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1、4. peoplerespondeng poi ntofthe questi on,a nd re pliedt oquestionspoint.Manis t hesumofsocialrelationshi ps. Wecake.cAtidvhee.rDeiftfoerentvalues,meet.It issaid t hatin the "agriculturalsociety,people pla nt"in "industrial society,man i sana nimal""the information society,

2、ret urnnnot leavethe chichuaen certain political ,economic, culturaland soci alenvironment,aobei ng.Pend self-a ctualizati on needs.Itshould be notedthatpe opl e arenot machi nes, not theslave ofan obje ct,notto behave theirown personanper sonality, has its own dignity. Person i n nee d of care,y ou

3、needtoso -calle d Outlook,understand,ne ed todevelopment,a nd seeking, majorproblem andfosteradvantage industr y,andadjustment agricultural strucutre,andcarrie d教育教學研究參考課題特別說明:為了盡可能地為基層學校與廣大語文教師提供全方位的語文研究領域和研究范圍,筆者通過多方途徑和多種資料,收集和羅列了下面230 個“語文學科參考課題”和若干“非學科類參考課題”,意在開闊視野、拓展思路和提供方便,希望大家能從中受到啟發(fā),得到靈感,寫出高


5、究15、語文教學中專題研究性學習的實踐與思考16 、語文學科自主學習運作模式的實踐研究17 、語文學科合作學習運作模式的實踐研究18、語文學科開辟學習資源和實踐機會的研究19、語文教學中充分發(fā)揮教師主導與學生主體作用的研究20、關于新型師生關系建立的幾點思考21 、案例法在語文教學中運用22、農村初中語文書法教學綜合評價體系研究23、新課程對語文教師素質要求的研究24、語文教學處理好目標預設與生成教學關系的策略研究25、閱讀教學中提高學生審美情趣和欣賞品位的研究26、多項互動式閱讀教學模式的思考與實踐研究27、文言文閱讀教學的新思考新實踐28、學校網絡化語文教學的展望與可行性研究ople.Th

6、e so -calle d Outlook,lity,ha sitsow nper sonality, has its own dignity. Person in nee d of care,y ouneedtois one ofthepra ctical form ofvalue s. Theso-calledval ues refers to theobjectivethings are ofnoval ue andthe val ue offundamental perspective.Differentvalues,attitudeis on the record, includin

7、gw ho, howto create arecordofachievements, howtoevaluateperformance, a nd so on.What values,what kindofOutlook.Adhereto4. peopleresponde dtothe starting poi ntofthe questi on,a nd re pliedt oquestionspoint.hesumofsocialrelationshi ps. Wecan society, retnnot leavethe chichuadifferent.Pe ople -ori ent

8、ed focuson huma nvaluea nd realit y,weneed thebroadest massesas values.A dheret ope ople -ori entedval ues, i s tomake theepremise ofrespecti ng the i nterestsand powerofpe opl e,creati ng a popul ar,warmhe arts,steady heartperforma nce, creating"servefor one officer,the be.I d- .- . 一 一 一. _ -

9、.一.一一 一 _ . |.|nt,entertai ning, andev en certain political ,econ omic,cultural andsoci alenvironment,and sooopme nt,improve democracy, culturalpr osperity,a ndlivea happier; i sdee ply concerne d that human development a nd humanval ues, development ofsoci aland huma n devel opme nt of rational uni

10、fie d, insisted i nthe materialcivi lization, political s,and overallconstruction ofwell-offsociety and pr omoting theall-r ound developmentof peopl e's performa nce.Achi evement evaluati on i n bot heconomic a ccomplishments,take anotherlookatthe effectiveness ofsocialpr ogress; changes i n bot

11、-_I一. -. L - . . II_I 1 . 一 - " .11 I - . .1IL I.II_IL.nI L - -L 一 . JL. .I . . . Injoyi ngthe results oftheconstruction.Colorfulin thetransformationofthe pe ople oftheworl d,communityvitality inthe creationofman.Therefore,anyworkwedo,the starting pointis human,what arepe ople. Usspeedcivilizat

12、i on andspiritua l civilizati on inthe overalladva nceme ntof Social ist civili zation t oa hig herlevel.Al sowa h ur ban a nd rural cha nge; both harde nvironme nttostrengt hen a ndtake an other l ook atthe softenvironmentimpr一 . |- L I _ L _ II - II _. _ofwhich is tomeetthe nee dsof people,includi

13、ngneedsanttoseet hat person' s value is not only meetyour nee ds,al so ist omeettheneeds of others andthe communit y.Adheret opeople -ovementmoment um ofdevel opment at present, de pending onthe pote ntialforsustai nabl edevel opme nt. Leave people totalkaII - -. II- . . . . I III - - . I- - .-.

14、一 1Ind self-a ctualizati on needs.Itshould be notedthatpe opl e arenot machi nes, not the slave ofan obje ct,notto becontr olled.Peoplehave theirown personacommunitymember,serveot hers, beneficialtothecommunityofpeopleto talkabout "Outlook" is notwhatt heperforma nce.- I - - I - 一 -underst

15、and,ne ed to29、以人為本的語文教學新思路探索30、注重學生學習過程,發(fā)展學生學習水平的實踐研31 、新教材實施過程中的理念提升與操作困惑的對策研32、新教材文本對改進學生學習方式的研33、新課程背景下課堂教學中教師與學生角色的思考與認識34、新課程背景下改善備課的方式方法的研35、新課程背景下預防學生兩極分化的策略研36、新課程背景下考試的命題與評價方法的研37、新課程標準下的教學目標研38、關于新舊語文課程標準知識能力體系的研39、新舊語文課程標準對學生能力發(fā)展要求與教學策略的研40、新舊語文課程標準中知識要求與教學策略研41 、人文性與工具性相統(tǒng)一的實踐研42、語文教學實施人


17、創(chuàng)新意識與創(chuàng)新能力的實踐研7、閱讀教學優(yōu)化序列層次設計的實踐研8、閱讀課中提高學生參與度的實踐與研9、閱讀課學生活動多樣性的實踐與研10、 “導學式”課堂閱讀教學模式的實踐研11、閱讀課中教學設問的現(xiàn)狀分析及對策研12、課堂閱讀教學中“啟而不發(fā)”現(xiàn)象的歸因分析13、閱讀課中增強提問思維含量的實踐研14、閱讀提問過程的控制與調節(jié)策略的實踐研15、閱讀教學中加強語言訓練的實踐與研Now,we arein a newhistoricalstage ofall-roundconstructi on ofawell-offsociety.In perform duties,a ndcarriedoutw

18、orkof process i nthe,we t o put peopleas ag uide principle s,and atest standard, efforts frommasses most hope doofthings doup,from masses most careofhotproblemgrabbed,frommasses mostnot satisfacti on ofplace m odified up, notmake nominalofformalism,not dograndstandi ngofcosmetic, t o seeki ng ofstyl

19、e,hel pmasse s share,is peoplebe nefit. (C)the investee people is notonlyani dea,it isajobre quirement. Philosophythroughtothepe opl e-orient ed thought int he work oftheOffice,mustbeclearworkobje ctives.Party Officein the city thisyearremai ns:Adva nced civi lstrife, local brand.The County (City) P

20、artyCommittee officesand units directly underthe Office tohol d hig hthe banneroffirsttoexcellence,people-oriented requirements,strengthentheconstr uction a nd manageme nt oftheOfficetowardst he work "ahig herlevel".Investee1.politicalparticipati on base d on conspiracy to a dhere t o pe o

21、ple -oriented, willbear ound to promotecoor dinationDevelopment events,great searching s.The 16session ofthe party'sscientific Outlook on development,is the newCentral collective leadership to t hedeve lopme nt of connotation,developme ntessential s,further deepen thee sse nceofdevelopmenta nd i

22、 nnovation,i s our party's ruli ngidea ale ap.Atpresent,esta blishinga nd impleme ntingthe sci entific concept ofdevelopment hasbe comet heparty's importantwork.Asthe Office ofpartyCommittee,workingpartyshoul d servi ce ce nter, initiative to claim leadership of the deci sion,the curre ntfoc

23、us istofocus on promoting compr ehe nsive, coordinate dand sustaina ble deve lopme ntwith more suggesti ons,do more research,summarized thetypical.Oneis drafted toraise thelevel ofyour pre sentation. our prese ntationis themai n Office of"product s", isthe basic carrierstaffservice ,is imp

24、orta nttomeasure servicelevels.T he qualityofyourpresentati on, mai nlyde pendsonhowmuchwedrafted adocume nt recog nize d bythe lea dership, how many are li steni ngto the people in favour ofthereport, howmanypaid divi dends int hepra cticalwork.Impr oveprese ntation drafting level,requireme nt swe

25、accurategrasp led intent,Ge neral l ed care ofw orkaretoasunder stand,General led considerof problemareto in -de pth thi nking;requirementswehighlig ht pla ce features,put superi or approa ch policy a nd locala ctual combi ned up, put presentati on ofthemethrustand masses of by thoug ht bywant s toc

26、ombine d up;requirement sweseeks t ostreamline dclear,with simple oflang uageexpre ssion de ep ofthoug ht,with shortof le ngthhostedri ch ofconnotati on.Se cond,t he survey resultsmor e. Investigati on ofthe base ,the roa d to success is something,is ourfor theParty Committee'spolicy de cisi on

27、a good i dea, an im portantpar tofa goodstaff.This year,to focusaround i ndustrialXING city,a nd farmers increase,a nda nd ma npowerdlt dkibldftdtidt ddttiltlt t di 2development,a nd seeking, majorproblem andfosteradvantage industr y,andadjustment agricultural str uct ure,andcarrieis one ofthepra ct

28、ical form ofvalue s. Theso-calledval ues refers to theobjectivethings are ofnoval ue andthe val ue offundamental perspective.Differentvalues,attitudeis on the record, includingw ho, howto create arecordofachievements, howtoevaluateperformance, a nd so on.What values,what kindofOutlook.Adhereto. I. I

29、I_ -dl 一一. .一 一 .一一 - . 一 I I _ I. .1 - - . I >II. . I LI -4. peopleresponde dtothe startimeet.It issaid thatin the "agriculturalsocing poi ntofthe questi on,a nd re pliedt oquestionspoint.ety,people plant"in "industrialsociety,man iManis t hesumofsocisana nimal""the info

30、rmationsociety,retalrelationshi ps. Weca nnot leavethe chichuapeople's behaviour,attitudes,waysarepeople -orie ntedOutlook,is on thedifferent.Pe ople -ori ented focuson huma nvaluea nd realit y,weneed thebroadest massesas values.A dheret ope ople -ori entedval ues, i s tomake theepremise ofrespe

31、cti ng the i nterestsand powerofpe opl e,creati ng a popul ar,warmhe arts,steady heart performance, creating"servefor one officer,the be.I J- .- . 一 _ -.一.一一 一 _ . |.|nt,entertai ning, andev en certain political ,economic, culturalandsoci alenvironment,and sooopme nt,improve democracy, cultural

32、pr osperity,a ndlivea happier; i sdee ply concerne d that human development a nd humanval ues, development ofsoci aland huma n devel opme nt of rational unifie d, insisted i nthe materialcivi lization, political civilizati on a ndspiritua l civilizati on inthe overalladva nceme ntof Social ist civil

33、i zation t oa hig herlevel.Al sowa s,and overallconstruction ofwell-offsociety and pr omoting theall-r ound developmentof peopl e's performa nce.Achi evement evaluati on i n bot heconomic a ccomplishments,take anotherlookatthe effectiveness ofsocialpr ogress; changes i n bot h ur ban a nd rural

34、cha nge; both harde nvironme nttostrengt hen a ndtake anotherl ook atthe softenvironmentimpr-_I一. -. L - . . II_I 1 .- 一 一. - I - - " .11I - 一 . .1IL I.II_IL.I L - -L 一 . JL. . I. I. . - . . I 一 . |- L I _ L _ II - II.一一njoyi ngthe results oftheconstruction.Colorfulin thetransf ormati onofthe p

35、e opleoftheworl d,communityvitality inthe creationofman.Therefore,anyworkwedo,the starting poiis huma n,what arepe ople. Usspeedofwhich is tomeetthe nee dsof people,includingnttoseet hat person' s value is not only meetyour neeovementmoment um ofdevel opment at present,II- -.otionalneeds a nd se

36、lf-a ctualizati on needs.Itshould be noteds,al so ist omeettheneeds of others andthe communit y.Adheret opeople -de pending onthe pote ntialforsustai nabl edevel opme nt. Leave people totalka .I III - - . I, L .1 1Idthatpe opl e arenot machi nes, not the slave ofan obje ct,notto becontr olled.People

37、have theirown personacommunitymember,serveot hers, beneficialtothecommunityofpeopleto talkabout " Outl ook" is notwhatt heperforma nce.- I - - I - 一 -understand,need to16、閱讀課中組織學生有效討論的實踐研究17、閱讀教學中優(yōu)化教師指導行為的實踐研究18、閱讀教學中強化反饋矯正的實踐探索19、閱讀課中教學節(jié)奏調控藝術的探索20、學生篩選處理語文信息能力的培養(yǎng)研究21、圖式理論在閱讀中的應用研究23、開掘教材的


39、究10、作文教學中增強批改實效性的研究11、作文生活化的操作策略12、 “話題作文教學”的研究13、 “開放性作文”教學的實踐與研究14、 “作文教學生活化”的實踐與研究15、改革作文評改方式,提高作文教學效益的實踐研究四、探究性語文教學活動的實施與研究l 、語文教學活動現(xiàn)狀分析與對策研究2、探究性語文教學活動的理論思考3、探究性語文教學活動實施的基礎與條件的研究4、培養(yǎng)學生主動探究學習品質的研究5、探究性教學活動的基本模式與變式的實踐研究6、 (各種文體)探究性語文課堂教學活動的實踐研究7、探究性語文課外教學活動的實踐研究Now,we arein anewhistoricalstage of

40、all-roundconstructi on ofawell-offsociety.In perform duties,andcarriedoutworkof process i nthe,we t o put peopleas aguide principle s,and atest standard, efforts frommasses most hope doofthings doup,from masses mostcareofhot problemgrabbed,frommasses mostnot satisfacti on ofplace m odified up, notma

41、ke nominalofformalism,not dograndstandi ngofcosmetic, to seeki ng ofstyle,hel pmasse s share,is peoplebenefit. (C)the investeepeople is notonlyanidea,it isajobre quirement. Philosophythroughtothepeopl e-orient ed thought int he work oftheOffice,mustbeclearworkobje ctives.Party Officein the citythisy

42、earremai ns:Advanced civilstrife, localbrand.TheCounty (City) PartyCommittee officesand units directly underthe Office tohol d highthe banneroffirsttoexcellence,people-oriented requirements,strengthentheconstruction a nd manageme nt oftheOfficetowardsthe work "ahigherlevel".Investee1.polit

43、i calparticipati on base d on conspiracy to adhere t o people -oriented, willbear ound to promotecoor dinationDevelopment events,great searching s.The 16session ofthe party'sscientific Outlook on developme nt,is the newCentral collective leadership to thedeve lopme nt of connotation,developme nt

44、essential s,furtherdeepen theesse nce ofdevelopment and i nnovation,i s ourparty's rulingidea ale ap.Atpresent,esta blishingand implementingthe scientific conceptofdevelopment hasbe comet heparty's importantwork.AstheOffice ofpartyCommittee,workingpartyshoul d servi ce ce nter, initiative to

45、 claim leadership of thedeci sion,the curre ntfocus istofocus on promoting compr ehe nsive, coordinate dand sustainable deve lopmentwith more suggesti ons,do more research,summarized thetypical.Oneis drafted toraise thelevelofyour pre sentation. our presentation is themain Office of"product s&q

46、uot;, isthe basic carrierstaffservice ,is importa nttomeasure servicelevels.T he qualityofyourpresentation, mai nlyde pendsonhowmuchwedrafted adocume nt recognize d bythe lea dership, how many are listeningto the people in favour ofthereport, howmanypaid divi dends int hepra cticalwork.Impr oveprese

47、ntation drafting level,requirements weaccurate graspled intent,Generalled care ofworkaretoasunderstand,General led considerof problemareto in-de pth thi nking;requirementswehighlig ht pla ce features,put superior approach policy a nd locala ctual combi ned up, put presentati on ofthemethrustand mass

48、es of by thoughtbywants tocombined up;requirementsweseeks t ostreamline dclear,with simple oflanguageexpression de ep ofthought,with shortof lengthhostedri ch ofconnotati on.Se cond,the survey resultsmor e. Investigation ofthebase,the roa d to success issomething,isourfor theParty Committee'spol

49、icy de cisi on a good idea, an importantpartofa good staff.This year, to focusaround i ndustrialXING city,a nd farmers increase,a nda nd ma npowerdltdkibldftdtidt ddttiltltt di3development,and seeking, majorproblem andfosteradvantage industry,andadjustment agricultural struct ure,andcarrieis one oft

50、hepra ctical form ofvalue s. Theso-calledval ues refers to theobjectivethings areofnoval ue andthe val ue offundamental perspective.Differentvalues,people's behaviour,attitudes,waysaredifferent.Pe ople -ori ented focuson huma nvaluea nd realit y,weneed thebroadest massesas values.A dheret ope op

51、le -ori entedvalues, i s tomake theeconomymore developme nt,improve democracy, culturalpr osperity,a ndlivea happier; i sdeeply concerne d that human development a nd humanval ues, development ofsoci aland huma n devel opment of rational unifie d, insisted inthe materialcivilization, political civil

52、ization andspiritual civilizati on inthe overalladva nceme ntof Social ist civili zation t oa hig herlevel.Al sowa nttoseet hat person' s value is not only meetyour needs,al so ist omeettheneeds of others andthe communit y.Adheret opeople -ori ented,t ostronglyadvocateeverycommunitymember,serveo

53、t hers, beneficialtothecommunityofpe ople.The so -calle d Outlook,attitudeis on the record, includingwho, howto create arecordofachievements, howtoevaluateperformance, and so on.What values,what kindofOutlook.Adheretopeople -orie ntedOutlook,is on thepremise ofrespecting the interestsand powerofpe o

54、pl e,creati ng a popul ar,warmhe arts,steady heartperforma nce, creating"servefor one officer,the be nefitof"achievements,and overallconstruction ofwell-offsociety and pr omoting theall-round developmentof peopl e's performa nce.Achi evement evaluati on i n bot heconomic a ccomplishmen

55、ts,take anotherlookatthe effectiveness ofsocialpr ogress; changes i n bot h ur ban a nd rural cha nge; both harde nvironme nttostrengt hen a ndtake an other l ook atthe softenvironmentimprovementmoment um ofdevelopment at present,de pending onthe pote ntialforsustai nabl edevel opme nt. Leave people

56、 totalka bout"values"are worthlessand leave peopleto talkabout "Outlook" is notwhattheperforma nce.7、 peopleresponde dtothe starting poi ntofthe questi on,a nd re pliedt oquestionspoint.Manis t hesumofsocialrelationshi ps. Wecannot leavethe chichua nyongdu,housi ng,tourismand ent

57、ertainment,entertai ning, andev en certain political ,econ omic,cultural a ndsoci alenvironment,a nd soon. Dueto human needs,allwalksoflifewillcomeintobei ng.Pe ople createf ortheirsurvival, andcontinue enjoyi ngthe results ofthe construction.Colorfulin thetransformati onofthe pe ople oftheworl d,communityvitality


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