1、【精編匯總版】俄狄浦斯王合集】7/7【精編匯總版】俄狄浦斯王合集Oedipus rexDate and circumstances of production are unknown. It is, however, known that Sophocles suffered defeat in the contests with this play, although it is generally regarded as his masterpiece.SOME twelve years before the action of th.e play begins, Oedipus has
2、been made King of Thebes in gratitude for his freeing the people from the pestilence brought on them by the presence of the riddling Sphinx. Since Laius, the former king, had shortly before been killed, Oedipus has been further honored by the hand of Queen Jocasta.Now another deadly pestilence is ra
3、ging and the people have come to ask Oedipus to rescue them as before. The King has anticipated their need, however. Creon, Jocasta* s brother, returns at the very moment from Apollot s oracle with the announcement that al 1 wi11 be wel1 if Laius murderer be found and cast from the city.In an effort
4、 to discover the murderer, Oedipus sends for the blind seer, Tiresias. Under protest the prophet names Oedipus himsel f as the criminal. Oedipus, outraged at the accusation denounces it as a plot of Crcon to gain the throne. Jocasta appears just in time to avoid a battle between the two men. Seers,
5、she assures Oedipus, are not infal1ible. Tn proof she cites the old prophecy that her son should kill his father and have children by his mother. She prevented its fulfillment, she confesses, by abandoning their infant son in the mountains. As for Laius, he had been killed by robbers years later at
6、the junction of throe roads on the route to Delphi.This information makes Oedipus uneasy. He recalls having killed a man answering Laius, description at this very spot when he was fleeing from his home in Corinth to avoid fulfi1Iment of a similar prophecy. An aged messenger arrives from Corinth, at
7、this point, to announce the death of King Polybus, supposed father of Oedipus, and the election of Oedipus as king in his stead. On account of the old prophecy Oedipus refuses to return to Corinth until his mother, too, is dead. To calm his fears the messenger assures him that he is not the blood so
8、n of Polybus and Merope, but a foundling from the house of Laius deserted in the mountains. This statement is confirmed by the old shepherd whom Jocasta had charged with the task of exposing her babe. Thus the ancient prophecy has been fulfilled in each dreadful detail. Jocasta in her horror hangs h
9、erself and Oedipus stabs out his eyes. Then he imposes on himself the penalty of exile which he had promised for the murderer of Laius.Plot BackgroundMuch of what consti tutes the myth of Oedipus takes place before the opening scene of the play. In his youth, Laius was a guest of King Pelops of Elis
10、, and became the tutor of Chrysippus, youngest of the king* s sons, in chariot racing. He then violated the sacred laws of hospitality by abducting and raping Chrysippus. This cast a doom over him and his descendants.The protagonist of the tragedy is the son of King Laius and Queen Jocasta of Thebes
11、. After Laius learns from an oracle that “he is doomed/To perish by the hand of his own son”, he tightly binds the feet of the infant Oedipus together with a pin and orders Jocasta to ki11 the infant. Hesitant to do so, she demands a servant to commit the act for her. Instead, the servant abandons t
12、he baby in the fields, leaving the babys fate to the gods. A shepherd rescues the infant and names him Oedipus (cr swollen feet). Intending to raise the baby himself, but not possessing of the moans to do so, the shepherd gives it to a fellow shepherd from a distant land, who spends the summers shar
13、ing pastureland with his flocks. The second shepherd carries the baby with him to Corinth, where Oedipus is taken in and raised in the court of the childless King Polybus cf Corinth as if he were his own.As a young man in Corinth, Oedipus hears a rumour that he is not the biological son of Polybus a
14、nd his wife Mcropc. When Oedipus cal Is them out on this, they deny it, but, still suspicious, he asks the Delphic Oracle who his parents really are. The Oracle seems to ignore this question, telling him instead that he is destined to nMate with his own mother, and shed/With his own hands the blood
15、of his own sire,. Desperate to avoid his foretold fate, Oedipus leaves Corinth in the belief that Polybus and Merope are indeed his true parents and that, once away from them, he will never harm them.On the road to Thebes, he meets Laius, his true father. Unaware of each other, s identities, they qu
16、arrel over whose chariot has right-of-way. King Laius moves to strike the insolent youth with his sceptre, but Oedipus throws him down from the chariot and kills him, thus fulfil 1 ing part of the oraclc,s prophecy. Shortly after, he solves the riddle of th。Sphinx, which has baffled many a diviner:用
17、at is the creature that walks on four legs in the morning, tiro legs at noon, and three in the eveningTo this Oedipus replies, Man” (who crawls on all fours as an infant, walks upright later, and needs a walking stick in old age), and the distraught Sphinx throws herself off the cl iffsido. Oedipus,
18、 s reward for freeing the kingdom of Thebes from her curse is the kingship and the hand of QueenDowager Jocasta, his biological mother. The prophecy is thus fulfilled, although none of the main characters know it.古希臘索福克利斯的戲劇代表格模板作之一。約公元前430前426年首演。它取材于 希臘神話傳說屮關(guān)于俄狄逋曲殺父娶母的故事,展示了富布典型意義的希臘悲劇辯說 人跟命運的辯說。劇
19、作家無法擺脫其時濃重的命運看法,使俄狄浦斯逃蛻不了體 現(xiàn)命運的太陽神“神示”的坎阱。但他對命運抱有強烈的不滿情緒,認為俄狄浦斯并不 是冇意殺父娶母,木人不光沒有罪,反而是一個為平易近除害的英雄、受人愛戴的燈王。 俄狄浦斯智援超群,酷好邦國,大公無私。在命運面前,他不是個聲帖耳城苦苦苦求, 而是奮起抗爭,設(shè)法逃離“神示”的預(yù)言。繼而,他猜破女妖的謎語,為平易近除了害。最 后,為了補救人平易近的瘟疫災(zāi)難,他掉臂一切地追査戕害前王的兇手,一旦女相大門, 乂勇于承當責(zé)任,主動苦求將他放逐。對于這樣一個為人平易近、為國家做了無數(shù)好事的 英雄所遭受的惡運,劇作家深感氣憤,發(fā)出了對神的正義性的猜疑,控訴命運
20、的不公 和殘酷,贊揚仆役公在跟命運奮斗屮所表格模板現(xiàn)出來的鵬強意志和英雄舉動。因此,盡管 結(jié)局是凄涼的,但這種明知“神示”不成違而違之的和神,恰是對個人白主精神的行定, 是雅典仆從主平易近主派先進思想意識的反映。俄狄浦斯人物簡介俄狄浦斯(Oedipus或(Edipus,偶然拼為Oidipous)是希冊神話中忒拜( Thebe) 的國王,是國王拉伊奧斯(Laius)和王后約卡斯塔(Jocasta)的兒廣,他在不知怙的 怙況下,殺死了本人的父親并娶了白己的母親。拉伊奧斯年輕時曾經(jīng)劫走國王佩洛普 斯(Pelops)的兒/克律西波斯(Chrysippus),因此遭到詛咒,他的兒/俄狄浦斯出 生時,神諭
21、衣示他會被兒f所殺死,為了躲避命運,拉伊奧斯刺穿了新生兒的腳踝 (oidipous在希臘文的意思即為“腫脹的腳”),并將他拋棄在野外等死.可是奉命執(zhí)行 的牧人心生憐憫,偷偷將嬰兒轉(zhuǎn)送給科林斯(Corinth)的國王波門波斯(Polybus), 由他們看成親生兒了般地撫育長大。俄狄浦斯長大后,因為徳爾菲(Delphi)神殿的 神諭說,他會弒父娶母,不知道科林斯國王與王后并非門已親生父母的俄狄浦斯,為 防止神諭成賞.,便分開科林斯并起誓永不再冋來。俄狄浦斯漂浮到忒拜附近時,在一 個岔路上與群陌生人發(fā)作辯說,失手殺了人,其屮正包括了他的親生父親。其時的 忒拜被獅身人面善斯芬克斯(Sphinx)所困,
22、因為他會抓住毎個路過的人,如果對方 無法解答他出的謎題,便將對方扯破吞食。忒拜為了脫困,便發(fā)布誰能解開謎題,從 斯芬克斯口中救援城邦的話,便時得到王位并娶國王的遺孀約卡斯塔為妻。其后恰是 由俄狄浦斯解開了斯芬克斯的謎題,補救了忒拜。他也承襲了上位,并在不知情的情 況下耍了門己的親生母親為妻,生了兩個女兒:分辯是安提戈涅(Antigone)及伊斯 麗涅(Ismene);兩個兒子:埃忒奧克洛斯(Eteoclus)及波X涅克斯(Polyneices 其后,受俄狄浦斯統(tǒng)治的國家不竭有災(zāi)禍叮瘟疫,國王因此向神祇叨教,想要知道為 何會降下災(zāi)禍.最后在先知提瑞西阿斯(Tiresias)的揭示下,俄狄浦斯才知
23、道他是拉 伊奧斯的兒子,究竟應(yīng)驗了他之前殺父戰(zhàn)母的不幸命運。震驚不已的約卡斯塔忸捏地吊頸自殺,而同樣悲憤不已的俄狄浦斯,則刺喀了自12的雙眼內(nèi)容簡介一向昌盛的忒拜城俄然遭到了惡運,地皮荒蕪,莊稼歉收,牲布瘟死,婦人流產(chǎn):, 城邦在血紅的波浪里順簸不定,全城到處是求生的歌聲和苦疝的呻吟。無盡的疝苦折 磨著眾人,也令愛平易近如子的國王俄狄浦斯憂心如焚。這一切究竟是為什么?俄狄浦斯 派人淸來了阿波羅的神示:由于本年前一個人所犯的殺死前王拉伊科斯的弗攣,城邦 才遭此劫難。只守寬大兇手,才氣救援城邦。劇梢川繞著尋找兇手而舉行。全劇共有兩個線索。其一是,忒拜牧人曾說拉伊俄 斯死在三岔口,其妻子伊俄卡斯特曾
24、提到拉伊俄斯的邊幅、春秋、侍從人數(shù)以及被殺 的時間。這一切證明俄狄浦斯是殺死拉伊俄斯的兇手,但俄狄浦斯仍未想到那人是他 的父親。另一線索是:科任托斯牧人吿訴俄狄浦斯,他并非波從波斯的兒子。當這兩 個牧人相遇時,兩條線索交織在一起,底細也就大白了。該劇通過倒敘的手法,環(huán)環(huán) 相扣,,步步地把戲劇辯說推向低潮,悲劇欠氛也隨之趨于頂點:伊俄卡斯特自殺, 俄狄浦斯自刺雙H后分開忒拜城,行乞滌罪。評價:俄狄浦斯王是索福克勒斯的劇作中最具霊撼力的一部。希臘人篤信命 運,這在悲劇中也仃所反映。埃斯庫羅斯的奧瑞斯提斯被看做是命運劇,俄狄 浦斯王更是命運劇的代表格模板??墒牵\當然是不成打敗的,俄狄沛斯并不是悲
25、觀地 期待,而是展開英勇的奮斗,他的品徳,他那種完全掉臂本人凄涼的步履,他那種不 惜任何代價去尋求底細的決計,本身就是可歌可泣的,可以說,這是一曲人與命運作 決死奮斗的悲歌。情節(jié)底比斯禺臘疫風(fēng)行,天神宣告,只療戕害前王拉伊俄斯的兇手伏誅,才氣消災(zāi)祛 禍。前王外出,匕衛(wèi)兵一起遇害,至今不知兇手是誰。國王俄狄浦斯峻厲詛咒兇手, 并號令全國追査。先知卻說,兇手就是俄狄浦斯本人。俄狄浦斯誕生時仃神諭,說他 將來公殺父娶母,于是他被摒除在荒山上,輾轉(zhuǎn)成了科林斯國王之子。成年后他得知 神諭,為了遁藏殺父娶母的預(yù)言,逃出科林斯國,在途屮與人搶道,將主仆數(shù)人打死。 他來究竟比斯國,制服了獅身人而怪,被擁立為王,并娶其后為妻。俄狄浦斯這些經(jīng) 歷恰恰契合當初神諭所說的殺父娶母。顛末一番追査,證據(jù)俱在,俄狄浦斯恰是兇手
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