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1、PAGE 潮州市20052006學年度第一學期期末高二級教學質(zhì)量檢測卷 英 語 注意事項: 1本試卷卷分第一卷(選擇題)和和第二卷(非非選擇題)兩兩部分。第一一卷1至8頁頁。第二卷99至10頁。共共100分??伎荚嚂r間1000分鐘。 2第一卷卷的答案填寫寫在第二卷相相應的表格里里。 第一卷(共共75分)第一部分 聽聽力(共155分,每小題題1分)第一節(jié):聽力理理解(共100小題;每小小題1分,滿分100分)請聽下面4段對對話或獨白。每每段對話或獨獨自后有幾個個小題,從題題中所給的AA、B、C三三個選項中選選出最佳選項項,并標在答答卷的相應位位置。在聽每每段對話或獨獨白前,你將將有時間閱讀讀各個

2、小題,每每小題5秒鐘鐘;聽完后,各各小題將給出出5秒鐘的作作答時間。每每段對話或獨獨白讀兩遍。聽第1段材料,回回答第1和22題。1. Whatt doess Billl ask Rose to doo? A. To geet himm somee stammps. B. To goo for a piccnic wwith hhim. C. To trry to find the mmoney to buuy himm a boook.2. Whatt willl Billl do oon Satturdayy mornning? A. He wiill bee in ttown. B. He

3、lll be aat worrk. C. Heell ggo outt for a piccnic.聽第2段材料,回回答第3至55題。3. Who is gooing tto Neww Yorkk at tthe weeekendd? A. Kate. B. Jacks broother. C. Katte andd Jackks brrotherr.4. Howw is tthe wooman ggoing theree? A. By caar. BB. By bus. C. BBy traain.5. Whaat is the wwoman goingg to ddo in New YYo

4、rk? A. To viisit hher teeacherr. B. To vvisit a friiend. CC. To visitt an oold coouple. 聽第3段材料,回回答第6至88題。6. Whatt doess the man ttake bbesidees Morrning Post? A. New YYorkerrs. BB. Newssweek. C. Neew Sciientissts. 7. Whatts thhe priice off Mornning PPost? A. Two ddollarrs andd fiftty cennts. B. OOne

5、 doollar. C. Threee dolllars aand fiifty.8. Whatt is NNew Yoorkerss? A. A maggazinee. BB. A ppress. C. A neewspapper. 聽第4段材料,回回答第9和110題。 9. Whatt is tthe maan goiing too do iin thee evenning? A. Take an exxam. B. SStudy. CC. Loook forr a joob.10. Whaat exaam willl thee man take? A. The eentrannce ex

6、xam. B. Thhe midd-term exam. C. The finall examm. 第二節(jié)聽取信息息:(共5小小題;每小題題1分,滿分5分)聽下面一段對話話或獨白。請請根據(jù)題目要要求,從所聽聽到的內(nèi)容中中獲取必要的的信息,填人人答題卡標號號為1115的空格中中。錄音讀兩兩遍。你有990秒的作答答時間。Marys TimettableDay of the WWeekCourse TitleeTime(11) 10:00 aa. m.Tuesdayy(12) 2:00 p. m.WednesddayPlant ppathollogy ttutoriial(13) Wednesdda

7、yMicrobiiologyy tutoorial3:00 p. m.Wednesdday(14) (15) p.m.第二部分 英英語知識運用用(共兩節(jié),滿滿分30分)第一節(jié):單項填填空(共155小題;每小小題1分,滿滿分15分) 從A、BB、C、D四四個選項中,選選出可以填入入空白處的最最佳選項,并并在答題卡上上將該項涂黑黑。16. I heaard Baack Sttreet Boys wouldd singg at tthe Neew Cenntury Theatter. WWhere did yyou _?A. putt thatt up B. pick that up C. maak

8、e thhat upp D. taake thhat upp17. Thee Chinnese aare loookingg forwward tto thee firsst _too landd the moon afterr Yangg Liweeis succcessfful trrip too spacce.A. meaasure BB. atttempt C. puurposee D. desirre18. Thee man who wwas _stealling tthe caar saiid thaat he was iinnoceent.A. chaarged of B. ch

9、arrged ffor C. accuused oof D. accussed wiith19. Did yyou knnow anny Freench bbeforee you arrivved inn Washhingtoon? NNever _it, actuually.A. hadd I leearnedd B. havee I leearnedd CC. I llearneed D. wwas I learnned20. Theere iss an iillnesss thaat cann resuult inn totaal bliindnesss _left untreeated

10、.A. aftter B. iff C. siince DD. unlless21. Didnnt thee docttor coome inn timee? _.And mmy hellp diddnt worrk.A. I hhad beetter do itt . BB. Id ratther hhe didd. C. II m affraid so. D. II wishh he hhad22. Thee poorr man , _,ran oout off the dark cave.A. treembledd and frighhtenedd B. trrembliing annd

11、 friightenned C. tremmbled and ffrightteningg D. trrembliing annd friightenning23. Lasst weeek my husbaand boought me a falsee diamoond neecklacce at _I tthoughht wass an eextremmely hhigh pprice.A. whiich BB. thaat CC. it D. what24. Pleease ttell mme howw the acciddent _. I am sttill iin thee darkk

12、.A. camme by B. ccame uupon CC. camme to D. came aboutt25. He hasnt sleept att all for tthree days. _he iis tirred ouut.A. Theere iss no ppoint B. Therre is no neeed C. It iss no wwonderr D. Itt is nno wayy26. It is suuch a good placee _evveryboody waants tto go and vvisit_it iss welll knowwn alll o

13、verr the word.A. thaat ; tthat B. ass ; ass C. ass ; thhat DD. thaat ; aas27. Marry, itts alrready 7 ocllock. Im aafraidd therre is not mmuch ttime _ffor yoou to _for tthe baall.A. leavving; get ddressiing. B. remaiining; get to drress C. remaained; get dresssD. left; get ddresseed28. Whaat thee doc

14、ttor reeally doubtt is _ my mmotherr willl recoover ffrom tthe seeriouss diseease ssoon.A. wheen B. how C. wwhetheer D. if29. Was tthere an annswer to myy teleegram? MMargarret saaid thhere_one. A. muust haave beeen B. muust haave haadC. seemms to beD. seeemed to haave 30.I heaar Laoo Li iis mucch w

15、orrse noow. HHow caan _bee? He lookeed bettter wwhen wwe saww him in thhe hosspitall thiss mornning.A. it BB. he C. tthis D. one第二節(jié):完形填填空(共15小題;每每小題1分,滿分155分) 閱讀下下面短文,從從短文后所給給各題的四個個選項(A、BB、C和D)中,選出可可以填入空白白處的最佳選選項,并在答答題卡上將該該項涂黑。Mr. Whiitson taugght siixth- gradee scieence. In hiis firrst cllass, he g

16、aave uss a 31 aboutt an aanimall calleed caattywaampus, whiich diied ouut durring tthe Icce Agee. He passeed 32 a skuull(頭蓋蓋骨) ass he talked. We feelt prroud ffor feeelingg it, took 33 and llater had aa quizz. Whenn my ppaper retunned, II was shockked att the big rred crross tthrouggh 34 of mmy anss

17、wers. Why? I haad wriitten down exacttly whhat hee saidd. Veryy simpple, MMr. Whhitsonn expllainedd . Hee had made up thhe stoory abbout tthe caantywaarnpuss. Neeedlesss to saay, wee weree extrremelyy 35 . We ccould have foundd him out, he saaid. AAfter all , he told us 36 remaains oof thee animmal

18、haad eveer been foundd at tthe veery mooment he waas shoowing us thhe skuull, 37 , a ccats. So, why ddidntt we 38 his ddescriiptionn abouut itss coloor andd otheer faccts, eespeciially the rridicuulous(荒唐的 ) 39 he gaave it. TThe zeeros wwould be reecordeed in his gradee bookk. He hopedd we wwould le

19、arnn someethingg fromm thiss 40 . Teacchers and ttextboooks wwere nnot allways correect annd we shoulldnt let our 41 sleeep, buut speakk up wwhat wwe thoought rightt. We ccarrieed our sskeptiicism(懷懷疑主義) into otherr 42 , butt it ccausedd probblems for tthe teeacherrs who wwerent useed to beingg chal

20、llengeed. Ive keept inn mindd whatt Mr WWhitsoon gavve me the 43 to llook ppeoplee in tthe eyye andd telll themm theyy are wrongg. Not everyyone ssees tthe 44 in this. I onnce toold a teachher abbout iit andd she was aastoniished, sayiing HHe shoouldnt havve triicked you llike tthat. I loooked at he

21、er 45 in tthe eyye andd toldd her she wwas wrrong.31A. rreportt B. piicturee C. sttory D. leecturee32A. aaround B. byy C. ovver D. thhroughh33A. ppicturres B. nootes C. immaginaation D. suurprisse34A. ssome B. moost C. eaach D. paart35A. ssad B. neervouss C. diisappoointedd D. anngry36A anny B. noo

22、C. soome D. maany37A. oon purrpose B. ass usuaal C. inn factt D. inn shorrt38A. ddoubt B. heear C. unndersttand D. chheck39A. ddescriiptionn B. sppeech C. skkull D. naame40A. eexperiience B. acccidennt C. teext D. faailuree41A. hheartss B. miinds C. iddeas D. eyyes42A. aanimalls B. chhancess C. scch

23、oolss D. cllassess43A. mmethodd B. hoppe C. coouragee D. annxietyy44A. vvalue B. reesult C. aiim D. suuccesss45A. rreallyy B. juust C. riight D. fiirmly第三部分:閱讀讀理解(共115小題;每每小題2分,滿滿分30分) 閱讀下下列短文,從從每題所給的的四個選項(A、B、CC和D)中,選選出最佳選項項,并在答題題卡上將該項項涂黑。(A)Henry FFord, Ameriican ccar maanufaccturerr, fouunded the

24、 FFord CCar Coompanyy and produuced TType TT carss. He succeeeded in maaking Americca a bbig car ccountrry. Groowing up onn a faar-awaay Micchigann farmm, Hennry Foord knnew liittle of farmiing but he sooon shhowed signss thatt he bbelongged too a neew genneratiion off Amerricanss inteeresteed morre

25、 in the iindusttrial futurre thaan in the aagricuulturaal passt. Hiis fatther, Williiam, hhoped that his eeldestt son wouldd joinn him on thhe farrm enaable iit to becomme larrger, and aat lasst, taake itt overr. Butt Henrry hatedd farmm workk and did eeverytthing he coould tto avooid itt. It was nn

26、ot thhat hee was llazy. Far ffrom iit. Giive hiim a mmechannical job tto do and hhe wouuld seet to work eagerrly. IIt wass the dailyy lifee of tthe faarm, wwith iits reepetittive ttasks, thatt frusstrateed himm. Whhat a wastee it iis, hhe wroote yeears llater, remeemberiing hiis worrk in the ffields

27、s, foor a hhuman beingg to sspend hourss and days behinnd a sslowlyy moviing teeam off horsses. So HHenry turneed hiss atteentionn elseewheree. Wheen he was ttwelvee, he becamme verry intterestted inn clockks andd watcches. Soon he waas reppairinng cloocks aand waatchess for friennds, wworkinng at a

28、 bennch hee builtt in hhis beedroomm. In 1876, Henrry lefft thee farmm, andd threee yeaars laater, he toook a job aas a mmechannic in Dettroit. By tthis ttime ssteam enginnes haad joiined cclockss and watchhes ass objeects oof Hennrys fasciinatioon. Accoordingg to HHenry himseelf, hhe firrst saaw a

29、ssteam-driveen roaad enggine oone daay in 1877 when he and hhis faather, in ttheir horsee-drawwn farrm waggon, mmet onne on the rroad. The eenginee drivver sttoppedd to let tthe waagon ppass, and HHenry jumpeed dowwn andd wentt to hhim wiith maany teechniccal quuestioons abbout the eenginees peerfor

30、mmance. Fromm thenn on, for aa whille, Heenry bbecamee fasccinateed witth steeam ennginess. A chhance meetiing wiith ann old co-woorker led tto a jjob foor Hennry ass an eengineeer att the EdisoonDetroitt Elecctriciity Coompanyy, thee leadding fforce in annotherr new indusstry. Powerr stattions were

31、 beingg builtt and cablees beiing laaid inn all of thhe Uniited SStatess majjor ciities; the age oof eleectriccity hhad beegun.BBut allthouggh Hennry quuicklyy learrned tthe ruules ffor hiis neww job - soo quicckly tthat wwithinn fourr yearrs he was tthe chhief eengineeer att the Detrooit poower ppl

32、ant - hiis intterestt in ffuel eenginees hadd conttrol oof hiss life. At ffirst in thhe kittchen, and laterr in aa shedd at tthe baack off his housee, he spentt his sparee timee in tthe eveniings ttryingg to bbuild an enngine to hiis ownn desiign. Henrry leaarned it waas a sslow, hard businness tto

33、buiild ann engiine byy handd. Eveery piiece oof eveery part had tto be made separratelyy, cheecked and rrecheccked, and ttestedd. Eveery prroblemm had to bee worriied ovver annd sollved bby thee buillder. To eaase thhe burrden, Henryy joinned foorces with anothhermechaniic, Jiim Bisshop. Even so, ii

34、t wass two yearss befoore thhey haad succceedeed in buildding aa workking car. It waas a ssimplee one, fixeed on bicyccle whheels and ddrivenn by aa rubbber beelt thhat coonnectted thhe enginne to the bback wwheelss. Hennry caalled it thhe Quuadriccycle.46. Hennry trried tto avooid faarm woork beeca

35、usee . A. hee was lazy B. farmming wwas a wastee of ttime C. hee didnnt liike woorkingg withh horsses D. the dailyy lifee and work on thhe farrm wass boriing47. Hennry waas mosst intterestted inn . A. cclockss and watchhes B. stteam eenginees CC. eleectriccity D. fuuel ennginess48. To buildd an eeng

36、inee was slow and ppainsttakingg for the bbuildeers beecausee . A. tthey ddidntt knoww how to doo it BB. theey diddnt hhave eenoughh moneey C. tthey hhad noo car wheells D. they had nno macchiness and the jjob waas commplicaated49. Whiich off the folloowing stateementss is NNOT trrue? A. HHenry bega

37、nn to llike mmachinnes inn his childdhood. B. HHenry builtt his firstt workking ccar wiith hiis ownn effoorts. C. IIt toook theem twoo yearrs of hard work to buuild ttheir firstt car. D. TTheir firstt car was mmore llike aa bicyycle wwith ffour wwheelss.50. Chooose tthe coorrectt ordeer of the ffoll

38、owwing eeventss relaated tto Hennry.a. leftt the farmb. becaame faascinaated wwith ssteam enginnesc. buillt thee firsst carrd becamme intterestted in cllocks and watchhese. workked ass a meechaniic in Detrooitf .begaan to work at thhe Ediison DDetroiit Eleectricciy CoompanyyA. a,d,e,b,cc,f B. b,d,aa

39、,e,f,c C. dd,a,b,e,f,cc D. d,a,e,bb,f,c( B ) CBBC is a fammous aair coompanyy whicch hass overr twennty pllanes carryying passeengerss and goodss, flyying aalong 12 fiixed llines all oover the wworld. Its serviice iss veryy good but ssome ppassenngers are sstill not ssatisffied wwith iit andd thatt

40、is wwhy inn 20033 and 2004 the ccompanny recceivedd lettters oof commplainnts frrom coonsumeers orr passsengerrs whoo pointted ouut oveer a ddozen kindss of pprobleems whhich aare diividedd in ggroupss in tthe folloowing tablee. Thoose abbout ppassenngers thinngs caarriedd by tthe pllane aare Baagga

41、gee probllems. Custoomer sservicce reffers tto serrvice work whichh passsengerrs aree not satissfied with. Overr saless of sseats are aabout the ffact tthat mmore sseats are ssold aand ass a reesult the planee is ttoo crrowdedd to bbe saffe. Reefund probllems aappearr whenn passsengerrs faiil to rec

42、eiive thhe monney paaid baack too themm becaause oof whaat theey havve losst. Faares aare probllems aabout the pprice of tiicketss. CConsummer Coomplaiints RReceivved Byy the CBCCategorry20032004Flight probllems20.2%22.1%Baggagee18.3%21.8%Customeer serrvice3.1%11.3%Over saales oof seaats10.5%11.8%Re

43、fund probllems10.1%8.1%Fares6.4%6.0%Reservaation & Ticcketinng5.8%5.6%Tours3.3%2.3%Smokingg3.2%2.9%Advertiising1.2%1.01%Credit1.0%0.8%Speciall passsengerrs0.9%0.9%Others6.0%5.3%Total NNumberr of CComplaaints2,9881,79251. Aboout hoow manny commplainnts abbout CCreditt weree receeived by thhe CBCC in

44、22003? A. 28 B. 229 CC. 30 D. 3152. By aboutt whatt perccent ddid thhe tottal nuumber of coomplaiints ddecreaase frrom 20003 too 2004? A. 40% B. 60% C. 75% D. 100%53. If the ccirclee grapphs beelow sshow ttotal consuumer ccomplaaints for 22003, whichh grapph showss a daark paart thhat iss abouut Fli

45、ight pprobleems annd Reffund pprobleems toogetheer? 54. Whiich off the folloowing stateementss can be innferreed froom thee tablle?a. In 22003 aand inn 20044, commplainnts abbout FFlightt probblem, Baggaage, aand Cuustomeer serviice toogetheer toook aboout 500 perccent oof alll conssumer compllaints

46、s receeived by the CCBC Coompanyy. b. The nnumberr of SSpeciaal passsengeers coomplaiints wwas unnchangged frrom 20003 too 2004. c. From 2003 to 20004 thhe nummber oof Fliight pprobleem commplainnts inncreassed byy moree than 2 perrcent. A. only a B. only b C. aa and b D. a and cc55. Froom thee pass

47、sage wwe cann knoww thatt _ A ccustommers aare noot sattisfieed witth CBCC B. somettimes CBC ssells more tickeets thhan itts plaanes fixedd seatts C. CBC hhas moore thhan twwenty planees whiich flly to all tthe caapitall citiies off the worldd D. custoomers can oonly bbuy tiicketss withh readdy monn

48、ey( C )The Cavve of Lascaaux It wwas Thhursdaay, Seeptembber 122,1940. FFour FFrenchh teenss weree out explooring in thhe wooods offf thee nortthern slopees of the PPyreneees. MMany yyears beforre, ann old pine tree fell and lleft aa largge holle in the ggroundd. Thee teennagerss weree curiious aand

49、 thhey sttartedd to eexplorre thee areaa and ffell iinto oone off the most imporrtant archeeologiical ffinds of thhe tweentietth cenntury! Therre aree overr a huundredd limeestonee cavees in this regioon of Francce. Soome weere inhabbited by huumans thoussands and tthousaands oof yeaars aggo. Beetwe

50、enn 15,0000-17,000 yearss ago, humaans paaintedd liveely crreaturres suuch ass cowss, bullls, hhorsess, andd evenn catss on thhe wallls off the cave. Why did tthey mmark tthese wallss? Wass it tto telll a sstory? Was it too recoord a famouus battlle? Thhere aare maany myysteriies annd anccient secre

51、ets sttill wwaitinng to be diiscoveered in thhe cavve of Lascaaux. TThere were dots in maany off the painttings. Whatt do tthese dots mean? Weree theyy meannt to reecord time, a caalendaar? Deeep inn the cave, therre is a drawiing off a bbirdmaan, What does this mean? Was it a placee for sacreed cer

52、emmoniess? No one kknows for ssure. The actuaal cavve of Lascaaux waas cloosed iin 19663 duee to tthe ovver-abbundannce off touriists vvisitiing thhe sitte. Thhe carrbon mmonoxiide thhat peeople were breatthing out wwas causiing daamage to thhe fraagile cave painttings. Up ttill nnow thhe Lasscauz c

53、ave is sttill closeed forr tourrists. Onlyy a sppeciallist ccan viisit tthe caave byy a sppeciall ordeer thaat musst be maade ouut almmost aa yearr in aadvancce. Noot morre thaan sixx perssons ccan ennter tthe cave per dday. Two days a weeek, thhe cavve is complletelyy clossed. DDue too the greatt i

54、nterrest oof nummerouss tourrists, in 11983 LLascauux II was oopenedd for touriism. IIt is an exxact repliica off the cave oof Lasscaux,56. Thee Pyreenees are tthe in Fraance. A. mmountaains B. fforestts C. riverrs D. caaves57. Whaat doees thee undeerlineed worrd inhhabiteed meaan? A. bbuilt B. expl

55、oored C. liveed in D. destrroyed58. In the aauthorrs oppinionn, thee cavee painntingss are . A. oold B. bbeautiiful C. eeasilyy damaaged D. inteerestiing59. Thee actuual caave off Lasccaux wwas cllosed in 19963 beecausee . A. ttourissts weere deestroyying tthe caave paaintinngs B. tthere were too mm

56、any ttourissts viisitinng thee cavee C. ttourissts weere taaking photoos andd caussing ddamagee to tthe paaintinngs D. iit wass veryy diffficultt for peoplle to breatthe inn the cave60. Nowwadayss not more than _ exxpertss can visitt the cave each week. A. 66 B. 422 C. 12 DD. 30第二卷非選擇題題(共25分分)第四部分:寫

57、作作(共兩節(jié),滿滿分25分)第一節(jié):短文改改錯(共100小題;每小小題1分,滿滿分10分)此題要求改正所所給短文中的的錯誤。對標標有題號的每每一行作出判判斷: 如無無錯誤,在該該行右邊橫線線上畫一個勾勾();如如有錯誤(每每行只有一個個錯誤),則則按下列情況況改正:此行多一個詞:把多余的詞詞用斜線()劃掉,在在該行右邊橫橫線上寫出該該詞,并也用用斜線劃掉。此行缺一個詞:在缺詞出加加一個漏字符符號(),在該行行右邊橫線上上寫出該加的的詞。此行錯一個詞:在錯詞下劃劃一橫線,在在該行右邊橫橫線上寫出改改正后的詞。注意:原行沒有有錯的不要改改。第二節(jié):書面表表達(滿分115分) 假設你你是某中學學學生

58、英文報的的小記者,對對中學生課外外上網(wǎng)的利弊弊進行調(diào)查采采訪。以下是是學生們對上上網(wǎng)的看法。請請你根據(jù)他們們的觀點寫一一篇簡要的調(diào)調(diào)查報告,并并呼吁正確使使用互聯(lián)網(wǎng)。 使用互互聯(lián)網(wǎng)的益處處 使用互互聯(lián)網(wǎng)的弊端端1資源豐富2節(jié)省時間3方便交流和和溝通1內(nèi)容良莠兼兼有2沉迷網(wǎng)絡游游戲會影響學學業(yè)3過多使用會會影響健康注意:1文章章的開頭已為為你寫好; 2詞數(shù)數(shù):100左左右;3參考詞匯:上網(wǎng)瀏覽:surf the IInternnet潮州市200552006學學年度第一學學期期末教學學質(zhì)量檢測卷卷高二級英語答題題卡說明:請依題號號,把所選答答案編碼涂黑黑。1. ABC 6. ABC 2. ABC

59、7. ABC 3. ABC 8. ABC 4. ABC 9. ABC 5. ABC 10. ABC 16. ABCCD 21. ABCD 26. ABBCD17. ABCCD 22. ABCD 27. ABBCD18. ABCCD 23. ABCD 28. ABBCD19. ABCCD 24. ABCD 29. ABBCD20. ABCCD 25. ABCD 30. ABCCD31. ABCCD 36. ABCD 41. ABBCD 32. ABCCD 37. ABCD 42. ABBCD 33. ABCCD 38. ABCD 43. ABBCD 34. ABCCD 39. ABCD 44.

60、ABBCD 35. ABCCD 40. ABCD 45. ABBCD46. ABCCD 51. ABCD 56. ABBCD 47. ABCCD 52. ABCD 57. ABBCD 48. ABCCD 53. ABCD 58. ABBCD 49. ABCCD 54. ABCD 59. ABCCD 50. ABCCD 55. ABCD 60. ABBCD 11._ 12._ 13._14._ 155._第二卷(25分分)第四部分 寫寫作(共兩節(jié)節(jié),滿分255分)第一節(jié):短文改改錯(共100小題;每小小題1分,滿滿分10分)Today II atteended a meeeting holdii


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