This Is Us《我們的生活》第六季第十四集完整中英文對照劇本_第1頁
This Is Us《我們的生活》第六季第十四集完整中英文對照劇本_第2頁
This Is Us《我們的生活》第六季第十四集完整中英文對照劇本_第3頁
This Is Us《我們的生活》第六季第十四集完整中英文對照劇本_第4頁
This Is Us《我們的生活》第六季第十四集完整中英文對照劇本_第5頁
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1、我們的生活前情回顧Previously onThis Is Us.你可以親吻新娘了You may now kiss the bride.我決不會讓你迷失 女人的字跡I would never leave you lost. in female handwriting.這是封情書嗎This a love letter?看 胸罩Look, a bra.就在這個帶花圖案的披肩旁邊And its right next to some kind of floral wrap thingy.你覺得他昨晚和誰睡了Who do you think he slept with last night?可能是婚禮歌

2、♥手 菲利普的朋友It could be the wedding singer. Philips friend.她昨晚參加了排練She was at the rehearsal last night.而且他們還聊天了And they were talking.等等Wait.你看到索菲看他的眼神了嗎Did you see that look Sophie just gave him?他倆之間也有很多過往They have crazy history together.但等等 她結婚了But wait. Shes married.-對 這不是她的風格 -說得對- Oh, yeah.

3、Thats not her MO. - Mm. No.-還有卡西迪 他的女伴 -是的- Then theres Cassidy, his plus-one. - Right.但只是朋友Just as a friend, though.哥 說真的So, for real, bro,你昨晚到底干什么了what happened with you last night?這個就說來話長了Oh, man, its a long story.很精彩嗎Is it a good story?情人節(jié)快樂凱文致艾拉你愿意做我的愛人嗎凱文致金你愿意做我的愛人嗎凱文致安娜你愿意做我的愛人嗎離大日子還有一天現(xiàn)在幾點了

4、你們知道時間嗎What time it is. You guys have the time?我們的彩排晚宴馬上就要開始了Uh, were about to have our rehearsal dinner.-你有其他事要忙嗎 -沒有- Do you have somewhere else to be? I dont. - No.我完全不是.這個意思No, thats not what I was. talking about at all.她真的很會唱 對吧Shes really something, huh?*墜入愛河*Falling in love.*這是皮爾森家的魔咒 不能看熱辣的歌

5、♥手Pearson kryptonite. Hot singers onstage在臺上演唱經典搖滾曲目singing rock classics.-我爸就是這樣愛上我媽的 -是啊- Its how Dad fell for Mom. - Yeah.唱的是月影 對吧Oh, uh, Moonshadow, right?我總得復習一下關于皮爾森家的知識I had to brush up on my Pearson trivia才能好好迎娶一位皮爾森回家before, you know, marrying one.咱們去跟其他客人打個招呼吧Lets go say hi to someb

6、ody else.-好啊 祝你們開心 -好- All right, have fun. - Okay.*牽起我的手*So, take my hand.*-今天挺帥啊 皮爾森 -非常感謝- Looking good, Pearson. - Oh, thank you very, very much.你今天也不賴哦Youre not looking so bad yourself.我化妝了 等不及想洗臉了Im wearing makeup. I cant wait to wash my face.不過我知道我很美But also, yeah, I know.-你還知道呢 -必須的- You kno

7、w. - I do.*但是我*But I.*-保姆說美女 -哎喲- Manny say Slut. - Well, hey.這句臺詞倒是很新鮮 你好Havent heard that one before. Hi.-我是奧利弗 菲利普的表兄 -我是凱文- Oliver. Philips cousin. - Kevin.我聽說 咱們兩個Oh. So, I, uh, hear you and I是這場婚禮僅有的兩位單身男性are the only eligible blokes at this shindig.你打算向誰展開攻勢 有想法嗎Any thoughts on who you want t

8、o go for?我可不想侵犯你的領地I-I dont want to step on any toes或者擾了你的興致or cross any swords.除非你想玩點刺♥激♥的U-Unless youre into that.沒有 其實 我只是想來No. I. You know, I was. I was actually just here為凱特和菲利普慶祝一下 所以.to celebrate with Kate and Philip, so.好吧Okay.你慢點 別摔著Okay. Easy. Easy.穩(wěn)點 不要著急Yeah, you got it. Pa

9、ce yourself.-那是奧利弗 -好吧- Oliver. Yeah. - Hmm.怎么了What?別裝了Come on, man.我們都知道你一整天了We both know youve been staring都在盯著那扇門 等著索菲走進來at that door, willing Sophie to walk through it all day.沒有 我根本不知道你在說什么No, I dont even know what youre talking about.我完全沒有在等誰I have not been doing any of those things.過去幾年你見過她幾次

10、How many times have you seen her in the last few years?就兩次 一次是她媽媽的葬禮Just twice. You know, I saw her once at her mothers funeral,后來就是凱特和菲利普的訂婚派對and then I saw her again at Kate and Philips engagement party.她已經結婚了 小凱Shes a married woman, Kev.別在凱特的婚禮上鬧出什么緋聞Dont cause any drama at our sisters wedding.我和

11、索菲之間沒什么問題 放心吧Look, Sophie and I are cool. All right, man?我們.Were.完全不需要擔心Nothing to worry about.行吧Right.*我無法自控*I cant help*墜入愛河*Falling in love*我們的生活 第六季第十四集*愛上了你*With you.*索菲 見到你真開心Sophie, its so good to see you.你肯定累壞了You must be so tired.是啊 我看起來就很疲憊吧Oh, my gosh, I must look it. I just had-這趟飛機確實坐得很

12、折騰 -大學怎么樣- a really, really long plane ride. - Hows college?你和凱文對異地還適應嗎How are you and Kevin handling the long distance?我. 這個.Oh. Um. Its, uh.我知道很難Yeah, I-I know its rough,你們堅持住but hang in there.好Yeah.我見到你真的很開心Well, its-its really wonderful to see you again.-我也很開心 -好- Mm. Its good to see you, too. -

13、 Yeah.首先很抱歉這樣打擾你Im just so sorry about all this,我叫阿麗爾um, but Im Arielle,我即將給你一個很大的擁抱and Im gonna give you a big hug right now.-好吧 -好- Oh. Yeah, okay. - Okay.你能看到我身后那個男人嗎Can you see the man behind me?可以 他叫奧利弗Oh, yeah. Thats, uh, thats Oliver.-他還在嗎 -他還在- Is he still there? - He is still there.-真對不起 -沒

14、事- Im so sorry. - Yeah.我一直想告訴你I-Ive just been meaning to tell you,我真是太喜歡你了I am your biggest fan!季終那集太精彩了I mean, that season finale?我都沒想到I mean, I didnt know情景喜劇居然能這么暖心a sitcom could be so heartwarming!-非常感謝你的認可 -對- Well, thank you very, very much. Um. - Yeah.休格蘭特的反義詞離開了Hugh Grants opposite has-has l

15、eft.-我覺得你安全了 -謝謝- I think the coast is clear. - Thank you.沒問題 為了粉絲應該做的Yeah, no problem. Anything for a fan.其實 我沒看過你的劇Actually, Ive never seen your show.-好吧 -我其實聽廣播比較多- Yeah. Yeah. - Im just more of a podcast person.沒關系 我完全不介意No, honestly, I couldnt be less offended, really.那邊.Thats, uh. Its. You kno

16、w,我打算去跟一個老朋友聊一下Im-Im gonna go talk to an old friend real quick.-當然 -好嗎 跟你聊天很開心- Of course. Mm-hmm. - Okay? It was good talking to you.-我也是 -回見- You, too. Okay. - Okay, Ill see you. All right.-爸爸 爸爸 -你倆來了- Dad! Dad! Dad! Dad! - Ah! Hey! Ah, there you are.你倆想干什么 你倆想干什么What do we got? What do we got?我們

17、能去篝火旁做烤棉花糖餅干嗎Can we go make smores at the bonfire?可以嗎 拜托爸爸Can we? Can we, please?那個糖分太多了 你們媽媽怎么說Uh, this is a lot of sugar. Whatd your mom say?她說只要你能找到食材就可以She said its fine as long as you get the stuff to make them.食材還得讓我找是吧As long as I get the stuff to make them.如果你不嫌麻煩的話If its not too much troubl

18、e.不 我不嫌麻煩 那就做烤棉花糖餅干吧No. No, I dont think its too much trouble. Smores it is.好嗎All right? Yeah?你們有烤棉花糖餅干了You get smores.最好拿件外套Oh, we better get a jacket.-是的 -可能會很冷- Yeah. - Its gonna be cold.你確定這不是你的嗎Are you sure this isnt yours?不 這不是我的行李No, this-this is not my luggage.相信我 我能看出來這是不是我的箱子Trust me, if t

19、his was my bag, I would know.如果我是你 我就會假裝這是我的Well, if I were you, I might just pretend its mine to see看看里面有什么what the heck is inside this thing.所以 你確定嗎So, are you sure?-確定 -女士- Yes. - Maam?你確定那不是你的箱子嗎Are you sure thats not your bag?發(fā)生什么了Uh, so, what-what happened?-機場弄丟了你的行李嗎 -是的- The airport lose you

20、r luggage? - Yep.現(xiàn)在我徹底完了Now Im totally screwed cause,我只隨身帶了一條應急內♥褲♥you know, I just have this emergency pair of underwear,因為千萬不能cause you never want-穿著臟內♥褲♥被送進急救室 -被送進急救室-to get stuck in an ER with dirty drawers. -Stuck at the ER.-那是你媽媽首要的 -那是我媽媽唯一的- Thats your moms numbe

21、r one. - Thats my moms only. Yeah.要求.rule. Yeah.所以該怎么辦 我要怎么幫你解決Uh, okay, so, what do we do? How do I fix this?-怎么幫你找點衣服 -鎮(zhèn)上大部分商店- How do we get you clothes? - Most of the stores in town半小時內就會關門了close in half an hour.這里店鋪都很早關門Things shut down early here.-你和格蘭特租車了嗎 -沒有- You and Grant rent a car? - Oh,

22、 no.沒有 其實他被留在紐約了No, he, uh, he actually got stuck in New York.說來話長 沒什么好說的Its a long, boring story.-工作上的事 -我可以載你去- Just had to work. - Um, I could drive you.-不用麻煩了 -沒事的- Oh, you dont have to. - Its okay.反正我得去趟鎮(zhèn)上拿點東西I got to run into town and grab some stuff anyway.我可以載你Ill-Ill drive you.真的嗎 你確定Really

23、? Are you sure?當然 沒問題Yeah. Its not a problem.-好 -好 你能把車開出來嗎- Okay. - Okay. Can you pull the car around?-當然 馬上就去 -好了 走吧- Of course, right away. - Yeah? All right, come on.我為凱特和菲利普租的I rented it for Kate and Philip.所以 不開這輛 就只能開高爾夫球車了So, its either this or a golf cart.好吧Okay.請上車Shall we?新婚這有點不合適 對吧Just,

24、 uh. This is a lot, right?嗯 明智之舉Yeah, thats probably a good call.給你Yeah. Here you go.好了Okay. All right.抱歉 我們關門了抱歉 小菲Sorry, Soph.看來這就是最后一家店了Looks like this was our last option.干洗店我有辦法了I think I have an idea.-你好 -你好- Hi there. - Hi.我們要關門了Just about to close.抱歉 你會不會恰好有一些Im sorry, you dont happen to hav

25、e沒人認領的衣服a rack of unclaimed clothes, do you?我是來這里參加婚禮的Look, I-Im in town for a wedding,機場弄丟了我的行李and the airport lost my luggage.我. 我是真的沒辦法了I just. Im really in a bind here.小心碰頭Watch your head.看看那頭帶紅標簽的衣服On the other side with a red tag.好的 很好 謝謝Okay. Great. Thank you.-我們盡快 我保證 -謝謝- Uh, well be fast,

26、I promise. - Thank you.這是離婚后我媽媽教我的小技巧This is a little trick my mom taught me after the divorce.生活很拮據 所以我們得節(jié)衣縮食Money was tight, so we used to go thrifting.你從沒告訴過我You never told me that.是沒有 那也不是什么Um. Yeah, well, its not exactly something值得到處炫耀的事情that you go around bragging about, you know.快點 幫我看看Come

27、on, start looking.遵命 遵命Oh. Yes, maam. Yes, maam.你的孩子們怎么樣了Um, how are. how are your kids doing?他們很棒Oh, uh, theyre incredible.他們很棒 我知道所有父母Theyre incredible. And I know thats something都會說他們的孩子很特別that all parents say, you know, that their kids are special.我的孩子們很特別My kids are special.他們真的很特別 非常特別They rea

28、lly are, though. They. Theyre special.他們很與眾不同 真的很與眾不同And theyre so different. Theyre so different.弗蘭妮是個很早熟的小女孩Franny is this, um, really precocious little girl.她總是在問問題 好奇心很強Shes always asking questions. Shes very curious.尼奇是個很調皮的孩子And Nicky is this, uh. a wild child他總是想都不想就開始做who dives into things h

29、eadfirst without even thinking.有時候真是完全不想Sometimes literally.-似曾相識啊 -是的- Sounds familiar. - Yes.報應啊 那孩子真是個五歲大的小莽漢Karma. Its a five-year-old running with scissors.這件或許可以Oh, this might work.的確Oh, yeah.我們剛才好像經過了試衣間And I think that we passed a dressing room-就在那邊 -很好- right there. Yeah. - Oh, great.你能幫我拉著

30、這個嗎 因為.Um, can you, uh, hold this up cause its.?當然Oh, yeah, sure.-沒問題 -謝謝- No problem. - Thank you.交給我了You got it.對了 我最近.Oh, hey, I, uh.我最近在雜♥志♥上看到了一張你的照片I recently saw a picture of you in some magazine你看起來像村民樂隊的成員looking like one of the Village People.是的 那個Oh, yeah, that, um.那是GQ的造型Th

31、at was the GQ profile.我想為非營利組織爭取一些曝光度I was trying to get press for the nonprofit,他們堅持讓我戴頂硬帽子and they insisted that I wear a hard hat,所以就看起來那樣了so thats, uh, what that was.我看到之后都笑了Oh. Well, it made me smile.至少初衷是好的At least it was for a good cause.好了 你可以放下簾子了Okay, you can let down the curtain.是嗎Yeah?好的

32、All right.這件很合適Yeah, thisll do.是的Yeah.我覺得這件挺好I-I think youll get by just fine.一開始我們不確定So, yeah, at first we werent sure會不會有人感興趣 但其實thered be any interest, but theres actually a.這個的需求很大Theres a big demand for it.那些退伍軍人.他們想建立圈子These vets, they want. they want connection, you know?他們想要自己的社群They want co

33、mmunity.對了 有個叫漢克的人Actually, this guy Hank,我上周在施工基地見過他at a foundation pour last week,他說與同樣狀態(tài)的退伍軍人在外工作he tells me that working outside with vets just like him讓他感受到了.gave him these little- get this-一隅寧靜pockets of peace.對 他說以前Yeah. Peace that he said從沒想過還能體會到這種感覺he didnt think hed ever be able to find.真

34、好 一隅寧靜Aw. Pockets of peace.-我喜歡這說法 -我也是- I love that. - Me, too.在大城市救死扶傷感覺如何So, hows saving lives in the big city?-進展順利嗎 -其實.- Hows that going? - Um, you know what?我目前正在Im actually saving lives柏林的一個小鎮(zhèn)救死扶傷outside a little town in Berlin at the moment.是德國柏林嗎Is that the-the German Berlin?因為我知道德州有叫巴黎的地方

35、Because I know theres, uh, theres a Paris, Texas.巴黎 德州是一部德國公路電影-不是 就是德國那個 -好吧- Uh, yeah, no. No, its the German one. - Okay.我目前的工作是名旅行護士Im-Im working as a traveling nurse now.-我不知道還有這種職業(yè) -有的- I didnt know that was a thing. - Yeah. Yeah.我媽去世后Um, after my mom died,我找到了她列的清單I found this list that she w

36、rote.寫的是她生前想去旅行的地方Um, it was all these places that she wanted to visit.所以我也列了自己的清單So I made my own list.然后我們去了And we went to意大利度蜜月Italy for our honeymoon.然后去了巴黎And then Paris.-是法國的那個 -稍等一下- You know, the French one. - Wait, hold on a second.你是說法國也有地方叫巴黎嗎Did you say that theres a French one?法國確實有巴黎Th

37、eres a French one.對 然后我朋友跟我說了旅行護士的差事Yeah. And then my friend told me about this traveling nurse gig,-于是我就上任了 -聽起來很有趣- so I just jumped on the opportunity. - Sounds like fun.但你和格蘭特一定不好過Its got to be tough, though, all that long distance得忍♥受異地戀 對嗎 肯定不太.with you and Grant, right? I mean, that ca

38、nt be.對 有這個問題Oh, yeah, it is, but, um,但我可以工作一陣you know, I can work for a chunk and then,然后休息一陣.you know, take a stretch off and.-是啊 -嗯- Yeah. - Yeah.但我得承認 夜間航♥班♥折磨死我了I will admit, the, uh, the red-eyes are killing me.-是嗎 -嗯 我變老了- Yeah? - Yeah. Im getting old.-你變老了嗎 我才是老了 -別這么說- Youre g

39、etting old? Im getting old. - Oh, please.凱文皮爾森是凍齡之身Kevin Pearson doesnt age.凱文皮爾森會老 我都開始長白胡子了Kevin Pearson ages. My beards coming in gray.-才沒有 -真的 我在考慮染一下胡子- No, its not. - It is, it is. Im thinking about dyeing it.就在這邊Right here on the corner.-你來看. -我不相信你- Check it out. Look at. - I dont believe yo

40、u.-湊近點 看這里 -我看看- Get in there. Take a look. - Let me see. Let me see.-天吶 -對吧- Oh, my God. - Yeah.你長白胡子了You have gray hair.你不許染胡子You are not allowed to dye that.我說我只是考慮去染I said I was thinking about dyeing it.不行 我不允許No, I forbid it.去年 尼奇從健身格子架上摔了下來Last year, Nicky fell off the jungle gym臉被劃了道大口子and cu

41、t his chin pretty bad.傷口很深It was deep,我覺得他可能需要縫幾針and I thought maybe he was gonna need stitches.我第一個想到的念頭就是And the first thought that came to my mind我應該打個電♥話♥給你was that I should call you.我想給索菲打電♥話♥ 發(fā)張照片I thought, Call Sophie and send her a picture.她就能教你怎么處理了Shell tell you

42、 what to do.你當時可以打來的You could have called.對了 我猜你在旅途中一定累壞了You know, y-youre probably exhausted from traveling.我們該回去了 對嗎We should probably get back, right?不用 感覺我已經累過勁了No, I think I just got a second wind.-看這景色 -嗯- Check out that view. - Yep.感覺你很幸福 小菲 我.You seem really happy, Soph. Im.很高興你找到了對的人Im glad

43、 you found someone.我確實很幸福 小凱I am really happy, Kev.我也離婚了Im also divorced.慶祝時刻歡迎來到凱特和菲利普的訂婚聚會感謝你的到來你還好嗎Hey, are you okay?我說了她會跟她老公一塊來I told you she was gonna be here with her husband.是啊Yeah.我挺好的 沒關系Yeah, Im-Im okay. Thats fine.因為其實 已經.Because, you know, it was like.好 我就去打個招呼 沒大問題All right, Im just go

44、nna go say hi. No big deal.保持冷靜就行Just be super cool.絕對的 十分感謝.Totally, yeah. Oh, thank you very much.-天吶 -糟糕- Oh! Oh, my God. - Oh, shoot.-沒關系 -灑了很多 我?guī)湍?不不- Okay. No, its okay. - Thats a lot. Let me- No, no.我去拿點紙巾 別急Ill get a napkin. No, no,-我馬上就回來 -沒事 不用了- Ill be right back. - Its fine. No, Im fine.

45、好的吧 還能再尷尬點嗎Oh, good, this isnt awkward at all.還好 灑的是白葡萄酒Well, at least it was, um, white wine.是啊Yeah.好的 給你 我浸了點蘇打水All right, here you go. Get some club soda on that.-謝謝 -應該能清除.我可以幫你- Oh. Thanks. - Its supposed to take out the. I can help you.-不用了 我自己來 -也許我不該.- No, I got it. Im good. - Probably shoul

46、dnt.我是格蘭特Uh, Grant.-終于見到你了真好 -我是凱文- Its nice to finally meet you. - Kevin.我知道 其實我.Oh, I know. Yeah, Ive, uh,我在布魯克林的每班地鐵上都見過你的乳♥頭♥Ive actually seen your nipple on every subway car in Brooklyn.是啊 皇后區(qū)有些車也有Yeah, a few in Queens, too.是啊 那是我的招牌廣♥告♥Yeah, my Des Resistance ad.我已經

47、給他們露過五年乳♥頭♥了Its, uh, Ive been their nipple guy for the last half decade now.實在太可笑了Its absolutely ridiculous,但賺的錢能供我的雙胞胎讀大學 所以.but the money goes towards my twins college, so.雙胞胎 肯定很難搞Wow, twins, that has got to be a handful.確實有點 但其實Can be, can be, but, you know,他們每天都會給我驚喜 所以.they blow

48、my mind every day, so.我知道那種感覺I know the feeling.我挺喜歡那個人的I actually liked the guy.真的 實話說 我感覺他很可靠I did, I thought he was a really solid dude, honestly.我以為他.I-I thought he was.對 他那時是挺可靠I mean, yeah, he-he was.現(xiàn)在也是Is. He is.所以我當初才會被他吸引 不過.Thats why I was drawn to him in the first place, but.我只是沒有辦法.I ju

49、st wasnt.不聊這個話題也沒事We dont have to talk about it.沒事 沒關系Oh, no, its- Im-Im fine.已經結束一段時間了It had been over for a while.我們后來就只是裝裝樣子We were just going through the motions.但整個過程 感覺像是.You know, but the whole thing, it just kind of,逼著我變得更成熟you know, it forced me to grow up.-是嗎 -我只花了45年時間- Yeah. - It only to

50、ok me 45 years.45年嗎45 years?-我只用了44年 -好吧- Only took me 44. - Oh, okay.以前的凱文一定會一直煩我You know, the old Kevin would be bugging me讓我解釋為什么不早點告訴他to explain why I hadnt told him sooner.才不會 拜托 離婚后我已經成長了No, come on, Ive grown up since then.我現(xiàn)在跟以前不一樣了Different person now.你為什么不早點告訴我Why didnt you tell me sooner?

51、我不知道 我就是.Oh, I dont know, I just.我得自己先放下了You know, I needed to make peace with it myself才能跟別人聊這件事before I could talk about it with anybody else.你媽還以為我們是夫妻Your mom still thinks were married.醫(yī)生說這個病是全家的病The doctor calls it a Family disease,確實如此and, boy, it is.我們所有人的情緒都像是坐過山車And were all on this emotion

52、al roller coaster.前一分鐘 她還知道她在哪 還認識我A-And one minute, she knows where she is and who I am下一分鐘 她就迷失在另一個and in the next minute shes lost out at sea完全不同的時空 她會把我當成另一個人in another time entirely and Im-Im someone else to her.天啊God.凱文 我很遺憾Kevin, Im so sorry.這聽起來太難承受了That sounds impossible.那你現(xiàn)在有戀愛對象嗎.So, are

53、you, you know, dating or.-你說我嗎 -你有談戀愛嗎- Am I dating? - Have you been dating?算是談過幾次吧Well, uh, you know, little bit, I guess.我去年交了個女朋友I was in a relationship last year我以為也許有希望 不過還是分了that I thought maybe had potential, but, uh, it fizzled out.我最近基本就是這樣Its sort of my pattern these days, you know?其實我一直都這樣All my days


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