1、畢業(yè)論文英文文獻翻譯學(xué) 院: 商學(xué)院 專 業(yè): 工商管理 2012年6月西方企業(yè)員工福利滿意度研究述評 摘 要:近年來,西方企業(yè)管理學(xué)界越來越重視員x-福利滿意度理論研究,因為員工的福利滿意度會直接影響他們的工作態(tài)度、工作行為與企業(yè)經(jīng)營管理工作的效果。本文概述了西方企業(yè)員工福利滿意度理論研究的現(xiàn)狀,并根據(jù)組織公平理論和雙因素理論,探討福利管理決策公平與不同類型的福利對員工滿意度的影響,最后為我國企業(yè)加強福利管理工作提出了若干建議。 關(guān)鍵詞:福利;滿意度;組織公平;雙因素理論一、企業(yè)福利政策的發(fā)展趨勢福利是員工薪酬的一個重要組成部分。近年來,越來越多的企業(yè)為員工提供良好的福利待遇,以便吸引、激勵
3、明,員工對福利的滿意度會直接影響企業(yè)福利制度的效果。二、員工福利滿意度理論研究概述20世紀60年代以來,西方企業(yè)管理學(xué)界對員工薪酬理論進行了大量的研究。然而,企業(yè)管理學(xué)者卻較少研究員工福利理論。在現(xiàn)有文獻中,歐美學(xué)者主要從福利的激勵作用、員工對福利計劃的理解和偏好、福利與員工薪酬滿意度的關(guān)系、員工的福利滿意度等方面研究員工福利理論。美國學(xué)者威盛頓(barton i。weathington)和坦切克(i。ois etetrick)指出,企業(yè)管理學(xué)界在員工福利這個領(lǐng)域的研究成果存在以下不足:(1)許多學(xué)者實際上是研究員工的薪酬滿意度或工作滿意度,而不是研究員工的福利;(2)大多數(shù)學(xué)者只研究福利對員
4、工的影響,卻忽視各類福利對員工工作態(tài)度和工作行為的影響;(3)企業(yè)管理理論研究人員主要從企業(yè)的角度來研究福利制度,卻很少考慮員工對福利的態(tài)度。近年來,西方企業(yè)管理學(xué)界逐漸加強了對員工福利滿意度的研究。 i員工福利滿意度的計量1985年,美國學(xué)者赫尼曼(herbert gheneman)和希沃布(donald pschwab)編制了一個由18個計量項目組成的“員工薪酬滿意度”量表(pay satisfaction questionnaire,簡稱psq)。他們采用以下四個項目來計量員工的“福利滿意度”:(1)員工對整套福利的滿意度;(2) 員工對企業(yè)支付的福利費用數(shù)額的滿意度;(3) 員工對福利
5、價值的滿意度;(4) 員工對福利類別的滿意度。 許多歐美企業(yè)管理學(xué)者在實證研究中把員工的福利滿意度作為薪酬滿意度的一個組成成分,采用psq量表計量員工的福利滿意度?,F(xiàn)在,許多歐美學(xué)者對員工的福利滿意度進行更深入的研究。不少學(xué)者認為員工福利滿意度是一個多維概念。美國學(xué)者戴恩霍(carol danehower)與勒斯特(john aiust)指出,員工的福利滿意度應(yīng)包括員工對企業(yè)支付的福利費用與企業(yè)為他們提供的整套福利的質(zhì)量的滿意度。他們設(shè)計了一個由11個項目組成的員工福利滿意度量表(benefit satisfaction questionnaire,簡稱bsq),從上述兩個方面來計量員工的福利
6、滿意度。他們的一系列實證研究支持員工的福利滿意度是一個二維概念的結(jié)論。然而,他們也發(fā)現(xiàn)bsq量表中的某些項目不能很好地計量員工對福利質(zhì)量的滿意度。因此,他們對bsq量表進行了適當?shù)男薷?,又增加了兩個項目,并于1995年對美國某大學(xué)的2 815位員工進行了問卷調(diào)查。他們的數(shù)據(jù)分析結(jié)果表明,新的bsq量表中的13個項目分別屬于員工對福利質(zhì)量的滿意度、對福利費用的滿意度、對福利信息的滿意度三個維度。他們根據(jù)數(shù)據(jù)分析結(jié)果,指出員工的福利滿意度是一個復(fù)雜的多維概念。但是,加拿大學(xué)者特蘭布雷(michel tremblay)等人的實證研究結(jié)果并不支持戴恩霍和勒斯特的觀點。他們發(fā)現(xiàn),員工的福利滿意度是一個單
7、維概念。美國學(xué)者米塞利(marcia pmiceli)和雷恩(matthew clane)把員工福利滿意度分為兩類:一類是員工對福利水平的滿意度,它受員工感覺中“應(yīng)該得到”與“實際得到”的福利之差的影響;另一類是員工對福利制度的滿意度。這種滿意度不僅受到員工對企業(yè)“應(yīng)該實施”和“實際實施”的福利制度的看法的影響,而且受到員工個人偏好、企業(yè)福利制度靈活性、福利管理程序、管理人員和員工之間的溝通的影響。此外,有些歐美學(xué)者根據(jù)企業(yè)為員工提供的福利項目來研究員工對某類福利的滿意度,如員工對醫(yī)療保險、養(yǎng)老金的滿意度?!翱傊?,迄今為止,歐美企業(yè)管理學(xué)界對員工福利滿意度的組成成分及其計量方法尚未達成共識。2
8、員工福利滿意度對員工工作態(tài)度與行為的影響許多歐美學(xué)者的實證研究結(jié)果表明,員工福利滿意度會直接影響他們的工作態(tài)度和工作行為。員工對自己享受到的福利感到滿意,會增強他們的工作滿意度、企業(yè)歸屬感和對管理人員的信任感,并且降低他們的離職意向。三、福利決策公平對福利滿意度的影響 歐美學(xué)者從不同的角度研究員工福利滿意度的影響因素。有些學(xué)者主要研究員工的個人特征、心理特征對員工福利滿意度的影響,另一些學(xué)者主要研究公平對員工福利滿意度的影響。他們的實證研究結(jié)果表明,福利決策公平是影響員工福利滿意度的重要因素。根據(jù)組織公平理論,福利管理公平包括結(jié)果公平、程序公平和交往公平。1福利管理工作中的結(jié)果公平員工從企業(yè)享
9、受的福利水平通常是影響他們福利滿意度的重要因素。根據(jù)美國學(xué)者亞當斯(stacy adams)的公平理論,員工會對自己與他人的得失之比進行比較,判斷分配結(jié)果的公平性?!暗谩敝钙髽I(yè)為員工提供的各種福利,包括醫(yī)療保險、養(yǎng)老保險、失業(yè)保險和假期等;“失”指員工在工作中投入的各種資源,包括自己的工作經(jīng)歷、受教育水平和技能等。員工會對自己和參照對象享受的福利進行比較。參照對象包括同事或其他企業(yè)同類員工的福利、自己過去的福利、自己需要或希望得到的福利等。員工比較的結(jié)果會直接影響他們對福利水平的滿意度。如果員工認為自己的得失之比低于參照對象就會感到不滿;反之,他們就更可能會對企業(yè)的福利分配結(jié)果感到滿意。員工的
10、個人特征、工作環(huán)境、享受的福利水平不同,他們判斷結(jié)果公平的標準也可能不同。 2福利管理工作中的程序公平 福利管理工作中的程序公平主要指企業(yè)福利決策過程是否公平。許多歐美學(xué)者的研究成果表明,員工參與企業(yè)決策過程,可增強他們的公平感與滿意度。如果員工有機會表達自己對企業(yè)福利制度的看法,參與企業(yè)福利制度的制定與實施過程,就會顯著提高他們對福利水平和福利制度的滿意度。加拿大學(xué)者車布雷等人對加拿大企業(yè)員工的福利滿意度進行了兩次實證研究。他們發(fā)現(xiàn),與結(jié)果公平相比,程序公平對員工的福利滿意度產(chǎn)生更大的影響。3福利管理工作中的交往公平福利管理工作中的交往公平是指管理人員在福利管理工作中與一般員工交往的公平性。
12、制度感到比較滿意。四、員工看重的福利形式對其福利滿意度的影響 員工對各類福利的重視程度和偏好程度不同。因此,企業(yè)提供的各類福利對員工的福利滿意度會產(chǎn)生不同的影響。美國學(xué)者布勞(gary blau)等認為,員工福利滿意度包括員工對基本福利的滿意度和員工對職業(yè)發(fā)展型福利的滿意度?;靖@倨?、病假、事假、工傷保險、醫(yī)療保險、人壽保險、退休計劃等滿足員工安全、生活保障等基本需要的福利。職業(yè)發(fā)展型福利指企業(yè)滿足員工提高就業(yè)能力、工作技能等需要的福利,包括企業(yè)為員工提供繼續(xù)學(xué)習(xí)、在職培訓(xùn)機會,資助員工學(xué)費,靈活安排員工工作和學(xué)習(xí)時間,根據(jù)員工獲得的學(xué)歷證書和學(xué)位證書來獎勵員工等。布勞等人指出,隨著員
13、工職業(yè)觀念的變化,員工越來越重視職業(yè)發(fā)展型福利。根據(jù)傳統(tǒng)的職業(yè)觀念,企業(yè)為員工提供工作保障和員工有權(quán)獲得的各種福利,換取員工的忠誠,并負責(zé)員工的職業(yè)發(fā)展管理工作。20世紀80年代以來,在許多企業(yè)里,“多變的職業(yè)”觀念逐漸取代了傳統(tǒng)的職業(yè)觀念。根據(jù)多變的職業(yè)觀念,員工負責(zé)自己的職業(yè)發(fā)展管理工作,員工保持良好的工作業(yè)績,才能繼續(xù)就業(yè),企業(yè)的責(zé)任是為員工提供更多職業(yè)發(fā)展機會。美國波士頓大學(xué)管理學(xué)院教授霍爾(donglsa thall)指出,21世紀員工的職業(yè)是多變的職業(yè)。員工不斷地提高自己的工作能力,才能提高自己的任職能力,增大自己的就職可能性。因此,許多員工越來越重視“職業(yè)發(fā)展型”福利項目,希望企
14、業(yè)為自己提供更多的職業(yè)發(fā)展機會。根據(jù)美國學(xué)者赫茨伯格(frederick herzberg)的雙因素理論,企業(yè)缺乏保健因素,會引起員工的不滿,但保健因素并不能調(diào)動員工的工作積極性。激勵因素能增強員工工作滿意度,調(diào)動員工的工作積極性。布勞等人認為,基本福利是保健因素,職業(yè)發(fā)展型福利是激勵因素。企業(yè)為員工提供基本福利,有助于穩(wěn)定員工隊伍,防止員工“跳槽”;企業(yè)為員工提供職業(yè)發(fā)展型福利,才能增強員工對企業(yè)的歸屬感。布勞等人的實證研究結(jié)果表明,員工通常更重視基本福利,員工對基本福利的滿意度可增強他們對福利的總體滿意度,降低他們的離職意向;員工對職業(yè)發(fā)展型福利的滿意度會增強他們對企業(yè)的情感性歸屬感。不同
15、的員工有可能會重視不同的福利。例如,專業(yè)人員可能更重視職業(yè)發(fā)展型福利。他們更可能認為這類福利可表明企業(yè)關(guān)心員工的職業(yè)發(fā)展前途。美國學(xué)者威盛頓和坦切克的實證研究結(jié)果也支持這個觀點。他們指出,大多數(shù)員工認為自己有權(quán)得到某些基本福利。企業(yè)提供這些福利,并不一定能提高員工的滿意程度,但企業(yè)不提供這些福利,可能會引起員工不滿。除員工實際使用的福利之外,員工有權(quán)享受的福利也會影響員工的滿意度。例如,許多員工可能不會使用企業(yè)提供的工傷保險。但是,如果員工了解他們有權(quán)享受這類福利,那么也會感到比較滿意。五、對企業(yè)管理工作的啟示 如果企業(yè)花費大量費用,為員工提供各種福利,卻不能做好福利管理工作,那么也就無法增強
16、員工的滿意度和歸屬感。筆者認為,企業(yè)可采取以下措施,加強員工福利管理工作,提高員工的滿意程度,進而增強員工對企業(yè)的歸屬感。 1提供員工所重視的福利企業(yè)提供員工所重視的福利,才能提高員工的滿意程度。因此,企業(yè)應(yīng)深入了解員工對各類福利的重視程度。如果員工不需要某種福利,企業(yè)就可取消這種福利,以便節(jié)省福利費用。如果員工高度重視安全、生活保障等基本福利,企業(yè)就應(yīng)盡量提高員工對基本福利的滿意程度。如果員工高度重視自己的職業(yè)發(fā)展前途,企業(yè)就應(yīng)為員工提供職業(yè)發(fā)展型福利,為員工創(chuàng)造更多的學(xué)習(xí)和發(fā)展機會,以便提高員工的滿意度。企業(yè)提供員工所重視的福利,可表明企業(yè)關(guān)心員工的利益,增強員工對企業(yè)的情感性歸屬感。目前
17、,美國一些高新科技企業(yè)根據(jù)信息技術(shù)人才的需要,為他們提供免費洗衣、泊車、洗車、牙醫(yī)服務(wù)等“個人舒適型”福利,以便吸引并留住緊缺的信息技術(shù)人才??傊?,除法定的福利項目之外,企業(yè)可根據(jù)員工的需要,提供員工所重視的其他福利項目,才能使員工相信企業(yè)真心實意地在關(guān)心他們的利益。2尊重員工,關(guān)心員工的需要 在福利管理工作中,管理人員如何對待員工,會極大地影響員工的福利滿意度。管理人員堅持組織公平原則,設(shè)身處地為員工著想,防止個人偏見影響自己的管理決策,對所有員工一視同仁,在不同的時間和不同的場合始終采用相同的決策程序,認真考慮員工的意見和要求,及時向員工提供反饋信息,解釋自己的決定,允許員工對自己的決策提
20、與福利管理工作的機會在福利制度制定與實施過程中,企業(yè)可采用內(nèi)部調(diào)查、專題座談會、建議信箱或熱線電話等方式,廣泛聽取員工的意見,了解員工對福利制度的看法。管理人員在福利制度設(shè)計過程中認真聽取員工的意見,深入了解員工重視哪些福利項目,并根據(jù)員工的需要來確定福利組合,或允許員工選擇福利組合,可明顯地增強員工的福利滿意度。六、未來的研究方向 目前,西方企業(yè)管理學(xué)界對員工福利滿意度的研究還不夠深入。我們認為企業(yè)管理學(xué)界應(yīng)從以下幾方面加強員工福利滿意度的理論研究:(1)員工福利滿意度的維度(單維或多維)及其計量方法;(2)企業(yè)的福利制度、決策公平性與員工福利滿意度的關(guān)系,例如靈活的福利制度對員工福利滿意度
21、的影響、哪類公平性對員工福利滿意度的影響更大;(3)員工對福利的需要、對福利的重視程度等對員工福利滿意度的影響;(4)對不同文化背景下員工福利滿意度進行比較研究?,F(xiàn)有的員工福利滿意度研究成果大部分是歐美學(xué)者在西方文化背景下完成的,我國企業(yè)管理學(xué)者在員工福利滿意度這個領(lǐng)域的理論研究成果比較少見,實證研究成果更為少見。今后,我國企業(yè)管理學(xué)界應(yīng)加強員工福利滿意度的研究,以便指導(dǎo)企業(yè)管理人員制定并實施公平、有效的福利制度,從而提高員工的福利滿意度。western enterprise employee benefits satisfaction research commentary abstract
22、: in recent years, the western enterprise management scholars pay more and more attention to x- welfare satisfaction theory research, because of employee benefits satisfaction will directly affect their work attitudes, behaviors and enterprise management work. this article provides an overview of th
23、e western enterprise employee benefits satisfaction theory research present situation, and based on the theory of organizational justice and the double factor theory, to explore the welfare management decision justice and different kinds of benefits to the employee satisfaction effect, finally to ch
24、inas enterprises to strengthen welfare management and puts forward some proposals. key words: welfare; satisfaction; organizational justice; double factor theory one, the development trend of enterprise welfare policy employee salary welfare is an important part of the. in recent years, more and mor
25、e enterprises to provide good benefits, in order to attract, motivate and retain excellent employees. corporate welfare policies appeared the following trends: (1) the welfare in employee compensation combination in the proportion increases, businesses pay welfare cost increased substantially. (2) t
26、he staff must also bear part of the cost of welfare. enterprise employees to provide all the benefits of the past. at present, many employees must bear part of medical insurance, endowment insurance charge. (3) enterprise welfare system becomes more and more complex, more diverse forms of welfare, m
27、anagers need to spend more time and energy to engage employees welfare system design and management. many enterprises in the formulation and implementation of welfare system less consider the employees reaction. for example, some enterprises in order to reduce welfare costs, using flexible benefits
28、system, or be part of welfare management outsourcing work to other companies, without considering the employee satisfaction. many scholars think, enterprise management personnel in the formulation and implementation of welfare system must be considered when the responses of employees. the empirical
29、study shows that, the staff of welfare satisfaction will directly affect the welfare effect. two, employee benefits satisfaction theory research overview since the nineteen sixties, western enterprise management academia on employee compensation theory has done a lot of research. however, enterprise
30、 management scholars have less research staff welfare theory. in the existing literature, european and american scholars mainly from welfare incentive effect, employee welfare program comprehension and preferences, welfare and salary satisfaction, employee benefits satisfaction of employee welfare t
31、heory. the united states of america scholar via meal (barton i. .weathington ( i ) and tanqieke. ois e.tetrick ) points out, the enterprise management science in the welfare of the staff of the research results have the following drawbacks: (1) many scholars actually is the study of the employees sa
32、lary satisfaction or job satisfaction, instead of the employee benefits; (2) the majority of scholars only on the welfare effect on employees, but ignore various welfare for employees work attitude and work behavior; (3) enterprise management theory researchers mainly from enterprises angle to study
33、 the welfare system, but rarely consider the employee attitudes towards welfare. in recent years, the western enterprise management academia gradually strengthened to the welfare of the staff degree of satisfaction research. i. employee benefits satisfaction measurement in 1985, american scholar hen
34、eman ( herbert g.heneman ) and xiwobu ( donald p.schwab ) compiled a consists of 18measuring components of the employee satisfaction scale ( pay satisfaction questionnaire, psq). they used the following four items to measure employee benefits satisfaction: (1) the complete set of employee benefits s
35、atisfaction; (2) the staff of the enterprises pay welfare expenses amount of satisfaction; (3) employee welfare value satisfaction; (4) employee welfare class satisfaction. many european and american business management scholars in the empirical study to the welfare of the employees salary satisfact
36、ion satisfaction as a component, the psq scale of employee benefits satisfaction measurement. now, many western scholars on employee benefits satisfaction were more in-depth study. many scholars believe that the welfare of the staff satisfaction is a multi-dimensional concept. american scholar denho
37、 ( carol danehower ) and lust ( john a.i.ust ) points out, employee benefits satisfaction should include employee pay welfare cost and enterprise provided them with the welfare of a complete set of quality satisfaction. they designed a composed of 11 items of employee benefits satisfaction scale ( b
38、enefit satisfaction ques, tionnaire, bsq), from the two aspects of employee benefits satisfaction measurement. they are a series of empirical studies support the welfare of employees satisfaction is a concept. however, they also found some of the items in bsq scale can be a good measure of satisfact
39、ion with the quality of employee welfare. therefore, their impact on bsq scale were modified, and two items were added to the united states, and in 19952815a university employee questionnaire. the data analysis results show that, the new bsq scale of 13 items belonging to the staff on the welfare an
40、d satisfaction with the quality, the welfare costs of satisfaction, satisfaction of welfare information in three dimensions. according to their results of the data analysis, pointed out the welfare of employees satisfaction is a multi-dimensional concept. however, the canadian scholar tran bray ( mi
41、chel tremblay ) et al. the empirical results do not support denho and lestat s point of view. they found, employee benefits satisfaction is a single dimensional concept. american scholar miceli ( marcia p.miceli ) and ryan ( matthew c.lane ) put the welfare of the staff satisfaction is divided into
42、two categories: one category is the staff on the welfare level of satisfaction, it is employee feeling should be and get the welfare effect of differential; another kind is the staff on the welfare system satisfaction. this kind of satisfaction not only by the staff of the enterprises should be and
43、practical welfare system in view of the impact, but also by individual preferences, enterprise welfare system flexibility, benefit management program, between management and staff communication effects. in addition, some european and american scholars according to the provided for employees to study
44、 staff welfare projects for a certain class of welfare satisfaction, such as employee medical insurance, pension satisfaction. in short, so far, europe and the united states business management of employee benefits satisfaction components and its measurement method has yet to reach a consensus. 2emp
45、loyee benefits satisfaction on employee work attitudes and behaviors are affected by many scholars of the empirical results show that, the welfare of the staff satisfaction will directly affect their work attitude and work behavior. the staff of his to enjoy the welfare satisfaction, will increase t
46、heir job satisfaction, a sense of belonging and enterprise management of the trust, and reduce their turnover intention. three, welfare decision justice on welfare effect of satisfaction scholars from different angles of the welfare of the staff satisfaction factors. some scholars mainly study the e
47、mployees personal characteristics, psychological characteristics on employee benefits satisfaction, some other scholars mainly study the justice on employee benefits satisfaction effect. the empirical results show that, the welfare decision justice is the impact of employee benefits satisfaction are
48、 important factors. according to the theory of organizational justice, welfare management fairness includes result fairness, procedural justice and interactive justice. 1welfare management of the result fairness employees from enterprises enjoy welfare level is usually affecting their welfare satisf
49、action are important factors. according to the american scholar adams ( stacy adams ) of the fair theory, employees will be for yourself and others gain ratio were compared, determine the distribution of fair results. refers to the enterprise to provide a variety of benefits, including medical insur
50、ance, endowment insurance, unemployment insurance and holidays; lost refers to the staff at work to input a variety of resources, including our own work experience, level of education and skills. employees will be on their own and enjoy the benefits of the reference object of comparison. reference o
51、bject including colleagues or other similar enterprise employee welfare, his past welfare, he needs or wants to get welfare. employee comparison results will directly affect their level of satisfaction of welfare. if employees feel that their loss is below the reference object. they will be unhappy;
52、 instead, they are more likely to be satisfied with the result of the distribution of welfare enterprises. staffs personal characteristics, work environment, enjoy the benefits of different levels, they judge the result fairness criteria may also be different. 2benefits in the management of procedur
53、e justice welfare management of the procedural justice refers to the welfare enterprises decision-making process is fair. many western scholars research results indicate, employee participation in corporate decision-making process, can strengthen their sense of fairness and satisfaction. if employee
54、s have the opportunity to express their views on enterprise welfare system, to participate in the formulation and implementation of corporate welfare system process, will improve the welfare and welfare system satisfaction. canadian scholars such as chebre of canada employee benefits satisfaction co
55、nducted two empirical study. they found that, compared with result fairness, procedural justice on employee benefits satisfaction have a greater impact. 翻譯結(jié)果重試抱歉,系統(tǒng)響應(yīng)超時,請稍后再試 支持中英、中日在線互譯 支持網(wǎng)頁翻譯,在輸入框輸入網(wǎng)頁地址即可 提供一鍵清空、復(fù)制功能、支持雙語對照查看,使您體驗更加流暢 3benefits in the management of interpersonal justice welfare ma
56、nagement of interpersonal justice refers to the management staff in the welfare management and general staff communication fairness. employees are usually not necessary management approval, can according to their types, age, rank, or according to the employment contract to obtain the majority of wel
57、fare. however, they must get management approval, can enjoy some benefits. for example, managers on the staff of the vacation time, sick leave, personal leave, vacation benefits have a direct decision. therefore, the welfare management, managers treat employees attitude and can also affect employee
58、satisfaction of welfare. interpersonal justice include: (1) interpersonal justice, refers to the managerial personnel in the formulation and implementation of the welfare system in the process of respect for employees, concerned about the interests of employees; (2) the information fairness, refers
59、to the management staff to transfer the welfare system information, interpretation of welfare distribution process and result. management and communication between the staff is the important factor affecting the welfare of the staff satisfaction. _2 staff that managers and their contacts a fair comparison
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