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1、Multiple 1The keyboard, mouse, monitor, and system unit are: hardwareoutput devices storage devices softwarePrograms that coordinate computer resources, provide an interface, and run applications are known as:application programsoperating systemsstorage systemsutility programsA browser is an example

2、 of a:basic applicationspecialized programsystem applicationutility programAlthough not as powerful as a supercomputer, this type of computer is capable of great processing speeds and data storage.mainframe media center midrangenetbookThe smallest type of microcomputer: netbookhandheldmidrangetablet

3、 PCRAM is a type of: computermemorynetworksecondary storageUnlike memory, this type of storage holds data and programs even after electrical power to the computer system has been turned off.primaryRAMROMsecondaryThe type of file created by word processors to save, for example, memos, term papers, an

4、d letters.databasedocumentpresentationworksheetThe change in connectivity that uses the Internet and the Web to shift many computer activities from a user s computer to computers on the Internet.cloud computing high definitionnetwork USBThe largest network in the world is the: FacbeookInternetWebUSB

5、Multiple 2The network that connects computers all over the world. CERNInternetLANWebThe rules for exchanging data between computers. DSLprotocolsWebWWWClient-based e-mail accounts require this special program to be installed on your computer.e-mail clienthyperlinkJavautilityCommunities of individual

6、s who share a common interest typically create Facebook: clientsgroupspagesprofilesE-mail that does not require an e-mail program installed on a users computer is known as:blogpodcastWebmailutilityA very well-known microblog.LinkedInMySpaceTwitterWikipediaThese programs continually look for new info

7、rmation and update search services database programs.filtersIMspiderswikisA type of search engine that submits requests to other search engines, organizes their responses, eliminates duplicate responses, orders hits, and then provides an edited list. directory searchISPmetasearch enginespecialized s

8、earch engineThis is the Internet s equivalent to traditional cash.digital cashe-commerceicashInternet dollarsUsing file transfer utility software, you can copy files to your computer from specially configured servers on the Internet. This is called: downloadingfilteringblogginguploadingMultiple 3Thi

9、s type of software works with end users, application software, and computer hardware to handle the majority of technical details.application general purposesystemutilityA rectangular area that can contain a document, program, or message.dialog boxformframewindowPrograms that create text-based docume

10、nts.DBMSsuitesspreadsheets word processorsPrograms that organize, analyze, and graph numeric data such as budgets and financial reports.DBMSsuitesspreadsheetsword processorsIn a spreadsheet, the intersection of a row and column creates a:cellformulafunctionlabelA collection of related data that is t

11、he electronic equivalent of a file cabinet.celldatabasedocumenttableA database tool that will quickly rearrange a table s records according to a selected field. filtersortspreadsheetword processorPrograms that combine a variety of visual objects to create attractive, visually interesting presentatio

12、ns.DBMS presentation graphics spreadsheetword processorThe primary disadvantage of this type of package is that the capabilities of each functionare not as extensive as in individual egratedofficesoftwareutilityA type of suite stored at a server on the Internet and available anywhere thr

13、oughInternet access. cloudintegratedofficeutilityMultiple 4These specialized graphics programs combine text and graphics to create publications of professional quality.desktop publishing programsimage editorsimage galleriesillustration programsAlso known as drawing programs.desktop publishing progra

14、msimage editorsimage galleriesillustration programsGraphics programs used to create and edit vector images.desktop publishing programsimage editorsimage galleriesillustration programsAn essential multimedia feature that allows user participation.FlashinteractivityimmersionrasterSpecial programs used

15、 to create multimedia presentations.desktop publishing programsFlash editorsimage editors (multimedia authoring programsA widely used interactive animation application from Adobe.ACTIONFlashFuzzyWYSIWYGPrograms for Web site design and HTML coding are called Web page editors orappsHTML editors VR pro

16、grams Web editorsThis area of artificial intelligence is also known as expert systems.acoustics knowledge-based systems robotics virtual realityA type of artificial intelligence that uses a database to provide assistance to users. acousticsexpert systemsroboticsvirtual realityAnother name for the da

17、tabase used in expert systems that contains specific facts and rules.access tableexpert tableknowledge base rule baseMultiple 5What type of software works with users, application software, and computer hardwareto handle the majority of technical detailsdapplicationdesktopLinuxsystemThe programs that

18、 convert programming instructions written by programmers into a language that computers understand and process are language: converterslinguistsmanagerstranslatorsThe ability to switch between different applications stored in memory is called: diversion multitasking operational interference programm

19、ingGraphic representations for a program, type of file, or function:appiconimagesoftwareThis operating system feature is controlled by a mouse and changes shape depending on its current function.dialog boxmenumouseIpointerThe operating system based on Linux, designed for Netbook computers, and focus

20、ed on Internet connectivity through cloud computing: ChromeMacUnix WindowsThe mobile operating system developed by Apple and originally called iPhone OS:AndroidBlackBerry OS IOSMac OSA utility program that makes copies of files to be used in case the originals are lost or damaged:Backup and Restore

21、Disk Cleanup Disk Defragmenter CompactorA troubleshooting utility that identifies and eliminates nonessential files, frees up valuable disk space, and improves system performance:Backup and Restore Disk Cleanup Disk DefragmenterCompactorWindows makes it easy to update drivers with Windows:BackupRest

22、oreDriverUpdateMultiple 6This container houses most of the electrical components for a computer system.carrier package system board system unit TV tunerSimilar to notebooks, this system unit specializes in on-the-go Web browsing and e-mail access.chassisdesktopmedia centernetbookComputers can only r

23、ecognize this type of electronic signal.analogbusdigitalmaximumThe main or motherboard is also known as the:computerboard processormobile system|system boardHow many bytes can a 32-bit-word computer access at one time14816In a microcomputer system, the central processing unit is contained on a singl

24、e:buschipmoduleRAMThis type of memory divides large programs into parts and stores the parts on a secondary storage device.directexpandedrandom-accessvirtualAlso known as NIC, this adapter card is used to connect a computer to a:AIAexpansiongraphicsnetworkThis provides a pathway to connect parts of

25、the CPU to each other.busPlug and PlaywiredwirelessOlder ports that have largely been replaced by faster, more flexible ports are called:busesexpandablelegacyrenderedMultiple 7Most keyboards use an arrangement of keys known as:AlphaDaisyOptiKeyIQWERTYThe device that controls a pointer displayed on t

26、he monitor.cordmouseprinterscannerAlso known as a roller ball, this device controls the pointer by rotating a ball with your thumb.trackballjoystickcordless mousestylusThe type of screen that can be touched with more than one finger and supports zooming in and out by pinching and stretching your fin

27、gers.digitaldynamic|multitouchOLEDFlatbed and document are types of:headsetsHDTVsmonitorsscannersDevice used by banks to automatically read those unusual numbers on the bottom of checks and deposit slips.MICRFDIC OMRUPCThe most widely used audio-input device.mouseVRmicrophoneTFTThe monitor feature t

28、hat specifies how often a displayed image is updated.aspect ratiodot pitch Refresh rateresolution rateHandheld, book-sized devices that display text and graphics.e-book readersHDTVlaserswhiteboardsThis technology allows television stations to broadcast their programming directly to smartphones, comp

29、uters, and digital media players.CRTHDTVLED(Mobile DTVMultiple 8RAM is sometimes referred to as:primary storageratio active memoryread only memorysecondary storageThe actual physical material that holds the data and programs.primary storagemediadiskaccessMeasures how tightly these charges can be pac

30、ked next to one another on the disk.densitycylinderstrackssectorsWhen a read/write head makes contact with the hard disk s surface, it causes a head: crashlandpitscratchThis hard-disk performance enhancement anticipates data needs.disk caching file compression file decompressionRAIDThis type of stor

31、age uses pits and lands to represent 1s and 0s.cloudhard diskopticalsolid stateDVD stands for:| digital versatile discdigital video datadynamic versatile discdynamic video discUSB drives are also known as:flash drives optical drives ports universal state busAn organizational strategy to promote effi

32、cient and safe use of data across the networks. cloud dynamicdata mission statementI enterprise storage systemRAIDA mass storage device that provides access to data archived on tapes.file systemNASRAID systemtape libraryMultiple 9The concept related to using computer networks to link people and reso

33、urces.connectivityGPS TCP/IPWi-FiA high-frequency transmission cable that delivers television signals as well as connects computers in a network.coaxialhi def3-Dtwisted pairA short-range radio communication standard that transmits data over short distances of up to approximately 30 feet. Bluetoothbr

34、oadbandDSLTCP/IPThe speed with which a modem transmits data is called its:digital velocitydynamic rate modular ratingtransfer rateThe bandwidth typically used for DSL, cable, and satellite connections to the Internet.baseband broadband medium band voicebandEvery computer on the Internet has a unique

35、 numeric address called a(n):IP address DNS broadcast packetSometimes referred to as a LAN adapter, these expansion cards connect a computer to a network.PCMCIA NICserver VPNA device that allows one LAN to be linked to other LANs or to larger networks.IDSnetwork gatewayPAN switchTypically using Wi-F

36、i technology, these wireless access points are typically available from public places such as coffee shops, libraries, bookstores, colleges, and universities.hotspotsextranetsPANsLANsStar, tree, and mesh are three types of network:topologies protocolsstrategies devicesMultiple 10The three primary pr

37、ivacy issues are accuracy, property, and:access ethics ownership securityTo easily get names, addresses, and other details about a person using only his or her telephone number, government authorities and others use a(n): adware cookiekeystroke logger reverse directory wormBrowsers store the locatio

38、ns of sites visited in a:historymenutool barfirewallThe browser mode that eliminates history files and blocks most cookies.detectinsertIprivacysleepThe information that people voluntarily post in social networking sites, blogs, and photo- and video-sharing sites is used to create their:access approv

39、al firewall online identityphishComputer criminals who specialize in stealing, trading, and using stolen credit cards over the Internet are known as:carders card scammers cyber traders identity thievesPrograms that come into a computer system disguised as something else are called: Trojan horses vir

40、uses Web bugs zombiesThe use of the Internet, cell phones, or other devices to send or post content intended to hurt or embarrass another person is known as:cyber-bullyingonline harassmentsocial media discriminationunethical communicationSpecial hardware and software used to control access to a corp

41、oration s private network is known as a(n):antivirus programcommunication gatefirewallspyware removal programTo prevent copyright violations, corporations often use:ACT DRM VPN WPAMultiple 11Which of the basic organizational functions records all financial activity from billing customers to paying e

42、mployees accounting marketing production researchWhat managerial level has information flow that is vertical, horizontal, and externaltopsupervisorymiddleforemanWhich computer-based information system uses data from TPS and analytical tools to support middle managersESS MISDSS TPSAccounts payable re

43、fers to money the company owes its suppliers for materials and services it has:createdexported inventoriedreceivedWhat accounting activity keeps track of all summaries of all transactions balance sheetgeneral ledgerincome statementinventory controlWhat accounting statement lists the overall financia

44、l condition of an organization balance sheetgeneral ledgerincome statementinventory controlWhat type of report is produced at regular intervalsdemandexception inventory IperiodicA DSS consists of four parts: user, system software, decision models, and:application softwareIdataoperating systemspreads

45、heetsWhat type of worker is involved with the distribution, communication, and creation of informationexecutive foremaninformation knowledgeWhat type of program is designed to schedule, plan, and control project resources auditingdtpproject managersschedulersMultiple 12Facts or observations about pe

46、ople, places, things, and events are:data occurrencesrecordstablesThe most basic logical data element such as a single letter, number, or special character is known as a:characterelementphraserecordEach record in a database has at least one distinctive field, called the:key fieldstructure typeviewOn

47、e element of database security is to provide only authorized users with: classesnodespasswordsrelationsThe bridge between the logical and physical views of the data is provided by: DBMSrecordsSQLtablesHighly trained computer specialists who interact with the data administration subsystem are known a

48、s: DBMS data modelers database administrators relational specialistsIn a network database, each child node may have more than one parent node; this is known as a:hierarchymany-to-many relationshipparent relationshiprelational relationshipConnections between parent nodes and child nodes are provided

49、by:characters DBA objectspointersTwo of the most significant advantages of multidimensional databases over relational databases are processing speed and: conceptualization controlformatobjectificationObject-oriented databases organize data by classes, attributes, methods, and:objectsrelationsspaceti

50、meMultiple 13An information system is a collection of hardware, software, people, procedures, and:data DBMS specialists system analystsWhat is the first phase in the systems life cycleneeds analysispreliminary investigationsystems analysissystems designWhich phase in the systems life cycle involves

51、installing the new system and training people preliminary investigationsystems analysissystem designsystems implementationThis phase in the systems life cycle is concerned about determining system requirements not in design.preliminary investigationsystems analysissystem designsystems implementation

52、Which systems analysis tool shows the relationship between input and output documents checklist data flowdecision table grid chartThese tools relieve the systems analysts of many repetitive tasks, develop clear documentation, and, for larger projects, coordinate team member activities.automated syst

53、ems life cycleCASEdata flow analyzersflow chartsWhich systems life cycle phase is concerned with economic, technical, and operational feasibilitypreliminary investigationsystems analysissystems designsystems implementationWhat type of feasibility evaluates whether the people within the organization

54、will embrace or resist a new system behavioral economic operational techinicalWhich approach to conversion begins by trying out a new system in only one part of an organization directpilotparallelphasedAn alternative to the systems life cycle approach using powerful development software, small speci

55、alized teams, and highly trained personnel.AAD CASE prototyping RADMultiple 14A program is a list of instructions for the computer to follow to process: _|data direct logic hardwaresoftwareThe major processing steps identified in a top-down program design are called: assembly instructionsmoduleslogi

56、cThe programming logic structure in which one program statement follows another. concatenationlooprepetitionselectionOne of the best ways to code effective programs is to use the three basic logic structures to create:content-markup programsmodular languagespseudocodestructured programsWhich step in

57、 the six-step programming procedure involves desk checking and searching for syntax and logic errorsprogram designprogram documentationprogram maintenanceprogram testWhich step in the six-step programming procedure is the final step program designprogram documentationprogram testIprogram maintenance

58、Unlike traditional systems development, this software development approach focuses less on the procedures and more on defining the relationships between previously defined procedures.2GLcontext-markupmodulelobject-orientedNatural languages are considered to be a:high-level languagemid-level languagelow-level languagep


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