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1、Format Heading (Senders address) Date of writing Inside address (Recipients name, title, company, address) Salutation Body Valediction/ Complimentary closing Senders signature Senders name, title, company A business letter may also include the following optional information:Subject line Enclosures (

2、Encl.: or Enc.:) Carbon Copy Recipients (cc:) Reference Initials (of the typist, if different from original author of letter) 公函英語的交流目的是磋商公務,重點和中心思想必須突出,一目了然。由于公函一般談的都是公事,因此使用正式英語,用詞力求簡潔、準確、莊重,避免空泛,講求記實(factual)。公函尾首大都按固定程式行文,使用套語,講究規(guī)格。Thank you for your letter dated.X日來函收悉,致謝。Your early reply will

3、be appreciated.即復為盼。You are requested to kindly look into the matter.敬希查明。We received your letter of . It is gratifying to note that.你方X月X日來函收到。欣悉We are enclosing a copy of our catalog as requested in your letter of.茲隨函寄上貴方X月X日來信中所需的我方產(chǎn)品目錄一份。In view of the brisk demand for this commodity, we recomme

4、nd you to work fast and place the order with us as soon as possible.鑒于對我方貨物之殷需,建議你方盡快做出決定并向我方下單。We shall appreciate it very much if you would send us the relative control documents.如蒙貴方寄送有關控制文件,本方則不勝感激。We regret to inform you that we are unable to what you required now.很遺憾,目前無法提供所需商品,特此通知。由于公函往來多屬磋商

5、、答詢公務,往往涉及愿望、允諾、贊許、建議、催促、詢問、拒絕、辯解或申述、質(zhì)問、譴責等等,情態(tài)比較豐富,但在表達上一般都比較婉轉(zhuǎn)、含蓄、盡量保持“公事公辦的持重感” (businesslike poise)。We should be grateful/ obliged if you could provide us with all possible information on your market.We wish to draw your attention to the fact that the buyers are in urgent need of the contracted

6、goods.Your quotation sheet for Black Tea has been received with thanks.We are very pleased to say that we find your initial shipment quite satisfactory.While we appreciate your order, we very much regret that we cannot entertain any fresh business in this line owing to heavy commitments.We are compe

7、lled to express our surprise and disappointment at finding the goods obtained in your last shipment not up to the agreed standard.As soon as we have booked the necessary shipping space, we shall advise you of the name of the steamer and the shipment date without delay.由于公函英語重在記實,譯文總的要求是不求虛飾但求簡明、嚴謹、準

8、確,特別是事實細節(jié)(包括日期、數(shù)量、代號等等)不應疏漏,以免貽誤工作。公函文體目前雖有平易化的趨勢,但總的說來仍是一種比較正式的拘謹文體,不容許揮灑自如,函件中的情態(tài)雖常有變化,但一般在表述上都很婉轉(zhuǎn)。漢語公文及公函用語和行文都講求端重,常用文言詞語,套語亦多。常用的公函詞語如“收悉、承蒙、乞諒、見告、為盼、賜復”等等現(xiàn)在還可酌情使用。翻譯公函全文時請保留英語正式書信程式,不必套用中國傳統(tǒng)舊式。在實際工作中,公函使用者往往不要求將函件全譯,而只需摘譯。正確(Correctness)清晰(Clearness)簡明(Conciseness)完整(Completeness) 禮貌(Courtesy)

9、。Dear Sir or Madam: This is to introduce Mr Frank Jones ,our new marketing specialist who will be in London from April 5 to mid-April on business. We shall appreciate any help you can give Mr Jones and will always be happy to reciprocate. Yours faithfully,尊敬的先生/女士: 現(xiàn)向您推薦我們的市場專家弗蘭克瓊斯先生。他將因公務在四月5日到四月中

10、旬期間停留倫敦。 我們將非常感謝您向瓊斯先生提供的任何幫助,并非常高興施以回報。 您誠摯的Dear Mr Minister: Allow me to convey my congratulations on your promotion to Minister of Trade. I am delighted that many years service you have given to your country should have been recognized and appreciated. We wish you success in your new post and loo

11、k forward to closer cooperation with you in the development of trade between our two countries. Sincerely, 尊敬的部長先生: 請允許我向您升任貿(mào)易部長表示祝賀。多年來你對國家的貢獻被認可、欣賞,我非常高興。我們祝愿您在新的職位取得成功,期待我們兩國在貿(mào)易發(fā)展上進一步合作。 誠摯的Rogers Chemical Supply Co. 10 E.22 Street Omaha 8,Neb Gentlemen: We have obtained your name and address fro

12、m Aristo Shoes, Milan , and we are writing to enquire whether you would be willing to establish business relations with us. We have been importers of shoes for many years. At present, We are interested in extending our range and would appreciate your catalogues and quotations. If your prices are com

13、petitive we would expect to transact a significant volume of business. We look forward to your early reply. Very truly yours,自米蘭里斯托鞋類公司取得貴公司和地址,特此修函,祈能發(fā)展關系。多年來,本公司經(jīng)營鞋類進口生意,現(xiàn)欲擴展業(yè)務范圍。盼能惠賜商品目錄和報價表。 如價格公道,本公司必大額訂購。 煩請早日賜復。 此致 We would like to inform you that we act on a sole agency basis for a number of

14、 manufacturers. We specialize in finished cotton goods for the Middle eastern market: Our activities cover all types of household linen. Until now , we have been working with your textiles department and our collaboration has proved to be mutually beneficial. Please refer to them for any information

15、 regarding our company. We are very interested in an exclusive arrangement with your factory for the promotion of your products in Bahrain. We look forward to your early reply. 本公司擔任多家廠家的獨家代理,專營精制棉織品,包括各燈家用亞麻制品,行銷中東。 與貴公司向有業(yè)務聯(lián)系,互利互作。貴公司紡織部亦十分了解有關業(yè)務合作之情況。 盼望能成為貴公司獨家代理,促銷在巴林市場的貨品。 上述建議,煩請早日賜復,以便進一步聯(lián)系合

16、作。 此致 敬禮 Many thanks for your letter and enclosures of 12 September. We were very interested to hear that you are looking for an UK distributor for your teaching aids. We would like to invite you to visit our booth,No. 6,at next months London Toy Fair, at Earls court , which starts on 2 October. If

17、you would like to set up an appointment during non exhibit hall hours please call me. I can then arrange for our senior staff to be present at the meeting. We look forward to hearing from you.多謝9月12日的來信和附件。獲悉貴公司有意物色英國銷售商推廣教學輔助設備, 甚感興趣。 本公司將于10月2日于厄爾大樓舉行的倫敦玩具商品交易會上展示產(chǎn)品,誠邀貴公司派員參觀設于6號之攤位。如能安排于非展出時間面談,煩

18、請電復。定委派高層人員赴會。 本公司深知貴公司產(chǎn)品精美質(zhì)優(yōu),希望能發(fā)展互惠之業(yè)務。 特此奉告,并候復音。 We enclose our new catalogue and price list. The revised prices will apply from 1 April 1997. You will see that there have been number of changes in our product range. A number of improved models have been introduced. Out range of washing machines

19、 has been completely revamped. Many popular lines, however, have been retained unchanged. You will be aware that inflation is affecting industry as a whole. We have been affected like everyone else and some price increases have been unavoidable. We have not, however, increased our prices across the

20、board, In many cases, there is a small price increase, but in others, none at all. We can assure you that the quality of our consumer durables has been maintained at a high standard and that our service will continue to be first class. We look forward to receiving your orders. 謹謝上新的商品目錄和價格表。修訂價格定于19

21、97年4月1日起生效。產(chǎn)品系列有一大革新,增加了不少改良的型號,扒出一系列新款的洗衣機,但許多款的開動號仍保持不變。通貨膨脹影響整個工業(yè)連帶令貨品價格上漲。雖然如此,本公司并未全面提升價格,調(diào)整幅度亦不大。 本公司堅守一貫信念,務求出產(chǎn)優(yōu)質(zhì)之耐用消費品,迎合顧客的需要。 謝謝貴公司多年惠顧,盼繼續(xù)合作。社交信函包括的范圍很廣, 按內(nèi)容與功能來分, 有祝賀、慰問、感謝、介紹、吊唁、邀請、道歉、詢問和通知等等。每一封社交書信都有一個特定而明確的目的。此類書信一般都開門見山, 中肯切題, 不涉及與該目的無關之事。在翻譯英語社交書信時, 行文要審慎, 遣詞造句應真摯懇切, 并根據(jù)不同類型書信的各自風格

22、, 采用靈活多樣的翻譯方法, 使譯文在語言和風格上盡可能地忠實于原信。此外還需遵循其應有的格式。Dear Mr Harper, I have learned with delight that you and your wife are the proud parents of a new baby boy . My hearty congratulations! You must be overjoyed at having become a father. Kindly let me know when I may come over to see the mother and baby.

23、 I wish you both all possible joy and happiness with your son. Yours most sincerely, Nellie Martin親愛的哈普先生: 我高興地獲悉你們夫婦新生一子, 你們定會為此感到自豪。我向你表示衷心的祝賀! 你一定會為自己做了父親而極感愉快。 請告訴我, 什么時候可以前去看望你的夫人和小寶貝。 祝愿你們倆和愛子快樂、幸福。 你最真誠的內(nèi)莉葉馬丁Dear Edward , The painful news of the passing away of your beloved father reached us

24、this morning, and we were so shocked that we could not at first believe it. How great the sorrow of your family must be and I know of no words to console you in this sad hour. I wish to offer my sincerest condolences upon this sad event. Ill call on you immediately in person to pay the last mark of

25、respect to the spirit of the deceased. My wife joins with me in sending our kindest condolences and sympathy.Yours sincerely, Conrad Ellis 親愛的愛德華: 今天上午我們獲悉你父親去世的噩耗, 感到十分震驚, 當時我們都難以相信這會是真的。 你們?nèi)乙欢ǚ浅1? 我難以找到恰當?shù)恼Z言來減輕你的悲傷。謹致深切哀悼。我將立即親來吊唁, 在令尊的靈前致哀。 我妻子也向你表示最沉痛的哀悼和深切問候。你真誠的康拉德埃利斯Dear Mr Peterson, I was

26、thrilled and excited when I received the book “Modern English” you sent me. Its indeed an invaluable book and a real help to the study of the English language. What a precious book! Thank you ever so much for your generosity and thoughtfulness.Many of my colleagues have constantly mentioned its meri

27、ts and I should say that it is the only book of its kind which suggests to the Chinese students ways to read, write and speak English to their great benefit. It is, in fact, a key to the mastery of idiomatic English.I repeat my thanks, in which my wife joins me. Sincerely yours, Anthony Stewart親愛的彼特

28、森: 當我收到你寄來的現(xiàn)代英語一書時, 我格外欣喜。這確實是一本好書, 真正有助于英語學習。一本多么難得的寶書啊! 多謝你的關懷和慷慨的幫助。 我的許多同事常提到這本書的優(yōu)點。我要說的是, 這是唯一一本可以使中國學生獲益很多, 了解如何讀、寫、說英語的書。事實上, 它是掌握道地英語的一個訣竅。 我們夫婦二人再次致謝。您真誠的安東尼斯圖爾特Dear Mrs Benton: Please excuse me for my brief delay in returning your book, which I read through with great interest. I had finis

29、hed reading it and was about to return it, when an intimate of mine came to see me . He was so interested in the nature of the book that he begged me to allow him to read it. So I ventured to keep it from you longer than I promised. I trust you will overlook my negligence. We both are grateful to yo

30、u and are ready to return the favour.Faithfully yours,Marta Lang親愛的本頓夫人: 請原諒, 我還書遲了一點。這本書我通讀了一遍, 感到很有趣味。當我讀完之后, 正準備奉還時, 我的一位摯友來看我。他對此書亦很感興趣, 求我讓他也看看這本書。于是我就冒昧地推遲了還書的時間。 我相信你會原諒我的過失的。我們倆都很感謝你, 并且隨時準備報答你的好意。忠實的瑪塔蘭思Mr and Mrs Alfred Kentrequest the pleasure of your companyat the marriage of their daugh

31、terJanetoMr John Atwateron Monday, the tenth of Juneat five oclock14 William StreetNew York茲訂于六月十六日( 星期一)下午五時于紐約威廉街十四號舉行小女珍妮同約翰阿特瓦特先生的婚禮。敬請光臨。 阿爾弗雷特肯特先生及夫人謹訂Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Matthew Bentonrequest the pleasure of your companyat a small danceThursday, the eighth of Novemberat ten oclockThe Savoy Pl

32、azaPlease reply to250 Park Avenue茲訂于11 月8 日( 星期日) 10 時在優(yōu)伊廣場舉行舞會, 敬請光臨, 恭候回音。托馬斯馬太本頓博士及夫人謹訂回函請寄 公園路250 號An electrical telegraph was independently developed and patented in the United States in 1837 by Samuel Morse. On 24 May 1844, he sent the message WHAT HATH GOD WROUGHT from Washington to Baltimore

33、.到了20世紀初,開始使用無線電拍發(fā)電報,電報業(yè)務基本上已能抵達地球上大部份地區(qū)。Types of telegrams:Types of telegrams:Plain Language (Ordinary T, Urgent T, Letter T)Code MessageCipher Message電報字(telegraphic word): 自然字、數(shù)目字、數(shù)目字加符號、合并字等十碼一字優(yōu)勢:速度保密性強正式How to draft a telegram?1. Write down the message We want to invite your attention to the fact that the date of delivery is approaching, but so far we have not yet received your relevant L/C. You are requested t


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