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1、-X高中英語閱讀理解1 閱讀理解CamPer LUnCh PrOgramWe are PIeaSed to Offer the CamPer LUnCh PrOgram for full-day CamPerS Or CamPerS PartiCiPating in both morning and afternoOn half-day CamPSLUnCh at the OVerIake SChOOlAt the OVerlake SChOOl in RedmOncb you Can Sign UP for IUnCh at the time Of registration. LUnCh i

2、s PrOVideel by the SChOOl Cafeteria including a hot main dish and a SaIad bar OPtiOn. Limited diet restrictions Can be accommodated in advance. AIl OrderS Or CanCelIatiOnS must be made by 4:00 Prn On Wednesday$ 40 for 5day CamP Week$ 32 for 4-day CamP WeekLUnCh at VieW SeattIeTWO WeekS before your C

3、amP Start datez you Will receive a Iink in your COnfirmatiOn email to ChOOSe your PreferenCe between the regular and Vegetarian(素的)1Uneh menus BeSideSz CamPer With allergies Or SenSitiVitieS are enCOUraged to bring their OWn lunch.$ 40 for 5day CamP Week$ 38 for 4-day CamP WeekLUnCh at St. ThOmaS SC

4、hOOlAt St. ThOmaS SChOOL IUnCh and SnaCkS are PrOVided by SAGE Dining. LUnCh includes a hot main dish, a SaIad bar and Sandwich OPtiOnS CamPerS also receive two SnaCkS Per day.$ 50 for 5day CamP Week$45 for 4-day CamP WeekLUnCh at PaCifiC SCienCe CenterAt PaCifiC SCienee Center; you Can Sign UP at t

5、he time Of registration LUnCh is PrOVided by OUr Very OWn PaCifiC SCienee Center Cafe EVery day, Standard and Vegetarian IUnCh menus are available and COme With a Water bottle and two Snacks AIl OrderS Or CanCeIIa廿OnS must be made by 4:00 Prn On Wednesday.$ 45 for 5day CamP Week$ 36 for 4-day CamP W

6、eekWhiCh PrOgram Can a CamPer With a budget Of $ 35 choose?Lunch at the OVerIake SChOOLLunch at VieW Seattle.Lunch at St. ThOmaS SChOOI.Lunch at PaCifiC SCience CGnter.What are CamPerSfor LUnCh at VieWSeattle required to do?Stay far away from anything With allergies.Choose their IUnCh Preferences in

7、 advance.Avoid bringing their OWn IUnCh for any reason.Send emails to Offer advice On improving IUnChWhat do the IaSt two PrOgramS have in COmmon?They receive registrations Only On WedneSday.They GnCOUrage CamPerS to bring SOme SnaCkSThey are mainly intended for Vegetarian CamPerSThey PrOVide CamPer

8、S With two Snacks each day.【答案】ABD【解析】【分析】本文是一篇應(yīng)用文,向露營者介紹了一些午餐項目的相關(guān)信息。(1)考査細Yj理解。對比四個項目的價格可知,預(yù)算是35美元的露營者只能選擇LUnCh at the OVerIake SChOOl 這個項目。故選 AO(2 )考查細節(jié)理解。根據(jù) LUnCh at VieWSeattIe 部分中的Two WeekS before your CamP Start date, you WiIl receive a Iink in your COnfirmation email to ChOOSe your Preferenc

9、e between the regular and Vegetarian(素的)IUnChmenus.可知,LUnCh at VieW SeattIe 這個項目的谿營者需 要提前選擇自己的午餐偏好。故選B。(3)考查細肖理解“根據(jù) LUnCh at St. ThOmaS SChOOl 部分 中的ZzCamPerS also receive two SnaCkS Per day.和 LUnCh at PaeifiC SCienCe Center 部分中的Every day, Standard and Vegetarian IUnCh menus are available and COme Wi

10、th a Water bottle and two Snacks可矢Ib 兩 個項目的共同之處是它們每天給露營者提供兩頓零食。故選DO【點評】本題考點涉及細Yj理解題型的考查,是一篇介紹類閱讀,考生需要準(zhǔn)確捕捉細節(jié) 信息,并結(jié)合題目要求,從而選出正確答案。2.閱讀理解DarreIl BIatChley, a marine biologist and envirOnmGntalist based in the PhiliPPine City Of Davao, received a CaII from the Philippines, BUreaU Of FiSherieS and AqUati

11、C ReSOUrCeS (漁業(yè)與水產(chǎn)資源 局)early Friday morning reporting a death Of a you ng whale.When the necropsy (丿檢)WaS PerfOrmeClz BlatChley told NPRZ he WaS not PrePared for the amount Of PlaStiC they (OUnd in the whale,s StOmaChIt WaS full Of PIaStiC nothing but nonStOP PIaStic. he Said It WaS filled to the PO

12、int that its StOmaCh WaS as hard as a baseball. That means that this an imal has bee n SUfferi ng not for days Or WeekS but for mon ths Or eve n a year Or more, BIatChley added.BlatChley is the founder and OWner Of the D1Bone COIIeCtOr MUSeUmZ a natural history museum in DaVao. In the COming days, t

13、he museum Will display all the items found in the whales system. BIatChley and his team WOrk With the BUreaU Of FiSherieS and AqUatiC ReSOUrCeS and Other OrganiZatiOnS to assist in rescue and recovery Of marine animalsWithin the IaSt 10 years, We HaVe recovered 61 WhaleS and dolphins just Within the

14、 DaVaO Gulf, he SaidOf them, 57 have died due to man Whether they took PIaStiC Or fishing nets Or Other WaStez Or gotten CaUght in POIIUtiOn and four Were Pregnant.nBIatChley Said he hoped that the IateSt inCident WOUId IaUnCh the issue Of PlaStiC POllUtiOn in the PhiIiPPines and across the globeIf

15、We keep going this wa it Will be more UnCOmrnOn to Seean animal die Of natural CaUSeS than it is to See an animal die Of plastic/1 he SaiCI.What Can he inferred from the SeCOnd paragraph?The WhaIe WaS StarVed to deathBIatChIey WaS ShOCked at What he found.The dead WhaIe must HaVe SWalIOWed a basebal

16、lD BlatChIey didnt make PreParatiOnS for the necropsy.What WiIl be ShOWn in the D1Bone COIleCtOr Museum?WaSte COIIeCteCl from the OCean.C. ThingS found in the whaleWaSte COIIeCteCl from the OCean.C. ThingS found in the whale,s body.The WhOIe SyStem Of the whale.Many different tools Of whaling.What d

17、oes BlatChIey think Of PIaStiC POIIUtiOn in the Philippines?C. InSPiringD. MildB. Stand UP for PrOteCting WhaIeSC. InSPiringD. MildB. Stand UP for PrOteCting WhaIeSD. NatUral Death Or MerCileSS MUrderWhat is the best title for the text?A WhaIe FOUnd Dead Of PIaStiCPlaStiC Threatening OUr ExiStenCe 【

18、答案】B(2) CBA【解析】【分析】本文是一篇記敘文,一只鯨魚因吞食大量的塑料而死亡,這引發(fā)了人們對海洋塑料污染的擔(dān)憂??疾橥评砼袛唷8鶕?jù)第二段中的he WaS not PrePared for the amount Of PIaStiC they found in the whales StOmaChW可知,布拉奇利在鯨魚的胃里發(fā)現(xiàn)了大量的塑料,他對此毫無 準(zhǔn)備,這是他意想不到的,由此可知,布拉奇利對他的發(fā)現(xiàn)感到震驚,故選肌考查細節(jié)理解。根據(jù)第三段中的In the COming daysz the museum Will display all the items found in the

19、 whales system/可知,在鯨魚體內(nèi)發(fā)現(xiàn)的東四將在這座自然博物館中展 出,故選C??疾橥评砼袛喔鶕?jù)最后一段中的If we keep going this way, it WiIl be more UnCOmmOn to See an animal die Of natural CaUSeS than it is to See an animal die Of PIaStiCr 可知, 布拉奇利 說如果我們繼續(xù)這樣下去,動物因吃塑料死亡的情況比自然死亡更為常見,由此可知,他 對菲律賓的塑料污染很擔(dān)憂,故選B。(4)考査主旨大意??v觀全文可知本文主要講述了一只鯨魚因吞食大量的塑料而死 亡

20、,這引發(fā)了人們對塑料污染的擔(dān)憂.故選A?!军c評】本題考點涉及細Yj理解,推理判斷和主旨大意三個題型的考査,是一篇環(huán)保類閱 讀,要求考生在捕捉細節(jié)信息的基礎(chǔ)上,進一步根據(jù)上下文的邏輯關(guān)系,進行分析,推 理,槪括和歸納,從而選出正確答案。3 閱讀理解A PhOtOgraPhy exhibition by French artist San BartOIOme entitled MOOn DOOr DreamerS OPened in the 798 Art ZOnG in Beijing On DeCember 10, 2011, PreSenting a CrOSS-CUItUral PerSP

21、eCtiVe (視角)On Ordinary Iife in the CaPital city.BartOIOme took these PhOtOS in AUgUSt 2008z and PrOdUCed a VideO named TWO Worlds, OnG Dream TheSe WOrkS Were displayed in Pingyao, an anCient City in ShanXi Province, Under the title Beijing MidSUmmer Night Drearn in SePtember 2010.The moon doors SerV

22、e as a keyhole through WhiCh OnG Can CatCh a glimpse Of a SIiCe Of Beijing life. He got his inspiration from One CyCling trip to the SOUtheaStern SUbUrb Of BeijingZ Where he discovered a PeCUIiar Street along WhiCh a gray brick Wall WaS built to COVer the Shabby bungalows TheSe Cabins Were mostly re

23、nted by migrant WOrkerS peddlers, CraftSmenz grocers and innkeepersBOrn in 1950z BartOIOme HaS WOrked as a PhOtOgraPheG Stage director. ArtiStiC manager, Writer and diplomat. A noted SinoPhil已 BartOlOme frequently ViSitS China for PhOtOgraPhiC SUbjeCtS In the fall Of 2003z he joined the French EmbaS

24、Sy in Beijing as a CUltUral attache HiS WOrk experience in China from 2003 to 2015 further enhanced his awareness Of and IOVe for China.BartOIOme not Only IOVeS ChineSe CUItUre but also the Chinese PeOPIe He thinks that Chinese PeOPle are kind, WeICOming and diverseBaCk from his bike ride to SOUthea

25、Stern Beijing, he decided to ShOOt PiCtUreS about Ordinary Urban lifestyles. He ObSerVed dwellers CarefUlIy and made friends With themAfter about 30 days and nights that He SPent With these COmmOn migrants, he Created a number Of POrtraitS Meanwhile, he Iearned more about those rural migrants WhO ea

26、rn their IiVing in a City With WhiCh they are Unfamiliar.He adopted an OPtirniStiC PerSPeCtiVe to ShOOt the SightSz and he borrowed the title Of One Of WiIliam ShakeSPeare S COmedy works: A MidSUmmer Nights DreamWhat is the main PUrPOSe Of the exhibition?TO PreSent BartOIOmelS PhOtOgraPhiC SkiIISTO

27、tell US BartoIome1S WOrk experience in BeijingTO ShOW US BartoIome1S OPtimiStiC VieW On Ordinary Iife in BeijingTO build a CrOSS-CUItUral COmmUniCatiOn bridge between China and FranCeWhat inspires BartOIOme to ShOOt PiCtUreS about Ordinary Urban styles?HiS bike ride to SOUtheaStern SUbUrb Of Beijing

28、HiS WOrk experience in the FrenCh EmbaSSy in BeijingHiS ViSit to the ancient City Of PingyaOShakespeares COmedy work: A MidSUmmer Nights DrearnWhat does the Underlined WOrd Sinaphilen in ParagraPh 4 refer to?A SUCCeSSfUl artist. B A CUItUral attacheC. A PerSOn Of StatUSD A fan Of ChinaWhat does the

29、text mainly talk about?A FrenCh alist tells ChineSe StOrieS With his CameraA French artist frequently ViSitS China for photography.Migrant WOrkerS IiVe a SimPle but happy Iife in BeijingD MOOn DOOrS SerVe as a WindOW to display China to the WOrld【答案】CAD(4)A【解析】【分析】本文是一篇記敘文,法國藝術(shù)家圣巴托洛姆在北京798藝術(shù)區(qū)舉辦的劃 為“

30、月亮之門夢想家的攝影展,從跨文化角度呈現(xiàn)了普通城市的生活以及舶攝的原因。(1)考査推理判斷。根據(jù)第一段中的presenting a CrOSS-CUItUral PerSPeCtiVe (視角)On Ordinary Iife in the CaPital city.以及最后一段中的He adopted an OPtimiStiC PerSPeCtiVe to ShOOt the sights;1可知,這次攝影展用一種跨文化視角來展示首都的普通生活,他以樂觀的 角度拍攝的。由此推斷岀攝影展向我們展示巴托羅姆對北京城帀生活的樂觀態(tài)度。故選 Co(2)考査細節(jié)理解 根據(jù)第三段中的He got hi

31、s inspiration from One CyCIing trip to the SOUtheaStern SUbUrb Of Beijing, .以及第六段中的Back from his bike ride to SOUtheaStern Beijing, he decided to ShOOt PiCtUreS about Ordinary Urban IifeStyleS,J 知他(拍攝)的靈感來 自一次去北京東南郊的騎行之旅,。回到北京之后,他決立舶攝一些關(guān)于普通城市生活 方式的照片??芍?,是他騎自行車去北京的東南郊區(qū)激發(fā)了他拍攝普通城市的生活。故選 AO(3)考查詞義猜測。根據(jù)第

32、四段劃線詞-SinaphiIe1*后的內(nèi)容可知,巴托羅姆為了這個攝影 主題經(jīng)常訪問中國。2003年秋,他以文化專員的身份加入了法國駐北京大使館。從2003 年到2015年,他在中國的多年工作經(jīng)歷讓他加深了對中國的認識和熱愛。由此可知,他是 一個熱愛中國的人,喜歡了解中國,是一個中國迷。故選D。(4)考查主旨大意。本文第一段敘述了法國藝術(shù)家圣巴托洛姆在北京798藝術(shù)區(qū)舉辦的 名為月亮之門夢想家的攝影展開幕從一個跨文化視角來展示在首都的普通生活。接著敘 述了為什么拍攝中國普通城市的生活,用攝影機舶攝他在中國的經(jīng)歷來表現(xiàn)對中國的熱 愛。由此可知本文主要敘述了一個法國藝術(shù)家用他的相機講述中國故事。故選

33、A?!军c評】本題考點涉及細Yj理解,推理判斷,詞義猜測和主旨大意四個題型的考查,是一 篇故事類閱讀,要求考生在捕捉細卩信息的基礎(chǔ)上,進一步根據(jù)上下文的邏借關(guān)系,進行 分析,推理,槪括和歸納,從而選出正確答案。4.閱讀理解DUring your four years in the COlIegeZ youll have many exciting ChOiCeS to make, the first Of WhiCh WiIl be your COUrSe SeIeCtiOn for your first SemeSter. The beauty Of this ChOiCe is that y

34、ou cant go wrong! NO matter WhiCh One Of OUr FirSt-Year OPtiOnS you SeleCt to apply for; you WiIl Create a rich intellectual experience to begin your COIlege career.OPtiOn 1: Liberal ArtS SeminarThe Uberal ArtS Seminar is a multidisciplinary(多學(xué)*斗的)course that explores the CUltUral history Of the Med

35、iterranea n through fictio nal and non fictional books.FaIl SChedUle: When RegiStratiOn OPens, you WiIl SeleCt between One and four additiOnal COUrSeS to COmPIete your SChedUleOPtiOn 2: FLL Hager SChOlarS PrOgramThe FLL Hager SChOlarS PrOgram is designed With OUr most ambitious StUdents Of Ianguages

36、 and IingUiStiCS in mind, and is designed to Create for them both a SenSe Of COmmUnity and OPPOrtUnitieS for intellectual growthFaIl SChedUle: When RegiStratiOn opens, you WiIl SeIeCt between OnG and three additional COUrSeS to COmPIete your SChedUIeOPtiOn 3: Ignatius SeminarsOffered Only in the fir

37、st SemeSteO Ignatius SeminarS introduce StUdents to the depth and diversity Of Georgetowns dynamic intellectual community.Fall schedule: When RegiStratiOn OPens, you WiIl SeIeCt three Or four additional COUrSeS to COmPIete your SChedUIeOPtiOn 4: TraditiOnal FirSt-Year ACademiC PrOgramWith this PrOgr

38、amz you,ll take your first SteP into the colleges rich and Varied COre COUrSeS and explore your fields Of interest in free OPtiOnal COUrSeWOrk.FaIl schedule: When RegiStratiOn OPenSz you WiIl build a SChedUle Of four Or five additiOnal COUrSeS from the full COllege CUrriCUlUmHOW do StUdentS Iearn th

39、e CUItUral history Of the Mediterranean?By COmPIe廿ng the SChedUIeB. By Writing fictional booksC. By SeleCting I Or 4 COUrSeSD By reading materials Of this areaWhiCh PrOgram is SUitable for a StUdent interested in languages?A. OPtiOn 1.B. OPtiOn 2C. OPtiOn 3D. OPtiOn 4.WhatlS a POSSibIe reason for Ch

40、OOSing OPtiOn 4?A. It is designed for Ianguage Iearners.B. It PrOVideS VariOUS COUrSeS for freeC It introduces you to areas Of interest.D It is OnIy Offerecl in the first SemeSter.【答案】DBC【解析】【分析】本文是是一篇說明文,在大學(xué)的四年里,你會有很多令人興奮的選擇, 第一個是你第一學(xué)期的課程選擇。這個選擇的美妙之處在于你不會出錯!無論你選擇申請 哪一個,你都將為你的大學(xué)生涯創(chuàng)造一個豐富的智力體驗。作者介紹了大學(xué)

41、生對課程的四 種選擇。考査細節(jié)理解Q 根據(jù) OPtiOn 1:Liberal ArtS Seminar 部分中的The Liberal ArtS Seminar is a multidisciplinary (多學(xué)科的)COUrSe that explores the CUItUral history Of the Mediterranean through fictional and nonfictional books.人文學(xué)科研討會是一門多學(xué)科課程,通過虛構(gòu)和非 虛構(gòu)的書籍探索地中海的文化歷史,可知,學(xué)生通過虛構(gòu)和非虛構(gòu)的書籍探索地中海的文 化歷史。由此可知,學(xué)生是通過閱讀該地區(qū)的資料來

42、學(xué)習(xí)地中海的文化歷史的。故選D??紪思毠?jié)理解Q 根據(jù) OPtiOn 2:FLL Hager SChOIarS PrOgram 部分中的The FLL Hager SChOIarS PrOgram is designed With OUr most ambitious StUdents Of IangUageS and IingUiStiCS in mind, and is designed to Create for them both a SenSe Of COmmUnity and OPPOrtUnities for intellectual growth.FLL Hager SChOla

43、rS PrOgram的設(shè)計初衷是為我們最具雄心的語言和語言 學(xué)學(xué)生服務(wù),旨在為他們創(chuàng)造一種社區(qū)感和智力成長的機會,可知,OPtiOn 2的設(shè)計初衷 是為我們最具雄心的語言和語言學(xué)學(xué)生服務(wù)??芍?,對語言感興趣的學(xué)生可以選擇OPtiOn 2:FLL HagerSChOIarS PrOgramO 故選 Ba考查推理判斷。根據(jù) OPtiOn 4: TraditiOnal FirSt-Year ACademiC PrOgram 部分中的With this PrOgramz youll take your first SteP into the COlIegelS rich and Varied COre

44、 COUrSeS and explore your fields Of interest in free OPtiOnal COUrSework.w有了這個項目 P 你將邁出你的第一步,進 入大學(xué)豐富多樣的核心課程,在自由選修課程中探索你感興趣的領(lǐng)域。可知,OPtiOn 4在 自由選修課程中探索你感興趣的領(lǐng)域??赏浦琌PtiOn 4能把你領(lǐng)進你感興趣的領(lǐng)域,這 應(yīng)該是學(xué)生選擇OPtiOn 4的原因。故選Ctl【點評】本題考點涉及細Yj理解和推理判斷兩個題型的考查,是一篇教冇類閱讀,考生需 要準(zhǔn)確捕捉細節(jié)信息,并根據(jù)上下文進行邏輯推理,從而選出正確答案。5 .閱讀理解Book: NO LOOk

45、ing BaCkAuthor: ShiVani GUPtaShiVani Had thrown a Party One evening and awoke the next morning in hospital because Of a Car CraSh It took ShiVa ni years Of Painz StrUggIe and determi nation to regai n COntrOl Of Her Iife and her body Then tragedy StrUCk again. AS the newly-married ShiVani drove to M

46、anali With her family, a truck CraShed into her car. ShiVa ni refused to give in-she WOUldnlt Iet her in jury keep her from achieving Her ambitiOns.Book: COUrage BeyOnd COmPareAuthor: Sanjay SharmaThe 10 SPOrtSPerSOnS in the book are ChamPiOnS in CIiVerSe fields Iike athletics, SWimming, and badmint

47、or WhO have brought glory to the COUntry. They OVerCame their PhySiCal IimitatiOnS to reach the top Of their ChOSen fieldsBook: FaCe to FaCeAuthor: Vecl MehtaBlind SinCG the age Of four, the author Ied a IOnGly ChildhOOd in India Until he WaS accepted to the Arkansas SChOOl for the BlineL to WhiCh h

48、e flew alone at 15. AmeriCa and the SChOOl Changed HiS IifeZ Ieading him to degrees at OXfOrCl and HarVard and a fruitful Writing career.Book: ThiS Star WOnlS GO OUtAuthor: LOri and Wayne EarlDiagnoSed With CanCer at 12z ESther Earl WaS a bright and talented, but Very normal teenager. She IiVed a ho

49、pe-filled and generous life. A CheerfUI, POSitiVe and encouraging daughter SiSter and friend, ESther CIied in 2010z ShOrtly after turning 16z but not before inspiring thousands through her growing OnIine PreSenCe 1) The book NO LOOking BaCk mainly talks aboutan UnIUCky girl WhO eperieneed two Car ac

50、cidents10 CIiSabIed athletes WhO are ChamPiOnS in SPOrtS fieldC a SUCCeSSfUl author WhO WaS blind during his ChildhOOdD an inspiring teenager WhO Clied Of CanCer(2) When reading the book Written by Sanjay Sharma, We WiIlfind the author is a SPOrtS IOVerget inspired by the SPOrtSPerSOns SPiritSbe PrO

51、Ud to be a SPOrtSPerSOnfind SPOrtSPerSOnS are full Of POWerIn WhiCh book does the author tell Of himself?Face to FaCeThis Star WOnlt GO OUtC-Courage BeyOnd COmPareNo LOOking BaCk【答案】(1)ABA【解析】【分析】本文是一篇應(yīng)用文,介紹了四本書及苴作者和書的簡介。考査段落大意Q 根據(jù) Book: NO LOOking BaCk 部分中的ZZShiVani had thrown a Party One evening a

52、nd awoke the next morning in hospital because Of a Car CraSh和第三句Then tragedy StrUCk again AS the newly-married ShiVani drove to Manali With her family, a truck CraShed into her car.”一天晚上ShiVani舉行一個聚會,等她醒來時發(fā)現(xiàn)自己由于車禍住進了醫(yī)院。然后 悲劇再次發(fā)生,當(dāng)新婚的ShiVani開車帶家人去Manali時,一輛卡車和她的車相撞,可 知,這本書主要講述了經(jīng)歷兩次車禍的不幸女孩ShiVani的故事。故

53、選A??疾橥评砼袛? 根據(jù) Book: COUrage BeyOnd COmPare 部分中的They OVerCame their PhySiCal IimitatiOnS to reach the top Of their ChOSen fields/這些運動員克服身體局限達到他們 自己所選擇領(lǐng)域的頂峰,可知,我們會從這些運動員不屈不撓的精神中獲得鼓舞。故選 BJ(3 )考查細 IY理解。根據(jù) Book: FaCe to FaCe 部分中的Blind SinCe the age Of four, the author Ied a IOnely ChildhOOd in India Unti

54、l he WaS accepted to the ArkanSaS SChOOl for the Blindr作者自 從四歲時失明,在印度他度過了孤獨的童年,最終考取了 ArkanSaS盲人學(xué)校,可知,在書 中作者講述自己的故事。故選A?!军c評】本題考點涉及細Yj理解,推理判斷和段落大意三個題型的考査,是一篇介紹類閱 讀,要求考生在捕捉細節(jié)信息的基礎(chǔ)上,進一步根據(jù)上下文的邏借關(guān)系,進行分析,推 理,槪括和歸納,從而選出正確答案。6.閱讀理解BritiSh MUSeUm ViSitOr RegUIatiOnSOPening hoursWe OPGn the Museums galleries d

55、aily from 10: 00 am Until 17: 30 pm. We keep SeleCted galleries OPen Until 20: 30 Prn On FridaySThe Museums Great COUrt is OPen from 9:00 am Until 18:00 pm; except On FridayS When it remains OPen Until 20:30 pm.YOU may be asked by your Staff to begin IeaVing UP to ten minutes before ClOSing timeThe

56、MUSeUm is ClOSed 24-26 DeCember and 1 January.AdmiSSi OnWe WarmIy WeICOme you On your ViSit to the MUSeUm In the interests Of the SeCUrity Of all Of OUr ViSitOrS We require you follow these regulations.AdmiSSiOn to the MUSeUm is free, but We may Charge for entry to SOme temporary exhibitions and eve

57、nts.FOOd and drinkYOU arent allowed to COnSUme food and drink inSide the MUSeUmZ except in PIaCeS SUCh as the restaura nt and CafeS Or the forecourt. FamilieS With ChiIdren may USe the FOrd CGntre for young ViSitOrS in the basement Ofthe MUSeUmlS Great COUrt at WeekendS and during SChOOl holidaysAni

58、maISIf you have a disability, you may be accompanied in the MUSeUm by your guide, assistant Or COmPaniOn animal. YOU arert allowed to bring animals into the MUSeUm Under any Other CirCUmSta nce.Filmz PhOtOgraPhy and audio recordingEXCePt the PlaCe that are indicated by notices, youre Permitted to US

59、e Hand-held CameraS (inClUding mobile PhOnes) With flash bulbs Or flash Units, and audio and film recording equipment not requiring a stand. YOU may USe your PhOtOgraPhSz film and audio recordings Only for your OWn PriVate and non-COmmerCial PUrPOSeSWhen Can ViSitOrS ViSit the Museum?At 18:30 Prn On

60、 Weekends.B. At 14:00 am On ChriStmaS Day.At 19:00 Pm On Fridays.D. At 11:00 am On NeW Years Day.WhO are the regulatiOnSmainlyintended for?A. The visitors.B. The staff.C. The parents.D. The children.What Can ViSitOrS do in the Museum?A. Eat and drink as they IikeB. Take along their Pet dogsReCOrd fi


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