1、Residential tenancy agreementResidential Tenancies Act 1997 Section 26Residential Tenancies Regulations 2008-Schedule 1 Form1Note: Enter text in spaces provided only. This form will be invalid ifyou remove or change any questions or other text.Important informationPlease read this before completing
2、the Residential TenancyAgreement. This form is your written record of your tenancy agreement. This isa binding contract under the Residential Tenancies Act 1997 , soplease read all terms and conditions carefully. If you need advice on your rights and responsibilities, please callthe Consumer Affairs
3、 Victoria Helpline on 1300 55 81 81 beforesigning the Agreement. In the Agreement you can consent to the electronic service ofnotices and other documents to your nominated email address.You should only consent to electronic service if you check youremails regularly. Both the landlord and tenant shou
4、ld keep signed copies of thecompleted Agreement for future reference. The landlord mustsupply the tenant with a copy of the completed Agreement within14 days of the tenant signing. This Agreement is printed on carbonless paper and will producecopies for both the landlord and tenant. To fill out the
5、Agreement,place on a hard surface and write firmly. Do not fold theAgreement while writing. If you require extra space to list additional items and terms, attacha separate sheet. All attachments should be signed and dated byboth the landlord and tenant to show that both parties have readand agree to
6、 any attachments. Both the landlord and tenantshould keep a copy of any attachments for future reference. The landlord must give the tenant a copy of Renting a home: aguide for tenants booklet at the start of each tenancy. When a bond is paid, the landlord and tenant must complete aCondition Report
7、and both keep a copy for their records.Telephone Interpreter ServiceIf you have difficulty understanding English, contact the Translatingand Interpreting Service (TIS) on 131 450 (for the cost of a local call)and ask to be put through to an Information Officer at ConsumerAffairs Victoria on 1300 55
8、81 81.Arabic嚴JiMil山聲印13:|卍 /IUJJAIT 圈J戶工ji 7*1(芯 亠心)131 450 ,Ji(TIS).1300 5581 Bl113 工Turkish ingilizce anlamakta giiluk ekiyorsaniz. 131 450den (昶 hirQi konusma ucreiine) Yazih Sdzlu Tercumanlik Servisini TIS)arayarak 1300 55 81 B1 numarali lelefcndan Victoria Tuketici ilerinia 旭 malanni $izi bir D
9、amma Memuru ile gdrtiturmelerini isieyiniz.Vietnamese Neu qui vi khdng hiu ti 舀 ng Anh, xin li 色 n |QCvdi DichUy Thong Phien Dich (TIS) qua sfi 131 450 (vi gia bieu cua cu QQidia phiwng) va yeu cu tfUQc nfi dudng dfly tdi mot Nhan Vied ThingTin 埔 TiSu Thy SiJ Vy Victoria (Consumer Affairs Victoria)
10、qua sd1300 55 81 81.Somali Haddii aad dhibaato ku qabta lahmida lngirii$ka, La iriirAdeegalarjumida iyo Afcelinta (TIS teleloonka 131 450 (qiimahameesha aad jooglo) weydiisuna in lagugu xiro SarkaalkaMaduumaadka e 已 Arrimaha Macrriilaha Fiktooriya Id:1300 55 Bl91.Chinese 如果您聘不大懂英語, 謂打?qū)O詰梢諱和筆怎廢務(wù)蟲, 趙話:
11、131 450(祉花特一個普通甌話費).達世們質(zhì)您抿適規(guī)寒利亞消督者寄狒處(Consumer Affaire Victoria)的信息官昌,擊淖:1300 & 61 81 -Serbian AKQ BAM|eTCIUKOpasywere eHrn&CKM, waaoBHTeCnyx(6y npeBOflnnaL|3HTyMana (Translating and InterpretingService * TIS) Ha 131 450 (no qewy noKariHor no3Mea) vsaMonHie mBHCna0eKy ca CjiyxfieHWKOM saHH中
12、opu 日斗(Inforrnatioo Officeri y &HKTopHjcKoi CyK6n 3a noTpania.4KanwTaHsa (Consumer Affairs Victoria) Ha 1300 55 81B1.Amharkc hlTMir 孫霄阿坪 i TT 砒百尸跡血汁呎(TIS) (IM 斛 131 460 I 儁 tWl 恨血時/片 1300 55 81 SI堿(LX hVLr hi?*申;上art21 Lk-kL sjl jl L IjL jI七LLIJI.J心(T|S)j LkjjiiSjj上jJI-I j L&u Gj.-UJ iL5jl -
13、ddW hCroatian Ako ne razumijete dovoljno engleski, nazovite Sluibutumafa i prevodit&lja (TIS na 131 450 (po cijemi mjesnog poziva)i zamolitd da vas spoje sdjelatnikom za obavijesti u Con sum&rAffairs Victoria na 1300 65 &1 01.Greek AvEXETE6UOKOALE(; aTqv KaTavoqurTTKayvALKiif;yAtiKroaq,
14、EiKKOLVtovnoTE i rr|V 呵毋打迥 MTdppaoi(;Kai AiEppovEiac; (TIS)OTQ131 450 (ME TO KDOTOC; niaqToniKiiq 也伽引 Kai nTiicne va aac; ouvfitoouvUEtvavYrw!iAr|Ao riXnpoPopvCTTTIVYnripEoia npoaTaoiatKaTOivaXujTdjv BIKT山QQR(CQHsumer Affairs Victoria)aravapiepd 1300 55 81 31.Italian Se avete difficolta a com卩 日nd甘陽
15、 Iinglese, contattateil servizio interpreti e traduitori, cio il Translating ard InterpretingService (TIS al 131 450 (per il costo di una chiamata locale), echiedete di essere messi in comunicazione con un operatoreaddetto mile hformazioni del dipartimento Consumer AffairsVictoria al niumero 1300 55
16、 81 61.RT 1 (09/16)con .au/re nti ngPage 1 of 3Page 2 of 3Residential tenancy agreementResidential Tenancies Act 1997 Section 26This agreement is made on the day ofDate:/ /This agreement is betweenLANDLORDName:Name:Address:Postcode:2. RentThe rent amount is ($):Date first rent payment d
17、ue:/ /Pay periodWeekly:Fortnightly:Monthly:Day of each month (e.g. 15th):Place of payment:ACN (if applicable):Name:ACN (if applicable):whose agent is (if applicable)Name:Businessaddress:Postcode:3. Bond The TENANT must pay the bond of $ amount specified below. In accordance with the Residential Tena
18、ncies Act 1997 , theLANDLORD/agent must lodge the bond with the ResidentialTenancies Bond Authority (RTBA) within 10 business days afterreceiving the bond.If the TENANT does not receive a bond receipt from the RTBA within 15business days of handing over the bond money, they shouldtelephone the RTBA
19、on 1300 13 71 64.Telephone number:ACN (if applicable):Bond amount ($):Date bond payment due:/ /If there is more than one TENANT and they do not contribute equally tothe total bond, the amounts they each contribute must be listed here.This list is for reference only and will not be recognised by the
20、RTBA.Name of TENANT 1:and TENANT(S)Currentaddress:Postcode:Name of TENANT 1:ACN (if applicable):Name of TENANT 2:Name of TENANTBond amount ($)Name of TENANT 2:ACN (if applicable):4. PeriodFixed period:Currentaddress:Postcode:Name of TENANT 3:Fixed period:The period of the agreement/commences on:and
21、ends on:/unless the agreement terminates in accordance with the ResidentialTenancies Act 1997 , the agreement will continue as a periodic tenancyName of TENANT 3:Currentaddress:Postcode:OR Periodic:The agreement will commence on:/ /and continue until terminated in accordance with the ResidentialTena
22、ncies Act 199 7.Currentaddress:Postcode:Name of TENANT 4:4A. Consent to electronic service(1) Express ConsentThe TENANT:(Check one box only)Address:Postcode:1. PremisesThe landlord lets the premises known astogether with those items indicated in the Schedule(strike out if not applicable)Consents to
23、the electronic service of notices and other documentsin accordance with the requirements of the ElectronicTransactions (Victoria) Act 2000 at this email address:Email address:OrDoes Not Consent to the electronic service of notices and otherdocuments.Landlord s copyPage 3 of 3Page 4 of 3The LANDLORD:
24、 (Check one box only)Consents to the electronic service of notices and otherdocuments in accordance with the requirements of the ElectronicTransactions (Victoria) Act 2000 at this email address:Email address:OrDoes Not Consent to the electronic service of notices and otherdocuments.(2)Inferred Conse
25、ntIf the TENANT or the LANDLORD (as the case may be) have not consentedto electronic service under subclause (1), the TENANT or the LANDLORDmust not infer consent to electronic service merely from the receipt orresponse to emails or other electronic communications.(3)Change of Electronic AddressThe
26、TENANT or the LANDLORD must immediately give notice in writing tothe other party if the email address for electronic service under subclause (1)changes.(4)Withdrawal of Consent(a)The TENANT or the LANDLORD may withdraw their consentunder subclause (1) to electronic service of notices and otherdocume
27、nts only by giving notice in writing to the other party.(b)Following the giving of notice under paragraph (a), no furthernotices or other documents are to be served by electroniccommunication.5. Condition of the premisesThe LANDLORD must:(a)ensure that the premises are maintained in good repair, and
28、(b)If the LANDLORD owns or controls the common areas, takereasonable steps to ensure that the common areas aremaintained in good repair.6.Damage to the premises(a)The TENANT must ensure that care is taken to avoiddamaging the rented premises.(b)The TENANT must take reasonable care to avoid damaginga
29、ny common areas.(c)The TENANT who becomes aware of damage to the rentedpremises must give notice to the LANDLORD of any damageto the premises as soon as practicable.7.Cleanliness of the premises(a)The LANDLORD must ensure that the premises are in areasonably clean condition on the day on which it is
30、 agreedthat the TENANT is to enter into occupation of the premises.(b)The TENANT must keep the premises in a reasonably cleancondition during the period of agreement.8.Use of premises(a)The TENANT must not use or allow the premises to be usedfor any illegal purpose.(b)The TENANT must not use or allo
31、w the premises to be used insuch a manner as to cause a nuisance or cause aninterference with the reasonable peace, comfort or privacy ofany occupier of neighbouring premises.9.Quiet enjoymentThe LANDLORD must take all reasonable steps to ensure that the TENANThas quiet enjoyment of the premises.10.
32、Assignment or sub-letting(a)The TENANT must not assign or sub-let the whole or any part ofthe premises without the written consent of the LANDLORD. TheLANDLORDconsent must not be unreasonably withheld.(b)The LANDLORD must not demand or receive any fee orpayment for the consent, except in respect of
33、any fees, costs orcharges incurred by the LANDLORD in relation to thepreparation of a written assignment of the agreement.11.Residential Tenancies Act 1997(a)Each party must comply with the Residential Tenancies Act1997.(b)For further rights and duties refer to the Residential TenanciesAct 1997 .Pag
34、e 5 of 3Schedule: A. Items let with the premises (if any); B. Additional terms (if any)This section lists any additional items and terms to this agreement. The terms listed cannot take away any of the rights and duties included in theResidential Tenancies Act 1997. If you need extra space, please at
35、tach a separate sheet.Both the LANDLORD and TENANT should sign and date any attachments.Any additional terms must also comply with the Unfair Contract Terms provisions in the Australian Consumer Law (Victoria). Contact Consumer AffairsVictoria on 1300 55 81 81 for further information or、SignaturesLA
36、NDLORDSignature of LANDLORD:Urgent repairs emergency contact name and telephone number:TENANT(S)Signature of TENANT 1:Signature of TENANT 3:Signature of TENANT 2:Signature of TENANT 4:Residential tenancy agreementResidential Tenancies Act 1997 Section 26Residential Tenancies Regulations 2008-Schedul
37、e 1 Form1Note: Enter text in spaces provided only. This form will be invalid ifyou remove or change any questions or other text.Important informationPlease read this before completing the Residential TenancyAgreement. This form is your written record of your tenancy agreement. This isa binding contr
38、act under the Residential Tenancies Act 1997 , soplease read all terms and conditions carefully. If you need advice on your rights and responsibilities, please callthe Consumer Affairs Victoria Helpline on 1300 55 81 81 beforesigning the Agreement. In the Agreement you can consent to the electronic
39、service ofnotices and other documents to your nominated email address.You should only consent to electronic service if you check youremails regularly. Both the landlord and tenant should keep signed copies of thecompleted Agreement for future reference. The landlord mustsupply the tenant with a copy
40、 of the completed Agreement within14 days of the tenant signing. This Agreement is printed on carbonless paper and will producecopies for both the landlord and tenant. To fill out the Agreement,place on a hard surface and write firmly. Do not fold theAgreement while writing. If you require extra spa
41、ce to list additional items and terms, attacha separate sheet. All attachments should be signed and dated byboth the landlord and tenant to show that both parties have readand agree to any attachments. Both the landlord and tenantshould keep a copy of any attachments for future reference. The landlo
42、rd must give the tenant a copy of Renting a home: aguide for tenants booklet at the start of each tenancy. When a bond is paid, the landlord and tenant must complete aCondition Report and both keep a copy for their records.Telephone Interpreter ServiceIf you have difficulty understanding English, co
43、ntact the Translatingand Interpreting Service (TIS) on 131 450 (for the cost of a local call)and ask to be put through to an Information Officer at ConsumerAffairs Victoria on 1300 55 81 81.Arabic嚴JiMil山聲印13:|卍 /IUJJAIT 圈J戶工ji 7*1(芯 亠心)131 450 ,Ji(TIS).1300 5581 Bl113 工Turkish ingilizce anlamakta gi
44、iluk ekiyorsaniz. 131 450den (昶 hirQi konusma ucreiine) Yazih Sdzlu Tercumanlik Servisini TIS)arayarak 1300 55 81 B1 numarali lelefcndan Victoria Tuketici ilerinia 旭 malanni $izi bir Damma Memuru ile gdrtiturmelerini isieyiniz.Vietnamese Neu qui vi khdng hiu ti 舀 ng Anh, xin li 色 n |QCvdi DichUy Tho
45、ng Phien Dich (TIS) qua sfi 131 450 (vi gia bieu cua cu QQidia phiwng) va yeu cu tfUQc nfi dudng dfly tdi mot Nhan Vied ThingTin 埔 TiSu Thy SiJ Vy Victoria (Consumer Affairs Victoria) qua sd1300 55 81 81.Somali Haddii aad dhibaato ku qabta lahmida lngirii$ka, La iriirAdeegalarjumida iyo Afcelinta (T
46、IS teleloonka 131 450 (qiimahameesha aad jooglo) weydiisuna in lagugu xiro SarkaalkaMaduumaadka e 已 Arrimaha Macrriilaha Fiktooriya Id:1300 55 Bl91.Chinese 如果您題不大情英話, 講打邀話抬口譯和誓澤麗拜廳, 域話;131 450 花一個普通孫括曹h樟他們厳您接通雄辛利亞消者事 務(wù)戰(zhàn)(Consumer Affairs Victoria)的信息官豈戡話;1300 55 射 01Serbian AKQ BAM|eTCIUKOpasywere eH
47、rn&CKM, waaoBHTeCnyx(6y npeBOflnnaL|3HTyMana (Translating and InterpretingService * TIS) Ha 131 450 (no qewy noKariHor no3Mea) vsaMonHie mBHCna0eKy ca CjiyxfieHWKOM saHH中 opu 日斗(Inforrnatioo Officeri y &HKTopHjcKoi CyK6n 3a noTpania.4KanwTaHsa (Consumer Affairs Victoria) Ha 1300 55 81 B1.Amh
48、arkc hlTMir 孫霄阿坪 i TT 砒百尸跡血汁呎(TIS) (IM 斛 131 460 I 儁 tWl 恨血時/片 1300 55 81 SI堿(LX hVLr hi?*申;上art21 Lk-kL sjl jl L IjL jI七LLIJI.J心(T|S)j LkjjiiSjj上jJI-I j L&u Gj.-UJ iL5jl -ddW hCroatisn Ako ne razumij&t dovoljno engleski, nazovite Sluibutumaia i prevoditelja (TIS na 131 450 (po cijem mjesnog
49、 pcziva)I zamolite da vas spoje sdjelatnikom za obavijesti u ConsumerAffairs Victoria na 1300 55 81 81.Greek AvEXETE6UOKOALE(; aTqv KaTavoqurTTKayvALKiif;yAtiKroaq, EiKKOLVtovnoTE i rr|V 呵毋打迥 MTdppaoi(;Kai AiEppovEiac; (TIS)OTQ131 450 (ME TO KDOTOC; niaqToniKiiq 也伽引 Kai nTiicne va aac; ouvfitoouvUEt
50、vavYrw!iAr|Ao riXnpoPopvCTTTIVYnripEoia npoaTaoiatKaTOivaXujTdjv BIKT山QQR(CQHsumer Affairs Victoria)aravapiepd 1300 55 81 31.Itdlidn Se avete difficolta a comp renders Iinglese, contattate ilservizia interpreti e traduitori, cio il Translating ard InterpretingService (TIS) al 131 450 (per il costo d
51、i una chiamata locale), echiedete di essere messi in comunicazione con un operatoreaddetto 日 lie informazioni del dipartimento Consumer AffairsVictoria Ell niumero 1300 55 81 01.RT 1 (09/16)con .au/re nti ngPage 1 of 3Page 2 of 3Residential tenancy agreementResidential Tenancies Act 199
52、7 Section 26This agreement is made on the day ofDate:/ /This agreement is betweenLANDLORDName:Name:Address:Postcode:2. RentThe rent amount is ($):Date first rent payment due:/ /Pay periodWeekly:Fortnightly:Monthly:Day of each month (e.g. 15th):Place of payment:ACN (if applicable):Name:ACN (if applic
53、able):whose agent is (if applicable)Name:Businessaddress:Postcode:3. Bond The TENANT must pay the bond of $ amount specified below. In accordance with the Residential Tenancies Act 1997 , theLANDLORD/agent must lodge the bond with the ResidentialTenancies Bond Authority (RTBA) within 10 business day
54、s afterreceiving the bond.If the TENANT does not receive a bond receipt from the RTBA within 15business days of handing over the bond money, they shouldtelephone the RTBA on 1300 13 71 64.Telephone number:ACN (if applicable):Bond amount ($):Date bond payment due:/ /If there is more than one TENANT a
55、nd they do not contribute equally tothe total bond, the amounts they each contribute must be listed here.This list is for reference only and will not be recognised by the RTBA.Name of TENANT 1:and TENANT(S)Currentaddress:Postcode:Name of TENANT 1:ACN (if applicable):Name of TENANT 2:Name of TENANTBo
56、nd amount ($)Name of TENANT 2:ACN (if applicable):4. PeriodFixed period:Currentaddress:Postcode:Name of TENANT 3:Fixed period:The period of the agreement/commences on:and ends on:/unless the agreement terminates in accordance with the ResidentialTenancies Act 1997 , the agreement will continue as a
57、periodic tenancyName of TENANT 3:Currentaddress:Postcode:OR Periodic:The agreement will commence on:/ /and continue until terminated in accordance with the ResidentialTenancies Act 199 7.Currentaddress:Postcode:Name of TENANT 4:4A. Consent to electronic service(1) Express ConsentThe TENANT:(Check on
58、e box only)Address:Postcode:1. PremisesThe landlord lets the premises known astogether with those items indicated in the Schedule(strike out if not applicable)Consents to the electronic service of notices and other documentsin accordance with the requirements of the ElectronicTransactions (Victoria)
59、 Act 2000 at this email address:Email address:OrDoes Not Consent to the electronic service of notices and otherdocuments.Tenant s copyPage 3 of 3Page 4 of 3The LANDLORD: (Check one box only)Consents to the electronic service of notices and otherdocuments in accordance with the requirements of the El
60、ectronicTransactions (Victoria) Act 2000 at this email address:Email address:OrDoes Not Consent to the electronic service of notices and otherdocuments.(2)Inferred ConsentIf the TENANT or the LANDLORD (as the case may be) have not consentedto electronic service under subclause (1), the TENANT or the LANDLORDmust not infer consent to elect
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