1、 PAGE 1997學(xué)年度管理學(xué)院英文課程自學(xué)輔導(dǎo)方案實施辦法方案名稱:管理學(xué)院大一英文課程自學(xué)輔導(dǎo)方案,以下簡稱本方案。設(shè)置宗旨:具體鼓勵與協(xié)助管理學(xué)院大一學(xué)生在課餘練習與加強其商用英文,並給予適當之輔導(dǎo)與協(xié)助,以降低學(xué)生中途退出之機率;另一方面奠定其使用英語溝通和報告的基礎(chǔ),進而提昇學(xué)生整體之專業(yè)語文能力。方案規(guī)劃:(一)、實施班級: 管理學(xué)院97學(xué)年度入學(xué)之大一新生: 企業(yè)管理學(xué)系、統(tǒng)計資訊學(xué)系、國際貿(mào)易與金融學(xué)系、資訊管理學(xué)系及會計學(xué)系之外國語文(英文)課。 (二)、教材: 1.Biz互動英語雜誌(附電腦互動光碟含課程朗讀MP3)。 2. 每學(xué)期3本,分別為97年之10至12月號與98
2、年之3至5月號。 3. 指定此本輔助教材主要目的是要提供學(xué)生在課餘時間時有另一個自學(xué)的管道,老師在授課時也可斟酌每期雜誌的內(nèi)容,評估和主教材作教學(xué)上搭配的可行性。 4. 教師可視需要,評估是否指定部份雜誌內(nèi)容納入期末考範圍。(三)、測驗: 1. 模式和題型:採集體統(tǒng)一測驗?zāi)J?,題型主要分為聽力與閱讀二 大類。題型介紹請參閱測驗指南 (附件一) 。 2. 日期:基本上為每兩週測驗一次,訂於星期三之12:4013:20進行,每次測驗時間為40分鐘。詳細測驗日期列於下面管理學(xué)院97學(xué)年度大一英文課程自學(xué)輔導(dǎo)方案考試日程表。 3. 次數(shù):全學(xué)年之測驗次數(shù)共為12次 (一學(xué)期測驗6次)。 4. 範圍:為
3、當期雜誌的上半月或下半月內(nèi)容,視當次考試日期而定。 5. 地點:各系大一導(dǎo)師時間之教室。(四)、成績:希望學(xué)期6次平常測驗成績至少占該科總成績之15-20%。管理學(xué)院97學(xué)年度大一英文課程自學(xué)輔導(dǎo)方案考試日程表97學(xué)年度第一學(xué)期 - 09/15開始上課考試日期範圍考試時間地點班級監(jiān)考助教10/15(三)2007年10月號10/0110/1512:4013:20導(dǎo)師時間之教室管院各系大一另行通知10/29(三)10/1610/3112:4013:20導(dǎo)師時間之教室管院各系大一另行通知11/1011/14期中考11/19(三)2007年11月號11/111/1512:4013:20導(dǎo)師時間之教室管
4、院各系大一另行通知11/26(三)11/1611/3012:4013:20導(dǎo)師時間之教室管院各系大一另行通知12/10(三)2007年12月號12/0112/1512:4013:20導(dǎo)師時間之教室管院各系大一另行通知12/31(三)12/1612/3112:4013:20導(dǎo)師時間之教室管院各系大一另行通知1/121/16期末考97學(xué)年度第二學(xué)期 - 02/16開始上課考試日期範圍考試時間地點班級監(jiān)考助教03/11(三)2008年3月號03/0103/1512:4013:20導(dǎo)師時間之教室管院各系大一另行通知03/25(三)03/1603/3112:3013:10導(dǎo)師時間之教室管院各系大一另行通
6、02教室企管一丙LM304教室企管一丙LM304教室會計一甲LM306教室會計一甲LM306教室會計一乙LM307教室會計一乙LM307教室貿(mào)金一甲LM401教室貿(mào)金一甲LM401教室貿(mào)金一乙LM402教室貿(mào)金一乙LM402教室資管一甲LM105教室資管一甲LM105教室資管一乙LM411教室資管一乙LM411教室統(tǒng)資一甲LM309教室統(tǒng)資一甲LM309教室統(tǒng)資一乙LM310教室統(tǒng)資一乙LM310教室收費標準:本自學(xué)方案所使用之教材為Biz互動英語雜誌(附電腦互動光碟含 課程朗讀MP3),將由系上統(tǒng)一訂購,價格為雜誌+互動光碟(CD-ROM)=120元/每期 ,每學(xué)期使用3本,分別為97年10
7、至12月號與98年3至5月號。備註:請各系秘書轉(zhuǎn)知: (1)各大一班代於97/9/26(五)前將訂購數(shù)量統(tǒng)計完成並e-mail至lietion,以利安排雜誌訂購,逾時不候。(2)外系生及重修生可選擇自行購買或於97/9/26(五)前至LM210登記訂購,逾時請自行購買。 (3)97/10/15(三)前請大一各班班代收齊雜誌費用(為作業(yè)方便,每人一次繳交三期雜誌費用共360元,不接受單本訂購)並繳至LM210,以利與廠商作業(yè)。(4)雜誌廠商提供給管院11個清寒名額,讓同學(xué)可免費訂閱,請各系系秘書於9/26前將申請資料連同附件二的清寒申請表交至LM210彙整,因名額有限,請各系斟酌推派。 實施對象
8、:本院97學(xué)年度大一新生。廠商將提供試題測驗卷,並請老師惠賜改進意見。每次考試將安排研究生助教協(xié)助監(jiān)考及批閱考卷。本規(guī)則未盡事宜,依輔仁大學(xué)及管理學(xué)院相關(guān)辦法之規(guī)定處理。本方案相關(guān)之考試及請假規(guī)則,依照輔仁大學(xué)考試規(guī)則及輔仁大學(xué)考試請假規(guī)則處理,詳情請參照附件三及附件四。請假補考者成績以當次補考成績的80%計算;請假時需附請假證明,未提供證明者不予補考(考試當週週五前將證明交至LM210,以統(tǒng)計補考人數(shù))。統(tǒng)一的補考時間為當次考試隔週星期一12:4013:20,詳細補考地點請於考試當週五前到LM210詢問,未參加補考者當次成績零分計算。 十、本辦法待全人中心共同外語科課程委員會會議通過,送請校
9、長核可後,公布實施,修正時亦同十一、召集人:管理學(xué)院 許培基老師TEL:(02)2905-2613E-mail: HYPERLINK mailto:badm1017.tw badm1017.tw 十二、聯(lián)絡(luò)人:管理學(xué)院國際國際合作部 李宜軒助理TEL:(02)2905-2960E-mail:lietion【附件一】測驗指南測驗要領(lǐng)除了依照進度按時閱讀雜誌外,平時也應(yīng)盡可能地讓自己頻繁地接觸英語環(huán)境。閱讀英文書籍、其他類型的雜誌、看英語電視節(jié)目或影片、聽錄音帶、上英語相關(guān)課程、用英語與親友交談等都是練習英文的好方法。 仔細閱讀此份測驗指南及所提供的試題範例,增進測驗的熟悉度。測驗中可就關(guān)鍵字作答
10、。注意測驗時間(共50分鐘) 。在進行聽力測驗時(約10分鐘),請調(diào)整一下您的作答速度,如果不知道答案,請繼續(xù)下一個問題,有時間再回過頭來答不會的問題;在進行閱讀測驗時亦同。爭取時間是第一關(guān)鍵。熟悉考試題型並學(xué)習如何在答案紙上作答。你可以把注意力放在問題本身,而非題型。測驗內(nèi)容本測驗之用途,乃是針對管理學(xué)院大一學(xué)生,並以提昇其商用英語能力為主來設(shè)計考題內(nèi)容。測驗題的內(nèi)容,主要來自當期的雜誌,並搭配從全世界各地職場中所蒐集而來的英文資料,題材多元化,包含各種地點與狀況。測驗方式 本測驗屬於紙筆測驗,時間為50分鐘,總共有25題,全部為單選題,分作兩大部分:聽力與閱讀,兩者共同計時。 第一大類:聽
11、力Listening Comprehension總共有10題,由手提CD音響播放考題,共有二大題??忌鷷牭礁鞣N各類英語的直述句、問句、短對話以及短獨白,然後根據(jù)所聽到的內(nèi)容回答問題。聽力的考試時間大約為10分鐘。第一大題:應(yīng)答問題Best Response Questions 四題16 % (四選一)第二大題:簡短對話Conversation Questions 四題16 % (四選一)第三大題:簡短獨白Short Talk 二題 8 % (四選一)第二大類:閱讀總共有15題,題目及選項都印在試題卷上。考生須閱讀多種題材的文章,然後回答相關(guān)問題??荚嚂r間為30分鐘,考生可在時限內(nèi)依自己能力調(diào)
12、配閱讀及答題速度。第一大題:字彙及片語測驗Fill-in-the-blank Questions七題28 % (四選一)第二大題:克漏字測驗Cloze 五題20 % (四選一)第三大題:閱讀測驗Passage Questions 三題12 % (四選一)另外,因本測驗並無另外提供答案紙,測驗卷型式如附檔一所示,請考生選好答案後,直接作答在測驗卷的空格括號內(nèi)即可。計分說明考生一律用原子筆在答案卷上作答。考試分數(shù)由答對題數(shù)決定,每題答對以4分計算,滿分為100分,兩大類加起來即為總分,答錯不倒扣。聯(lián)絡(luò)人管理學(xué)院國際國際合作部 李宜軒助理TEL:(02)2905-2960E-mail:lietion
13、辦公室:利瑪竇大樓二樓 LM210測驗範例如附件1-2所示?!靖郊恢弧俊靖郊恢緽iz Magazine Biweekly Test SampleSection One: Listening ComprehensionPart 1. Best Response Questions Listen to the question or statement and choose the best response.DirectionsIn this part of the test, you will hear a question or statement spoken in Englis
14、h, followed by four responses, also spoken in English. The question or statement and the responses will be spoken just one time. They will not be printed in your test paper sheets, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers say. You are to choose the best response to each question
15、or statement.Example You will hear: This is the most authentic tasting tiramisu I have ever eaten!You will also hear: (A) Come on! It wasnt that expensive to make. (B)Thanks. I try to make it taste like the real thing. (C)OK. Can I get you some lemon pie instead? (D)Oh, no. Did I add too much cinnam
16、on again?The best response to the question “This is the most authentic tasting tiramisu I have ever eaten!” is (B), “Thanks. I try to make it taste like the real thing.” Therefore, you should choose answer (B) and write it in the parentheses in front of the question number.Sample Questions( ) 1. You
17、 will hear:Staceys uncle is in the money laundering business, you know. (A)Yeah, I heard he owns a chain of dry cleaners around town.(B)Its nice that he can help people take care of their financial problems.(C)Right, I should talk to him about getting some clean, new bills.(D)Oh, if he gets caught d
18、oing illegal activities he will be sent to jail. The answer to this question is (D).Part 2. Conversation QuestionsListen to each conversation and answer the question.DirectionsIn this part of the test, you will hear short conversations between two people. The conversations will not be printed in you
19、r test paper sheets. You will hear the conversation only once, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers say.After the conversation, you will hear a question about each conversation as well. The question will be followed by four answers. You are to choose the best answer to each q
20、uestion and write it in the parentheses in front of the question number.Example You will hear:(Male) I dont know if we should make the purchase from Bob or Jim. (Female) Well, weve been using Bob for a long time. And were always satisfied. (Male) True. But Ive heard good things from other people abo
21、ut Jim. (Female) So, call up Jim and ask him to give us a quote. Q: What does the woman want the man to get from Jim?You will read: (A)The price he will charge for the services and products. (B)An example of the work he does so they can try it out. (C)Something he says about his product that sounds
22、important. (D)A description of his previous working experience.The best response to the question “What does the woman want the man to get from Jim?” is (A), “The price he will charge for the services and products.” Therefore, you should choose answer (A) and write it in the parentheses in front of t
23、he question number.Sample Questions(B) 2. You will hear: (Female) Steve, thank you for coming to see me. (Male) The pleasures mine, Claire. So, whats up? (Female) Well, I had a few things that I needed you to help me with. (Male) OK. Just fire away! Q:What does the man ask the woman to do? You will
24、read: (A) Start looking at the things he brought to show her. (B) Start telling him what it is that she wants him to do. (C) Start leaving so he can do the things she needs help with. (D) Start letting people go from their jobs. The answer to this question is (B).Part 3. Short TalkListen to the para
25、graph and answer the questions. DirectionsIn this part of the test, you will hear one paragraph of short talk. It will be spoken just one time. It will not be printed in your test paper sheets, so you must listen carefully to understand and remember what is said.After the short talk, you will hear t
26、wo questions about it. The questions will be followed by four answers. You are to choose the best answer to each question and write it in the parentheses in front of the question number.Sample QuestionsYou will hear:Scooters are of course a popular form of transportation in Taiwan, but they are catc
27、hing on in the US as well. With the price of gas close to three dollars per gallon, commuters are embracing the economical scooter. It only takes US$5 to fill its 1.5 gallon gas tank and it can get 100 miles per gallon. Try doing that in a car! Scooter sales in the US have rocketed from 12,000 sold
28、in 1997 to 113,000 in 2005, and the boom is not expected to slow anytime soon. With more scooters being sold, riders are forming clubs and lobbying governments for more scooter-friendly laws. There are also a number of websites devoted to scooter maintenance springing up on the Internet. The cost be
29、nefits of scooter ownership are obvious, but riders say they also enjoy the fun and efficiency of riding a scooter. Try weaving through traffic jams in a car!You will hear: 3. How many miles can a scooter get on one tank of gas according to the passage?You will read: (A) Fifty miles. (B) One hundred
30、 miles. (C) One hundred fifty miles. (D) Two hundred miles. The answer to this question is (C).You will hear: 4. According to the passage, what kind of scooter websites can be found on the Internet?You will read: (A) Websites for getting the government to enact more scooter laws. (B) Websites for he
31、lping you keep your scooter in good condition. (C) Websites to get more people to give up their cars and buy scooters. (D) Websites where people can buy and sell second-hand scooters. The answer to this question is (B).Section Two: Reading ComprehensionDirectionsIn this part of the test, both of the
32、 questions and responses are printed in your test paper sheets. The questions will be followed by four answers. You are to choose the best answer to each question and write it in the parentheses in front of the question number.Part 1. Fill-in-the-blank QuestionsChoose the best answer to fill in each
33、 blank.Sample Questions( )1.Since you are the last to arrive at the meeting, you can take the _. (A)exposure(B)minutes(C)venue(D)mission The answer to this question is (B).( )2.Im impressed with the folks over at Iron Gate; they run a pretty _ ship.(A)bright(B)light(C)tight(D)right The answer to thi
34、s question is (C).Part 2. ClozeChoose the best answer to fill in each blank.Sample QuestionsThese days, Honda sells US$80 billion dollars in products each year. It is an industry leader in cars, motorcycles, and lawnmowers. Indeed, its hard to believe that it once operated out of a wooden _(3)_. So
35、how did Honda, founded in Japan by Soichiro Honda in 1948, become so successful in the _(4)_ of strong competition? There are a number of different theories. One put Honda success down _(5)_ a combination of luck, timing, and adaptability instead of a long-term strategy. Honda initially wanted to se
36、ll big motorcycles in the US, since Americans love their gas _(6)_. But their employees there realized the little scooters they rode at work attracted a lot of attention, so they changed their strategy. Another theory says that Honda has benefited from economies of _(7)_, in which engines are mass-p
37、roduced, thus keeping cost-per-unit low. Whatever the reason, there is definitely some genius behind the making of Honda as a global brand.( )3.(A)track(B)shack(C)casket(D)plank The answer to this question is (B).( )4.(A)way(B)back(C)mass(D)face The answer to this question is (D).Part 3. Passage Que
38、stionsRead the passage and answer the questions.Sample QuestionsFrom 1991 to 2002, Argentina struggled with mounting debts and high unemployment, due to IMF-directed economic policies enacted to fight inflation. Many people blame the IMF for the economic collapse which followed.Foreign investors los
39、t confidence in Argentina, prompting a destabilizing movement of USD holdings offshore, and the government froze bank accounts. The country defaulted on its debts after people took to the streets, forcing the government to collapse. The currency was previously fixed as equal to the USD, but this pol
40、icy was abandoned, leading to a crash which sent many peoples savings and investments down the drain.A few years later, Argentina has come a long way. The incoming president, Nestor Kirchner, was free to introduce big changes, like improving the tax collection system and increasing social welfare sp
41、ending, while maintaining tight fiscal control. Restructuring Argentinas debt has saved billions, and controls to prevent short-term investments have been implemented. The low exchange rate has boosted exports, attracted investment, and helped the domestic economy by making imports more expensive.To
42、day, Argentinas GDP growth rivals Chinas, it has no debt to the IMF, and has healthy foreign currency reserves. There is still a long way to go, but the collapse of 2002 was not all bad.( )8.Why did the Argentine government freeze bank accounts?(A)To restore confidence.(B)To default on its debts.(C)
43、To prevent too much money leaving the country.(D)To follow the IMFs policies. The answer to this question is (C).( )9.What change to policy was made after the government collapsed?(A)Savings and investments were abandoned.(B)The currency was no longer equal to the dollar.(C)The US dollar was adopted
44、 as the new currency.(D)Argentina did not repay its debts. The answer to this question is (B).附件二輔仁大學(xué)管理學(xué)院申請Biz雜誌免費訂閱清寒學(xué)生申請表學(xué)生申請人資料姓 名性 別身分別請勾選 本國生 僑外生 原住民身份證字號:如為僑生、外籍生請?zhí)顚懢恿糇C上的統(tǒng)一證號學(xué) 號電話: 手機:學(xué) 院院(部)系組班別 系 組年 級 年 班連絡(luò)地址家庭概況住 處自有 租屋 其他收 支全家每月平均收入 元;支出 元家庭住址: 電話:稱 謂姓 名年齡教 育婚 姻健 康 服務(wù)機構(gòu) 職 位每月收入請簡述家庭經(jīng)濟狀況導(dǎo)師簽名: 系主任簽名: 申請者應(yīng)檢附之審核資料: 1. 申請表政府機關(guān)低收入戶證明或其他相關(guān)證明文件清寒僑生應(yīng)檢附僑外組開具之清寒證明書請將以上相關(guān)審核資料於9/26前交至LM210辦公室。TEL: 2905-2960,洽詢李宜軒助理註: 因廠商只提供11個名額,各系請依各班情形斟酌推派清寒同學(xué)申
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