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1、 中醫(yī)英語整理資料Chapter 1 Yin-yang and five phase theory11Basic terms and phrases in yin-yang and five phase theory7l 陰陽學(xué)說Yin-yang theoryl 精氣學(xué)說Essential qi theoryl 五行學(xué)說Five phase( element) theoryl 相生 engendering( wood engenders fire; Fire engenders earth)l 相克( restraining( Earth restrains water, Water rest

2、rains fire)l 相乘 overwhelming( 或 over-acting)l 相侮 rebellion( 或insulting)l 母子相及 mother and child affecting each otherl 母氣mother qil 子氣 child qil 虛 deficiencyl 實 excessl 表 exteriorl 里 interiorl 熱 heatl 寒 coldl 陰盛yin exuberance陰盛陽衰Yin exuberance with yang debilitation陽盛陰衰Yang exuberance with yin debilit

3、ation陰陽是事物的兩類屬性Yin and yang are the fundamental categories of all phenomena.背屬陽, 腹屬陰;The back is yang and the abdomen is yin.六腑屬陽,五臟屬陰The six bowels are yang and the five viscera are yin.氣屬陽, 血屬陰表、 實、熱 證屬陽,里、虛 、寒 屬陰Exterior, excess and heat disease patterns are yang , while interior, deficiency and

4、cold disease patterns are yin.陰陽互根 mutual rooting of yin and yang陽根于陰, 陰根于陽Yang has its root in yin; yin has its root in yang.陰損及陽Detriment to yin affects yang陽損及陰Detriment to yang affects yin.肝陽上亢Ascendant hyperactivity of liver yang陽勝則陰病, 陰勝則陽?。籌f yang abounds, yin ails and if yin abounds, yang ai

5、ls.陽勝則熱, 陰勝則寒When yang prevails, there is heat and when yin prevails there is cold.寒勝則痛 when cold prevails, there is pain.升清降濁 upbearing the clear and downbearing the turbid邪之所湊, 其氣必虛For pathogens to encroach, qi must be deficient ( translated by Nigel Wiseman)大腸主津,小腸主液The large intestine governs fl

6、uid while the small intestine governs humor.奪血者無汗, 奪汗者無血。Despoliation of blood diminishes sweat, and despoliation of sweat diminishes blood.衄家不可發(fā)汗, 亡血家不可發(fā)汗。Patients suffering from nosebleeds may not be made to sweat and patients suffering from blood collapse may not be made to sweat.12治療學(xué)( Therapeut

7、ics)l 散 dissipatel 理 regulatel 清 clearl 瀉 purge l 斂 constrainl 潤 moistenl 補 tonifyl 滋 enrichl 養(yǎng) nourishl 健 fortifyl 固 securel 解 releasel 澀 astringel 祛 dispell 溫 warml 益 replenishl 除 eliminatel 滋 enrichl 化 resolvel 化痰 resolve phlegml (轉(zhuǎn))化 transforml 肝陽化火 liver yang transforming into firel 肝陽化風(fēng) liver

8、yang transforming into windl 疏 soothing( 動詞原形:soothe)l 疏肝理氣 soothe the liver and regulate qil 疏肝養(yǎng)血 soothe the liver and nourish the bloodl 疏肝健脾 soothe the liver and fortify the spleenl 疏肝和胃 soothe the liver and harmonize the stomachl 溫補命門 warm and tonify the life gatel 解表 release the exteriorl 清法 cl

9、earing methodl 清肝火clear liver firel 清熱和胃clear heat and harmonize the stomachl 瀉火 purge firel 瀉肝 purge the liverl 瀉心 purge the heartl 潤腸Moisten the intestinesl 溫胃warm the stomachl 溫中warm the middlel 溫中散寒warm the middle to dissipate coldl 溫中和胃warm the middle to harmonize the stomachl 溫陽行水warm yang to

10、move waterl 溫經(jīng)止痛warm the meridian to relieve painl 散淤dissipate the stasisl 散寒dissipate coldl 潛陽subdue yangl 平肝潛陽pacify the liver to subdue yangl 宣肺止咳 diffuse the lung to suppress coughl 宣肺平喘 diffuse the lung to calm pantingl 宣肺化痰 diffuse the lung to resolve phlegml 補氣生血 tonify qi and engender bloodl

11、 補養(yǎng)心血tonify and nourish heart bloodl 滋陰補陽 enrich yin and tonify yangl 虛者補之Treat deficiency with( or by)tonification 或Deficiency is treated with (or by) tonificationl 寒者熱之Treat cold with heatl 熱者寒之Treat heat with coldl 扶正祛邪 reinforce the healthy qi and eliminate the pathogenic factors.l 八法 eight meth

12、odsl 扶正reinforce the healthy qi l 祛邪eliminate the pathogenic factors. 祛風(fēng)劑 wind-dispelling formula清暑劑 summerheat-clearing formula安神劑 tranquilizing formula補益劑 tonifying and replenishing formula理血劑 blood-regulating formula 13 Syndrome differentiationl 辨證pattern identification/syndrome differentiationl

13、陰陽辨證yin-Yang pattern identification/syndrome differentiationl 陰陽失調(diào)證pattern/syndrome of yin-yang disharmonyl 陰證 yin pattern/syndromel 陰虛證yin deficiency pattern/syndromel 陰陽兩虛pattern/syndrome of dual deficiency of yin and yangl 陰虛火旺證pattern/syndrome of yin deficiency with effulgent firel 陰虛水停證pattern/

14、syndrome of yin deficiency with water retentionl 陰虛濕熱證pattern/syndrome of yin deficiency with dampness-heatl low fever, night sweating( night sweats), flushed cheeks in the afternoon, vexing heat in the chest, palms and soles, a bitter and greasy taste in the mouth, reddened tongue with yellow slimy

15、 fur and rapid fine pulsel 表證exterior patternl sudden onset, aversion to cold or to wind, fever, headache, generalized pain, thin tongue fur and floating pulsel 半表半里證half-exterior half-interior pattern/syndromel bitter taste in the mouth, dry throat, nausea and loss of appetite, string-like pulsel 表

16、虛證exterior deficiency pattern/syndromel reluctance to speak, lassitude, palpitation, dizziness, tinnitus, decreased food intake, weak pulsel 表寒證 exterior cold patternl 表熱證 exterior heat patternl 里熱證 interior heat patternl 表熱里寒 pattern of exterior heat and interior cold Chapter 2 Qi, blood, essence a

17、nd fluid and humor21 Basic termsl 津液fluid and humorl 傷津 damage to fluidl 先天之氣 innate qi (prenatal qi)l 先天之精innate essence l 后天之氣acquired qil 后天之精 acquired essencel 正氣 healthy qil 邪氣 pathogenic qil 元氣 primordial qi ( source qi)l 衛(wèi)氣 defensive qil 營氣nutrient( nutritive) qil 臟氣 visceral qil 腑氣 bowel qil

18、 血虛blood deficiencyl 肝藏血the liver stores the blood.l 脾統(tǒng)血the spleen manages the blood.l 血主濡之blood governs nutrition.l 血熱blood heatl 血為氣之母blood is the mother of qil 血瘀blood stasisl 瘀血static bloodl Essence is the basis of the bodyl acquired essencel essence of water and foodl reproductive essence( inna

19、te essence)l 氣為血之帥Qi is the commander of the blood.l 氣能生血Qi engenders blood.l 氣能行血Qi moves blood.l 氣能攝血Qi contains blood.l 氣不攝血 Qi deficiency failing to control bloodl 氣脫 qi collapsel 氣閉 qi blockl 氣滯 qi stagnationl 氣逆 qi counterflowl 氣陷 qi sinkingl 氣機不利 inhibited qi movement (或 inhibited qi dynamics

20、)l 三焦 triple energizersl 上焦 upper energizerl 中焦 middle energizerl 下焦 lower energizerl 筋骨 sinews and bonesl 血氣不和,百病乃而生l If blood and qi fall into disharmony, a hundred diseases may arise.l 氣主煦之, 血主濡之 Qi invigorates and blood nourishes.l Human life depends on this qi.l When qi gathers, the physical bo

21、dy is formed; when it disperses, the body diesl 中焦受氣,取汁, 變化為赤, 是謂血l The miraculous pivot states: “ the middle energizer takes in qi, extracts its essence, and turns it into the red substance that is blood.”l 肝受血而能視;足受血能步;掌受血能握;指受血而能攝。l The liver receives blood, so there is sight; the legs receive bl

22、ood and thus are able to walk; the hands receive blood and so are able to grip; the fingers receive blood and then are able to grasp.l 中焦之所受氣者, 泌其糟粕, 蒸津液, 化其精微,上行于肺脈, 乃化而為血, 以奉生身,莫貴于此, 故獨得行于經(jīng)隧,命曰營氣。l From the qi that the middle energizer takes in, it produces waste and distills fluids from which it

23、extracts the essence. This then flows into the lung meridian where it is transformed into blood which furnishes the needs of the body. Its preciousness is unexcelled by anything. It flows through the blood vessels and is known as nutrient qi.22 Symptomsl 血虛證:證見面白無華或萎黃、唇色淡白、爪甲蒼白、頭暈眼花、心悸失眠、手足發(fā)麻、舌淡苔白、脈

24、細無力 l blood deficiency pattern/syndromeCommonly-seen symptoms in blood deficiency syndrome are: pale(lusterless) or sallow complexion, pale lips and nails, dizziness, dimmed vision, insomnia, palpitations, numbness of extremities, pale tongue and white tongue fur and fine (forceless) pulse.l 面色淡白或晦滯

25、,身倦乏力,氣少懶言,疼痛如刺,常見于胸脅,痛處不移,拒按,舌淡暗或有紫斑,脈沉澀。Pale white or dull, dark complexion, lassitude and lack of strength, shortage of qi with no desire to talk, unpalpable stabbing pain frequently seen in rib-side(s) of fixed location, pale tongue or with purple speckles, sunken and rough pulse.l Blood collaps

26、es patterna critical pattern occurring in cases of acute massive bleeding, marked by pallor, dizziness, palpitations, faint and short breathing, cold extremities and even mental confusion, pale tongue, hardly perceptible pulse.l Blood stasis patternA pattern marked by formation of visible painful an

27、d tender mass, or abdominal mass with stabbing pain and tenderness, or bleeding of blood with clots, irregular pulse.l Blood heat pattern A pattern that occurs when exuberant pathogenic heat enters the blood aspect and is manifested by fever, nose-bleeds, vomiting of blood, expectoration of blood ,

28、bloody stool, skin eruptions, or advanced periods with profuse bright-red menstrual discharge, vexation, or even delirium and convulsions, deep crimson tongue and rapid string-like pulse.l 咳嗽 coughl 干咳 dry coughl 干嘔 dry retchingl 嘔吐 vomitingl 吐酸 acid vomitingl 呃逆 hiccupl 噯氣 belchingl 惡心 nauseal 久病 e

29、nduring disease(illness)l 體質(zhì)虛弱 weak constitutionl 營養(yǎng)不良 malnutritionl 勞倦overexertion and fatiguel 食欲不振 poor appetitel 消化不良 indigestionl 胸悶 oppression in the chestl 脫肛 prolapse of the rectuml 大量失血 heavy blood lossl 血液生成 blood formationl 面色 complexionl 面色萎黃 sallow facial complexionl 面黃 yellow complexio

30、nl 面色蒼白 pale complexionl 面色淡白 pale white complexion (注意)l 面色晦暗 dull,dark complexionl 頭暈 dizzinessl 心悸 palpitationl 驚悸 fright palpitationsl 心慌 flusterednessl 健忘 forgetfulness (amnesia)l 無澤 lusterlessl 失眠 insomnial 心煩vexationl 煩熱 heat vexationl 手足煩熱 vexing heat in the extremitiesl 手足心熱 heat in the pal

31、ms and solesl 五心煩熱 vexing heat in the chest, palms and solesl 身重 heavy bodyl 身癢 generalized itchingl 身痛 generalized painl 麻木(不仁)numbnessl 鈍痛dull pain l 耳痛ear painl 目痛 eye painl 胸痛chest painl 胃痛stomach painl 腹痛abdominal painl 足跟痛heel painl 脹痛distending painl 刺痛stabbing painl 冷痛cold painl 灼痛scorching

32、painl 固定痛 fixed painl 劇痛 severe painl 痛無定處 pain of unfixed locationl 耳鳴 tinnitus l 口渴 thirstl 口干 dry mouthl 口淡 bland taste in the mouthl 口苦bitter taste in the mouthl 口甜sweet taste in the mouthl 口酸sour taste in the mouthl 口澀astringent taste in the mouthl 口咸 salty taste in the mouthl 口麻 numbness in th

33、e mouthl 口粘膩 sticky slimy sensation in the mouthl 宿食 retained foodl 嗜偏食 dietary predilectionl 五味偏嗜 flavor predilectionl 飲食不節(jié) dietary irregularitiesl 噯氣 belchingl 便溏 sloppy stool(or loose stools)l 水瀉 watery diarrheal 里急后重 tenesmusl 儒泄 soggy diarrheal 便膿血 stool containing pus and bloodl 大便干硬hard bound

34、 stooll 小便不利 inhibited urinationl 小便頻數(shù) frequent urinationl 小便澀痛 difficult painful urinationl 小便渾濁 turbid urinel 小便短少 short voidings of scant urinel 小便短赤 short voidings of reddish urinel 小便清長 long voidings of clear urinel 沉脈 sunken pulsel 數(shù)脈 rapid pulsel 細脈 fine pulse( thready pulse)l 洪脈 surging puls

35、e( flooding pulse)l 弦脈string-like pulsel 濡脈 soggy pulsel 微脈 faint pulsel 浮脈floating pulsel 緩脈moderate pulsel 淡白舌pale tonguel Red tongue紅舌l(xiāng) Purple tongue紫舌 l pale red tongue淡紅舌l(xiāng) blue tongue青舌l(xiāng) bluish purple tongue青紫舌l(xiāng) crimson tongue絳舌l(xiāng) 舌苔 tongue furl 白苔 white furl 黃苔 yellow furl 燥苔dry furl 厚苔thick furl 粘膩苔 sticky slimy furl 譫語 delirious speechl 錯語 disordered speechl 惡寒 aversion to coldl 畏寒 fear of coldl 自汗 spontaneous sweatingl 盜汗 night sweating ( night sweats)l 冷汗cold sweatingl 神疲 lassitude of spiritl 乏力 lack of strengt


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