1、精品自學考試資料推薦全國 2018年 7月高等教育自學考試英語科技文選試題課程代碼: 00836I. Directions: Add the appropriate affix(es) to each word according to the given Chinese, making changes when necessary.(10%)1. reqUisite先決條件1._2. cast預(yù)報2._3. system系統(tǒng)化3._4. strength加強4._5. sense感覺的5._6. Poison有毒的6._7. mathematics元數(shù)學7._8. clUster超星系團8.
2、_9. condUctor半導體9._10. media多媒體10. .Directions: Fill in the blanks, each USing One Of the given words and PhraSeS below in its proper form.(10%)allot show UP alternative bear oUt inject with end UPhave a bearing onbe familiar with bUmP intowhat'smore11. EventUally we shall be able to “ hUmanize”
3、 animals by them hUman genes fortransPlantation PUrPoses, so that their organs will become comPatible with the body of the Person receiving the transPlant.12. These insights were later by the observations made by Gregor Mendel in the secondhalf of the nineteenth centUry.13. Men are from Mars, women
4、from VenUs., women do Phonological Processing withboth their right and left inferior frontal gyri.14. SUch a book woUld be by no means academic, bUt woUld wide the generalhistory of thoUght and ideas.15. Every day, however, we Phenomena that may well be Unknowable bUt that we do notrecognize as sUch
5、.16. Anyone who needs to Understand how varioUs sUbstances interact, or how they change whenconditions change, has to some of the fUndamental PrinciPles of chemistry.17. Defects as variations from the Perfect model becaUse they ProdUce an interferencePattern.18. The groUP leader a sPecial task to ea
6、ch Person.19. BUt FM-RI is more Precise than other techniqUes which is how she and her hUsband discovering sex differences in Phonological Processing, or letter-to-soUnd conversion.20. It takes time to developen ergy sources.In .Directions: Fill in each blank With a SUitabIe Word given below.(20%)ho
7、w that SUCh these Con SUmPti Onhigh better ano therhelp comb ineas ide ntify adva need Certa in kno WIedge reliablein CreaS in glyof further Un derA no teworthy adva nce in agricultural tech no Iogy will be expert COmPUter SyStemS that21knoWIedge from many disciplines to help guide farmers ' act
8、ion. SeVeraI 22“ decisiOnSUPPOrt systems” are now 23developme nt to aid farmers With soil man ageme nt. Most24 are SyStemS for han dli ng PhOSPhOrUS deficie ncy and 25 acidity, but OtherS are in the offing. 26 COmPUter applicati OnSnotonly PreSe nt an expert an alysis 27 What is known and the effect
9、 a 28 management approach might produce, but they also Can 29 key gaps in kno WIedge that might be addressed by 30 data collecti on.The Strength of expert SyStemS is 31 they Can combine SCientific PrinCiPIeS With indigenous farming 32 A Weakness is that they may not PrOVide 33 anSWerS for SitUati On
10、S that evolve rapidly.34 approach, in volvi ng nu merical SimUIatiO ns, Can35 deal With ContinUOUSly Changing effects SUCh as weather. The aim 36 is to in tegrate expert SyStemS and SimUIatiO n models. 37 this goal is accomplished, farmers will38 USe COmPUter-based tools to 39 Con trol pests, reduce
11、 Water 40 and man age many differe nt kinds of crops.21. 22.23. 24.25. 26.27. 28.29. 30.31. 32.33. 34.35. 36.37. 38.39. 40.IV .Directions: Translate the following SentenCeS into English, each USing One of the given words or PhraSeS below.(10%)in com monbe regarded asbump intoaffordUntan glebein COmP
12、atibIe41. 在許多情況下,接受器官移植的身體對移植器官有排他性。42. 這兩個朋友有許多共同之處。43. 解開纏繞的電線花了他很長時間。44. 心理學是生物科學的一個分支。他研究人的心理狀態(tài)、心理過程等現(xiàn)象。45. 這個國家難以舍棄這些受過良好教育的專業(yè)人才。V .Directions: Translate the following ParagraPh(S) into Chinese.(15%)46. Cyberspace,of course, is bigger than a telephone call. It enCOmPaSSeS the milliOnS of PerSOn
13、al COmPUterS Connected by modemsVia the telephOne system to COmmerCiaI OnIine services, as well as the millio ns more With high-speed IinkS to local area n etworks, OffiCe E-mail SyStemS and the Intern et. It in CIUdeS the rapidly expa nding WireIeSS services: microwave towers that Carry great qua n
14、tities of cellular pho ne and data traffic; com muni Cati OnS satellites StrUng like beads in geos ynchronous orbit; low-fly ing satellites that will Soon CriSSCrOSS the globe like angry bees, Conn ect ing folks too far-fl Ung or too much On the go to be tethered by wires. SOmeday even our televisi
15、On SetS may be Part of CyberSpace, tran SfOrmed into in teractive “ teleputers” by so-called full-service n etworks like the OneS SeVeraI CabIe-TV compa ni es(i nclud ing Time Warner) are buildi ng along the old cable Iin es, USing fiber OPtiCS and high-speed switches.W .Directions:Read through the
16、following PaSSageS and choose the best anSWer marked A,B,C or D.(20%)There are two main thi ngs that make aircraft engin eeri ngdifficult; the n eed to make everycomp Onent as reliable as POSSibIe and the n eed to build everyth ing as light as POSSible. The fact that an aeropla ne is UP in the air a
17、nd Cannot stop if anything goes wrong, makes it PerhaPS a matter of life or death that its PerfOrma nce is absolutely depe ndable.GiVen a Certain power of engine, and ConSeqUently a Certain fuel ConSUmPtiOn, there is a PraCtiCaI limit to the total Weight of aircraft that Can be made to fly. OUt of t
18、hat Weight as much as POSSibIe is Wan ted for fuel, radio n avigati Onalin StrUme nts, PaSSe nger seats, or freight room, and, of course, the PaSSe ngers or freight themselves. So the StrUCtUre of the aircraft has to be as small and light as Safety and efficie ncy will allow. The desig ner must calc
19、ulate the no rmal load that each Part will bear. ThiS SPeCiaIiSt is called thetress man '.He takes acco Unt of any unu sual StreSS thatmay be PUt On the Part as a PreCaUti On aga inst errors in manufacture, acciede ntal damage, etc.The StreSS man's calculati OnS go to the desig ner of the pa
20、rt, and he must make it as Strong as the StreSS man SayS if n ecessary. One or two SamPIeS are always tested to prove that they are as Strong as the desig ner inten ded. EaCh SeParate Part is tested, the n a whole assembly, for example, a complete wing, and fin ally the whole aeropla ne. When a new
21、type of aeropla ne is being made, no rmally On Iy One of the first three made will be flow n. Two will be destroyed On the gro Und in StrUCtUraI tests. The third One will be tested in the air.Two kinds of ground Stre ngth tests are Carried out. The first is to find the resista nce to load ing of the
22、 Wings, tail, etc. Until they reach their maximum load and collapse. The other test is for fatigue Stre ngth. ReIatiVeIy small loads are applied thousa nds of times. EaCh may be well Un der What the StrUCtUre could Sta nd as a Sin gle load, but many repetiti OnSCan result in collapse. One from of th
23、is test is done on the PaSSe nger Cab in.It is filled With air at high PreSSUre as for high-altitude flying and completely SUbmerged in a large tank of Water while the test is going on. The SUrroUnding Water PreVents the Cabin from burst ing like a bomb if there is a failure.When a Pla ne has PaSSed
24、 all the tests it Can get a gover nment CertifiCate of airworth in ess, WithoUt WhiCh it is illegal to fly, except for test flying.Making the work ing PartS reliable is as difficult as making the StrUCtUre Strongeno ugh. The flying Con trols, the electrical equipme nt, the fire PreCaUti ons, etc. mu
25、st not only be light in weight, but must work both at high altitudes Where the temperature may be below freez ing Pointand in the hot air of an airfield in the tropics.To solve all these problems the aircraft i ndustry has a large nu mber of research workers, With elaborate laboratories and test hou
26、ses, and new materials to give the best Stre ngth in relati On to Weight are Con Sta ntly being tested.47. The two main requireme nts of aircraft desig n are.A. SPeed and CheaP nessB. reliability and PaSSe nger comfortC. making things both light and depe ndableD. ability to Stay UP in the air and av
27、oid breakdow ns48. The maximum POSSibIe Weight of an aircraft is determ ined by.A. the enigne powerB. the amount of freight roomC. the nu mber of PaSSe ngersD. intern ati Onal regulatio ns49. The StreSS man's job is to calculate.A. how Safe the pla ne isB. how Strong each Part must beC. What hei
28、ght the pla ne will fly atD. the amount of IUggage each PaSSe nger may Carry50. The first three aeropla nes of a new type.A. are all destroyedB. do not flyC. are later broke n UP for SPare PartSD. are USed for test ing PUrPOSeS51. The PaSSe nger Cab in test in Water is desig ned to.A. make SUre the
29、pla ne would be Safe if it Ian ded in WaterB. test fatigue Stre ngthC. See of the Cab in will burst like a bombD. keep the Cab in coolSUrPriS in gly, no one knows how many ChiIdre n receive educatio n in En glish hospitals, still less the Content or quality of that educati on. PrOPer records are jus
30、t not kept.We know that more tha n 850,000 ChiIdre n go through hospital each year, and that every child of school age has a legal right to Con ti nue to receive educati On while in hospital. We also know there is Onlyone hospital teacher to every 1,000 ChiIdre n in hospital.LittIe Wonder the IateSt
31、 SUrVey ConCIUdeS that the extent and type of hospital teaching available differ a great deal across the CoUn try. It found that half the hospitals in En gla nd WhiCh admit ChiIdren have no teacher. A further quarter have Only a part-time teacher. The SPeCiaI ChiIdren 'hospitals in major CitieS
32、do best; general hospitals in the CoUntryand holiday areas areworst off.From this survey, OneCan estimate that fewer than One in five Children have SomeContactWith a hospital teacher and that Contact may be as little as two hours a day. Most ChiIdren in terviewed Were SUrPriSed to find a teacher the
33、y had not bee n PrePared for it by Pare nts or their OWn school. If there WaS a teacher they Were much more likely to read books and do maths or nu mber work; WithOUt a teacher they would Only play games.ReaSOnS for hospital teaching range from PreVenting a child from falling behind and main ta inin
34、g the habit of school to keep ing a child occupied, and the Iatter is ofte n all the teacher Can do. The POSiti Onand in flue nce of many teachers WaS SUmmed UP Whe n referred to them as the Iibrary lady 'or just the helper'.ChiIdre n tend to rely On ConCerned school friends to keep in touch
35、 With school work. SeVeraI Pare nts spoke of requests for work being ignored or refused by the school. OnCe back at school, ChiIdre n rarely get extra teach ing, and are told to CatCh UP as best they can.Many ShOrt-Stay ChiId-Patie nts CatCh UP quickly. BUt schools do Very little to ease the an Xiety about falli ng beh ind expressed by many Of the ChiIdre n in terviewed.52. The Writer of this article PointS out that.A. every child in hospital receives some teach ingB. not eno Ugh is known about hospital teach ingC. hospital teach ing is of poor qualityD. many ChiIdre n PaSS through hospit
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