



1、總1).Wecannothelphetneedshelp,soweshouldonlybeconcernedSome t we should not help people in other countries as long as there problemsinourownsociety.Idisagreewiththisviewbecause總1).Wecannothelphetneedshelp,soweshouldonlybeconcernedSome t we should not help people in other countries as long as there pr

2、oblemsinourownsociety.IdisagreewiththisviewbecauseItweshouldtrytoasmanypeopleOntheonehand,Ititisimportant tohelpourneighboursandfellowcommunitiestherearepeoplewhoareimpoverishedordisadvantagedinsomeway.Itto find homeless people, for le, in even the wealthiest of cities, and for those who concernedab

3、outthisproblem,thereareusuallyopportunitiestoteerivemoneysupport these he UK, people can help in a variety of ways, from donating clothing servingfreefoodinasoupkitchen.Astheproblemsareonourdoorstep,andtherearewaystohelp,IcanunderstandwhysomepeopletweshouldprioritiselocalOntheotherhand,atthesametime

4、,Ibe t wehave anobligationtohelpthose whoour national borders. In some countries the t people face are nthoseinourowncommunities,anditisofteneveneasiertohelp.Forle, countries can save lives simply by paying for t already exist. A small donation to veamuchgreaterninourlocalthosewhoarein notstopusfrom

5、 peopletwearelosingtheabilityce-to-facecommunication.TowhatextentdoagreeorThewaypeopleareconnectedwith each otherhasbeen shiftingfromface-to-conversationsto texting messagesor sending a. Although this transition ing unable hasraised the tusersof electroniccommunicate in reallife,Ido nott peopleare l

6、osing thisAdvocatesof thegiven ement aretving amobile phoneortabletaroundnegativelyaffectspeoplesface-to-facecommunicationskills.For whoareconstantlytextingbbreviatedformsofchasLOLor itwillberatherdifficulttoyexpressthemselveswhenhavingareal to-faceconversationastheyarenotabletofigureouttheappropria

7、te anyways,isrobbingpeopleoftheabilitytoandrespondquicklyenough.Thisisbecausetheyareallowedfarmoretime3).When choosing ajob,the salary is the most important consideration.To what extent do agreeorMany people t money is the key considerationwhen deciding on a ally, disagreewiththeideabecauseIbe3).Whe

8、n choosing ajob,the salary is the most important consideration.To what extent do agreeorMany people t money is the key considerationwhen deciding on a ally, disagreewiththeideabecauseIbe totherfactorsareequally ementtmoneyisbasic needs. For le, people all need money to pay for housing, food, bills,

9、health care, and have a reasonable quality of life. If people chose their jobs based on enjoyment or l factors, they might find it difficult to support themselves. Artists and ns, instance,are known forchoosing a t they love, t does not always themwithenoughmoneytolivecomfortablyandraiseaalrelations

10、hips and the atmosphere in a workplace are extremely important choosing a job. Having a good manager or friendly colleagues, for le, can make a difference to workers levels of happiness and general quality of life. Secondly, many feelings of job satisfaction come from their al achievements, the skil

11、ls they learn, ition they reach, nthe money theyearn. Finally, some people choose a itiveto, while salaries certainly affect peoples choice of , I do not tmoneyoutweighsallotherthink twice before writing down a sentence, which is imsibleforpeoplehaving or quarrelling with others.However,despiteallth

12、eadverseimpactsmentionedabove,bynomeans,Ithink,will people lose the ability to communicate in real life. On the contrary, peopleswith their gadgets sometimes facilies their connection with others. People who live by themselves, for exle, are technologically enabled to greet friends or famismoreoften

13、throughcamerasontheir phonesorcomputers.Without the digital form of communication, they may end up being solly inactive. In addition, the ability to talk windlistentoothersfacetofaceisembeddedinhuman nature. In other words, even though people may indulge themselvesbased chatting and gossi, it will b

14、e very easy for them to take and give information face to face aftutting the device aside., I disagreetwearelosingtheabilityofreal-lifecommunication. What really concerns us ist our willingness to talk with each other has been declining, which is stoppable and reversible with more people realizing t

15、he importance of the old way to stay connected with each other.1).Some a waste of t wildanimalshaveno he21stcentury,soprotectingtheme. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (Somepeopletitislesstospendmoneyontheprotectionofwildanimals1).Some a waste of t wildanimalshaveno he21stcentury,soprotectin

16、gtheme. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (Somepeopletitislesstospendmoneyontheprotectionofwildanimalswehumanshavenoneedforthem.Iydisagreewiththisofy opinion, it is absurd to t wild animals have no he 21st century. I do tplanetEarthexists onlyforthebenefit ofhumans, andthereisnothinglthis par

17、ticular t t we suddenly have the right to allow or encourage extinctionof any species. Furthermore, there is nocompelling reason why we should let die out. We do not need to exploit or destroy every last square metre of land in order to feed or modatetheworldspopulation.Thereisplentyofroomforustoexi

18、stsidebysidewithwildanimals,andthisshouldbeourI also disagree with the protectionofnatural t protecting animals is a waste of . It is usually t ensuresthe survivalof wild animals, and mostscientists t these s are also lfor human survival. For le, rainforests produce absorb carbon dioxide and stabili

19、se the Earths climate. If we destroyed these areas, thecosts managingtheresulting changesto our planet wouldfaroutweighthecosts of tectingwildanimalsandtheirs,wehenaturalbalanceofalllifeon, wehave norighttodecide whether or notwild animals should exist, andI be tweshoulddoeverythingw

20、ecantoprotect2). Foreign visitors should pay n local visitors for cultural and historical attractions. whatextentdoyouagreeordisagreewiththisItissometimes of all, it is unfair to ask foreign tourists to pay more when visiting tractions. contribute a lot to the economy of the host country withthe mon

21、ey they spend on a wide inhabitants of every country should be happy to subsidize important tourist sites and peoplefromtherestoftheworldtovisit.Secondly, if travelers t they would have to pay more to visit historical and attractionsinaparticularnation,theywouldperhapsdecidenottogotcountry onTo take

22、the UKasan to the countryto see le,thetourismindustry andmany relatedjobsrely onvisitorslike Windsor Castle or PaulsCathedral. These two sites thesamepriceregardlessofnationality,andthishelpsattractionsinaparticularnation,theywouldperhapsdecidenottogotcountry onTo takethe UKasan to the countryto see

23、 le,thetourismindustry andmany relatedjobsrely onvisitorslike Windsor Castle or PaulsCathedral. These two sites thesamepriceregardlessofnationality,andthishelpstopromotethenationsculturalheritage. forthe Finally,charging foreign tourists differently may cause trouble. It takes extra time to local re

24、sidents from foreigners and this can be very difficult when people identificationwiththem.Asaconsequence,theremaybechaosattheticketve , I teveryeffort should bemadetoattracttouristsfrom overseas,andnlocal. .sibleforindividualstomakechangestosociety. Ibe there are many les of individual scientists, i

25、nventors or even political activists who made significant contributions which have benefited their societies or Therefore,Iydisagreewiththegivenind in tofscience, accidentally discovered penicillin when he t bacteria could not survive near perhaps the greatest scientist of all was Nicola Tesla, with

26、out whose his field AmonghisotherinventionswereradiowaveswhichareusedtobroadcastTVandradio,and societies,andhavehelpedtowinfreedomfortheirpeople.Perhapsthemostfamousofthesehecentury.ForheUS,ablackcivilrightsleadercalledMartinLutherKingthe influence of Gandhi. Kings ate style and non-s against helped

27、tobringaboutpoliticalchangeforblackhatt cancontributeytotheirsocieties,soitisnotttheycannotchange.1). Some people t reading books is more useful for people to develop n.1). Some people t reading books is more useful for people to develop nTowhatextentdoyouagreeordisagree? (Over time our s to electro

28、nicforms of e andhasincreasedinpopularity.Howevertherehavebeenmanydebatesas whether this ers inventiveness. It can be clearly t ers ourimaginationandThe beauty of reading books is t it encourages a reader to form their own opinions andt are described. When anything is described in a book, it helps s

29、timulate the creativityapicture.This picturecreatedisaunique andindividualexperienceandthisis something watchingallowsforbettercommunicationthroughprovidedsoundandvisuals.However, having this extra sensory information provided encourages the watcher to e imaginatively inactive, as all information is already available and seenhesameway byall Reading books also allows an author to describeernalworkingsandth


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