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1、gre詞匯提升速度要怎么做 gre詞匯提升速度要怎么做, 我們一起來學(xué)習(xí)吧,下面就和大家分享,來欣賞一下吧。gre詞匯提升速度要怎么做1. 記憶力用進(jìn)廢退不要臨時(shí)抱佛腳。2. 運(yùn)用詞頻選擇記憶詞匯效率最高這就是為barrons word list雖然比紅寶書詞匯量少一倍,考試中命中率卻高許多的原因。3. 運(yùn)用艾賓浩斯遺忘曲線安排復(fù)試頻率可最高效利用時(shí)間。4. 分散記憶比集中記憶效果好盡早開始背單詞。5. 多覺記憶比單覺記憶效果好許多這就是為什么上課效果比自己看書好的原因。6. 平常的東西不易記,奇特的東西不易忘運(yùn)用荒誕聯(lián)想法。7. 通過聯(lián)想把不熟悉的東西與熟a悉的東西聯(lián)系起來記憶可事半功倍內(nèi)在

2、規(guī)律如構(gòu)詞法。8. 不刻意去記的東西永遠(yuǎn)記不住要有記憶目標(biāo)。9. 不相信自己能記住一定記不住:大腦的記憶潛能比人們以為的要大的多要有自信。10.大腦越清凈,效果越好選擇早上。11.瞬間記憶一次性最大容量為7個(gè)記憶單位。12.簡(jiǎn)單的東西比復(fù)雜的東西容易記。運(yùn)用這一規(guī)律開發(fā)化簡(jiǎn)法,大多數(shù)單詞表可化簡(jiǎn)一半。gre詞匯解析:imperviousimpervious: 不能滲透的, incapable of being penetrated1) not allowing entrance, incapable of being harmed or disturbed2) impenetrable; no

3、t allowing anything to pass through; unaffected3) impossible to penetratesynonyms: immune, resistant, unaffectedhe was impervious to criticism, which enabled him to experiment freely in his artwork.the vest that the policeman wears is impervious to bullets.the child was impervious to the actions of

4、the adult.【考法1】adj. 不可滲透的,不可穿透的: not allowing entrance or passage【例】 the material for this coat is supposed to be impervious to rain. 這件大衣的材料應(yīng)該是能防雨的【近】 impassable, impenetrable, impermeable, impregnable【反】 passable, penetrable, permeable, pervious 可滲透的【考法2】adj. 不能被破壞的: not capable of being damaged o

5、r harmed【例】 a carpet impervious to rough treatment 耐用的地毯【近】 bulletproof, imperishable, indestructible, inextinguishable, invulnerable【反】 delicate, sensitive, vulnerable 脆弱的,敏感的【考法3】adj. 不為所動(dòng)的: not capable of being affected or disturbedgre詞匯解析:imperturbableimperturbable: 冷靜沉著的; marked by extreme calm

6、, impassivity, and steadiness : serene1) incapable of being disturbed2) calm; not easily excited3) marked by extreme calm, impassivity and steadinesssynonyms: calm, composed, immovable, unexcitedimperturbable : composureimperturbable touchyimperturbable : nettleby maintaining an imperturbable air th

7、roughout the crisis, she emerged as a steady and trustworthy leader.the imperturbable west point graduate made a fine negotiator.【考法1】adj.沉著冷靜的,淡定的: marked by extreme calm, impassivity, and steadiness【例】 the chef was absolutely imperturbableeven when the kitchen caught on fire. 這個(gè)廚師可謂淡定到了極致他連廚房著火的時(shí)候

8、都依然沉著【近】 collected, composed, cool, disimpassioned, nonchalant, unflappable, unruffled【反】 choleric, touchy 暴躁的,易怒的【例】 these sailors are impervious to fear. 這些水手無所畏懼【近】 immune, insusceptible, unaffected, unresponsive【反】 ductile, pliable, pliant, yielding 易受影響的gre詞匯解析:impertinentimpertinent: 不恰當(dāng)?shù)? exc

9、eeding the limits of propriety or good mannersimpertinent : proprietyimpertinent obeisantsedate : impertinent【考法1】adj. 無關(guān)緊要的: not having a clear decisive relevance to the matter in hand【例】your rsum needlessly lists extracurricular experiences that are impertinent to the phd program for whichyou are

10、applying. 你的簡(jiǎn)歷里列出的一些課外活動(dòng)和你申請(qǐng)的博士項(xiàng)目是毫不相關(guān)的【近】 extraneous, immaterial, inapplicable, inapposite, irrelevant【反】 germane, pertinent, relevant 相關(guān)的;crucial, important, significant 重要的【考法2】adj. 粗魯無禮的,大膽的: given to or characterized by insolent rudeness【例】i dont like strangers who ask impertinent questions. 我很

11、討厭那些問無禮問題的陌生人【近】 audacious, bold, brash, brassbound, brassy, brazen, impudent, insolent【反】 meek, mousy, retiring, shy, timid 內(nèi)斂的,膽小的【考法3】adj. 不守禮節(jié)的,不為他人著想的: showing a lack of manners or consideration for others【例】 impertinent salesmen who telephone people during the dinner hour 在就餐時(shí)間打電話騷擾別人的無禮銷售員【近】

12、 discourteous, disrespectful, inconsiderate, rude, thoughtless【反】 civil, courteous, genteel, gracious, mannerly, polite有禮貌的;considerate 為他人著想的gre詞匯解析:imperiousimperious: 傲慢的, 專橫的; arrogantly domineering or overbearing1) arrogant; urgentimperious grovelingimperious obeisant 專橫的服從的imperious unassuming

13、 傲慢的 謙虛的imperious humble專橫的謙遜的imperious obsequious專橫的獻(xiàn)媚的imperious servile專橫的奴性的imperious : fawn = self-deprecating : swaggerher imperious manner cost her her two best was imperious that the message reach the police chief.【考法1】adj. 愛發(fā)號(hào)施令的: fond of ordering people around【例】 an imperious lit

14、tle boy who liked to tell the other scouts what to do 一個(gè)愛發(fā)號(hào)施令的小男孩,總是喜歡 指揮別的童子軍做事【近】 authoritarian, autocratic, despotic, dictatorial, domineering, masterful, tyrannical【考法2】adj. 傲慢的,專橫的: arrogantly domineering or overbearing【例】 an imperious movie star who thinks shes some sort of goddess 一個(gè)把自己當(dāng)成某種女神的傲慢的影星【近】 arrogant, bumptious, haughty, lofty, lordly, peremptory, pompous, presumptuous, supercilious, superior【反】 humble, lowly, modest 謙遜的【考法3】adj. 迫切的: intensely compelling【例】 as war casualties mounted, the


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