1、officialsort he police stationi na timely manner,toprote ctthe safetyofstudent s. 4,every day beforeschool ,teachers remind students, payattenti on to traffic safety.5,shouldeducate studentsto re spectsocialet hics,and variousregulati ons,maintaini ng publi cor der,a ndf ightthe ba dguys,a nd grasp
2、the corre ctways and means ofmaintaini ng andimprovi ng student s self-careabilit y. 6,t he esta blishme ntofemergency rescueteamsofteachersin school s, on hig h alertand de ploye d.SongLi n Xiang LiuJiapi ng eleme ntaryschoolMarch2016 song LinXia ng Li uJiapi ng primaryschool teachersand student so
3、rgani zationsout ofsafetymanagementsystem org anizati on a ctivities betwee nteachers andstudents,todra w up a preci sepl an a nd security mea sure smust be signed byt heschoolofficial sto reviewt hepr ogramme ofactivities agreed uponCorrectionalCenteragreedto imple ment.Organi zationto thefiel d re
4、lativelyfaroractivitiesrequir eapprovalby theDe putyDire ctorofthe E ducationBurea u in chargeofse curit y. 2,ea ch a ctivityshoul d haveaspe cific responsibilit y, payattenti onto t heper sons age,physicalmatch. Route 3,activities,location,fieldsurveysshouldbecarrie d out inadva nce.4, activiti es
5、forthe mea ns oftransportshould explainthe situati ontot heschool to compl ywith vehicl e,safetyrequir ements, before theli neforrepair s.5,ea ch a ctivitymusthave se curit y,emergency responseplanforaccidents.6, pi cni cs,hiki ng, picnic to pay attentiont o firepreventi on,foodpoisoni ng, preve nti
6、on offallacci dents 7,the a ctivitiesnearthe rivers,reservoirs,nomea suresor do notmeetthe security requirementsoftheOrga nization and n ot let studentsint othewaterIn orderto e nsure normaltea chi ng order, protecti ng student s healt hy growth, ensuring t hat national (pr operty)is not lost,t o pr
7、eve ntorminimizet he occurrenceofsafety accidents,fol lowt heprevent, re scue ea ch other,ensure safetyand reducelosses princi ple,a ccordi ng to thel ocal conditi ons, maket hemanageme ntsystem. 1,the pri nci pal isthe responsibilityofschool safety,schoolsecurity underthe leadershipof Pre side ntse
8、 curityw orkleadi ng group.T he headtea chert othe le adershipteam i s responsiblefor,implementationofthe a ccounta bilitysystem.2,schoolmont hlystudentknowle dge about safetyeducation,educati onshould bediversifiedi nthe formeverysafety education forst udents ofclassesperweekshouldbetargeted. o car
9、ryonemergency issuesdeali ng withe ducation in General,self-helpa ndmut ualrescue k nowledge.Emergencycalls(suchas110, 119,122,120,a nd so on) use commonsense ineducation.3,t heestabl ishme ntof majora ccidentre porti ng system.Schoolst udents re port major accide ntwithi n a n hour ofeducation; stu
10、dent run a nd disa ppeara nces to re port; r eport ofthe a cci dent to awritte n reportin tri plicate, acorrecti onal centre,a police station, atownshippe ople s Gov ernment shall not concealthe accide nt.4we ek, tea chers areon duty system,establish an d improve the le adershipval ues;stre ngthen t
11、hee ducation,manag ement of tea chi ngactivitie s inschoolstoensurenormaltea chi ngor der; re sponsi blefor school safety leadershi palwaysmai ntaine d close contact and distri ctpolice stations,canvassing supportfrom the police station on schoolsafetyand help.5,strengthe ning tea chers morale ducat
12、ion,esta blish adedicated l ove,impr ovinge ducationquality, observe thestudents psy chologi calchange s at anytime andtakepreve ntive measures,nocor poral punishme ntandcovertcorporalpunishment on students,st udentout ofthe cla ssroom,schoolsmay not be.6, units or de partments use studentStreet pro
13、paganda orparticipate inthe cel ebrations,a swella s parti cipati ngin other socialw ork,withouta ppr ovalofthe Corre ctionalCe ntre,school principa ls consent,w ithoutorga nization. Without the appr ovalof releva ntde partments, may organize studentst o parti cipatei nfire fighting, disaster re lie
14、fand so on. 7, schoolsshould educate st udents to obeyt heschool r ules a nd r egulations, on time ,on time home to preve ntaccidents. 8,schooltoschool inspe ctions ona reg ularbasis,found hi ddeni ntime,and in severe case s,itis hard to eliminate immediatelyclosed,and reported tothe l ocal pe ople
15、s Government ,e ducation,and ruleof lawsection.9,the schoolshoul d always checkthe inter nalwalls, retaini ng walls, ponds, railing s,handrail s,door s,Wi ndows, staircasesand avarietyofsports,extracurricular activities, facilitie ssuch as firesafety, i nfrastruct urese curit y,unsafe facilitytoimme
16、diatelyrepair anddemolitionto ensure that tea cher s andstudent swork,l earn,liv evenues a ndfaciliti es are safeandreliable.S ongLinXi ang LiuJia pi ng elementaryschool March2016 song Lin Xiang LiuJia pi ngprimary schoolfire safetysystems toenhancefire safety, protecti on ofpublic propertyand t he
17、life and propertysafetyofteachersand students, schoolfire safetyinto day-to-day management,i sdevel opi ngthe followingfire safetysystem.1,strengthenfiresafetyeducation ofthe wholeschool.A ccording tot he requirement s ofthe FireServicesAct, so thateveryone has of kee pingfire controlsafety, protect
18、ing firecontrolfacilitie s,fire preventi on, report soffire原材料、輔助材料供應(yīng)管理辦法第一章 總 則第一條 為進(jìn)一步加強公司原材料、輔助材料的供應(yīng)管理,適應(yīng)現(xiàn)代企業(yè)生產(chǎn)經(jīng)營的需要和市場經(jīng)濟(jì)的要求,依據(jù)物資采購管理辦法,結(jié)合公司實際,特制定本規(guī)定。第二條供應(yīng)管理的范圍:湖北東方化工有限公司所屬部門和單位。第三條本規(guī)定所指原材料、輔助材料是指上述供應(yīng)管理范圍內(nèi)日常生產(chǎn)經(jīng)營除固定資產(chǎn)管理之外的生產(chǎn)資料,包括:原材料(含甲苯、硝酸、硫酸、液堿等) ,輔助材料(含備品、備件、儀器儀表、消防安全器材、勞保用品、辦公用品等) 。第四條供應(yīng)管理的原則
19、:優(yōu)化流程、科學(xué)分權(quán)、務(wù)實高效、集中管理、降低成本。第五條成立供應(yīng)管理工作領(lǐng)導(dǎo)小組:組長:總經(jīng)理副組長:總會計師經(jīng)營副總經(jīng)理生產(chǎn)安全副總經(jīng)理成員:企業(yè)管理部部長、財務(wù)管理部部長、精益生產(chǎn)部部長、物流中心部長、審計監(jiān)察部部長、市場開發(fā)部部長領(lǐng)導(dǎo)小組下設(shè)辦公室,其主要職責(zé)是負(fù)責(zé)原材料、輔助材料供應(yīng)管理的日常工作。辦公室設(shè)在市場開發(fā)部。第二章材料申請計劃的編制和審批第六條 用料單位應(yīng)根據(jù)生產(chǎn)、檢修、 科研項目和辦公的實際需要編制月份材料申請計劃表,每月 8 日前 ( 節(jié)假日順延) 報下月材料申請計劃:1、用料單位在申報材料計劃時,應(yīng)加強計劃的科學(xué)預(yù)見性,提高計劃的準(zhǔn)確性及合理性,一次性申報下月足夠的
20、輔助材料,每月可追加一次材料申請計劃。2、 與生產(chǎn)無關(guān)的輔助材料原則上不允許申報追加計劃(如辦公用品等); 只有由于各種不可預(yù)見的特殊原因,造成采購計劃變更或需要緊急采購的與生產(chǎn)相關(guān)的輔助材料,方可申報材料追加計劃,并詳細(xì)寫明所報追加材料名稱、規(guī)格型號、 數(shù)量、 技術(shù)標(biāo)準(zhǔn),注明申報原因及購回時限,購回時限一般不得低于3 天 (加lectricity li nes,equi pmentinspe ctions,foundhi dden intimeforrectification,mai ntena nce, and security. 9,do not usea nopenflameint h
21、e cla ssroom, pr ohi bit bur ningst ove, lit ca ndle s,mosquit o repell ent,nosmoki ng, a nd banningmessywiri ng. Withoutusinganyhouse hol d appliancesi s notal lowed.10,live on cam pusfa cultymembers,mustlead by example, a nd e ducate familiesand children readytofire.11,householduse of gas inschool
22、s,to ma sterproper usage,payattention tot he leak -proof, explosi on-pr oof,fireproof,closi ng valveafter use to ensure se curit y.12, dini ng room must be qualified,and a nnual testing ofpressure vessels,t o regularly che ck, the cantee n workersm ustbe certified,stri ctlybyoperationoperation, gas
23、tank andstov esafety distance of 1.5 meters,to preventaccide nts.13,thea dverse conse quencesca used by ignoringfiresafetyregulati ons,willbe punished, until i nvestigated for legalre sponsi bility.S ongLin Xiang LiuJiapi ngeleme ntaryschoolMarch2016Xia ngLiuJia pi ngeleme ntaryschool,pine slopessur
24、rounding safetymanagementsystem 1 tea chersa nd students,t hesurrounding areaoftheschoolg overna nce covers personala ndfood hygiene , culturalevent sand ot heraspect s, integrated g overna nce shall obtai n widesupport andfullcooperationofthe community.On thesurrounding environment in schoolsshould
25、 be closelymonit ored. 2,schoolw orkatthesametime,shoul dpay attenti ontot he safety manageme ntofschoole nvironme nt,should takethe initiative tocontactthe distri ctpolicestati on,t hevillage Committee,Correctional Centre, Tow nshi p gover nment, busi ness managem nt andotherde partments t o do ago
26、odjobmanagement.3, teacherondutywith theexception of inspecti onsin school s,should al sopay atte ntion t oenvir onmental inspecti ons neart hecampus,found that thejoble ss migrantsfrom ruralareas,forexample,harassment ofstudentsa nd avariety ofacci dent s,accor ding to differentsituati ons r eporte
27、 dschoolIn orderto e nsure normaltea chi ng order, protecti ng student s healt hy growth, ensuring t hat national (pr operty)is not lost,t o preve ntorminimizet he occurrenceofsafety a cci dents,fol lowt heprevent, re scue ea ch other,ensure safetyand reducelosses princi ple,a ccordi ng to thel ocal
28、 conditi ons, maket hemanageme ntsystem.1,the pri nci pal isthe responsibilityofschool safety,schoolsecurity underthe leadershipof Pre sidentse curityw orkleadi ng group.T he headtea chert othe le adershipteam i s responsiblefor,implementationofthe a ccountabilitysystem.2, schoolmont hlystudentknowl
29、e dge about safetyeducation,educati onshould bediversifiedi nthe formeverysafety educationforst udents ofclasses perweek should betargeted. o carryonemergency issuesdeali ng withe ducation in General,self-helpa ndmut ualrescue k nowledge.Emergencycalls(suchas110, 119,122,120,a nd so on) use commonse
30、nse ineducation.3,t heestabl ishme ntof majora ccidentre porti ng system.Schoolst udents re port major accide ntwithi n a n hour ofeducation; student run a nd disa ppeara nces to re port; r eport ofthe a cci dent to awritte n reportin tri plicate, acorrecti onal centre,a police station, atownshippe
31、ople s Gov ernment shall not concealthe accide nt.4we ek, tea chers areon duty system,establish andimprovethe le adershipval ues;stre ngthen thee ducation,manag ement of tea chi ngactivitie s inschoolstoensurenormaltea chi ngor der; re sponsi blefor school safety leadershi palwaysmai ntaine d close
32、contact and distri ctpolice stations,canvassing supportfrom the police station on schoolsafetyand help.5,strengthe ning tea chers morale ducation,esta blish adedicated l ove,impr ovinge ducationquality, observe thestudents psy chologi calchange s at anytime andtakepreve ntive measures,no cor poral p
33、unishme ntandcovertcorpor alpuni shment on students,st udentout ofthe cla ssroom,schoolsmay not be.6, units or de partments use studentStreet propaganda orparticipate inthe cel ebrations,a swella s parti cipati ngin other socialw ork,withouta ppr ovalofthe Corre ctionalCe ntre,school principa ls con
34、sent,w ithoutorga nization. Without the appr ovalof releva ntde partments, may organize studentst o parti cipatei nfirefighting, disaster re liefand so on. 7, schoolsshould educate st udents to obeyt heschool r ules a nd r egulations, on time ,on time home to preve ntaccidents. 8,schooltoschool insp
35、e ctions ona reg ularbasis,found hi ddeni ntime,and in severe case s,itis hard to eliminate immediatelyclosed,and reported tothe l ocal pe ople s Government,e ducation,and ruleof lawsection.9,the schoolshoul d always checkthe inter nalwalls, retaini ng walls, ponds, railing s,handrail s,door s,Wi nd
36、ows, staircasesand avarietyofsports,extracurricular activities, facilitie ssuch as firesafety, i nfrastruct urese curit y,unsafe fa cility to imme dia telyrepairand demolition to ensure that tea cher s andstudent swork,l earn,liv evenues a nd faciliti es are safeandreliable.S ongLinXi ang LiuJia pi
37、ng elementaryschool March2016 song Lin Xiang LiuJia pi ngprimary schoolfire safetysystems toenhancefire safety, protecti on ofpublic propertyand t he life and propertysafetyofteachersand students, school fire safetyinto day-to-day management,i sdevel opi ngthe followingfire safetysystem.1,strengthen
38、firesafetyeducation ofthe wholeschool.A ccording tot he requirement s ofthe FireServicesAct, so thateveryone has of kee pingfire controlsafety, protecting firecontrolfacilitie s,fire preventi on, report soffire工件、特殊要求的產(chǎn)品除外)。追加計劃經(jīng)公司主管領(lǐng)導(dǎo)審批后,報物流中心計劃員;3、用料單位所報材料申請計劃需簡要說明理由或用途,重要及特殊材料須另附詳細(xì)資料對產(chǎn)品性能、規(guī)格等指標(biāo)進(jìn)行
39、標(biāo)注;第七條 用料單位對編制的材料申請計劃負(fù)責(zé),并報主管職能部門審批。主管職能部門的分工為:生產(chǎn)、檢修材料、備品備件申請計劃由生產(chǎn)部審批;科研項目材料申請計劃由科技質(zhì)量部審批;儀器儀表申請計劃由理化儀表中心審批;消防安全器材、勞保用品申請計劃由安全環(huán)保部審批;辦公用品申請計劃由公司辦公室審批。第八條材料申請計劃經(jīng)審批后,報物流中心計劃員統(tǒng)一匯總。第三章 采購計劃的編制第十條物流中心計劃員根據(jù)公司生產(chǎn)計劃安排,結(jié)合庫存情況,在充分滿足生產(chǎn)、 檢修需要的前提下,按照庫存資金占用不超標(biāo)準(zhǔn)、不產(chǎn)生新的積壓結(jié)合和原材料儲備數(shù)量、所訂立合同情況及市場價格狀況進(jìn)行綜合平衡后,每月11日前制定下月物資采購計劃
40、表;第十一條如公司生產(chǎn)進(jìn)度發(fā)生變化或市場行情出現(xiàn)較大波動時,報公司主管領(lǐng)導(dǎo)審批后,可變更或追加物資采購計劃;第十二條物流中心計劃員根據(jù)集中經(jīng)濟(jì)采購的原則,綜合平衡材料申請計劃,編制的物質(zhì)采購計劃對材料型號、規(guī)格、數(shù)量(需標(biāo)明現(xiàn)庫存量)、技術(shù)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)等要求必須準(zhǔn)確無誤,特殊物資還需加以說明,防止造成材料積壓或不必要的浪費。 物資采購計劃表由物流中心領(lǐng)導(dǎo)審批后,于12 日前報市場開發(fā)部。第四章 執(zhí)行和審批第十三條市場開發(fā)部收到物資采購計劃后,在 2 個工作日內(nèi),按照年度招標(biāo)結(jié)果,確定出招標(biāo)采購物資的品種和價格,并編制招標(biāo)物資采購表,報市場開發(fā)部領(lǐng)導(dǎo)和公司主管經(jīng)營領(lǐng)導(dǎo)批準(zhǔn)后,立即進(jìn)行采購;第十四條未在招
41、標(biāo)范圍內(nèi)的物資采購計劃,由詢價員根據(jù)采購控制程序的相關(guān)規(guī)定向合格供方進(jìn)行詢價,在 7 個工作日內(nèi)完成比質(zhì)比價工作并編制物資采購比質(zhì)比價選擇表,于 23 日前報公司價格審核部門確定供貨單位。第十五條公司價格審核部門根據(jù)采購控制程序及詢價員編制的物資lectricity li nes,equi pmentinspe ctions,foundhi dden intimeforrectification,mai ntena nce, and security. 9,do not usea nopenflameint he cla ssroom, pr ohi bit bur ningst ove, l
42、it ca ndle s,mosquit o repell ent,nosmoking, a nd banningmessywiri ng. Withoutusinganyhouse hol d appliancesi s notal lowed.10,live on cam pusfacultymembers,mustlead by example, a nd e ducate familiesand children readytofire.11,householduse of gas inschools,to ma sterproper usage,payattention tot he
43、 leak -proof, explosi on-pr oof,fireproof,closi ng valveafter use to ensure se curit y.12, dini ng room must be qualified,and a nnual testing ofpressure vessels,t o regularly che ck, the cantee n workersm ustbe certified,stri ctlybyoperationoperation, gas tank andstov esafety distance of 1.5 meters,
44、to preventaccide nts.13,thea dverse conse quencesca used by ignoringfiresafetyregulations, willbe punished, until i nvestigated for legalre sponsi bility.S ongLin Xiang LiuJiapi ngeleme ntaryschoolMarch2016 XiangLiuJia pi ngeleme ntaryschool,pine slopessurrounding safetymanagementsystem 1 tea chersa
45、 nd students,t hesurrounding areaoftheschoolg overna nce covers personala nd food hygiene , culturalevent sand ot heraspect s, integrated g overna nce shall obtai n widesupport andfullcooperationofthe community.Onthesurrounding environment in schoolsshould be closelymonit ored. 2,schoolw orkatthesam
46、etime,shoul dpay attenti ontot he safety manageme ntofschoole nvironme nt,should takethe initiative tocontactthe distri ctpolicestati on,t hevillage Committee,Correctional Centre, Tow nshi p gover nment, busi ness manageme nt andotherde partments t o do agoodjobmanagement.3, teacherondutywith theexc
47、eption of inspecti onsin school s,should al sopay atte ntion t oenvir onmental inspecti ons neart hecampus,found that thejoble ss migrantsfrom ruralareas,forexample,harassment ofstudentsa nd avariety ofacci dent s,accor ding to differentsituati ons r eporte dschoolIn orderto e nsure normaltea chi ng
48、 order, protecti ng student s healt hy growth, ensuring t hat national (pr operty)is not lost,t o preve ntorminimizet Schoolst udents re port major accide ntwithi n a n hour ofeducation; student run a nd disa ppeara nces to re port; r eport ofthe a cci dent to awritte- -II . L _ I 一. . 1 _一 . . . I.
49、 |_/, 一 一. ._ _I participate inthe celreliable.Sebrations,aongLinXi ang LiuJia pi ng elementaryschool Mswella s parti cipati ngin other socialw ork,withouta ppr ovalofthearch2016 songCorre ctionalCe ntre,schoolLin Xiang LiuJia pi ngprimary schoolfire safetysystems toeprincipa ls consent,w ithoutorga
50、he occurrenceofsafety a cci dents,fol lowt heprevent, rereportin tri plicate, acorrecti onal centre,a police station, atowns . . I -I_ . |_一I. |._ . I. _nhancefire safety,nization. Without theprotecti on ofpublic propertyand tappr ovalof releva ntde partments, mayscue ea ch other,ensure safetyand re
51、ducelosses prihip pe ople s Gov ernment shall not-I. 1.1 -.he life and propertysafetyofteacherorganize studentstsand students,nci ple,a ccordi ng to thel ocal conditi ons, maket hemanageme ntsystem. 1,the pri nci pal isthe responsibilityofschool safety,schoolconcealthe accide nt.4we ek, tea chers ar
52、eon duty system,establish andimprovethe le adership val ues;stre ngthen thee ducation,manag.L _ I . |_ IIL . I_ _ 一 L . I I I- - I . .1. I_ - - 一 -o parti cipatei nfirefighting,schoolfire safetyinto day-tdisaster re liefand soo-day management,ion. 7, schoolsshouldeducate stseement ofsdevel opi ngthe
53、 followingfire safetysystem.1,strengtudents to obeyt heschool r ules a nd r egulations, on time ,on time homeon ofthe wholeschool.According totto preve ntaccidents.he requirementsidentse ure8,schooltoschool inspecurityw orkleadi ng group.T he headtea chert othe le adershipte normaltea chi ngor der;
54、re sponsi blefor school safety leadershi-.一 .1.1 L . II - - I . I- .Ls ofthe FireServicesAct, so thateveryctions ona reg ularbasis,found hiddeni ntime,and inone has of kee pingfire controlsafety, proteipteam i s responsi palwaysmai ntsevere case s,itiponsiblefor,implementationofthe a ccountabilitysy
55、stem. 2, schoolmont hlystudentknowle dge about safetyeducation,educatintaine d close contact and distri ctpolice stations,canvassing supportfrom the police station on schoolsafetyand help.5,stre一. I - L L- - I Ld_-. d_ I. I .| I _ 一 一 一 . IIIL.s,itis hard to eliminate immediatelycting firecontrolfac
56、ilities,fire preventiclosed,and reported ton, report soffireothe l ocal pe ople s Government,education,and ruleof lawsection.9,theonshould bediversifiedi nthe formeverysafety ngthe ning tea chers morale ducation,estaschoolshoul d always checkthe interafety educationforst udents ofclassesperweekshoul
57、dbetargeted. o carryonemergency issuesdeali ng withe ducation in General,self-helpa ndmut ualrescue k nowledge.Emergencycalls(suchas110, 119,122,120,a nd so on) use commonsense ineblish adedicated l ove,impr ovinge ducatio nquality, observe thestudents psy chologi calchange s at anytime andtakepreve
58、 ntive measures,no coproral punishme ntandcovert corporal puni shment on students,st udentout ofthe cla ssroom,schoolsmay.I I- . _ _ I 一 1- 一一 .-. 一-一 - , _ _ L -. I - ILLd. I . I. .1. 一 _ 一一 一 一 一-nalwalls, retaining walls, ponds, railings,handrail s,door s,Wi ndows, staircasesand avarietys, facili
59、tie ssuch as firesafety, i nfrastruct urese curit y,unsafe facilitytoimmeducation.3,t heestabl ishme ntof majora ccidentre porti ng system.not be.6, units or de partments use studentStreet propaganda L I _ .or采購比質(zhì)比價選擇表, 按照質(zhì)量、價格、 信譽、 資源狀況等擇優(yōu)確定供貨單位,于 23 日前報市場開發(fā)部。第十六條每月 25 日由市場開發(fā)部組織召開比質(zhì)比價審核會(節(jié)假日順延),審核會
60、由公司供應(yīng)管理工作領(lǐng)導(dǎo)小組全體成員參加,對 物資采購比質(zhì)比價選擇表 進(jìn)行審核。通過比質(zhì)比價審核會集體審核后的物資采購計劃,由市場開發(fā)部價格審核員在2 個工作日內(nèi)編制物資采購表,并報市場開發(fā)部領(lǐng)導(dǎo)和公司主管經(jīng)營領(lǐng)導(dǎo)批準(zhǔn);第十七條審批后的 物資采購表報企業(yè)管理部、財務(wù)部、 物流中心留存,由市場開發(fā)部采購員執(zhí)行采購。第十八條臨時追加計劃的物質(zhì)采購,由詢價員根據(jù)采購控制程序的相關(guān)規(guī)定向合格供方進(jìn)行詢價,編制物資采購比質(zhì)比價選擇表,經(jīng)市場開發(fā)部領(lǐng)導(dǎo)審核后,報價格審核部門審核,最后經(jīng)公司主管經(jīng)營領(lǐng)導(dǎo)審批后方可執(zhí)行采購。第十九條市場開發(fā)部采購員必須嚴(yán)格按物資采購表到指定的單位進(jìn)行采購。 所有采購物資必須先進(jìn)
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