1、Lesson 12Life on a desert island () Most of us have formed an unrealistic picture of life on a desert island. We sometimes imagine a desert island to be a sort of paradise where the sun always shines. Life there is simple and good. Ripe fruit falls from the trees and you never have to work. The othe
2、r side of the picture is quite the opposite. Life on a desert island is wretched. You either starve to death or live like Robinson Crusoe, waiting for a boat which never comes. Perhaps there is an element of truth in both these pictures, but few of us have had the opportunity to find out.Lesson 12Li
3、fe on a desert island () Two men who recently spent five days on a coral island wished they had stayed there longer. They were taking a badly damaged boat from the Virgin Islands to Miami to have it repaired. During the journey, their boat began to sink. They quickly loaded a small rubber dinghy wit
4、h food, matches, and cans of beer and rowed for a few miles across the Caribbean until they arrived at a tiny coral island. There were hardly any trees on the island and there was no water, but this did not prove to be a problem. The men collected rainwater in the rubber dinghy. As they had brought
5、a spear gun with them, they had plenty to eat. They caught lobster and fish every day,and, as one of them put it ate like kings. When a passing tanker rescued them five days later, both men were genuinely sorry that they had to leave.desertdesert n. dezt c;u a large area of land that has very little
6、 water and very few plants growing on it. Many deserts are covered by sand.沙漠;荒漠,荒原e.g. 撒哈拉沙漠 the Sahara Desertv. diz:t vn to leave sb without help or support拋棄,離棄;遺棄(某人)(syn) abandone.g. 她被丈夫遺棄了。 She was deserted by her husband.2.vn often passive to go away from a place and leave it empty舍棄,離棄(某地方)
7、(syn) abandone.g. 這些村莊已經(jīng)荒無人煙了。 The villages had been deserted.deserted adj. diz:tid 1. (of a place) with no people in it 無人居住的;空寂無人的e.g. 空無一人的街道 deserted streets2. left by a person or people who do not intend to return 被拋棄的;被遺棄的;被舍棄的e.g. 被舍棄的村莊 a deserted villagedesert island n. a tropical island wh
8、ere no people live 荒無人煙的熱帶島嶼unrealisticunrealistic adj.not showing or accepting things as they are不切實際的;不實事求是的 e.g. (1) 不切實際的期望 unrealistic expectations (2) 指望他們能夠立即解決問題是不現(xiàn)實的。 It is unrealistic to expect them to be able to solve the problem immediately. opposite: realistic adj. 現(xiàn)實的;實際的;實事求是的 adv. un
9、realistically e.g. 這些價格高得太離譜了。 These prices are unrealistically high.imagineimagine v.to form a picture in your mind of what sth might be like想象,設(shè)想e.g. (1) v (that) 閉上眼睛,設(shè)想自己在森林里。 Close your eyes and imagine (that) you are in a forest.(2) v (wh-) 你能想象得出干了20年之后被辭退會是什么樣的滋味嗎?Can you imagine what it mus
10、t be like to lose your job after 20 years.(3) v-ing 她想象著自己走進辦公室,遞上辭呈。 She imagined walking into the office and handing in her resignation.(4) vn-ing 我確實能想到他那么說!I can just imagine him saying that!(5) vn to inf 我本來以為她的年齡還要大一些。I had imagined her to be older than that.(6) vn 這房子正是她所想象的。The house was jus
11、t as she had imagined it.imagineto be作“想象是” “設(shè)想是” 講。不定式 to be 引起的短語作賓語補足語。 sortsort n. c a group or type of people or things that are similar in a particular way種類;類別;品種e.g. 有各種各樣的工作你可以做。 There are all sorts of jobs you could do.a sort of sth (informal) used for describing sth in a not very exact wa
12、y(表示不十分準確) 近似于某物,有點像是某物e.g. 我隱約覺得他不會來。I had a sort of feeling that he wouldnt come.v. vn sth (into sth) to arrange things in groups or in a particular order according to their type, ect.; to separate things of one type from others 整理;把分類e.g. 垃圾很容易分開,可歸入塑料、玻璃和紙三類。 Rubbish can easily be separated and
13、sorted into plastics, glass and paper.riperipe raip (riper, ripest)(of fruit or crops水果或莊稼) fully grown and ready to be eaten成熟的e.g. 西紅柿還沒熟透的時候就摘下來。 Pick the tomatoes before they get too ripe.opposite: unripe2. (for sth) ready or suitable for sth to happen時機成熟的;適宜的e.g.(1) 這片土地適宜開發(fā)。 This land is ripe
14、 for development. (2) 社會變革的時機已經(jīng)成熟。 The conditions were ripe for social change.n. u ripenessIDM a / the ripe old age (of ) an age that is considered to be very old(的)高齡:e.g. 他活到了91歲的高齡。 He lived to the ripe old age of 91.ripen raipn v. v,vn to become ripe; to make sth ripe (使) 成熟 oppositeopposite n.
15、a person or thing that is as different as possible from another相反的人(事物)e.g. (1) 與白色相反的是黑色。 Black is the opposite of white. (2) 她相當(dāng)文靜,可她的妹妹完全正好相反。 She is rather quiet, but her sister is completely / just the opposite.adj. (to)as different as possible from 相反的,對立的e.g. (1) 他轉(zhuǎn)身朝著相反的方向走了。 He turned and w
16、alked in the opposite direction.2. facing(在)對面的,相對的(after noun 用在名詞后)e.g. 我住在對面的房子里。 I live in the houses opposite.prep. facing在的對面e.g. 火車站對面的房子 the houses opposite the stationwretchedwretched adj.very unhappy; in very low spirits很不愉快的,不幸的,沮喪的e.g. 他因重感冒躺在床上,心情很不好。 Hes in bed with a bad cold, feeling
17、 pretty wretched.2. extremely bad 惡劣的e.g. 多么討厭的天氣! What wretched weather!3. (used to express annoyance 用于表示氣惱) 討厭的;可恨的e.g. 我怎么也找不到那串該死的鑰匙了。 I cant find my wretched keys.adv. +ly n. u +nesswretch n. an unfortunate or unhappy person 不幸的人,可憐的人e.g. 無家可歸的苦命人 poor homeless wretches2. (often humor) a bad o
18、r useless person壞蛋;沒用的人;淘氣鬼,家伙e.g. 你這家伙!又來晚了。 You wretch! You are late again.starvestarve starv v.to (cause to) suffer or die from great hunger(使)挨餓,(使)餓死e.g. 他們在沙漠中迷路而餓死了。 They got lost in the desert and starved to death.2. (of) to (cause to) suffer from not having some stated thing.(使) 得不到某物而受苦;(使
19、) 極需e.g. 老師們說學(xué)校缺乏財源。 The teachers said the schools were being starved of resources.n. starvation u suffering or death from lack of food挨餓,饑餓;餓死e.g. 我正進行饑餓減肥。 Im on a starvation diet.elementelement n.c 元素S+of (a small amount of) a quality which can be noticed(少量的)成分,要素e.g.你說的有些道理。 There is an element
20、 of truth (=some truth) in what you say.3. c a part of a whole; component部件,組成部分e.g. 誠實是人的品格中的一個重要部分。 Honesty is an important element in anyones character.elementary adj.simple and easy 簡單的,容易的e.g. 這個問題很簡單。 This question is elementary.2. concerning or introducing the first and most simple part of so
21、mething. especially of education or an area of study初步的,基本的e.g. 一些供初學(xué)者做的基礎(chǔ)英語練習(xí)。 some elementary English exercises for the learner loadload v. to put (a load) on or in (a vehicle, structure, etc.) 把裝上車(船等)使承載;使負荷e.g. 把這些家具裝上貨車。 Load the furniture into the van. Load the van (up) with furniture.load sb
22、. / sth. down v. (with)to cause or force to carry heavy things 給加以重負,使負擔(dān)過重e.g.(1) 我被書本壓得喘不過氣來了。 I was loaded down with all my books. (2) 我憂心忡忡。 I was loaded down with all my worries.n. 1. something that is being carried (usually in large amounts) by a person, vehicle, etc負載;負荷e.g. 這些背包是為攜帶重物設(shè)計的。 The
23、se backpacks are designed to carry a heavy load. 2. (BrE also loads pl.) (of sth) (informal) a large number or amount of sb. / sth; plenty大量,許多e.g. 她有許多朋友。 Shes got loads of friends 3.c an amount of work that a person or machine has to do 工作量;負荷e.g. 各種學(xué)校的教學(xué)工作量都增加了。 Teaching loads have increased in a
24、ll types of school.rubberrubber n. u 橡膠e.g. 橡膠樹 a rubber tree2. c (BrE) (also eraser AmE, BrE)橡皮,黑板擦dinghy n. (pl. ies)a small open boat that you sail or row小艇;敞篷小船;小舢板e.g. a sailing dinghy 小帆船rubber dinghy (also dinghy) (AmE also rubber raft)n. a small boat made of rubber that is filled with air, u
25、sed especially for rescuing people from ships and planes橡皮艇;橡皮筏 cancan n.(BrE also tin) c a metal container in which food and drink is sold.(盛食品或飲料的) 金屬罐e.g. (1) 豆罐頭 a can of beans (2) 啤酒罐 a beer can2. c the amount contained in a can一聽(的量)e.g. 我們每人喝了一罐可口可樂。 We drink a can of Coke each.rowrow v. 1. t
26、o move a boat through water using oars (=long wooden poles with flat ends)劃(船)e.g.(1) 我們繞著島劃船。 We rowed around the island. (2) 格雷斯又劃著船出海了。 Grace rowed the boat out to sea again.2. vn to take sb. somewhere in a boat with oars.劃船送(某人)e.g. 漁夫劃船將我們送回到岸上。 The fisherman rowed us back to the shore.n. 1. (o
27、f sb. / sth.) a number of people standing or sitting next to each other in a line; a number of objects arranged in a line 一排;一列;一行e.g. (1) 一排商店/樹木 a row of shops / trees (2) 我們在屋子的后面坐成一排。 We sat in a row at the back of the room. (3) 蔬菜種的整整齊齊。 The vegetables were planted in neat rows.2. a line of sea
28、ts in a cinema / movie theater, etc.(劇院、電影院等的) 一排座位e.g. (1) 我們坐在最后一排吧。 Lets sit in the back row. collectcollect v.1. vn sth (from sb. / sth) to bring things together from different or places 收集;采集 (syn) gathere.g. 收集資料/證據(jù)/信息 to collect data / evidence /information 2. vn to buy or find things of a pa
29、rticular type and keep them as a hobby收藏,搜集,收集e.g. 集郵 to collect stamps3.To gradually increase in amount in a place; to gradually obtain more and more of sth in a place聚積;積聚;積累 (syn)accumulatee.g. 房間的角落里積滿了灰塵。 Dirt had collected in the corners of the room.4. (sth) (for sth) to ask people to give you
30、 money for a particular purpose募捐,募集e.g. 我們正在為當(dāng)?shù)卮壬茩C構(gòu)募捐。 We are collecting for local charities.spearspear n. A weapon with a long wooden handle and a sharp metal point used for fighting, hunting and fishing in the past矛,標槍,魚叉v. vn to push or throw a spear or other pointed object through sth. / sb.用矛刺
31、;用叉叉住e.g. 他們站在河里叉魚。 They were standing in the river spearing fish. tankertanker n.a ship or truck that carries oil, gas or petrol / gas in large quantities 運送大量液體或氣體的輪船(或卡車);油輪;罐車;油槽車e.g. 油輪 an oil tankerrescuerescue v. sb / sth (from sth / sb.) to save sb. / sth. from a dangerous or harmful situation營救;援救;搶救e.g. (1) 他們最后被直升機救走了。 They were eventually rescued by helicopter. (2) 我正感到尷尬,你為我解了圍。 You rescued me from an embarrassing situation.n. u 救援;營救;搶救;獲救e.g. 我們那時已經(jīng)放棄了獲救的希望。 We had given up
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