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1、2 HULL PART船體部分船體部分2.1 HULL CONSTRUCTION 船體結構2.1.1 GENERAL概述The hull constructions are including the main hull, forecastle, poop deck, deck houses, engineer room, engine casing, funnel, appendages (such as bilge keel, bulwark). The vessel to be of steel and all welded constructions.船體結構包括主船體,艏/艉樓,甲板

2、室,機艙,機艙棚,煙囪,船體附件(如舭龍骨,舷墻)等。本船結構為鋼質全焊接結構。Hull constructions materials & scantling designs are to be complied with the rules of Classification Society. Where there is not be mentioned in the rules of Classification Society, the designs shall be done according to the design standard and shipbuilding pr

3、actices . The designs of construction shall follow the principle of continuous structures.船體結構的材料及構件尺寸設計應滿足船級社規(guī)范要求。船級社規(guī)范未作規(guī)定的構件,將根據設計標準和慣例確定。結構設計將遵循結構構件連續(xù)性的原則。The arrangements of structural members to be arranged in considering for easy access and maintenance 結構構件布置應考慮便于通行的原則。2.1.2MATERIALS材料The mat

4、erials of the steel plates and hull structural members are normal mild steel and shall comply with the rules of Classification Society if necessary,.鋼板和型材為船用普通的碳素鋼,并應滿足船級社規(guī)范的有關要求。Casting steel shall comply with the rules of Classification Society if necessary .鑄件應滿足船級社規(guī)范的有關要求。2.1.3WELDING焊接The weldi

5、ng conditions have to meet the requirements of class and Owners inspections. Welding shall be carried out under dry and clean conditions, weather protected as far as possible. 焊接條件需要滿足船東和船級社的檢驗要求。焊接需要在干燥和清潔條件下進行,盡量進行露天保護。Two side continuous welding will be used in tanks including fore peak, after pe

6、ak, double bottom, wing tanks, holds, engine room as well as in all spaces exposed to weather and in wet spaces prone to corrosion (bathrooms, galley, pantries, laundries, drying rooms, etc). 所有艙必須用雙面連續(xù)焊接包括艏尖艙,艉尖艙,雙層底,邊艙,貨艙,機艙以及露天處所和易于被腐蝕的潮濕處所(浴室,廚房,餐具室,洗衣間,干衣室等)Single sided-, intermittent-, chain-

7、or zigzag welding will be allowed, as far as permissible according to the classification society, where structural parts are not exposed to weather or moisture. 可采用單面焊,間斷焊,并列焊或交錯焊,根據船級社要求,結構件不要暴漏在露天或潮濕處。The formation of notches and burn-in (undercut) during welding shall be avoided and to be given t

8、he necessary attention at design and production stage. 在焊接期間應該避免形成切口及咬邊,在設計及生產階段要特別注意這一塊。Welding at low environmental temperatures will be in accordance with class requirements. Welding consumables used are to be suitable for the parent metal to be welded and are to be approved by the classification

9、 society. Where filler materials having tensile properties deviating (downwards) from the parent metal are used, this fact must be taken into account when dimensioning the weld joints. 在低溫條件下的焊接應依照船級社的要求。焊接材料應適合于母材,并經過船級社的認證。 從母材部分開始使用具有伸縮性的填角材料之處,計算焊縫時應該考慮到這種情況。Welding procedure including edge prep

10、aration shall be executed in accordance with the Builder established modern welding procedure and practice with reference to Chinese shipbuilding standard and approved by the classification society.焊接程序包括邊緣預處理,應該符合造船方參照中國造船標準制定的現代的焊接程序并且經船級社認證。Automatic welding shall be used to the greatest extent.

11、The welders engaged in the welding shall be fully qualified and holding welding certificates from the classification society for the type of welding carried out.自動焊應該被廣泛的使用。從事的焊接的焊工應該有充分的資格和持有給焊接發(fā)證的船級社的證書。Electrodes and other welding materials have to be properly selected for the special intended pu

12、rposes.焊條和其他形式的焊接材料應該有目的適當的進行挑選來用于特殊的焊接。All welding shall be continuous except in dry spaces in the superstructure and deckhouse where intermittent welding is permitted.除了上層建筑和甲板室的干燥空間焊接是間斷焊接,其他所有的焊接應該是連續(xù)焊接Care shall be taken to avoid stress concentration due to welding, heating and discontinuity of

13、 the structure or build-in stress.應該特別注意由于焊接,加熱和結構的非連續(xù)性產生的應力集中和嵌入的應力。All foreign materials (water, rust, oil, sludge, dirt, paint etc.) that will affect the quality of the welding to be thorough removed before carry out welding.所有影響焊縫質量的雜質(如水,銹,油,油渣,灰塵,油漆等)須在焊接前全部予以清除。All damages to the steel materi

14、al due to welding when block assemble or erection, shall to be rectified by welding and grind smooth, 由于燒焊對鋼材產生的損壞,在分段合攏或吊裝時,應使用焊接方式進行修正并打磨光滑。2.1.4TESTING試驗On strength decks and steel structures, hatch covers, etc. welding to be x-ray examined, complying with the requirements of the classification s

15、ociety and to Owners approval. Butt welding between major steel castings and structural members to be 100% x-rayed.依照船級社的要求和船東的認可,強力甲板和鋼結構艙蓋等等焊接需要用 X 射線檢查。大的鋼鑄件和構件之間的焊接要 100進行 X 射線檢查。Additional x-ray tests above class requirements to be made as directed by Owners representative in case the result of

16、 x-ray found not satisfied-若船東對所作的 X 光線探傷不滿意,除船級要求外,應該根據船東監(jiān)理指導下再進行探傷。The areas and locations of x-ray to be mutually agreed between Owners representative and Builder and the Class during building period.X 射線檢查的位置和范圍在建造期間需要船東監(jiān)理和建造者和船級社相互協(xié)商決定。Radiographic inspections to be carried out to the satisfact

17、ion of Owners representative and class surveyors.射線檢查的檢查技術應當令船東監(jiān)理和驗船師滿意。Hydrostatic tests to be carried out according to the requirements of the classification society, under the attendance of Owners representative and class surveyors. Tests to be carried out before launching, however, alterations c

18、an be mutually agreed upon with Owners representative.靜水力試驗應該在船東代表和船級社驗船師參與的情況下,根據照船級社的要求進行。試驗應在下水前進行。如有變動需要,可以與船東代表相互協(xié)商。Compressed air testing can be carried out only, if accepted by the classification society.如果船級社同意,可以只做氣密試驗。Rooms with steel bulkheads which are permanently exposed to drip and spl

19、ash water and which are covered-with cement or tiles, such as lavatories, galleys, laundries, drying rooms etc. to be filled with water up to the height of the coamings or visually inspected to control the tightness.長久暴露于水滴和飛濺水處和敷設水泥或瓷磚處的鋼質艙壁的房間,如:盥洗室,廚房,洗衣間,干衣間等應該注入至房間門檻的高度或者是通過目測來控制氣密性。Watertight

20、bulkheads, deck plates etc. not subject to pressure tests to be fresh water hose tested after painting.水密艙壁,甲板等不受壓力試驗影響的可在噴漆后沖淡水試驗。Similar hose tests to be carried out for all windows, side lights, hatch covers, watertight doors, exits, erection closures and as elsewhere necessary.相類似的沖水試驗可以用到所有窗戶,舷

21、側燈、艙蓋、水密門、逃口、直立封閉處和其他需要的地方。Ultra sonic test to be carried out for confirm tightness of hatch covers if the yard can do. 如果船廠可以做超聲波試驗,則應該用超聲波來確認水密艙蓋的密封性。Tests to be carried out after completion of all works affecting the water tightness and before fitting the floor covering, the insulation, the linin

22、g etc.該試驗應在水密試驗完成后和在裝配地板敷料,絕緣材料,襯板等前進行。If final coatings in tanks will be provided before hydrostatic test will be carried out, the welding seams of compartments, boundaries etc. to be covered by tapes.如果在靜水力試驗前艙中實施艙內面漆,各艙室的焊縫,邊界等應該貼上膠帶。Tapes to be removed before tests.膠帶需要在實驗前去除。Hose tests to be ca

23、rried out with freshwater only.軟管試驗只能用淡水。However, some tanks and other compartments which are hydrostatically tested with seawater and painting has been provided already, to be washed down with freshwater after testing and to be totally dried and cleaned to the satisfaction of Owners representative

24、and paint makers supervisors.但是,如果一些艙和其他的艙室已經用海水進行了靜水力試驗并且已經提供了油漆,在實驗后應該用淡水洗掉,完全干燥和清洗,使船東監(jiān)理和制造商監(jiān)理滿意。Suitable tests for confirm tightness of ships bottom plugs to be carried out before launching. 船底塞在下水之前應該進行一些適當的實驗。Ships tank structure strength tests to be carried out during sea trials as per rules

25、of Classification Society.根據船級社的規(guī)范要求船舶艙室的強度試驗應該在試航期間進行。2.1.5DECK HEIGHTS 甲板高度From main deck to poop deck 2.7m從主甲板到尾樓甲板 2.7mFrom poop deck to boat deck 2.6m從艉樓甲板到艇甲板 2.6mFrom boat deck to captain deck 2.6m從艇甲板到船長甲板 2.6mFrom captain deck to bridge deck 2.6m從船長甲板到駕駛甲板 2.6mFrom bridge deck to compass de

26、ck 2.5m從駕駛甲板到羅經甲板 2.5m2.1.6CAMBER梁拱The height of camber on upper deck is 300mm. 上甲板梁拱高度是 300mm。The height of camber on forecastle deck is 300mm 艏樓甲板梁拱高度是 300mm。2.1.7LIGHTENING HOLE AND ACCESS HOLE減輕孔和工藝孔If necessary and under the conditions of not affecting the strength of structures, lightening hol

27、es, access holes may be opened on the untight compartments according to the builder standard and practice. 在不影響構件強度的情況下,如果需要,可以依照造船方標準和慣例,可以在非水密艙室上開減輕孔和工藝孔。2.1.8 BOTTOM 底部2.1.8.1 BOTTOM CONSTRUCTION OF CARGO HOLD貨艙底部建造The bottom of the hold is longitudinal framing system. The height of double bottom

28、 shall comply with the requirements of the rules. Holds with flat inner-bottom plates continuous longitudinal, equal spacing of longitudinal girders and transverse solid floors.貨艙底部為縱骨架式結構,貨艙雙層底高滿足規(guī)范的要求,設有平直內底,連續(xù)縱骨,一定間距的縱絎和實肋板。The inner-bottom plates in holds shall be designed in considering cargo u

29、nloading by using grabs or other similar unloader. There shall be no wooden board under the holds. Thickness of the inner-bottom plates shall be increased according to the requirement of the rules. Tank top uniform strength to be more than 15 tons/ m2 and suitable for loading 2 tiers of 15ton x 1500

30、mm x 1500mm steel coils.貨艙內底板應考慮采用抓斗或其他類似機械卸貨,且艙口下不設有木鋪板,內底板根據規(guī)范要求增厚。內底均勻強度應該大于 15 tons/ m2,適合裝兩層 15ton x 1500mm x 1500mm 的卷板。All double bottom is watertight and oiltight. Compressed air testing and water-pressure tests can be carried out according to the classification society and by Owners represe

31、ntative.所有雙層底為水密和油密,并應按規(guī)范要求由船東代表進行水壓或氣密試驗。 BOTTOM OF ENGINE ROOM.機艙底部結構Double bottom of E.R. shall extend to the shipside. Solid floor shall be provided at each frame. The size of openings in double bottom shall comply with the requirements of classification society.機艙雙層底伸至兩舷,每檔設置實肋板,雙層底結構上的開

32、孔尺寸滿足船級社要求。Adequate numbers of manholes shall be provided inside tanks for easy access. Adequate numbers of drain holes and air holes shall be provided on the bottom longitudinal and -transverse structures. . 所有艙內設置足夠數量的人孔以便出入,船底和縱橫結構設置足夠數量和尺寸的流水孔和透氣孔。 BOTTOM OF FORPEAK PEAK AND AFTERPEAK TAN

33、K艏,艉尖艙底部結構F.P and A.P tank is single bottom structure.艏,艉尖艙底部為單底結構。Part of the bottom structure of F.P tank should be strengthened against slamming at the draught of normal ballast condition according to rules requirements.根據規(guī)范要求,應在正常壓載吃水情況下對艏尖艙底部區(qū)域做拍擊加強。2.1.9 SHIP SIDES 舷側結構The thickness of side pl

34、ates shall be approved by Classification Society. The thickness of steel plates from midship to both ends shall be applied as per rules of classification society. The sheer strakes shall be high tensile steel plates approved by Classification Society. The plates around the anchor chain bell mouth an

35、d rudder horn shall be strengthened.舷側外板的厚度應經船級社認可,從船中部至船兩端的外板厚度應滿足規(guī)范要求。舷頂列板應采用 CCS 認可的船用高強度鋼。在錨鏈筒及掛舵臂的外板厚度應予以加強。Ship sides shall be transverse framing system, made up by frames and web frames. 舷側結構均采用橫骨架式結構,由肋骨和強肋骨構成。2.1.10 BULKHEADS 艙壁Arrangement of transverse watertight bulkheads shall be as per

36、General Arrangement plan. The transverse bulkheads shall be of flat plate type with stiffeners. The designs and scantlings of bulkheads to be complied with the rules of classification society. . 本船的水密橫艙壁如總布置圖所示意,橫艙壁都為平板型,艙壁上設置扶強材,其設計和構件尺寸應滿足規(guī)范的要求。 2.1.11 DECK 甲板2.1.11.1 MAIN DECK主甲板The ship is provi

37、ded with one continuous single deck. The side plates of main deck shall be of class approved high tensile steel plate. The constructions of hatch coamings to be referred to the General Structure plan.主甲板為單面連續(xù)甲板結構。甲板邊板采用 CCS 認可的高強度船用,艙口圍參照總結構圖。Longitudinal framing system shall be applied for the deck

38、 areas in way of the cargo holds, while it shall be transverse framing system for deck areas in way of the E.R, fore deck and poop deck.貨艙區(qū)主甲板采用縱骨架式結構;機艙及艏、艉部甲板采用橫骨架式結構。Deck plates in way of the hatch corners and under the seating of machineries shall be properly strengthened.艙口角隅及設備機座處的甲板應作適當的加強。2.

39、1.11.2 PLATFORM DECK平臺甲板The arrangement of E.R Platform decks shall be as shown in the General Arrangement plan. The beams, longitudinal and girders of the platform shall have sufficient strength to support the pumps and the machineries as per rules of classification society.機艙平臺的布置應如總布置圖所示。平臺的橫梁、縱絎

40、和/或縱骨應該有足夠的強度支撐泵和機器并滿足船級社的規(guī)范要求。Suitable numbers of “H” type Pillars shall be fitted under the girders or web beams of platform decks. Pillars shall be supported on the double bottom floors or on the web frames on side shell plates.在平臺甲板的縱絎或強橫梁下應適當的加上“H”型的柱子。柱子應支撐在雙層底或舷側的強結構上。2.1.12 FOUNDATIONS 機座Fou

41、ndations for main engine shall be of steel welded constructions with sufficient strength and rigid designs against vibrations in according to makers recommendations and requirements of Classification society. The foundations of shaft bearings of the main engine and aux engines shall be sufficient st

42、rength in consider easy for draining, cleaning and maintenance. 主機基座為鋼制焊接結構,須有足夠的輕度和剛性來抗擊震動,并且依照廠家建議和船級社的要求進行設計。主輔機的軸承底座應該具有足夠的強度,同時需考慮便于排水、清掃及維護。2.1.13 STERN AND BOW 艏艉結構2.1.13.1 STREN CONSTRUCTION艉部結構Stern frame, Rudder horn, Stern tube shall be supported and strengthened by beams, floors, platfor

43、m and bulkheads.艉柱、掛舵臂、艉管由桁材、肋扳、平臺及艙壁支持和加強。Stern shall be constructed and welded by steel plate. Stern frame shall be connect with stern tube. 艉框架由鋼板建造、焊接而成。尾柱與艉管相接。Stern shall be connected to solid floors of After Peak tank as per rules of classification society. 艉尖艙的實肋板和艉柱的連接按照船級社的要求。Appropriate c

44、learances shall be arranged between propeller and stern frame & rudder to allow stable flow of water and to minimum turbulence. 推進器和艉柱和舵之間應該有合適的間隙以允許有穩(wěn)定的水流且使震動降到最低。 Appropriate clearance shall be arranged between stern bottom and tip of propeller blade so to avoid vibrations as per recommendations o

45、f classification society. 根據船級社規(guī)范的建議,尾部底端和螺旋槳葉尖間應該有合適的間隙以避免震動。Inaccessible areas will be constructed as void spaces. Eye pads will be provided on port and starboard for lifting rudder and propeller. 不可到達的區(qū)域建造成空艙。在船的左右舷安裝眼板以方便吊裝舵和推進器。 BOW CONSTRUCTION船艏結構The forecastle deck will have small sh

46、eer for drainage. The stem is of bulbous bow type constructed by welded of steel plates. Frame spacing, stringers and tripping bracket arrangement as per actually applicable classification rules. The bow construction comprises chain lockers of self-stowing type. The anchors to be arranged in anchors

47、 pockets. Reinforced plates will be arranged in way of the anchor rests.艏樓甲板應該有小的舷弧用于排水。艏部是鋼板焊接球鼻形結構。肋骨間距,縱桁和防顫肘板布局依照實際可用的船級社規(guī)范。艏部結構包含自堆裝式錨鏈艙。錨應該在錨穴內。加強板安排在錨臺內部。Thickness of chain locker bottom plates to be increased as per rules. Wooden board to be provided on the bottom of chain lockers.依照規(guī)范錨鏈艙底板的

48、厚度應該加強。錨鏈艙底部上安裝木制板。Appropriate clearances shall be arranged between anchor and side plate so to allow anchor will not touch the side plates during anchor operations in ship upright condition.在錨和舷側板之間要設計上合適的間隙,在船右傾的情況下操作錨使錨不接處到舷側板。 RUDDER HORN掛舵臂Rudder horn shall be constructed by welding of

49、steel plates and casting steel. Low hydrogen welding rods shall be used for the welding of casting steel and steel plates.掛舵臂應該是鑄鋼件和鋼板焊接結構。鑄鋼件和鋼板之間的焊接應該使用低氫型焊條。2.1.14 ACCOMMODATION & DECKHOUSE 住所和甲板室The arrangement of the accommodation & deckhouse is shown on the general arrangement plan. Outside an

50、d inside walls of accommodation & deckhouse shall be of flat plates with stiffeners or inner insulation bulkhead. Front wall of wheel house shall have a forward slop of 15 degree .Platform with handrail to be provided for cleaning wheelhouse windows. Platform can be accessed from both side of wing b

51、ulwark. Window cleaning tube with inject nozzles to be fitted on top of wheelhouse windows. 甲板室和住艙的布局如總布置圖所示。住艙和甲板室的內外圍壁應該為帶有加強筋的平板或者是安裝內部絕緣的艙壁。駕駛室的前壁應該有向前傾 15 度角。應該提供清洗駕駛室窗戶的帶有欄桿的平臺。平臺可以從駕駛室兩翼舷墻進入。在駕駛室窗頂部安裝清洗窗戶的管子和噴頭。 Deck plating inside accommodation shall be stiffened by transverse beams at each

52、frame and supported by longitudinal girders in suitable intervals to avoid vibrations. Deck plating outside accommodation should have camber.住所甲板內部結構應該在各自肋位處用加強橫梁加強,在適當的間隔處用縱向梁支撐以防止震動。住所甲板外面應該有梁拱。Wind deflector shall be fitted on top of bulwark at both wings outside wheelhouse according to approved

53、drawing. 依照認證圖紙,在駕駛室外部兩翼舷墻頂部安裝擋風板。The bridge deck will be partly constructed in antimagnetic material. 駕駛甲板部分結構應該是防磁材料。 Scantling of plates and sections will be in accordance with rules requirements and Builders practice. Minimum plate thickness will be 6,0 mm except corrugated type interior bulkhea

54、ds, if applied, with minimum thickness of 5 mm.一些板和部件的結構尺寸必須根據規(guī)范要求和建造者的慣例。除內部波型壁外,最小板厚為 6mm。如果實用,最小厚度可以是 5mmGalley, sanitary spaces, provision spaces, and spaces where required by rules shall be of steel bulkheads with stiffeners or insulation bulkhead at suitable intervals.廚房,衛(wèi)生間、供應品間和一些必要規(guī)范上要求的處所,

55、應該是設有扶強材的鋼質艙壁或者在適當間隔處安裝絕緣艙壁。Forecastle deck shall be provided on forward deck. Deck structures in way of windlass, mooring fittings, hawser pipes, foremast etc. shall be reinforced. 在首部甲板上安裝首樓甲板。錨機,系泊配件和錨鏈管、艏桅桿處等的甲板結構需要加強。 2.1.15FUNNEL煙筒Funnel shall be installed above the engine casing. The flat ste

56、el plate wall shall be strengthened by the vertical stiffeners and horizontal webs, and provided with walking platform with handrails.煙筒應該安裝在機艙頂棚上。平板圍壁應該使用垂直扶強材和水平桁加強并且提供有扶手的步行平臺。 The height and shape of funnel should be designed that the shoot blows from the exhaust pipes will not drop on the poop

57、deck.煙囪高度和形狀設計應該考慮不能使排煙管煙灰落到尾樓甲板上。An access door to be provided on starboard side of funnel wall. 在煙筒壁的右舷有一個通道門。2.1.16OTHERS其他Bulwarks shall be set on the upper deck, forecastle deck, navigation deck and compass deck as general arrangement plan according to the Builders standard and practice. .依照總布置

58、圖所示和造船方的標準和慣例在艏樓甲板、駕駛甲板,羅經甲板上設置舷墻。The height of bulwark shall be1000mm or as per rules. Bulwark stays shall be provided at two frame spacing intervals. 舷墻的高度為 1000mm 或者是根據規(guī)范。每兩個肋骨間距設舷墻肘板。Bulwarks on upper deck where deck log cargoes to be loaded, shall be designed to suit accordingly.甲板上要裝原木的舷墻應該根據需

59、要設計。Bulwark plates in way of mooring fittings to be increased and reinforced. 舷墻外板在系泊設備處需要加強和加固。Handrails shall be provided where bulwark is not required.沒有要求安裝舷墻的地方需要安裝欄桿。 Bilge keels made of round bar and flat plate, to be fitted on the bottom bilge plate (P&S) in way of one third (1/3) of ships l

60、ength from the midship.舭龍骨用圓鋼和扁鋼制作,在船中 1/3 處的艙底左右舷合適的位置安裝。2.1.17HATCH COAMING 艙口圍艙口圍Due to large hatch openings, hatch coming shall be strengthened for prevent deformation. Anti champing half round bar to be fitted on the lower side of the hatch comings. 由于艙口較大,艙口圍應該加強以防變形,在艙口圍下端應該安裝防磨半圓鋼。2.2 PAINT


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