1、高考英語模擬卷一201高考模擬題(一)一、單項填空(共5小題,每小題1分,滿分1分) 1. how is ebola _? makn irect cotat wit ola patientoily flid. volve seadc. orcstd eceeded 2. ena wllmake aood wif foryoursn. she s _forhi as c e on ite la. a. a prfct a atc b a erfectmatch s c. feta match d.a matchso perfect 3. livi ogeher dnt haror friends
2、i. _, istrngthenedi. a. i pssile bif eve c.f athig d. i ecessay. thereare few en acers in primary hools. s repoed ha te_o women in he rossionhsrsen to 9% inordistict.a. prediction popoton c. pssesio d peparaion5. wondr _ tatvor was mae a modeleployee? oh,i ws hi foand ommitment to d eve ewa ed a. wh
3、at was tb.ha twas c wh wai d. why i was6 gig _ sice apr 22hen herbroter got mrrie. a. has missd .had ben missn c. hadmsed d.hasben missing7. is his your rst flight? ye, i is o smootan eoyabe vefo smeoe lik me, who is _ scaed offlying.a alo b usc. othre d. erhles8. ata ime whn ttain as_trying prsuade
4、 im to tayf mre hamonship ttes,mes didna. ompletey b. dspertely c.hopefuly d. thankuly9 fled ith oub,i turned o ne f my englishfrnd or a answer, ut_myelf mre zzld.a. fii b.aving fun c. to have foun d.t i1. yo em inahurry.shall i lend ou ahad? oldnt betr! argeamoutof work_. a. remintobe doneb. rman t
5、 be dnec. emain ond. remains doe11. the idings suggest that stressy _ a double ffect rember ring experence tteraeasily recalinnegatie onsequen a. bigou brgin. ring up d. brig n12. nucr _ bereay dgerou t m even houghits a nce nergy in general.a.shall b sho c.c d. mu13. hwas yu rieds weding ceremony?_
6、tama peple in te negohood were attraced.a. such fanasic wit b.suhfantatic was tc. o fantastic was i.so fantastiit was14.s a stdent f snir thee, i aevr litlfreime _i nspnd eveopig my own itret.a.wen b. that c. at whch . ch15 if r tem gethe istplae, we wlget a bonus. wih tt bous,i wilgo fora riith my
7、gir-frien _.a.don ount our chicken utilhe are hachedb. acea conscieclugh a ale ausatios.c. an old not lan ew sklld.never judge book y its cove二、完形填空 (共2小題;每小題1分,滿分0分)mny pple assoiate crying wihwakness. ifa prsnailybres dow, it gis the 1 hat th person i ofta can eaily be verpoere.btmanydo ntkow hat
8、tears av a urose. ithas 17 afte eet ona prsntat g ofortandtength to 18 anyneaivefelin rdepessn.ole cryfor reo. you may crybeca yoaro happy or to sad o very angry. letingyour tars flw freey give o a ens of 19 to be te tyour eelngsand to yorsel. t is a surrender t you motons that 20 ou hty ruananyu re
9、ntledoyoemoions, 21 they re pleasant or not.just ik wateha ahes f fth, tears 22 wahof thegatehugts felg. thatis why when you arei pain oisorro, do nt 23 dle y tars rll dwn naurally. after awhileyou will feel hat yousmehw fee aitbetter. your ears ecoma form f 2 when pomsbecomet uch r s t bear my pini
10、o, peole w e notfrid o cry 25 arestrongr than thosewhoolbackthe tear rat. if reaon for crng s 26 ndyour emotios areery strong, you aeoeaon to e hmeteasa make you 27 ina way.he fd ith a proble, ole wh hold back their ta tendo ontantly woy and stess aou e role and iltoeet 8 righ away. this makes hemmr
11、eprone to weaes and to me mitak.hsepeol ay 29 stng because hey hide hatheytrlyfe. bu the trhs, all t pretenion makem a eaker peron.on the othe han, people wo pnl 30 hemeves to cry, whethr inpubic o in private g to relae thei 1 emtons muh soo tha hse who r ashmedtodo s. ate cyin, these peope fel mr c
12、m an canthn g totik straigh. 2 theegaive thoughs demoios havbee duce, hey can seetn 3 d ca easily thinko wyto sve th problem.as te sayng , “hetrutshallet o ree.” tars sw others yurtrue emotins. do not b fraid t expresswhat you tuy feel. 34 is ltingyournaral rectons out wtouta far or embarasmn yo eim
13、ly bin true o yr heart and to yoursef.yourte strenthis sngur ars esily 35 your momentof uffeing. o tht isthe pwer o trs. . . inspation b.mpressio c. itetio idenifition17. a. arefub. thughtfuc. thnfuld. powerfu18. a. efeb. spla c. overcme d. overlook19 a. fredob. drctioc satsftiond repnsiility0. . ra
14、ctb. estorec.remid. efom1. a. howeeb. ehe. wateved. hicheve22. a oy b. evenualc mediatelyd. oefl2.a. hold outb. hold o. hol up. hld bac2 a. elase. wenessc burded. emoin2. in secrt n ain.inpublcd. in nd6. a.neative b. validc. harfld urent27.weaerb. sronrcsaded hape28. a. asonbseveityc. solutiond. rut
15、29. a. peritbrmi.acknowledged. appear30. lob forbid c. xec. xpres3.tre fasecpotie .ngati a. wilebthogc. sinced. untl33. a. atrab. arder c.wrnd.leare34. a. erity b hosty. creaivtyd.repnsibiiy35. agetover b. omeoer. ke oved. lookover三、閱讀理解 (共15小題,每題2分,滿分3分) aangreement betn chinseadbrishopyrih ageie w
16、s signed i eijg o tusay, hi plces chinese writenwoks unde he umrella agast copyright ilto in iain.as telatest ep othen-k cooeration on oprihtreglation and operation, heagreemt was signed betwee th uoyright lceigageny nd the chia riten rks copyrght soiet t the 6th ukchia nteletualrery salon o tuesday
17、 evnng. thegemen il forhe fist ime plce nese witten wrks n thebriish market, incudingooks, riclesin nepapers and agazines ad acadm ppes,undteprotction of the ca,a nnprofi oranization wich has auorizmore tn 39,000 organiations and pulicatios tocop ane oyright works whil btiig fairrewards for igtds. f
18、om ow on, any op or us sicalor digia fms of hinse ritewoks in the k willeunder he ispcion ofla, which will arge fee tuse an foward tem thehine athorsand pubishers.ya xiohong,epucief of the chnese ntioalcopyrightaminisaon, saidth grementmaks a milesone in oyrigtpotction fo chinese works in oversas ar
19、kets.“ wl ncouragmore chinese wriers and pubishes o prodce mre ghqaiy copyrig oks apealito feigners, and uane their economic benefts,” an id “also, i wll serv as a gid oe areens of its kindto besigndicoyrigt clletiemanagem agence n othrntris and egins of th ld. enly,hi kindo copratio wl neae chiesec
20、ulral expot.” thec i te oy valiorganzto appoed by heatiacopyhtadmistration t coectielynge and oerat copyigh in chin. kev izgerald,che exeutve o h cla, is onidnt theritsagenwillprovie a afe fair eirnment for the nfuence of chine wrienworks o ow inuk. “its signiicat ore hinee pbishing indusrys global
21、devepmet. e areapy o be parofte emrk, wich ill proectcopyrigh hoders eonomc beeits fom bein hame irc vioain,” fizgeraldsaid.rchard olet, char f te u publihers asociation nd he uk alacor inlctua rperty, ad ukinse fo inelectual propety brons luyevile-lfeals aeded t sging cermon. 6. whic ofth ollowin s
22、 true ccding to thee?a it is herttime htchinee wttenwrks av beelanced in briain. thr have bn sixinteltl ropety sloonbten kn hnac. clahs inedrofitfom 3,00organzatosnd bicatonsd. th chine ators ad pblises wll be uder te necto of ca.37. yan iaoog hols the belef ta _.a.chie rersand publshers will promot
23、e te global onomb.rtain wllguarantee asafe and fai envronmentfor theroth o hinese written o c. chinesewritte works wil be plcd nder he umbrla agait coprg violatn i moecounries.dthe io-u cooprati ocop rightegulaton ad operation has inrse cinesculural xporsost people nt gt enughsleet nt. any people be
24、ig sledrived mnsot fnctoning s well as hey cld be, bu ormllio f othepople ack leep s sign o a erioushealhndioep wo suffring from ehusti, igh blood sureand inxpicble headhere ling symptoms ofa seep dsorr e bsructv lep na(osa).why dontlwith osa gt te leethat they ne every night? theanswe asrprse you i
25、ts sring!snoringue a pern to wke upthrouout he ightfr mot, norin i iplya case ofhavig tomove our body fom aad postion int one thatsmrecomotabl to breahein.u for th 8millo peopl in th nited sas sfri om s, snorn is thei bys r frhelp. thrgho ight pop th oa liealy sto breatn.theystop breathing ecaue t m
26、uscle inthir mouth, jw, and thratrx, lckin tefeeow of air n the irwa. he moents o ufcaion can lat for u to an ntire inute. aprn ith osawakes uphundreds fimesdurg asnle niht stheir bdies ynt touffocate. norin her bdysony way to get nugh airto breathe.the result s tat whepeople ihosaget outof ed in te
27、ornig, teyfeel likethe havent slepat all. and itstre tey havenothada fll slee ycle. notnly ae their odies exhause, theyav oeed up annti rne nwhealthprolemshat are socate ih isextreme slee oss,iclding heartattacks, depesion, strokes, memoylss,acidefu ad dibtes. the pat, thee weent that man teatmen pi
28、n vailbefr ppe wthslep pne. they ud go nd get aexs dansis, ad thendp erlthuad dollars vitig sleepclnic tht wou requr a nnoyin ovenig visit n of thepossibe otcomes for c piets wuld behvn to strp theelves itoapaprething evcor theentie night thts e those reathin mask atachd on eploive tan nexto yo bed.
29、or wore, hey woud hveto undro a anfu ad inasive urery.l, al hat has chaed!ow here s the chi straymysnorgsolutio.its acmfortble nd ffrdabtreatmetfor osathatepsou breahing sagepen whie o w i in ed.his reamnt method abeenound o be effetii ren tdt the ester virgna medical chos divson of lep mdicine an t
30、 is cliniclly tested docr pproved work b eepng the w ad onu from loseninup,hereby kee the airay unobtructed. de fm ightweiht maerils whth sleeprsmmumcomrt i mind,the chin stp hs hledhusnds get th slep at their dies ave aas ndd at ight.rngolutin is sosre thechin srap wil lve lof or slepanea res,nmatt
31、ewhayou reasn, you have 90 days to eurno chin tap ad t a ful rend ofyor my (so you basically risk nothinby tringhsout)s just abougeting a full night sle its ou etting to lepina way ht i comforable o you.ry ysnorigsutinnow, t a odight lee a last and d yoursnori pblesoce ad fr l! 38for te mjority of p
32、ee, snrig_. . locks teree flwo ir n theairway b leads o high oodpresur, eadcs nd heartattas alls forajusng te bodyto a coforae oiion to breath . makes hem to brethin f a mie occionallduring th night39.the in stra_.a. cossseverl husad dollas b. cesyou all ur healt trobles eusyou o stay in osptal thou
33、hout te igh .costs n loss mony unles it okswithi thre monhs40.he undelined wordereby n paagr7 can e replcd y_ a. gh b. hs . fo d and4. the rpos of the rticle is _. . tpromote te chin rp b. exlaite sytoms c compare trtments r slee nea . to emphasze the mpotance of leep42. whhof th followig ca be theb
34、est tl?a.how to sop snoiga slee ell again . harful efets f snoring obmschow o chse cin trapsdonderl reatmnt fo sa cif yu ra drobox se,thenthispieceoews will certainlyset am bels nin pprenty, cberriminals belongi oa uknownrop have tratnd to exse login etails me tha seven millousers orldwide.acording
35、to a reddi tred, inks omultiplefiles storing cofidentialdropbox sr-logn etilnldingusername adpaswodshav been found.these peron use deail wre sidt avbeensrenpli tex format, thus makinghemeaiy ccsble to leas ad nauthorisd ue f accut.leks werreptedly found witn a e prta (入口)cledpatei, wichacordng t nex
36、t e contisheoincredeial(憑證) o an eiated40dropox user ccount.hakers e paretlemigbitcoi donatnin return frte stlenue lgncreentias, an hae reportey threatened o eleasemore dropbo user cedntials nlie iftheir demands ar ot met.ropox eniuer-crdnial hk.iattemnt to next we,dropbox has dnid tht th cloud tora
37、 servie (nd is servr) ws acked. itadded thatue credntals were obtaind b yber cminas viatirdpary ervce aplcains.t coan alo tate that a snificnt mber of passwordscurentlypse b ackers nline ae exped (失效) lo ao.finly, dpbox dds ha t had rlerdetetedttackssimia to heurusername/paswod reac, and hataken pec
38、autions sh a esorig t perorminguomati assod reset ouicious acounts“dropbox ha obenhaed. tese usernames an pasods weufortunately stolenfomthe servisand used inempts o i o drob account. wd pvouly deeced e aacksand t vast majorit othe passwrds psted aveb expied or sm tmow. all the remag pswords he be e
39、ed awell,” saidropbx, in a tement t nextwe.the cud orge cpyis so cently sendigout emil to its uers cautioningtem o eset acount ssor,ior to adseurty to teir dropbox acoti smay,evethougrobo hadeniedht it evr wre breaced, ad lih blam tlas ha on hrdat pplcatios, doremembr ht the manservers allow third-a
40、rty apps oacess tecoudstora plfr. 43. hckerstealrop usraccunts_ a. to sel the n donate th mney b. t sore tm n plin xtorma c. o sk or pe-topeer online oney d. t prevenmore lek mpatebin44the ndelie phae ror t in paragh 9 prbably mean_ a. susribig to b.taking t. ppealigtod. unin o45. theathoshows a(n)
41、_ titude towarsusing droox. a. gresiv b cutious c.negtive d. subissive46 wts the rtile inl aout? . dropboxsrs may have hatheir cniential inforation leae. b mlinsfpeope wide tust the clod sorage ompany. cber riinal obtaneddopbo user nfmation vi third-pat servcs d.hackers will rleaseore infrmtion of d
42、ropbox srsunl their dedsremetwen h tisle sarlet standn one porcf tara an east soundof fling hooveshaddie a,she en back to er ar lke a slepwalker. er face flt stifas from painand hemouthaclhurt fro hving sttchd i, uniliny, n smiles t prevent tns ro larning h set. stdw weariy, and er eart swelled p wit misy,ntl tfel to lrge for her om hehands erecold,anda feng of isaster oppressdher.hre were pi and bewideren in herface, the bwiermnt a pmpered chi w hwya her own ay or the asking ad ho nw, for h first time, asin contac it the uleasntnss f
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