四川九 寨溝英文導(dǎo)游詞,希望能夠幫到您!四川九寨溝英文導(dǎo)游詞Jiuzhaigous entrance gate was built shortly after Jiuzhaigou was listed into the World Natural Heritage Catalog in 1992. The gate reflects the features of Tibeta n remote
2、areas. The bark of logs wraps round the whole gate that appears primitive, but also displays the flavor of thew modern arts. It seems to tell us that you will find yourselves in the worlds most exciting and unspoiled nature. As you know, Jiuxhaigou has been crowned with several titles: The World Nat
3、ural Heritage, The WorldBio-sphere Reserve, the Gree n Globe 21 and The State 4A-Level Scenery. Besides,each site and each image shows something more-the true esse nee, the spirit, and the magic of Jiuxhaigou, Jiuxhaigous won ders in spire the coun trys top photographers and artists because the best
4、 of their work is here. Others express their feeli ngs through words, and there are nu merous quotes from writers or visitors. However, many others articulate this land that seems in describable. As the say ing goes, it is better to see once tha n hear a hun dred times. I think Jiuzhaigous reputati
5、on attracts all of you to come here for a vidit. I believe, whether you are a freque nt visitr or some on ewhosimply enjoys beautiful places, the visit to Jiuzhaigou will be a perfect way to remember the unique sites and beauty of jiuzhaigou in days to come.Jiuzhaigou sce nery is licated in jiuzhaig
6、ou Coun ty, the ASbeTibetan and Qiang NationalityAutonomous Prefecture in SichuanProvinee. Jiuzhaigou literally means nine Tibetan village gullies, which are all scattered in the scenic area. The names of the villages are Heye, Shuzhe ng, Zech awa, Heijiao, Pan ya, Yala, Jia npan, Rexi and Guodu.Jiu
7、zhaigouscenery has taden shape due to the geographicmovement in glaciations, earthquakes and calcification. However, there is some folklore that vividly describes the formatio n of Jiuzhaigou. Here is a story. A long tome ago, a male and female hilly deities fell in love with each other. The man is
8、called Dage and woma n Wonu osemo, who decided to reside in Jiuzhaigou because they deeply loved Jiuzhaigous birds and ani mals, and forests and mountains. Un expectedly a devil calledShemozhafound out that the female deity was so beautiful that ho fool in love with her, too. Two devil did nt like t
9、he male deity to live here in Jiuzhaigou. Therefore the devil waged a war in orser to drive the male deity out and marry the female deity. A fiere battle occurred between the deity and the devil. During the battle, the female deity was sn atched away by the devil. Bewildered, the female deity droppe
10、d downto the ground her precious mirror give n by the male deity. The mirror was broke n into over a hun dred pieces, which immediately tur ned into over hundred high mountains and beautiful lakes. The battle continu ed, and the male deity and the devil fought all the way from inner Jiuzhaigou to th
11、e en tra nee. Despite that, there was no sign indicating who would win the battle. At this critical moment, Zhayizhaga, the king of multi-mountains arrived to join the fight on the side of the male deity. The king first put a huge screen-shaped cliff behind the devil and then crashed the devil benea
12、th the cliff. The devil was buried there, eith his head off the cliff. Afterwards lical people called the cliff the Devil Cliff. Nowot os called the Precious Mirror Cliff. Since then Jiuzhaigoureturned to peace andlooked more beautiful due to the n ewly added over a hun dred colorful lakes and mount
13、ains. The manand womandived together in Jiuzhaigou forever as the importa nt deities to safeguard jiuzhaigou.Jiuzhaigou is 47 km long from the south to the north, 29 kmwide from the east to the west, coveri ng an area of 720sq. km.In 1990 Jiuzhaigou became one of 40 best sce nic spots in thecoun try
14、; in 2000 Jiuzhaigou was evaluated as one of the firstatate 4A-level sce neries in Chi na; in 1992 Jiuzhaigou was listed on the World Bio-sphere Reserve.In Jiuzhaigou sce nic area there are three gullies that seemto be in the shape of y. There distributed 108 lakes, 47 splashed waterfalls, 12 tirbi;
15、emt screa,s. 5 shoals and 3 Tibetan villages. All these sce nic sites create a unique Ian dscape of jiuzhaigou, to Chi na and the rest of the world.If you get closer to view the cliff that is over a thousand-ren cliff, you may see a bizarre figure image on the cliff. What does it look alike? It is a
16、 devils face, and it is now called the Precilous Mirror Cliff. Dow n the cliff is a gully calledZharugou, where sta nds Zharu Mon astery. In Sichua n Tibeta n areas local Tibeta n people believe in what can be properlyu described as Lamaism, an ancient strain of TantricIndianBuddhism, coupled with T
17、ibeta n Shama ni sm. It flourishes inregi ons in habited by the Tibeta n and Mon golia n people. Duringthe reign of Songzan Gapuin the 7th to 9th century, monks from India crossed the Himalayas through Nepal and arrived at Tibet to spread Tantrism. Tantrism, Mahayanaand Bon, the indigenous religio n
18、 of Tibet, in termi ngled and developed into Lamaismthat stron glybelieves in reincarn ati on.Lama means teacher orsuperiorbe ing. A lama must be a monk, but not all monks can become lamas. Lamaism has several sects: the Y ellow, the Red, the Black and others. The YellowSect, founded by Tsong kha pa
19、 in the early 15th cen tury, and rapidly grew into the dominant sect tha nks to the support of the Qing gover nment. The Y ellow Sect perfected the Tibeta n Buddhism and greatly promoted the evoluti on of the merge nee of govet nment admi nistratio n with religion the Tihetan a Buddha in your presen
20、t lifetime. The monksin Zharu monastery believe in the Black Sect Buddhismthat is also called Bon. The religious activity of the Black Sect, muchmore in flue need by the in dige nous religilo n,has cen teredon the primciplkes that everything has spirit; the Black Sect followers pray to gain happ in
21、ess and drive out disasters.Yoy may be aware of the dense forest grow ing along the sides of the road. it mirrors together thescenic sites of main plantsin Jiuzhaigou. The evergree n pla nts con sists of Chi nese pi ne, hemlock, fir and drag on spruce; the red-leaf pla nts are maple, little tiller,
22、smoke tree and others; the yellow-leaf pla nts are birchm, golde n-rain tree, elm, larch, poplar mix together in harm ony, offeri nga rain bow of n atural pictures that easilyplease to our eyes, It is com monly believe that the colerful plant scenery is one of the main featuresmanifestedinJiuzhaigou
23、. As autu mn arrives, the pla nts keep cha nging their colors. As colorful leaves and forests are mirrored on the lakes around, the stunning color images seem to allure viewers into a dreamlike world because it is too beautiful to absorb all of them duri ng a time-limited tour.As you en ter into Shu
24、zhe ng sce nic site, and start walki ngthrough it, thegarde n-patter nedIan dscape might in spire yourpassion to write poemsor paint pictures. Here is the Reed Sea. If you close your eyes, you mayfeel as if you were in the region of rivers and lakes in souther n Chi na. Actually the sea is a kind of
25、 moisture land that suits the growth of varied water pla nts. Some fiah swims in the shallow sea, and they have a stra nge n ame, called naked carpor they has no scales, but bel ong to the family of the carp.The water in Jiuzhaigou is a big attracti on, and is com monlyconsidered the soul of Jiuzhai
26、gou because ot remaons muchless touched by huma n bein gs. Gin erally the water is so clea n that youy can see to the bottim eve n at 30m in depth. Now we wrrive at the first lake in Jiuzhaigou called Shuanglonghai. You can dimly see two calcified lower banks in the shape of tibbon. Once waves in th
27、e lake surges, the two banks seem to wriggle. The local dlege nd says that they are two swim ming drago ns. It is said that there are four dragons in Jiuzhaigou. The dragons in the laks here are two of the four, who take charge of rai ning and hail. Maybebecause they have no strong sense of their du
28、ty responsibility, they oftenmake mistakes, and therefore thereis no rain when it should rain; there is no hail when ot should hail. Therefore Geshaer, the Tibeta n hero has subdued the two evil dragons and imprisoned them at the bottom of the lake.樂山大佛,又名凌云大佛,位于四川省樂山市南 岷江東岸凌云寺側(cè),瀕大渡河、青衣江和岷江三江匯流處。大佛為
29、彌 勒佛坐像,通高71米,是中國最大的一尊摩崖石刻造像。下面是由 小編為大家?guī)淼年P(guān)于四川樂山大佛英語導(dǎo)游詞,希望能夠幫到您!四川樂山大佛英語導(dǎo)游詞The city of Leshan is less than one hours ride from the Baoguosi Mon astery at the foot of Mt. Emei.Lesha n is the homeof the Gia nt Buddha at the con fluee nee of the Min ,Dadu and Qin gyi rivers .It qualifies as the largest
30、Buddha in a sitti ng posture in the world .You must board a riverboat for the best view of the Gia nt Buddha.The massive Buddha was carved out of a cliff face more than a thousa nd years ago, but now it is still well preserved in good shape, with his full and sere ne face.The Buddhais the largest Bu
31、ddhain China,towering to 71m,with his 14.7m head,a nd 24 m shoulders.The Buddhas ears are 6.72m long, in steps 8.5m broad, and a pic nic could be con ducted on the n ail of his big toe, which is 1.5m long.This carving project was begun in 713.Each summerat that time the Min,Dadu and Qingyi rivers fl
32、owed down.As the ghree rivers met,turbu-lent waves strucd each other hard,boats capsized and boatmen vanished.There was a Buddhist monkby the name of Haitong in Lingyun Hill,whosaw the situationand wasdetermined to carve a giant Buddhaout of the cliff face, hoping that the Buddhas prese nee would su
33、bdue the swift curre nts and protect the boatmen .Haitong started travelling along the Changjiang river and other areas in China to collect funds for the gigantic carving. Oncean evil official attempted to obtain by force the money collected by Haito ng.The monk refused him in strong terms.He said,d
34、 rather gouge out my eyes than give a penny to you,The official shouted in anger,gouge your eye out no w!Hait ong resolutely dug out one of his eyes.The monks behavior in protectingthe funding so greatlyen couraged sculptors and other con structi on workers that the carving work went on smoothly. Un
35、fortunatelyHaitong diedbefore the completi on of his lifes work .However, this work continued due to the support of the local people as well as Weigao and Zhan gchou Jia nqin g,thelocal top militarycommanders. The word took up 90 years until 803 when it was completed.S ince the n the Buddha has watc
36、hed over the river traffic for more tha n a thousa nd years to offset the large number of serious accidentsin the river.Modern Chinesequesti on whether safer boat gravel is due to his prese nee or to sime later-day dredgi ng.As you get close to the Buddha,we can find out some scattered holes im rows
37、 around the Buddha.They are rema ins of so Called the Giant Buddha Pavilion . It was a nine-storiedbuilding setup during the Tang Dynasty to shelter the Buddhat was renamed as the Lingyun Pavilion with 13 stories during the SongDynasty. Unfortunately it wasdestroyed by a war during the Ming Dynasty.
38、Since the n the Buddha remai ns outside in the ope n space.The Giant Buddha has lasted over a thousa nd years, and still survives in good shape.Why? First of all, accord ing to the studies on the an cie nt con structi on of the Buddha,the cliff face the Buddha occupies enjoys topographical adva ntag
39、es. It is on the souther n side of the hill,where verda nt trees grow so well as to protect rocks and slope from erosi on. Sec on dly although the Buddha seats borderi ng on the con flue nee of the three rivers, the imme nse statue is carved in to the cliff face in side the hill,which alleviate the
40、severe damage by wi nd and water erosi on.Fin ally there is a water-dra in age system,hidde n from view.The system starts with 1021 faste ned hairs, which conect one another at the bace of the bead .The end of the hairs in ter-li nks the shoulders joining the simple-patterned robe pleats carved on t
41、he body.The hairs,shoulders and pleats naturallyreveal a complete system that carries away the entiresurface water on the body, where the water disappears un dergro und.It is worth making several passes at the Buddha.From the ferry pier on the isla nd,you climba steep road and through Lingyun Temple
42、 to a vantage point forviewing the buddha.You can go tothe top,opposite the head, and the n desce nd a short zigzagstairway carved into the cliff to the feet for the top,oppoosite the head,a nd the n desce nd a short zigzag stairway carved into the cliff to the feet for the differe nt perspective vi
43、wepoi nts.A local boat passes by for a fron tal view, which reveals two guardians in the cliff side, not visible from Ian d,Wuyou Buddhist Mon astery can be reached in 15 mi nu tes by footpath from the Buddha,which is also from the Tang Dyn asty with Mi ng and Qing reno vati on s,Its layout is very
44、similar to the other mon asteries as we men ti oned before.Walk ing along up Wuyou Hill,you can enjoy the quiet and beartiful scenery, The top of WuyouHill affords you a vision of an emerald-green tree forest, glazed golde n tiles of the mon astery roofs and the dista nt rivers.景泰藍,中國的著名特種瓷器工藝品之一,春秋
45、 時已有此技術(shù),至V明代景泰年間這種瓷器工藝技術(shù)制作達到了最巔 峰,用這種技術(shù)制作的瓷器最為精美而著名,故后人稱這種瓷器為景 泰藍。景泰藍正名銅胎掐絲琺瑯,俗名琺藍,又稱嵌琺瑯,是一種在 銅質(zhì)的胎型上,用柔軟的扁銅絲,掐成各種花紋焊上,然后把琺瑯質(zhì) 的色釉填充在花紋內(nèi)燒制而成的瓷器器物 。因其在明朝景泰年間盛 行,制作技藝比較成熟,使用的琺瑯釉多以藍色為主,故而得名景泰藍。下面是由小編為大家?guī)淼年P(guān)于景泰藍英文導(dǎo)游詞,希望能夠幫到您!景泰藍英文導(dǎo)游詞Clois onne is a famous traditi onal en amel ware, known as theBlue of Jin
46、 gtai in Chi na, with a history of over 500 years. it was so called blue was the typical colour used for en amelli ng and Jingtai was the reign title of the 7th Ming Emperor. Enamel ware became very popular duri ng the Emperors reig n. There is a great variety of products, such as vase, jar, bowl,pl
47、ate, box and ash-tray. They are brillia nt in colours and sple ndid in desig n.Cloisonne is one of the famous arts and crafts of Beijing.The making of cloisonne requires rather elaborate and complicated processes; base-hammeri ng, copper-stripin lay,solderi ng,enamel-filling,enamel-firing,polishinga
48、nd gilding. Theproducts are featured by excellentquality. The skill andworkmanship have been handed down from the Ming Dynasty. Quite a nu mber of new varieties have bee n created. it enjoys a high reputation both at homeand abroad. They are mostly for export.CLOISONNE-MAKINGThe first step is body m
49、aking. The material used for maki ngthe bodyis copper, because copper is easily hammered andstretched. This step requires a sound judgement in shaping and uniformity of thickness and weight. It is in fact the work of the copper smith. The only differenee is that when an article is well shaped, the c
50、opper smiths work is finished,whereas thecloisonne craftsmans work is just on the the start.The second step is filigree soldering. This step requiresgreat care and high creative ness. The artisa n adheres copperstrips on to the body. These strips are of 1/16 inch in diameter and of lengths as the artisan desires. The strips or filigreethus adhered make up a complicated but complete patter n. Theartisan has a blueprint in mind and he can make full use of his experienee, imagination and aesthetic view in setting the copper strips on the body.
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