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1、內(nèi)容簡(jiǎn)要一、 paraphrasep18 (1)(4) p26 (1)(5) p45 (1)(6)p51 (1)(3)二、 definationprometheus pandoras box apollotrojan war garden of eden adam/evenoahs ark(great flood) the tower of babelgods creation moses/the exodusthe ten commandments jesus christ 三、 簡(jiǎn)答、論述題。第一部分prometheusprometheus is a selfless,brave and

2、great god ,he loves human more than the god. after the creation of the world,he was very pound of his handiwork,he observed man and longed to bestow upon him some great power,unshared by any other creatures,which would rasie him far above any other creaturesfire alone in his estimation,could effect

3、this,long he pondered this matter and finally determined to obtain fire,but fire was the special possession of the gods which also the gods would never willing to share with man.prometheus risk his life obtain it.unfortunately,zeus knew the truth,he was extremly angry and vowed to punish the prometh

4、eus with out mercy.pandoras box :pandora was the first woman fashioned on earth and endowed with some special charm by the gods on mount olympus.she was a tool of zeus to punish mankind for their acceptance of the heavenly fire .first ,she was taken to prometheus as a gift by hermes,but he knew that

5、 there was nothing good from god,so he refused to accept her.then she was given to epimetheus as a gift, one day,pandora opened the box,zeus sent deliberately which filled with all the diseases,sorrows,vices and crimes,that afflict poor humanity,but the box also contained some good spirit,and it cou

6、ld heal the wound and though evil entered into world,brought untold misery,hope followed closely in its footsteps to aid struggling humanity,and point to a happier future.the ten commandments1 you shall have no other gods before me2 you shall not make idols or bow down to them,nor serve them3 you sh

7、all not use the name of the lord your god disrespectfully.4 remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.5 honor your father and your mother.6 you shall not murder.7 you shall not commit adultery.8 you shall not steal.9 you shall not lie about your neighbor.10 you shall not lust for your neighbors hous

8、e,or his wife ,or anything that is your neighbors.adamon the sixth day of gods creation,he formed the first man out of dust of the ground in his own image and breathed into his nostrill the breath of life,and god named him adam.then god created a woman to company him and put them into the garden of

9、eden,and they were deceived to eat the forbidden fruit,as a consequence,he was cursed by god that only through difficulties,could he ate from the ground,and he would sufferd a lot until he returned to the ground.evein order to find someone to accompany adam,god took one of adams rib to create a woma

10、n called eve,so eve was the first woman in the world,once she was seduced to eat the forbidden fruit by the serpent .and adam had eaten the fruit too.she was cursed by god ,that she would suffer a lot of pain in having children; and she would be rulled over by her husband.the exodusabrahams descenda

11、nts were once used as slaves in egypt,(in order to cut the number of hebrew,the paraoh baded the nurse to kill all the newborn sons of hebrew,but one of them was picked up byparaohs daugher from the river,named mose which means “drawn out of water”.he was raised by pharaohs daughter,in fact,he was g

12、ods servant through whom god would save the israelites go out of bondage. god asked moses to deliver his message to pharaoh that he must be let the israelites go out of egypt but pharaoh refused.god cursed egypt,destroy its drinking water,sending the frogs,the plague,destroying the whole country,god

13、 told the israelites to kill an one-year-old lamb and drop the blood at the top of the door frame and the two side posts,eat the whole roasted lamb with unleavened bread which is called the lords passover.then at midnight god killed all the first born in egypt.finally,the children of israel were agr

14、eed to leave,but pharaoh regretted soon and pursued them with his troops,then with the help of gods dividing the red sea,the israelites managed to get out of egypt.第二部分 1. these they endowed with such reckless generosity that all their favours were soon dispensed and none remained for the endowment

15、of man. (are borned with impetuous)2. although they had not the remotest idea how to overcome this difficulty,they proceeded to fashion man from clay. ( consided deeply ,continued to form man with clay.)3. they first moulded an image similar in form to the gods.( resemble to)4. long he pondered the

16、matter,and finally determined to obtain fire,or die in the attempt.( thought over, in the risk of )5. his step was slow and weary,his garments dusty and travel-stained,and he seemed almost to stagger beneath the weight of a huge box which rested upon his shoulers.(got dirty through the journey)6. fo

17、r the first time,also,pandora refused to comply with his request.(observe,say yes to)7. she was juust on the point of giving up in despair when suddenly the refractory knot yielded to her fumbling fingers,and the cord,unrolling,dropped on the floor.(made up her mind to quit disappointedly,give in to

18、 her clumsy fingers)8. the earth was saturated with blood,the rights of hospitality were openly violated,and murder,rape,and theft were committed on all sides.( was full of /soaked, everywhere/in every direction)9. after much delay and discussion,the immortals agreed to wash mankind off the face of

19、the earth by a mighty deluge.(drive mankind away)10. let the earth produce grass,and herbs,and fruit trees,all yielding after their own kind,and it happened.(grow)11. then god said.let the waters abound with living creatures,and let birds fly above the earth.(be full of )12. and the lord god formed

20、man out of the dust of the ground.(made man with the dust)13. and god said:a man shall leave his father and his mother and cling to his wife,and they shall be one flesh (stick to /surround)14. god showed his love for adam and eve,by giving them all they needed and more to enjoy life to its fullest.(

21、in the best or most complete way)15. so god pronounced doom to lucifer ,saying,you will be brought down to hell,to the sides of the pits.(declared the fatal sentence/death to)16. this decision was a direct refusal to obey gods command to go out and fill the earth.(obvious and exact disobey)17. the p

22、eople are organizing as one group and since they all speak the same language,nothing they imagine to do will be held back from them.(stop moving forward)18. the lord multiplied language on the earth,causing people to scatter abroad.(add/make the number bigger,spread over/scatter all over the world)第

23、三部分1、after the creation of the world,who decided to create a superior being?for what purpose?2、how do you think of prometheus? why did he pay such high price to bring fire to human beings?3、why was zeus displeased and decided to punish human beings?zeus was the principal god of the greek pantheon.he

24、 needed everyones obedience and would punish whoever was disobedient.he was displeased because prometheus had stolen fire for human beings welfare.fire was the special possession of the gods,no gods was willing to share it with human.so zeus finally decided to punish human beings for their acceptanc

25、e of the heavenly fire which was equal to punish prometheus.zeus wanted to warn others that anyone who disobeyed his order would be punished severly.4.what are the five ages?how was peoples living condition in each age?7.before god created human ,who he also created in heaven?who is lucifer?why is h

26、e banished from heaven to hell?8.how was the plan of sacrificing an innocent life for humankinds disobedience implied?adam and eve inhabited in the beautiful new garden ,but one day satan appeared to eve in form of a serpent,he was very crafty and tried to deceive eve to eat the forbidden fruit from

27、 the the tree of life,eve did so and gave one to adam and he ate it also.instantly their eyes were opened and their spirits became dead,they used fig leavesto cover themselves after seeing they were naked. god discovered this and curse against satan,adam and eve,and in order to cover them,god make c

28、lother from animal skins.so that god had to kill an animal to provide covering for them,so through adam,sin and death entered the world.9.what does rainbow symbolize according to the story?god decided to destroy all mankind along with the earth beause of the their wickedness,but god like nloah who w

29、as rightous and perfect in his generation,so he told noah to build an ark for her family and the seven holy animals.when blood happened,the water covered everything on the earth,all the living creatures were destroyed ,drowned in the flood,except noahs family and the holy animals.so when noah offere

30、d a sacrifice to the god ,the god put rainbow as a taken of his promise,to bless noah and his descendents,he promise that never again would all people and animals die from a flood.10.why did people want to build a city and a tower?11.(writing:abraham testified his inevitable belief in god with his s

31、trong determination,how do you think of him as a father,a husband and an adherent?make a list of his personality traits and pickone out of them to demonstrate how important it is for one to succeed with 120 words or so.)答:about 400 years after the great flood.god appeared to man named abram who live

32、d in the middle east, in a city called ur.abram as a husband,at the first beginning,even though abram and his wife sarai had no children,he still believed in god firmly.but as time went by,he showed his hesitation.he followed sarais advice to have children with the egyptian maid,haggar.we can see th

33、at his belief towards god was not rather firm. in order to have a child,he had another wife,we can also see that he wasnt a faithful and respinsible husband,to some extent,abram was a very loyal adherent,he could even kill his son to show his respect to god,he was a faithful adherent,but was not a g

34、ood father.i think he was too cruel to his son,because in ,his mind belief to god was much more important than the love for his family,if abram didnt believe in god,god wouldnt bless him and his descendents.12. what spirit can you find in abraham?do you have experience in pursuing you own belief?13.

35、can you point out the relationship between the ten commandments and the western society today?14、who was jesus christ? is he a man ,or is he god?jesus christ (emmanuel)jesus christ is both a man and god.when rome ruled israel two yong jews named joseph and mary planned to marry.but before they come

36、together.mary became pregnant through the power of holy spirit of god, then an angle of god appeared to joseph in a dream,tell him that the child came from the holy spirit of god.the child was the son of god ,he must be named “jesus” which meaned savior,for he will save his people from their sins.in

37、 bethlehem,mary gave birth to jesus,he represented the god and was born as a lamb to save his people from their sin.under the betrayal of his disciple “judas”,he was crucified without any bone broken just like the pass-over lamb,dead and buried,3 days after his death,he rose again from the dead asce

38、nded to heaven,and sat at the right hand of god,(the father almightly from whence he should come to judge the living and dead,he blessed all the human beings,firday when he died is called good friday,and sunday when he come to life is called easten sunday.he was a person,a jew.but to some extent,he

39、was different from human beings,for he was made to look like god,he came from the holy spirit of god,he could heal all the disease,he was born to save human beings from their sins.a normal person didnt have such abilities,after 3 days of his death,he come to his life again and rose to heaven.general

40、ly,jesus is a human being,but he is gods way of being present as a human being,he embodies god completely.16.what is the trinity?how can god be three persons?trinity consists of 3 parts,holy father,holy spirit and holy son.holy father is jehovah,it is jehovah that created the earth,heaven and human

41、beings,he created man in his own image and created the first male and female,named adam and eve.jehovah was the god,after 70 years of captivity,the god allowed his people to come back to the land of israel.500 years later,when rome ruled israel,two yong jew named joseph and mary planned to marry,but

42、 before they come together,mary became pregnant through the power of the holy spirit of god.then an angel of the god appeared to joseph in a dream telling that the child came from the holy spirit of god,the child is the son of god,his name must be “jesus” which meaned savior,for he will save his peo

43、ple from their sins.jesus,holy son,saved his people in his life,so,holy father,holy spirit and holy son are the trinity ,all of them stand for god.17.how do those bible stories influence the western society and the values such as freedom democracy and equality?6.how does the trojan horse work in ach

44、ieving the victory of greeks?the trojan war has its root in the marriage between peleus and the sea-goddess.the goddess of discord eris was angry because they didnt invited her,so she threw a golden apple during the wedding banquet and declared that it belonged to whoever was the fairest.pairs was b

45、aded as a judge. hera,athena and aphrodite all promise to give him sth ,but pairs chose aphrodite for she promise the most beautiful woman helen to be his wife.helen was the wife of menelaus, but helen was abducted by pairs,the prince of troy and pairs also carried off much of menelaus wealth. menel

46、aus was so angry that he called upon many suitors of helen to declare war to troy. the greek found the way to troy with the help of telephus.when they reached troy.(they got pyrrhus to join the war,the bow and arrow of hercules were used,the remains of pelops were found and the statue of athena was

47、stolen from troy),thanks to odysseuss intelligence,he suggested to build a wood house ,its insides were to be hollow so that soldiers could hide within it, the trojan house acted as the deciding role of this war.after the house was built, some soilders and odysseus climbed inside.the greek left sino

48、n behind,when the trojans found the horse,sinon convinced them that the horse was safe and would bring luck to the trojans. so the trojans dragged it into the city.that night,when most of troy were asleep or in a drunken,the soldiers slaughtered the trojans and won the war.5.how do you think of apol

49、lo as a god?apollo was the son of zeus and leto and the brother of artemis,the twin god were born on the island called delo.apollo is the god of prophecy,music medicine poetry and also a frenzied god of win e and women,sometimes identified with the sun.he has a various characteristics,in many respec

50、ts,he is the role model of greek god.he represents order,hamony and civilization.he was very brave ,he killed the enormous serpent.apollo also conquered in various way,several other notable mythological figures and children of niobe,he and artemis punished them as a form of revenge for the insults t

51、hat these characters had made to their mother leto.apollo was however not just a fighter.he was a lover as well,who is legendary in mythology for his love affairs.he representesd the height of male attractiveness for his handsome.to some extent some of the lovers of apollo like cassandra,daphne,hyac

52、inthus were just a tragdy.gods creationgods creation also means genesis in hebrew.the god creat the world with 6 days.the first day day god created the heaven and the earth.since the earth had no form,so god creat light and divided the light from darkness.the light was called day.and the darkeness was callednight.the second day god creat a great expanse of air to divide the waters below from the waters above and it was called heaventhe third day there appeared earth which is the dry land and the sea where waters all gather together.the earth produc


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