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1、2021 年高考英語全國卷 1 精校版2021 年高考英語全國卷一第二部分閱讀理解(共兩節(jié),滿分 40 分)第一節(jié) (共 15 小題;每小題 2 分,滿分 30 分)ATrain In formatio nAll customers travell ing on TransLink services must be in possessi on of a valid ticket before boarding. For ticket information,please ask at your local station or call 13 12 30.While Quee nsla nd

2、 Rail makes every effort to en sure trai ns run as scheduled, there can be no guara ntee of connectionsbetwee n trai ns or betwee n trai ns services and bus services.Lost property(失物招領)Call Lost Property on 13 16 17 duri ng bus in ess hours for items lost on Quee nsla nd Rail services. The lost prop

3、erty officeis ope n Mon day to Friday 7:30 am to 5:00 pm and is located(位于)at Roma Street station.Public holidaysOn public holidays, gen erally a Sun day timetable operates. On certa in major event days, i.e. Australia Day, An zac Day,sport ing and cultural days, special additi onal services may ope

4、rate. Christmas Day services operate to a Christmas Daytimetable. Before travel please visit trasli .au or call TransLink on 13 12 30 any time.Customers using mobility devicesMany stati ons have wheelchair access from the car park or entrance to the stati on platforms.For assista nee, please call Qu

5、ee nsla nd Rail on 13 16 17.Guardia n trains( outbo und)DepartOriginDest in ati onArrive6:42pmAlta ndiVarsity Lakes7:37pm7:29pmCe ntralVarsity Lakes8:52pm8:57pmFortitude ValleyVarsity Lakes9:52pm11:02pmRoma StreetVarsity Lakes12:22am21. What would you do to get ticket in formatio n?A. Call 13 16 17.

6、 B. Visit tran sli .au.C. Ask at the local statio nD. Check the train schedule.22. At which station can you find the lost property office?A. Alta ndi.B. Roma Street. C. Varsity Lakes. D. Fortitude Valley23. Which train would you take if you go from Cen tral to Varsity Lakes?A. 6:42pm B. 7:29pm C. 8:

7、57pm D. 11:02pmBReturning to a book you ve read many times can feel like drinks with an old friend. There s awelcome familiarity-but also sometimes a slight suspicion that time has changed you both,and thus the relati on ship. But books don t cha nge, people do. And that s what makes the actof rerea

8、di ng so rich and tran sformative.The beauty of rereadi ng lies in the idea that our bond with the work is based on our prese ntmental register. It s true, the older I get, the more I feel time has wings. But with reading, itall about the prese nt. It about the now and what one con tributes to the n

9、ow, becausereadi ng is a give and take betwee n author and reader. Each has to pull their own weight. There are three books I reread2021 年高考英語全國卷 1 精校版annu ally. The first, which I take to readi ng every spri ng, is Ern est Hem in gway A moveable Feast.Published in 1964,it s his classic memoir of 19

10、20s Paris. The Ianguage is almost intoxicating(令人陶醉的 ),an aging writer lookingback on anambitious yet simpler time. Another is Annie Dillard sHoly the Firm, her poetic 1975 ramble( 隨 筆)about everyth ing andnothing. The third book is Julio CortazarSave Twilight: SelectedPoems, because poetry. And bec

11、ause Cortazar.While I tend to buy a lot of books, these three were given to me as gifts, which might add to the meaning I attach to them. ButI imagi ne that, while money is in deed won derful and necessary, rereading an author s work is the h igihrrency a readercan pay them. The best books are the o

12、nes that open further as time passes. But remember, it s you that has to growand read and reread in order to better un dersta nd your frien ds.24. Why does the author like rereadi ng?A. It evaluates the writer-reader relati on ship.B. It s a window to a whole new world.C. It s a substitute for drink

13、ing with a friend.D. It exte nds the un dersta nding of on eself.25. what do we know about the bookA Moveable Feast?A. It s a brief account of a trip. B. It s about Hemingway s life as a young man.C. It s a record of a historic event. D. It s about Hemingwiparis. s friends in26. What does the underl

14、ined word“urrency ” in paragraph 4 refer to ?A. Debt.B. Reward. C. Allowa nee. D. Face value.27. What can we infer about the author from the text?A. He loves poetry. B. He s an editor. C. He s very ambitious. D. He teaches reading.CRace walk ing shares many fitn ess ben efits with running, research

15、shows, while most likely contributing to fewer injuries. Itdoes, however, have its own problem.Race walkers are con diti oned athletes. The Ion gest track and field event at the Summer Olympics is the 50-kilometerrace walk, which is about five miles Ion ger tha n the marath on. But the sports rules

16、require that a race walkers kn ees staystraight through most of the leg swing and one foot remain in contact(接觸)with the gro und at all times. Its this stra ngeform that makes race walk ing such an attractive activity, however, says Jacl yn Norberg, an assista nt professor of exercisescie nee at Sal

17、em State Uni versity in Salem, Mass.Like running, race walking is physically demanding, she says. According to most calculations, race walkers moving at apace of six miles per hour would burn about 800 calories (卡路里) per hour, which is approximately twice as many as theywould burn walking, although

18、fewer tha n running, which would probably bur n about 1,000 or more calories per hour.However, race walk ing does not pound the body as much as running does, Dr. Norberg says. According to herresearch, runners hit the ground with as much as four times their body weight per step, while race walkers,

19、who do not leavethe ground, create only about 1.4 times their body weight with each step.As a result, she says, some of the injuries associated with running, such as runners knee, are un com mon among racewalkers. But the sports stra nge form does place con siderablestress on the an kies and hips, s

20、o people with a history of such injuries might want to be cautious in adopt ing the sport.Infact, anyone wish ing to try race walk ing should probablyfirst consult a coach or experieneed racer to learn proper technique, she says. It takes some practice.28. Why are race walkers con diti oned athletes

21、 ?2021 年高考英語全國卷 1 精校版A. They must run long dista nces.B. They are qualified for the marath on.C. They have to follow special rules. D. They are good at swi nging their legs.29. What adva ntage does race walk ing have over running?A. It s more popular at the Olympics.B. It s lesallenging physically.C

22、. It s more effective in body building.D. It s less likely to cause knee injuries.30. What is Dr. Norberg s suggesti on for some one trying race walk ing?A. Getting experts opinions. B. Having a medical checkup.C. Hiri ng an experie need coach. D. Doi ng regular exercises31. Which word best describe

23、s the author s attitude to race walking?A. Skeptical. B. Objective C. Tolera nt. D. Con servative.DThe conn ecti on betwee n people and pla nts has long bee n the subject of scie ntific research.Recent studies have found positive effects. A study con ducted in Youn gstow n, Ohio, for example, discov

24、ered that greenerareas of the city experieneed less crime. In another, employees were show n to be 15% more productive whe n theirworkplaces were decorated with housepla nts.The engin eers at the Massachusetts In stitute of Tech no logy(MIT)have take n it a step further - cha nging the actualcomposi

25、ti on of pla nts in order to get them to perform diverse, even unu sual functions. These in clude pla nts that have sensors prin ted onto their leaves to show when theyre short of water and a plant that can detect harmful chemicals in gro undwater. Were thinking about how we can engin eer pla nts to

26、 replace functions of the things that we use every day,explained Michael Strano, a professor of chemical engineering at MIT.One of his latest projects has bee n to make pla nts glow(發(fā)光) in experime ntsusing some com mon vegetables Stranos team found that they could create a faint light for three-a n

27、d-a-half hours. The light,about on e-thousa ndth of the amount n eeded to read by, is just a start. The tech no logy, Strano said, could one day be usedto light the rooms or even to turn trees into self-powered street lamps.In the future, the team hopes to develop a version of the tech no logy that

28、can be sprayed on to pla nt leaves in aon e-off treatme nt that would last the pla nts lifetime. The engineers are also trying to develop an on and off switch wherethe glow would fade when exposed to daylight.Lighting accounts for about 7% of the total electricity consumed in the US. Since light ing

29、 is ofte n far removedfrom the power source c電源)-such as the dista nee from apower pla nt to street lamps on a remote highway - a lot of en ergy is lost duri ng tran smissi on(傳輸) .Glow ing pla nts couldreduce this dista nee and therefore help save en ergy.32. What is the first paragraph mainly abou

30、t?A. A new study of differe nt pla nts.B. A big fall in crime rates.C. Employees from various workplaces. D. Ben efits from gree n pla nts.2021 年高考英語全國卷 1 精校版33. What is the function of the sen sors prin ted on pla nt leaves by MIT engin eers?A. To detect pla nts lack of water. B. To cha nge composi

31、ti ons of pla nts.C. To make the life of pla nts Ion ger. D. To test chemicals in pla nts.34. What can we expect of the glowi ng pla nts in the future?A. They will speed up en ergy product ion. B. They may tran smit electricity to the home.C. They might help reduce en ergy con sumpti on. D. They cou

32、ld take the place of power pla nts.35. Which of the followi ng can be the best title for the text?A. Can we grow more glowi ng pla nts? B. How do we live with glowi ng pla nts?C. Could glowi ng pla nts replace lamps? D. How are glowi ng pla nts made polluti on-free?第二節(jié) (共 5 小題;每小題 2 分,滿分 10 分)A Few

33、Tips for Self-Accepta neeWe all want it . to accept and love ourselves. But at times it seems too difficult and too far out of reach. 36Heresa han dful of ways that will set you in the right directi on.37 Do not follow the people who make you feel no t-good-e no ugh. Why do you follow them? Are you

34、hop ingthat eve ntually you will feel empowered because your life is better than theirs? Know that your life is your own; you are theonly you in this world.Forgive yourself for mistakes that you have made. We are often ashamed of our shortco min gs, our mistakes andour failures.38 You will make mist

35、akes, time and timeagain. Rather than getting caught up in how you could have done better, why not offer yourself a compassi on ate ( 有同情心)respon se? That did nt go as pla nn ed. But, I tried my best.Recog nize all of your stre ngths. Write them dow n in a jour nal. Beg in to train your brain to loo

36、k at stre ngth beforeweak ness. List all of your accomplishme nt and achieveme nts. You have a job, earned your degree, and you got out of bedtoday.39Now that youve listed your stre ngths, list your imperfect ions. Turn the page in your journ al. Put i nto words why youfeel un worthy, why you dont f

37、eel good eno ugh. Now, read these words back to yourself. 40 Turn to a page in your journalto your list of stre ngths and achieveme nts. See how awesome you are?A. Feeli ng upset aga in?B. Where do you start?C. Nothi ng is too small to celebrate.D. Remember, you are only huma n.E Set an inten tio n

38、for self-accepta nee.F. Stop compari ng yourself with others.G. When does the comparis on game start?第三部分語言知識運用(共兩節(jié),滿分 45)第一節(jié)(共 20 小題;每小題 1.5 分,滿分 30 分)Since our twins bega n lear ning to walk, my wife and I have kept tell ing them that our slidi ngglass door is just a win dow. The 41 is obvious. If

39、 we 42 it is a door, theyto go outside 43. It will drive us crazy. The kids apparently know the 44 . But ourin sisti ng its 45 a win dow has kept them from 46 milli ons of requests to ope n the door.I hate lying to the kids. One day they47 andldiscover that everyth ing theyve alwaysknown about win d

40、ows is aI wonder if 49 shouldll want482021 年高考英語全國卷 1 精校版always tell the truth no matter the50 . I have a very strong51 that the lie were telli ng is doing 52 damage to our childre n. Win dows and doors have 53 metaphorical (比喻) meanings.Im telli ng them they cant ope n what they absolutely know is

41、a door. What if later in 54 they come to a metaphorical door,like an opport un ity(機會)of some sort, and 55 ope ning the door and tak ing the opport uni ty, they just 6 it and won der, What if it isnt adoor? That is, What if it isnt a57 opportu nity?Maybe its an un reas on able fear. But the 58 is th

42、at I should nt lie to my kids. I should just 59 repeatedly havi ng to say,No. We cant go outside no w. The n whe n they come to other doors in life, be they real or metaphorical, they wont60to open them and walkthrough.41. A. reliefB. targetC. reasonD. case42. A. admitB. believeC. meanD. realize43.

43、A. graduallyB. con sta ntlyC. temporarilyD. casually44. A. resultB.dangerC. methodD. truth45. A. merelyB. slightlyC. hardlyD. partly46. A. reviewi ngB. approv ingC. receivi ngD. attempti ng47. A. win outB. give upC. wake upD. sta nd out48. A. dreamB. lieC. fan tasyD. fact49. A. pare ntsB. twi nsC. c

44、olleaguesD. teachers50. A. restrict ionsB. expla natio nsC. differe ncesD.consequences51. A. dema ndB. fearC. desireD. doubt52. A. physicalB. biologicalC. spiritualD. behavioral53. A. traditio nalB. importa ntC. doubleD. origi nal54. A. lifeB. timeC. replyD. history55. A. by comparison with B. in ad

45、dition toC. regardless ofD. in stead of56. A. get hold ofB. stare atC. knock onD. make use of57. A. realB. typicalC. similarD. limited58. A. safety ruleB. comfort zoneC. bottom lineD. top secret59. A. delayB. regretC. enjoyD. accept60. A. hurryB. decideC. hesitateD. intend第二節(jié)(共 10 小題;每小題 1.5 分,滿分15

46、分)China has become the first country to land a spacecraft on the far side of the moon. The unmanned Chan ge-4 probe(探測器 )-the n ame was in spired by an ancient Chin ese moon goddess - 61(touch) dow n last week in the SouthPole-Aitke n bas in. Landing on the moonsfar side is 62 (extreme) challenging.

47、 Because the moons body blocks direct radio com muni catio n with a probe, Chi na firsthad to put a satellite in orbit above the moon in a spot 63 it could send sig nals to the spacecraft and to Earth. The far side ofthe moon is of particular 64 (interesting) to scientists because it has a lot of deep craters (環(huán)形山),more so 65 the familiar near side. Chinese researchers hope to use the instruments on board Chan ge-466(find)and study areas of the South Pole-Aitke n bas in. Thisreally


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