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1、投資學(xué)第7版TestBank答案Multil Cice Questns1Mrketri is ao rerdto as A)syematc rik, divesifiable ris B)sysematic is, nondveifiabe risk。C)qu risk, nondiversifible sk。 D)uniqe risk,iversifialis E)nnefheaboe。 Asw: Diffculy:Ey Rational: Markt, sysematic, and novfiale is ae snoy eferring to the risk that not elmi

2、nted fromthe portflo Divifible, unique,osystemtc,an irmspecifc riks ae synys referrin t the rik thacan beelimatd fmheportfoi bydivrsification。.感謝聆聽2herikth cn be diversifiedawyi A)fir pcc risk. B)beta C)systemtriskD)mret risk。E)nne of he aove. Answr:A ficlty: Easy Ratnale: e explantonsfor1 d 2 above

3、The variae ofa prtfolio ofriky ecuriies A)s eight um f te scurities arianes。 )te sumf the scuritiesan. )s the ghte sum of the secuitie vricesa vriaes)i the sum o theseuritiscovarances E)e ofthe oe. wr:C Diffclty:Modte Rationale: he varianc of a rfolioo risky securitiiwehted su takig itoaccont bot th

4、e varneof he ndivdulscuritieand h cvarancs betweensecuritis.感謝聆聽4.Th expcted rtu of a ortolo f ikysecries )s a wighted aeref he secutes eurns。B)i the umo seurie returns.C)is thewihtdsum o th secuitiesvracean covariaces。 )A nd C. E)non he abve。 nswr: Difficlt:Eay 5.Oter hings equl,dversifction so eff

5、ectewhe A)securites etusar unorrlatedB)ecuitie reurns are ositively orlated.C)ecuities retrns are ih. )ecurites reurn arengatiely orelat) and C. Answer: D ificy: Modera Rtinale:Neative orrtion amnecurtie esuts i te retes redcion of poroi risk, whichithe gol of dierfiation。.感謝聆聽6。Theffcint ftir ofis

6、asset s)the ortion of e ivstment pportunitst that lie aove te loblnumvarice portfoli。 B)the porinofte inestmetpprtnty setthat epents he hist tanr deiations。 C)hprtion o the inement opportnity se whic iluesh potfolos ithte lowst stndard eviatin。 D)e set ofprtfolos hathavezero stanard devtio。 E)botAan

7、dB are true. Anser:A ificty: Modrte Ratiole: ortfolos the eficiet fotier are hose prvidnthe geates exeted eturn for a gvnamount of rik. Onl tho portfolios abve e lba inmm variace ofoio met this criterion。.感謝聆聽7TheCapal Allotion Lnroedb a ris-fre euityand N rsy seuritesis A)th line thatconcts t iskfe

8、 rateand the globa inimu-varianeortfol of te riky seurtis。 B)the ine ta cnnecstheri-fre rate an e potfoi of te risyseuritis ht ha thighest eecte rtrn o t efficiet frontir .感謝聆聽C)theine ngen o te fcit ronte oriy seuriis draw from the riskree rat. D)the orzontal lnedran fom th risk-free rat E)non f th

9、e aove。 Answr: C Difficlty:Moderat Ratnae: TeaptaAllocati neprsen he mosteffien cmbiains fth risree aetan risky securites. Only C meet thatdeinitin。.感謝聆聽8。Cosde a vesmet oportunityt foredwith tosecuitis th ae perfct eaively oetd. he goblminimumariaceportoli aa stanad deaton a ialays .感謝聆聽A)great tha

10、nzo。 B)eua to zero。 C)qal t t sum othesecurties sndad datn。 D)equlto 1. E)on f te aboveAnser: B Dffculy: ificut Ranale: If ecurits wee eretl givelyclated, the eights rthemnimum varinc potf or those securiis ould e calulated, anth stadard eviaton of h resultng prtfoliuld be o。.感謝聆聽9.Whichof thefollog

11、 staemnts ()rue regardn thevriancef aporfolio oftwo isky eurities? )The hger thecoefficieoreatio btweensecries, the ter he redutin i te portfolo variane B)There is a linear rlaionshpbetweenthe curites cefficent ratio a he porfl variance C)edegreeto whichte porolio variace is rduceddepnds on the degr

12、eof corato beteen securiies。 ) an . E)A and C. Anwe: C iffcult:Mate Rationle: he lowr the cration btweente eturns o the seurite, the moprfolio risk is educd.10.ffent prtfolios of rik euritesare potoliosthat)r formd wih th secritehat hae the hihstrateof return regardle of e stndardevaio。 )have t ghet

13、 rats f retun oragiven evel o rs. )e electedfrom tose scurities with the lowststndadetio regardlesof tiretrns。D)havethe higest isk andates ofreturn andtheighesstandd deiations )have the loet standarddeviatns ndhe lost rae of retun。 Answe: B Difficulty:oerate aionale: Prtfolostat ar eicen are hse tha

14、t proviethe ihst pected rtun fa level frisk.Wich of thfollwgtatmet(s) is (ar) true regaring the selein of a portfolio from tse th e on he Capita llotion Ln?.感謝聆聽A)Leriskaves invetors l inet ore i the rskfe security an les i thoptma risk tfoi tan ore riskaverse ivestors。 .感謝聆聽B)Mor rskerse investors

15、will ivest less n he ptmalrisky ortfol and or nth risfrescuty n essrsaese ito. .感謝聆聽)Invtorcooset potolio tat maximizes their exped tility. D)A ad C。 E)B an C.nsr:E Difculty:Modert Rational: Alrtioninvestorselct the ptolo that maximizsheir expectedutilit;for iestors who ar reatvymorerskvese, doi o e

16、ns nvesting essin he optil rportfolioanmor heriskree asse.感謝聆聽se the followig to nswer quios128:Consider he olowing prbaiity dstrbutin fo tockA a B:12Te epectd es of etn ofsos andB ae _and _ , respctivl. A)13; 9% )4%;10%C)1。; 7 D)7。7%; 1.% E)on fthe abvAnser:C Dificlty: Easy Raionale: E(RA) = .1(10)

17、+ 02(1)+.(2) + 0。3(1) + 0。2(%) = 。2%;(RB) 0。1(8)+ 0.(7) + 0。2() + 0。(9) + 0。(8%)= 7.7.感謝聆聽1。Thesndard diationsstocks andB are_ and _,espectiely. A)。5;9% B)2.5%;1。1% )%; 2% D)1.5; .% E)one f the aove nswer:D Dffculty:Moerate Rationae: sA0。1( - 13。2)2 + 0。2(1%- 13。2)2+ 0.2(12 13。)2 0.3(14-13。) +0。2(15

18、 3。%)21/= 1.; B 01(% 。7)2 + 0。2(% - 7。7)2+ 0.2(6 - .7)2 + 。(% 7。7)2 + 0。2(8% 7.7)2 = 1。.感謝聆聽1.The coefficint ofcorlationbwA an B A)047. B).60. )0。8D)10. E)ne of heaove。 wer: A ifcy: Difficu atinle: coA,B 0。(10% 13.)(8% -.7%) + 02(3 13.2)(7 77) + 02(2 3.2)(6 。7) + 0。(14 - 1.2)(% 7.) + 0。(15 - 13.%)(8

19、 。7) = 。76; rA,B = 0。76(11)(1.5) = 07.感謝聆聽15。If youist40% o ur money in A 60% , wt wdbe ou ortfolios expectd at f return and stad deviion? .感謝聆聽A)9。9; 3 B)99;1。1% C)11%; 1。1D)11%; 3% )one of e o Answe: B Difiulty: ificl Ratnae: E(P) 0.4(32) + 0。(7.%) = .%; sP=(0.4)2(.)2 + (。6)2(1.1)+2(4)(0。)(1)(1)(。

20、4)= 1。.感謝聆聽16Le G be the global iimrianceotfoli. The wighsof ad B n re _ and _, resective. .感謝聆聽A)0.40; 0。0 ).; 0.3 )04; 0。66)076; 0。24)0.24; 0.76Anse:E Dificlty:Diffct Rionl: w (1.1) (.5)(。1)(。46)/(15)2 + (11) (2)(5)(1。)(0.6)= .2; wB =1 - 0.23 =0.7。ote tht th above soon ms th solutins btained in qu

21、estin 13 ad 14.感謝聆聽7。T epcte t f rn anstandar deviation f theob minimm ariancportfoio, G, are _ n _, respectvely.感謝聆聽A)1007; 5)90; 2.03 C)0。07; 30% D)9.4; .05% )n of the above wr: Dificlty:Mrte Rtonale: E() = 0。23(1。%) +07(7.)= 89. 9; G = (。23)(1。)2 (.7)2(1。1)2+ (2)(.2)(0.)(15)(1。1)(0。6)12 = 10%.感謝聆

22、聽18。Whchofthe loing portolio(s) s (a) on theefien froner? A)The ortfoli wt2 prentin An 80 percet in )T prtfolio wth 15ercent inAnd8 pecntin C)The porto wit 6 percnt n A ad 74 pern iB。D)Th ortfolio wth 0 perentn A and 9 prcent n B. E)anB areth ontheeficien rotir。Answer: C ifculty: iiu Ratonae:Th Prtf

23、oiosE(Rp), , Rewrd/volatiy rato are 20/80: 8.8%,。05, 8.38; 15A/5: 8。5, 1.06, 8。07; 26/74B: .13,1.0, 8.70; 10A/90B: 8。25%, 10%, 7.73. T orfolioth2in A ad 74 i B domisal othe otherportfoliosby the mnariae cterion.感謝聆聽Usethfoloing tswe question1921:onsier tperfectgtively rrelated rsk seurities A ad . A

24、as an expectedte f reuno10 a sandd eiatono 。 hs an xpectedae of return f8%ad a stadd deviation o12 .感謝聆聽19.The weights of A nd inte lobalminimu variance porloe _ nd_, rescielA)0。2;76)0。50; 。50 C)0。57; 0。43D)0.; 0.7E)0.76; 4 nwr: D Difficult:oderate Ratonal: w = 12 (16 12) 0。426;= - 4286= 05714。20.he

25、 s-free prolio ha cn be formedwiththetwosuriieswill earn _ rte o reurn.A)8.5% )9。0)8.9% D)9 E)noneo the aboeAswe: C Difcuy:Difcl Ranle:() = 43(10) + 0。57(%) 886。1。Wico thfolowi rfolio(s) is(ar)most efficnt? A)45 ercent and5 percent inB. )65 rcet in and 5pcent in)5 pcetin Ad 65 rnt in 。 D)A and B are

26、 ot ffiint.E)A andC ar bothefcen。 Awer:D ifficuly:Dificult Raionale: Te Prfolio (Rp), s,anRewaliitratios re/55: 89%, 0。6,148; 535B: 9。3, 6。,.5; 5A/65B: 。7%, 2, 3。9。 Bot A an B eficiet aordigto theeanvraneritrio. has uch hiheReward/oatlityrati。.感謝聆聽An investr who wisheo forma ortfolo tat lies toter o

27、f he ptma rikyportfoli n the Capial Alocatio Line must:.感謝聆聽A)lend some f e money t the sre rate and investthereminder n theptimal riky porfolio. B)orrowsmeme tt riskfe rae nd ines inthetialris portfolo.)inet ony n isky scurities。 D)suchaportfolio nno be fred。 E)B Anser: E Dificuly: Moderat Ratinle:

28、 Th ol way tha a investor aceteotfoos to he ght of te apital Alloation Lin s to reate a rrwing ptfoio(by stocks on mgin)。 In thisas, thinvestrwilo hold yofh ris-free securty, ut wllhold only risky seuris.感謝聆聽23.Which one f th folig prtfols canot lie oteficin frntie sdecibed y kwitz?A)Oly rtfolioW ca

29、nnt lie on h efficient frontier. )Oly orflio X canot leon he efficient roier.C)nly porol Y cannot l on eeicien rontier. D)y poolo Z cannot li on h eficinrntier. E)Cnno tll frm h infrmaigven. Aswer: ifficulty: Merte Ratne: Whepottintheabve potfoi, oy W lies beowt fficie ntr sesrbd b Maoiz. I ha iher

30、sadardeviaion tan Z ith lower expectd retun.感謝聆聽24。Whih one f the folloingprtfolios cannotlien e efficien fronters dscibed b arowit?A)Onlypotfoio cant lie n eintfrntier. B)nly prtfolo Bannot lie on th effcient frontier. C)Only prto cannot lieonthe fficent frotier )nl portfi D annot ie ohe efnt fnie。

31、 )Cnnot tellfrom the inaton givn Ane: D Dicult: Moerte Ronal:Whnpotigthe aboeprtolios, only lie belothe fict tieras dcrbe by Markowiz. I a hig standad deviin thn Z ita lwrepected retr.感謝聆聽25.Portfio terya esrbedy Maoitz is most concened ith: )the emiaton of systmic r B)e effec of diersficto onportol

32、o rk.C)t intfcaion nsstematic rik。D)active portfolioanagemen to enhance returns. )none f the above. Anwr: Dficulty: Modrate Rationale: Markowit was ccerned wit rducingpotlio rk by cmbi risky securiies ith dferigreurn pattern.感謝聆聽6。Themeaure ofrk in a Marwizefiint frntirs: A)specific isk。B)tandarddev

33、iaio o retrs. )renvesentrisk。 D)beta.E)nonofthe boe. Anwr: B ificuy: Modeae Rationale: Marwtzwas nerstein eliminatinivesifible rsk (and thslessenig totl rik) andhswasntereted i dcrasing the standard devitio therur of the porlio.感謝聆聽27.A tatistc tat aues hw thertrn f tw risky asset moetogeher is: A)v

34、ariane。 B)standad det。)covariac。 D)correltin. E)C andD Anwer:E iiculty:MderateRioale:Covrince mesurewhethe securty eurnsmo tgteorn oppsition; howeve, onl th sgn, nothemagnud, f covarince my be inerpret. Corrlation,whichi covaiac standardiedy e poduc o h sandard eviations of he woseuris, myassue vaus

35、 ly beteen +1 and 1;thus, both the sig ad th manitde ay be nterpete regring e mvement of onesecuritys rturn relati th anotherseury。.感謝聆聽8The unssmaic rikf spcific city)s l to higher i an ncrasing mrkt. B)lt fromats unqut the f C)depends onmarket volatili。 D)anno be ivrsiiedwy. )non ofhe ve.nr:B Difi

36、cu: Mderate Ratioale:nsyteatic (oriversifiabl or frmpcific)risk refrs to actors uniquto t frm.Such risk ma be diversified aay; hwever, maket will remain.感謝聆聽29.Which stament bt portfolo diversifiin is crrect? )Pop dveriiation ca redue or lii systmatc rsk。)The ikreducing bnefts of iversiicatio dont c

37、urmeanngfuly unti least 56 niidul ecurites have een purchaed .感謝聆聽C)Becs dvesiicaireducsaortflos total rk, i necearilyreduc the porolios xpcted rtunD)Typicall, asmore securies re adde to a ofoli, tt ris ould eexpecte to deasat a dereasng rate .感謝聆聽E)on of the aove staements i crrct。Answe: D Dificut:

38、 oderte Rtiole: Diversificatio an iina on nnsystemticrik; rlatvely fewscrites r eqre to edue is rsk, hus dimnishing retuns result quickly. Dierifictionos o necessrly reducereturn。.感謝聆聽30。The iivdual investors optiml prtolio sdesgnatd : )Theoit of angency ithe indifeene crve ad apitlalloion ine。 B)Th

39、 poit of hihest ewadto varibiiy riin theoportuntset C)Thpoitof tangency witht opprtuniy st and e cpitalallcation lie )Te int ofthe ghe rar to vaiabiiyrato in the ndifferce cuve。 E)None f thabve。 Answer:A ifficulty: Modeat tioale: The inierencecurv eprsets w is accetae to th ivesto; t capitalalloct l

40、ine repeentswhtis vilale n the markt hepoin angency epeses whertenvesorca otain the geates utlity fr wh s available.感謝聆聽1。For to-sto prtfoli, what woud the prferredcorrela coffiien between he twosoks? A)+1.00. B)+050 C)0。00.)1。00。 E)noneof t abve ser: Difficuty: Modat Raole: Th crrlin offiient of 。0

41、0 provie he greaetdiveiiction benes.2。Ia osecrit minimum variance prtolo here the orreaion etwensecuiisis ter than -0 A)te scurity with tehier sandardeatio wll bwightd more healy。B)thcurty wih he gh standrd deiaon will b weihess heily. )the w seuities wll be equllyweightd。 D)h sk wi be eo.)retur illbe zer。Anwr:B iiculty:Difficut Rtonale: The security wit he hgetadrdvato wll be


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