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1、物流管理第三方物流畢業(yè)論文中英文資料外文翻譯文獻(格式排版) 中英文資料外文翻譯我國第三方物流中存在的問題原因及戰(zhàn)略選擇熊衛(wèi)摘要我國物流業(yè)發(fā)展剛剛起步第三方物流的理論和實踐等方面都比較薄弱本文 指出我國第三方物流存在的問題在于國內(nèi)外第三方物流企業(yè)差距物流效率不高缺乏 系統(tǒng)性管理物流平臺構(gòu)筑滯后物流管理觀念落后等分析了產(chǎn)生上述問題的原因 并提出了精益物流中小型第三方物流企業(yè)價值鏈聯(lián)盟大型第三方物流企業(yè)虛擬化戰(zhàn) 略等三種可供選擇的第三方物流企業(yè)發(fā)展戰(zhàn)略關(guān)鍵詞第三方物流精益物流戰(zhàn)略價值鏈聯(lián)盟虛擬化戰(zhàn)略1引言長期以來我國國內(nèi)企業(yè)對采購運輸倉儲代理包裝加工配送等環(huán)節(jié)控 制能力不強在采購黑洞物流陷井中造成

2、的損失浪費難以計算因此對第 三方物流的研究對于促進我國經(jīng)濟整體效益的提高有著非常重要的理論和實踐意義 本文試圖對我國策三方物流存在的問題及原因進行分析探討并提出第三方物流幾種可 行的戰(zhàn)略選擇2我國第三方物流業(yè)存在的主要問題 一 我國策三方物流企業(yè)與國外第三方物流企業(yè)的差距較大具體表現(xiàn)在以下幾個 方面1規(guī)模經(jīng)濟及資本差距明顯由于國外的大型第三方物流企業(yè)從全球經(jīng)營的戰(zhàn)略 出發(fā)其規(guī)模和資本優(yōu)勢是毫無疑問的尤其初創(chuàng)時期的我國策三方物流業(yè)本身的規(guī) 模就很小國外巨頭雄厚的資本令國內(nèi)企業(yè)相形見絀2我國策三方物流業(yè)企業(yè)提供的物流服務(wù)水準及質(zhì)量控制遠不如國外同行當(dāng)國 內(nèi)一些企業(yè)還在把物流理解成卡車加倉庫的時候國

3、外的物流企業(yè)早已完成了一系 列標準化的改造同時國外的物流組織能力非常強大例如德國一家第三方物流公司 公司各方面的物流專家遍布歐洲各地如果有客戶的貨物需要經(jīng)達不同的國家那么歐 洲各地的這些專家就在網(wǎng)上設(shè)計出一個最佳的物流解決方案這種提供解決方案的能力 就是這第三方物流公司的核心能力而不像國內(nèi)公司號稱擁有多少條船多少輛車3我國加入wto后物流產(chǎn)業(yè)的門檻降低在物流服務(wù)業(yè)方面我國承諾所有的服 務(wù)行業(yè)在經(jīng)過合理過渡期后取消大部分外國股權(quán)限制不限制外國服務(wù)供應(yīng)商進入 目前的市場不限制所有服務(wù)行業(yè)的現(xiàn)有市場準入和活動同時在輔助分銷的服務(wù)方面 也作出了類似的承諾這些方面的限制將在以后34年內(nèi)逐步取消在此期間國

4、外 的服務(wù)供應(yīng)商可以建立百分之百的全資擁有的分支機構(gòu)或經(jīng)營機構(gòu)國內(nèi)物流服務(wù)業(yè)將 直面國際競爭 二 資源浪費嚴重第三方物流效率不高從微觀上看由于受計劃經(jīng)濟體制的影 響長期以來許多企業(yè)尤其是國有企業(yè)走的是大而全小而全的路子它 們擁有自己的倉庫車隊甚至遠洋船隊造成物流過程的大量浪費具體表現(xiàn)為倉庫 的閑置物流業(yè)經(jīng)營分散組織化程度低橫向聯(lián)合薄弱而能夠提供一體化現(xiàn)代化 專業(yè)化準時化高效服務(wù)的第三方物流企業(yè)則很少從宏觀上看第三方物流未能跟上 經(jīng)濟發(fā)展的步伐形成產(chǎn)業(yè)化經(jīng)營的模式而僅僅是同交通運輸郵電通訊商業(yè)物資 對外貿(mào)易等行業(yè)的綜合與協(xié)作 三 缺乏系統(tǒng)性管理裝備標準化程度低a目前我國大部分第三方物流企業(yè)是傳統(tǒng)

5、 體制下物資流通企業(yè)基礎(chǔ)上發(fā)展起來的服務(wù)內(nèi)容主要停留在倉儲運輸上缺乏系統(tǒng) 性管理物流的效率低第三方物流的功能得不到有效發(fā)揮另外我國物流部門條塊 分割使得物流環(huán)節(jié)中運輸方式與裝備標準不統(tǒng)一流物設(shè)施標準不配套導(dǎo)致第三方 物流無效作業(yè)的增加速度降低和成本上升 四 第三方物流平臺構(gòu)筑滯后信息化程度低第三方物流配送平臺包括實體網(wǎng)絡(luò) 和信息網(wǎng)絡(luò)實體網(wǎng)絡(luò)指物流設(shè)施交通工具交通樞紐等在地理位置上的合理布局而 形成的有形網(wǎng)絡(luò)信息網(wǎng)絡(luò)指第三方物流企業(yè)與客戶利用信息技術(shù)把各自的信息資源 鏈整合而形成共享的信息資源網(wǎng)絡(luò)我國實體網(wǎng)絡(luò)的現(xiàn)狀是第三方物流裝備水平較低 而且信息網(wǎng)絡(luò)也缺乏必要的公共物流交流平臺 五 國內(nèi)企業(yè)的

6、物流管理觀念仍然十分落后極大制約著第三方物流的發(fā)展例如 有些企業(yè)認為庫存等信息是商業(yè)機密必須由企業(yè)自身來管理而對將該類企業(yè)活動外 包出去的管理理念難以接受往往造成企業(yè)自身物流控制管理水平低下削弱了企業(yè)的 市場競爭力3產(chǎn)生問題的原因分析 一 缺乏現(xiàn)代化物流知識和專業(yè)物流管理人才這一點是目前制約中國第三方物流 業(yè)發(fā)展的最主要的瓶頸之一物流知識尤其是現(xiàn)代綜合的第三方物流知識遠未得到普 及只是知道它的主要的業(yè)務(wù)領(lǐng)域是提供運輸和倉儲服務(wù)而不知道它是對這些傳統(tǒng)業(yè) 務(wù)的新的整合其業(yè)務(wù)領(lǐng)域也遠過單純的運輸和倉儲而成為連接原料半成品供應(yīng)生 產(chǎn)過程中物料流動成品配送的全過程的服務(wù)成為涵蓋商流實物流資金流信息 流等

7、于系統(tǒng)的綜體系 二 未能有效利用現(xiàn)代科技手段這種現(xiàn)狀極大地制約了第三方物流企業(yè)的培育 影響了企業(yè)綜合競爭實力的提髙中國加入世貿(mào)組織國內(nèi)第三方物流企業(yè)將面臨來自 國外的強有力的競爭國內(nèi)第三方物流業(yè)很難提供低成本高質(zhì)量高效率的服務(wù)0 三 受到傳統(tǒng)管理體制的制約在傳統(tǒng)的條塊分割的體制安排下第三方物流的許 多活動被割裂至各個不同部門如交通運輸郵電通訊對外貿(mào)易國內(nèi)貿(mào)易等僅運 輸業(yè)就牽涉到鐵道部交通部等若干部門部門之間缺乏高效協(xié)作致使運輸過程中各 運輸方式的轉(zhuǎn)動環(huán)節(jié)耗費大量時間和成本成為物流過程中的陷阱此外還有海關(guān) 管理程序物資采購等方面的一些規(guī)定也影響了物流企業(yè)綜合服務(wù)水平的提高和業(yè)務(wù)領(lǐng) 域的拓展進而制

8、約了第三方物流產(chǎn)業(yè)的快速發(fā)展4第三方物流企業(yè)的戰(zhàn)略選擇歸納國外幾種最新的物流理論并結(jié)合當(dāng)前國外第三方物流發(fā)展實踐第三方物流 企業(yè)的戰(zhàn)略選擇可以有以下三種 一 精益物流戰(zhàn)略由于物流理論和實踐的滯后我國大部分第三方物流企業(yè)還是粗放式經(jīng)營還不能 準確定位自己的物流服務(wù)如果不盡快扭轉(zhuǎn)這一局面將對我國第三方物流業(yè)的發(fā)展產(chǎn) 生制約作用精益物流理論的產(chǎn)生為我國的第三方物流企業(yè)提供了一種新的發(fā)展思路 為這些企業(yè)在新經(jīng)濟中生存和發(fā)展提供了機遇精益物流起源于精益制造的概念它產(chǎn) 生于日本豐田汽車公司在上世紀70年代所獨創(chuàng)的豐田生產(chǎn)系統(tǒng)后經(jīng)美國麻省理 工學(xué)院教授研究和總結(jié)正式發(fā)表在1990年出版的改變世界的機器 一書

9、中精益思 想是指運用多種現(xiàn)代管理方法和手段以社會需求為依據(jù)以充分發(fā)揮人的作用為根本 有效配置和合理使用企業(yè)資源最大限度地為企業(yè)謀求經(jīng)濟效益的一種新型的經(jīng)營管理 理念精益物流則是精益思想在物流管理中的應(yīng)用是物流發(fā)展中的必然反映所謂精 益物流是指通過消除生產(chǎn)和供應(yīng)過程中的非增值的浪費以減少備貨時間提髙客戶滿意度精益物流的目標在于根據(jù)顧客需求提供顧客滿意的物流服務(wù)同時追求把提 供物流服務(wù)過程中的浪費和延遲降至最低程度不斷提高物流服務(wù)過程的增值效益精 益物流系統(tǒng)的特點在于它是高質(zhì)量低成本不斷完善由顧客需求拉動型的物流系統(tǒng) 它要求樹立顧客第一的思想準時準確快速地傳遞物流和信息流總之精益物流作為一種全新的

10、管理思想勢必會對我國的第三方物流企業(yè)產(chǎn)生深 遠的影響它的出現(xiàn)將改變第三方物流企業(yè)的粗放式的管理觀念形成第三方物流企業(yè) 的核心競爭力 二 建立中小型第三方物流企業(yè)的價值鏈聯(lián)盟中小型的第三方物流企業(yè)由于本身不能獨立提供全程一站式物流服務(wù)的缺點同時 由于資產(chǎn)規(guī)模小服務(wù)地域不寬使中小型第三方物流企業(yè)在我國物流業(yè)中處于劣勢因 此對于中小型第三方物流企業(yè)來說從企業(yè)自身資源出發(fā)構(gòu)造各自的核心競爭力才是 關(guān)鍵由于中小型第三方物流企業(yè)功能的單一與不完備因此建立在各自的核心競爭力 基礎(chǔ)上構(gòu)造的物流業(yè)務(wù)的合作是一種有效彌補企業(yè)能力缺陷構(gòu)成物流競爭優(yōu)勢的可行 方法價值鏈是采用系統(tǒng)方法來考察企業(yè)所有活動及其相互作用以及

11、分析獲得企業(yè)競爭 優(yōu)勢的各種資源企業(yè)的價值活動分為兩大類基本活動和輔助活動基本活動是涉及 產(chǎn)品的物質(zhì)創(chuàng)造及銷售轉(zhuǎn)移給買方和售后服務(wù)的各種活動輔助活動是輔助蕋本活動 并通過提供外購收入技術(shù)人力資源以及各種職能以相互支持運用價值鏈理論來分 析考察第三方物流企業(yè)的價值鏈構(gòu)成可以發(fā)現(xiàn)在輔助活動方面第三方物流企業(yè)與 一般企業(yè)并沒有什么不同而在基本活動方面第三方物流企業(yè)有其特點第三方物流企 業(yè)一般不存在商品生產(chǎn)過程只有流通環(huán)節(jié)的再加工過程不占主要環(huán)節(jié)廣泛的第三 方物流企業(yè)的基本作業(yè)活動因而變成存儲運輸包裝配送客戶服務(wù)及市場等環(huán)節(jié) 基本作業(yè)活動的各環(huán)節(jié)由于企業(yè)自身資源和能力的有限不可能在每一個環(huán)節(jié)中都占 有

12、優(yōu)勢這種在某些價值鏈環(huán)節(jié)方面的不足造成了企業(yè)整體物流機能的不完備缺乏 相應(yīng)的競爭力使某些具有相對優(yōu)勢的價值鏈環(huán)節(jié)也因整體的不足而發(fā)揮不出應(yīng)有的功 效所以物流產(chǎn)業(yè)內(nèi)的中小型第三方物流企業(yè)聯(lián)盟應(yīng)該是建立在彼此之間價值鏈基礎(chǔ) 上的互補性合作充分利用專業(yè)性物流公司的專業(yè)化物流機能和物流代理企業(yè)的組織協(xié) 調(diào)的柔性化綜合物流能力的互補性對于中小型第三方物流企業(yè)來說應(yīng)該從企業(yè)價值 鏈的優(yōu)勢環(huán)節(jié)入手發(fā)掘并形成企業(yè)的核心競爭力通過價值鏈的重構(gòu)來揚長避短 三 大型第三方物流企業(yè)的虛擬化戰(zhàn)略在it和互聯(lián)網(wǎng)飛速發(fā)展的時代企業(yè)不能單打獨拼而必須在競爭中求協(xié)作在 協(xié)作中求發(fā)展因此產(chǎn)生于現(xiàn)代條件下的現(xiàn)代大型第三方物流的虛擬

13、化發(fā)展有很強的 必要性大型第三方物流企業(yè)的虛擬化是指物流經(jīng)營人將他人的資源為己所有通 過網(wǎng)絡(luò)把他人變成自己物流的一部分借助他人的力量突破有形界限延伸實現(xiàn)自 磨的各種功能進而擴展自己的能力增強自己的實力所以物流的虛擬化是以信息 技術(shù)為連接和協(xié)調(diào)手段的臨時性動態(tài)聯(lián)盟形式的虛擬物流現(xiàn)代綜合物流的虛擬化 以電子通訊技術(shù)為手段以客戶為中心以機會為基礎(chǔ)以參與成員的核心能力為條件 以協(xié)議目標和任務(wù)為共同追求把不同地區(qū)國家的現(xiàn)有資源迅速組合成一種沒有圍墻 超越空間約束靠電子網(wǎng)絡(luò)手段聯(lián)系統(tǒng)一指揮的虛擬經(jīng)營實體以最快的速度推出高 質(zhì)量低成本的物流服務(wù)現(xiàn)代大型第三方物流的虛擬化包括功能組織地域三個方面的虛擬化功能虛

14、擬 化是第三方物流企業(yè)借助it技術(shù)將分布在不同地點不同企業(yè)內(nèi)承擔(dān)不同職能的物流 資源 信息人力物質(zhì)等資源 組織起來去完成特定的任務(wù)實現(xiàn)社會資源的優(yōu)化組 織虛擬化是指物流組織的結(jié)構(gòu)始終是動態(tài)調(diào)整的不是固定不變的而且具有分散化 柔性化自主管理扁平的網(wǎng)絡(luò)結(jié)構(gòu)自己可根據(jù)目標和環(huán)境的變化進行再組合及時 反映市場動態(tài)地域虛擬是指第三方物流企業(yè)通過互聯(lián)網(wǎng)絡(luò)將全球物流資源連接起來 消除障礙和國家壁壘使生產(chǎn)管理實現(xiàn)天涯若比鄰?fù)馕奈墨I原文部分chinas third-party logistics problemscauses and strategic choicexiong weiabstract china

15、s logistics industry has just started third-party logistics and other aspects of the theory and practice are relatively weak the paper points out the problems of the third party logistics is the gap between domestic and international third party logistics logistics efficiency is not high the lack of

16、 systematic management and logistics platform to build lag behind the concept of logistics management and so on analyzed the causes of such problems arising and proposed lean logistics small and medium enteiprise value chain alliances third party logistics large third-party logistics companies such

17、as virtualization strategy choice of three third-party logistics enterprise development strategieskeywordsthird party logisticslean logistics strategyvalue chain alliances virtualization strategy1 introductionfor a long time chinas domestic enterprises procurement transportation warehousing agents p

18、ackaging processing distribution and other aspects of control is not strong in the procurement black hole logistics trap in the waste is difficult to calculate losses therefore third-party logistics research the overall effectiveness in promoting the improvement of chinas economy has a very importan

19、t theoretical and practical significance this article attempts to my policy of three logistics problems and analysis of the causes of and propose several possible third-party logistics strategic choice2third party logistics industry in chinas major problems a the national policy of three logistics c

20、ompanies and foreign big gap betweenthird-party logistics companies specifically in the following areas1economies of scale and capital gap significantly because third-party logistics companies large foreign strategic departure from the global business its advantages of scale and capital is no doubt

21、especially start-up period of three logistics policy iits very small sizestrong capital that foreign giants china enterprises to shame21 state policy of the logistics enterprises provide three logistics service level and quality control rather than foreign counterparts when some domestic enterprise

22、is still in logistics interpreted as trucksadd warehouse logistics enterprises abroad already completed a series of standardized transformation meanwhile foreign logistics organizational ability so powerful germany for example a third-party logistics company all aspects of logistics experts across a

23、ll over europe if the goods by a customer needs of different countries so these experts from all over europe in online design a the best logistics solutions this provides solutions is the ability that the core competence of third-party logistics companies unlike domestic companies claim to having ma

24、ny ship how many car3 chinas accession to wto lower the threshold of the logistics industry the logistics service industry our commitment to all of the services sector after a reasonable transition period to cancel most of the foreign equity limit does not restrict access to foreign service provider

25、s the current market do not restrict all the service sectors and the existing market access activities the secondary distribution services while also making a similar commitment these restrictions will be phased out after 3-4 years during which foreign service providers can create a hundred per cent

26、 wholly-owned subsidiaries or business sector the domestic logistics industry will face international competition b serious waste of resources third party logistics efficiency is not high from the microscopic point of view due to the impact of the planned economy a long time many enterprises especia

27、lly state-owned enterprises to go the large small route they have their own warehouse fleet and even ocean-going vessels teamresulting in wasting a lot of the logistics process the specific performance of the idle warehouse logistics decentralized operation the low level of organization transverse j

28、oint weak and to provide integrated modem professional punctual efficient services to third-party logistics enterprises are verysmall from a macro point of view of economic development of third-party logistics failed to keep up with the pace of the formation of industrial management model but only w

29、ith the transportation telecommunications commercial materials foreign trade and other sectors of the integration and collaboration c the lack of systematic management equipment standardization is low most of the current third-party logistics enterprises in china under the traditional system based o

30、n materials circulation enterprises developed the service mainly stay in the storage transportation lack of systematic management logistics low efficiency lack of effective third party logistics functions play in addition the fragmentation of china抯 logistics sector making the link in the transporta

31、tion logistics and equipment s tandards are not uniform does not support current standards for physical facilities resulting in the increase in third-party logistics invalid operation speed and reduce costs d third-party logistics platform to build lag lower degree of information technology third-pa

32、rty logistics and distribution platforms including physical network and information network physical network refers to the logistics facilities transportation transportation hubs in the geographical location of the rational distribution and the formation of physical network information networks that

33、 use third-party logistics business and information technology information resources to their chain integration and the formation of a shared network of information resources the status of physical network are low levels of third-party logistics and equipmentand information networks also lack the ne

34、cessary public logistics platform e the concept of logistics management of domestic enterprises is still very backward which greatly restricts the development of third party logistics for example some companies believe that inventory information is confidential business information must be managed b

35、y the enterprises themselves the class of business activities while outsourcing the management concept difficult to accept often resulting in control of their own poor management of logistics business competition in the market weakens force3causes of problems analysis a lack of modem logistics manag

36、ement knowledge and expertise of logistics personnel this is the third-party logistics industry in restricting the development of chinas mostimportant one of the bottlenecks logistics knowledge especially in modem integrated third party logistics knowledge is far from being universal but that its ma

37、in business areas is to provide transportation and warehousing services not know that it is new to these traditional business integration of its business fields far too simple to become connected with transport and storage of raw materials semi-finished products supply production process material fl

38、ow the whole process of product distribution services as cover flow solid logistics capital flow information flow is equal to the integrated system of systems b fails to effectively use modem technology this situation has greatly restricted the cultivation of third-party logistics companies affectin

39、g their overall competitive strength increased chinas accession to the wto domestic enterprises will face third-party logistics strong competition from abroad the domestic third-party logistics industry is difficult to provide low-cost high quality and efficient service c subject to the constraints

40、of traditional management systems fragmentation in the traditional institutional arrangemenis third party logistics activities have been separated from many different sectors such as transportation post and telecommunications foreign trade domestic trade and only involves the transport industry to t

41、he ministry of railways ministry of communications etc some departments the lack of efficient collaboration between departments resulting in the transport process of rotation of the mode of transport and time-consuming part of the cost of logistics in the process of becoming trap 晻 there are also pr

42、ocedures for customs management material procurement and other aspects of some of the provisions of the logistics enterpris es also raise the level of integrated services and business development areas thus restricting the rapid development of third-party logistics industry4the third party logistics

43、 enterprise strategic choicesummarized the latest of several foreign logistics theory and the development of third-party logistics with the current practice of foreign third-party logistics firms strategic choice to have the following three a lean logistics strategysince the lag theory and practice

44、of logistics our most extensive third-party logistics company or business it can not accurately position their logistics services if you do notreverse this situation as soon as possible will be third-party logistics industry in china have restricted role lean production theory of logistics for our t

45、hird-party logistics company provides a new development ideas for these enterprises to survive in the new economy and development opportunities lean logistics concept originated in lean manufacturing it is produced from the toyota motor corporation 70 years in the last century by the original 晻toyot

46、a production system1 after research by the massa chusetts institute of technology professor and summary was published in 1990 published change the world of machines a book lean thinking is the use of various modem management methods and means based on the needs of society to fully play the role of p

47、eople as a fundamental and effective allocation and rational use of corporate resources to imize economic benefits for enterprises to seek a new management philosophy lean logistics lean thinking is the application in logistics management logistics development must reflect the so-called lean logisti

48、cs means the process by eliminating the production and supply of non-value added waste in order to reduce stocking time improve customer satisfaction the aim of lean logistics according to customer needs providing customers with logistics services while pursuing the provision of logistics services i

49、n the process to minimize waste and delaythe process of increasing value added logistics services lean logistics system is characterized by its high-quality low cost continuous improvement driven by customer demand oriented logistics system it requires establishing the customer first thought on time

50、 accurate and fast delivery of goods and informationin short lean logistics as a new management ideasbound to have a third-party logistics enterprises in china have far-reaching impact it will change the appearance of the extensive third party logistics management concept the formation of third part

51、y logistics core competitiveness b the establishment of small and medium third party logistics value chain alliancethird-party logistics enterprises of small and medium can not be independent because of their one-stop logistics services to provide full shortcomings and because the small size of asse

52、ts services not wide area so that small and medium enterprises in china抯 logistics third party logistics industry at a disadvantage therefore third party logistics for small and medium enterprises starting from their own resources to construct their own core competence is the key as small and medium

53、 enterprise features of a single third-party logistics and incomplete so based on their respective core competencies based on the structure of the logistics business enterprise cooperation is an effective capacity to make up for deficiencies constitutes a feasible way of competitive advantage of log

54、istics value chain is the use of systems approach to investigate the interaction between business and the analysis of all activities and their access to the resources of competitive advantage value of the business activities fall into two categories basic activities and support activities basic acti

55、vities are involved in product creation and sale of the material transferred to the buyer and after-sales service activities basic activities of supporting activities is to assist the revenue by providing outsourcing technology human resources and a variety of functions to support each other theory

56、to analyze the value chain study the value of third party logistics chain composition can be found in auxiliary activities third party logistics enterprise and general business is no different the basic activities in the third-party logistics companies has its own characteristics third-party logisti

57、cs enterprises there is generally no commodity production process only the re-circulation process does not account for major components of a wide range of third-party logistics companies and thus become the basic operating activities of storage transport packaging distribution customer service and m

58、arketing etc link various aspects of the basic work activities due to their own limited resources and capacity can not have every aspect of an advantage in that value chain in terms of some of the deficiencies resulting in their overall logistics function not complete lack of corresponding competiti

59、veness and comparative advantage in some sectors of the value chain due to lack of overall effect should not play therefore third party logistics industry small and medium sized logistics enterprises within the union should be based on the value chain between complementary on the basis of cooperation make ftill use of professional logistics companies and logistics functions of specialized logistics organization and coordination o


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