



1、Sin Li ne Tek Electro nic Co., Sdn. Bhd.Quality Procedure Con ti nual Improveme ntPage: 6 - 4Ref. No.: QP0225 Rev. 0CONTINUAL IMPROVEMENT PROCEDURE1. Purpose:1.1 The purpose of this procedure is toa) En sure that SLT con ti nu ally improves the effective ness of the QMS.b) Define the method to take

2、corrective and preve ntive acti ons to elim in ate the actual and pote ntial root cause of noncon formity.c) Describe the method to an alyze key data and in formati on for continu ous improveme nt processes.2. Scope:2.1 This procedure shall apply to material, product, manu facturi ng process, QMS, a

3、nd pers onnel perform ing the work.3. Refere nee:3.1 ISO 9001:2008 Clause 8.1,8.4, 8.53.2 En gi neering Cha nge Control Procedure (QP0203)3.3 Customer Satisfactio n Evaluation and Complai nt Handling Procedure (QP0218)3.4 Con trol of Records Procedure (QP0222)3.5 Dispositio n of Non-Co nformity/Disc

4、repa ncy Report (QCD-F07)3.6 Data Compiledfor An alysisCOP Y3.7 CAPAR10 AUG 20113.8 CAPAR StatusLog4. Attachme nt: NoneDOCUMENT5. Defin iti on:5.1 Major Non-Co nformitya) A quality fault entails the rejection of the whole lot of production.b) A quality compla int by a customer as per Customer Satisf

5、acti on Evaluati on and Complai nt Han dli ng Procedure.c) Recurri ng and quality system non-con formity5.2 CAPAR (Corrective and Preve ntive Actio n Request)5.3 NCR (non-con formity report)5.4 PIC (Pers on In Charge)5.5 PDCA (Pla n, Do, Check, Actio n)6.Resp on sibility:6.1MRa)Shall monitor the sta

6、tus of the corrective and preventive action.b)Shall follow-up verification through management review meetingc)Shall follow up the disclosed of CAPARd)Shall recomme nd con ti nual improveme nt activities to man ageme nt review meeti ng.6.2All Departme nta)Shall take corrective and preve ntive action

7、using CAPARb)Shall perform releva nt data an alysisc)Shall take appropriate improveme nt activities7. Flow Cha rt:Exter nal In formati onIn ter nal In formatio nAudit FeedbackSupplierPerformanceQualityObjectiveCustomerComplaint /FeedbackCustomer Satisfaction Evaluation jDepartment FeedbackAudit Feed

8、backAPAPAPAPAPDAPAP10 AUG 2011DOCUMENTBus in ess Pla nQuality Policy1fQuality Objectives1An alysis of Data1JJCFiMan ageme nt Review1rQuality Improveme nt Project8.Procedure:8.4c)8.8In dividuali) Day to day processE.g. Productivity, dow n Wherever practical, structured probl error p

9、roofi ng methods shall be utilized Quri ng and improveme nt processes.MRa)mon itori ng an (COPYures ime etc by respon sible perponr cal m ion, preve ntiemssolving0tecUGq2esi 皆怡打 luring corrective actio- -Jel lethods and ive actionb)DOCUMENTShall keep up-to-date with dll latest continual improvement

10、meabures and methodologiesShall determ ine those that are most appropriate and en sure that the releva nt staff is suitably tra ined in their use and applicati on.A con ti nual improveme nt activity can be raised upon any repeated or major non-con forma nces, uni ess otherwise specified by customers

11、, whe n the impleme nt is capable by SLT.Corrective Acti onCon ti nual improveme nt activities are directed from top man ageme nt or proposed by concerned HOD.Ben chmark/target/objectives set shall be specific, measurable, atta in able, realistic/releva nt, track-able/time base.Nomin ated pers onnel

12、 shall note the action take n, progress and status at any form of record or evide nt show n.Con ti nual improveme nt can be any of the follow ing:a) Strategici) Bus in ess pla n by top man ageme ntii) Man ageme nt review committee meeti ngiii) Multi discipli nary continual improveme nt projectb) Ope

13、rati onali) Departme nt Quality Objective Report shall be prepared by responsible personnel and compare against Quality Objective.ii) An alysis of data and operati on performa nces results by respective PICiii) Corrective and preve ntive action by respective PICiv) Intern al/exter nal audits by audi

14、torsv) Evaluati on of customer satisfactio n/perceptio na) For internal producti on quality problems, QC In spector shall prepare NCR upon discovering any significant quality problems.b) All the NCR shall be reviewed by MR and a CAPAR shall be raised where applicable.c) These shall be in itiated by

15、either:i) MRii) Factory Directoriii) HODd) Copies of the CAPAR shall be given to:i) The MRii) The HOD where the fault origi natede) The pers on detailed to impleme nt the n ecessary corrective action.f) Details of the CAPAR will be recorded on the CAPAR Status Log.g) This log shall be maintained by

16、the MR and updated as progress is made.h) The pers on detailed shall in vestigate the root cause of the problem anden sure that the n ecessary corrective acti on have bee n determ in ed, recorded and impleme nted to preve nt recurre nee of the fault.i) The in itiator or his authorized pers onnel sha

17、ll verify that the corrective acti ons are adequate before clos ing out the CAPAR.j) The Man ageme nt Review shall exam ine the positi on of CAPAR duri ng the Man ageme nt Review Meet in gs. If n ecessary, further corrective and preve ntive acti on shall be determ in ed.8.9 An alysis Of Dataa) The d

18、ata shall be prese nted in suitable formats for the bodies an alyz ing the in formati on. Such data in clude:i) Supplier Performa nee.ii) Customer Satisfactio n/Complai ntiii) Process/Operati onal Performa neeiv) Product Con formityb) The results of the an alysis shall be used to determ ine the root

19、 cause of existing or potential non-conformity and initiate appropriate corrective or preve ntive acti ons n eeded for improveme nts.8.10 Preve ntive Action9.10.a)b)c)d)e)Records:Preve ntive action shall be carried out whe n there arei) Signs of performa nee deteriorati on.ii) Pote ntial non-con for

20、mity may occur.The resp on sible pers onnel shall determ ine the pote ntial non-con formities andits causes so that preve ntive acti on could be take n to preve nt it from occurre nee.i)COP YThe proposed preventive action shall base on the magitude of the pote ntial problem and thIf the resp on sibl

21、e person nel discuss the matter With the MR by raisi ng the CAPAR o team to solv ing theDuring implementation of pFeventive action, data shall be collect and record so that it could be an alysis and evaluate the effective ness.i) If it is no effective, the resp on sible pers onnel shall carry out furtherii)e riskjO can1e action, the n shallmatter. DOCUMENTr form ing aan alysis and action by repeat Procedure 8.9.ii) If it


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