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1、英漢翻譯常用的方法和技巧練習(一)一,對斜體部分,根據(jù)漢語表達習慣作些增添 1. unemployement is widespread in some countries有些國家失業(yè) 現(xiàn)象 普遍 2 。 the employers there used violence.那里的雇主使用了暴力 手段 3. mary spoke with restraint in her face.瑪麗說話時臉上露出了拘謹?shù)?神色 4. after aunt lena had heard about the family trouble , she agreed to look for a job.麗娜阿姨聽到

2、了家庭的困難 情況 后,同意去找工作。 二、對斜體部分,根據(jù)漢語表達習慣作些省略 1. there is some thruth in what he says .他的話有些道理 2. dont let your imagination run away with you 不要 亂想 3. i cant even remember clearly what he looked like .我連 他的模樣 也記不清楚了 4. he also asked what had happened to me since we separated.他還問我 別后的情況。 三、對斜體部分,根據(jù)漢語表達習慣改

3、變詞類 1. our hearty desire is the establishment of a lasting peace in the world我們的衷心愿望時 建立 世界持久和平 2.the sentry stood guard with a submachine gun in his hand.哨兵 持 沖鋒槍站崗 3. the workers turned hopefully to that organization工人對那個信組織抱著很大 希望 4. the war was immediately caused by incursions across the borders

4、那次戰(zhàn)爭的直接 原因 時侵入國境 四、對斜體部分,要求從反面表達,但不改變原義 1. he tried to catch one of the rafts with a boat-hook,but missed.他想用一根船鉤去鉤一個木筏,但 沒有鉤著 2. they had better keep their promise because everything hinges on that right now.他們最好 不要失信 ,因為目前一切都要以此為轉移 3. these are days when nerves are worn thin.這些日子精神上有些 受不了 4. all n

5、ight long the beating and questioning goes on , the search goes on.拷打、審訊徹夜 不停 ,搜捕徹夜 不停 五、對斜體部分,根據(jù)漢語表達習慣改變語態(tài) 1. i have been sent here by the norwegian shipping company t o talk with you about transportation.我是挪威輪船公司派來和貴方商談運輸問題的 2. everything he advertised was guaranteed to last forever他保證他廣告中所登的東西都能“

6、永久”使用 3. my fist thirty years were spent in western america.我的前三十年時在美國西部度過的 4. an individual is judged by how he serves the collective, but the collective is expected to cherish the lives and talents of its individuals.判斷一個人要看他對集體服務得怎樣,但是集體也要忠實個人得生活和才能一、翻譯句子,注意right 在句中的詞類來確定它的詞義 1. it is not right

7、for children to sit up late 孩子們睡得晚不 好 adj2. the plane was right above out heads 飛機 正好 在我們頭上面 adv3. in the negative, right and left, and black and white are reversed 照片底片上,左 右 黑白與正片恰好相反 n4. she tried her best to right her husband from the charge of robbery 她盡力為她丈夫被控搶劫 伸冤 v二、翻譯句子,注意根據(jù)上下文及搭配關系來確定斜體詞的詞義

8、 account for1. he is ill; that accounts for his absence. 他病了,這就是他缺席的 原因2. In this battle he accounted for five of the enemy 他在這場戰(zhàn)斗中 消滅 了五個敵人 3. i want you to account for every cent you spent 我要你把花費的每分錢都 交代清楚make up1. if the stove isntt made up, it will go out 如不 添煤 ,爐子就會熄滅 2. there isnt any girl cal

9、led Clementine. hes just made her up 根本沒有個叫。的姑娘,全是他 捏造 出來的 3. half the roads in the rigion are still to be made up 這地區(qū)的路面有一半還沒有 修好4. society is made up of people with widely differing abilities. 社會是由具有迥然不同的能力的人 組成 的 figure1. the foreign trade has risen to unprecedented figures 對外貿(mào)易的 數(shù)字 由了空前的增長 2. dr

10、. elion was one of the most revered figures in the world of learning 。博士是學術界最受尊敬的 人物 之一 3. on the desk there was a bronze figure of plato 書桌上有一尊柏拉圖的銅 像4. he saw dim figures moving towards hiim 他隱隱約約看見一些 人影 在向他跟前移動 5. june was good at figure skating 瓊善于 花式 滑冰 三、翻譯句子,注意根據(jù)上下文及邏輯關系對斜體詞作進一步引申 1. there wa

11、s no provocatio n for such an angry leter 寫這樣一封生氣的信簡直是 毫無道理.2. fattys restaurant had become an institution in his life in the last seven years 去“發(fā)體餐廳”就餐, 7 年來已成為他生活中 慣常的事情3. the trunk was big and awkward and loaded with books. but his case was a different proposition. 那個箱子又大又笨重,裝的都是書,不過他隨身帶的箱子卻是 另一回

12、事4. the wedding, which heyward still remembered with pride, was attende by a whos who of boston society 參加婚禮的有波士頓社會 名流 ,赫華德想到這次婚禮時,仍然感到非常得意 5. the invention of machinery had brought into the world a new era-the industrial age. money had become king 機器德發(fā)明使世界進入了一個新紀元即工業(yè)時代,金錢成了 主宰一切的權威四、翻譯句子,注意根據(jù)上下文來去頂

13、斜體詞的褒貶 1. it was mid-august and the subject for discussion was the future of rommel and hsi africa corps. 當時是八月中旬,他們討論德題目是隆美爾及其非洲軍團德 下場2. they pridicted the youth would have abright future 他們預言,這個年輕人會有一個錦繡 前程3. john was an aggressive salesman who did his job quite well. 約翰是個 積極肯干 德推銷員,他工作得很出色 4. het

14、ler prusued an aggressive policy after he seized power 希特勒奪取了政權后就推行 侵略 政策 5. hans was too obviously flattering the gentleman by saying he was the most courageous man he had ever seen 漢斯說,這位先生是他所見過的最有膽識的人。這種 阿諛奉承 未免過于露骨 6. mr. brown felt greatly flattered when he received the invitation to deliver a

15、lecture. 布朗先生接到作演講的邀請時感到 非常榮幸一 將斜體的派生名詞譯成動詞 1. an acquaintance of world historyj is helpful to the study of current affairs.讀 一點世界史,對學習時事是有幫助的 2. his very appearance at any affair proclaims (聲明) it a triumph 無論什么事情,只要他 一露面 ,就算是成功了 3. alloy (合金) steels are formed by the addition of one or more of the

16、 folllowing elements: nickel, tungsten, silicon and small amounts of other alloying elements加進 一些一種或幾種元素可制成各種合金鋼:鎳、鎢、硅和少量別的合金元素 4. he urged upon citizens of the country the necessity of persisting in participation in political controversies.他告誡全國公民,必須堅持 參加 政治論戰(zhàn) 二 將斜體的動作名詞譯成動詞 1. on the walk through

17、the city they saw breadlines 在 走過 市區(qū)的時候,她們看見領救濟食物的人排著長隊 2. a view of Mt. Fuji can be obtained from here 從這里可以 看到 富士山 3. at the thought of the mishap(災禍 his legs stiffened under him and couldnt move a step further 他一 想到 這場災難,兩腿就像有千斤重,再也挪不動一步了 4. after an iimpatient oath or two, she got her hair away

18、from her eyes, sufficiently to obtain a sight of him 她不耐煩地咒罵了一兩聲,把頭發(fā)從眼睛上撥開,才 看到 了他 三 將斜體的由動詞加后綴er (or構成的名詞 譯成動詞 1. hi is no smoker , but his father is a chain-smoker 他倒是不 抽煙 , 但他爸爸卻一支又一支不停地抽 2. he was a regular vistor 他經(jīng)常 來 3.she is a lover of chinese painting 她 熱愛 中國畫 四 將斜體的名詞(前面由一個較固定的動詞,兩者合成一個短語)

19、譯成動詞 1. he has already made mention of the matter in his speech 他在講演中曾 提到過 這件事 2. he showed with his eyes that he heard, but made no sign of assent or dissent.他瞧了他一下,表示他聽見了,但沒有 表示 同意或不同意 3. the party branch secretary showed great concern for the students health 黨支書很 關心 學生的健康 4. she had high praise f

20、or Dr. Higpan, although she complained about his strictness她高度 贊揚 了西格潘一聲,但抱怨他過于嚴格 五 將斜體的前置詞譯成動詞 1. up the street they went, past stores, across a broad ssquare, and then entered a huge building.他們沿著大街去, 經(jīng)過 許多商店, 穿過 一個大廣場,然后進入了一座大廈 2. we drove home a bit after midnight, over the river and through the

21、 lovely old sleeping town時過午夜,我們驅車回家。先 過了 河,又 穿過 了這個在酣睡中的古老而可愛的城市 3. the judge sat in the dining-room amid his morning mail 法官坐在餐廳里 處理 早上到的郵件 六 將斜體的形容詞譯成動詞 1. we are quite sure that the socialist system will replace the capitalist system iin the end 我們 深信 ,社會主義制度終究會代替資本主義制度 2. they were not content

22、with their present achievenments 他們不 滿足于 他們現(xiàn)有的成就 3. they were suspicious and resentful of him 他們 不信任 他, 討厭 他 4. if we were ignorant of the structure of the atom, it would be impossible for us to study nuclear physics.如果我們 不知道 原子的結構,我們就不能研究核子物理學 七 將斜體的副詞譯成動詞 1. the successful fishermen of that day we

23、re already in 那天交好運的漁人們都已 回來 2. when he went back, the radio was still on , for he had forgotten to turn it off wehn he left他回來時,收音機仍然 開著 ,因為他離開時忘記關了 3. Please do let me in! , they are searching for me, he begged “請讓我 進來 吧,他們正在搜索我”他懇求道 4. i would usually first overfly Cyprus, with cameras on to see

24、if a fleet was being assembled there我總是首先飛臨塞浦路斯上空, 打開 攝影機,偵查在那兒是否有艦隊集結 八 將斜體的動詞譯成名詞 1. the landing was designed to cut the peninsula in two 登錄的 目的 是要把該半島一切兩半 2. the navy is now positioned to safeguard both the Pacific and Atlantic Cceans.海軍現(xiàn)在擺下了 陣勢 ,防衛(wèi)太平洋和大西洋 3. on that day they were escorted to the

25、 great wall of chna 他們那天和 陪同人員 去參觀中國的長城 4. because he had struck a boss, he was blacklisted and lost his job at the fertilizer works.由于打了一個工頭,他被列入 黑名單 ,不能在肥料廠工作了 5. a well-dressed man, who looked and talked like an american, got into the car 一個穿著講究的人上了車,他的 外表 和 談吐 都像個美國人 6. they signed two agreement

26、s that served to warm up the atmosphere of their relations他們簽署了兩個協(xié)定, 目的 是使他們的關系熱呼起來 九 將斜體的動詞譯成帶“遭”“受”“得”等得名詞 1. and he warned that the improvement iin bilateral relations might be jepardized by a continuation of the war他還警告說,如果戰(zhàn)爭繼續(xù)下去,雙邊關系的改善有可能 受到危害 2. his image as a good student was badly tarnished

27、 他作為一個好學生的形象,已 遭受 到很大的 玷污 3. he was snuffed by the top-ranking officials there 他 受到 那邊高級官員們的 冷遇 十 將斜體的形容詞譯成名詞 1. they are going to build a school for the blind and t he deaf 他們將為 盲人 和 聾人 修建一所學校 2. M. Gorky had deep sympathy for the insulted and the injured高爾基對于 受侮辱 的和 受損害的人 有深厚的同情心 3. all the wounde

28、d were sent to the hospital right away 全體 傷員 立即送進醫(yī)院去了一、翻譯下列句子,注意增加適當?shù)脑~ 1. how shall i do it?-Just as you wish. 這事我怎么辦好?你想 怎么辦 ,就 怎么辦 2. sometimes their faces froze, sometimes their feet and their hands. 有時他們的臉凍了,有時腳 凍了 ,手 凍了 3. either you do it,or we will get somebody who will 要么你去辦,要們我們就派 愿意辦的人去辦 4

29、. Mr. Morrison took over as Director, Mr. White as Vice Director. 先生當上了(接任)局長, . 當上 了副局長 二、通過增詞來表示原文中的含蓄條件句 1. Any leak , even at this late date, could have tremendous international repercussions只要 稍有泄露,即使時至今日,也會在國際上引起巨大反響 2. They would not have done such a thing without government approva l如果 沒有得到政

30、府的同意,他們是不會做這種事的 3. The bridge was painted a dull green color. Under any other circumstances i probably would have found it ugly橋漆成了暗綠色, 要是 在別的情況下,很可能我會覺得它難看 三、通過增詞來表達斜體的do(does, did所代替的意義 1. He did not really represent their opinions to the higher-ups, although he claimed he did他沒有真正把他們的意見反映給上級,盡管他說

31、 已經(jīng)反映過了 2. The guard inside the prison had no guns. But those in the towers did牢房里的獄警不帶槍,但嘹望塔內(nèi)的獄警 是帶槍的 3. I tried not to draw too much hope from the incident, but despite my resolve, i did我力圖不要對這件小事寄予希望,但是盡管有這樣的決心,我 還是對此存有奢望 四、通過增詞使斜體的抽象名詞具體化 1. His arrogance made everyone dislike him 他的傲慢 態(tài)度 使誰也不喜歡

32、他 2. Now birth control became a possibillit y . 現(xiàn)在節(jié)制生育已成為一種可行的 辦法 了 3. the vague restlessnes s since boyhood remained 從小就有的那種模糊的不安定的 狀態(tài) 依然還存在 4. There had been an ease of international tension 國際緊張 局 勢過去曾有所緩和 5. Preparations for the conference had been palured by many problems 會議的籌備 工作 已為許多問題干擾 五、注意在必要處增加概括詞 1. They talked about inflation, unemployment and enviromental pollution他們談到通貨膨脹、失業(yè)、環(huán)境污染 等問題 2. Th


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