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1、單擊此處編輯母版標題樣式單擊此處編輯母版副標題樣式11國際商務(wù)函電實務(wù)International Business Correspondence Practice第二部 商務(wù)函電寫作實務(wù)Page 2國際商務(wù)函電實務(wù)Part Two Business Correspondence Writing PracticeProject 1Page 3Principles for Business Correspondence Writing國際商務(wù)函電實務(wù)Lead In(導(dǎo)入)7Cs principles, which consist of 7 words beginning with their in

2、itial letter C, are the rules for writing business correspondences. As the foundation or essentials of the international business correspondence writing, it provides in the round the rules for the business people in the international trade to obey in writing business correspondences.In the internati

3、onal trade, business letters and telegrams are the effective tools for traders to communicate in work. To enhance the efficiency of work, both of the two parties in the trade need to communicate not only accurately and clearly, but correctly, completely, definitely, concisely and politely as well. T

4、herefore, correctness, completeness, consideration, concreteness, conciseness, clarity and courtesy have been the principles for traders to follow up in writing business correspondence in communication. Page 4Project 1 Principles for Business Correspondence WritingAims and Demands(學(xué)習(xí)目標)To know and t

5、o master the 7Cs principles or rules for writing business correspondences.Personal qualitySkillsKnowledgeTo be able to write business correspondence with the knowledge of 7Cs principles.To train to learn thinking and finding out rules for reaching the goal of the project; To train to learn how to co

6、mmunicate and cooperate with your companions or co-workers. Page 5Project 1 Principles for Business Correspondence WritingPage 6Difficulties and Focuses(難點和重點) To understand and master the 7Cs rules in business correspondence writing; To train to learn how to communicate and cooperate with your comp

7、anions or co-workers. To train to learn thinking and finding out rules for reaching the goal of the project; Project 1 Principles for Business Correspondence WritingCase Study(案例學(xué)習(xí))Page 7Project 1 Principles for Business Correspondence WritingPrinciples for Writing Business CorrespondencePage 81. In

8、-class PresentationStudents are required to present their PPT in class, showing what you have learned about the 7Cs principles.Project 1 Principles for Business Correspondence Writing1Correctness正確4Concreteness 具體7Courtesy 禮貌2Consideration 體諒5Conciseness簡潔3Completeness 完整Page 96Clarity 清楚2. Learning

9、 about the 7Cs PrinciplesProject 1 Principles for Business Correspondence WritingPrinciples for Writing Business CorrespondencePage 1011Correctness正確Correct expressions in different styles and being up to different language standardsProper expressions with correct spelling and grammar and in correct

10、 structureAppropriate tone and a matter-of-fact attitudeAccurate facts and information, exact figures and terms in particular Please give examples demonstrating this principle in business correspondence. 請思考上述提出的正確表達在哪些方面有表現(xiàn),并舉例說明。2. Learning about the 7Cs PrinciplesProject 1 Principles for Business

11、 Correspondence WritingPrinciples for Writing Business CorrespondencePage 111Correctness正確English writing must be in proper style, correct structure and without any mistakes of spelling and grammar.a. Spelling rules in the language standards: BritishAmericandialoguedialogprogrammeprogrammathsmathfla

12、tapartmentfootballsoccerthe ground floorthe first floorprimary schoolelementary schoolhave gothave 2. Learning about the 7Cs PrinciplesProject 1 Principles for Business Correspondence WritingPrinciples for Writing Business CorrespondencePage 12b. Writing styles formalinformalcommercebeginfurnishsupp

13、lycomputationcalculationpertaining toconcern / have a connection withby virtue ofby means of purchasebuy2. Learning about the 7Cs Principles1Correctness正確Project 1 Principles for Business Correspondence WritingPrinciples for Writing Business CorrespondencePage 13c. Tenses, verb patterns and tones e.

14、g.We learned your firm in a newspaper advertisement. Correct: We have learnedWe want to introduce my company. Correct: We hope / would like to The cargo under S/C No.237 has been shipped on board next Monday.Correct: to improve the tense or to cross out the time reference2. Learning about the 7Cs Pr

15、inciples1Correctness正確Project 1 Principles for Business Correspondence WritingPrinciples for Writing Business CorrespondencePage 14More Practice: 1.1 Try to correct the following sentences in Chinglish Excessive smoking will injure your body. Through inquiry, we have learnt that he has been elected

16、to a new leading post. In the basketball game, our team won the British team. We all enjoy public medicine care. health beatfree medical On 2. Learning about the 7Cs Principles1Correctness正確Project 1 Principles for Business Correspondence WritingPrinciples for Writing Business CorrespondencePage 151

17、.2 Take a matter-of-fact attitude to clearly state what you will say instead of overstatement or understatement. e.g.This product is absolutely the best one in the market.c.f. This product is the best one we can supply. It is the lowest price available in the market to you.c.f. It is the lowest pric

18、e we can offer now.More Practice: 2. Learning about the 7Cs Principles1Correctness正確Project 1 Principles for Business Correspondence WritingPrinciples for Writing Business CorrespondencePage 161.3 Choose the only accurate facts, figures and words. e.g.You ask very short delivery for your order. c.f.

19、 You require a quick (prompt) delivery of your order.All the offers by faxes are open for 5 days. c.f. All the offers by faxes are open for 5 days from (inclusive of) the date of dispatch.More Practice: 2. Learning about the 7Cs Principles1Correctness正確Project 1 Principles for Business Correspondenc

20、e WritingPrinciples for Writing Business CorrespondencePage 172Consideration 體諒Give consideration in your clients placeEmphasize the you attitude and the Passive VoiceFind the best way to express yourselfPlease give examples demonstrating this principle in business correspondence. 請思考上述提出的正確表達在哪些方面有

21、表現(xiàn),并舉例說明。2. Learning about the 7Cs PrinciplesProject 1 Principles for Business Correspondence WritingPrinciples for Writing Business CorrespondencePage 182Consideration 體諒(1) Put yourself in the position of the recipient, taking into consideration of his demand, hope, interests, etc. Thoughtfulness

22、enables you to understand your recipients better.(2) Compare the two attitudes: We-attitudeYou-attitudeWe allow you a 5% discountYou can earn a 5% discountfor cash paymentwhen you pay in cashWe are pleased to announce thatYou will be pleased to know2. Learning about the 7Cs PrinciplesProject 1 Princ

23、iples for Business Correspondence WritingPrinciples for Writing Business CorrespondencePage 19However, “you” attitude is not always suitable to every occasion to express consideration, especially when we make promises, obligations and responsibilities, and when the reader makes mistakes or has expre

24、ssed an opinion different from your own. Sometimes we use the Passive Voice to emphasize the event rather than the doer, and we always try to discuss problems in a positive way instead of a negative way. e.g. We feel sure that you will be entirely satisfied. 2. Learning about the 7Cs Principles2Cons

25、ideration 體諒Project 1 Principles for Business Correspondence WritingPrinciples for Writing Business CorrespondencePage 20Rewrite the following sentences2.1 Your letter of July 1 tells us plainly that the goods you sent would reach us by the end of this month.2.2 You are entirely wrong in your attitu

26、de.More Practice: (We are very glad to refer to your letter of July 1, from which we knew the goods we ordered would reach us by the end )(We know you have analyzed the matter from two viewpoints, but there is still one aspect which is extremely important and worthy of being discussed by both of us.

27、)2. Learning about the 7Cs Principles2Consideration 體諒Project 1 Principles for Business Correspondence WritingPrinciples for Writing Business CorrespondencePage 213Completeness 完整A piece of business writing is very successful and highly efficient only when it contains all the necessary information t

28、o the readers and answers all the questions and requirements put forward by them.(1) We must make sure that the writing is completed both in layout and in content: All the matters are discussed or stated All the questions or requirements are answered or explained(2) Avoid fragments and confusing sta

29、tementsPlease give examples demonstrating this principle in business correspondence. 請思考上述提出的正確表達在哪些方面有表現(xiàn),并舉例說明。2. Learning about the 7Cs PrinciplesProject 1 Principles for Business Correspondence WritingPrinciples for Writing Business CorrespondencePage 22Change the following sentences accordingly3

30、.1 When the ambassador was in his office and someone shot through the window at his uniform. There was a hole in the ambassadors uniform. 3.2 Cheerleaders always have and will always do their best to stimulate enthusiasm at the games. 3Completeness 完整More Practice: (When the ambassador was in his of

31、fice, someone shot through the window at his uniform. There was a hole in the ambassadors uniform.)(Cheerleaders have always done and will always do their best to stimulate enthusiasm at the games.)2. Learning about the 7Cs PrinciplesProject 1 Principles for Business Correspondence WritingPrinciples

32、 for Writing Business CorrespondencePage 233.3 Mr. Williams has confidence and ambition for his son. 3.4 To her, the silence of the desert at night was more terrifying than a wolf.(Mr. Williams has confidence in and ambition for his son.)(To her, the silence of the desert at night was more terrifyin

33、g than the howl of a wolf.)More Practice: 2. Learning about the 7Cs Principles3Completeness 完整Project 1 Principles for Business Correspondence WritingPrinciples for Writing Business CorrespondencePage 244Concreteness 具體Any kind of practical English writing should be specific, definite and persuasive

34、. Using specific facts, figures and time can help to express concretely and vividly. (1)To be specific, definite and persuasive (2) The helpful guidelines to the concrete letters: Use specific facts and figuresPut action in your verbsChoose vivid, image-building words2. Learning about the 7Cs Princi

35、plesProject 1 Principles for Business Correspondence WritingPrinciples for Writing Business CorrespondencePage 254Concreteness 具體(3) Sometimes vagueness is preferred and you have to or should be general or flexible:when accurate facts or figures are not availablewhen you open tentative offers to sev

36、eral clientsPlease give examples demonstrating this principle in business correspondence. 請思考上述提出的正確表達在哪些方面有表現(xiàn),并舉例說明。2. Learning about the 7Cs PrinciplesProject 1 Principles for Business Correspondence WritingPrinciples for Writing Business CorrespondencePage 26Restate the following sentences4.1 We

37、wish to confirm your fax dispatched yesterday. 4.2 The Universal Trading Company is one of our big buyers. More Practice: (We wish to confirm your fax dated June 5, 2019.)(The Universal Company places over USD5,000,000 worth of business with us each year.)2. Learning about the 7Cs Principles4Concret

38、eness 具體Project 1 Principles for Business Correspondence WritingPrinciples for Writing Business CorrespondencePage 27More Practice: 4.3 We have received with thanks your check and the amount has been placed to your credit. 4.4 These brakes stop a car within a short distance. (We have received with t

39、hanks your Check No.2047 for USD23000, in payment of our commission, which has been placed to your credit.)(These type SMQ2 power brakes can stop a 4-ton car travelling 65 miles an hour within 300 feet.)2. Learning about the 7Cs Principles4Concreteness 具體Project 1 Principles for Business Corresponde

40、nce WritingPrinciples for Writing Business CorrespondencePage 285Conciseness簡潔As it saves both trade parties time, conciseness is often considered to be the most important writing principle and language feature. So when we do communication, we should: Try to write shortly and clearly and try to avoi

41、d wordiness and unnecessary repeats (2) Put the sentences in logical order, avoiding too many ands and buts(3) Try to avoid too many complex statements(4) Confine each statement to one idea and each paragraph to only one point or topicPlease give examples demonstrating this principle in business cor

42、respondence. 請思考上述提出的正確表達在哪些方面有表現(xiàn),并舉例說明。2. Learning about the 7Cs PrinciplesProject 1 Principles for Business Correspondence WritingPrinciples for Writing Business CorrespondencePage 29State the following ideas more concisely5.1 He said he would draft a plan which was appropriate to his clients need

43、s. 5.2 He is a man who is honest, who always pays his just debts, and who observes the golden rules in his dealing with others. 5Conciseness簡潔More Practice: (draft an appropriate plan to his .)(He is an honest man, who always pays his just debts and observes the golden rules in his dealing with othe

44、r.)2. Learning about the 7Cs PrinciplesProject 1 Principles for Business Correspondence WritingPrinciples for Writing Business CorrespondencePage 30More Practice: 5.3 I was walking in the park yesterday morning, and saw a snake. 5.4 In my opinion, I would say that we here in China today in the last

45、quarter of the 20th century often place a high value on the successful achievement of an education on the college level and it seems to me that the reason why we believe this is that college is the place where a young man or woman is first helped to begin to grasp and understand what the true meanin

46、g of life really is.(Yesterday morning while I was walking in the park, I saw a snake.)(The Chinese people now value a college education highly because it helps a student to understand the meaning of life.)2. Learning about the 7Cs Principles5Conciseness簡潔Project 1 Principles for Business Correspond

47、ence WritingPrinciples for Writing Business CorrespondencePage 316Clarity 清楚The so-called “clarity” or “clearness” is to make sure that what you write is so clear in meaning that it can be impossibly misunderstood. So, we should(1) Pay attention to logical word orders, putting modifiers in the right

48、 places(2) Express ourselves in plain, simple words or in well-constructed statements and paragraphs.(3) Write what is needed in good, straight-forward and simple English.Please give examples demonstrating this principle in business correspondence. 請思考上述提出的正確表達在哪些方面有表現(xiàn),并舉例說明。2. Learning about the 7C

49、s PrinciplesProject 1 Principles for Business Correspondence WritingPrinciples for Writing Business CorrespondencePage 32Compare the following statements in pairs6.1.1 Please let us know what you wish us to do about this matter . (The phrase underlined can also modify do) 6.1.2 Please let us know wh

50、at you wish us to do about this matter.(it can only modify know)6.2.1 We sent you 4 samples yesterday of the goods which you requested for in your letter of May 10 . (The phrase underlined can also modify requested) 6.2.2 We sent you yesterday, , 4 samples of the goods requested for in your letter o

51、f May 10. (it can only modify sent)6Clarity 清楚More Practice: as soon as possibleas soon as possibleby airby air2. Learning about the 7Cs PrinciplesProject 1 Principles for Business Correspondence WritingPrinciples for Writing Business CorrespondencePage 33More Practice: Fill in the blanks with the c

52、orrect words relative to “sight”:On my way home yesterday afternoon, I a donkey standing in the middle of the road. A crowd of people it. I my classmate Tom in the crowd. I my watch and it read half past five. 2. Learning about the 7Cs Principlesnoticedwere watchingsawlooked at 6Clarity 清楚Project 1

53、Principles for Business Correspondence WritingPrinciples for Writing Business CorrespondencePage 347Courtesy 禮貌(1) Tactfully show honest friendship, thoughtful appreciation, sincere politeness, considerately understanding and heartfelt respecting(2) Answer letters promptly(3) Adopt the right tone, b

54、eing persuasive, firm, apologetic and so on:1)Take the initiative to bear the responsibility and try to avoid blaming on the doer for something2)The Passive Voice should be used accordingly3)Change the commanding or imperative tone into requesting one or suggesting one2. Learning about the 7Cs Princ

55、iplesProject 1 Principles for Business Correspondence WritingPrinciples for Writing Business CorrespondencePage 357Courtesy 禮貌4)Use the past subjunctive form5)Use mitigation and avoid overemphasizing your own opinion or irritating your partner6)Never blame your clients and try to avoid using the wor

56、ds with forcing tone or arousing unpleasantness7)Use the words or expressions with meaning of joy, thanks and regret, etc.Please give examples demonstrating this principle in business correspondence. 請思考上述提出的正確表達在哪些方面有表現(xiàn),并舉例說明。2. Learning about the 7Cs PrinciplesProject 1 Principles for Business Cor

57、respondence WritingPrinciples for Writing Business CorrespondencePage 36Change the following statements according to this rule7.1 We are sorry that you have misunderstood us. 7.2 You arent enclosing the price list in your letter. .7.3 Advise us of more detailed information on your requirements. More

58、 Practice: (We are sorry that we didnt make ourselves clear)(The price list is not enclosed in your letter.)(Will you please (kindly) inform us of more detailed)2. Learning about the 7Cs Principles7Courtesy 禮貌Project 1 Principles for Business Correspondence WritingPrinciples for Writing Business Cor

59、respondencePage 37More Practice: Change the following statements according to this rule7.4 We cannot deliver the goods all at one time. 7.5 We want you to assist us in shipment. (We are afraid the goods cant be delivered all at one time) (Your assistance would be appreciated deeply)2. Learning about

60、 the 7Cs Principles7Courtesy 禮貌Project 1 Principles for Business Correspondence WritingPrinciples for Writing Business Correspondencec & DConsideration and Discussion(思考與討論) Project 1 Principles for Business Correspondence WritingPage 39Consideration and Discussion(思考與討論) You are required to summari


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