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1、私家法醫(yī)前情回顧Previously on Rosewood.謝謝你 幾周前沒有放棄我Thank you for not giving me up on me weeks ago.你們倆肯定嘲笑過我的窘境You two mustve had a really good laugh at my expense.維拉 你知道我絕對不會Okay, Villa, you know I would never, ever那樣傷害你do anything to hurt you like that.我才是那個讓癡迷死亡Im the idiot that let some death-obsessed,自我

2、迷戀的混蛋進入我的生活的蠢蛋self-absorbed child worm his way into my life.是我的錯My bad.我覺得現(xiàn)在可以說I think its safe to say我們倆之間的關(guān)系已經(jīng)走到了頭that our relationship has just run its course.但愿是什么好事 維拉This better be good, Villa.我需要足夠的睡眠才能讓頭腦敏銳I need a solid eight to keep this looking sharp.我都不知道怎么穿衣服了I couldnt even dress myself

3、.抱歉 警監(jiān) 但眼下這情況很難辦Sorry, Cap, but this is about a tricky situation.喝高了之后想要迎風(fēng)玩板球No, trying to play paddle ball three sheets to the wind那種情況才叫難辦is a tricky situation.真可怕This is horrible.天剛破曉的時候我就快要睡著了Im standing in front of a rest stop at the crack of dawn.睡意就要在這樣的地方萌芽了The germs have germs in places lik

4、e this.我再次道歉Again, I apologize,但真的不方便在電話里說but we didnt want to tell you this over the phone.慢著Wait.究竟怎么回事The hells going on?你在過去兩分鐘里You already said youre sorry道歉的次數(shù)more times in the last two minutes比你在過去兩個月都說得多than you have in the last two months.誰遇害了Who is it?那毯子下面是誰Whos under that sheet?我知道你很生氣 但

5、聽我說I know youre upset, but listen.克服難關(guān)的唯一辦法The only way were gonna get through this就是通力合作is if, you know, we do this together,因為眼下because right now,這困難很大 很嚴重this mess is so big, so deep,還很高 我們處理不了and so tall, we cant pick it up.根本沒轍Theres no way at all.那是蘇斯博士說的話 逗笑你了嗎Thats Dr. Seuss. Are you smiling

6、?但愿你笑了Hope youre smiling,美國著名兒童讀物作家因為我就是想要逗你開心because that was my intention was for you to smile,那就這樣吧so. Okay, all right.回我電話吧Give me a call, okay?-老弟 -什么情況啊- Hey, buddy. - Whats going on?怎么了Whats up?我在實驗室添置過多的新玩意I know you get a little bit prickly總是讓你有點傻眼when I overspend on new toys for the lab,而且

7、我也完全承認and I will totally admit.我有過失誤嗎 當(dāng)然有Have I had misses? Yes, I have.那個棉花糖機The cotton candy machine.我都不想再提了I dont want to talk about it,但我向你保證 這個真是難以抗拒but this one, I promise you, its really undeniable.-好吧 -有什么問題嗎- Okay. - All right, whats the problem?凱特還是沒有回你電話嗎Kats not calling you back still?這是

8、我新裝的烹飪軟件No, this is my new cooking APP.賞味伴侶Palate Pal.我今晚打算做點Yeah, you know, thinking about doing a little菠菜 洋薊 蘑菇千層面spinach, artichoke, mushroom lasagna tonight.明白了 你不想告訴我們Okay, so, you dont want to tell us.很好 寶貝 啟動Thats cool. Baby, hit it.這是最新款的3D打印機Okay, so this is a new state-of-the-art 3D print

9、er.明白了嗎Do you see it?打印材質(zhì)包括ABS樹脂 塑料It works with A.B.S., plastic,尼龍 鈦 鋼以及蠟nylon, titanium, steel, and wax.下面我給你一分鐘時間So, Im gonna give you a minute來消化一下它的卓越功能to let all that excellence really, really sink in.都領(lǐng)悟了嗎Has it sunk?不好意思Excuse me.霍恩斯托克警監(jiān) 稀客啊Rare Captain Hornstock drop by.有何貴干Color me intrigu

10、ed.有尸體在運送途中 是我前妻Theres a body in transit. Its my ex-wife.-不會吧 凱特琳嗎 -不是- No. Caitlin? - No.難道是羅絲安Oh, no. Roseann.不是 是賈尼絲No, its Janice.她死了 有人殺了她Shes dead. Someone killed her.請節(jié)哀Okay. Sorry to hear that.你知道每段婚姻帶給我的Look, you know I left my marriage只有血管栓塞 午夜夢回一身冷汗with nothing but thrombosis, night terro

11、rs,以及輕微便秘and a touch of the IBS.但我們現(xiàn)在談的可是賈尼絲But this is Janice were talking about here.我和她曾深深相愛I used to be in love with this woman.我們相互關(guān)心Cared for her. She for me.羅西 我必須查出是誰干的Now, Rosie, I need to know who did this.警監(jiān) 我很樂意幫忙Look, Cap, Ill be happy to help you, okay,但如果你負責(zé)調(diào)查but isnt this gonna get m

12、essy with.這會不會有點不合規(guī)矩with you being the lead on the investigation?這些破事就我來負責(zé)吧Let me worry about that garbage.我希望你和維拉全身心投入調(diào)查Im gonna need you and Villa on this 24/7.我可不能勞煩馬克斯那超負荷工作的小手指I cant have Maxs overworked little digits involved in this.這對我非常重要This is too important to me.聽我說Ok, look, um.維拉那邊也有點難辦

13、The whole Villa things also kind of tricky.什么What?發(fā)生什么事了嗎Is there something going on?沒有Nah.你到底幫不幫忙You got my back here or what?當(dāng)然幫啊Yeah, I got your back.我覺得當(dāng)面找你可能更好I figured an in-person move might be better.這個小家伙叫散尾葵My little friend here is a bamboo palm.她是某些毒素的天然抑制物Shes a natural deterrent to cert

14、ain toxins.你只需要給她澆水 愛護她Water and love is all she needs.我沒管你的留言I was ignoring your messages直到今天早上我把六條都聽了until this morning when I finally listened to all six.我以前很喜歡蘇斯博士I loved Dr. Seuss.你讓我想起童年Reminds me of being a kid, you know?我跟你一樣 我也很喜歡他Yeah, Im right there with you. I love him.現(xiàn)在你攜這株植物而來Now you

15、come in here with this plant,我只需要給它好好澆水a(chǎn)nd I just have to keep it well watered于是所有的毒素就都能消失and all the toxins will just disappear.沒錯Exactly. Yeah.謝謝你 我會把它放在身邊Thank you. Ill keep it close by.很好Good.維拉 等等 維拉Villa, wait. Hold on, Villa.你從來沒有For all the times認真聽我說的話 羅西 現(xiàn)在請聽著you havent listened to me, Ros

16、ie, listen now.別跟著我Dont follow me.但你得讓這法子在接下來十多天行得通Sure, but you have to make this workable in the next 10 to 15.什么 你來這兒干嗎What? Why are you here?霍恩斯托克想讓我辦他前妻的案子Hornstock wants me working his ex-wifes case.警監(jiān)Cap.又什么事What the hell?你看不出來我想一個人靜靜嗎Cant you see Im trying to get centered here?我不明白為什么I dont

17、understand why我們要把這案子托給羅斯伍德we have to farm this case out to Rosewood.馬克斯完全能勝任尸檢工作Max is an incredibly capable M.E.馬克斯完全能不碰這案子Max is incredibly capable of staying out of this one.我要最專業(yè)的 所以羅西來 說完了I need the best. Rosies in. Period.你沒我清楚他的底細You dont know him like I do.你現(xiàn)在打算告訴我什么What are you revealing t

18、o me here?你們倆用那玩意做了那事That you guys did the thing with the thing?用那玩意做了什么The what with the thing?水平姿勢 提神醒腦 拍打逗樂Horizontal refreshment, slap and tickle.兩人都沒穿衣服Two people sans clothing?警監(jiān) 根本沒那回事Cap, no. Absolutely 100% no.聽著 我可以跟他以外任何人合作Listen, Ill work with anyone else on this case.任何人Anyone.看看是誰在提出要個

19、搭檔啊Oh, look whos asking for a partner.看來治療終于有成效了Looks like the therapys finally paying off.治療才沒有成效Therapy is not paying off.維拉 我前妻死了 尸體躺在桌子上Villa, I got a dead ex-wife lying on a table.45秒鐘內(nèi)In 45 seconds,內(nèi)務(wù)部就要過來接管這個案子Internal Affairs is gonna come in here and take over this case.這對任何警察都是最可怕的噩夢Its ev

20、ery cops worst nightmare come true.所以在賈尼絲的骨灰撒到維加斯賭城區(qū)之前So you and Rosie are gonna have to figure out whats broken請你和羅西弄清楚是什么in your relationship and keep it together傷害了你們的關(guān)系并團結(jié)協(xié)作until Janices ashes are spread on the Vegas Strip.明白了嗎Comprende?警監(jiān) 幫幫忙Cap, just do me a solid.霍恩斯托克警監(jiān)Captain Hornstock.我是內(nèi)務(wù)

21、部的福伊托探員Im Agent Foito with Internal Affairs.我們能談?wù)剢酑an we speak for a moment?你懂我的意思了嗎 警探Do we understand each other, detective?霍恩斯托克警監(jiān)Captain Hornstock,我知道這對你打擊多大I know how traumatic this must be for you.只占用你一點時間問幾個問題就好I just need a few minutes of your time to ask some questions.沒問題Of course.正當(dāng)程序 準備好

22、就開始Proper procedure. Fire when ready.我希望能到我辦公室去I was hoping we could take a trip to my office細細回答我的問題to cross the Ts, dot the Is.正當(dāng)程序嘛Proper procedure.你有什么問題Theres no way Im letting you我現(xiàn)在就可以回答parade me through I.A.D. like Im some kind of schmo別想讓我像傻子那樣走去內(nèi)務(wù)部when I can tell you whatever you want righ

23、t now.你想跟我談嗎You want to talk to me?在大廳那邊有我自己的房間I got a room in my own house down the hall.我希望我可以告訴你點什么I wish I had something to tell you.但實際上But the truth is, uh,賈尼絲已經(jīng)很長時間沒跟我聯(lián)系了Janice hadnt talked to me in a long time.雖然我們是和平分手You know, I mean, we had a peaceful split,但她之后我又結(jié)了兩次婚but she was two wive

24、s ago.上周六早上8點And where were you on Saturday到晚上10點你都在哪兒between 8:00 A.M. And 10:00 P.M.?我在像往常一樣享受已婚人士的周末I was enjoying your typical married weekend像傻帽那樣到處亂跑running from place to place like Im somebodys jerk.有七個子女You know, seven offspring真是一刻不得閑啊keep me moving every free moment I got.我喜歡這些小混蛋I love th

25、e little sons of bitches,即使是最小的里科even Rico, my youngest.這有點奇怪Okay, is this gonna be weird我們站那么遠真能行嗎or are we cool if we just keep to our sides?當(dāng)然能行Totally cool.其實你可以靠過來By all means, come right into my personal space.或許我們可以依偎著湊到話筒邊呢Maybe we can snuggle up next to the speaker.很好Okay, okay.可能就站那么遠比較好I

26、guess well go with the keep it to the sides plan.是啊Yeah.有個鮮為人知的事實 朋友之間Its a little-known fact that relationships are healthiest經(jīng)常意見不合才是最健康的關(guān)系when friends engage in disagreements on a regular basis.所以其實這對于我們的So, actually, this is great for our -別說未來Do not say Future.好 但至少聽我說完凱特的事情你再Okay, but at least

27、 hear my side of the Kat story before you -看講奇特癖好的電視節(jié)目.watching this TV show about weird obsessions.你看過嗎You seen it?看傻我了Blew my mind.總之 我大概八點上的床Anyway, I went to bed around 8:00.我喜歡每周天早晨I like to wake up early every Sunday morning早起去釣魚and go fishing.你懂的 能讓我心緒寧靜You know, keeps me calm.只有水拍打著Theres ju

28、st something about the water船的兩側(cè)hitting the side of the boat.很催眠Its hypnotic.你喜歡釣魚嗎You fish?讓我大膽猜測一下Let me take a wild guess.你想拿我的槍做彈道測試You want to run my gun for ballistics,看看跟犯罪現(xiàn)場的子彈是否一致see if it matches the bullet found at the crime scene.聽著 你愿意說話了嗎Look. Are you ready to talk?他在撒謊Hes lying.好吧 你是要

29、告訴我更多的細節(jié)Okay, so you gonna tell me more還是要繼續(xù)神神秘秘地給提示or you just gonna go out on the mystery tip?在那個探員進他辦公室之前Two seconds before that agent walked into his office,霍恩斯托克的壓力沖破天際Hornstocks stress level was through the roof.然后他坐在那兒聊釣魚和看電視Then hes in there talking about fishing and watching TV.艾拉霍恩斯托克從不閑聊I

30、ra Hornstock doesnt do small talk.就因為這個嗎So, thats it?你要把他往火坑里推Youre gonna throw the man under the bus就因為他有個無懈可擊但你不喜歡的不在場證明嗎because he has an airtight alibi that you dont like?我比誰都了解他I know that man better than anyone.他排練過那個故事His story was rehearsed,你只有在有所隱藏的時候and you only plan what youre gonna say才會

31、計劃好要說什么if youre hiding something.好吧 我跟你說說我怎么想的Okay, Im gonna tell you what I think,丑話說在前頭 那可不好受and Im gonna warn you, its not gonna go down smooth.你把對我的不滿發(fā)泄到他身上Youre projecting your feelings about me onto him,那種心態(tài)會害他終身監(jiān)禁的and that type of attitudes gonna put him away for life.你為什么老是這樣Oh, why do you a

32、lways do that?不管我說什么Everything I say,你都堅持站在反面you have to believe the opposite.跟有病一樣Its like a sickness.所以大家都叫我樂觀的羅西Well, thats why they call me Rosie half-full.沒人這么叫你Nobody calls you that.他們該這么叫They should.你覺得她是怎么回事What do you think happened to her?她是被正面射殺的Hmm. She was shot point blank.謝謝 我是說她的生活Tha

33、nk you. I meant in her life.你知道的 我總是會想想You know, I always think在他們躺在這兒之前他們的人生是什么樣子about who the person was before they ended up here.比如 她喜歡誰 她吃了什么東西Like, who did she like, what foods did she eat?好吧 我猜她喜歡煎餅Okay, Im gonna guess that she liked pancakes,聽過艾爾格林 做過剪貼簿a little Al Green, and scrapbooking.要我

34、猜的話Well, if I had to guess,我會說她做煎餅是黑暗料理Id say shes horrible at making pancakes,艾爾格林的歌唱得可能很爛she probably sang badly to Al Green,她的剪貼簿能讓霍恩斯托克想殺了她and her scrapbooking caused Hornstock to kill her.那也太陰暗了That was dark.內(nèi)務(wù)部可能就是這么想的Its probably what internal affairs is thinking,所以需要我們利用科學(xué)來證明那是錯的so its up to

35、 us to use science to prove otherwise.為什么趕上這種事的都是夫妻呢Why is it always the spouse in these situations?跟毀人不倦的那張協(xié)議書有關(guān)Something about that piece of paper that ruins things.你知道我跟你姐姐要結(jié)婚了對吧Hey, you know me and your sister are getting married, right?對啊 你還是主持人Yeah, and that youre officiating.你能主持的時候積點口德嗎Could

36、 you leave that little gem out of your speech?我說過想主持 現(xiàn)在還覬覦這個位置呢I offered to do it, and I still will你弟弟毒舌的話 我可以上if itll keep your brothers crazy at bay.好啦 別擔(dān)心 我不是在說你們Okay, come on. Im not talking about you guys.你們是天造地設(shè)的一對You guys are an amazing pair.像高音和低音 布里奶酪和夏敦埃酒Like treble and bass, Brie and Char

37、donnay.得了吧Stop talking.我在你剛才挖的坑里根本聽不見你說了啥I can barely hear you inside of that hole you just dug.我只是說Im just saying不是誰都能像爸媽那么幸運not everyone hits the lottery like mom and dad.大學(xué)畢業(yè)就結(jié)婚 每周都約會Married since college, still having weekly date nights.最后你們會手拉著手And then you guys will eventually be holding hands

38、走過晚年時光in an old age home.自己的路要自己走 孩子Everyone walks their own path, son.你應(yīng)該比誰都清楚You should know that better than anyone.相信我 我知道Trust me, I do.我知道這話頭是怎么聊起來的了I know where this is coming from.某人還在為跟心愛的人吵架而隱隱作痛Someone is still stinging from their lovers spat.你給凱特打電話說想和好了嗎Have you called Kat to try to wor

39、k this out?打了六次Uh, try six times.我挺喜歡她的 你們呢I liked her. Didnt you like her?-對吧 -不好意思 各位 各位- Right? - Excuse me. Excuse me, hello, everyone.我還沒走呢 你們說的我都能聽見Im still here. I can hear everything youre saying.是的我們談了 我給她送了花And yes, we have spoken. I sent her flowers.但我要聲明 我沒做錯什么But for the record, I didnt

40、 do anything wrong.只是不湊巧 僅此而已Its just a messy coincidence. Thats it.如果你們同意的話So, if its okay with you guys,我們應(yīng)該尊重躺在這里的賈尼絲maybe we can show Janice here some respect開始檢查了and start on her exam.好的Yes.好 用X光檢查顱骨Great. Okay, X-ray the cranium.測量并將目標傷處成像Measure and image the target injuries, please.媽 讓我猜下 警局

41、的人嗎Let me guess, mom. Guys with badges?廉價西裝 精心打扮Cheap suits, well groomed.女士們 那是內(nèi)務(wù)部的人Ladies, thats Internal Affairs.他們要來帶走尸體Theyve come to take this body.給尸體拍照 取周邊血Photograph the body, grab peripheral blood,取尿樣做毒理檢測 對彈痕進行X光檢查grab urine for toxicology, X-ray for projectiles.我要完整的報告I want the full men

42、u.媽 你能請這些紳士進來Mom, can you please let these fine gentlemen in用愛麗絲叔祖母的那套招呼他們嗎and throw them the great aunt Alice treatment?愿她安息May she rest.請進Come on in.我是福伊托特工 這是馬爾基特Im Agent Foito. This is Malcute.羅斯伍德醫(yī)生馬上就來Dr. Rosewood will be right up.先生們想吃點什么嗎Would you gentlemen like something to eat?加油 女士們 加油Let

43、s go, ladies. Lets go.檸檬高麗參Lemon ginseng.能讓頭腦清醒 身體倍兒棒Keeps the brain on point and the body nice and warm.我的叔祖母愛麗絲說過 上帝保佑她安息As my sweet aunt Alice used to say - rest her soul -餓著肚子做不成事An empty stomach yields no fruit.那是什么意思呢Uh, what does that mean?意思就是你們就坐這兒享受美味It means that you are just going to sit

44、 here and enjoy it.您很好客Uh, youre very kind,但 我們有急事but, uh, were in a bit of a rush.我需要羅斯伍德醫(yī)生在轉(zhuǎn)移文件上簽字I need Dr. Rosewood to sign these transfer papers好讓縣檢察官過來and for someone to let the county examiners in帶走尸體to take possession of the body.我可以簽的 我是辦公室主任Oh, I can sign these. Im the office administrator

45、.親愛的 可我需要一支筆Oh, dear. I need a pen, though.給您Here you go.謝謝你Thank you.我們現(xiàn)在要結(jié)束了 走We need to finish this right now. Lets go.好了 謝謝All done. Thank you.我注意到你沒有戴戒指I notice you are not wearing a ring.我無意冒昧Now, I dont mean to be presumptuous,但如果你有此意but if youre open to the idea,我的牙科衛(wèi)生員是個可愛的姑娘my dental hygie

46、nist is a lovely girl.我是沒什么問題Im actually okay,但 謝謝您為我考慮but, uh, thank you for thinking of me.事情都處理好了吧Is everything all right down there?是的 非常好 抱歉Yes. Fantastic. Sorry.門有點重 我比較瘦小Its a heavy door. Im a tiny lady.我得下去 確保Im gonna head down and make sure一切都按計劃進行that everything is happening the way its su

47、pposed to.我要替羅斯伍德醫(yī)生道歉Oh, I do apologize for Dr. Rosewood,但我知道他在盡可能地對尸體運輸but I do know that hes just taking extra-special care做悉心準備in prepping that body for transport.也不看看是誰教的 媽媽I learned from the best, mom.請原諒我母親 她是個盡善盡美的主人Please forgive my mother. Shes a consummate host.那么我想先生們拿到許可證了So, I assume yo

48、u gentlemen have a warrant?好的 她現(xiàn)在是你們的了Okay. Shes all yours.我覺得要退回以前的生活方式了Think Im gonna go back to my old ways.我也許是活不長了 但我起碼開心Maybe I dont live as long, but I live happy.我愛我的惡習(xí)Im in love with my vices.深深地 愛著它們 with them.我要猜猜你為什么要那樣看我嗎Do I got to guess why youre looking at me that way?或者你能直接說出

49、來Or maybe you could just use words.我看了你的審訊I watched you in that interrogation.我了解你I know you,我知道你沒對內(nèi)務(wù)部說實話and I know you werent telling I.A.D. the truth.我很擔(dān)心Im worried.我知道你絕對不會傷害賈尼絲I know you would never do anything to harm Janice,但你沒說實話but youre hiding something.如果我有些不正常 或許是因為If I seemed off, maybe

50、its because我曾愛過的女人現(xiàn)在正躺在袋子里the woman I used to love is lying dead in a bag right now.這對一個男人來說是很難接受的Its a lot for a guy to take in.羅斯伍德來電警監(jiān) 你可以對我放心 你知道的Cap, look, you can trust me. You know that.我調(diào)查了賈尼絲的個人事務(wù)And Ive been doing some digging into Janices personal affairs,她沒有清白的 沒有敵人 什么都沒有and shes clean -

51、 no enemies, no nothing.所以拜托了 我想要幫你So, please, I want to help you,但你得告訴我怎么回事 好嗎but you have to tell me whats going on, okay?別把我蒙在鼓里Dont keep me in the dark on this.霍恩斯托克Hornstock.警監(jiān)你好 內(nèi)務(wù)部帶走尸體了Hey, cap. Internal affairs took the body.但是別擔(dān)心 我們拿到想要的東西了But dont worry. We got what we needed.我能跟維拉說句話嗎Hey,

52、 can I talk to Villa?費爾德海姆跟我說她在你辦公室Feldheim told me shes in your office.是羅斯伍德Its Rosewood.他想跟我說的事Anything he wants to say to me,他完全可以寫進郵件里發(fā)給其他人he can put into an E-mail and send to someone else.你聽到了嗎Did you hear that?就跟她說Just tell her the thing關(guān)于我們之前談過的事 我覺得她是對的that we talked about - I think she was

53、 right.他說在關(guān)于那件事的事情上你是對的He said you were right about that thing about the thing.好吧 告訴他Okay, just tell him that -我長得像你的秘書么Do I look like your secretary?什么What?關(guān)于隊長的不在場證明 你是對的Caps alibi - you were right, okay?我等下開車過去接你So Im gonna swing by, pick you up,我們一起去查一條新線索were gonna check out a new lead.有事我們路上再解

54、決We can do a drive-and-patch on the way.我們開車的時候解決Patch things up while we drive?不 謝了 地址是多少No, thank you. Whats the address?好的Fine.賈尼絲的毒理報告出來了Tox screens are done on Janice.讓我猜猜 她體內(nèi)有抗組胺劑Let me guess - antihistamine was in her system.這真是我聽過的最佳猜想That is the best guess Ive ever heard,因為你完全正確because that

55、 is exactly right.你為什么還需要我們 別回答Why do you even need us? Dont answer that.我來回答I will.我們確保他不把實驗室We make sure he doesnt 和自己的生活搞得一團糟make a mess of this lab or his life.皮皮 你想跟我說什么嗎Pipp, is there something that you want to say to me?是的 你說要和維拉路上解決事情Yeah. Youre talking about doing drive-and-patches with Vil

56、la但你應(yīng)該去對凱特卑躬屈膝when you should be doing a kneel-and-grovel with Kat.不 不 我和凱特挺好的Mnh, no, no. Kat and I are fine.真的Really? 自從她莫名其妙的和你分手后Ive barely heard you mention the womans name你都沒提過她的名字since she mysteriously ended things.拜托 就送送花And come on. Flowers?你的招數(shù)可不止這點兒You could put in more effort than that.就

57、像我跟媽媽說的 我們關(guān)系挺好Like I told mom, were in a good place.好吧 這次買你的帳Okay. Lets say I buy that.你為什么不告訴我你對維拉做什么了Why dont you just tell me what you did to Villa?因為你不會無緣無故要解決問題Because you dont just patch over nothing.故事很長Well, its a long story -我現(xiàn)在真的沒時間告訴你One that I really dont have the time to tell you right

58、now因為我要來不及since Im already late把隊長從牢獄之災(zāi)里救出來了saving the captain from a lifetime behind bars.和維拉With Villa?這表情就是和維拉Oh, thats a with-villa look.好吧 快回去討好她Okay, so go get back in her good graces,我們的工作都仰仗她呢cause she gets us work.好吧 真的 真要這樣Okay. Wow. Really, huh? Really?這可是個極佳的車位This is a prime spot.你知道我擋開

59、了多少人You know how many people I had to fend off才給你留下這個車位的么to keep this spot free for you?一個都沒None?我這種為你放低姿態(tài)的精神值得表揚啊Ah, its the spirit of the gesture that counts.拜托Now, come on now.你昨晚肯定做夢都想要這樣的車位You know last night you were dreaming about a spot like that.所以凱特把我做的夢告訴你了So now I know Kat told you about

60、 the dream I had.真棒Very nice.等等 你什么意思Wait. What do you mean?你做了 做了個關(guān)于我的夢You had - you had a dream about me?沒什么大不了的Well, thats no big deal.夢到與你并肩工作的人很正常Its normal to dream about people you work with,雖然這事從來沒在我身上發(fā)生過even though its never happened to me.我聽說這很正常I mean, I hear its normal-ish.有一次我做了個夢Hey, t


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