




1、篇一:2016維克多英語聽力強化訓(xùn)練高三分冊54-49高三英語聽力強化訓(xùn)練54(聽過)1. Why is the woman sad?A. She come along with others. B. She t do her job better. C. She get the job.2. What does the woman decide to do?A. Call her Take a Keep waiting. 3. Where will the manprobably have his seat? A. In the middle row. B. In the backrow.
2、C. In the front row.4. What is the woman probably?A. A teacher. B. A doctor. C. A coach. 6. How did thewoman get the job? A. An advertiser found her by chance.B. Her school recommended her to an agent. C. Her agentgave her recording to ad agencies. 8. What are the speakersmainlytalkingabout?A.Expens
3、eofaconcerttour.B.Acomingconcert. C. A travel experience.10. Where are the speakers?A. In a At a bus On a street. 11. What will the womando next? A. Go to a park. B. Buy a map.C. Visit an art museum.1 / 2213. What is the relationship between the speakers? A.Interviewer and interviewee. B. Club owner
4、 and customer. C.Driver and passenger.14.Whatcantheguestsdoonthebus?A.Havecolddrinks.B. Dance with others. C. Cook food.15. What are guests expected to do for parties? A. Bringtheir VIP cards. B. Get dressed smartly. C. Book clubs inadvance.17. How did the farmer feel about the volunteer firecompany
5、 at first?A. Pitiful. B. Confident. C. Doubtful.18. What do we know about the volunteer fire company? A.It has 65 workers.B. It has old fire control equipment.C. It belongs to the town fire department.19.Howdidthefarmerexpresshisthankstothevolunteerfire company?A.Hewroteathank-younote.B.Hegavethemas
6、umofmoney.C. He asked a reporter to report the company.20. Why did the fire truck go straight towards the fire?A. Its brake failed.B. The volunteers were very brave.2 / 22C. The volunteers were anxious to put out the fire.高三英語聽力強化訓(xùn)練53(聽過)1.Whatdoesthemanthinkcausesthetrafficjam?A.Trucks.B. Cars. C.
7、People. 2. What will the man do? A. Give up theproblems.B. Go through the problems himself.C. Work out the problems with the s help. 3. Wheredoes the conversation take place? A. In a supermarket. B. Ina flower shop. C. In a restaurant.4.Whatarethespeakersmainlytalkingabout?A.Anopera.B.Anactor. C.Api
8、eceofmusic.6.Whatdidthemanlosetheother day?A.HisID Hiscredit Hiscarkeys.8.Whatarethewomanmost probably?A. A host. B. A teacher. C. A farm owner. 10. What advicedoes the man give the woman about the painting course?A.Signupassoonaspossible.B.Doalotofpreparationsat first. C. Ask a teacher for personal
9、 help.11. What attracts the man most to study computing? A. Theadvanced contents. B. The bright future. C. The teacher. 13.What are the speakers mainly discussing? A. How the man doeshis present job. B. What the man did after graduation.3 / 22C. How the man chose his present profession.14. What did
10、the man plan to do when he was in college?A. Work in a company. B. Set up his own company.C. Continue to study business course.15. What was the attitude of the parents towardshis decision? A. They were satisfied. B. They were angry.C. They were open-minded.17. What is the speaker probably doing? A.
11、Giving acampaign speech.B. Introducing the rules of the college.C.Offeringadviceonimprovingthecollegeservices.18.What does the speaker want to do first? A. Organize a bookexchange.B.Controlthepriceofhotmeals.C.Foundastudentadvice center.19.Whatwillthespeakerdotoimprovethehousinginthecollege?A. Help
12、more students get housing.B.Askthecollegeauthoritiesforadvice.C.Haveaproperhousing system set up.20. Why does the speaker want to invite some speakers tothe college?A. To eich studentsdaily life.4 / 22B.Tohelpstudentsknowtheoutsideworld.C.Togetmoreexamples for students to follow.高三英語聽力強化訓(xùn)練521. Who w
13、ill smoke the cigarettes?A. The The The woman.2.Whatisthesignusedtoremindthewomantodo?A.Takeher keys. B. Lock the door. C. Close the door.3. Where is Daniela probably? A. In the classroom. B. Onher way home. C. At home.4. What does the woman think of the advertisements on TV?A. They are good for eye
14、s. B. They are necessary. C. Theyare disturbing.6. What is wrong with the car? A. It getstarted very well. B. It often breaks down. C. It often getsdamp.8. Whom is the party for?A. Adam. B. Cliff. C. Diana. 10. What is the probablerelationship between the speakers?A. Reporter and writer. B. Instruct
15、or and runner. C.Passenger and conductor.11. How many years has the woman been cycling? A. For 5.B. For 17. C. For 22. 13. How does the woman get to know body5 / 22language in different countries? A. From a meeting.B. From a Japanese woman.C. From traveling around for work.14. How did the man react
16、when the Japanese woman bowed?A.Heshookherhand.B.Hesmiledather.C.Hebowedback.15. How might the Japanese woman feel about the mansbehavior?A.Interested. B.Respectable. C.Angry.17.Whatisthespeaker mainly talking about? A. A friend. B. A book. C. Aprogramme.18. What made Susan think that money was impo
17、rtant?A. Her father buy her clothes.B. Her father was always worried about money.C.Herfatherwentintohisburninghousetosavehismoney.19. What did Susan do when she grew up? A. An advisor.B. A A professional writer.20. What does Susan try to help people with in her book?A. Achieving happiness. B. Earnin
18、g more money. C. Gettingfreedom.篇二:2015維克多聽力高三分冊(44-39篇)印制板2015年維克多聽力(44)1. When will the man meet Dr Jones?6 / 22A. At 11:00 B. At 3:00 C. At 3:30 2. What does thewoman need?A. Toothpaste. B. Bread. C. Tomatoes. 3. How does theman go to work?A.By By Onfoot.4.Whereisthewomangoingonbusiness?A.ToAustr
19、alia.B.ToSwitzerland.C.ToAmerica.6.Wheredoes the conversation probably take place? A. In a In a Atastore.8.Whatdoesthewomansayabouttheclinic?A.Itcanofferherconvenience.B. It runquitewell.C.Itisshort of doctors.10. How does the man think the timetable should be?A. Creative. B. Standard. C. Tight.11.
20、What do the students go in for last before lunch? A.Thelongdistancerace.B.Thethrowingevents.C.Thejumpingevents.13. What is the man?A. A player. B. A student. C. A reporter. 14. What is thewomandoing?A.Waitingforatennisstar.B.Watchingatennismatch.C. Queuing up for a tennis match.15. Where does the wo
21、man come from?A. London. B. Berlin. C. Wimbledon. 17. Which part of the7 / 22little body got hurt? A. Her head. B. Her leg. C. Herarm. 18. How did the accident happen?A. The little girl fell down while walking.B. Two teenage boys hurt the little girl by mistake. 14.Whatwillthetemperaturebetonight?C.
22、Anironbarthrownfroman old factory hit the little A. girl.15. When does the conversation take place? 19. How manybank robberies occurred from A. Before the winter vacation.January to June this year?B. During the winter vacation. A.C. After the winter vacation.20. How did the police director feel abou
23、t arresting therobbers?A. Confident. B. Worried. C. Hopeless. (43)1. Where is the exhibition? A. Near the house.B. In a park. 17. Why Tony think many children willC. In a e for the whole summer?2.Whoisthewomanmostprobablytalkingto?A.Thecourseis much too expensive.A. Her boss. B. An accountant. C. A
24、policeman. B. Theywill be bored with the same activities.8 / 223.Whydidthemangethomesolate?C.Theirparentswillwant to stay with them for A. There was a train strike. sometime.B. The bus had an accident. 18. What should one do firstto take the course? C. The motorway was closed.A. Pay for the course.4
25、. What are the speakers mainly talking about? B. Visitthewebsite.A.Theirchildren.B.Theirjobs.C.TheirTV sets. C. Send an application from.19. What does Tony remind parents to do?A. Inform him of their special needs. B. Paythefullamountofmoneyimmediately.C.Choosetheactivitiesinadvance.20.Whatdoes Tony
26、sayaboutcourse?6.Where doesthe conversation take place?A.Itisaimedatteenagers.A.Inashop. B.Inagrocers. C. In a restaurant. B. It lasts for a full week.C. It consists of different activities. 2015年維克多聽力(42)1. What did the man do to the old windows? A. He had themreplaced.8.WhatisscheduledtohappenonTh
27、ursday?B.Hehadthem repaired. A. Agree on a design. C. He had them cleaned.B. Start a new project. 2. What are the speakers going to9 / 22do?C. Finish the reports.A. Play tennis. B. See a film. C. Go to a c 3. Whatdoes the man want to borrow from the woman?10.Whatdoesthemanwanttodo?A.Aknife. B.Afryin
28、gpan. C. A serving dish. A. Put off his trip. 4. What are thespeakers discussing?B. Change a ticket.A. A A A man. C. Ask about the ticket to London.11.HowlongdoesittakethemantogettoAmsterdamfromLiverpool?6. How does the woman feel about the job hunting? A. TwoThree Four hours. A. Interested. B. Plea
29、sed. C.Disappointed. 8. What relation is the woman to Andrew? A. Hismother. B.Hiswife. C.Hisboss.13.Whatistheweatherliketoday? A. Snowy and windy. B. Windy and cloudy. C. Rainy andcloudy.110. How did the man get the news? A. From the newspaper.B. From the woman. C. From the police.11. What part of t
30、he body got hurt?A. His leg. B. His mouth. C. His arm. 13. What is the10 / 22relationship between the speakers? A. Neighbours. B.Colleagues.C. Husband and wife.14.Whatdidthemandothisafternoon?A.Hedidhiswork.B. He took some exercise. C. He replaced his computer.15.Whatdoesthewomanwantthemantodo?A.Stu
31、dyhistorywithher.B.Helpherwiththepaper.C.Stopplayingthepiano.17. What is the speaker talking about? A. A trainingopportunity. B. A firefighter centre.C. The Association of Firefighters.18. How many students can take the course? A. 100. 19.What kind of students are wanted? A. Hardworking and healthy.
32、B. Tall and strong.C. Brave and confident.20. What should students do to apply for the course? A.Meet Elaine Willoughby next week. B. Visit the Central FireStation. C. Call Elaine Willoughby. 2015年維克多聽力(41)1. What did the man do for his mother? A. He got a bookfor her.B.Hehelpedherdothegardening.C.H
33、ewenttoshopwithher.2. Why the man do well in the exam? A. He 11 / 22tunderstandthe questions. B.Hedidntwork hard. C.He wastoo tired.3.Whatarethespeakersmainlytalkingabout?A.WhatNickHornby will do. B. What How to Be Good is about.C.WhatbookstheCityNightsBookstorehas.4.Whatseasonis it now?A. Spring. B
34、. Summer. C. Autumn.6. What was the man probably doing when the woman called?A. Watching a game. B. Doing some cleaning. C. Repairinga car.8. How long does the lunch break last? A. Half anhour. B. One hour.C. One hour and a half.10. What are the speakers talking about? A. A new studyofeyes.B.Anartic
35、leinamagazine.C.Thebestfriend.11. Why does the man ask the woman about her best s face?A. To know something about her best friend. B. To getinformation for an article. C. To check the truth of study.13.Whatistheprobablyrelationshipbetweenthespeakers?A. Employer and employee. B. Wife and husband. C.
36、Motherand son.12 / 2214. What does the woman advise the man to do? A. Make outa budget. B. Buy a cheaper guitar. C. Find another job.15. What is the problem? A. He join a band.B. He make ends meet.C. He cant find a satisfactory job.17. When is Wildlife on Three usually on?A. At 7: At 6: At 6:00. C.
37、He likes English best.18. What is the program India Live about?A. Lakes and rivers. 19. What is the failure of theproject on Macquarie Island?A. No good food was provided for the important 13. Wheredoes the man probably work? rabbits.A. At a university. B. Too much sea water was allowed toflood in.
38、B. At a house agency. C. The natural balance wasdestroyed. C. At a store.20. Why were the defences built? 14. What is the s requirement for flat? A. To hold back the water.A. It should be close to the university.B. To create an area of wetland. B. It should be in therange of very low prices.C. To pr
39、otect the wildlife. C. It should have a kitchencombined with a dining 2015年維克多聽力(40)13 / 22room.1.WhatdoesthemanthinkofMaria?15.Whatcanwelearnabout the first flat on the list? A. She clever. A. Is on a quiet street.B. She friendly.B. Its a mile from the university.C. She knowledgeable.C.Itspriceisov
40、erthewomansbudget.2.Howmuchweighthas the man lost since January?A. 6 7 9 kilos. 3. What does the man mean in the end?A. A guitar is a good present. 17. What is the temperature inLondon now? B. He will buy a bike for George.A.23.B.20C.19.C.Georgewillreceivesomevideosas presents. 18. What is the weath
41、er like in Greece? 4. Whatare the speakers mainly talking about?A. Cloudy. B. Rainy. C. Sunny.A. A dress. B. A friend. C. A graduation ceremony. 19.Which country has the highest temperature today? A. Germany.B. Spain. C. France. 20. When is this forecast probablyreported?A.Inthemorning.B.Intheaftern
42、oon.6.Wheredoesthe conversation probably take place? C. In the evening.A. At a ticket office. 2015年維克多聽力(39)14 / 22B.Atatravelagency.1.Wheredoestheconversationtakeplace most C. At a waiting room. probably? A. On a place. B.At a theatre. C. In a restaurant.2. How will the man manage to get up on time
43、? 8. Why dotheleadersdecidetoclosetheclub?A.Bygoingtobedearlier.A.Theythinkitistooold.B.Bybuyinganewalarmclock.B. They want to make money. C. By putting the alarm clockout of his reach. C. They think it is useless.3. What do we know about the woman? A. She got caught ina rain.B. She took a shower th
44、is morning. C. She had a bad cold.4. What does the woman say about Mike? 10. What are thespeakers talking about? A. He is in a bad mood.A.Whatsubjectstochoose.B.Hehasastrangepersonality.B. How to get highest grades. C. He used to get angry atlittle things.C. What to do after graduation.11.Whatcanwel
45、earnabouttheman?A.HedoesprettywellinMusic.6.Whatcanwelearnabouttheman?B.Hewillgraduatethis term.A. He is tired from work. 2B.HethinksAmyueasonable.C.Heisannoyedaboutafight.15 / 228. What did the woman do after the party last night? A.She worked on her homework. B. She went home to sleep. C. Shestudi
46、ed history.10. Where does the man have to go first? A. To the postoffice.B. To his house. C. To the swimming pool.11.What doesthewomanaskthemantodo at1:00? A.PickFiona up. B. Wash her car. C. Return her books.13. Why the woman want to buy fish? A. It t fresh.B. Mary like it. C. She eats too much fis
47、h.14.WhatdoesthemansuggestbuyingforMary?A. Grains.15. What does the woman think of the present forMary?A. Its beautiful. B. too expensive. C. It t to Marys taste. 17. Who is Eique Iglesias?A.Afilmstar. B.Amusicstar. C.Afootballstar.18.What will the speaker ask Natalie Portman about?A. The experience
48、s I different countries. B. Therelationship with her father. C. The life in her childhood.19. What do we know about Ahn Jung Hwan? A. He has beendevotedtohiscountry.B.Hehasplayedinseveralcountries.16 / 22C. He has travelled around the world. 20. Who came to the showlast year? A. Eique Iglesias. B. N
49、atalie Portman. C. Ahn JungHwan.篇三:2013版新目標英語七下維克多英語聽力Unit 1 Can youplay the guitarUnit 1 Can you play the guitar?第 一 節(jié)基 礎(chǔ) 訓(xùn) 練5minutes 一、聽錄音,寫出你所聽到的單詞或短語。每個單詞或短語讀兩遍。1_2_34_56_78_910 _二、聽句子,把所缺單詞寫在橫線上。每個句子讀兩遍。17 / 221Can you _ English?2I can _ my name in 3My father _ music at 4Lisa wants to see the TV 5He tells a _ to his son son every 6Can you _ _ your English teacher?7My mother often _ me _ my 8Jillisquiet,andshe_old people9Do you want to go swimming _ _?10Shelikesto_andplaygameswiththem三、聽下面一段對話,填空。對話讀兩遍。W:What club do you want to M:I want to join the art W:Can you 2_?M:Yes,
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