1、Unit One Efficient Reading Unit One Efficient Reading Lesson Two Lesson Two Developing Your Reading Flexibility Developing Your Reading Flexibility Generally, the ability to adjust your reading rate and methods to suit the type of material you are reading and your purpose of reading is called readin
2、g flexibility. Becoming a flexible reader involves making decisions about how you will read a given piece of material. How you will read depends on why you are reading and how much you intend to remember. Rate and comprehension are the two most important factors. Your goal is to achieve a balance th
3、at suits the nature of the material and your purpose of reading. Principles of Efficiency and Flexibility Each of the following statements expresses one of the major principles of reading efficiency and flexibility. 1. You do not always have to read everything. 2. Not everything on a page is of equa
4、l importance. 3. There are shortcuts that can save valuable time and make reading or learning easier. 4. It is possible to increase your reading rate without losing comprehension. 5. Not everything that appears in print is true. Lesson 2 Lesson 2 The New school Choice The New school Choice Reading S
5、election A Reading Selection A CATALOGUEWarm-up Activities About the Author Background Information Language Points Keys textWarm-up Activities What do you think of quality education? Will it be successful? About the Author Mary Lord is a contemporary American freelance writer for newspapers and maga
6、zines such as U.S. News & World Report, Associated Press Write. She has written many articles about American education. Background InformationOverview of the American Education System 1. Primary school American children start school at the age of five years. The first year at school is called ki
7、ndergarten. It is required of all American children enrolled in the American education system. The second year at school is considered the first year of primary school and is referred to as first grade. Primary school most commonly consists of five years of education, referred to as first through fi
8、fth grades. Background Information2. Secondary school Upon completion of fifth grade (the last year of primary school), American children enrolled in the American education system advance to secondary school. Secondary school most commonly consists of a total of seven years, referred to as sixth thr
9、ough twelfth grades. The ninth through twelfth grades are most commonly referred to as high school. Upon completion of twelfth grade, American students are awarded a certificate called the high school diploma. Background InformationIn the American education system, students must have obtained a high
10、 school diploma before they are admitted into college or university. Foreign students who would like to attend an American college or university must have completed coursework that is equivalent to what is taught at an American high school. Background Information3. Undergraduate school Students who
11、have completed high school and would like to attend college or university must attend what is referred to as an undergraduate school. These are schools that offer either a two-year degree (called an associate degree) or a four-year degree (called a bachelors degree) in a specific course of study. Th
12、at course of study is called the major. While most schools that offer a four-year degree will admit students who have not yet chosen a major, all students are required to select (or declare) a major by their second year at school. Students who complete an associate degree can continue their educatio
13、n at a four-year school and eventually complete a bachelors degree. Background Information4. Graduate school Students who have obtained a bachelors degree can continue their education by pursuing one of two types of degrees. The first is a masters degree. This is usually a two-year degree that is hi
14、ghly specialized in a specific field. Students are sometimes admitted to a masters degree program only if they have a bachelors degree in a closely related field. However, there are many exceptions to this, such as with students who want to pursue a Masters in Business Administration (MBA) degree. S
15、tudents who want to advance their education even further in a specific field can pursue a doctorate degree, also called a PhD. Background InformationA PhD degree can take between three and six years to complete, depending on the course of study chosen, the ability of the student, and the thesis that
16、 the student has selected. The thesis is a very intensive research paper that must be completed prior to earning the degree. It is always required of students pursuing a PhD, and may sometimes be required of students pursuing a masters degree (depending on the school). Certain courses of study are o
17、nly available at the graduate school level in America. The most notable of these are law, dentistry, and medicine. Students who want to pursue a degree in one of these fields must first obtain a bachelors degree. Background Information5. Education, a local matter The United States does not have a na
18、tional school system. Nor, with the exception of the military academies (for example, the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland), are there schools run by the federal government. But the government provides guidance and funding for federal educational programs in which both public and private sc
19、hools take part, and the U.S. Department of Education oversees these programs. From Hawaii to Delaware, from Alaska to Louisiana, each of the 50 states has its own laws regulating education. From state to state, some laws are similar while others are not. Background InformationAlthough there is no n
20、ational curriculum in the United States, certain subjects are taught in virtually all elementary and secondary schools throughout the country. Language Points 1. *set aside sth. such as time or money keep for a special use or purpose; reserve 留作留作之用;抽出之用;抽出用于用于(line 3, para. 1) 盡量抽出時間來做一些修修補補的活兒。盡量抽
21、出時間來做一些修修補補的活兒。 Try and set aside time to do some mending jobs. 政府僅留出這筆錢的政府僅留出這筆錢的13%13%用于衛(wèi)生和教育。用于衛(wèi)生和教育。 The government set aside barely thirteen per cent of this money for health and education. Language Points *set aside a belief, principle or feeling not let it influence you in order to achieve so
22、mething more important; disregard or discard it 把把置于一旁;置于一旁;不顧,不理會,不接受不顧,不理會,不接受 讓我們拋開個人情緒。讓我們拋開個人情緒。 Lets set aside our personal feelings. 他不理會我們所有的反對意見。他不理會我們所有的反對意見。 He set aside all our objections aside. 他們同意擱置分歧,共同為和平而努力。他們同意擱置分歧,共同為和平而努力。 They agreed to set aside their differences and work tog
23、ether for peace. Language Points *set aside a decision or judgement officially state that it is not legally valid or has no legal force; quash or overturn it 宣告無效;撤消;駁回宣告無效;撤消;駁回 高級法院已經(jīng)推翻了下級法院的裁決。高級法院已經(jīng)推翻了下級法院的裁決。 The high Court has set aside the lower courts ruling. 最初的裁定最后被最高法院宣告為無效。最初的裁定最后被最高法院宣告
24、為無效。 The original verdict was eventually set aside by the Supreme Court. Language Points 2. hit a particular place (informal) reach or arrive there(非正式)到達(dá)某地(非正式)到達(dá)某地 ( line 1, para.2) 到達(dá)紅綠燈處時向左拐。到達(dá)紅綠燈處時向左拐。 When you hit the traffic lights, turn left. 到了法院大樓向南轉(zhuǎn),再走兩英里就到我們家。到了法院大樓向南轉(zhuǎn),再走兩英里就到我們家。 Bear s
25、outh after you hit the courthouse and youll find our house two miles further on. 我們終于走上山腳下的山路,大家心里都如釋重負(fù)。我們終于走上山腳下的山路,大家心里都如釋重負(fù)。 It was a great grief when we finally hit the road at the bottom of the mountain. Language Points 3. *jump ship leave a ship without permission未經(jīng)允許擅自離船未經(jīng)允許擅自離船 (line 5, para
26、. 2) leave a difficult situation when you should stay and deal with it 臨陣脫逃;潛逃臨陣脫逃;潛逃 在緊急關(guān)頭,他會溜之大吉而不去面對危險。在緊急關(guān)頭,他會溜之大吉而不去面對危險。 In a crisis, he will jump ship rather than face danger. Language Points 4. scramble to do sth. or for sth. compete with each other to get something or for something often in
27、 a rough or undignified way爭奪,搶奪爭奪,搶奪 ( line 5, para. 4) 外交官們竟相努力阻止戰(zhàn)爭時,緊張局勢進(jìn)一步升級。外交官們竟相努力阻止戰(zhàn)爭時,緊張局勢進(jìn)一步升級。 Tensions are rising as diplomats scramble to prevent a war. 游客們搶占最好的位置。游客們搶占最好的位置。 Sightseers had scrambled for the best position. Language Points 5. *wake-up call If you say that something is a
28、 wake up call to a person or group of people, you mean that it will make them notice something and start to take action 警鐘警鐘 (line 3, para. 3) 大使說,他希望這一聲明能給政府敲響警鐘。大使說,他希望這一聲明能給政府敲響警鐘。 The Ambassador said he hoped the statement would serve as a wake up call to the government. 不佳的測驗成績應(yīng)該給老師們敲響了重重的警鐘。不佳
29、的測驗成績應(yīng)該給老師們敲響了重重的警鐘。 The low test scores should serve as a loud wake up call to teachers. a telephone call that you can book through an operator or at a hotel to make sure that you wake up at a particular time 催醒電話催醒電話 Language Points 6. prod sb. to do sth remind, spur or urge sb. to do it 催促,督促,激勵催
30、促,督促,激勵 (line 3, para. 3) 國際社會督促沖突個方重新開會。國際社會督促沖突個方重新開會。 The International Community prods all parties in the conflict to go to a renewed conference. 這完全是出于他們的主動,我一點也沒有從中催促。這完全是出于他們的主動,我一點也沒有從中催促。 This was on their own initiative, without the least prodding from me. 你也許得不時激勵他一下使他大體上還能符合要求。你也許得不時激勵他一
31、下使他大體上還能符合要求。 You may have to prod him from time and generally keep him up to the mark. Language Points 7. let alone never mind; still less更不用說更不用說 (line 4, para. 4) 無人確切知道發(fā)生了什么事情,更不用說是如何發(fā)無人確切知道發(fā)生了什么事情,更不用說是如何發(fā)生的?生的? No one was sure exactly what had happened, let alone how. 我連第一章還沒看,別說讀完全書了。我連第一章還沒看
32、,別說讀完全書了。 Ive not even read the first chapter, let alone finished the book. 英國人自己也常常不能確定什么是俚語,什么不是英國人自己也常常不能確定什么是俚語,什么不是俚語,更不要說是外國人了。俚語,更不要說是外國人了。 Englishmen themselves, let alone foreigners, are often uncertain what is slang and what isnt. Language Points 8. draw lots or cast lots draw straws; make
33、 a decision by choosing one of several pieces of paper with different choices written on it 抓鬮;抽簽抓鬮;抽簽 (line 6, para. 4) 他們抓鬮以決定誰先走。他們抓鬮以決定誰先走。 They drew lots to decide which of them should go first. Language Points 9. in a row in succession 連續(xù)地;一連串地;不間斷地連續(xù)地;一連串地;不間斷地 (line 3, para. 6) 她現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)連續(xù)三次榮獲冠軍
34、。她現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)連續(xù)三次榮獲冠軍。 She has now won the championship three times in a row. 他們連續(xù)獲得了他們連續(xù)獲得了7 7場勝利。場勝利。 They clocked up seven wins in a row. 他的工作允許他連續(xù)休幾天假。他的工作允許他連續(xù)休幾天假。 His job allows him to take seven days off in a row. Language Points 10. *break out separate or be separable into categories, such as data
35、把把資料分類資料分類 (line 5, para. 6) 政府要求各州把成績按種族和收入分類。政府要求各州把成績按種族和收入分類。 The government requires states to break out scores by race and income. begin suddenly 爆發(fā)爆發(fā) 戰(zhàn)爭爆發(fā),他志愿從軍。戰(zhàn)爭爆發(fā),他志愿從軍。 When war broke out he volunteered for service in the army. Language Points *break out from a place escape from it 逃脫,逃走逃
36、脫,逃走 19461946年的春天的一個夜晚他逃了出來,搭便車去了南方。年的春天的一個夜晚他逃了出來,搭便車去了南方。 He broke out one spring night in 1946 and hitched south. *break out of an undesirable or dull situation or way of behaving manage to change what you do or the way you behave擺脫(不快或沉悶的處境或行為方式)擺脫(不快或沉悶的處境或行為方式) 我們必須擺脫這種惡性循環(huán)。我們必須擺脫這種惡性循環(huán)。 Weve
37、got to break out of this vicious circle. 她已成功地擺脫窠臼,展現(xiàn)獨特的風(fēng)格。她已成功地擺脫窠臼,展現(xiàn)獨特的風(fēng)格。 She had managed to break out of the mould and achieve something individual. Language Points 11. stamped sb. into doing sth. put a lot pressure on sb. in order to make them to do it; pressurize or influence 迫使(某人倉促做謀事)迫使(某人
38、倉促做謀事)(line 5, para. 6) 他們被迫倉促行事而犯了策略上的錯誤。他們被迫倉促行事而犯了策略上的錯誤。 They were stampeded into errors in strategy. 顧客們被一下子沖入搶購風(fēng)。顧客們被一下子沖入搶購風(fēng)。 The customers were stampeded into a wave of panic buying. Language Points 12. stem from arise from 起源于,(由起源于,(由)造成)造成 (line 1, para. 7) 她的很多問題都源于她的家庭。她的很多問題都源于她的家庭。 Ma
39、ny of her problems stem from her family. 他受到歡迎是因為他出生于該地區(qū)。他受到歡迎是因為他出生于該地區(qū)。 His popularity stemmed from the fact that he was born in the area. 當(dāng)前的罷工浪潮起因于底工資雇員的不滿情緒。當(dāng)前的罷工浪潮起因于底工資雇員的不滿情緒。 The present wave of strikes stems from discontent among the lower paid. Language Points 13. *wind up end something 結(jié)
40、束結(jié)束 ( line 3, para. 7) 我們現(xiàn)在停止吧。我們現(xiàn)在停止吧。 Lets wind up now. 我想盡快結(jié)束這次會議。我想盡快結(jié)束這次會議。 Id like to wind up the meeting soon. *wind up in a particular place or situation finish up(以(以)告終)告終 要是到頭來他進(jìn)了監(jiān)獄,才不會讓我感到奇怪呢。要是到頭來他進(jìn)了監(jiān)獄,才不會讓我感到奇怪呢。 It wouldnt surprise me if he winds up in jail. Language Points 她最后當(dāng)了教師。她最
41、后當(dāng)了教師。 She wound up as a teacher. 如果我連年努力工作,最后會得到什么呢?金錢,如果我連年努力工作,最后會得到什么呢?金錢,地位和他人的尊敬?地位和他人的尊敬? If I work hard for years, what will I wind up with? Money, position and respect? Language Points 14. *bail out of something such as a project, situation or relationship 從從中擺脫出來中擺脫出來 (lline3, para. 9) *ba
42、il out help someone out of a difficult situation, for example by giving them money; rescue 幫助(某人)脫離困境;幫助(某人)脫離困境;使從困境中擺脫出來使從困境中擺脫出來 我要求加薪以便渡過困難。我要求加薪以便渡過困難。 I asked for a rise so I could bail out. 我們總以為科技一定可以救我們脫離困境。我們總以為科技一定可以救我們脫離困境。 We assume that technology will always bail us out of our trouble
43、s. 政府被迫出錢幫助這家公司擺脫困境。政府被迫出錢幫助這家公司擺脫困境。 The government was forced to bail the company out. Language Points hop in/on/out (informal) jump or get into, onto, or out of a vehicle quickly , usually to go a short distance 匆匆跳上匆匆跳上(或跳下)車(尤指到不遠(yuǎn)的地方)(或跳下)車(尤指到不遠(yuǎn)的地方)(line 4, para. 9) 上車吧。我順路送你進(jìn)城。上車吧。我順路送你進(jìn)城。 Ho
44、p in. Ill give you a lift into town. 大家跳進(jìn)我的車子來開到那兒去吧。大家跳進(jìn)我的車子來開到那兒去吧。 Lets hop in my car and drive out there. 我決定跳上飛機,尾隨他而去。我決定跳上飛機,尾隨他而去。 I decided to hop on a plane and go after him. 他一骨碌跳下床。他一骨碌跳下床。 He hopped out of bed. Keys I. READING COMPREHENSION 1. D 2. C 3. D 4. D 5. B 6. A 7. B 8. B 9. C 1
45、0. A .VOCABULARY A. 1.D 2.A 3.D 4.C 5.B 6.C 7.A 8.A 9.C 10.D B. 1.let alone 2.draw lots 3.in a row 4.wound up with 5.bail out 6.hop on 7.vow 8.weigh 9.lofty 10.briefed .CLOZE 1.live with 2.reassured 3.Given 4.ranked 5.all but 6.generation 7.By contrast 8.in response to 9.matters 10.predictor Keys .T
46、RANSLATION 1 120022002年初布什總統(tǒng)簽署了一項年初布什總統(tǒng)簽署了一項不讓一個孩子落后不讓一個孩子落后的重大法案,誓言要把的重大法案,誓言要把“困在那些教學(xué)質(zhì)量不佳又不進(jìn)行困在那些教學(xué)質(zhì)量不佳又不進(jìn)行改革的學(xué)校里的孩子改革的學(xué)校里的孩子”解救出來。解救出來。20022002年年7 7月月1 1日美國教育日美國教育部宣布有部宣布有8,6528,652所學(xué)校被列為所學(xué)校被列為“長期教學(xué)質(zhì)量低下長期教學(xué)質(zhì)量低下”的學(xué)校,的學(xué)校,現(xiàn)在這些學(xué)校中的學(xué)生必須在今后的幾天內(nèi)考慮決定他們現(xiàn)在這些學(xué)校中的學(xué)生必須在今后的幾天內(nèi)考慮決定他們是否要轉(zhuǎn)學(xué)是否要轉(zhuǎn)學(xué), ,同時各個學(xué)區(qū)也在忙著為符合轉(zhuǎn)學(xué)
47、條件的學(xué)同時各個學(xué)區(qū)也在忙著為符合轉(zhuǎn)學(xué)條件的學(xué)生提供幫助和服務(wù)以抓住選擇的機會。生提供幫助和服務(wù)以抓住選擇的機會。 2 2對于那些在教學(xué)改革旋渦中掙扎的學(xué)校的校長、老師對于那些在教學(xué)改革旋渦中掙扎的學(xué)校的校長、老師和學(xué)生來說,這一法案的直接后果則是迷惑與混亂。他們和學(xué)生來說,這一法案的直接后果則是迷惑與混亂。他們認(rèn)為該法案制訂的教學(xué)改革標(biāo)準(zhǔn)太高而又沒有說明各學(xué)區(qū)認(rèn)為該法案制訂的教學(xué)改革標(biāo)準(zhǔn)太高而又沒有說明各學(xué)區(qū)如何達(dá)到這些標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。如何達(dá)到這些標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。 Keys 3 3“我們要對公眾負(fù)責(zé),但是我們也需要看看該法案提出我們要對公眾負(fù)責(zé),但是我們也需要看看該法案提出的方法是否切實可行。的方法是否切實可行
48、。” 4 4一所學(xué)校連續(xù)兩年在州水平考試中沒有表現(xiàn)出一所學(xué)校連續(xù)兩年在州水平考試中沒有表現(xiàn)出“足夠的足夠的年度改進(jìn)年度改進(jìn)”就會被認(rèn)為是不合格的學(xué)校,但是聯(lián)邦教育部就會被認(rèn)為是不合格的學(xué)校,但是聯(lián)邦教育部并沒有提供一個具有權(quán)威性的不合格學(xué)校的名單讓學(xué)生家并沒有提供一個具有權(quán)威性的不合格學(xué)校的名單讓學(xué)生家長作為參考,而是要求各州各自確定不合格學(xué)校的名單,長作為參考,而是要求各州各自確定不合格學(xué)校的名單,并且要求他們把學(xué)生的考試成績按照學(xué)生的種族和家庭收并且要求他們把學(xué)生的考試成績按照學(xué)生的種族和家庭收入進(jìn)行分類。新法案還規(guī)定各州要公布便于學(xué)生和家長查入進(jìn)行分類。新法案還規(guī)定各州要公布便于學(xué)生和家
49、長查找的不合格學(xué)校的名單,但是沒有幾個州能很快拿出來。找的不合格學(xué)校的名單,但是沒有幾個州能很快拿出來。 Keys 5 5教育部次長,前賓夕法尼亞州學(xué)??偙O(jiān)教育部次長,前賓夕法尼亞州學(xué)??偙O(jiān)Eugene HickokEugene Hickok也承認(rèn)也承認(rèn)“該法案的實施可能會引起一些混亂該法案的實施可能會引起一些混亂”,但是他又說,但是他又說各州也不應(yīng)為此而大驚小怪。教育部長各州也不應(yīng)為此而大驚小怪。教育部長Rod PaigeRod Paige已經(jīng)向已經(jīng)向各學(xué)區(qū)主管人士就有關(guān)改革事宜做了扼要指示并通報了全各學(xué)區(qū)主管人士就有關(guān)改革事宜做了扼要指示并通報了全國。他說國。他說, ,即使在如紐約和芝加哥
50、這樣的大城市即使在如紐約和芝加哥這樣的大城市“接收擇校接收擇校生比較困難生比較困難”,但,但“法律就是法律法律就是法律”。 6 6 Wooten Wooten說:說:“人很容易放棄自我人很容易放棄自我, ,而去趕別人的潮流,而去趕別人的潮流,但正如其他的美國人一樣,我們都有成功的機會。我們?yōu)榈缙渌拿绹艘粯?,我們都有成功的機會。我們?yōu)槭裁床婚_創(chuàng)自己的潮流呢?什么不開創(chuàng)自己的潮流呢?” Keys .ORAL PRACTICE AND DISCUSSION What is the authors attitude towards the new federal law? What makes you think so? The author is objective in reporting the new law but is pessimistic about the practical implementation of
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