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1、故事拓展在小學英語閱讀教學中的實踐我們都知道,小學生學英語是學得快忘得更快,其原因是雖然小學生語言模仿能力強, 對新出現(xiàn)的詞匯跟著老師讀幾遍便能記住,但由于他們的學習內(nèi)容單一,又沒有語言實踐的 原生基地,結果學會后很快又忘記,造成詞匯學習越來越困難,從而導致局部學生逐漸喪失 學習英語的信心和興趣。然而,通過我們的實踐說明,在日常的英語教學中,有意識地嘗試 和充分拓展“故事”,幫助學生鞏固教材,提高語言綜合運用能力,會讓學生從中獲益非淺。所謂“故事”,是指詞、句、段圍繞主題而有機地結合,使文章表達出一種信息。故事 拓展使學生運用語言的能力再次得到印證,使重點信息的吸收和消化成為可能,從此激發(fā)學

2、生的“反應”能力,擴大語言使用的場所,使學生在輕松、愉快的氣氛中學習和掌握英語。一、為什么要進行故事拓展?當前,小學的英語閱讀教學往往帶給學生乏味、沉悶感。如何防止這i弊端的出現(xiàn)?課 程教材研究所李靜純指出,要充分考慮如何延伸和拓展教材。這里主要涉及到的工作有:如 何確定學生已經(jīng)吸收和運用的知識和技能?如何預見學生在近期可能鞏固和開展的知識和 技能?如何提前或推遲某些目標的實現(xiàn)?如何滿足學生當前的潛在需求?等等。所有這些, 都是教材編者所無法事先確切預估的,因此,這項工作就只能由教師來完成。(李靜純, 2008)這樣,教材中固定的內(nèi)容,對教師的知識結構提出了巨大挑戰(zhàn),即在日新月異的背景下,如何

3、應對學生對知識的渴求?這就要求教師平時就要注意通過報刊雜志、互聯(lián)網(wǎng)、電 視媒體、集中培訓、參加研討會等各種渠道不斷學習,隨時更新自己的知識結構。這樣教師 才有可能在課文語境之外,開拓出更為豐富的語境,讓學生接觸不同類型的語義,在感性材 料中領悟語言的豐富性。可以說沒有語言的“海洋”,學生不可能獲得真正意義上的“游泳 本領”。只有在廣泛閱讀、廣泛涉獵大量語言材料的基礎上,才能保證語言輸入的質(zhì)與量, 營造出廣闊的語言應用天地。同時,利用故事拓展開展閱讀教學有利于提高學生的英語水平。課內(nèi)生詞在故事中反復 出現(xiàn),激活了他們的短時記憶;同一單詞在不同的語境中出現(xiàn),使學生有機會接觸其不同詞 義,培養(yǎng)學生利

4、用上下文理解詞義的能力。再次,通過廣泛的閱讀,學生對句型結構、習慣The sun begins to shine on the man. Soon it gets very hot! The man takes off his coat. The argument is over.注釋式拓展這種拓展能比照擬難的詞匯(音標、詞性、釋義)、短語甚至句型有精簡的漢語解釋, 這樣既為學生自學故事提供了方便,又為識詞認詞提出了自學內(nèi)容和目標。提示為學生對故 事的理解奠定了基礎,即便學生初次記不住,但隨著以后提示內(nèi)容在故出中的復現(xiàn),學生會 不斷鞏固識記內(nèi)容,拓寬自己的詞匯面。My Pan Is Too S

5、mallOne day after supper, Mr. Dickens went out for a walk along the bank of a river.He saw a fisherman there. So he stopped to watch him quietly.After a few minutes, the fisherman pulled his line in. There was a big, fat fish at the end of it.The fisherman took it off the hook and threw it back into

6、 the water. Then heput his hook and line into the water again. After a few more minutes he caughtanother big fish. Again he threw it back into the river. Then, the third time, hecaught a small fish. He put it into the basket and started to get ready to go home.Mr. Dickens was very surprised. Why did

7、 you throw those big fish back intothe water, and keep only that small one? he asked.The fisherman looked at him and answered, My pan is too small!.雙語式拓展雙語式拓展即給出一段英文故事,并附帶一篇漢語的譯文。漢語在教學中的作用始終不容忽視。首 先,漢語可以為學生學習英語提供相關的背景知識,這有助于學生準確理解英語語言的信息 輸入;其次,漢語有助于開展學生最基本的閱讀能力,這樣就減少了他們害怕因為看不懂英 語故事而產(chǎn)生的種種顧慮,從心理上保證學生學

8、好英語。但教師應該盡量將漢語的運用降低 到最低的限度,防止學生對漢語產(chǎn)生依賴心理。Who Am I?Several summers ago, Joe Smith, coach of a football team, and his family were spending their holidays in a small town. One rainy afternoon, it was impossible for them to go out to do something interesting, so the family decided to go to the cinema. J

9、oe, his wife and their two children walked down to the towns only cinema, bought tickets and went into the hall. The lights were still on, and there werejust six other persons there. As Joe entered, some of them saw him and started clapping.Joe gave them a smile and turned to his wife. Aha, I cant b

10、elieve they know me and Im getting a warm welcome here, he said. I guess they saw my games on TV.They sat down and then a young man came back and gave out his hand. Thanks a lot,* said Joe. I just cant believe you know who I am, All I know, answered the man, is that they would not show the film unti

11、l at least ten people bought tickets.我管你是誰?好幾個夏天以前,史密斯喬,一只足球隊的教練,和他全家人在一個小鎮(zhèn)上度假。在 一個雨天的下午,對他們來說出去找點有趣的事是不可能的了,所以一家子人決定去看電影。 喬,他的妻子還有他們的兩個孩子步行著去了鎮(zhèn)上唯一的影院,買上了票,進了演放廳。燈 還亮著,已經(jīng)有六個人在那兒了。當喬一進去,一些人看見他就開始鼓掌。喬朝他們笑了笑,轉(zhuǎn)向了妻子,“哈哈,我真不相信他們認識我,在這兒受到熱烈的歡 迎,”他說“我猜他們一定是在電視上的比賽中見過我?!彼麄冏?,然后一個小伙子回來了,伸出了手,“謝謝”喬說,“我還真不相信你竟然

12、 認識我,” “我所知道的,”小伙子說,“就是他們直到至少有十個人買了票才肯放電影。”五、故事拓展后還要對學生進行怎樣的指導?不管是課堂上的故事拓展還是課后的故事拓展,都要引導學生學會“圈、劃、批、注” 的方法,這是讀書過程中四種輔助的手段。把閱讀過程中自己的思維過程、心得、體會,點 點滴滴地寫在書本匕 養(yǎng)成“不動筆墨不看書”的習慣。倦I、戈IJ,指在閱讀過程中,把自己 認為精彩的詞句,重要的句子,或者有疑問的句子劃出來;批、注,可以在圈劃的詞句的邊 上寫上漢語意思或同義詞等,也可以在整段或整篇文章的后面寫自己讀后的感悟或心情等。 養(yǎng)成圈劃批注的習慣,不僅可以加深對所閱讀文章的理解,而且可以變

13、被動接受為主動的參 與,注入閱讀者的思想感情。我們在學習完一篇故事的時候,要讓學生來總結一下對這個故事學習的感受。行之有效 的方法有:復述、改寫或續(xù)寫原文的內(nèi)容;根據(jù)原文進行角色扮演。通過這些活動,我們不 光可以評定學生對這個單元用來復習的故事的掌握程度,還拓展了學生的思維,豐富了學生 的課外知識,讓學生真正做到活學活用?!安偾髸月?,觀千劍而后識器”。實踐證明,將詞匯融于或大或小的“故事”拓 展之中,能有效地幫助孩子進一步學習和掌握英語詞匯。讓我們以故事為憑借,幫助孩子豐 富詞匯知識,讓他們通過反復的語言實踐,逐漸實現(xiàn)對語言符號的感知、融合和深化,在積 累和豐富語言經(jīng)驗的同時,拓寬他們使

14、用英語的機會,以求到達提高閱讀興趣和語言綜合能 力的目的。用法的認識更為生動,在文章整體性的謀篇布局方面也有了更多的學習文本。學生在閱讀的 過程中,必然會調(diào)動和運用以前所學習過的語言知識,因為閱讀過程既是一個運用和探 索未知的過程,又是一個復習鞏固、溫故知新的過程。無論從哪方面講,對小學生進行英語 故事閱讀的滲透培養(yǎng),無疑是一件一舉多得的工作。然而,目前小學生閱讀材料相對匱乏,己有的閱讀材料也因種種原因未能很好地為每一 個孩子提供幫助。因此,設法為他們提供切合實際的閱讀材料勢在必行?!肮适隆苯Y合教材、 教學以及學生的實際情況所產(chǎn)生,是較為適合他們的閱讀材料之一。二、怎樣進行故事拓展?故事拓展的

15、前提是教師要給學生一定的抓手,即找到教材和故事的最正確結合點。有了一 定的抓手以后,學生就會對所要拓展的故事產(chǎn)生好奇感。教師就可以進一步啟發(fā),給學生提 供一些相關的背景知識,以此激發(fā)學生閱讀的欲望。只有學生對這段故事感興趣了,他們才 高興地靜心去閱讀。這時,我們老師可以根據(jù)孩子們的實際情況,對課文進行或深或淺、或 難或易的拓展。.圍繞話題進行故事拓展我們在英語課程標準中不難發(fā)現(xiàn),在小學必須到達二級話題目標,即能理解和表達 有關以下話題的簡單信息:數(shù)字、顏色、時間、天氣、食品、服裝、玩具、動植物、身體、 個人情況、家庭、學校、朋友、文體活動、節(jié)日等。圍繞這些話題,我們可以展開有針對性 的故事拓展

16、。例如,在學完服裝后,可以進行如下的故事拓展。The Coat and the TrousersOne weekend, I wanted to go shopping after I played sports. I met a customer in the shop. He wanted to buy some new clothes. First, the shopkeeper gave him a pair of trousers. He put them on, then took them off and gave them back to her and said, No, g

17、ive me a coat instead.She gave him a coat and told him, This one is worth as much as the trousers.To my surprise, he took the coat without saying a word and walked out of the shopwith it. She run quickly after him and said You havent paid for that coat!But I gave you the trousers for the coat, he sa

18、id, They are worth the same,arent they?Yes, she said, But you didnt pay for the trousers, either!Of course, I didnt! answered the man. I did not take them. I am not foolish!Nobody gives things back and then pays for them. Soon a policeman came .圍繞單元中的關鍵詞匯進行故事拓展在英語課程標準二級目標中,對詞匯的目標描述為:學習有關本級話題范圍內(nèi)的 600

19、-700個單詞和50個左右的習慣用語。這些單詞和習慣用語就散落在每冊的各個單元中。教師可以圍繞每個單元中出現(xiàn)的關鍵詞匯選擇適合學習者閱讀水平的故事。這樣,一方面可 以引導學生復習本單元已經(jīng)學習的詞匯,另一方面可以讓學生間接到一定數(shù)量的生詞,為學 生今后的學習做好鋪墊。如在學習六年級下冊Unit 1 How tall are you?時,可以圍繞本單元的bigger, smaller, feet, size, wear等詞,進行如下的故事拓展。Two Feet in Different SizeOne of Harrys feet was bigger than the other. I can

20、 never find boots or shoes for my feet, he said to his friend, Dick.Why dont you go to a shoemaker? Dick said. A good one can make you theright shoes.F ve never been to a shoemaker, Harry said. Tell me, please, arent theyexpensive?No, Dick said, Some of them arent. Theres a good one in our village,

21、and hes quite cheap. Heres his address. He wrote something on a piece of paper and gave it to Harry.A few days later, Harry went to the shoemaker by the address, and the shoemaker looked at him up and down, smiled and said, Well, I see. Your feet are different in size. I can make you some shoes.Harr

22、y went to the shop again a week later and looked at the shoes. Then he said to the shoemaker angrily, Youre a foolish man! I said, Make one shoe bigger than the other. But youve made one smaller than the other!(朱祥慈,2005).圍繞語法進行拓展盡管淡化語法的提法叫得很響,但是語法作為英語學習的一條內(nèi)在脈絡,不容忽視。掌 握一些基本的語法規(guī)那么,可以幫助學生少走彎路,更好地理解語言現(xiàn)象

23、,更準確地掌握語言, 為進步用英語進行交際打好基礎。因此,我們應該學會如何高效率的進行語法滲透,以提 高學生的英語綜合運用能力。對于閱讀教學而言,我們可以圍繞語法進行故事拓展。例如對 情態(tài)動詞can的使用,可配合以下故事:Can He Have a Seat?It is a wet day, a woman with a dog gets on a bus. It is a very big dog and its feet are very dirty. The woman says, Oh, conductor, if I pay for my dog, can he have a sea

24、t like the other passengers? The conductor looks at the dog and then he says, Certainly, madam, he can have a seat like all the other passengers, but like theother passengers, he mustnt put his feet on it.(高升官,朱祥慧,2001)在閱讀教學中進行故事拓展就對我們教師提出了許多要求。我們平常在閱讀上網(wǎng)的過程 中,要善于積累,把能夠滲透到PEP教材中的故事,進行改編設計。同時我們平常在積累故事

25、時,要盡量做到要素齊全,如來源,話題名稱,適用級別,銜接的冊次、單元,拓展故 事的具體題目、內(nèi)容,及是否配圖,設計說明(故事的設計意圖、亮點和使用建議)。經(jīng)過我們的努力,“故事”的拓展會給孩子們一個廣闊而自由的空間。孩子們在這個過 程中,經(jīng)過了對“故事”的反復研讀,拓展時又經(jīng)過了不斷的思考和嘗試,最后形成了自己 獨特的嶄新“提煉”,不僅進一步掌握了英語語言知識,更重要的是,他們在這個過程中體 驗了成功,培養(yǎng)了自信,從而感受到了學習英語的無比快樂。(趙峰藝,2009)三、故事拓展有哪些要求?故事拓展,在課堂內(nèi)和課堂外都可以進行,但必須要注意以下幾點:.拓展要盡量趣味呈現(xiàn)我們在選取故事時,可以選擇

26、一些結尾留有懸念、語言幽默幽默的故事給同學們的學習 創(chuàng)造驚喜、留有余香,引導我們的學生進行較多的語言積累,增強語感,提高興趣?;蛘呶?們也可以配以圖畫來呈現(xiàn),川色彩來渲染。因為學生學習主觀能動性的激發(fā),主要著力點之便是興趣的引發(fā)。而在課堂上提供一些有特色的故事內(nèi)容,能夠在班級教學中激起意想不 到的學習熱情。師生共同提供美文,共同提供閱讀感受。在對承載著信息的文字的解讀中, 我們一起感受文字的張力,體會語言的豐富性。這中間,老師如何介入學生的閱讀過程,對 于閱讀效果,閱讀習慣的養(yǎng)成有至關重要的作用。這就需要老師進行積攢,素材要多多益善。 這樣,在需要的時候,順手拈來,不費吹灰之力。如下面這個故事

27、就令人回味無窮。The Teacher and Her StudentDid you hear anything about the teacher who was helping one of her kindergarten students put his boots on?He asked for help and she went to help him. With her pulling and his pushing, the boots still didnt want to go on. When the second boot was on, she was very ti

28、red. She almost cried when the little boy said, Teacher, theyre on the wrong feet. She looked, and sure enough they were. It wasnt any easier pulling the boots off than it was putting them on. She managed to stay calm as they worked together to get the boots back on - this time on the right feet. He

29、 then said, These arent my boots. She was a little angry and said, Why didnt you say so? Once again she struggled to help him pull the ill-fitting boots off. Then he said, Theyre my brothers boots. My mom made me wear them. She didnt know if she should laugh or cry. The teacher tried her best to kee

30、p calm and put the boots on his feet again. She said, Now, where are your gloves? the boy said, I put them in my boots .(朱祥慧,2006).選取材料后要進行改編,使其緊扣該單元內(nèi)容或要復習的內(nèi)容如果故事的內(nèi)容與該單元或者要復習的內(nèi)容亳不相干,甚至風馬牛不相及,那么這個故 事拓展就屬于無效拓展。如有的老師在五年級上冊Unit 3 Whats your favourite food?進行了如下拓展,盡管故事很生動,但沒有緊扣這個單元的教學內(nèi)容,對語言應用沒有到達預 定的效果。但

31、如果把它放到五年級下冊Unit 4 What can you d。?來拓展,效果就會更好一些。Can a Horse Eat a Fish?Mr. White was riding a horse in the rain all the afternoon. When he reached a restaurant, he was all wet and cold. He saw a fire in the restaurant and many people sitting around it. He couldnt get a seat near the fire. He thought

32、hard and soon he had an idea. He called out to the waiter. Bring some fish to my horse! the waiter answered, Horses dont eat fish. Mr. White said, But my horse eats fish. The waiter did as Mr. White told him. The people in the restaurant felt very strange and ran out after the waiter. When all the p

33、eople went out, Mr. White sat down at the table near the fire. When the waiter and the people came back, they said, Your horse doesnt want to eat the fish. Mr. White answered, Put the fish on the table if my horse doesnt want it. Ill eat it as soon as I warm up and dry out.(朱祥慧,2004)同時我們還發(fā)現(xiàn),盡管有些材料新穎

34、有趣,但由于老師提供給學生時沒有進行改編,生 詞量太大,導致課上學生不懂,只能等到老師翻譯后才明白是怎么回事,所以雖然能導致學 生哄堂大笑,但仍是失敗的拓展。.拓展要跟上精心設計的練習作為教師,我們應該充分利用故事,設計合理的任務活動,讓學生在完成一系列的任務 中鞏固所學的詞匯、句型、語法知識,同時給學生提供互助、交流、討論、展示的平臺,讓 學生在愉快的氣氛中,在故事的統(tǒng)領下完成小組合作的任務。如Bad FruitA fruit vendor in thePhilippinessold a watermelon to a woman and assured her that it was ve

35、ry sweet because it was red inside. As she road home in a jeep, thevehicle skidded and the watermelon fell to the street and broken open. The womanwas surprised to see that the fruit was pale pink and not red.So she returned with it to the vendor and complained loudly.Madam, replied the vendor, when one falls out of a vehicle to the street onecan expect to turn pale.練習:What color is the watermelon?How does the woman go home?總之,如果故事中出現(xiàn)了有礙學生閱讀的知識點,可以鼓勵學生討論或杳閱,或者老師 給予適當?shù)奶崾荆瑥亩鵀閷W生順利閱讀打好伏筆。我們可以給學牛.設計以下幾種方法:學習 少量的生詞或句子;讓學生看標題、插圖等預測閱讀材料的內(nèi)容;讓學生回憶與閱讀主題相 關的經(jīng)


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