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1、PAGE 綜合測試(二) 第 PAGE 10 頁 共 NUMPAGES 10 頁絕密樂清中學2008年保送生招生綜合素質測試綜合測試(二)親愛的同學: 歡迎你參加考試!考試中請注意以下幾點:1全卷分語文和英語兩部分,滿分200分,考試時間為150分鐘。2試題的答案必須做在答題卷的相應位置上。做在試題卷上無效。3請用鋼筆或圓珠筆在答題卷密封區(qū)上填寫學校、姓名、試場號和準考證號,請勿遺漏。祝你成功!語文試卷一、語文知識積累與運用(14分)1古詩文名句默寫。(共7分,每題1分。請書寫完整,需寫兩句,一句寫錯即不得分。)關關雎鳩,在河之洲。 , 。(詩經關雎)忽逢桃花林,夾岸數(shù)百步,中無雜樹, , 。

2、(陶淵明桃花源記)李白行路難中用典故表達“天生我材必有用”的雄心壯志的句子是“ , ”。春望一詩中杜甫移情于花鳥,以“ , ”這兩句詩表達了感時傷世的復雜情懷。龔自珍載著“浩蕩離愁”辭官還鄉(xiāng),在他的己亥雜詩中,仍關心國家的前途和命運的詩句是“ , ”。崔顥黃鶴樓中表現(xiàn)游子的悲苦心情的詩句是“ , ”。木蘭詩中描寫戰(zhàn)事頻繁持久,戰(zhàn)斗激烈悲壯的句子是“ , ”。2出師表情詞懇切,有不少膾炙人口的名句,請寫出你欣賞的一句。結合文章內容,說說諸葛亮是怎樣的一個人。(3分)答: 3從括號內選擇恰當?shù)脑~語填到句中的空白處。(4分)到大沽口去參觀,最吸引我的是那歷經滄桑的古炮臺。那_的炮身,依稀還染著殷紅的

3、鮮血,那_的炮口,好像正_憤怒的火光。沿著炮臺的遺址_ _,似乎還能找到當年抗英志士的腳印;面對洶涌的大海傾聽,仿佛仍回蕩著先人奮勇殺敵的吼聲。 a.斑駁 b.破舊 c.古老 a.明亮 b.锃亮 c.烏黑 a.噴著 b.映著 c.閃著 a.尋覓 b.尋找 c.搜尋二、現(xiàn)代文閱讀(12分)請認真閱讀下面的文章,完成47題。我的精神家園 王小波1我十三歲時,常到我爸爸的書柜里偷書看。那時候政治氣氛緊張,他把所有不宜擺在外面的書都鎖了起來,在那個柜子里,有奧維德的變形記,朱生豪譯的莎翁戲劇,甚至還有十日談。柜子是鎖著的,但我哥哥有捅開它的方法。他還有說服我去火中取栗的辦法:你小,身體也單薄,我看爸爸

4、不好意思揍你。但實際上,在揍我這個問題上,我爸爸顯得不夠紳士派,我的手腳也不太靈活,總給他這種機會??偠灾?,偷出書來兩人看,挨揍則是我一人挨,就這樣看了一些書。雖然很吃虧,但我也不后悔。 2看過了變形記,我對古希臘著了迷。我哥哥還告訴我說:古希臘有一種哲人,穿著寬松的袍子走來走去。有一天,有一位哲人去看朋友,見他不在,就要過一塊涂蠟的木板,在上面隨意揮灑,畫了一條曲線,交給朋友的家人,自己回家去了。 那位朋友回家,看到那塊木板,為曲線的優(yōu)美所折服;連忙埋伏在哲人家左近,待他出門時闖進去,要過一塊木板,精心畫上一條曲線當然,這故事下余的部分就很容易猜了:哲人回了家,看到朋友留下的木板,又取一塊


6、基石,最初的愛好無可替代。所有的智者、詩人,也許都體驗過兒童對著星光感悟的一瞬。我總覺得,這種愛好對一個人來說,是不可少的。 4我時?;氐酵?,用一片童心來思考問題,很多煩難的問題就變得易解。人活著當然要做一番事業(yè), 是人文的事業(yè);就如有一條路要走, 是有位老學究式的人物,手執(zhí)教鞭戒尺打著你走,就 走一條路, 背一本宗譜。我聽說前蘇聯(lián)就是這么教小孩子的:要背全本的普希金、半本萊蒙托夫,還要記住俄羅斯是大象的故鄉(xiāng)(肖斯塔科維奇在回憶錄里說了很多)。我們這里是怎樣教孩子的,我就不說了,以免得罪師長。我很懷疑會背宗譜就算有了精神家園,但我也不想說服誰。安徒生寫過光榮的荊棘路,他說人文的事業(yè)就是一片著

7、火的荊棘,智者仁人就在火里走著。當然,他是把塵世的囂囂都考慮在內了,我覺得用不著想那么多。用寧靜的童心來看,這條路是這樣的:它在兩條竹籬笆之中?;h笆上開滿了紫色的牽牛花,在每個花蕊上,都落了一只藍蜻蜓。這樣說固然有煽情之嫌,但想要說服安徒生,就要用這樣的語言。維特根斯坦臨終時說:告訴他們,我度過了美好的一生。這句話給人的感覺就是:他從牽?;▍仓凶哌^來了。雖然我對他的事業(yè)一竅不通,但我覺得他和我是一頭兒的。 5我不大能領會下列說法的深奧之處:要重建精神家園、恢復人文精神,就要滅掉一切俗人其中首先要滅的,就是風頭正健的俗人。假如說,讀者兜里的錢是有數(shù)的,買了別人的書,就沒錢來買我的書,所以要滅掉別

8、人,這個我倒能理解,但上述說法不見得有如此之深奧。假如真有這么深奧,我也不贊成我們應該像商人一樣,嚴守誠實原則,反對不正當?shù)母偁?。讓我的想法和作品成為囂囂塵世上的正宗,這個念頭我沒有,也不敢有。既然如此,就必須解釋我寫文章(包括這篇文章)的動機。坦白地說,我也解釋不大清楚,只能說:假如我今天死掉,恐怕就不能像維特根斯坦一樣說道:我度過了美好的一生;也不能像斯湯達一樣說:活過,愛過,寫過。我很怕落到什么都說不出的結果,所以正在努力工作。(選自我的精神家園一書,文章有刪節(jié))注肖斯塔科維奇(19061975),蘇聯(lián)作曲家。 維特根斯坦(18891951),現(xiàn)代西方哲學家、邏輯學家。4依次填入上文空格

9、 處的詞語,正確的一項是( )(2分)A或許 如果 不但 還B而且 假如 不是 而是C可能 因為 應該 還要D并且 只要 不算 卻是5上文第三段中說“但我總在回想幼時遙望人類智慧星空時的情景”,仔細閱讀文章,說說對作者而言,這“情景”具體是指什么?(2分) 6安徒生說:人文的事業(yè)就是一片著火的荊棘,智者仁人就在火里走著。維特根斯坦說:告訴他們,我度過了美好的一生。安徒生和維特根斯坦的話分別有怎樣的含義?(4分) 7上文第五段中作者說“既然如此,就必須解釋我寫文章(包括這篇文章)的動機,坦白地說,我也解釋不大清楚”,那么,你認為,作者寫文章(包括這篇文章)的動機是什么呢?(4分) 三、古詩文閱讀


11、 載木主:用車載著靈牌。薇,巢菜,又名野豌豆。8解釋加點字詞。(5分)遂逃去 伯夷叔齊聞西伯善養(yǎng)老 以臣弒君 及餓且死 以暴易暴兮 9下列加點字沒有活用的一項是( )(2分)A叔齊亦不肯立而逃之 B左右欲兵之C扶而去之 D伯夷叔齊恥之10下列加點的“而”字用法不相同的一項是( )(2分)A叔齊不肯立而逃之 B扶而去之C天下宗周,而伯夷叔齊恥之 D采薇而食之11翻譯文中劃線的句子。(3分) 閱讀下面一首唐詩,完成1213題。(8分)野望 唐王績 東皋薄暮望,徙倚欲何依? 樹樹皆秋色,山山唯落暉。 牧人驅犢返,獵馬帶禽歸。 相顧無相識,長歌懷采薇。 12這一首律詩的頷聯(lián)描繪了怎樣的景象?請你用自己

12、的語言來描述,不少于50字。(5分) 13請結合文言文閱讀“伯夷叔齊”一段文字,說說“長歌懷采薇”表達了詩人怎樣的一種感情?(3分) 四、習字(4分)14抄寫唐代楊萬里的一首詩,標點占一格。梅子留酸軟齒牙,芭蕉分綠與窗紗。日長睡起無情思,閑看兒童捉柳花。五、作文(50分)閱讀下面材料,寫一篇作文。論語有句:“暮春者,春服既成,冠者五六人,童子六七人,浴乎沂,風乎舞雩,詠而歸?!弊⒃?,沐浴;沂,河名,沂水;風,吹吹風,一說放風箏;舞雩,舞雩臺,建筑名。 這句話寫出了一種優(yōu)雅的生活方式。你在生活方式方面有何感想和追求呢?要求:(1)立意自定,題目自擬,文體自選(除詩歌外); (2)文章不少于600

13、字; (3)文中不得出現(xiàn)真實的地名、校名、人名。英語試卷、單項選擇(共15題,每小題1分,滿分15分) 從A、B、C、D四個選項中,選出一個可以填入空白處的最佳選項。1. As we all know, _water is very important to us.A. an B. a C. theD.不填2. Which do you prefer, bananas or oranges? will do. Its OK with me.A. Every B. Either C. Neither D. All3. Can you finish the work in time? _.A. Y

14、es, I doB. Thats all rightC. Good ideaD. No problem4. Tom tried to find _about the Olympic Games on the Internet.A. information B. the informations C. an information D. informations5. Excuse me, could you tell me _? Sorry. Im new here, too. A. how can I get to the post officeB. is there a post offic

15、e near hereC. where I can find the post officeD. where is the post office 6. You cant pass the driving test _ you practise a lot.A. if B. unless C. when D. because7. Must I go there right now? No, you _.A. couldnt B. mustnt C. hadnt better D. dont have to8. The Chinese people will never forget the d

16、ay_ the earthquake happened in Sichuan. A. that B. which C. when D. whose9. Which of the following sentences has the closest meaning to the sentence “You wouldnt mind stopping singing the song, would you?”A. Please stop singing the song, will you?B. You would mind stopping singing the song, wouldnt

17、you?C. Please sing us a song, will you?D. Do you mind if you go on singing the song?10. Is your father in? No, he is out. But he will be back _ three hours.A. in B. at C. on D. until11. The cake _ so good that I ate it up at once.A. tastesB. tastedC. is tastedD. was tasted12. To my great _, he was t

18、he first one to leave the room.A. surprise B. surprises C. surprising D. surprised13. He was very happy when he _ a good plan for his summer holidays.A. caught up with B. came up with C. got on with D. agreed with14. Johnson never heard the news on the radio, _?A. didnt Johnson B. did Johnson C. did

19、nt he D. did he15. How is Henry Brown? _.A. He is a teacher B. He is much better C. He is like his father D. He is twenty 、完型填空(共15題,每小題1分,滿分15分) 閱讀下面短文,掌握其大意,然后從16-30各題所給的四個選項中選出一個最佳選項。Marys parents are quite different. While she was _16_ up, they wanted her to _17_. First of all she had to work ar

20、ound their house. Later on Mary worked for other people.When Mary was 14 years old, her mother and father told her that they were no _18_ going to buy her clothes. Sure, they would continue to buy shoes for her and also the special clothes , but _19_ else was her own responsibility (責任). Some people

21、 thought that they were poor. But they wanted to teach Mary some _20_ lessons. One thing she learned was that nothing is cheap or _21_. She learned how to deal with her money _22_. Another thing she learned was _23_to keep from buying too many clothes.Also, even when Mary went to school she was aske

22、d to work. All through her high school and _24_ years she worked as well as studied. Marys parents had _25_ money but they felt she would value her education more if she had to _26_ it. And _27_ it may seem strange, they had heard that students who worked part-time got _28_ grades than students who

23、did not work.Now Mary is a mother herself. She asks her children to do the same _29_ she did, especially working _30_ as they go to school.16. A. going B. bringing C. growing D. getting17. A. study B. play C. learn D. work18. A . longer B. sooner C. less D. fewer19. A. what B. anything C. nothing D.

24、 everything20. A. difficult B. daily C. useful D. useless21. A. free B. expensive C. helpful D. proper22. A. quickly B. slowly C. carefully D. suddenly23. A. what B. how C. whetherD. where24. A. school B. work C. primary D. college25. A. many B. a lot C. a few D. plenty of26. A. enjoy B. pay C. pay

25、for D. work 27. A. if B. as C. although D. when28. A. worse B. better C. more D. less29. A. as B. what C. which D. that30. A. full-time B. part-time C. late D. alone 、閱讀理解(共15題,每小題2分,滿分30分) 閱讀下面短文,從每題所給的A、B、C、D四個選項中選出最佳選項。AAt the entrance to a big office in London, there was a piece of paper which a

26、ll men had to write their names on when they arrived each morning. At nine oclock, a young woman, who lived in a small room above the office, had to draw a red line under the last name, and anyone who was coming after that had to explain why to the manager.Whenever there was thick fog (霧) in the cit

27、y, the first person to arrive late usually wrote the reason “Delayed(耽擱) by fog” and then every one else after that just put “Ditto” below.One morning, however, the first man to arrive late wrote “My wife has given a baby this morning” instead of “Delayed by fog”. 20 or 30 people after him put “Ditt

28、o” below as usual.The office hour started _.A. as soon as the manager arrived B. at 9 a.m. C. before the young woman arrived D. when everyone had arrived32. Everyone who was late _.A. was asked to give the reason for his being lateB. mustnt write his name on the paperC. could do nothing but ask thei

29、r manager to excuse himD. should put “Ditto” below his name on the paper 33. One morning the man was late because _.A. he had to feed his baby B. he was delayed by the fog C. a new baby was born into his family D. his baby was ill34. The word “Ditto” probably means _.A. delayed by fog B. the same C.

30、 wife had a baby D. both A and C35. 20 or 30 people put “Ditto” below because they_.A. happened to have babies that morning too B. couldnt find more reasonable excuse for being lateC. were too afraid of the manager to write more words D. didnt want to waste time reading what the first man had writte

31、nBGARDEN RESTAURANT(飯店 )Telephone: 22706030Address: 9020 Bridgeport RoadOpenMon. to Fri. 7:00 am2:30 pm and 5:00 pm9:00 pm Sat. 7:00 am11:00 am and 5:00pm9:00 pm Sun.11:00 am2:00 pm and 5:00 pm9:00 pmNEW YORK MUSEUMTelephone: 77364431Address: Vanier Park, 1100 Chestnut St. New YorkAmericas largest m

32、useum specializing(專門研究 ) in the history and art of American peopleOpenMon. to Fri. 9:00 am5:00 pm (Monday free) Sat. 9:00 am1:00 pmLANSDOWNE PARK SHOPPING CENTRETelephone: 33562367Address: 5300 No. 3 RoadMon. ,Tues. & Sat. 9:30 am5:30 pmWed. ,Thurs. &Fri. 9:30 am9:30 pmSun.11:00 am5:00 pmSKYLINE HO

33、TELTelephone: 22785161Address: 3031 No.3 Road ( at Sea Island Way)The Hangar DenWed. to Sun. Dinner from 5:30 pmCoffee shopMon. Fri. 6:00 am, Sat. 6:30 am, Sun. 7:00 am Mon Wed. to 10:00 pm, Thurs Sun. to 11:00 pm36. If you want to buy a new jacket, youll have to go to _.A.3031 No.3 RoadB.5300 No.3

34、RoadC.9020 Bridgeport RoadD.1100 Chestnut Street37. If you want to go out for lunch on Sunday you can call up the number_.A.22785161or 22706030B. 22706030 or 33562367C.77364431 or 22785161D.33562367 or 2278516138. You dont have to pay on Monday if you go to _.A. Skyline HotelB. Lansdowne Park Shoppi

35、ng CenterC. New York MuseumD. Garden Restaurant 39. If you want to enjoy yourself on Sunday mornings, you can go to _.A. Lansdowne Park Shopping CenterB. New York MuseumC. The Hangar DenD. Coffee shop40. Visiting New York Museum, you can know _.A. the history of American people B. the history of New

36、 YorkC. the history of AmericaD. the art of New YorkCLast Friday, after doing all the family shopping in town I wanted a rest before catching the train, so I bought a newspaper and some chocolate and went into the station coffee shop. It was a cheap self-service place with long tables to keep a plac

37、e and I went to get a cup of coffee.When I came back with the coffee, there was someone in the next seat. It was one of those strange-looking boys, with dark glasses and old clothes, and his hair was colored bright red at the front. What did surprise me was that hed started to eat my chocolate.I was

38、 rather unhappy about him, but I didnt want to make any trouble. I just looked down at the front page of the newspaper, tasted my coffee and took a bit of chocolate. The boy looked at me closely. The he took a second piece of chocolate. I could not believe my eyes. Still I didnt say anything to him.

39、 When he took a third piece, I felt angrier. I thought, well, I should have the last piece. And I got it. The boy gave me a strange look, and then stood up. As he left, he shouted out, “There is something wrong with the woman.” Everybody looked at me. That was embarrassing(尷尬) enough, but it was wor

40、se when I finished my coffee and got ready to leave. My face turned red when I knew Id made a mistake. It wasnt my chocolate that I had eaten. There was mine, just under my newspaper.41. In which order did the writer do the following things?a. Went into a coffee shop.b. Got a cup of coffee.c. Starte

41、d to eat some chocolate.d. Did some shopping.e. Found a seat in the shop.f. Bought some chocolate.A. a, e, f, b, c, d B. d, f, b,a, e, c C. d, f, a, e, b, c D. d, a, f, c, b, e 42. When the writer came back to the table, she was surprised because _.A. her chocolate had been eaten up B. the boy was eating her chocolateC. there was a boy sitting next to her D. the boy had taken her seat43. Which of the following is TRUE?A. The writer bought a newspaper and some chocolate to take home to her familyB. The writer took only one piece of the boys chocolate.C. The writer


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