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1、英語合同翻譯公司China Telecommunications Corporation Dalian Branch, Liaoning Province Telecommmuniccationns Serrvicess Agreeementt Place oof siggnaturre: DaalianDate off signnaturee: , 20110Contracct Codde:Telecommmuniccationns Serrvicess AgreeementtParty AA: Addresss: Party BB: Chiina Teelecommmuniccationn

2、s Corrporattion DDaliann Brannch, LLiaoniing ProviinceAddresss: 1677 Zhonngshann Roadd, Xiggang DDistriict, DDaliannThroughh conssultattion oon thee speccific matteers reelatedd to tthe acccess of Paarty AAs useer tellephonne andd dataa servvice tto Parrty Bs commmuniccationn netwwork, on thhe bassi

3、s off mutuual reespectt, equualityy and mutuaal bennefit, (Hereinnafterr refeerred to ass Partty A) and CChina Teleccommunnicatiions CCorporrationn Daliian Brranch, Liaooning Proviince (hereiinafteer refferredd to aas Parrty B) reacched tthe foollowiing aggreemeent:Articlee 1. BBasic ConteentParty B

4、B shalll proovide the aapproppriatee acceess deevice to meeet thhe Parrty As teelephoone annd datta serrvice needss, inccludinng thee acceess off Partty Ass teleephonee and data serviice too Partty Bss netwwork aand thhe usee of PParty Bs serrvice. Partty As speccific needss: virrtual netwoork teele

5、phoone (ss), direct line telepphone (s) aand ddedicaated iinternnet acccess (es).Party AA shalll hirre truunk liine foor thee use of , and tthe boound ssegmennt or numbeer proovidedd by PParty B is for the PParty As usee. Artticle 2. Booth Paartiess Respponsibbilitiies annd Oblligatiions2.1 Parrty A

6、s Ressponsiibilitties aand Obbligattions2.1.1 PParty A agreees too compply wiith thhe rellevantt natiional teleccommunnicatiion chharge standdard aand thhe rellevantt charrge poolicy standdards issueed by the MMinisttry off Infoormatiion Inndustrry andd Partty B dduringg eachh periiod.2.1.2 PParty A

7、 usees thee trunnk linne proovidedd by PParty B forr acceess seervicees, annd musst commply wwith rrelevaant naationaal lawws, reegulattions and ppoliciies; iin thee evennt thaat Parrty A has tthe acct in violaation of naationaal lawws or relevvant pprovissions durinng thee use of thhe renntal sserv

8、icce, Paarty AA shalll beaar havve fulll ressponsiibilitty forr all tthe coonsequuencess arissing tthereffrom.2.1.3 PParty A shaall bee respponsibble foor thee acceess off all the ttelephhones and ddata sservicces ussed byy Partty A tto thee netwwork ooperatted byy Partty B.2.1.4 PParty A shaall prr

9、ovidee Partty B wwith tthe coomputeer rooom thaat meeets thhe plaacemennt reqquiremments of Paarty BBs equiipmentt for free and tthe poower ssupplyy and otherr relaated rresourrces, and prrovidee convveniennt connditioons foor thee consstructtion; the llocatiion off the compuuter rroom iis as folloo

10、ws: 2.1.5 BBased on Arrticlee 23 oof thee Meaasuress for the AAdminiistrattion oof Reccord oof Nonn-commmerciaal Intternett, Paarty AAs weebsitee shalll be closeed andd the recorrd shaall bee canccelledd, proovidedd thatt the recorrd inforrmatioon is untruue. Paarty AA prommises and cconfirrms thhat

11、 alll thee recoord innformaation submiitted is reeal annd efffectivve; whhen thhe reccord iinformmationn channges, Partyy A shhall ssubmitt updaated iinformmationn in tthe reecord systeem in a timmely mmannerr; in the eevent that the rrecordd infoormatiion iss not accurrate aas a rresultt of ffailin

12、ng to updatte in a timmely mmannerr, Parrty B shalll be eentitlled too deall withh Partty Ass acceess weebsitee by cclosinng, wiithoutt assuuming any rresponnsibillity.2.1.6 AAccordding tto Artticle 36 off the PRC Tort Liabiility Act, in ccase PParty As acttion cconstiitutess an aaggresssion upon ci

13、vill righhts off otheers, PParty A shaall beear toort liiabiliity. IIn casse Intternett userrs usee Web serviices tto impplemennt actts of infriingemeent, tthe innfringgee shhall bbe enttitledd to nnotifyy Partty A oof takking ddeletiion, sshieldd, linnk breeak annd othher neecessaary meeasurees. In

14、n casee of ffailurre to take the nnecesssary mmeasurres affter rreceippt of the nnoticee, Parrty A shalll be jjointlly andd seveerallyy liabble foor thee expaansionn porttion oof thee damaage off the Interrnet uusers. In ccase oof faiilure to taake thhe neccessarry meaasuress afteer beiing awware oo

15、f thaat Intternett userrs usee theiir nettwork serviices aagainsst civvil riights of otthers, Partty A sshall be joointlyy and severrally liablle to the nnetworrk useers.2.2 Parrty Bs Ressponsiibilitties aand Obbligattions2.2.1 PParty B shaall prromisee to pprovidde Parrty A with the aaccesss equiip

16、mentt meetting aall off its serviice neeeds ffor frree, aand bee respponsibble foor thee dailly maiintenaance oof equuipmennt sysstems, to eensuree Partty As succcessfful usse.2.2.2 PParty B shaall bee respponsibble foor proovidinng Parrty A with requiired ee adeqquate teleccommunnicatiions nnetworr

17、k ressourcees, inncludiing: lline, interrface, techhnologgy, annd serrvice suppoort annd so on; PParty B shaall prromisee to pprovidde 7*224-houur onee-stopp servvice, with the ccomplaaint pphone of 10000 PParty B shaall ennsure consttructiion saafety, thatt is, instaallatiion woorks sshall not aaff

18、ectt Partty As normmal woork annd opeeratioon, orr shalll nott causse dammage tto thee buillding and iits ennvironnment. In caase Paarty BBs coonstruuctionn causses peersonaal andd propperty lossees to Partyy A orr any thirdd-partty, Paarty BB shalll asssume tthe coompenssationn liabbilityy, andd th

19、erreforee exemmpt frrom anny advverse effeccts thherefrrom caaused to Paarty AA. 2.2.4 FFor syystem equippment instaallatiion, rroutinne maiintenaance aand otther rrelateed mattters, Partty B mmust ccomplyy withh Partty As mannagemeent syystem; in ccase oof entteringg Partty As worrk areea succh as

20、compuuter rroom, etc, Partyy B shhall oobtainn the approoval oof Parrty As leaader tthrouggh advvance noticce.2.2.5 PParty B shaall ennsure that the iinstallled ssystemm has no innterfeerencee, inffluencce, orr desttructiion onn the normaal opeeratioon of Partyy As eleectronnic annd commmuniccationn

21、 systtems; any eeffectts ariising shalll be iimmediiatelyy repaaired and eeliminnated by sppeciall persson; ootherwwise, Partyy A shhall bbe enttitledd to ttake eeffecttive mmeasurres too ensuure thhe norrmal ooperattion oof theeir owwn sysstems. 2.2.6 IIn casse of usingg Partty As desiignateed aree

22、a accorrding to thhe conntractt, Parrty B shalll not occuppy exccessivve possitionn or aany otther ppositiions aaffectting PParty As normmal usse; Paarty BB shalll enssurethat thhe areea cann be uused ffor thhe agrreed ppurposse andd scoppe; Paarty BB shalll be bear all tthe coonsequuencess and loss

23、ees ariising from Partyy Bs goiing beeyond the ppurposse andd scoppe of the aarea.2.2.7 PParty B shaall bee respponsibble foor goiing thhroughh all approoval fformallitiess assoociateed witth thiis; inn casee of ffailurre to obtaiin thee apprroval of reelevannt govvernmeent deepartmments, Partty B s

24、shall assumme alll resuultingg liabbilityy.2.3 Botth Parrties Mutuual Reesponssibiliities and OObligaationss After tthe coonclussion oof thiis agrreemennt, booth paartiess shalll commpletee the projeect coonstruuctionn invoolved in thhe serrvicess as ssoon aas posssiblee; forr any probllems rresolvv

25、ed byy bothh partties consuultatiion duuring this periood, booth paartiess shalll coooperatte cloosely with timelly trooublesshootiing, aafter the nnetworrk is officciallyy put into use, in orrder tto enssure nnormall commmunicaation.Party AAs conntact persoon: Conntact phonee ; Paarty BBs conntact

26、persoon: Conntact phonee . Articlee 3. CChargiing Sttandarrd andd Paymment MMethodd3.1 Chaargingg stanndard: Partty A sshall pay ccommunnicatiion coost inn the form of coollecttion oon a mmonthlly bassis; tthe chharginng staandardd shalll be in acccordaance wwith tthe prrefereentiall charrge giiven

27、tto Parrty A by Paarty BB. Forr the speciific cchargees, seee thee anneex.3.2 Parrty As payyment methood: Paarty BB shalll recceive all ccommunnicatiion coosts rresultting ffrom PParty A by bank transsfer. For tthe caall chharge resullting from Partyy A, ccalenddar moonth sshall be ussed ass the bil

28、liing cyycle; Partyy A shhall ppay thhe monnthly fees last monthh befoore thhe fiffteentth dayy of eevery monthh; in case of Paarty AAs oveerdue paymeent foor serrvice chargge, Paarty BB shalll colllect % per overddue daay as late fee; in caase off faillure tto payy the chargge in excesss of daays,

29、PParty B shaall bee entiitled to sttop thhe serrvice for PParty A, annd it can bbe deeemed aas Parrty As breeach oof conntractt. Articlee 4. DDelimiitatioon of Mainttenancce IntterfacceAny equuipmennt andd pipeeliness inveested and cconstrructedd by PParty B shaall bee owneed by Partyy B, aand inn p

30、rinnciplee, Parrty B shalll be rresponnsiblee for mainttenancce; Anny equuipmennt andd pipeeliness inveested and cconstrructedd by PParty A shaall bee owneed by Partyy A, aand Paarty AA shalll be respoonsiblle forr mainntenannce. MMeanwhhile, both partiies shhall hhave aan oblligatiion too prottect

31、tthe otther ppartys equuipmennt andd pipeeliness, andd takee posiitive and eeffecttive mmeasurres too prottect tthe coommuniicatioon equuipmennt andd pipeeliness fromm damaage. PParty A shaall noot alllow otther ooperattors tto usee or hhave aaccesss to aany eqquipmeent annd pippelinees invvestedd a

32、nd consttructeed by Partyy B wiithoutt Partty Bs writtten cconsennt; ottherwiise, tthis sshall be deeemed as Paarty AAs breaach off conttract, and Partyy A shhall bbear tthe coorresppondinng liaabilitty forr breaach. SSpeciffic maaintennance interrface is diividedd as ffollowws: 4.1 Thee broaadbandd

33、 mainntenannce innterfaace shhall bbe thee clieent poort, tthe portiion abbove tthe poort shhall bbe maiintainned byy Partty B, and tthe poortionn beloow thee portt (inccludinng swiitch aand roouter) shalll be mainttainedd by PParty A;4.2 Forr the voicee mainntenannce innterfaace, tthe annalog line

34、shalll be iin eitther ppartys wirring tterminnal; ffor thhe acccess tto cliient sswitchh, Parrty B shalll be rresponnsiblee for the pportioon aboove swwitch port, and Partyy A shhall bbe ressponsiible ffor thhe porrtion beloww the switcch porrt (inncludiing swwitch)Articlee 5. LLiabillity ffor Brrea

35、ch of Coontracct 5.1 Acccordinng to the mmode oof coooperattion ddetermmined by booth paartiess, Parrty A shalll not use oother operaator sservicces wiithin the sservicce scoope prrovideed by Partyy B unnder tthe saame coonditiions dduringg the periood of this Agreeement. Otheerwisee, thiis shaall b

36、ee deemmed ass a brreach of coontracct, annd Parrty A shalll comppensatte forr any direcct andd indiirect lossees theerefroom cauused tto Parrty B. The propeerty oownersship oof thee equiipmentt inveested by Paarty BB beloongs tto Parrty B; to pprotecct commmuniccationn secuurity, withoout Paarty BB

37、s wrrittenn conssent, Partyy A shhall nnot addd or load any ttypes of teerminaal equuipmennt ontto anyy equiipmentt inveested by Paarty BB.5.2 Anyy mattters nnot cooveredd in tthis AAgreemment sshall be reesolveed by both partiies thhroughh conssultattion oon thee basiis of mutuaal undderstaandingg

38、and coopeeratioon. Inn casee eithher paarty ffails to fuulfilll the obliggationns of this Agreeement or thhe fullfillmment oof thee obliigatioons faails tto meeet thee requuiremeents oof thiis Agrreemennt, noon-deffaultiing paarty sshall be enntitleed to take any oof thee folllowingg meassures:5.2.1

39、 RRequirring ddefaullting partyy to ccontinnue too fulffill iits obbligattions;5.2.2 RRequirring tthe deefaultting pparty to taake tiimely and rreasonnable remeddial mmeasurres;5.2.3 RRequirring tthe deefaultting pparty to asssume compeensatiion liiabiliity foor anyy lossses caaused by itts breeach

40、oof conntractt;5.3 Botth parrties shalll agreee to fulfiill thhe conntractt termms; inn casee of tthe haalfwayy susppensioon of the ccommunnicatiion prrojectt consstructtion oor faiilure to ennable or beenefitt fromm the commuunicattion pprojecct connstrucction afterr comppletioon as a ressult oof e

41、itther ppartys breeach oof conntractt or tthe otther rreasonns cauused bby eitther pparty, the defauultingg partty shaall inndemniify thhe enttire ccost oof thee projject; in thhe eveent thhat eiither partyy earlly terrminatte thee paymment oof duee penaalty wwithouut cauuse, tthe ennjoyedd charrge

42、cooncesssions shalll be rrefundded.Articlee 6. FForce Majeuure6.1 In case of faailuree to ffulfilll thiis Agrreemennt duee to fforce majeuure (eearthqquake, war, natuural ddisastters, etc.), botth parrties shalll be eexemptted frrom liiabiliity.6.2 Durring tthe exxecutiion off thiss Agreeementt, in

43、case of faailuree to ffulfilll thiis Agrreemennt acccordinng to agreeed objjectivves annd proovisioons duue to natioonal ppoliciies, rregulaationss, adjjustmeents aand otther fforce majeuure faactorss, botth parrties shalll not be liiable for bbreachh.Articlee 7. PPrivaccy Pollicy Foor anyy conttent

44、s relatted too thiss Agreeementt (inccludinng thee Suppplemenntal AAgreemment) and tthe otther ppartys connfidenntial inforrmatioon dirrectlyy or iindireectly obtaiined bby eitther pparty for tthe peerformmance of thhis Aggreemeent, wwithinn one year from the eeffecttive ddate oof thiis Agrreemennt

45、to the tterminnationn of tthis AAgreemment: 7.1 Botth parrties must keep the ccooperrativee agreeementt termms andd condditionns connfidenntial, but not ddiscloose thhem too any thirdd partties uunrelaated tto thee perfformannce off thiss Agreeementt.7.2 Botth parrties shalll ensuure thhe connfidenn

46、tialiity off clieent innformaation, and unlesss reqquiredd by llaw, sshall not ddiscloose itt to aany otther iindiviidualss and unitss.7.3 Coonfideentiall Infoormatiion mmeans the ccontennts off thiss Agreeementt and its aannexees andd any inforrmatioon rellated to thhe othher paartyss servvice ppro

47、cesss, seervicee straategy, servvice pplan, propeerty, operaation mode, exissting produucts oor prooductss to bbe devvelopeed, whhich iis knoown byy eithher paarty ffor thhe perrformaance oof thiis Agrreemennt.7.4 Witthout Partyy As writtten auuthoriizatioon, Paarty BB shalll nott use Partyy As trad

48、demarkks, brrand nnames, logoos or desiggns.7.5 Durring PParty Bs eexternnal prromotiion annd advvertissing aactiviities, withhout PParty As prioor wriitten conseent, PParty B shaall noot usee the generrationn of iits leegal rrelatiionshiip witth Parrty A estabblisheed acccordinng to this Agreeement

49、 to esstabliish thhe rellationnship with Partyy A suuch ass parttnershhip, jjoint ventuure, aassociiate, strattegic partnners oor othher siimilarr legaal rellationnshipss.Articlee 8. AAnti-ffraud (Bribbery) Termss8.1 Durring tthe neegotiaation, concclusioon andd perfformannce off thiss Agreeementt,

50、Parrty A shalll not give Partyy Bs anyy workker anny forrm of bribeery (iincludding bbut noot limmited to giifts, rebattes annd speecial discoounts, etc.) forr any reasoon; ottherwiise, tthis sshall be deeemed as thhe othher coontraccting partyys brreach of coontracct. Paarty BB shalll be entittled

51、tto claaim thhe conntractting pparty for tthe tootal lloss aarisinng theerefroom, annd be entittled tto terrminatte thiis Agrreemennt witthout givinng anyy comppensattion oor dammages to thhe othher paarty.8.2 Durring tthe neegotiaation, concclusioon andd perfformannce off thiss Agreeementt, in case

52、 Partyy Bs anyy workker raaises any bbribe requiiremennts too Partty A, Partyy A shhall iimmediiatelyy notiify Paarty BB. In case theree is cconcluusive evideence tto proove thhe exiistencce of thesee illeegal aact inn Partty Bss anyy workker, PParty B shaall taake appproprriate measuures tto proote

53、ct both partiies iintereests. Articlee 9. DDisputte Ressolutiion: Both paartiess agreee thaat anyy disppute aarisinng froom anyy mattters rrelateed to this Agreeement shalll be rresolvved ass folllows: 9.1 In case of faailuree to ffulfilll alll obliigatioons unnder tthis AAgreemment ddue too forcce

54、majjeure, or ooccurrrence of thhe disspute relatted too thiss Agreeementt arissing ffrom tthe peerformmance of thhis Aggreemeent, bboth ppartiees shaall fiirstlyy resoolve tthe diisputee throough ffrienddly coonsulttationns.9.2 In case both partiies faail too reacch agrreemennt on the ddisputte, eiither partyy shalll be entittled tto summmit tthe diisputee to PParty As loccal coourt.Articlee 10. Agreeement Generrationn, Chaange aand Teerm


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