1、 本科留學(xué)優(yōu)秀專業(yè)申請書2022 本科留學(xué)優(yōu)秀專業(yè)申請書2022范文 Dear _, When a friend asked me: Why do you like computer science? I found myself unable to give an answer. However, from that moment on, I tried to understand what makes computer science so attractive for me. My passion for computer science started in the 9th grade
2、, when I started studying it as part of the intensive informatics curriculum in my high school. What struck me at first was the immense processing power that I had at my disposal by means of the computer, but it took a while for me to discover that this power was insufficient for trivial algorithms.
3、 This made me want to know more, so I bought Introduction to Algorithms by Thomas H. Cormen. This book presented me with a completely new world, the world of algorithms. In addition to this, I learned a lot of new aspects of this field and I practically decided that computer science is what I wanted
4、 to do further on. Thats how it all started. In the academic year 2022-2022, I participated in an excellence course on the subject of computer science. This made me gain experience, on one hand in informatics, and on the other hand in social relations. I learned to be more creative, to listen to oth
5、er peoples opinions and I developed my communication abilities, along with improving my skills in programming. Moreover, I participated in many national contests where I faced new challenges and where I learned more about this field. In 2022, I received first place at the National Informatics Olympi
6、ad bynet, which gave me the opportunity to take part at the national informatics team selection. In the same year I also won second place at the National Contest Grigore Moisil. One of my best experiences worth mentioning took place during May-August 2022, when I worked as a volunteer at the SNAC Ro
7、mania association. Along with a graphics designer and a logopedist, I developed educational software for children with disabilities (dyslalia, dyslexia, late speaking), the programming aspect being realized entirely by me. The software was made entirely in C+, using the SDL library (http:), and cons
8、isted of over 15000 lines of code. This experience helped me understand how a project must be managed, how to respect deadlines and how to improve my computer science abilities. Apart from my interest in computer science and my study preoccupation, I also give my spare time an important role, becaus
9、e it is the only occasion for me to relax. Music is one of my biggest passions, and that is why, in the 9th grade, I started playing drums. By choosing drums as an instrument, I discovered that I prefer order and rhythmicity, and I also discovered that I tend to keep a strict order in everything I d
10、o. When it comes to sports, I prefer swimming as much as I can, because it improves my self-control and is benefic for my health and spirit. In addition to this, during weekends and vacations, I practice alpinism, as I consider that it gives me the occasion to face and handle extreme situations. I r
11、ecently conquered the highest peak in Romania, Mount Moldoveanu (2544 m). I also participated at a first-aid national contest organized by the Red Cross Romania, which gave me the opportunity to be the leader of a rescue team. This helped me understand better how to face critical situations and impr
12、ove my leadership skills. I often think that computer science will give me the chance to reach higher peaks, and I really consider that it has already helped me see life in a different way. Programming gave me the chance to help many children with special needs, to meet interesting people, to discov
13、er a new world. That is exactly why I would like to study and follow a career in this field. Yours sincerely, 日本留學(xué)本科優(yōu)秀專業(yè)推薦 1.法學(xué) 日本的法系與中國的法系不盡相同,但是這并不能阻礙中國學(xué)生赴日攻讀法學(xué)專業(yè)的熱情。同時日本的國際法(囊括國際公法和私法)研究具有相當?shù)膶嵙?,非常是東京大學(xué)的法學(xué)部和京都大學(xué)的法學(xué)部實力超群。 2.工學(xué) 日本的工學(xué)科研實力世界頂尖,非常是機器人、材料等領(lǐng)域的研究更是世界。中國大學(xué)的工學(xué)專業(yè)設(shè)置和日本基本相同,在專業(yè)對口性上基本問題不大。不過也有少
14、數(shù)專業(yè)在日本沒有對口專業(yè),比如說測繪專業(yè),在日本的國立大學(xué)中基本上沒有該類專業(yè)的設(shè)置。 不過可以在防災(zāi)等分野找到類似的專業(yè)。另外日本除了多家綜合性大學(xué)工學(xué)研究實力強勁外,有幾家專業(yè)性的工業(yè)大學(xué)研究實力也相當可觀,比如說東京工業(yè)大學(xué),電氣通信大學(xué),名古屋工業(yè)大學(xué),九州工業(yè)大學(xué)等,這些也是可以選擇申請的學(xué)校。 3.理學(xué) 理學(xué)方面,日本大學(xué)在這一領(lǐng)域內(nèi)的表現(xiàn)更是讓人感到敬佩,近幾年諾貝爾獎的物理和化學(xué)獎項的日本籍獲獎?wù)呔褪堑淖C明。 一般來說理學(xué)研究科有以下幾個專業(yè)方向:數(shù)學(xué)、物理學(xué)、天文學(xué)、化學(xué)、生物科學(xué),地理學(xué)等。一般還會有幾個附屬的研究所,主要承擔研究任務(wù)。研究科承擔教學(xué)任務(wù),分工相對比較確定。
15、對于工科和理科的學(xué)生的日語要求,普遍比文科的學(xué)生要低一些,基本上只要相當于二級水平就可以。 4.通信專業(yè) 日本大學(xué)的信息科學(xué)和通信科學(xué)的研究實力同樣世界一流,很多革命性的信息技術(shù)就是由日本科學(xué)家完成的。日本已經(jīng)進入了高度情報化社會的成長期階段,在所有領(lǐng)域中都需要大量的懂得情報的搜集、處理、傳送、存儲、檢索等技術(shù)的人才。 一般該專業(yè)學(xué)生赴日留學(xué)后,基本可以留在日本進入相關(guān)的軟件及通訊公司工作,薪水較其他專業(yè)相比也有比較大的晉升。同時,該類專業(yè)對于理工科學(xué)生的日語要求不是很高,相當于2級水平就可以申請,同時如果有英語托福或者托業(yè)成績也可以在申請方面加分。在申請獎學(xué)金方面也會對該類專業(yè)學(xué)生有所傾斜。
16、 5.藝術(shù) 大部分的藝術(shù)類大學(xué)為私立大學(xué),一年學(xué)費簡略在10萬人民幣左右,而國立以及公立大學(xué)的學(xué)費相對比較低廉,學(xué)費半免后一般一年在1.8萬元人民幣左右,所以國立,公立大學(xué)成為了中國藝術(shù)類專業(yè)學(xué)生的首選。目前日本的公立大學(xué)開設(shè)了如下的藝術(shù)類專業(yè): 油畫學(xué)科、繪畫學(xué)科、造形學(xué)科、造形美術(shù)學(xué)科、雕刻學(xué)科、日本畫學(xué)科、美術(shù)學(xué)科、動畫漫畫、環(huán)境設(shè)計學(xué)科、技術(shù)造形學(xué)科、工業(yè)設(shè)計學(xué)科、工藝學(xué)科、工藝工業(yè)設(shè)計學(xué)科、產(chǎn)業(yè)設(shè)計學(xué)科、視覺傳達設(shè)計學(xué)科等專業(yè)。 6.醫(yī)學(xué)、藥學(xué) 日本發(fā)達的醫(yī)學(xué)研究和藥學(xué)研究一直是中國留學(xué)生選擇的熱門專業(yè)。其先進的實驗室設(shè)施,以及充足的科研經(jīng)費,保證了日本醫(yī)學(xué)的地位。也保證了日本大學(xué)醫(yī)
17、學(xué)專業(yè)文憑的含金量。因此就業(yè)前景十分廣闊。 一般日本的醫(yī)學(xué)專業(yè)分為三大方向:醫(yī)科學(xué)、障害科學(xué)研究以及保健學(xué)。在日本牙科一般是單獨劃分為一個專業(yè),另外日本的護理專業(yè)特別有人氣,這主要是因為目前隨著日本老齡化不斷加重,迫切需要大量的護理人員充實到就業(yè)崗位。 日本國立大學(xué)的醫(yī)學(xué)專業(yè)學(xué)費相對于私立特別便宜,基本是私立大學(xué)的三分之一到五分之一左右。 日本留學(xué)獎學(xué)金項目介紹 一、日本政府獎學(xué)金 1.文部科學(xué)省獎學(xué)金 文部科學(xué)省獎學(xué)金設(shè)有七種類別,分別對學(xué)生的國籍、年齡、專業(yè)、學(xué)歷等有一定的要求。 該獎學(xué)金的申請途徑一般是通過日本的駐外使(領(lǐng))館,或通過日本的大學(xué)這兩條途徑申請。 2.留學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)獎勵費 這是由文部科學(xué)省與日本國際教育協(xié)會合作,為自費外國留學(xué)生提供“自費外國留學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)獎勵費”。 獎勵費額度:大學(xué)(含別科)的在籍學(xué)生每月52000日元,大學(xué)院生每月73000日元。 留學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)獎勵費的申請方法一般都是通過在籍的學(xué)校進行申請,具體申請辦法必須向?qū)W校詢問清楚。 二、日本國際教育協(xié)會獎學(xué)金 這是民間企業(yè)和個人通過日本教育振興協(xié)會為留學(xué)生發(fā)放的獎學(xué)金,獎學(xué)金額度為每月80000至200000日元不等,具體申請辦法可向日本國際教育協(xié)會詢問。 三、地方政府及國際交流團體獎學(xué)金 這是日本地方政府及國際交流團體為居住在當?shù)鼗蛟诋數(shù)卮髮W(xué)學(xué)
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