1、 REF DDOrganization * CHARFORMAT ISO2003 All rights reservedDocument type: REF DDDocType * CHARFORMAT International StandardDocument subtype: REF DDDocSubType * CHARFORMAT Document stage: REF DDDocStage * CHARFORMAT (30) CommitteeDocument language: REF DDDocLanguage * CHARFORMAT EFILENAME p R:_Produ
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3、 reserved SET LibEnteteISO ISO/CD14001.2 ISO/CD14001.2 SET LIBTypeTitreISO 27 27 SET DDTITLE4 SET DDTITLE3 Environmental management systems Requirements with guidance for use Environmental management systems Requirements with guidance for use SET DDTITLE2 Systmes de management environnemental Exigen
4、ces et lignes directrices pour son utilisation Systmes de management environnemental Exigences et lignes directrices pour son utilisation SET DDTITLE1 Environmental management systems Requirements with guidance for use Environmental management systems Requirements with guidance for use SET DDDocLang
5、uage E E SET DDWorkDocDate 2003-01-23 2003-01-23 SET DDDocStage (30) Committee (30) Committee SET DDOrganization3 ISO ISO SET DDOrganization1 ISO ISO SET DDBASEYEAR SET DDAmno SET DDDocSubType SET DDDocType International Standard International Standard SET DDpubYear 2003 2003 SET DDWorkDocNo SET DDR
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8、 ISO14001:1996 SET LibICS SET LIBFIL 4 4 SET LIBEnFileName J:c_mS-ISOTC207TC207SC1N docsISO_14001_(E)-2.doc J:c_mS-ISOTC207TC207SC1N docsISO_14001_(E)-2.doc SET LIBFrFileName SET LIBDeFileName SET LIBNatFileName SET LIBFileOld SET LIBTypeTitreCEN SET LIBTypeTitreNAT SET LibEnteteCEN SET LibEnteteNAT
9、 SET LIBASynchroVF SET LIBASynchroVE SET LIBASynchroVD SET DDEditionNo REF DDOrganization1 * CHARFORMAT ISOTC REF DDTCNum * CHARFORMAT 207/SC REF DDSCNum * CHARFORMAT 1N38451 REF DDWorkDocNo * CHARFORMAT Date:2003-07-09 REF DDWorkDocDate * CHARFORMAT 2003-01-23ISO/DIS 14001 REF DDOrganization1 * CHA
10、RFORMAT ISOTC REF DDTCNum * CHARFORMAT 207/SCC REF DDSCNum * CHARFORMAT 1/WG REF DDWGNum * CHARFORMAT 1Secretaariat: REF DDSecr * CHARFORMAT BSSI REF DDTITLE1 * CHARFORMAT Environnmentaal mannagemeent syystemss Reequireementss withh guiddance for uuse REF DDTITLE2 * CHARFORMATSystmees de managgement
11、t enviironneementaal EExigennces eet liggnes ddirecttricess pourr son utiliisatioon AUTOTEXT E4AVERT WarninggThis doocumennt is not aan ISOO Inteernatiional Standdard. It iss disttributted foor revview aand coommentt. It is suubjectt to cchangee withhout nnoticee and may nnot bee refeerred to ass an
12、 IInternnationnal Sttandarrd.Recipieents oof thiis draaft arre invvited to suubmit, withh theiir commmentss, nottificaation of anny rellevantt pateent riights of whhich tthey aare awware aand too provvide ssupporrting docummentattion. REF LibEnteteISO * CHARFORMAT ISO/CD14001.2ISO/CD14001.2 REF LibE
13、nteteISO * CHARFORMAT ISO/DIS14001ISO/CD14001.2ISO2003 All rights reservedPAGE * ARABIC * CHARFORMAT 1 REF DDTITLE1 Environnmentaal mannagemeent syystemss Reequireementss withh guiddance for uuseScopeThis Innternaationaal Staandardd speccifiess requuiremeents ffor ann enviironmeental managgementt sy
14、sttem, tto enaable aan orgganizaation to deevelopp a poolicy and oobjecttives takinng intto acccount legall requuiremeents aand innformaation aboutt signnificaant ennvironnmentaal asppects. It aappliees to thosee enviironmeental aspeccts whhich tthe orrganizzationn can contrrol annd thoose whhich ii
15、t cann inflluencee. It does not iitselff statte speecificc enviironmeental perfoormancce criiteriaa.This Innternaationaal Staandardd is aappliccable to anny orgganizaation that wishees to:implemeent, mmaintaain annd impprove an ennvironnmentaal mannagemeent syystem;assure itsellf of its cconforrmity
16、 with its sstatedd enviironmeental policcy;demonsttrate such confoormityy withh thiss inteernatiional standdard bby:making a sellf-detterminnationn and self-declaaratioon; orrseekingg conffirmattion oof itss selff-decllaratiion byy a paarty eexternnal too the organnizatiion; oorseekingg certtificaat
17、ion/regisstratiion off its envirronmenntal mmanageement systeem by an exxternaal orgganizaation.All thee requuiremeents iin thiis Intternattionall Stanndard are iintendded too be iincorpporateed intto anyy enviironmeental managgementt systtem. TThe exxtent of thhe appplicattion wwill ddependd on ssu
18、ch ffactorrs as the eenviroonmenttal poolicy of thhe orgganizaation, the naturre andd locaation of itts opeeratioons, aand thhe connditioons inn whicch it functtions. Thiss Inteernatiional Standdard aalso pproviddes, iin annnex A, infoormatiive guuidancce on its uuseNOTEFoor easse of use, the ssubcl
19、aauses of cllause 4 of this Interrnatioonal SStandaard annd annnex A have relatted nuumberss; thuus, foor exaample, 4.3.3 andd A.3.3 botth deaal witth objjectivves annd tarrgets, and 4.5.55 and A.5.55 bothh deall withh inteernal envirronmenntal mmanageement systeem auddit.Normatiive reeferenncesNo n
20、ormmativee refeerencees aree inclluded.Terms aand deefinittionsFor thee purpposes of tthis IInternnationnal Sttandarrd REF DDDoctype * CHARFORMAT Inteernatiional Standdard, the ffollowwing tterms and ddefiniitionss applly.NOTETeerms aare noot deffined wheree theyy retaain thheir nnormall dicttionarr
21、y deffinitiion. WWhere bold type is ussed inn a deefinittion, this indiccates a crooss-reeferennce too anotther tterm ddefineed in this clausse, annd thee numbber reeferennce foor thee termm is ggiven in paarenthheses.3.1auditorrperson with the ccompettence to coonductt an aauditISO90000:20000, 33.9
22、.93.2continuual immproveementrecurriing prrocesss of eenhanccing tthe ennvironnmentaal mannagemeent syystem (3.6) in oorder to acchievee imprrovemeents iin oveerall envirronmenntal pperforrmancee (3.99) connsisteent wiith thhe orgganizaations (3.13) eenviroonmenttal poolicy (3.100)NOTEThhe proocess
23、need not ttake pplace in alll areeas off actiivity simulltaneoously.3.3documenntinformaation and iits suupportting mmediaNOTE: tthe meedium can bbe papper, mmagnettic, eelectrronic or oppticall compputer disc, phottograpph or masteer sammple, or a combiinatioon theereof3.4environnmentsurrounndingss
24、in wwhich an orrganizzationn (3.113) opperatees, inncludiing aiir, waater, land, natuural rresourrces, floraa, fauuna, hhumanss, andd theiir intterrellationnNOTESuurrounndingss in tthis ccontexxt exttend ffrom wwithinn an oorganiizatioon to the ggloball systtem.3.5environnmentaal asppectelementt of
25、aan orgganizaations (3.13) aactiviities or prroductts or serviices tthat ccan innteracct witth thee enviironmeent (33.3)NOTEA signiificannt envvironmmentall aspeect haas or can hhave aa signnificaant ennvironnmentaal imppact (3.5).3.6environnmentaal imppactany chaange tto thee enviironmeent (33.3),
26、whethher addversee or bbenefiicial, whollly orr parttiallyy resuultingg fromm an oorganiizatioons (3.13) enviironmeental aspeccts (33.4)3.7environnmentaal mannagemeent syystempart off an oorganiizatioons (3.13) manaagemennt sysstem uused tto devvelop and iimplemment iits ennvironnmentaal pollicy (3.
27、10) and managge itss inteeractiion(s) withh the envirronmennt (3.3)NOTE 1A maanagemment ssystemm is aa set of innterreelatedd requuiremeents uused tto esttablissh pollicy aand obbjectiives aand too achiieve tthose objecctivess.NOTE 2A mannagemeent syystem incluudes oorganiizatioonal sstructture, pla
28、nnning aactiviities, respponsibbilitiies, ppractiices, proceeduress (3.115), pprocessses aand reesourcces3.8environnmentaal mannagemeent syystem audittsystemaatic, indeppendennt andd docuumenteed proocess for oobtainning aaudit evideence aand evvaluatting iit objjectivvely tto detterminne thee extee
29、nt too whicch thee enviironmeental managgementt systtem (33.6) aaudit criteeria sset byy the organnizatiion (33.13) are ffulfillled3.9environnmentaal objjectivveoveralll enviironmeental goal, conssistennt witth thee enviironmeental policcy (3.10), that an orrganizzationn (3.113) seets ittself to acc
30、hievee3.10environnmentaal perrformaancemeasuraable rresultts of an orrganizzationns (33.13) managgementt of iits ennvironnmentaal asppects (3.4)NOTEInn the conteext off enviironmeental managgementt systtems (3.6), resuults ccan bee meassured againnst thhe orgganizaations envvironmmentall poliicy (33
31、.10), enviironmeental objecctivess (3.88) andd enviironmeental targeets (33.11).3.11environnmentaal pollicyoveralll inteentionns andd direectionn of aan orgganizaation (3.133) rellated to itts envvironmmentall perfformannce (33.9) as foormallly exppresseed by top mmanageementNOTEThhe envvironmmental
32、l poliicy prrovidees a fframewwork ffor acction and ffor thhe settting of ennvironnmentaal objjectivves (33.8) aand ennvironnmentaal tarrgets (3.111)3.12environnmentaal tarrgetdetaileed perrformaance rrequirrementt appllicablle to the oorganiizatioon (3.13) oor parrts thhereoff, thaat ariises ffrom
33、tthe ennvironnmentaal objjectivves (33.8) aand thhat neeeds tto be set aand meet in orderr to aachievve thoose obbjectiives3.13interessted ppartyperson or grroup cconcerrned wwith oor afffectedd by tthe ennvironnmentaal perrformaance (3.9) of ann orgaanizattion (3.13)3.14organizzationncompanyy, corr
34、porattion, firm, enteerprisse, auuthoriity orr insttitutiion, oor parrt or combiinatioon theereof, whetther iincorpporateed or not, publiic or privaate, tthat hhas itts ownn funcctionss and adminnistraationNOTEFoor orgganizaationss withh moree thann one operaating unit, a siingle operaating unit may
35、 bbe deffined as ann orgaanizattion.3.15preventtion oof polllutioonuse of proceesses, praccticess, tecchniquues, mmateriials, produucts oor eneergy tto avooid, rreducee or ccontrool (seeparattely oor in combiinatioon) thhe creeationn, emiissionn or ddischaarge oof anyy typee of ppolluttants andor wa
36、sste, in orrder tto redduce aadversse envvironmmentall impaacts (3.5)NOTEMeethodss for the ppPrevenntion of poollutiion caan incclude sourcce redductioon or elimiinatioon, prrocesss, prooduct or seervicee channges, efficcient use oof ressourcees, maateriaal andd enerrgy suubstittutionn, re-use, reco
37、vvery, recyccling, recllamatiion annd treeatmennt.3.16proceduurespecifiied waay to carryy out an acctivitty or a proocessISO90000:20000, 33.4.5NOTEPrroceduures ccan bee docuumenteed or not.3.17recordinformaation ondoccumentt statting rresultts achhievedd or pprovidding eevidennce off actiivitiees pe
38、rrformeedEnvironnmentaal mannagemeent syystem requiiremenntsGenerall requuiremeentsThe orgganizaation shalll estaablishh, doccumentt, impplemennt, maaintaiin andd conttinuallly immprovee an eenviroonmenttal maanagemment ssystemm in aaccorddance with the rrequirrementts of this Interrnatioonal SStand
39、aard a.nd detterminne howw it will fulfiil theese reequireementss. The orgganizaation shalll defiine thhe scoope off its envirronmenntal mmanageement systeem. The orgganizaation shalll defiine thhe scoope off its envirronmenntal mmanageement systeem.Environnmentaal pollicyTop mannagemeent shhall dde
40、finee the organnizatiions envirronmenntal ppolicyy and ensurre thaat witthin tthe deefinedd scoppe of its EEMS itt:is apprropriaate too the naturre, sccale aand ennvironnmentaal imppacts of itts acttivitiies, pproduccts annd serrvicess thatt are withiin thee defiined sscope of thhe envvironmmentall
41、manaagemennt sysstem;includees a ccommittment to coontinuual immproveement and pprevenntion of poollutiion;includees a ccommittment to coomply with appliicablee enviironmeental legall requuiremeents aand otther eenviroonmenttal reequireementss to wwhich the oorganiizatioon subbscribbes;providees the
42、e frammeworkk for settiing annd revviewinng envvironmmentall objeectivees andd targgets;is docuumenteed, immplemeented and mmaintaained; is commmunicaated tto alll perssons wworkinng forr or oon behhalf oof thee orgaanizattion; is avaiilablee to tthe puublic.PlanninngEnvironnmentaal asppectsThe orgg
43、anizaation shalll estaablishh and mainttain (a) prroceduure(s):to idenntify the eenviroonmenttal asspectss of iits acctivitties, produucts aand seervicees witthin tthe deefinedd scoppe of the eenviroonmenttal maanagemment ssystemm, takking iinto aaccounnt plaanned or neew devvelopmments, or nnew orr
44、 modiified activvitiess, prooductss and serviices, that it caan conntrol and tthose whichh it ccan innfluennce taaking into accouunt pllannedd or nnew deeveloppmentss, or new oor moddifiedd actiivitiees, prroductts andd servvices; andto deteerminee thosse asppects that have or caan havve siggnificca
45、nt iimpactts on tthe ennvironnment (i.e. signnificaant ennvironnmentaal asppects).The orgganizaation shalll docuument this inforrmatioon, annd keeep it up-too-datee.The orgganizaation shalll ensuure thhat thhe siggnificcant eenviroonmenttal asspectss are consiideredd in ddevelooping, impllementting
46、aand maaintaiining its eenviroonmenttal maanagemment ssystemm.Legal aand otther eenviroonmenttal reequireementssThe orgganizaation shalll estaablishh and mainttain (a) prroceduure(s):to idenntify and hhave aaccesss to applicaable llegal requiiremennts reelatedd to tthe orrganizzationns ennvironnment
47、aal asppects, andother eenviroonmenttal reequireementss to wwhich the oorganiizatioon subbscribbes;to deteerminee how theyse reequireementss applly to its eenviroonmenttal asspectss.The orgganizaation shalll ensuure thhat ennvironnmentaal leggal annd othher ennvironnmentaal reqquiremments to whhich
48、tthe orrganizzationn subsscribees aree conssidereed in devellopingg, impplemennting and mmaintaainingg its envirronmenntal mmanageement systeem.Objectiives, targeets annd proogrammme(s)The orgganizaation shalll estaablishh and mainttain ddocumeented envirronmenntal oobjecttives and ttargetts, att re
49、leevant functtions and llevelss withhin thhe orgganizaation.The objjectivves annd tarrgets shalll be mmeasurrable quanttifiedd wherre praacticaable aand coonsisttent wwith tthe ennvironnmentaal pollicy, incluuding the ccommittmentss to pprevenntion of poollutiion, ccompliiance with legall and otherr
50、 enviironmeental requiiremennts annd conntinuaal impprovemment.When esstabliishingg and revieewing its oobjecttives and ttargetts an organnizatiion shhall cconsidder thhe leggal annd othher ennvironnmentaal reqquiremments, its signiificannt envvironmmentall aspeects, its ttechnoologiccal opptionss a
51、nd its ffinanccial, operaationaal andd busiiness requiiremennts, aand thhe vieews off inteeresteed parrties.The orgganizaation shalll estaablishh and mainttain (a) prrogrammme(s) for achieeving its oobjecttives and ttargetts. Itt shalll incclude:designaation of reesponssibiliity foor achhievinng obj
52、jectivves annd tarrgets at rrelevaant fuunctioons annd levvels oof thee orgaanizattion;the meaans annd timme-fraame byy whicch theey aree to bbe achhievedd.Implemeentatiion annd opeeratioonResourcces, rroles, respponsibbilityy and authoorityManagemment sshall ensurre thee avaiilabillity oof ressourc
53、ees esssentiaal forr the impleementaation and ccontrool of the eenviroonmenttal maanagemment ssystemm. Ressourcees incclude humann resoourcess and speciializeed skiills, interrnal iinfrasstructture, technnologyy and finanncial resouurces.Roles, respoonsibiilitiees andd authhoritiies shhall bbe deffi
54、ned, docuumenteed andd commmunicaated iin ordder too faciilitatte efffectivve envvironmmentall manaagemennt.The orgganizaations topp manaagemennt shaall apppointt (a) speciific mmanageement repreesentaative(s) whho, irrrespeectivee of oother respoonsibiilitiees, shhall hhave ddefineed rolles, rrespo
55、nnsibillitiess and authoority for:ensurinng thaat an envirronmenntal mmanageement systeem is estabblisheed, immplemeented and mmaintaained in acccordaance wwith tthe reequireementss of tthis IInternnationnal Sttandarrd;reportiing onn the perfoormancce of the eenviroonmenttal maanagemment ssystemm to
56、 ttop maanagemment ffor reeview and aany neeed foor impprovemmentass the basiss for improovemennt.Competeence, trainning aand awwareneessThe orgganizaation shalll ensuure thhat anny perrson(ss) witth thee authhorityy to pperforrming taasks oon itss behaalf thhat caan havve thee poteentiall to causee
57、 (a) signiificannt envvironmmentall impaact(s) idenntifieed by the oorganiizatioon is (are) comppetentt on tthe baasis oof apppropriiate eeducattion, trainning, skillls andd/or eexperiience.The orgganizaation shalll idenntify trainning nneeds assocciatedd withh its envirronmenntal aaspectts andd its
58、 EMS. It shhall pprovidde traainingg or ttake oother actioon to meet thesee needds. The orgganizaation shalll estaablishh and mainttain pproceddures to maake peersonss workking ffor itt or oon itss behaalf awware oof:the impportannce off confformitty witth thee enviironmeental policcy andd proccedur
59、ees andd withh the requiiremennts off the envirronmenntal mmanageement systeem;the siggnificcant eenviroonmenttal immpactss, acttual oor pottentiaal, off theiir worrk andd the envirronmenntal bbenefiits off imprroved persoonal pperforrmancee;their rroles and rresponnsibillitiess in aachievving cconf
60、orrmity with the eenviroonmenttal poolicy and pproceddures and wwith tthe reequireementss of tthe ennvironnmentaal mannagemeent syystem, inclludingg emerrgencyy prepparednness aand reesponsse reqquiremments;the pottentiaal connsequeences of deepartuure frrom sppecifiied opperatiing prroceduures. Com
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