1、期末復習期末復習專業(yè)外語專業(yè)外語考試題型考試題型 一、漢譯英(一、漢譯英(2020分)分) 1010個詞,每個詞個詞,每個詞2 2分分 二、英譯漢(二、英譯漢(2020分)分) 1010個詞,每個詞個詞,每個詞2 2分分 三、翻譯句子(三、翻譯句子(4040分)分) 1010個句子,每個句子個句子,每個句子4 4分分 四、翻譯(四、翻譯(2020分)分) 一整段或者幾個句子一整段或者幾個句子考試注意事項考試注意事項 一、考試時間:一、考試時間:2 2個小時個小時 7 7月月1111日日9 9:00-1100-11:00 00 經(jīng)信經(jīng)信F2F2 二、不允許帶詞典(包括電子詞典)二、不允許帶詞典(
2、包括電子詞典) 三、手機關機(用手表看時間)三、手機關機(用手表看時間) 四、不允許上廁所四、不允許上廁所 五、交卷要在一個小時十分鐘之后!五、交卷要在一個小時十分鐘之后!復習題復習題一、掌握(一、掌握(給出漢語可以寫成英文給出漢語可以寫成英文) semiconductor:半導體半導體 photoconductivity:光電導性(率)光電導性(率) rectification :整流整流 intrinsic properties:本征特性本征特性 Hall effect :霍爾效應霍爾效應 current carriers :載流子載流子 carrier mobility :載流子遷移率載
3、流子遷移率 silicon :硅硅(Si) germanium:鍺鍺(Ge) solar cell :太陽電池太陽電池一、掌握(一、掌握(給出漢語可以寫成英文給出漢語可以寫成英文) alkali halide:堿金屬鹵化物堿金屬鹵化物 transistor :晶體管晶體管 solid-state laser :固體激光器固體激光器 optical fiber:光纖光纖 quantum mechanics:量子力學量子力學 potential barrier:勢壘,位壘勢壘,位壘 periodic lattice :周期點陣周期點陣 activation energy:激活能激活能 electr
4、on-hole pairs:電子、空穴對:電子、空穴對 dislocation :位錯位錯一、掌握(一、掌握(給出漢語可以寫成英文給出漢語可以寫成英文) ion implantation :離子注入離子注入 field effect-transistor:場效應晶體管場效應晶體管 wafer:晶片晶片 Wet chemical etching:濕法化學刻蝕濕法化學刻蝕 diffraction effect:衍射效應衍射效應 birefringent:雙折射的雙折射的 index of refraction:折射率折射率 focal length:焦距焦距 donor:施主施主 acceptor
5、:受主受主一、掌握(給出漢語可以寫成英文)一、掌握(給出漢語可以寫成英文)interference contrast:干涉相稱干涉相稱valence electron:價電子價電子Liquid phase epitaxy(LPE):液相外延:液相外延 Field effect-transistor(FET):場效應晶體管:場效應晶體管Integrated circuit(IC):集成電路:集成電路 Light-emitting diode(LED):發(fā)光二極管:發(fā)光二極管Metal-Oxide-Semicondutor(MOS):金屬氧化物半導體;:金屬氧化物半導體;physical vapo
6、r deposition(PVD):物理氣相沉積;:物理氣相沉積; chemical vapor deposition(CVD):化學氣相沉積:化學氣相沉積numerical apertures (NA):數(shù)值孔徑數(shù)值孔徑 negative temperature coefficient of resistance:電阻的負溫度系數(shù)電阻的負溫度系數(shù) silver sulphidel : 硫化銀硫化銀 poly-crystalline ingots : 多晶塊多晶塊 titanium : 鈦(鈦(Ti) zirconium:鋯鋯(Zr) tellurium:碲碲(Te) lead sulphid
7、e : 硫化鉛硫化鉛 iron pyrites :黃鐵礦黃鐵礦 selenium:硒硒(Se) copper:銅:銅二二、認識(給出英語能翻譯成漢語)認識(給出英語能翻譯成漢語) Transmission polarized light microscopy:透射透射偏光顯微術偏光顯微術 wave length:波長波長 radio receivers :無線射頻接收器、無線電接收無線射頻接收器、無線電接收機機 galena:方鉛礦方鉛礦 photocell:光電管、光電池光電管、光電池 copper oxide:氧化銅氧化銅 crystal detector:晶體檢波器晶體檢波器 vacuu
8、m tube :真空真空管管 infrared detector :紅外紅外探測器探測器 fields of force:力場力場二二、認識(給出英語能翻譯成漢語)認識(給出英語能翻譯成漢語) N-fold degenerate :N度簡并度簡并 oscillator:振子振子 Pauli principle:泡利不相容原理泡利不相容原理 excited states:激發(fā)態(tài)激發(fā)態(tài) potential barrier:勢壘、位壘勢壘、位壘 magnesium:鎂鎂 filled band :滿帶滿帶 empty band:空帶空帶 thermally excited:熱激發(fā)熱激發(fā) intrin
9、sic conduction:本征導電:本征導電二二、認識(給出英語能翻譯成漢語)認識(給出英語能翻譯成漢語)二、認識(給出英語能翻譯成漢語)二、認識(給出英語能翻譯成漢語)X-ray topography: X射線形貌學射線形貌學Optical Microscopy :光學:光學顯微術(鏡)顯微術(鏡) stacking fault :層錯:層錯 Etchant: 蝕刻劑蝕刻劑 crystallography :結晶學:結晶學polishing etch :拋光腐蝕:拋光腐蝕 selective etch :選擇腐蝕:選擇腐蝕 avalanche:雪崩:雪崩 anodic:陽極的:陽極的 c
10、athodic:陰極的:陰極的infrared spectroscopy:紅外光譜學:紅外光譜學二、認識(給出英語能翻譯成漢語)二、認識(給出英語能翻譯成漢語)Cr:chromium:鉻鉻depth of field:景深,視場深度景深,視場深度resolution:分辨率分辨率 compound microscope:復顯微鏡復顯微鏡 magnification:放大倍數(shù)(倍率)放大倍數(shù)(倍率)transmitted light microscope:透射式光學顯微鏡透射式光學顯微鏡reflection microscopy:反射顯微技術反射顯微技術 Czochralski growth:提
11、(直)拉法生長提(直)拉法生長 polarize:偏振片、起偏器偏振片、起偏器prism:棱鏡棱鏡三、句子三、句子1、It is, nevertheless, a high tribute to the skill and care of many experimenters that, in spite of this, semiconductors had been recognized as a distinct class of substances and their main properties appreciated long before a comprehensive th
12、eory was available to account for them. P12、These effects are now known to be due to oxide films or actual gaps separating the individual crystals but led to the metals titanium and zirconium once being listed as semiconductors. P13、It must be admitted, however, that no infallible criterion was avai
13、lable till the quantum theory of solids gave an understanding of the reasons for the various properties observed. P14、A review of this early work has been given by K. Lark-Horowitz together with a very extensive bibliography containing over 350 references. Earlier reviews by B Gudden also deal exten
14、sively with this phase and discuss in some detail the problems of identifying semiconductors. P25、The latter, which is generally known as the carrier mobility, and which we shall define more precisely later generally tends to decrease as the temperature is raised, especially at the higher temperatur
15、es, and this accounts for the decrease in conductivity of metals with increasing temperature. P36、The substances concerned were mainly metallic oxides and sulphides and the defect semiconductors were those with a metallic content less than that corresponding to stoichiometric composition, i.c. oxidi
16、zed compounds. P47、The importance of this work was in showing the vital part played by small deviations from stoichiometric composition in determining the properties of compound semiconductors. P48、Although they are not strictly semiconductors but insulators, mention must be made of the large amount
17、 of research carried out by R. W. Pohl and his collaborators on the alkali halides, since this helped greatly to clarify many of the properties of semiconductors.P49、Much of the uncertainty of the early work on semiconductors arose through a failure to differentiate between effects, which arise in t
18、he bulk of the material, and those, which are characteristic of the surface or of the interface between two different materials. P510、The use of single crystals has enabled not only the separation of the bulk and surface properties but has also enabled the surface and the interface between two types
19、 of semiconductor, or between a semiconductor and a metal, to be studied in much greater detail. P511、More recently the study of amorphous semiconductors has led to a fuller appreciation of those properties, such as high carrier mobility, that depend principally on the quality of the crystals being
20、studied and those more fundamental properties which do not depend on long-range order. P512、 The photoconductive properties of selenium, and of copper oxide, have been used to provide exposure meters for photography and photocells, which are used in the film industry for transforming the markings on
21、 the sound track into electric currents for implication and reproduction by loud-speakers. P513、The discovery that a fine wire, or cats whisker, in contact with a crystal of semiconducting material made an excellent rectifier for high-frequency currents led to a great increase in the sensitivity of
22、radio receivers, and this type of device was widely used in the early days of broadcasting. P614、The modern successor to the transistor is the integrated circuit (IC.) in which many transistors and their associated components such as resistors, capacitors etc. are produced by controlled diffusion of
23、 impurities into a small chip of silicon. P715、Here these forces are supposed to attract the electron strongly if it moves outside the boundary, and in the simplest form of the theory it is assumed that they set up an impenetrable potential barrier which holds the electrons in the solid. P816、In Sum
24、merfields theory, the allowed energy levels for the valence electrons of a crystal of macroscopic dimensions lie very close together and their values extend from nearly the bottom of the potential trough in which the electrons move to indefinitely high values. P917、If now we have N atoms in a crysta
25、l, and we assume the crystal to be expanded so that the lattice spacing becomes very great, then the allowed energy levels will be just the atomic energy levels which, for the moment, we shall assume to be non-degenerate, i.e. each has a separate energy. P1118、This not only explains why inner electr
26、ons do not contribute to conduction but it gave Wilson the clue to the essential deference between metals on the one hand and insulators and semiconductors on the other. P1219、Most of the substances with which we shall be concerned have such a structure, but may not always consist of large single cr
27、ystals but of aggregates of very small crystals with random orientation. P1320、The number of excited electrons would increase with temperature in a manner governed by a process having an activation energy, of the order of E and we should expect a rapid increase of the conductivity with temperature.
28、P1421、As we shall also see later the effect of very small amounts of impurity can have a marked effect on this activation energy so that materials which have considerably greater values of AE may behave as semiconductors when they contain certain active impurities. P1422、If we assume that the variat
29、ion with T of the mobility of electrons and holes in an electric field is small compared with the variation in the exponential factor in (4) then we have for the conductivity , which is then simply proportional to the number of carriers, a variation of the form. P1523、In many instances, it is found
30、that the energy required to excite an electron into the conduction band from a donor level is so small that the electrons from all, the available donor levels are excited and are in the conduction band at room temperature. P1624、Hence, for a semiconductor in this condition the resistance will increa
31、se with increasing temperature, till a temperature is reached at which the intrinsic electrons begin to predominate, when it will begin to fall exponentially in the manner once thought to be characteristic if semiconductors. P1625、When light frequency is high enough so that a quantum absorbed by a v
32、alence electron has sufficient energy to raise it from the top of the full band to the conduction band, extra carriers are created and these lead to increased conductivity. P1726、It will be clear from the above calculation that if germanium is to be intrinsic at room temperature it must be free from
33、 impurities giving levels near the conduction band to better than one part in 109. P1827、It is anticipated that the reader will have a hands-on involvement with etching and optical microscopy, but it is expected that with X-ray topography, the appropriate specialist will perform the work and help in
34、terpret the results. P1828、It turns out, however, that the minority carriers are nevertheless, of great importance, as many electronic processes in semiconductor technology are controlled by the minority carriers, the density of which, being small, may be more readily varied. P1829、One to one correl
35、ations between dislocations and emitter to collector shorts in bipolar transistors, as well as avalanche sites in photo detectors have been made, whereas process induced stacking faults are known to reduce the storage time in MOS memory devices. P1930、If defect characterization is worthy of a philosophy, then it must be do not u
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