1、Answers to SPSS Student Assistant Test Questions (Marketing Research, 9thEdition by Burns & Veeck)About Your SPSS Student Assistant OuestionsWho is your SPSS Student Assistant?It is a set of narrated videos on the use of IBM SPSS which is integrated in your marketing research textbook.How can you fo
2、llow the cursor and mouse clicks in your SPSS Student Assistant videos ?The cursor is highlighted with a translucent yellow circle; left click emits a red circle, and right click emits a green circle around the cursor.Can you freeze frame a video so it stops and you can study the screen?Yes, you can
3、 pause the videos.What navigation options are at the top of each SPSS Student Assistant window?There is a Menu hyperlink that returns to the SPSS Student Assistant menu, and there is a “Back” button to return to the previous screen. Also, there is a “Next” button that moves to the next screen in tha
4、t set.What is a formative quiz ?A formative quiz is a self-quiz to see if you are getting a main point of the video while you experience it.Ouick Tour I Review QuestionsHow is data organized in the SPSS data editor?It is arranged by rows and columns. The rows are subjects, observations, or responden
5、ts, and the columns are the variables or questions in the survey.What menu command contains operations to save a data file, open a data file, and exit SPSS?These are under the File command.What menu item would you use for cutting, copying, and pasting in the SPSS data editor?First, second, and third
6、 choice of pain relieverOrdinal scale, so use FrequenciesSatisfaction with customer service on a 7-point scaleInterval scale, so use DescriptivesWorking with SPSS Output Review QuestionsHow is SPSS output arranged in the SPSS Output Viewer?As you do various analyses, the resulting output is added to
7、 the SPSS output window and arranged vertically from the first to the last analysis.If the navigation pane is not visible in the SPSS Output Viewer window, how can youmake it appear?Click on the right-hand edge of the output window, and then drag the Navigation Pane window to the right. It will appe
8、ar as the border is dragged to the right.Indicate two ways that you can navigate around in the SPSS Output Viewer to view your various analyses output tables.The ways are: (1) use the scroll slide bar to move the output up or down in the window, and/or (2) click on the desired output in the navigati
9、on pane to make that item appear in the SPSS Output Viewer window.How do you place a descriptive heading in your SPSS output?Double click on any item and type in the new heading. Or use the insert command and insert a new title or heading.What is handy about the insert new text into SPSS output?As y
10、ou do analyses and see findings, you can insert explanations, comments, and/or interpretations right onto the output file. These can be saved and used for future reference.Establishing Confidence Intervals for Means Review Ouestions1.What is a one-sample t-test all about?It is a procedure in IBM SPS
11、S that computes confidence intervals for a mean. (It also tests a hypothesis about a mean - described in the following video.)When the test value in a one-sample t-test is set to zero, what type of statistical test will result?By default, a 95% confidence interval will be computed for the mean.If yo
12、u wanted to determine the 95% confidence intervals for 10 different variables in a dataset all in the same SPSS operation, how would you go about doing this?Use the Compare Means-One-Sample T Test command sequence to open up the One Sample T Test window. Select all 10 variables and identify them in
13、the Test Variable(s) location. Leave the Test Value at 0 and click on OK.What four pieces of statistical information are contained in the SPSS One SampleStatistics output table ?N, Mean, Standard deviation, and Standard error of the meanHow should one interpret a confidence interval for a mean with
14、SPSS?If we repeated our survey (e.g.) 100 times, and computed the average for the same variable each time, about 95% of these means would fall between the lower bound and the upper bound.Testing a Hypothesis for a Mean Review QuestionsWhat SPSS analysis command sequence is used to open up the set up
15、 window to test a hypothesis about a mean ?Analyze-Compare Means-One-Sample T TestWhen performing a hypothesis test for a mean, what is the test value ?It is the hypothesized mean.What is the Mean Difference in a one-sample t-test?It is the Mean minus the Test Value.When performing a hypothesis test
16、 for a mean with SPSS, what is the function of the significance level reported in the output?The significance level is an indication of the support for the hypothesis. If it is very low, say less than .05, the hypothesis is rejected. If larger than .05, the hypothesis is not rejected. (This explanat
17、ion assumes 95% confidence level, of course.)If you tested a mean hypothesis that was supported by your sample data, what value would necessarily be included in the 95% confidence interval of the difference?The Mean Difference would be included and exactly in the middle. With a test value of 0, the
18、actual mean is exactly in the middle of the Lower and Upper levels.Assessing Differences Between Means for 2 Groups (Independent) Review QuestionsWith an Independent Samples T-test, how many groups are involved, and why are the groups considered nindependent?Two groups are involved, and they are ind
19、ependent“ because they are mutually exclusive or distinctly different groups such as married people versus single people.How do you designate the group identities in an Independent Samples T-test?Put the variable name in the Grouping Variable location of the Independent Samples T Test window and cli
20、ck on Define Groups. Place the identification code number for group 1 and group 2 in the appropriate boxes, and then click on Continue.If you had an SPSS dataset with a variable, USERTYPE, measured as NON USER (=1), LIGHT USER (=2/ and HEAVY USER (=3), how would you go about comparing the means of e
21、ach user type to other user types for the variable, HOWMUCH?Use the Independent Samples T Test procedure to identify howmuch as the Test Variable, and identify usertype as the Grouping Variable. Do three separate analysis with groups defined as 1 and 2, 1 and 3, and 2 and 3.Indicate how to determine
22、 if the variances of two compared means are equal or unequal.On the Independent Samples Test output, identify the column labeled, “Levenes Test fbr Equality of Variances” and look immediately under fbr the Sig.column. This number indicates the amount of support for the null hypothesis of equal varia
23、nces. Using 95% level of confidence, if the Sig is less than or equal to .05, the hypothesis of equal variances is not supported. The variances are therefore unequal.What statistic on the output table indicates the level of statistical significance that has been found in an Independent Samples T-Tes
24、t?First, determine if the variances are equal or unequal. This determination identifies which row to use. Then, under the “Sig (2-tailed)“ heading, find the significance level in that row. Using 95% level of confidence, if the Sig level is less than or equal to .05, the hypothesis of equal means is
25、not supported. The means of the two groups are significantly different.Applying ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) Review OuestionsWhat is the purpose of an ANOVA test?Analysis of Variance allows for the simultaneous test of differences between means for instances where there are 3 or more groups.When you
26、 perform a Means procedure in SPSS, what statistics are provided, and can you determine statistical significance?For each group, the mean, sample size, and standard deviation are provided, but no statistical significance tests are provided.With ANOVA, differentiate a dependent variable from a factor
27、. Indicate the scaling assumptions of each.A dependent variable is an interval or ratio scaled variable, while a factor is a grouping variable, typically a nominal scaled variable. The mean of the dependent variable will be determined for each level or group of the factor.What is a Post Hoc Test, an
28、d how many are available with SPSS for Windows?A Post Hoc Test refers to a presentation of the group means to be used after (or post hoc) the ANOVA results indicate the presence of significant difference(s) exist. There are 18 different Post Hoc tests identified in the Post Hoc Multiple Comparisons
29、window.How does one interpret the significance level reported in an ANOVA table?The significance level is found under the Sig heading. Using 95% level of confidence, if the Sig value is found to be less than or equal to .05, the null hypothesis of no difference between at least one pair of group mea
30、ns is not supported.Describe how a Duncans test presents significantly different group means.The Duncans Test table arranges the means from lowest to highest and groups them in columns indicating where the means are not significantly differently. Means that are found in different columns identify gr
31、oups that are significantly different.Assessing Differences Between Means for 2 Questions (Paired) Review Questions/. How many groups are involved in a Paired Samples T-test? Explain.Only one group is involved. There are two variables compared in each test, but the same group is used for each mean.
32、That is, the same respondents must answer both target questions.If a dataset had the following variables, and you wanted to compare the means of thepairings listed below, indicate the steps you would take with SPSS for Windows to accomplish this end.FRIENDLY - SPEEDYACCURATE - CHEAP SPEEDY -ACCURATE
33、Use the Paired Sample T Test procedure, and identify the pairings above. With each move it by clicking the pairs into the Paired Variables area. Click on OK when done to obtain the statistical test results.What is found in the first output table of a paired samples t-test?For each variable involved,
34、 the variable label, mean, sample size, standard deviation, and standard error of the mean are all found in this first table.Describe how you would determine if the means of two variables in the same dataset are significantly different. Specifically, what output table would you inspect, and how woul
35、d you determine the significance level ?Examine the Paired Samples Test table and look at the Sig. (2-tailed)“ occupying the last column. Using 95% level of confidence, if the value is less than or equal to .05, there is no support for the null hypothesis of no difference between the means of the tw
36、o variables. That is, the means are significantly different.Suppose you had a 7-point rating scale where respondents indicate how important a store 5 attributes are in deciding to be loyal to that store, and a 1-5 rating scale where respondents indicated how well that store performed on each of thes
37、e attributes. What is the proper use of a Paired Samples Test in this instance?In order to be correct, that means compared with a Paired Samples Test should be of the same scale. So, you could compare the attributesimportant ratings to one another and the attributes5 performance ratings to one anoth
38、er, but it would not be correct to compare the importance rating to the performance rating for any attribute.Working with Correlations Review QuestionsWhat are the appropriate scaling assumptions of variables analyzed using Pearson Product Moment correlations ?They must be either interval or ratio s
39、caled - essentially metric.Indicate the appearance of a scatter diagram illustrating each of the fallowing correlational relationships:strong negative correlationAn ellipse that falls down to the right of an xy graph.weak positive correlationA barely identifiable ellipse the goes up to the right of
40、an xy graph.moderate negative correlationAn identifiable ellipse that falls down to the right of an xy graph.almost no correlation at allA formless mass of points across the xy graph.How many dijferent types of bivariate correlations are available under the SPSS for Windows bivariate correlation pro
41、cedure? Name each type. Which one is the default?There are three types: Pearson9s9 Kendalls tau-b, and Spearman. Pearsons is the default.Explain what is meant by a correlation matrix and explain why it is a symmetric matrix.A correlation matrix is the form of the output of SPSS correlations procedur
42、e (and many other statistical programs as well). The matrix is set up with each variable as a column and as a row so the diagonal is the correlation of the variable with itself and always a 1.0. The matrix position ij is the identical correlation of the matrix position of j,i.What is the null hypoth
43、esis in correlation analysis, and how do you determine the degree of support for the null hypothesis ?The null hypothesis is that there is no correlation between the two variables under analysis (null hypothesis of zero correlation), and the significance level is identified in the Sig (2-tailed) por
44、tion of the Correlations output table. The sig value indicates the degree of support for the null hypothesis. Using a 95 level of confidence, if the sig value is less than or equal to .05, there is no support for the null hypothesis of zero correlation between the two variables.If you were inspectin
45、g an SPSS correlation matrix, and you found a correlationcoefficient without any asterisks) beside it, what would this signify?It signifies, that the correlation is not significant at a the .05 level or less. If the Flag significant correlations box is checked (the default) in the variables selectio
46、n window of the correlations procedure, those correlations is significant at the 0.01 level or less (2- tailed) will have two asterisks, while those significant at the .05 level or less will have one asterisk. Note: Students will need to run SPSS correlation and inspect the output, as the textbook a
47、nnotations cover the footnote to the asterisk in Figure 18.10 and in the SPSS Student Assistant output.Setting Up and Analyzing Cross-Tabulations Review OuestionsWhat are the appropriate scaling assumptions of crosstabulated variables ?Both are nominal variables.What is a crosstabulation, and why is
48、 it used?It is a simultaneous presentation of the frequencies of two nominal variables indicating how they occur together or apart. It is used to determine if a statistically significant nonmonotonic association exists between the two nominal variables.Explain the following:Row variableThe variable
49、whose levels or categories constitute the rows in a crosstabulation.h. Column variableThe variable whose levels of categories constitute the columns in a crosstabulation.Row percentagesPercentages found in a crosstabulation tables cells such that they add up to 100% across a row, computed as the cel
50、l observed value divided by the row observed total.Column percentagesPercentages found in a crosstabulation tables cells such that they add up to 100% down a column, computed as the cell observed value divided by the column observed total.4.What are the observed11 counts in a crosstabulation table ?
51、These are the raw frequencies or counts that indicate, for instance, how many times the row variable value of 1 and the column variable value of 1 were found in the sample of respondents.5. How can you determine if a crosstabulation result is statistically significant? Explain yvhat is meant by a st
52、atistically significant crosstabulation finding.Using 95% level of confidence, if the “Asymp Sig. (2 tailed)“ value in the Pearson Chi- Square row of the Chi-Square Tests table is less than or equal to .05, there is no support for the null hypothesis of no association between the two variablesRumiin
53、e and Interpreting Multiple Regression Review QuestionsWhat are the appropriate scaling assumptions of variables analyzed using multiple regression?The dependent variable should be metric (interval or ratio), and the independent variables should be metric, but it is acceptable to have a few nominal
54、independent variables that are nominal.What information is contained in the second table generated by SPSS for Windows when you run a multiple regression analysis?The Model Summary Table contains R, R Square, Adjusted R Square, and the Standard error of the estimate. The VIF values are provided if t
55、he user requests them.What does the AN OVA table in a multiple regression output tell you? Explain.It reveals the level of support for the null hypothesis that no straight line relationship describes the regression plane. Using a 95% level of confidence, if the significance value is less than or equ
56、al to .05, there is no support for the null hypothesis, and the multiple regression results should not be used.What is meant by a nnonsignificant1 coefficient (B)?It means that the significance level is such that the null hypothesis of the slope for that variable is zero. This independent variable h
57、as a slope value of zero.What is a trimmed multiple regression model? When should you trim a multiple regression model ?A trimmed multiple regression means that independent variables with nonsignificant slopes have been removed and the regression rerun. You should trim when one or more nonsignifican
58、t independent variable slopes are found. Use an iterative approach to obtain only significant independent variables in the final equation.What are standardized beta coefficients, and how should they be interpreted?These translate the beta of each independent variable into the number of standard devi
59、ations away from its mean. They allow direct comparisons to be made between the resulting beta as their absolute sizes indicate their relative importance.Making Professional Graphs with SPSS for Windows Review OuestionsHow can SPSS save you time in preparing your final marketing research report?It h
60、as procedures for making professional-looking tables and graphs so it is not necessary to use or learn to use special software for these purposes.How do you activate nTableLooks ? nDouble click on the table, and then use the Format-TableLooks. command sequence.What can you do with TableLooks ?With T
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