1、v1.0 可編輯可修改Chapter 1 Thermod yn amics and Heat Transfer主要內(nèi)容heat (thermal energy)、heat transfer 、thermodynamics、total amountof heat transfer、heat transfer rate、heat flux 、con ducti on 、 con vecti on 、 radiati on1) The first law of thermodynamics (conservationof energyprin ciple)2) Heat balanee equati
2、on:a) closed system; b) opensystem (steady-flow)3) Fourier s law of heat conduction4) Newt on s law of cooli ng5) Stefa n-Boltzma nn law主要專(zhuān)業(yè)詞匯heat transfer傳熱、熱傳遞、傳熱學(xué)thermod yn amics熱力學(xué)caloric 熱素 specific heat 比熱 mass flow rate 質(zhì) 量流率iiiiv1.0 可編輯可修改late nt heat 潛熱sen sible heat熱流密度con ducti on 導(dǎo)熱con v
3、ecti on輻射thermal conductivity熱導(dǎo)率 thermal擴(kuò)散率con vecti on/comb ined heat tran sfer coefficie nt對(duì)流 / 綜合換熱系數(shù)simulta neous heat transfer復(fù)合換熱Chapter 2 Heat Con ducti on Equati on主要內(nèi)容顯熱heat fluxheat tran sfer rate總熱量熱流量total amount of heat transfer對(duì)流radiati ondiffusivity 熱emissivity 發(fā)射率 收率absorptivity吸temp
4、erature fieldin itial con diti onheattran sferdistributi on、temperature gradie nt、heat gen eratio n、boundary condition 、 steadytransientun iformn onuniformtemperaturev1.0 可編輯可修改1) Fourier s law of heat conduction (22222-1)v1.0 可編輯可修改2)Heatcon ducti onrecta ngularcyli ndricalspherical( 2-2、 2-3)3) Bo
5、un dary con diti ons:(a)Specified temperature B. C.b) Specified heat flux B. C. special case(dt/dx=0):insulation、 thermal symmetry;c) Con vecti on .d) Radiatio n .e) In terface .4) Average thermal conductivitykave( 2-7)5) Solution of one-dimensional, steadyheat conduction inplane walls 、cylinders an
6、d spheres (k=const):a) no heat gen eratio n,specified .:T(x) orT(r)( 2-5)Q(x) or Q(r), Q=constb) with heat gen erati on, Specified . or Con vecti on .:( 2-6)?Tma)=To-Ts=gs/2nk;q(x)=gx/n;Ts=T+gs/nhcharacteristic lengthS, shape factorn:plane wallss=L( half thickness),n二1equatio n(incoord in ates) 2-4)
7、v1.0 可編輯可修改3333cylinderss=r。,n= 2v1.0 可編輯可修改:Solve a heat tran sfer problem1) Mathematical formulation (differentialequation & .)2) Gen eral soluti on of equati on3) Applicati on of Unique soluti on of the problem主要專(zhuān)業(yè)詞匯temperature fielddistribution溫度場(chǎng)分布 temperaturegradient 溫度梯度heat gen eratio n
8、熱生成(熱源)in itialbo un dary con diti on初始邊界條件tran sie nt heat transfer瞬態(tài)(非穩(wěn)態(tài))傳熱 isothermalsurface 等溫面Heat con ducti on differe ntial equati on導(dǎo)熱微分方程trial and error method 試算法iterate 迭 代convergenee 收斂Chapter 3 Steady Heat Con ducti on主要內(nèi)容multilayercomposite wall overall heat tran sfer coefficie nt Uthe
9、rmal resista nee R thermal con tact resista neeRccritical radiusspheress=ro,n=3v1.0 可編輯可修改of in sulatio nRrfin efficie ncyfin effective ness4444v1.0 可編輯可修改refer to the attachme nt.1) Un iform cross-sect ion: refer to the attachme nt.主要專(zhuān)業(yè)詞匯thermal resista nee熱阻parallel并聯(lián)inseries 串聯(lián)thermal con tact re
10、sista nee接觸熱阻compositewall 復(fù)合壁面thermal grease熱脂cross-secti on橫截面temperature execess過(guò)余溫度hyperbolic 雙曲線的exp onent指數(shù)fin 肋 (翅)片fin base肋基fin tip肋端fin efficiency肋效率fin effective ness肋片有效度Chapter 4 Tran sie nt Heat Con ducti on主要內(nèi)容lumped system an alysischaracteristic len gth (Biot number (Bi=hL=/k)Fourie
11、r number (T=at/L)Bi 0, Heisler/Grober charts OR an alytical expressi ons1-D: a) infinite large plane walls, long cylinders and spheres ( 4-2)b) semi-i nfin ite solids (5555Multiplayer pla ne wall、cylinders and spheres:Fin: fin equation2) Varyi ng cross-section:refer to the attachme nt.Lc=V/A)4-3)v1.
12、0 可編輯可修改multidimensional: product solution ( 4-4)主要專(zhuān)業(yè)詞匯series 級(jí)數(shù) product ion soluti on 乘積解Chapter 5 Numerical Methods in Heat Conduction主要內(nèi)容control volume (energy balanee) method、finite differenee method、discretization 、 node、 space step 、 time step 、mesh Biot number 、mesh Fourier number 、mirror ima
13、ge concept 、explicit/implicit method、stability criterion (primary coefficients0)Numerical error: 1) discretizati on/trun cati on error; 2) roun d-off errorNumerical soluti on:1) Discretizati on in space and time (x, t);2)Build allno des fin itediffere nee formulati ons (in clud ingin terior and boun
14、 dary no des);differe nee methodbala nee method . Con trol Volume method)3) Solutio n of no dal differe nee eqs. of heat con duct ion;method: Gaussia n Elimi natio nmethod: Gauss-Seidel iterati onlumped system an alysis集總參數(shù)法characteristic len gth特征長(zhǎng)度(尺寸)dimension量纟岡 non dime nsion alize無(wú)量纟岡化 dime ns
15、ionl ess quantity量無(wú)量綱semi-i nfin itesolid半無(wú)限大固體compleme ntary error function誤差余函數(shù)v1.0 可編輯可修改6666v1.0 可編輯可修改Chapter 6、7 Forced Convection and NaturalCon vecti on主要內(nèi)容Nu、Re Gr、PrForce/naturalconvection 、external/internalflow、velocity/thermalboundary layerflow regimes 、lam in ar/turbule nt flowhydrodyna
16、mic/thermal entry region、fully developed regionCritical Reyno Ids Number (Rec)、 hydraulic diameter (D)、film temperature (Tf)、bulk mean fluid temperature (Tb)主要專(zhuān)業(yè)詞匯con trol volume控制容積fin ite differenee有限差分Taylor series expressi on泰勒級(jí)數(shù)展開(kāi)式mirrorimageElimi natio nmethod消元法direct/iterativemethod 直接 / 迭代方
17、法explicit/implicitmethod 顯式/隱式格式stability criteri on穩(wěn)定性條件primary coefficie nts主系數(shù)uncon diti on ally無(wú)條件地algebraic eq.代數(shù)方程discretization/truncation error離散/截?cái)嗾`差roun d-off error舍入誤差Tn)v1.0 可編輯可修改logarithmic mea n temperature differe nee (7777v1.0 可編輯可修改volume expansion coefficient (B= 1/ T)effective th
18、ermal con ductivity (Keff= KNu)Drag forceFD= GApV/2Heat transfer rate:Q= hA(T s-T )3. Typical Convection Phenomena:1) Forced convection:exter nal flow-flow over flat plates (6-4)flowacross cylinders and spheres (6-5)internal flow-flow in tubes (6-6)2) Natural conv ectionflow over surfaces (7-2)flow
19、in side en closures (7-3)主要專(zhuān)業(yè)詞匯Force/n aturalconvection自然/強(qiáng)制對(duì)流lamin ar/turbule ntflowboun dary layer邊界層 lam inar sublayer層流底層 buffer layer層/湍流緩沖層tran siti on region過(guò)渡區(qū) flow regimes 流態(tài)8888v1.0 可編輯可修改friction/drag coefficient摩擦 / 阻力系數(shù) friction factor摩擦因子dynamic/kinematic viscous動(dòng)力 / 運(yùn)動(dòng)粘度wake 尾流 stag n
20、atio n point滯止點(diǎn)flow separati on流體分離vortex 漩渦 rotati onal moti on環(huán)流 velocity fluctuati on速度脈動(dòng)hydrodynamic 水動(dòng)力學(xué)的 hydraulic diameter水力直徑fully developed region充分發(fā)展段volume flow rate體積流量arithmetic/logarithmic mea n temperature differe nee算術(shù)/對(duì)數(shù)平均溫差volume expa nsion coefficie nt體積膨脹系數(shù)in terferometer 干涉儀 asy
21、mptotic 漸近線的effective thermal con ductivity有效熱導(dǎo)率an alogical method 類(lèi)比法 in tegral approach積分近似法order of magn itude an alysis數(shù)量級(jí)分析法similarity prin ciple相似原理Chapter 9 Radiati on Heat Tran sfer主要內(nèi)容9999inertia/viscous force慣性/粘性力v1.0 可編輯可修改black body、gray body、diffuse surface 、emissive power ( E)emissivi
22、ty ()、absorptivity ( a )、reflectivity(p)、transmissivity(T)irradiation(G)、radiosity( J)、reradiating(adiabatic) surfaceview factor (Fj)、radiati on n etwork、space resista nee 、surface resista nee radiati onshieldgas radiati on 、tra nspare nt mediumto radiati on 、absorb ing and tran smitti ngmediumBlack
23、body : (1) Plank s law(2) Stefan-Boltzmann s law(3) Wien s displacement lawGraybody:Kirchhoff s lawActual body :E ( T) =Eb(T) = (TT4W/m2Gas:(5) Beers law3. Calculation:1) View factor : reciprocity/summation/superposition/symmetry Rulecrossed-stri ngs method2) Radiati on heat tran sfer: Radiatio n n
24、etworkOpe n system: betwee n two surface . two large parallel plates)Enclosure : 2-surface enclosure; 3-surface enclosureRadiati on shield主要專(zhuān)業(yè)詞匯thermal radiati on熱輻射、qua ntum theory 量子理論、in dex of refractio n折射系數(shù)electromagnetic wave/spectrum電磁波 / 波譜、ultraviolet (UV) rays紫夕卜線、infrared (IR) rays 紅外線ab
25、sorptivity 吸 收率、reflectivity 反射率、transmissivity 透 射率、 emissivity ( )發(fā)射率(黑度)、specular/diffuse reflection鏡反射 / 漫反射irradiati on (in cide nt radiatio n)投入輻射、radiosity有效輻射v1.0 可編輯可修改10101010v1.0 可編輯可修改spectral/directional/total emissive power單色/ 定向/ 總 輻射力fractio n of radiati on en ergy輻射能量份額(輻射比)、blackbo
26、dy radiatio nfun ction 黑體輻射函數(shù)view factor 輻射角系數(shù)、crossed-stri ngs method 交叉線法、 reciprocity/summation/superpositio n/symmetry Rule相互 / 完整 / 和分 / 對(duì)稱(chēng)性net radiati on heat tran sfer凈輻射熱流量radiati onn etwork 輻射網(wǎng)絡(luò)圖、space/surface radiati onresista nee 空間 /表面輻射熱阻、reradiati ng surface 重輻射面、adiabatic 絕熱的radiati o
27、n shield遮熱板tran spare nt medium to radiati on輻射透熱體、 absorb ing and tran smitt ing medium 吸收-透過(guò)性介質(zhì)Chapter 10 Heat Excha ngers主要內(nèi)容heat exchanger type- double-pipe 、 compact、 shell-and-tube plate-and-frame 、regenerative heat exchanger parallel/co un ter/cross/multipass flowoverall heat tran sfer coefficie nt (U) fouli ng factor ( R)heat capacity rate capacity rati onlog mea n
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