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1、(外科學(xué)課件)11-腹外疝(英)-陳以寬2022/7/182腹外疝Abdominal External Hernia Abdominal Wall Hernia Ventral Hernia Department of Abdominal Wall and Peripheral Vascular Disease陳以寬概 述Hernia:體內(nèi)某個臟器或組織離開其正常解剖部位,通過先天或后天形成的薄弱點、缺損或孔隙進入另一部位.Hernia is derived from the Latin word for rupture. A hernia is defined as an abnormal

2、protrusion of an organ or tissue through a defect in its surrounding walls. Abdominal external hernia: protrudes through all layers of the abdominal wall. 由腹腔內(nèi)的臟器或組織連同壁腹膜,經(jīng)腹壁薄弱點或孔隙,向體表突出而致.Abdominal internal hernia: a protrusion of intestine or tissue through a defect within the peritoneal cavity.20

3、22/7/184Groin: Inguinal:Indirect,Direct,Combined Femoral Pre/peri-Vessel herniaAnterior Umbilical,Spigelian, Linea alba Artificial fistula-induced, IncisionalPelvic: Obturator,Sciatic,PerinealPosterior: Lumbar:Superior triangle Inferior triangle Diaphramatic2022/7/1852022/7/186Superior lumbar trigon

4、e (Grynfeltts) : more common. is bounded by the 12th rib, paraspinal muscles, and internal oblique muscle.Inferior lumbar trigone (Petits): Less common . bounded by the iliac crest髂嵴, latissimus dorsi muscle背闊肌, and external oblique muscle.Repair is best done by placement of prosthetic mesh2022/7/18

5、Sciatic hernia:extremely unusual and difficult to diagnose and frequently are asymptomatic until intestinal obstruction occurs. an uncomfortable or slowly enlarging mass in the gluteal臀肌or intragluteal area. Prosthetic mesh repair is usually preferred Spigelian hernia: occurs through the spigelian f

6、ascia (semilunar line). Most spigelian hernias are small. often present with localized pain in the area without a bulge. simple suture repair of the transversus abdominis and internal oblique musclesWeakness or defect of abdominal wall: Site of tissue pass through abdominal wall: spermatic cord, rou

7、nd ligament, femoral vessels, umbilical vessels. Linea alba dysplasia poor wound healing, wound infection, nerve injury of abdominal wall, eldly, obesityChronically increased intra-abdominal pressure: abdominal strain from heavy exercise or lifting, chronic cough, constipation with straining at stoo

8、l, prostatism with straining on micturition. cirrhosis with ascitise, pregancy, chronic ambulatory peritoneal dalysis, chronic enlarged pelvic organ or tumors.EtiologyPathoanatomyHernia sac : Neck or orifice of a hernia, hernia ring (疝囊頸、疝環(huán)、疝門),named according to the site of hernia ring. Hernia body

9、 Content: mainly are intestine, omentum, cecum, colon, sigmoid colon, appendix, bladder. Hernia coveringClinical classificationreducible hernia:contents can be pushed back into the abdomen by applying manual pressure.irreducible hernia:contents cannot or not completely be reduced. sliding hernia : i

10、nternal organ comprises a portion of the wall of the hernia sac .usually the bladder or colon (cecum or sigmoid colon). a special challenge in handling the sac.incarcerated hernia:occurs more often when contents protrude through a small orifices. herniated part of intestine is obstructed but the blo

11、od supply to the hernial sac is intact .strangulated hernia:small neck of the hernia obstructs arterial blood flow, venous drainage, or both to the contents of the hernia sac. has compromised blood supply to its contents. a serious and potentially fatal complicationincarcerated hernia and strangulat

12、ed hernia are the two stages in one pathologic process.Ritchers hernia: a small portion of the antimesenteric wall of the intestine is trapped within the hernia. Littre heria:intestinal diverticulum (Meckel diverticulum).Both are result in incomplete intestinal obstruction.Sliding hernia:Maydl herni

13、a: Hernia-in-W. hernial sac contains two loops of bowel with another loop of bowel being intra-abdominal. The centre portion of the W loop may become strangulated and lies within the abdominal cavity. may result in non-viable bowel being missed.Amyand hernia: appendix is included in the hernial sac

14、and becomes incarcerated. Symptoms mimicking appendicitis may occur. Treatment consists of a combination of appendectomy and hernia repair2022/7/1812Inguinal/groin hernia 腹股溝疝 Inguinal region: Inguinal ligament Lateral edge of rectus abdominis Anterior superior iliac spineIndirect inguinal hernia:pr

15、otrusion of a peritoneal sac through the internal inguinal ring. arising lateral to the triangle. Direct inguinal hernia: sac protrudes directly forwards within Hesselbachs triangle.Anatomy of the Groin (1)skin、subcutaneous tissues(2)External Oblique Muscle and Aponeurosis; Inguinal ligament (Poupar

16、ts ligament) is the inferior edge of the external oblique aponeurosis and extends from the anterior superior iliac spine to the pubic tubercle, turning posteriorly to form the lacunar (Gimbernats, reflex) ligament; The external (superficial) inguinal ring is an ovoid opening of the external oblique

17、aponeurosis; The spermatic cord exits the inguinal canal through the external inguinal ring.(3)The internal oblique aponeurosis fuses with fibers from the transversus abdominis aponeurosis to form a conjoined tendon;(4)Transversus Abdominis Muscle and Aponeurosis and Transversalis Fascia; The iliopu

18、bic tract (Thomson ligament), is a continuation of the transverse abdominis aponeurosis and fascia; interfoveolar ligament(凹間韌帶)(5)Coopers Ligament. In about 75% of patients, there will be a vessel that crosses the lateral border of Coopers ligament and is a direct communication from the obturator a

19、nd iliac vessels. This is also known as the corona mortis (6)preperitoneal space; ,Retzius space (恥骨膀胱間隙),Bogros spaceImportant nerves iliohypogastric and ilioinguinal nerves provide sensation to the skin of the groin, the base of the penis, and the ipsilateral upper medial thigh.iliohypogastric and

20、 ilioinguinal nerves lie beneath the internal oblique muscle to a point just medially and superior to the anterior superior iliac spine . where they penetrate the internal oblique muscle and lie beneath the external oblique aponeurosis. The main trunk of the iliohypogastric nerve runs on the anterio

21、r surface of the internal oblique muscle and aponeurosis medial and superior to the internal ring Inguinal Canal about 4 cm in length.extends between the internal (deep) inguinal and external (superficial) inguinal rings.contains the spermatic cord or round ligament of the uterus.bounded superficial

22、ly by the external oblique aponeurosis, internal oblique muscle.cephalad wall: internal oblique and transversus abdominis musculoaponeurosis.inferior wall of the inguinal canal: the inguinal ligament and lacunar ligament.posterior wall or floor of the inguinal canal: the transversalis fascia, falx i

23、nguinalis, and the aponeurosis of the transversus abdominis muscle.superolateral border: inferior epigastric vessels medial border: rectus sheath inferior border: inguinal ligament Hesselbachs triangle PathogenesisCongenital abnormal anatomy: persistent processus vaginalis. Nearly all infants, child

24、ren and young adult are indirect hernia. Most often present during the first year of life, but first clinical evidence may not appear until middle or old age. An untreated indirect hernia will inevitably dilate the internal inguinal ring and displace or attenuate the inguinal floor.Acquired weakness

25、 or defect of abdominal wall:the result of a developed weakness of the transversalis fascia in Hesslebachs area. Be related to hereditary or acquired defects in collagen synthesis or turnover.Clinical findingsIndirect inguinal hernia:A bulge in the inguinal region, a sense of discomfort or arching p

26、ain, may or may not reducible, may descend into the scrotum, reducible, a bulge moving lateral to medial in the inguinal canal, palpable mass with fingertip insert into inguinal canal.irreducible: indigestion, constipationincarcerated:severe pain, intestinal obstructionStrangulated:pain relieve afte

27、r perforation direct hernia: symmetric, circular swelling Dont descend into the scrotumSeldom incarcerationSliding (bladder) Distinction of indirect and direct hernia indirect hernia direct herniaOnset age infant, children, adult, elderly adult, elderlyProtrude through deep inguinal ring Hesselbachs

28、 triangleDescend into the scrotum yes noswelling: elliptical symmetric, circularcontrolled by pressure over the internal ring yes no Covered by internal spermatic fascia yes noRelationship to inferioriepigastric vessels lateral to medial to Incarcerated common seldomAlthough it sometimes can be diff

29、icult to distinguish between an indirect and a direct hernia, the distinction is of little importance because the operative repair of these types of hernias is similar.2022/7/1823Classification :diameter of hernia ring1.5cm,posterior inguinal wall intact.: diameter of hernia ring 1.5-3.0cm,posterior

30、 inguinal wall incomplete : diameter of hernia ring 3.0cm,Posterior wall defect, destroying the transversalis fascia of Hesselbachs triangle.:recurrent hernia (Academy of Chinese Hernia 2012).Numerous classification systems for groin hernias exist nowadays, such as CHARTS,Nyhus,Bendavid,Stoppa,EHS a

31、nd Academy of Chinese Hernia (2003),but none has been accepted widely. Academy of Chinese Hernia 2012 failed to reach a consensus.2022/7/1824Inguinal hernia Hydrocele testis睪丸鞘膜積液 communicating hydrocele, funicular hydrocele Inguinal adenitis淋巴結(jié)炎 Varicocele精索靜脈曲張 Ectopic testis異位睪丸 Lipoma脂肪瘤 Hematom

32、a血腫 Sebaceous cyst皮脂囊腫Psoas abscess腰肌膿腫 Lymphoma淋巴瘤 Metastatic neoplasm Epididymitis附睪炎 Testicular torsion Femoral herniaFemoral artery aneurysm or pseudoaneurysm 子宮內(nèi)膜異位癥Differential Diagnosis of Groin MassesTreatmentShould always be repaired unless there are specific contraindications.Sabiston:a st

33、rategy of watchful waiting is safe for elderly patients with asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic inguinal hernias, and that even though almost 25% of patients eventually undergo repair, when they do, the operative risks and complication rates are no different than those of patients undergoing prop

34、hylactic repair. Nonoperative Management Children of less than one year old. the use of a truss。 patients with Contraindication of hernia repair: severe disease of vital organ.Operative Repair Hernia repair is the most effective therapy for hernia. The increased pressure of abdominal cavity should b

35、e treated prior to hernia repair. Chronic cough, constipation, micturition, ascitisMethods of Operative RepairTissue Repairs Tension-free repairPreperitoneal RepairTissue Repairs傳統(tǒng)的疝修補術(shù)Although tissue repairs have largely been abandoned because of unacceptably high recurrence rates, they remain usef

36、ul in certain situations. In strangulated hernias where bowel resection is necessary, mesh prostheses are contraindicated, and a tissue repair is necessary. Available options for tissue repair include, Ferguson, Halsted, Shouldice, Bassini, and McVay repairs Tissue RepairsPrincipal of surgery:ligati

37、on of hernia ring,hernia repair.ligate the neck of hernia,然后去除疝囊(the sac is divided with cautery near the internal inguinal ring, leaving the distal sac in situ). Child hernia、strangulated hernia.Reinforce or repair of inguinal canal wall. The weak or defect of inguinal canal wall exists in all adul

38、t hernia. Ligation of hernia ring alone cant prevent recurence.Anterior wall repair of inguinal canal Ferguson repair In front of spermatic cord, suturing the transversus abdominis and internal oblique musculoaponeurotic arches or conjoined tendon to the inguinal ligament. Mainly for young adult.Pos

39、terior wall repair of inguinal canalBassini:Under spermatic cord, suturing the transversus abdominis and internal oblique musculoaponeurotic arches or conjoined tendon to the inguinal ligament .Halsted:after Bassini repair, the external oblique aponeuroses was sutured under spermatic cord. Mc Vay:ha

40、s traditionally been popular for the correction of direct inguinal hernias, large indirect hernias, recurrent hernias, and femoral hernias. Interrupted, nonabsorbable sutures are used to approximate the edge of the transversus abdominis aponeurosis to Coopers ligament. particularly suited for strang

41、ulated femoral hernias.Shouldice:the posterior wall of the inguinal canal was dissected. The initial suture of the transversus abdominis aponeurotic arch to the iliopubic tract. Next, the internal oblique and transversus abdominis muscles and aponeuroses are sutured to the inguinal ligament. a low r

42、ecurrence rate and a high degree of patient satisfaction in highly selected patients.The tension-free repair has become the dominant method of inguinal hernia repair. Recognizing that tension in a repair is the principal cause of recurrence, current practices in hernia management employ a synthetic

43、mesh prosthesis to bridge the defect, a concept first popularized by Lichtenstein. Tension-free hernioplastyThe site of Mesh: Intraperitoneal Onlay Preperitoneal space AponeurosisMaterial:膨化聚四氟乙烯( e-PTFE, Expanded-Polytetrafluoroethylene) , 聚丙烯(prolene),聚酯( polyester )2022/7/1836There are several op

44、tions for placement of mesh during anterior inguinal herniorrhaphy:Lichtenstein approachPlug-and-patch technique, Rutkowthe sandwich technique with both an anterior and preperitoneal piece of mesh, (Gilbert) UHS, PHS (Prolene Hernia System or Ultraprolene Hernia System) 2022/7/1838輕量型2022/7/1841PHS

45、or UHSunderlay circular patch onlay patch connectorThe open preperitoneal approach is useful for the repair of recurrent inguinal hernias, sliding hernias, strangulated hernias, and femoral hernias. The posterior approach avoids mobilization of the spermatic cord and injury to the sensory nerves of

46、the inguinal canal, which is particularly important for hernias previously repaired through an anterior approach. Preperitoneal RepairsThe transversalis fascia and transversus abdominis aponeurosis are identified and sutured to the iliopubic tract. A mesh prosthesis is frequently used to reinforce t

47、he closure of the femoral canal, particularly with large hernias. GPRVS (giant prosthetic reinforcement of the visceral sac, 巨大補片加強內(nèi)臟囊, Stoppa), Laparoscopic Management TEP(totally extraperitoneal), TAPP(transabdominal preperitoneal)2022/7/1844another method of tension-free mesh repaira preperitonea

48、l approacha large mesh covering the myopectineal orificeongoing debate about the best inguinal hernia repairProponents tout quicker recovery, less pain, better visualization of anatomy, utility in fixing all inguinal hernia defects, and decreased surgical site infections.Critics emphasize longer ope

49、rative times, technical challenges, and increased cost. most agree that this approach has advantages for patients with bilateral or recurrent herniasLaparoscopic ManagementSurgical indication:Type I、II、III and IV (Academy of Chinese Hernia 2003.8)Bilateral and recurrent hernia. Finding occult hernia

50、Surgical contraindication:no absolute contraindications to laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair other than the inability to tolerate general. Strangulated hernia, giant and/or sliding hernia. extensive prior lower abdominal surgery, preperitoneal space previously dissected,Transabdominal Preperitonea

51、l,TAPP: preperitoneal space is accessed after initially entering the peritoneal cavity. working space of the peritoneal cavity make early experience with the laparoscopic approach safer and easier. Mesh covers the direct, indirect, and femoral spaces and rests over the cord structures. imperative th

52、at the peritoneum is closed.Totally Extraperitoneal, TEP: dissection begins in the preperitoneal space. working space is more limited.Intraperitoneal Onlay Mesh, IPOM: mesh in an intraperitoneal position. This approach has largely been abandoned secondary to high recurrence rates and the drawbacks o

53、f intraperitoneal mesh (anti-adhesive patch). Incisional herniaSuturing the neck of hernia:Child herniaReplacing of Incarcerated hernia: 1. Incarcerated within 3-4 hours,no peritonitis. 2. Severe vital organ disease. Methord:injection of pain-killer. Supine, push back gently.Attentions: gently Close

54、 observation of abdominal signs Incarcerated or strangulated herniaTo prevent necrosis of hernia conten, acute surgery should be performed for most of incarcerated hernia. Surgery should also be performed for strangulated hernia.Treatment principal of incarcerated and stragulated herniavery importan

55、t to correction of electrolyte imbalance.Judgement of intestine vitality are pivotal in operation.How to judge: necrosis:black,Lose elasticity, no peristalsis with stimulating, pulseless of mesenteric arterycant confirm: injection of 0.25-0.5% lidocaine in mesenteric root +Hot packing replace to cav

56、ity for10-20 mins. vitality:red, peristalsis, pulsationGood system condition:Intestinal resection and anastomosisBad system condition:outlay of intestine, re-surgeryAttentions in operationW herniaintestine vitality, left nor rightExplore the replaced intestinenecrosis no repair腸壞死時僅行高位結(jié)扎,一般不宜修補femoral herniafemoral canal: bounded superiorly by the iliopubic tract, inferiorly by


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