蘇教版語文四年級下冊閱讀題(一)“生命橋”(片段)(7%) 頓時 山澗上空劃出了一道道令人眼花繚亂的弧線 那弧線是一座以老羚羊的死亡作橋墩的生命橋 那情景是何等的神圣 1、 給上面一段文字加上合適的標點。(2%) 2、文中把 比作 ,是因為 (3%) (二)我想有個“高級媽媽”(13%) ?“世上只有媽媽好”。是媽媽都好,可是我認為“好”的水平有區(qū)別。一類是初級媽媽,把我們生下來,就交給姥姥、奶奶撫養(yǎng),完事。一類是中級媽媽,管我們吃穿住行,又督促學習。還有一類是高級媽媽,不僅關(guān)心我們眼前的健康成長,還能有計劃、有目標地幫助我們樹立和實現(xiàn)遠大理想。 ?什么樣的媽媽是高級媽媽呢, ?像居里夫人那樣的媽媽。我不是說居里夫人獲得了兩次諾貝爾獎,當兒女的可以借光。我是說居里夫人總把孩子的身心鍛煉放在第一位。 ?居里夫人工作很忙。可在百忙中,她耐心地、手把手地教女兒學園藝,學烹調(diào),學縫紉,學干家務(wù)活。她不但培養(yǎng)女兒獨立生活的能力,還抽時間帶領(lǐng)女兒騎車去野外,騎馬去山中探險,讓孩子了解大自然,陶冶情操。 ?居里夫人擁有0.1克鐳價值一百萬法郎,再加上兩次獲得的諾貝爾獎金,夠兩個女兒一輩子享受??删永锓蛉税堰@些全部贈給了實驗室。居里夫人說:“優(yōu)裕的生活,奢侈的惡習,會耽誤你們的前程?!??正因為居里夫人是位高級媽媽,所以她的兩個女兒能成為有出息的孩子。大女兒伊瑞娜獲得了諾貝爾獎,小女兒艾芙成了音樂家、傳記作家。 ?我想有一個居里夫人那樣的高級媽媽,不是要求我們的媽媽都成為大科學家,而是說要在教育孩子的方法上講究點“科學”。我想有個居里夫人那樣的高級媽媽,不是嫌我們的媽媽差,而是希望我們的媽媽能更好,更了解孩子的需求。 ?親愛的媽媽,知道了我的想法,您該不會生氣吧 1、 把可以搭配的詞語用線連起來。(4%) 樹立 情操 健康的 惡習 培養(yǎng) 需求 耐心地 成長 陶冶 能力 獨立地 教導 了解 理想 奢侈的 生活 2、給短文分段,用 標在下面的序號后。(3%) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 3、居里夫人稱得上是“高級媽媽”是因為 (3%) 4、讀了這篇小短文,我想對媽媽說 to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We would for other packages to meet engineering and construction must be used to provide convenient, and are subject to the supervisors decision. 13.6 proposed main construction equipment to be put into this contract work table device name, model number and specifications of main construction equipment manufacturer name year of purchase has been using classes maintenance situation now where to enter time mixing machine 0.5 1 China 2010 158 good HZS60 2 2009 300 company 2012.10 mixer 2012.10 ZL30 2 2011 800 loader in good company good lease 2012.10 loader ZL50 2 2011 270 2012.10 concrete mixer truck in good company good 10m3 6 2009 1200 rental 2012.10 2007 2000 good company, China Steel bending machine GW6-40 4 GQ40 4 2012.10 steel bar cutting machine 2010 1800 good corporate 2012.10 steel bar straightening machine GTJ14 4 2010 200 good corporate 2012.10 AC electric welding machine BX-400 4 2006 200 good corporate 2012.10 gas welding equipment-2011 1000 good corporate 答案 六、(一)1、 , , 。 2、弧線 生命橋 老羚羊用自己的身體做橋墩,把死的希望留給自己,把生的希望留給年輕羚羊,為年輕羚羊架起了一座生命橋。(大概意思答對即可) (二)1、 樹立 情操 健康的 惡習 培養(yǎng) 需求 耐心地 成長 陶冶 能力 獨立地 教導 了解 理想 奢侈的 生活 2、? 3、她不但培養(yǎng)孩子獨立生活的能力,而且有計劃、有目標地幫助孩子樹立和實現(xiàn)遠大理想。(大概意思答對即可) 4、略 to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We would for other packages to meet engineering and construction must be used to provide convenient, and are subject to the supervisors decision. 13.6 proposed main construction equipment to be put into this contract work table device name, model number and specifications of main construction equipment manufacturer name year of purchase has been using classes maintenance situation now where to enter time mixing machine 0.5 1 China 2010 158 good HZS60 2 2009 300 company 2012.10 mixer 2012.10 ZL30 2 2011 800 loader in good company good lease 2012.10 loader ZL50 2 2011 270 2012.10 concrete mixer truck in good company good 10m3 6 2009 1200 rental 2012.10 2007 2000 good company, China Steel bending machine GW6-40 4 GQ40 4 2012.10 steel bar cutting machine 2010 1800 good corporate 2012.10 steel bar straightening machine GTJ14 4 2010 200 good corporate 2012.10 AC electric welding machine BX-400 4 2006 200 good corporate 2012.10 gas welding equipment-2011 1000 good corporate (三)天鵝的故事(節(jié)選) 這時,別的天鵝似(s sh)乎被這一舉動驚住了。它們呆呆地站在那里,瞧著這位“破冰勇士”。只聽得“嚓嚓”,冰層裂開了一條小縫(fng fng,接著又裂開了一條冰面終于塌陷了,出現(xiàn)了一個小的冰窟窿。這位頑強的“破冰勇士”沿著冰窟(k ku)窿的邊緣(yn yun)繼續(xù)撲打著,水面在慢慢地擴大。有幾只天鵝來幫忙了,很快整群天鵝,大約百十來只,都投入了破冰工作。它們干得那樣齊心,那樣歡快水面在迅速地擴大著。湖面上不時傳來陣陣“克??肆肆ā钡慕新暎拖衲羌尤诵牡膭趧犹栕?“兄弟們哪,加油齊心干哪,加油” 1(用“ ”畫出括號里正確的讀音。(2分) 2(“破冰勇士”指的是 ,說它是“破冰勇士”的原因是 。(2分) 3(天鵝群“克??肆肆ā钡慕新暎路鹗撬鼈凖R心破冰的 。(1分) 4. 看到天鵝群齊心破冰的場面,我們會想起“ ”等名句。(2分) (四)清潔工 入冬以來,我每天早晨都要去湖濱跑步,途中總要經(jīng)過一幢新建的居民樓。每到這里,我便會看到一位清潔女工在認真地清掃道路。 這是一位老人,腳穿一雙褪色的黑布鞋,身穿一件不太合身的工作服,頭上圍著一塊黑色方巾。從她那露出的白發(fā)和前額上的皺紋來看,和奶奶差不多,準有六十多歲了。她天天揮動著掃把,一步一步地往前掃著,拂去塵土,小路露出了原先潔凈的面龐。記得一個大風的早晨,她無法用掃把,只好彎著腰,把碎紙、爛葉一一撿起,放進手提的小箱子里。又一個雪后的早晨,當我跑到馬路盡頭時,突然發(fā)現(xiàn)老人蹲在那里用雙手摳下水道口的污泥和雜物。她用汗水洗刷積聚的污垢,給人們送來了清新和幸福。我敬佩她,同時也可憐她:這么大年紀了,還沒退休,想必是家中十分困難吧?;蛟S是位無依無靠的孤獨老人,不得不靠自己勞動來養(yǎng)活自己吧? 元旦的早晨,爸爸買來一束鮮花和禮品,帶我去看望他早就退休的中學老師。我們來到一大樓前,這是幢熟悉的大樓。敲開門,一位中年婦女把我們請進陳設(shè)整潔的客廳。“媽媽,有人找您來了?!彪S著中年婦女的話聲,一位神采奕奕的老人從里屋走出來。爸爸喊了聲:“老師,您好?!蔽掖糇×?她竟是那位“老清潔工”!我完全明白了,馬上拿過爸爸手中的鮮花,雙手捧到她的面前 1(給下面帶點的字填上正確的答案。(2分) “熟悉”按音序查第一個字母是( );按部首查( ),再查( )畫;(應取下面第( )種解釋。(?成熟;?程度深;?習慣,常見) 2(讀短文,聯(lián)系上下文理解下面的詞語。(2分) (1)積聚: (2)神采奕奕: 3(用“:”畫出描寫老清潔工外貌的句子。(2分) 4(用“ ”畫出描寫“我”內(nèi)心的句子。(2分) to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We would for other packages to meet engineering and construction must be used to provide convenient, and are subject to the supervisors decision. 13.6 proposed main construction equipment to be put into this contract work table device name, model number and specifications of main construction equipment manufacturer name year of purchase has been using classes maintenance situation now where to enter time mixing machine 0.5 1 China 2010 158 good HZS60 2 2009 300 company 2012.10 mixer 2012.10 ZL30 2 2011 800 loader in good company good lease 2012.10 loader ZL50 2 2011 270 2012.10 concrete mixer truck in good company good 10m3 6 2009 1200 rental 2012.10 2007 2000 good company, China Steel bending machine GW6-40 4 GQ40 4 2012.10 steel bar cutting machine 2010 1800 good corporate 2012.10 steel bar straightening machine GTJ14 4 2010 200 good corporate 2012.10 AC electric welding machine BX-400 4 2006 200 good corporate 2012.10 gas welding equipment-2011 1000 good corporate (三)天鵝的故事 1(ku yun 2(“破冰勇士”指的是老天鵝。因為它不怕疼痛,不怕犧牲,用自己的身體和生命不斷地撲打冰面。3.動員聲或吶喊聲。 4. 人心齊,泰山移?;蚱渌渥?。 四)清潔工 1( (S ) ( ), ( 11 )畫;第( ? )種解釋。 2(1)積聚: 積累 (2)神采奕奕:精神飽滿的樣子 3、這是一位老人,腳穿一雙褪色的黑布鞋,身穿一件不太合身的工作服,頭上圍著一塊黑色方巾。 4、我敬佩她,同時也可憐她:這么大年紀了,還沒退休,想必是家中十分困難吧?;蛟S是位無依無靠的孤獨老人,不得不靠自己勞動來養(yǎng)活自己吧? to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We would for other packages to meet engineering and construction must be used to provide convenient, and are subject to the supervisors decision. 13.6 proposed main construction equipment to be put into this contract work table device name, model number and specifications of main construction equipment manufacturer name year of purchase has been using classes maintenance situation now where to enter time mixing machine 0.5 1 China 2010 158 good HZS60 2 2009 300 company 2012.10 mixer 2012.10 ZL30 2 2011 800 loader in good company good lease 2012.10 loader ZL50 2 2011 270 2012.10 concrete mixer truck in good company good 10m3 6 2009 1200 rental 2012.10 2007 2000 good company, China Steel bending machine GW6-40 4 GQ40 4 2012.10 steel bar cutting machine 2010 1800 good corporate 2012.10 steel bar straightening machine GTJ14 4 2010 200 good corporate 2012.10 AC electric welding machine BX-400 4 2006 200 good corporate 2012.10 gas welding equipment-2011 1000 good corporate (五) 劉備三顧茅廬之前,曹操曾三請諸葛亮。這件事鮮為人知。 曹操在許州打新野時吃了敗仗,非常惱火,揮劍要殺曹洪。這時,謀士程煜出來說情:“吃敗仗不怪曹將軍,只恨劉備有個能掐會算的徐庶當軍師。要是丞相信得過,我愿推薦一個能人,處處比徐庶都高一招。這人就是水鏡先生的高徒、我的師兄諸葛亮。現(xiàn)在臥龍岡隱居。” 曹操早聽說過諸葛亮是個能人,就決定請諸葛亮當謀士。第二天,他領(lǐng)著程煜、曹洪等人馬,帶上金銀財寶上了路。他們趕到臥龍岡已是中午,人困馬乏,就到路邊茶館里歇腳。曹操先后吩咐曹洪與程煜去請諸葛亮到茶館來敘談,諸葛亮都沒理他們。于是曹操便親自出馬。 曹操一行來到茅庵門前,只見柴門大開,諸葛亮正在草堂讀書。曹操進了屋,諸葛亮一沒起身讓座,二沒磕頭下拜。曹操強裝笑臉,問:“你可是大名鼎鼎的諸葛亮先生?”諸葛亮頭也不抬,隨口應道:“不敢不敢我是個山野村夫。聽說丞相遠道而來,專門在此等候?!闭f罷,把書本一合,斜著眼睛望著曹操。曹操仔細把諸葛亮打量了一番,果真氣度不凡就趕緊叫人抬上禮品,說:“先生足智多謀,專程登門請你出山,為我統(tǒng)一天下賣力。” 諸葛亮一聽,哈哈大笑,說:“丞相花大本錢請普通山民,不怕失了面子嗎,”說罷,仰天大笑。曹操本來就謹慎多疑。以為諸葛亮取笑自己,后悔不該親自來請他。曹操本想發(fā)火出氣,又怕傳出去,壞了禮賢下士的名聲,支吾著說:“那就不必勉強了!”說罷,灰溜溜地走了。 這件事傳到民間,變成了一句歇后語:“曹操請孔明沒誠心?!?1(給短文取個恰當?shù)念}目,寫在橫線上。(2分) _ 2(文中將諸葛亮的笑寫得非常傳神,我也能寫一寫不同人的笑。(3分) 明明說話不動腦筋,他剛說完:“牛奶會產(chǎn)奶牛?!鳖D時,全班同學哄堂大笑, 有的_,有的_,有的_ 3、用“”畫出諸葛亮很“傲慢”的句子。他如此“傲慢”是為了_ _(1分) 4(歇后語中的孔明就是_,文中的他是一個_的人。(2分) 5(曹操三清諸葛亮:第一次由_去請,第二次由_去請,第三次由_去請。最終無功而返的主要原因是_。(4分)( 一 )六沙漠中的綠洲片段(16分) 阿拉伯朋友告訴我們,這里的每一株小樹,每一棵小草,都是國家花很大的代價培植的??梢院敛豢鋸埖卣f,在這里,培育一棵樹的費用(抵 底)得上培養(yǎng)一個孩子。原先這里是沙漠,地面全是白花花的鹽堿,好象罩著一層硬硬的殼。這里,土是咸的,水也是咸的,簡直是不毛之地惡( )劣的自然環(huán)境并沒有難(nn nn)倒阿聯(lián)酋人民。他們從國外買來泥土,買來淡水,買來樹苗和花草。他們又把咸而板結(jié)的沙石挖去,(填 添)上適宜種植樹木的泥土,to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We would for other packages to meet engineering and construction must be used to provide convenient, and are subject to the supervisors decision. 13.6 proposed main construction equipment to be put into this contract work table device name, model number and specifications of main construction equipment manufacturer name year of purchase has been using classes maintenance situation now where to enter time mixing machine 0.5 1 China 2010 158 good HZS60 2 2009 300 company 2012.10 mixer 2012.10 ZL30 2 2011 800 loader in good company good lease 2012.10 loader ZL50 2 2011 270 2012.10 concrete mixer truck in good company good 10m3 6 2009 1200 rental 2012.10 2007 2000 good company, China Steel bending machine GW6-40 4 GQ40 4 2012.10 steel bar cutting machine 2010 1800 good corporate 2012.10 steel bar straightening machine GTJ14 4 2010 200 good corporate 2012.10 AC electric welding machine BX-400 4 2006 200 good corporate 2012.10 gas welding equipment-2011 1000 good corporate 并在土中埋下自來水管。由總水塔輸出的淡水,通過縱橫交錯的自來水管,源源不斷地送到花草樹木的根部?!叭祟愑辛司G樹、鮮花和小草,生活才更加美麗?!?阿拉伯朋友這樣說。 1、在括號中把不正確的音節(jié)或漢字劃去。(4分) 2、先看看這兩個詞語有什么特點,再照樣子寫兩個詞語。(2分) 源源不斷 悶悶不樂 3、從文中找出下列詞語的近義詞,并寫下來。(4分) 培育 ( ) 奔流不息( ) 適合 ( ) 寸草不生( ) 4、這段話是圍繞著哪句話寫的,請用“?”在文中劃出。(3分) 5、請你寫一句廣告語號召人們自覺保護環(huán)境。(3分) ( 七)【19=3+3+2+2+4+2+3分】 彎彎的小路 驕陽似火。近中午了,可趕集的人還似一股股流水,從四面八方匯集到這彎彎的小路上,形成一條奔流的人河。在人流中,一個小姑娘正推著滿滿一車杏子搖搖晃晃地走著。路窄,人擠。突然,“唿啦”一聲,黃澄澄、水靈靈的甜杏兒在地上滾動起來。 呀無數(shù)只腳就要踩到杏子,怎么辦,這時,一個洪鐘似的喊聲壓倒吵嚷聲:“大家別動” 人群立刻靜下來,接著,一個拄拐棍的老人彎腰去撿杏子,一個抱孩子的婦女彎腰去撿,一個紅領(lǐng)巾彎腰去撿,一個小伙子彎下腰 “完了”姑娘心頭一顫,五年前的情景一幕幕浮現(xiàn)在腦海里:一條彎彎曲曲的小路,一個小姑娘挑一擔蘋果在路上走著。擁擠的人流碰翻了筐子,蜂擁而上的人爭搶著果子。吃果子的人嬉笑著散開,姑娘掩面哭泣。這姑娘,正是她自己。 “閨女,別著急。”老人把撿到的杏子放進車里,打斷了姑娘的追憶。 “姑姑,給你。”婦女懷中的孩兒用小手捧著杏兒喊。 紅領(lǐng)巾踮著腳,努力把捧杏的手伸過來 姑娘不敢相信自己,她擦去淚花,睜大眼睛:不錯,都撿回來了,滿滿的一車杏子。 這時,一股清涼的風兒輕輕飄來,姑娘緊鎖的眉頭舒展開了,臉上泛起了紅暈,似一朵綻放的紅彤彤的花,可淚花又蒙住了她的眼 噢,是風兒吹到這彎彎的小路上,吹走了千萬人心頭的炎熱,吹開了姑娘臉to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We would for other packages to meet engineering and construction must be used to provide convenient, and are subject to the supervisors decision. 13.6 proposed main construction equipment to be put into this contract work table device name, model number and specifications of main construction equipment manufacturer name year of purchase has been using classes maintenance situation now where to enter time mixing machine 0.5 1 China 2010 158 good HZS60 2 2009 300 company 2012.10 mixer 2012.10 ZL30 2 2011 800 loader in good company good lease 2012.10 loader ZL50 2 2011 270 2012.10 concrete mixer truck in good company good 10m3 6 2009 1200 rental 2012.10 2007 2000 good company, China Steel bending machine GW6-40 4 GQ40 4 2012.10 steel bar cutting machine 2010 1800 good corporate 2012.10 steel bar straightening machine GTJ14 4 2010 200 good corporate 2012.10 AC electric welding machine BX-400 4 2006 200 good corporate 2012.10 gas welding equipment-2011 1000 good corporate 上的花 1、從文中找出下面詞語的近義詞:頓時( )出現(xiàn)( )回憶( ) 2、從文中找出下面詞語的反義詞:寒冷( ) 舒展 ( )穩(wěn)穩(wěn)當當( ) 3、 用“ ”畫出文中打比方的句子。 4、用“ ”畫出對姑娘外貌進行描寫的句子。 5、文章中兩次寫到姑娘的淚水。第一次姑娘“掩面哭泣”是因為 ;第二次“淚花又蒙住了她的眼”是因為 6
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