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1、高二動詞時態(tài)和語態(tài)高考真題練習1. -LOOkl SOmebOdy the SOfa.-Well, it wasn't me. I didn't do it.A is CIeaningB. WaS Cleaning C. has Cleaned D hadClea ned2. DOrvt WOrrry. The hard WOrk that you do nowIater in IifeA. Will be repaid B. WaS being repaidC. has beenrepaidD WaS repaid3. FOOd SUPPlieS in the flood-s

2、tricken area must act immediately before there,s left.A. have run OUt B. are running OUtIC. have been run OUtD. are being run OUt4. -kevin,you IOOk worried. Anything WrOng-Well, Ia test and l,m Waiting for the resultA. WiIl takeB. took C. had takentake5. Mum, I WaS WOndering if you COUId Iend me a f

3、ew dollars Until I On Friday.A. get PaidB. got PaidC. have PaielD had been Paicl6. Jack is a great talker. Its high time that he SOmething inSteaCl OfjUSt talking.A. WiIl doB. has doneC. doD. didI feel SO excited . At this time tomorrow morning Ito Shanghai.A. WiIl be flying fly C. have been flying

4、D. have flown8.-Did you CatCh What I Said-SOrry. Ia text message just now.9.They are IiVing With their ParentS for the moment because their OWn houseA. is being rebuilt B. has been rebuiltC. is rebuiltD. has rebuilt-Can I CaIl you back at two o'clock this afternoOnII,m sorry, but by then Ito Bei

5、jing HOW about fiveA. flyB. WiIl fly C. WiIl be flying D. am flying22. GeOrge Saicl that he WOUId COme to SChOOl to See me the next day,but he A .wouldn't B. didn't C. hasn't D. hadn't22. HaVe you heard about that fire in the maeketYes, fortunately no OneA hurt B. WaS hurt C has hurt

6、 D. had been hurt23. OUr friendshipquickly OVer the WeekS that followed.A. had developed B. WaS developing C. WOUIel develop D. developed14. The menagerthe WOrkerS how to improve the PrOgramSinCe 9 am.A. has told B. is telling C. has been telling D WiIl have told25. Did you ask SOPhia for helpIneed

7、to - I managed PerfeCtly WeIl On my OWrLA. WOUIdnZt B. don,t C. didn't D. won't26. The three Of USaround EUrOPe for about a month IaStsummer.A. travelled B. have travelled C. had travelled D. travel27. The IetterS for the bossOn his desk but he didn't readthem Until three later.A Were PU

8、t B. WaS PUt C. PUt D. has PUt28. I had been WOrking On math for the WhOle after noon and thenUmberSbefore my eyesA. SWirnB. SWUm C. SWamD. had SWUm29. "Life is Iike WaIking in the snow", Granny USed to Sayz "because everySteP”A. has ShOWn B. is ShOWing C. ShOWS D. ShOWed20. The menag

9、er WaS COnCerned to hear that two Of his trustedWOrkerSA. Will IeaVeB are IeaVing C. have Ieft WereIeaVing21. After JaCk had Sent SOme e-mails, heWOrking On hisPrOjeCt A. had Started B. has Started C. Started D. StartS22 When did the COmPUter CraSh一 ThiS morning, While Ithe reading materials downloe

10、dedfrom SOme WebSiteSA. have SOrted B. WaS SOrting C. am SOrting D had SOrted23. AlVirb are you COming With USd IOVe to, but SOmething Unexpected A. has COme UP B. WaS COming UP C. had COme UP D. WOUld COme UP24. Peter had in tended to take a job in busi ness, butthat planafter the UnPleaSant experi

11、ence in Cenada in 2019A. had abandoned B. abandOnedC abandonD. WiIlabandon25. The PreSident hopes that the PeOPle WiIl be better Off When he quitsthan When he.?A. has StartedB. StartSC. StarteCl D. WiIl Start26. The menager is Said to have arrived back from PariS Where heSOme EUrOPean PartnersA. WOU

12、ld meet B. is meeting C. meets D. had met27. After SChOOl We Went to the reading room to do SOme reading, Onlyto be told that it .A. WaS decoratedB. had decoratedC. had been decorating D. WaS being decorated28. Walmart, WhiCh is One Of the IargeSt AmeriCan SUPermarket chains,.SOme Of its StOreS OPen

13、 24 hours On Mondays through SatUrdayS.A. keepsB. keepC have keptD. had kept29. In Order to find the missing Child , VillagerS all they Can OVerthe PaSt five hoursA didB. do C. had done D. have beendoing30. -J remember you Were a talented Pianist at COllege Can you PIaythe piano for me-Sorry. Ithe p

14、iano for yearsA dort Play B.wasn,t Playing C havert Played D hadrt Played31"The momentSOOn, he thought to himself, Waitingn ervously.A. Came B .has COme C. WaS COming D. is COming32. ClOSe the door Of fear behind you , and youthe door Of faithOPen before you.A. SaW B .have Seen C. WiIl See D. a

15、reSeei ng33. Pbnning SO far aheadno SenSe-SO many things WiIl haveChangeel by nextA. madeB. is makingC. makesD. has madewasn't SUre if he WaS really interested Or if hePOliteA. WaS just being B. WiIl just be C. had just been D. WOUlCl just be35. When AliCe Came to, She did not know how IOng Shet

16、hereA. had been Iying B. has been Iying C. WaS Iying D. has Iain merits Of this kindin both the and EUrOPe WeIl before theSeCOnd WOrICl War.A. have COnducted B. have been COnductedC. had COndUCted D. had been COndUCteclin the Iibrary every night OVer the IaSt three monthsA. WOrkS B. WOrkecl C. has b

17、een WOrking D had been WOrking38. BOb has gone to CaIifOrnia Ohz Can you tell me When heA. has Ieft B. I eftC. is IeaVi ngWOUld IeaVi ng39. That must have been a IOng trip.Yeahz itUS a WhOIe Week to get there.A. takesB has takenC. took D. WaS taking%40. After getting IOSt in a StOrmz a member Of the

18、 navy teamfourdays later.A. rescued B. WaS rescued C. has rescued had beenrescuedyou PreCliCt that many StUdentSUP for the dance COmPetitiOnA. WOUld SignB. Signed C. have Signed D. had SignedI got On the bus, II had Ieft my WaIlet at homeA WaS realizingB. realized C. have realized D. WOUIdrealize43.

19、 She WaS SUrPriSecl to find the fridge empty; the ChiIcleveryth! ng!A. had been eating B. had eatenhave eaten D havebeen eatingarrived at WOrk in the morning and found that SOmebOdyintothe OffiCe during the nightA. broke B. had brokenC has broken D WaSbreaking45. I hear you _ in a pub. Whats it Iike

20、Well, it,s Very hard WOrk end l,m always tired, but I don't mindA. are WOrking B. Will WOrk C. Were WOrking D. WiIl be WOrking46. The fact that SO many PeOPIe StiIl SmOke in PUbliC PlaCeSthat Wemay need a natiOnWide CamPaign to raise awareness Of the risks OfSmOki ng.A SUggeSt B. SUggeStS C. SUg

21、geStecl D. SUggeSting47. Tommy is PIanning to buy a car. I know By n ext mon th, heeno Ugh for a USed One A. SaVeSB. SaVedC. WiIl SaVe D Will have SaVed48. I didn't ask for the name list. WhyOn my deskI PUt it there just now in CaSe you needed it.A. does it lend B. has it Iandecl C. WiIl it lend

22、 D. had it IandedThe man ager WaS WOrriecl about the PreSS COnf erece his assists nt _in his PIaCe but, IUCkilyz everything WaS going on SmOOthly.A. gave B. givesC. WaS giving D. had givenSt month, the JaPanese government expressed their thanks for the aid theyfrom China.A. receive B. are receivingC

23、. have received D hadreceived19(2019 四川卷)9. AIl ViSitOrS to this ViIlageWith kindness.A. treat are treatedC. are treating D. had been treated20(2019 四川卷)19. What a mistake!-YeS Ihis doing it another way, but WithOUt SUCCeSSA. WaS SUggeSting B. WiIl SUggeSt WOUlel SUggeSt D had SUggeSted21(2019 遼寧卷)2

24、8. ll go to the Iibrary as SOOn as I finish What I.A. WaS doingB. am doinghave doneD. had beendoing22(2019 遼寧卷)34. By the time JaCk returned home from Englandz hisSOnfrom COlIege.A. graduated has graduated C. had been D had graduated 23(2019 天津卷)the IaSt few years thousands OffiImSallOVerthe WOrdA.

25、have PrOdUCeCl B. have been PrOdUCed C. are PrOdUCing D. are being PrOdUCeCl24(2019 天津卷)the next birthday. Annmarried for twentyyears A. isB. has beenWiIl be D. WiIl have been25(2019 陜西卷)first novelgood reviews SinCe it Came OUtIaSt monthA. receives B. is receiving C. WiIl receive D. has received26(

26、2019 重慶卷)22 That PieCe Of music SOUndS quite familiar. WhO the PianO UPStairShas PlayeelB. PlayedC. PIayS D. is Playing27(2019 重慶卷)at the Pride On TOmZS face. Heto have beenPraiSed by the manager just now.A. Seemed B. SeemS C. had Seemed D. is Seeming28(2019 湖南卷)22. John, Whatin your handLook, lt,s

27、a birthday gift for my grandma.A. had you held B. are you holding C do you hold D WiIl youhold29(2019 湖南卷)27. In 1942, COIUmbUSOn One Of the BahamaISIands, but he mistook it for an island Off India.A. IandS B. Iended C. has Ianded .had Ianded30(2019 湖南卷)30. It is the most instructive IeCtUre that IS

28、inCe I Came to this SChOOLA attendedB. had attended C am attending D. haveattended31(2019 湖南卷)34 In the near future, more advances in the robot technologyby SCie ntists.A. are making B. are madeC. WiIl make D WiIl bemade1. (10 JtW 28 ) EVery few years, the COal WOrkerS their IUngSX-rayed to ensure t

29、heir health.A. are havingB. have C. havehad D. had had2. (10 上海 31) The ChUrCh tower WhiChWiIl be OPen to touristsSOOrL The WOrk is almost finishedA. has restored B. has been restored C. is restoring D. is being restored3. (20 福建 28) EVery year a flood Of farmers arrive in Shenzhenforthe money-makin

30、g jobs theybefore IeaVing their hometownsA. PrOmiSed B. Were PrOmiSed C have PrOmiSed D have been PrOmiSeel4. (10 福建 28)-GUeSS what, we,ve got OUr ViSaS for a ShOrt-term ViSit to the UK this summer.-HOW nice! YOU a different CUItUre then.A. WiIl be experiencing B. have experienced C. have been exper

31、iencing DWill have experienced5. (10 安徽 28) -Were you SUrPriSed by the ending Of the film-No, Ithe book, SO I already knew the StOry¥A. WaS readingB. had read C. am reading D have read6. (10 安徽 34)-We,Ve SPent too much money recently-well, it isn't SUrPriSing. OUr friend and relativesaround

32、 all thetimeA. are COming B. had COme C. Were COmingD have beenCOming7. (20 湖南 24)ThiS COaStal area a national WiIdlife reserve IaStyear A. WaS namedB. namedC. is namedD.n ames8. (20 湖南 27) I WaS just going to CUt my rose bushes but SOmeOneit. WaS it youA. has doneB. had doneC. WOUIcl doDWiIl do9. (

33、20 湖南 31) I WaIked SIOWIy through the market, Where PeOPIe all kinds Of fruits and VegetableS. I StUclied the PriCeS CarefUlIy and bought What I neededA. SeIlB. Were SeIlingC. had SOIdD have SOld10. ( 10 湖南 34)m tired out. I all afternoon and I don't Seemto have finished anything.A. ShOPPed B. h

34、ave ShOPPed had ShOPPed D have beenShOPPing21(10 江西 30 )MOtherWanted to be a good PrOVider, a role SheSinCe her marriage to FatherA ShOUIderS B ShOUIdered C is ShOUIderingD has beenShOUIdering12. (20 山東 29 ) The IiVing room is Clean and tidy, With a Clining table alreadyfor a meal to be COOkeCl A. I

35、aieI B Iaying C.to Iay D. being Iaid13 .Up to now, the PrOgramthousands Of Children WhO WOUIdOtherWiSe have diedA. WOUId SaVeB. SaVeS C. had SaVeClD. has SaVeel24. (20 天津 4) We On this PrOjeCt for four hours. Lets have arest.A. are WOrking B. have been WOrkingC. WOrkedD. hadWOrked15.(20 天津 IO) Tradi

36、tiOnal folk arts OfTianjin Iike PaPer CUttingat the CUItUre ShOW Of the 2019 Shanghai WOrICl Expo.A. are exhibiting B. is exhibiting C. are being exhibited D. is being exhibited(10 四丿丨I Il)In many people's OPinion,that COmPany,though relatively Smalb is PleaSantA. to deal With B. dealing With C.

37、 to be dealt With D dealt With27. (20 四Jll 16)When ShaIl We restart OUr businessNOt Until WeOUr plan.A WiIl finishB. are finishing C. are to finish D. havefinished18. (Io 四)I 18)You,ve failed to do What youto and l,mafraid the teacher WiIl blame you- A. WiIl expect B. WiIl be expected C. expected D.

38、 Were expected29. (20 全國 I 21) -HaVe you finished reading Jane Eyre No, Imy homework all day yesterday.A. WaS doingB. WOUlCl doC. has doneD. do20. (20 全國 I 25 ) When you are home, give a CaIl to Iet me know yousafely.A. are arriving B have arrived C. had arrived WiIl arriveI21. (20 全國 I 32)The CliSC

39、OVery Of gold in AUStraIia IeCl thousands tobelieve that a fortUneis made B. WOUId make C. WaS to be made D had made22. (20 江蘇 23)why, Jack, you IOOk SO tired!Well, Ithe house and I must finish the WOrk tomorrowA. WaS Painting B. WiIl be Painting C. have Painted D have been Painting23. (20 江蘇 30 ) -

40、Peter, Where Clid you guys go for the SUmmerVaCati On-Webusy With OUr WOrk for months, SO We Went to the beachto relax OUrSelVeSA. Were B. have been C. had been D. WiIl be24. (10 陜西 21) I have to See the doctor because I a IOt lately.A. have been COUghing B. had COUghed COUghedDCOUgh25. (10 陜西 24) I

41、t is reported that many a new house at PreSentin the CliSaSter areaA. are being built B. Were being built C. WaS being built D isbeing built26. ( 10 全國 Il 9)Barbara is easy to recognize as she,s the Only One OftheWOmen WhOevening dressA. Wear WearS C. has WOrnD have WOrn27. (20 全國 Il 15 )Linda make

42、SUre the tablesbefore the guestsarriveA. be SetB Set C. are Set D. are Setting28. (20 全國 Il 19)EXCUSe me II WaS blocking your WayA. didrt realizeB. don't realize C. havert realizedD.wasn't realizing29. (10 湖北 78) LaSt night's TV news Said that by then the death Of themissing PeOPle (未證實)

43、yet(PrOVe)30. (10 遼寧 24 ) JOSePhto evening ClaSSeS SinCe IaSt month, buthe StiIl cerft Say ZZWhat,s your name,z in RUSSian.A has been going B Went C. goes D. has gOne31. ( 10 遼寧 30)1all the COOking for my family, but recently l,vebeen too busy to do it.A WiIl doB doC. am doingD. haddone32. (20 北京 22 ) In the SPOken EngIiSh Of SOme areas in the USZ the ,r,1SOUndS at the end Of the WOrdSA. are ClrOPPed B. DrOP C. are being ClrOPPed D have ClrOPPed(10 北京 24) -m nOt finished With my Clinner yet.-BUt OU


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