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1、 Lonely Planet LANGUAGE Written Japlonelyplanet.coWRITTEN lettershavebeenretainedtoprovide Languageracy he written Romanisations, but they have been enclosed in square brackets to aid accurate pronun tion.LANGUAGE has one ofthe most complex ing he world, which uses different script increasingly used

2、 Themostdifficultof ers and Japagraphic script Not only do you have to lear thousand of them, but unlike e a couple Lonely Planets Phrasebookyou a comprehensive mix of practical and so l words and t Lonely Planet LANGUAGE Written Japlonelyplanet.coWRITTEN lettershavebeenretainedtoprovide Languagerac

3、y he written Romanisations, but they have been enclosed in square brackets to aid accurate pronun tion.LANGUAGE has one ofthe most complex ing he world, which uses different script increasingly used Themostdifficultof ers and Japagraphic script Not only do you have to lear thousand of them, but unli

4、ke e a couple Lonely Planets Phrasebookyou a comprehensive mix of practical and so l words and t should WrittenJapa LanguageBooks Pronun tion Conversation&Essentials Questionalmost any situation confronting the travel- ler to Japan.If youd like ve o the tricacies of the language, Due to the n for Bu

5、sy People for beginners, and Japa grammar,kanji hadtobesup- plementedwi syllabary( phabetof syllables), known as hiragana. And there is yetanothersyllabary tisusedlargelyfor representing foreign loan words such as terebi (TV) and biiru (beer); this script is knownaskatakana.Ifyoureseriousabout learn

6、ingtoreadJapa youllhavetoset aside several years.If youre thinking of tackling the Japa- writing system before you go or youre in Japan, your best bet would be to start with hiragana or katakana. Both these syllabaries have 48 characters each, and can be learned within ak,althoughitlltake east a mon

7、th to consolidate them. Oncein the country, you can practise your ka- takana on restaurants, where such things as khii (coffee) and kiki (cake) are frequently found. Practise your hiragana on train journeys, as s ion names are usually indicated in hiragana (in addition to Eng- lish and kanji). If yo

8、u fancy continuing on to learn the kanji, be warned t itll take quite a few years.troduction to ermediate Japa (Mizu- tani Nobuko) for ermediate students, and Kanji in Context (Nishiguchi Koichi and Kono Tamaki) for more advanced stu- dents. One of the best guides to the written language, for both s

9、tudy and reference, is Kanji & Kana (Wolfgang Hadamizky and Mark Spahn).& Time&Days Unlike other languages in the region with complicatedtonalsystems,suchasChi , Vietnamese and i, Japa pronun - tion is fairly easy to master.The following ex les reflect British pronun tion:is the language spoken acro

10、ss of Japan. While the standard language, hyjungo,isunderstoodbyalmostall, regardless of their level of many speak strong local (known as ben,he famous dialect asinas in as in bone as in flularly in rural areas, can be quite difficult understand, even for from parts of the country. Luckily, you can

11、al- ways get your po across in hyjungo.hislanguageguideyoullfindaselec- tion of useful Japa words and phrases. For information on food and dining, in- cluding words and phrases t will help Vowels his book cron(orbar)overthem(,)arepro- nounced in the same way as standard vowels except t the sound is

12、held twice as long. You need to take care with this s and ordering food The romaji his book follows , see p85. For information on vowel length can change the meaning of a word,egyukimeanssnow,whileyki meansbravery.Consonants are generally pronounced as in English, with the exception of the few liste

13、d below:Hepburn systemof romanisation. In guagecoursesavailableinJapan,seetion,commonJapa nounslikejiortera (temple) and jinja or jing (shrine) are written without an English translation.matters worse, many moods which are in- dicated at the beginning of a sentence in English occur at the end of a s

14、entence in Japa ,as heJapa sentenceJapan togoingififyouregoingtoJapan.Fortuna yforvisitorstoJapan,itsnot allbadnews.Infact,wi littleeffort,get- ting together a repertoire of travellers phrases should be no trouble the only problem will be understanding the rep s you get.SilentHepburn romaji is a dir

15、ect system of Rom- anisation t doesnt fully reflect all ele- ments of spoken Japa . The most obvious of these is the tendency in everyday speech to omit the vowel u any in- stan . his language guide, and in Use- ful Words & Phrases on p102, these silentTo English speakers, language terns often seem

16、to be back to front lacking in essential information. For exam- ple, where an English speaker would fgthis sound is produced by pursing the lips and blowing lightlyas in getat the start of word; and nasalisedasthenginsinghe middle of a wordImgoingtotheshopawould sayshop to going,omitting the sub- je

17、ct pronoun (I) altogether and putting verb of the sentence. To morelikean n an rLANGULANGUTRYING ENGLISH IN Visitors to Japan should be warned many Japado not speak or understand much English. Although English is a re- quired subject in both junior high school and high school, and many students go o

18、n to study more of it in university, several fac- tors conspire to prevent many Japa from acquiring usable English. These in- clude the nature of the English educational system, which uses outdated methods like translation; the extreme difference bet English and Japapronun tion and grammar; and the

19、typical reticence of the , who may be shy to speak a lan- t they havent mastered.There are several ways to facili e com- munication with Japa who may no ve a mastery of spoken English:Always start wi s to create a sense ofease.Speak very slowly and When asking for information, choose people of unive

20、rsity age or thereabouts, as these people are most likely to speak some English. Also, Japa women tend to speak and understand English much better n Japa men.If ne sary, write down your question; are often able to understand written English even when they cant un- derstand spoken English.Use the sle

21、 phraseshis chapter and, if ne sary, poto the Japa phrase in question.lonelyplanet.colonelyplanet.coLANGUAGE DirectionsLANGUAGE modationCONVERSATION & Whats your o-namae wa nan desu 名前何The all-pur e title san is used after a name as an honorific and is the equivalent of Mr, Miss, Mrs and Ms.Imlookin

22、gfora. o sagashite Mynameislonelyplanet.colonelyplanet.coLANGUAGE DirectionsLANGUAGE modationCONVERSATION & Whats your o-namae wa nan desu 名前何The all-pur e title san is used after a name as an honorific and is the equivalent of Mr, Miss, Mrs and Ms.Imlookingfora. o sagashite Mynameis案內(nèi).探ingwatashiwa

23、.私営業(yè)GoodohayGoodGood See you later. dewa mata gesutohausu Thisis Mr/Mrs/Ms kochirawa(Sumisu)san()Pleasedtomeetdzo WhereareyoudochiranokatadesuHowareo-genki desu 元?dú)軪準(zhǔn)備民 ET出o-手洗/旅-style 男旅Fyouthysu 女genki元?dú)軮sitOKtotakeashashino totte mo iidesu 撮乾杯No. (for indicating 違No. (for indicating disagreement;

24、less chotto違daijbu()。/Please show me the (kippu)omisete(切符)見Whereisthe.wadokodesu.Howfarisittoaruite dono kurai kakarimasu 歩Doyou have any aki-beya wa arimasu Idonve a reservation. 予約Please/Go ahead. (when Please. (when onegai願nks. nk you. nk you very much. dmoarigatgozaimasunks for having me. (when

25、 o-sewani世話single room shingururmu double daburu twintsuin -style Western-style -getto.ewadonoy kebaiidesu.行Whereisthisaddresskonojshowadokodesu和住所洋Could you write down the address for jsho o kaite itadakemasen 住所書Go straight ma gu行Turnhidari/migie近/遠(yuǎn)Ineedaisha ga hitsuy醫(yī)者必要o-room風(fēng)(Western-style) db

26、asutsukino付部Howmuchisit(per(ippaku/hitori)ikuradesu(一泊/一人)Does it include breakfast/a meal? chshoku/shokuji wa tsuite imasu ka? Imgoingtostayforonenight/twohito-ban/futa-ban (一晩/二晩)泊Can I leave my luggage nimotsuoazukatteitadakemasen 荷物預(yù)iie,kekkExcuse Excuseme.(whenenteringao-jama shimasu/shitsurei

27、。ImgomenPlease give me this/ Please give me a (cup of (o-cha)o(茶)Pleasewait(a(shsh) o-machi (少)待LANGULANGUlonelyplanet.colonelyplanet.coLANGUAGE NumbersLANGUAGE EmergenciesHowdo youPlease speak more apublic isha o yonde 醫(yī)者呼kibun wa ikaga desu mchotto yukkuri itte ksho-the tourist k 気分言ImPlease say i

28、t orelonelyplanet.colonelyplanet.coLANGUAGE NumbersLANGUAGE EmergenciesHowdo youPlease speak more apublic isha o yonde 醫(yī)者呼kibun wa ikaga desu mchotto yukkuri itte ksho-the tourist k 気分言ImPlease say it ore手洗/kibungawarui気分悪michid,yukkuriitte観光案一度, 言IthurtsWhattimedoesitnanjiniakimasu/shimarimasu 何時(開

29、/閉Idliketobuy.o kaitai.買Howmuchisikura desu Imjustmiteiru dake koko ga itai痛0123456789 Call !Ihavekeisatsu o yonde 呼gerioshite下痢Ihaveatoo haga歯痛Immichi ni mayoi 道迷Go away! Imwatashi wa 見Its yasui安 高Illtake this koreoCanIhavearyshsho o itadakemasen 領(lǐng)収書tnybydesu zensoku 二百 下発喘息偏頭Imallergictoksei-bussh

30、itsuniarerugiiga抗生物質(zhì)Imallergictopenishirin ni arerugii ga )LANGUAGE DoyouspeakEnglish? 英語話Doesanyonespeak donatakaeigoohanasemasu英語話 ei-go/nihon-gowawakarimasuonehoncamera shashin department TIME & Whattimeisimanan-jidesu hinin yha- (a)大薬小QUESTION (英語語)Idont店 b tofficeybin I cant speak .避妊用nihongo w

31、a 本語歯醫(yī)How doyou say . in ?屋nihongo de . wa nan to iimasu 語.何醫(yī)& 銀Whatdoes.病.wa donna imi desu .意味薬Whatisthis今何時korewanantoiimasu何薬大使Pleasewritein郵便今風(fēng)(語/英語)書市明LANGULANGU Lonely Planet 838 LANGUAGE Transporlonelyplanet.co Lonely Planet 838 LANGUAGE Transporlonelyplanet.co s ticket left-luggage nimotsu

32、non-smoking kinen駅朝/鉄 切月曜切符売火曜時刻水曜木曜荷物預(yù)金曜片土曜往日曜禁煙 tsuginowananjinidemasuka? Whattimedoesthenextarrive?tsugi no . wa nanji ni tsukimasu 次.何時著Howmuchisthefareto.madeikuradesu.Does this (train, bus, etc) go to kore wa .e ikimasu.行Please lmewhenwegetto.nitsuitaraoshiete.著教Idliketohire a.o karitai no des

33、u .借Idliketogoto. kitai.行Pleasestopkokodetomete停 bus(city) bus( romen /市長距離電Also available from Lonely LANGU Lonely Planet Glossaryageyamagnificentbanque lswhereartists,writers ands esmengatheredinafloatingworldambienceof conversation, art and fornicationaimai ambiguous and Ainuindigenouspeople Lone

34、ly Planet Glossaryageyamagnificentbanque lswhereartists,writers ands esmengatheredinafloatingworldambienceof conversation, art and fornicationaimai ambiguous and AinuindigenouspeopleofHokkaidandpartsof northernHonshaka-chchin red lantern; a working mans pub byredlanternsamawomenAmaterasusungoddess a

35、ndlink totheimperialama-zaketsakeservedatw erANAAllNipponAllNipponannai-sho/annai-joinformation adaptedoJapa torefertopart-timework;often contracted to baitoasa-ichi morning market awamorilocalalcoholofOkinawa ayutfishcaughtduringbangasarainumbrellamadefromoiledp chaniwateachanoyu tea charmsmalldish

36、ofpeanutsorothersnackfoodserved added to your billchikan men who feel up women and girls on packed trains ofa male withyakuza aspirationschizu ch city area (for large cities) nakuandinsize;alsoachchinp rchmecityareaofafewchnanoldestchudaibutsu Great daifukustickyricecakesfilledwithredbeanpasteand ea

37、ten on festive occas;literallygrea ppiness daimyregionallordsundertheshgun daira/taira plaindanchipublicapartments danjiri festival floats dantaiagroupofpeopledengakufishandvegetablesroastedonskewerswith ast miso saucedonkonameforlocaltrainsincountrye hiblack,triangularsamuraiekitrains ekibenbent ch

38、boxbough atrains ion emasmallvotiveplaques ginshrineprecinctsas petitionsforassistancefromtheresidentdeitiesis,forthemostpart,ghmore modern usage is quite peaceful; literally 10,000 bash sumbasho-gara fitting to the particular conditions circumstan ;literallythecharacterofabentboxed ch,usuallyofrice

39、,main dish picklesor pruning of branches and rootso-zoku hot-car or motorcycle gangs, usually bottle-keepsystemwherebyyoubuyawhole subsequentvisitsbugaku danc eplayedbycourtorchestrasin ancientJapanbuke yashiki samurai bunrakuclassicalpuppettheatreusinghugepuppets to portray dramas similar to kabuki

40、burakumintraditionallyo astsasso tedwithlowly bushidasetofvaluesfollowedbythe samurai; literally the way of the warriorengawa traditional veran overlooking the gardenenka often described as the equivalent countryandwesternmusic,thesearefolkballadsabout loveandhumansuffering tarepopularamongthe older

41、generationenry individual restra and ero-guro erotic and grotesque fuurbanffudebrushusedforfugu poisonous blowfish orfundoshiloinclothorbreechcloth;atraditionalmale garmentconsisting ofa widebeltandaclothdrawnover t italsandbet nthebuttocks.Usuallyseenonly atfestivals or onsumwrestlers.butsudanBuddh

42、istaltarinand uru stir-fry with mixed chasGLOSSAR 840 GLOSSARGLOSSARY higawariranchidaily chspe kakizome NewYears kokki national furiganascriptusedtoaidpronun Hikari express hiragana phonetic syllabaryusedto write hondmain honsen main rail iSh gods;spiritsofnaturalidanaSh840 GLOSSARGLOSSARY higawari

43、ranchidaily chspe kakizome NewYears kokki national furiganascriptusedtoaidpronun Hikari express hiragana phonetic syllabaryusedto write hondmain honsen main rail iSh gods;spiritsofnaturalidanaSh altarinkokumin-shukusha peoples lodges; an formoffurii kippu one-day open transport fusuma sliding futont

44、raditionalquilt-likemattress tisrolledup and stowed away during the dayfutsa local train; literally gagaku music of the imperial ikazetsunk Kublai Khans kokuritsu ken national kokutetsu JapawordforJapanRailways(JR) Komeit Cleanernment Party; third-largest political century fleet and the name adopted

45、 by pilots hewaningdaysofWWII;literallydivinepaipChi herbalmedicines tweredominant inJapanuntilthe19thcentury,whenWesternpharmaceu- ticals were roducedkanathetwo phoneticsyllabaries,hiragana ichi-gosquarewoodensakecupsholding180ml ichi-nichi-jsha-kendaypassesforunlimitedtravel on bus, tram orsubway

46、systemsIDC ernationalDigitalijimebullyingorteasing;aprobleminikebanaartofflowerimob a dish consisting of a local type of stpo o and dried fishirezumia tooortheartof irorihearthoritadakimasuanused before meals; Iwillko suheatedtablequiltorcoveroveritkeep the legs and lower body gaijin foreigners; lit

47、erally outside gaijin house cheapmodation for long-term foreignresidentsgamantogasoreensutandopetrols gassh-zukuri an architectural style; literally in toTVgeishawomanversedinartsanddramaswho entertains guests; not a prostitutegekijgenkanfoyerareawhereshoesareremovedor replaced when entering orleavi

48、ng a building geta traditional wooden sandalsgiriso lgiri-ninjcombinationofso lobligationsand al values; the two are often ingoboardgame;playersalterna yplacewhiteand black counters down, with the object to surround the opponentandmakefurthermovesim sible;probably goyabitterhabuavenomou akefoundinha

49、chimakiheadbandwornasasymbolofikazlotsworetheminWWII,studentswearthem toexamshaiku 17-syllable hanami blossom viewing (usually cherry blossoms) haniwa earthenware figures found in Kfun-period koto13-stringedinstrument tisplayedflatonthekureeatuntilyoudropkk kuramud-walledkyakumadrawingroomofahome,wh

50、ereguestsare kyikumamaawomanwhopushesherkidsthrough theJapa educationsystem;literallyeducationmother kykordinaryexpresstrain(fasternafuts,only stop at certain s ions)kani-ryori edkanjiideographic script used for ;literallyKannonBuddhistgoddessofmercy(Sanskrit: kannushi chiefpriest ofa Sh shrine kara

51、kasa oiled p r umbrella karakuri mechanical puppetskaraokebarswhereyousingalongwitht dmusic; literallyemptyorchestrakasakashiwa-mochi pounded glutinous rice wi filling,wrappedinanaromaticoakleafkatakanaphoneticsyllabaryusedtowriteforeignkatamichi aytransportkatana usedasaflavouringforbrothorasacondi

52、mentKDDKokusaiDenshinDenwa( ernational ephone keigohonorificlanguageusedtoshowrespecttoelders or those of high rkeiretsu business car kenkend oldest martial art;literally the way ofkilifeforce, kinen-sha nonsmoking kissaten coffee kbankgen general area, koi carp;considered to be a brave,tenacious an

53、d vigor- ous fish. Many towns have carp ponds or channels teeming with colourful ornamental nishiki-goi (ornamental carp). koinoboricarpbannersandwindsocks;thecolourful fishpennants tareflowninhonouroswhomitis lesshomesinJapaninlateAprilandearlyMayforBoys Day,thefinalholidayofGolden Dayhas ne sarily

54、simplyflyinhonourofthehouseholdsITJ ittaikanfeelingofunity,ofbeingoneizakaya Japaofapub;beerandsakeand lotso acksavailableinarustic,boisteroussettingJAC Japan Air JAF Japan Automobile JAL Japan JAS Japan Air jigoku boiling mineral hot springs, which are livehousenightcluborbarwherelivemusicis machic

55、ityarea(forlargecities)nakuchmeinsize;alsostreetormachiyatraditionalmaiko apprentice mama-sanwomanwhomanagesabarorclub maneki-neko beckoning cat figure frequently seen in restaurants and bars; it andtradeynotfor bathing in; literally carpenters and buildersjikokuhy timetable or book of jinjajitensha

56、 jizsmallstones uesoftheBuddhistprotectorof travellers and childrenJNTO Japan National JRJapanJTBJapanTraveljujitsu martial art from which judo was juku after-school cram JYHAJapanYouthHos Asso manga matcha matsuri festival meinichi the deathday or meishibusinessmentsumiai-kekkon arranged mibunso lo

57、fmiko shrine minshuku the JapaequivalentofaB&B;family- runbudgetmiso-shiru bean-paste MITIMinistryof ernationalTrade&Industry mitsubachimodation for motorcycle tourers mizu-shbaienterta ent,bars,prostitutionetc mochipoundedricemade ocakesandeatenat festiveoccamfubl morningservicemningusbisu;alightbr

58、eakfast served until 10amanykissatenmura oorsealusedtoauthenticateanyment;inJapanyour h ocarriesmu yoursignaturehantkabukiaformoftheatre based on legends, which is characterised by elaborate harahara-kiribellycutting;commonnameforseppukuor ritualsuicidehara-kyacupuncture haridragon-boatra hashi chop

59、stickshatsu-mdeshrine visit of the new heiwahenrpilgrimsontheShikoku88Templehigasasunshadestylised acting and the use of male actors for all kaikanho -modation sponsored ernment; literally meeting kaisekiJapacuisinewhichobeysverystrictrulesof etiquetteforeverydetailofthemeal,includingthesetting kais

60、ha a company, firmkaisokura kais-ken a book of transport kaiten-zushi sushi served GLOSSAR GLOSSAR 842 GLOSSARGLOSSARY nagashi-somen flowing raidhausu basic emaeface;howyouactinpublic,yourpublic TCATTokyoCityAirteiki-kendiscountcommut teishokusettekit suitable or appropriate tennheavenlyking,theempe


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