1、中信銀行借款合同中信銀行借款合同10/10中信銀行借款合同篇一:中信實業(yè)銀行個人購房借款合同編號:(20 )鄂銀房貸字第號個人購房借款合同(抵押加階段性保證)借款人(即抵押人,以下簡稱甲方):身份證件名稱及號碼:住所:聯(lián)系電話:郵政編碼:共同借款人:身份證件名稱及號碼:住所:聯(lián)系電話:郵政編碼:貸款人(即抵押權(quán)人,以下簡稱乙方): 中信銀行行住所:聯(lián)系電話:郵政編碼:法定代表人/負責人:保證人(以下簡稱丙方):法定代表人:住所:聯(lián)系電話:郵政編碼:甲方、乙方和丙方依據(jù)中華人民共和國合同法、中華人民共和國擔保法、中華人民共和國物權(quán)法等有關(guān)法律、法規(guī),經(jīng)平等協(xié)商一致,訂立本合同。第一條 借款金額2
2、1.1 本合同貸款金額為人民幣(大寫,(小寫) 。 21.2 本合同貸款年利率為 %,月利率(年利率/12)為 %。本合同履行期間,貸款利率的調(diào)整采取以下第 種方式:(1)浮動利率。本合同利率以合同簽訂日中國人民銀行公布的同期同檔次貸款基準利率 %為基礎(chǔ),按照人民銀行的利率政策,在基準利率的基礎(chǔ)上,浮%或 bps,即月利率為 執(zhí)行。執(zhí)行浮動利率期間,貸款利率按照以下第 種方式進行調(diào)整,調(diào)整后的貸款利率為利率調(diào)整日所適用的中國人民銀行同期同檔次的基準利率按照本合同約定方式進行浮動后所確定的利率,利率調(diào)整不再另行書面或口頭通知甲方。a自借款合同簽訂日起,首次利率調(diào)整日確定為 年月日,并從首次利率調(diào)
3、整日后每 (1個月/3個月/6個月/12個月)調(diào)整一次利率,利率調(diào)整日為首次利率調(diào)整日在調(diào)整當月的對應日,調(diào)整當月沒有首次利率調(diào)整日對應日的,則調(diào)整當月最后一日為利率調(diào)整日,調(diào)整后的貸款利率為利率調(diào)整日所適用的中國人民銀行同期同檔次的基準利率按照本合同約定方式進行浮動后所確定的利率。b.自合同簽訂日起,中國人民銀行基準利率調(diào)整日為本貸款利率的調(diào)整日。(2)階段性固定利率。自 年 月 日至 年 月 日期間,本合同貸款利率以中國人民銀行公布的同期同檔次貸款基準利率為定價依據(jù),即月利率為 執(zhí)行,期間內(nèi)利率保持不變。執(zhí)行固定利率期限屆滿后,如甲方未主動提前提出繼續(xù)執(zhí)行固定利率的申請并獲得乙方同意,乙方
4、將以期限屆滿當日中國人民銀行公布的同期同檔次貸款基準利率為定價依據(jù),并根據(jù)屆時人民銀行的利率政策及乙方公布的對應產(chǎn)品利率政策,確定該筆貸款的利率水平。執(zhí)行浮動利率期間,首次利率調(diào)整日確定為 年 月 日,并從首次利率調(diào)整日后每 (1個月/3個月/6個月/12個月)調(diào)整一次利率,利率調(diào)整日為首次利率調(diào)整日在調(diào)整當月的對應日,調(diào)整當月沒有首次利率調(diào)整日對應日的,則調(diào)整當月最后一日為利率調(diào)整日,調(diào)整后的貸款利率為利率調(diào)整日所適用的中國人民銀行同期同檔次的基準利率按照本合同約定方式進行浮動后所確定的利率。(3)固定利率借款合同履行期間,本合同貸款以中國人民銀行公布的同期同檔次貸款基準利率為定價依據(jù),即月
5、利率為 執(zhí)行,期間內(nèi)利率保持不變。第二十一條 具體約定前述各款項執(zhí)行浮動利率期間,如人民銀行將來不再發(fā)布貸款的基準利率,本合同相關(guān)條款中21.3 本合同貸示期限 月,自 月 日起至 年 月 日止。 21.4 丙方的賬戶名稱和賬號為:賬戶一名稱: ;賬號: ; 開戶行: 。賬戶二名稱: ;賬號: ; 開戶行: 。21.5 甲方選擇的還款方式為以下第 種:(1)到期一次還本付息法。(2)按月等額本息還款法。還款日為每月日,還款總期數(shù)為期,每期還款本息為 。(3)按月等額本金還款法。還款日為每月日,還款總期數(shù)為期,每期還款本金為 。(4)按單周或雙周等額本息還款法。還款日為星期 ,還款周期為日,還款
6、總期數(shù)為期,每期還款本息為 。(5) 按單周或雙周等額本息還款法。還款日為星期 ,還款周期為日,還款總期數(shù)為期,每期還款本息為 。(6)等比遞增還款法,還款日為每月 日,還款周期數(shù)為 期,遞進周期為 月,遞增比例為%。如果進行利率調(diào)整或部分提前還款后導致遞增比例不滿足計算公式條件要求,還款方式將自動改為按月等額本息還款法。(7)等比遞減還款法,還款日為每月 日,還款周期數(shù)為 期,遞進周期為 月,遞減比例為%。如果進行利率調(diào)整或部分提前還款后導致遞減比例不滿足計算公式條件要求,還款方式將自動改為按月等額本息還款法。(8)等額遞增還款法,還款日為每月 日,還款周期數(shù)為 期,遞進周期為 月,遞增金額
7、為 。如果進行利率調(diào)整或部分提前還款后導致遞增比例不滿足計算公式條件要求,還款方式將自動改為按月等額本息還款法。(9)等額遞減還款法,還款日為每月 日,還款周期數(shù)為 期,遞進周期為 月,遞減金額為 。如果進行利率調(diào)整或部分提前還款后導致遞增比例不滿足計算公式條件要求,還款方式將自動改為按月等額本息還款法。(10)寬限期等額本息還款法。還款日為每月 日,自貸款發(fā)放日至年 月 日前每月支付利息,自該日期起至貸款到期日止按月支付貸款本息 元,還款期數(shù)為 期。(11)寬限期等額本金還款法。還款日為每月日,自貸款發(fā)放日至年月日前每月支付利息,自該日期起至貸款到期日止按月支付貸款本金 元及當月利息,還款期
8、數(shù)為 期。無論甲方選擇上述第幾種還款方式,利息均按照本合同約定計算。甲方在乙方開立還款賬戶,賬戶一名稱: ,賬號: ;賬戶二名稱: ,賬號: 。逾期貸款罰息利率為合同利率的 %,挪用貸款罰息利率為合同利率的 %。21.6 執(zhí)行浮動利率提前還款違約金為。執(zhí)行固定利率期間轉(zhuǎn)換為浮動利率的違約金為 。 執(zhí)行固定利率期間內(nèi),如果借示人申請?zhí)崆斑€款,須支付違約金。已執(zhí)行階段性固定利率不滿一年的,違約金比例為提前還款金額的 %;已執(zhí)行階段性固定利率一年到三年的,違約金比例為提前還款金額的 %;已執(zhí)行階段性固定利率三年到五年的,違約金比例為提前還款金額的 %。甲方提前還款應提前 天向乙方提出申請,每年提前還
9、款不超過 次,每次提前還款時歸還本金金額不得小于 元,從貸款生效日起 月之內(nèi)不得提前還款。甲方可以選擇以下第 種方式自助提前還款,并遵守相關(guān)規(guī)定:(1)網(wǎng)上銀行(2)電話銀行(3)其他自助渠道:甲方申請自動提前還款并獲乙方同意的,按以下約定執(zhí)行:自動提前還款扣款賬戶名稱: ,賬號: 。該賬戶最小保留余額為 元,還款頻次為。自動部分提前還款后按種方式重新計算還款計劃:(1)到期日不變(2)每期還款本息或本金不變甲方通過自助設(shè)備自助提前還款或約定自動提前還款的,以乙方計算機系統(tǒng)記錄作為雙方認可的還款依據(jù)及還款證據(jù)。21.7 甲方貸款所購買并作為抵押物的房屋具體內(nèi)容如下:(1)房地產(chǎn)坐落:(2)房屋
10、類別: (3)建筑面積(4)單價:(5)總價或評估價:(6)購房合同編號: (7)抵押率: 21.8 本人作為前述抵押房產(chǎn)的共有人在此承諾:同意將前述抵押房產(chǎn)用于抵押,并同意接受篇二:中信銀行個人借款合同英文翻譯code no.: 741china citic bankpersonal loan contract(version of 2012)china citic bank corporationchina citic bank chengdu branchborrower (hereinafter referred to as “party a”address:_lender (here
11、inafter referred to as “party b”mortgageraddress:_according to the relevant laws and regulations of the , (), and (), party a, party b and the relevant guarantor sign this contract upon equal consultation.article 1 amount of loanthe amount of loan is referred to article 15.1 under this contract.arti
12、cle 2 purpose of loan and payee (scope)2.1 purpose of loan for this contract is referred to article 15.2. during the term of loan, party a promises the loan under this contract shall not flow into stock market, futures market, be spent on equity investment or projects that are forbidden by laws and
13、regulations of other countries to operate, or party a shall take on any loss brought to party b.2.2 the payee for this contract (scope) is referred to article 15.3.article 3 interest of loan3.1 interest of loan is referred to article during the term of this loan contract, interest may be ch
14、anged as prescribed by the peoples bank of china, the adjust method of loan interest rate is referred to article 15.4.article 4 term of loan4.1 the term of loan is referred to article 15.5.article 5 release and payment of the loan5.1 except one or more of the following conditions are exempted by par
15、ty b, otherwise, the preconditions for party b to issue the loan is all the following conditions are met:5.1.1 party a provides the loan application and certificates required by party b;5.1.2 party a fulfills the application procedures of loan and guarantee required by party b;5.1.3 party a signs re
16、quired legal documents of loan application, with check and approval of party b;5.1.4 party a fulfills and signs the other procedures and relevant documents required by loan releasing of party b, with check and approval of party b.loan fund should be paid in strict accordance with the appointment sti
17、pulated in article 5.3 under this contract. party a is not allowed to change the mode and arrangement of payment.5.3 the loan fund should be paid by the method of entrusted payment of party b. if party a applies for self-payment in particular cases, it shall need the verification and approval of par
18、ty b. the specific appointment of the payment method is as follows:5.3.1 entrusted payment of party bparty a should apply for payment while using the loan, fill the appendix three: payment authorization/application (suitable for the condition of bank entrusted payment).party b verifies whether the r
19、elevant transaction documents and certificates provided by party a are in conformity with the contract before the payment of loan fund. with the verification and approval of party b, according to the payment entrustment of party a, party b shall deliver the loan fund that partya applies to pay to th
20、e account of party as trading object listed by party a in payment authorization/application(suitable for the condition of bank entrusted payment).5.3.2 self-payment method by party aupon application by party a, party b shall agree to adopt self-payment method is involved in one of the following situ
21、ations:(1) party a cannot confirm detailed transaction object in advance and the amount is less than rmbthree hundred thousand yuan;(2) the transaction object of party b cannot valid use non-cash method for settlement;(3) loan fund used for production and operation and amount is less than rmb five h
22、undred thousandyuan;(4) other situation regulated by law and regulation.if self-payment method is adopted, party a shall fill appendix four: with detailed application reason. upon checked and approved by party b, party a can use self-payment method to pay for loan fund.article 6 repayment of the loa
23、n6.1 party a, based on relevant regulations of party b, shall select ways of loan repayment under article the party a shall pay off the principal, interest and other items in full prior to the stipulated due repayment day under this contract (details under article 15.6), by depositing one o
24、f any repayment account opened by party b (account name and account no. are given in article 15.7), and irrevocably authorizes party b to draw the funds receivable directly from the account above on the due repayment day.article 7 repayment in advance7.1 if party a is able to pay off the loan ahead
25、of time, it shall submit to party b the irrevocable loan repayment application and repayment plan. after checking and confirming that party a has no delay of loan principal and interest and has paid off the current interest, party b will approve the repayment ahead application, then party a can repa
26、y the loan in advance. the interest repayable before repayment-in-advance day shall not be adjusted.7.2 for repayment in advance, party b can charge penalty to party a under refer to term 15.9 of this contract for details.7.3 with party bs agreement, party a executes according to the convention of r
27、epayment in advance if party a automatically repay in advance. refer to term 15.9 of this contract for details.article 8 guarantee of loan8.1 the guarantee type for the loan is specified in article scope of guarantee8.2.3 expenses arising from realization of liability and guarantee right(i
28、ncluding, but not limited to attorneys fees, assessment fee, auction fee, law suit fee, all-risk fee, travel expense etc.).8.3 mortgage guarantee8.3.1 the mortgager voluntarily mortgages the property (guaranty for short in the afterward contents) in guaranty list- the attachment a of this contract,
29、and agrees to be restricted by this contract.8.3.2 the co-owner of the mortgaged property under this contract agrees to mortgage the property and be restricted by this contract.8.3.4 party b can exercise the mortgage right in case one of following situations happens:(1) party a fails to repay the du
30、e loan payable and/or other items payable based on this contract;(2) party breaches the contract, party b claims to take back the loan in advance, and party b fails to be paid off or not fully paid off;(3) the mortgager breaches the contract by disposing the guaranty, or implements action enough to
31、decrease the value of guaranty, and party b is refused of restoring the guaranty to original value or providing guarantee, party b can exercise the mortgage right in advance.8.3.5 party b can select any one of the following ways to realize the mortgage right:(1) discount of mortgage in agreement wit
32、h mortgager;(2) auction of guaranty;(3) sale of mortgage;(4) other ways allowed by law.8.3.6 the mortgager shall provide to party b the ownership certificate and other valid certification documents and relevant materials, after confirmation of party b, all documentation aforementioned shall be kept
33、by party b.8.3.7 under condition that party a pays off the total loan principal and interest, and in fulfillment of all items under this contract, the mortgage relationship shall terminate.8.3.8 within the period of mortgage, the mortgager shall inform the party b in a written way all situations he
34、knows or should know that have produced or may produce adverse impact on the guaranty8.3.9 within the period of mortgage, the entire guaranty shall be taken good care of by the mortgager, who as well responsible for repair and maintenance to make sure that the guaranty is all preserved well, and sub
35、ject himself to the supervision and inspection from party b at any time.8.3.10 within the period of mortgage, should any decreases happen owing to the action of mortgager, party b has the right to request the mortgager to stop the action and restore the value or provide guaranty worth the equal valu
36、e of the decreases within ten(10) days.8.3.11 within the period of mortgage, without any written approval from party b, the mortgager shall have no right to dispose the guaranty (disposing way includes, but not limited to, transferring, renting, selling, donating the guaranty).8.3.12 within the peri
37、od of mortgage, any money got by transferring the guaranty based on the approval of party b shall be used for paying off the loan ahead of schedule or changed to fixed deposit for guarantee.8.3.13 when party b and party a change the contract (including, but not limited to, amount of loan, term of lo
38、an, interest rate, type of interest settlement, type of repayment, period of repayment, repayment amount for each period), the mortgager is no need to be notified if responsibility of mortgager is not increased accordingly, and the mortgager is still bear the responsibility of guarantee.8.3.14 withi
39、n the period of mortgage, if party a and mortgager learn that the mortgaged house is to be displaced, they should inform party b in written form on time. if they fail to do so, they should take the liability for breach of contract; if both parties and mortgager reach the agreement, party b has the r
40、ight to choose one way of the followings to deal with the displaced house:(i) party a pays off the debts in advance; or(ii) mortgager should make new mortgage guarantee by the newly possessed house with party b as the mortgagee and sign a new mortgage agreement. before the previous mortgaged house i
41、s displaced and the newly set house is mortgage registered, party a should provide a new guaranty acknowledged by party b.(i) party a pays off debts ahead of schedule; or編號:( )信銀房貸字第號中信銀行個人購房借款合同(抵押加階段性保證)(2012版)中信銀行股份有限公司借款人(即抵押人,以下簡稱甲方):身份證件名稱及號碼:居民身份證:住所:聯(lián)系電話:郵政編碼:共同借款人:身份證件名稱及號碼:居民身份證:住所:聯(lián)系電話:郵政
42、編碼:貸款人(即抵押權(quán)人,以下簡稱乙方):住所:聯(lián)系電話:郵政編碼710061:法定代表人/負責人:保證人(以下簡稱丙方):法定代表人:住所:聯(lián)系電話:郵政編碼:甲方、乙方和丙方依據(jù)中華人民共和國合同法、中華人民共和國擔保法、中華人民共和國物權(quán)法等有關(guān)法律、法規(guī),經(jīng)平等協(xié)商一致,訂立本合同。第一條 借款金額1貸款金額詳見本合同第20.1條第二條 貸款用途及支付對象1本合同項下貸款用于購買本合同第20.9條約定的房屋。在貸款期間,甲方承諾本合同項下貸款不以任何形式流入證券市場、期貨市場和用于股本權(quán)益性投資,不用于借貸牟取非法收入,不用于其它國家法律法規(guī)規(guī)定不得經(jīng)營的項目,否則,甲方應承擔由此給乙
43、方造成的任何損失。2本合同項下支付對象為本合同丙方。第三條 貸款利率1甲方可在浮動利率或階段性固定利率方式中選擇一種,詳見本合同第20.2條。2在貸款期限內(nèi),甲方如欲將浮動利率變更不階段性固定利率,或?qū)㈦A段性固定利率變更為階段性固定利率,或?qū)㈦A段性固定利率變更為浮動利率,需提前向乙方提出書面申請,經(jīng)乙方同意后執(zhí)行。3執(zhí)行階段性固定利率未滿一年的,不得將固定利率變更為浮動利率,執(zhí)行固定利率滿一年后,甲方申請將階段性固定利率變更為援利率的,應按本合同第208條的約定向乙方支付違約金。第四條 貸款期限4.1 貸款期限詳見本合同第20.3條第五條 貸款的發(fā)放和支付5.1除非乙方豁免如下一項或幾項條件,
44、乙方發(fā)放本合同項下貸款的前提是以下條件得到全部滿足。5.1.1甲方已向乙方提供購房合同正本及有關(guān)資料和文件,并已足額支付首款;5.1.2甲方?jīng)]有發(fā)生本合同所約定的任一違約事項;5.1.3甲方履行了乙方要求的申請貸款和擔保手續(xù);5.1.4乙方認為必要的其他條件。5.2本合同項下貸款采用受托支付方式,乙方在經(jīng)審查同意發(fā)放貸款后,甲方委托和授權(quán)乙方將貸款劃入丙方賬戶(賬戶名稱、賬號見第20.4條)。貸款從乙方賬戶劃出即視為乙方的貸款義務履行完畢,貸款劃出日即為實際貸款發(fā)放日,乙方自此日起開始計收利息。第六條 貸款償還6.1甲方慶根據(jù)乙方有關(guān)貸款規(guī)定,在下述還款方式中選擇一種方式償還貸款本息,甲方選擇
45、的還款方式詳見本合同第20.5條。6.1.1到期一次性還本付息法,即貸款到期日一次性償還貸款本金并支付所有利息。6.1.2按月等額本息還款法,即貸款期限內(nèi)每月以相等的額度還貸款本息,計算公式為: 貸款本金月利率(1+月利率)還款月數(shù)還款月數(shù) 每月還款額= (1+月利率) -16.1.3按月等額本金還款法,即貸款期限內(nèi)每月以相等的額度償還貸款本金,貸款利息隨本金逐月結(jié)清,計算公式為:貸款本金每月還款額=+(本金-累計已還本金額)月利率還款月數(shù)6.1.4按單周或雙周等額本息還款法6.1.5按單周或雙周等額本金還款法6.1.6等比遞增還款法6.1.7等比遞減還款法6.1.8等額比遞增還款法6.1.9等額遞減還款法6.1.10寬限期等額本息還款法6.1.11寬限期等額本金還款法6.2甲方應當于本合同規(guī)定的每期還款日(詳見20.5條)前,將當期應償還的貸款本息及其他款項足額存入在乙方開立的還款賬戶(賬戶名稱及賬號詳見第20.6條),并不可撤銷地授權(quán)乙方于當期還數(shù)日直接從該賬戶劃收應收款項。還款賬戶被有權(quán)機關(guān)凍結(jié)時,甲方應及時提供其他賬戶作為新的還款賬戶或到乙方規(guī)定的營業(yè)柜臺辦理還款手續(xù)。6.3甲方違反本合同約定,逾期或未按約定的金額足額歸還貸款,乙方有權(quán)按照中國人民銀行的規(guī)定對逾期貸款加收罰息(逾期貸款罰息利率詳見第20.7條)。甲方未按合同約定用途使
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