1、高考資源網(wǎng)( ) 您身邊的高考專家讀后續(xù)寫- 專項(xiàng)練習(xí)1. 閱讀下面短文,根據(jù)所給情節(jié)進(jìn)行續(xù)寫,使之構(gòu)成一個完整的故事。I still remember it ,like it was yesterday when my parentstold me the news. It was the week before Christmas on Thursdaymorning when my parents said, “Stacy, start packing your thingsso we can go to Florida for the holidays. ”“Okay, ”I resp
2、onded.We do this every year for Christmas andNew Year. Its kind of a family tradition we have.We go everyyear because we like to visit some family members living inFlorida.There has never been a year when we ve missed a trip toFlorida for the holidays. I was so excited to go on this tripbecause Chri
3、stmas is my favorite holiday, but to top it off I wasgoing to get to celebrate it with my family.The next morning ,my mother entered my room. “Stacy,wake up !We need to go to the airport so that we can get ourplane tickets to Florida before they sell out. ”高考資源網(wǎng)版權(quán)所有,侵權(quán)必究!高考資源網(wǎng)( ) 您身邊的高考專家I jumped ou
4、t of bed and got ready as fast as I could.When wewere on our way to the airport ,I couldn t stop talking andsmiling because I was too excited about getting our tickets.“Aren t you just excited to go to Florida ?” I asked.“Yes, I am.We can finally catch up with the family and drinkhot cocoa ,”respond
5、ed my mother.The airport was so crowded. Some people were leaving to othercountries and others were just visiting for the holiday. There wassuch a huge line in the airport because so many different peoplewere buying plane tickets.When it was our turn, my mother said ,“ Three tickets toFlorida on Chr
6、istmas Eve please. ”The lady working there responded ,“Well, you guys are lucky.Yougot the last three tickets to Florida. ”My mother and I both smiled in relief and paid for our tickets andwent back home to finish packing.注意:1所續(xù)寫短文的詞數(shù)應(yīng)為 150 左右;高考資源網(wǎng)版權(quán)所有,侵權(quán)必究!高考資源網(wǎng)( ) 您身邊的高考專家2應(yīng)使用 5 個以上短文中標(biāo)有下劃線的關(guān)鍵詞語;
7、3續(xù)寫部分分為兩段,每段的開頭語已為你寫好;4續(xù)寫完成后,請用下劃線標(biāo)出你所使用的關(guān)鍵詞語。Paragraph 1 :When we arrived home ,we found father wasParagraph 2 :After we left for the airport to buy tickets ,a man climbed into ourhouse to steal money .【答案】When we arrived home, we found father was lying on thefloor, bleeding. Though we felt very su
8、rprised, we sent him tohospital at once.With the help of doctors, my father came back tolife on Christmas Eve, which made our family pleased. My parentsloved each other very much, so my mother kept my fathercompany day and night ,completely forgetting the trip to Florida.After my father woke up, he
9、said sorry to us and told us everythingthat happened to him.高考資源網(wǎng)版權(quán)所有,侵權(quán)必究!高考資源網(wǎng)( ) 您身邊的高考專家After we left for the airport to buy tickets, a man climbed intoour house to steal money. My father caught him and bravelyfought with him, but unfortunately the man hurt my father.Hearing the news ,we were pr
10、oud of him. On Christmas Eve, weheld a party in hospital for my father. Everyone got togetheraround the Christmas tree and sang Christmas songs to him.ThatChristmas Eve was quite unusual and meaningful. I will neverforget the time I spent with my father on Christmas Eve in hospital.2.閱讀下面短文,根據(jù)所給情節(jié)進(jìn)行
11、續(xù)寫,使之構(gòu)成一個完整的故事。At a recent 6-year - old s birthday party together with mydaughter ,I watched two girls playing in a playroom.Three boyscame over and decided they were going to drive the girls away.“No girls allowed ,”said one boy.The other two boys crowdedaround the girls for effect. One of the girl
12、s, in fear ,did as she wasordered and left the playroom. The other girl stood her ground.“We were here first. You can t kick us out ,”she said.They weren t my kids, so I gently told the boys that everyone高考資源網(wǎng)版權(quán)所有,侵權(quán)必究!高考資源網(wǎng)( ) 您身邊的高考專家was allowed to play in the playroom. The boys ignored me, andcon
13、tinued to push the remaining girl out of the room. The girl fellon the ground and screamed in pain. The boys went on with theirno - girls - allowed game. I took the girl over to the parents at theparty and explained what had happened.What followed was alesson in how girls were schooled in male power
14、 and privilege( 特權(quán))The girl s mother told her that she should have stayed awayfrom the boys. The message to the girl was that it was her faultbecause she didn t do what the boys had ordered. A father ofone of the boys laughed and told me that I should have caught thegirl as she fell. There were no c
15、onsequences for the boys. Theirviolence was so much an accepted part of their behavior that itdidn t even raise an eyebrow. In fact, the attitude of the fatherwas that using physical strength to get what you wanted was to becelebrated.The message to the boys was that they could hurt girlswithout any
16、 consequence. Another mother said ,“Its so hardfor boys and girls to play together at this age. ”高考資源網(wǎng)版權(quán)所有,侵權(quán)必究!高考資源網(wǎng)( ) 您身邊的高考專家注意:1所續(xù)寫短文的詞數(shù)應(yīng)為 150 左右;2應(yīng)使用 5 個以上短文中標(biāo)有下劃線的關(guān)鍵詞語;3續(xù)寫部分分為兩段,每段的開頭語已為你寫好;4續(xù)寫完成后,請用下劃線標(biāo)出你所使用的關(guān)鍵詞語。Paragraph 1 :To that mother s words ,my response is :No !Its not !Paragraph 2 :
17、My six - year-old daughter observed the events at the party .【答案】 To that mother s words ,my response is:No !It snot !We are all humans ,born without any difference. Though itseems to be a small thing ,just a quarrel among children ,what itshows is that girls are now suffering from prejudice. Actual
18、ly ,boysand girls are just like two poles of our Earth ,so they can t beapart and there is nothing about who are better. Boys should havea respectful attitude to girls. I think all the parents should teach高考資源網(wǎng)版權(quán)所有,侵權(quán)必究!高考資源網(wǎng)( ) 您身邊的高考專家their children that boys and girls have the same rights.My six
19、- year - old daughter observed the events at the party.And afterwards she said ,“Mom ,I think those boys can t drivethe girls away and even injure them. ”I said ,“That s true ,mydear. Girls are now being looked down upon ,but you need tounderstand that we are equal ,though some people don t thinklik
20、e this. ” My daughter nodded and said ,“I will try my best tostop violence against women and girls. ”3.閱讀下面短文,根據(jù)所給情節(jié)進(jìn)行續(xù)寫,使之構(gòu)成一個完整的故事。During lunchtime ,Emma suggested going to the zoo tofeed the animals and her mom agreed.“Well stop by the bakery and pick some bread up. Now hurryand eat and then we l
21、l go. It s going to be a lovely day.Grandma is coming with us. She ll be here any minute ,”momsaid.Emma ate her lunch and then ran into her room to get hershoes.The problem was that she could only find one of them. She高考資源網(wǎng)版權(quán)所有,侵權(quán)必究!高考資源網(wǎng)( ) 您身邊的高考專家looked under her bed, but all she could see were d
22、irty towels andpants. She moved some of her toys out of the way ,but stillcouldn t find her shoe. After shed checked everywhere in herroom ,she ran into the kitchen. “ Mom , I can t find myshoe.Will you wait while I look for it ?”she asked.Her mom thought about how many times she d told Emmato clean
23、 her room up. She whispered something to Emma sgrandma and then said to Emma ,“You will have to stayhome.Your dad and I will take Ryan to the zoo. Grandma will stayhere with you. ”“No !Please wait for me. I want to go to the zoo ,”Emmacried. “Im sorry, Emma. Ive told you a dozen times to cleanyour r
24、oom and you ignored me.You cant find your shoe now.Its your own fault for not doing as I asked.You will stay home. ”Emma ran into her bedroom, crying. Her mom came to thedoor and said ,“Emma ,clean that room of yours before I gethome. Ive told grandma not to give you any sweets until youfinish the w
25、ork. ” She went out to the car with Ryan and Emma s高考資源網(wǎng)版權(quán)所有,侵權(quán)必究!高考資源網(wǎng)( ) 您身邊的高考專家dad and then they drove away.注意:1所續(xù)寫短文的詞數(shù)應(yīng)為 150 左右;2應(yīng)使用 5 個以上短文中標(biāo)有下劃線的關(guān)鍵詞語;3續(xù)寫部分分為兩段,每段的開頭語已為你寫好;4續(xù)寫完成后,請用下劃線標(biāo)出你所使用的關(guān)鍵詞語。Paragraph 1 :Emma sat on her bed and cried for a long time .Paragraph 2 :Emma and her grandma we
26、re sitting at the table ,eating when hermom ,dad ,and Ryan came home .【答案】Emma sat on her bed and cried for a long time. And thenshe wiped her eyes and started to clean her room. It took her twohours to clean up the room. “I did it !”she said proudly. She evenfound her missing shoe. She ran into the
27、 living room.“Grandma !Come and see. I cleaned my room and found my高考資源網(wǎng)版權(quán)所有,侵權(quán)必究!高考資源網(wǎng)( ) 您身邊的高考專家shoe. ” Grandma looked in Emma s room. “If you had kept itthis way, you wouldn t have lost your shoe.Come and havesome sweets now ,”she said.Emma and her grandma were sitting at the table ,eating whenh
28、er mom ,dad ,and Ryan came home. “Well ,look at Emma sroom !Its clean ,”her dad said. “How was the zoo ?Did youhave fun ?I wish I could have gone there with you ,”Emma said.“If you keep your room clean ,we may go and see animalsagain ,”her mom said. From then on ,Emma tried her best tokeep her room
29、clean.4. 閱讀下面短文,根據(jù)所給情節(jié)進(jìn)行續(xù)寫,使之構(gòu)成一個完整的故事。It was a hot and wet day in July.I was driving to the localgrocery store because the heat had made my bananas go fromyellow to brown overnight.My air conditioner in my car was onhigh ,but it still wasn t cooling me down. Suddenly, the car infront of me signaled
30、 that it was pulling off.I pressed on thebrakes and slowed down. Out of the corner of my eye I saw several高考資源網(wǎng)版權(quán)所有,侵權(quán)必究!高考資源網(wǎng)( ) 您身邊的高考專家teenagers standing in the summer sun.They weren t playing,killing time, or hanging around though.They weren t drinking ,smoking, chatting, or looking at their cel
31、l phones.They wereworking on a porch( 走廊)I recognized them immediately as one of the church workcamps. For more years than I can remember these young men andwomen have volunteered their spring and summer vacations tocome here and help repair the homes of poor people. I smiledwhen I saw them there sw
32、eating and working hard to do somegood in this world.While the news headlineswere so full ofmurder ,hate ,and violence in our society ,these young peoplewere doing their best to share some love and light with others.Inmy heart and mind I heard the words once again :“I was hungryand you gave me food
33、;I was a stranger and you welcomed me ;I was naked( 裸體的) and you gave me clothing ;I was sick andyou took care of me. ”There is so much good we can do in this life.There are so manypeople we can help.There is so much love we can share.And as高考資源網(wǎng)版權(quán)所有,侵權(quán)必究!高考資源網(wǎng)( ) 您身邊的高考專家long as there is life ,ther
34、e is more to do.Whether it is repairing ahouse ,sharing a smile ,offering a hug ,adopting a dog ,visitingthe sick ,giving to charity( 慈善 ),praying for others ,sharing akind word ,or doing any act of goodness ,every single thingwe do is precious in the eyes of people.注意:1所續(xù)寫短文的詞數(shù)應(yīng)為 150 左右;2應(yīng)使用 5 個以上短
35、文中標(biāo)有下劃線的關(guān)鍵詞語;3續(xù)寫部分分為兩段,每段的開頭語已為你寫好;4續(xù)寫完成后,請用下劃線標(biāo)出你所使用的關(guān)鍵詞語。Paragraph 1 :Nowadays loving each other is a good deed and common in thesociety .Paragraph 2 :Choose to love ,and you will help others .高考資源網(wǎng)版權(quán)所有,侵權(quán)必究!高考資源網(wǎng)( ) 您身邊的高考專家【答案】Nowadays loving each other is a good deed and commonin the society. C
36、hoose to love ,and you will have joy.Therefore ,learning from what the young men and women have done ,Itake part in the church work camps on weekends ,no matter howcold or hot it is.What the teenagers have done sets an example tome and changes my mind.Whenever I meet the people in need ,Irush to hel
37、p them.Choose to love, and you will help others. How do you want toexperience life ?Will you be more kind ?Begin with yourself.Realize that you are powerful and can create love. Take care ofyour thoughts and feelings and make sure they can reflect thepositive aspects of you.You can then devote this
38、love to peopleand places around you.Your love becomes the love other peoplefeel.Be an angel and choose to live freely and joyfully. In this way,the society we live in will be better and better.高考資源網(wǎng)版權(quán)所有,侵權(quán)必究!高考資源網(wǎng)( ) 您身邊的高考專家5.閱讀下面短文,根據(jù)所給情節(jié)進(jìn)行續(xù)寫,使之構(gòu)成一個完整的故事。I was responding to a call from a small bri
39、ck flat( 用磚做的公寓 )in a quiet part of town. I assumed I was being sent to pick upsome party - goers, or someone who had just had a fight with alover, or a worker heading to an early shift at some factory forthe industrial part of town.When I arrived at 2:30 a.m., the building was dark except for asing
40、le light in a ground floor window. Under such circumstances,many drivers just honk( 按喇叭) once or twice, wait a minute, thendrive away. But I had seen too many weak people who dependedon taxis as their only means of transportation.Unless a situation smelled of danger, I always went to the door.This p
41、assenger might be someone who needs my assistance, Ireasoned to myself. So I walked to the door and knocked. “Just aminute, ” answered a frail, elderly voice. I could hear somethingbeing dragged across the floor.After a long pause ,the dooropened. A small woman in her 80s stood before me.She waswear
42、ing a print dress and a pillbox hat, like somebody out of a高考資源網(wǎng)版權(quán)所有,侵權(quán)必究!高考資源網(wǎng)( ) 您身邊的高考專家1940s movie. By her side was a small nylon suitcase.The apartment looked as if no one had lived in it for years. Allthe furniture was covered with sheets.There were no clocks onthe walls, no equipment on the counters.In the corner was acardboard box filled with photos and glassware.“Would you carry my bag out to the car?” she said. I tookthe suitcase to the cab ,then returned to assist the woman. Shetook my arm, and we walked slowly toward the cab.She k
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