2、細(xì)地描繪事件經(jīng)過,以達(dá)到用事件來教育或提醒人們的目的。先請(qǐng)看下面一段文章:(1)Alfred Nobe,l the Swedish inventor and in-dustrialist, was aman ofmany contrasts. He was the son of a bankrupt, but became a millionaire; a scientist with a love of literature, an industrialist who managed to remain an idealist. He made a fortune but lived a s
3、imple life, and although cheerful in company, he was often sad in private. A lover of man-kind, he never had a wife or family to love him; a patriotic son of his native land, he died alone on foreign soil. He invented a new explosive, dynamite, to improve the peacetime industries of mining and road
4、building, but saw it used as weapon of war to kill and injure his fellowmen. During his useful life he often felt he was useless: “Alfred Nobel” he once wrote to himself, “ought to have been put to death by a kind doctor as soon as, with a cry, he entered life”.World-famous for his works he was neve
5、r personally well-known, for throughout his life he avoided publicity. “I do not see,” he once said, “that I have de-served any fame and I have no taste for it.” But since his death, his name has brought fame and glory to others. 這是一段記人的文章,作者通過對(duì)比諾貝爾事業(yè)、生活和性格中的各種矛盾,刻畫了他不同凡響的一生,渲染了他的高尚人格,突出了他不求名利,但求貢獻(xiàn)的
6、美德。再請(qǐng)看下一篇文章:(2) It seems thatallwe hear aboutnowadays isthe computer revolution. There are computers in theelibraries, schools, offices, and even in homes.Friends of mine who once feared anything remotely associated with electronic snow loudly sing the praises of word - processing, as if the typewri
7、ter were a product of the Stone Age. Last week I grew so weary of listening to them that I decided to see for myself exactly what these swonders of technology could do.As I cautiously approached my college s' writing center, my ears were assaulted by the click-click-click of key boards, and an o
8、ccasional screech from a printer. One of the tutors offered me her assistance in learning to operate the machine. Within a mere twenty-five minutes I was typing happily, thinking all the while that I should have tried this much earlier.Just as I began the conclusion of my English paper, the entire b
9、uilding was plunged into silent darkness.I was dismayed at the thought of having to wait until the following day to see the print out. Then the tutor told me the bad news: I had lost the entire essay just because I failed to click the save button one minute earlier when the electricity went off. My
10、draft no longer existed. With poise and grace, I felt my way to the exit. 這是一篇敘述作者首次操作電腦的敘事文。首段起筆于周邊朋友對(duì)電腦的嘖嘖稱贊,作者決心親身體驗(yàn)的想法,行文自然、新穎。第二段敘述了作者在學(xué)校寫作中心學(xué)習(xí)打印文稿由喜到憂的變化過程,勾勒出作者初識(shí)電腦的獨(dú)特感受,敘述親切、自然而又獨(dú)特。二、如何寫記敘文。(一)記敘文的開頭。就一般情況而言,記敘文通常由三個(gè)部分組成:開頭、展開和結(jié)尾。記敘文的開頭通常交代事件的背景,即交代事件發(fā)生的時(shí)間、地點(diǎn)、有關(guān)人物和人與人之間的相互關(guān)系等內(nèi)容。這些方面包含著導(dǎo)致未來變化
11、和發(fā)展的因素,可以幫助讀者理解事件的本身。例如。介紹某次郊游的文章可以這樣開頭:(3)I had an interesting outing during the springholidays. It was Sunday. The sun was shining brightly. The weather was fine and warm. I got up very early that day. After an early breakfast I went to Mount Mo with my classmates by bike. We got there at about ni
12、ne. 在這幾行文字中,作者寫明了郊游的時(shí)間、地點(diǎn)和人物。在開頭的段落中,介紹了對(duì)郊游的準(zhǔn)備和到達(dá)目的地的時(shí)間。由于這幾點(diǎn)敘述得自然、緊湊,所以這種方式的開頭猶如電影的開頭畫面一樣向我們慢慢展開,把我們帶到了郊游的目的地。在記人的文章中,我們首先應(yīng)該把人物介紹給讀者,對(duì)人物的一些外貌特征可以在開頭部分中加以介紹。例如,在介紹一位老師的文章中可以這樣開頭:(4) It was in 1981 that I first met my English teacher Mr. Wang Xing. He was not tall but very strong at that time. His ey
13、es shone brightly with knowledge behind a pair of glasses. Ever since then we have been good friends.在此段文字中,作者雖然沒有直接交代事情發(fā)生的地點(diǎn),但從所述的人物之間的關(guān)系,讀者可以領(lǐng)會(huì)到此事的發(fā)生是在學(xué)校。另外,文中的knowledge一詞和句子Eversince thenwe have beengood friends又為下文的展開作了很好的鋪墊,容易吸引讀者的注意力,激發(fā)讀者欲讀下文的興趣。(二)記敘文的展開。記敘文的展開通??梢詮乃膫€(gè)方面入手:以人物活動(dòng)的時(shí)間順序?yàn)榫€索;按空間位置變
14、換組織材料;以事件發(fā)生的順序記敘;以人物的主次性格特征為序。前兩種方法主要用于敘事的文章中,第四種方法用于記人的文章中,第三種方法即可用于記人又可用于敘事。1、以人物活動(dòng)的時(shí)間順序?yàn)榫€索。前面我們介紹了一次郊游的開頭,接下來我們可以按人物活動(dòng)的時(shí)間順序作如下展開:(5)We first stayed for an hour on the grass land at the foot of the hill. There were many people there.Some of us were singing and dancing while others were playing gam
15、es. Then we began to climb the hill, talking and laughing.On the top of the hill we overlooked the beautiful East Lake and all cried, “Wow!” We were also shocked at the beauty of other hills and the fields around. Besides playing chess and badminton, we took many photographs.At noon we had a picnic.
16、 In the afternoon we met some foreign guests. We talked and played games together.在這篇文章中,作者和同學(xué)活動(dòng)的時(shí)間順序?yàn)? first)then)at noon)in the afternoon.2、按空間位置變換組織材料。按照事物空間位置轉(zhuǎn)換的順序安排材料,也就是按照地點(diǎn)變換,方位變換寫文章。例如:(6)We enjoyed our visit to Dr. Hassans' house, perched high up on a hill. Walking up the long driveway,
17、 we approached the huge bronze door. A butler was standing in the open doorway, ushering guests into the house. Going in, we passed the oak-paneled library, and the formal dining room before we arrived at the ballroom, where the reception was being held. Under three sparking chandeliers, more than a
18、 hundred people were enjoying champagne, hors do' euvres, and good conversation.空間位置變換的描述若運(yùn)用表示方位的短語,就比一般的陳述顯得更為有趣,具有立體感,可給讀者留下深刻的印象。從上一段作者拜訪那座位于小丘上的寓所,可體會(huì)到空間位置的變化?!把刂L長的車道,來到巨大的青銅門前,侍者將客人引入屋內(nèi),穿過橡木鑲嵌的圖書室和正規(guī)的餐廳,便到了舉行招待會(huì)的舞廳。在三盞枝形吊燈的照耀下,客人們享受著香檳、餐前小吃、愉快地交談?!?、以事件發(fā)生的順序記敘。(7)This story happened in a g
19、arden long ago.There were many water vats in the garden. A group of boys were playing there. One of them said it was a good place for playing games. They began at once.They played happily for a long time. Suddenly some-one shouted “Come! Come! A boy has fallen into avat.”All the boys ran away except
20、 a small one. His name was Sima Guang. He was then only eight years old. He thought he should save the boy 's lie.But he was too small, the vat was too large, he couldnot see the inside of the vat. At that time, nobody would help him. He hurried towards the large vat, and broke it with a big sto
21、ne. The water came out of the vat at once. When there was no water in it, he pulled the boy out through the hole. The small boys' father and mother and other people came and saw the small boy talking to Sima Guang. They were all pleased very much. They came forward to Sima Guang, praising him fo
22、r his quick-wittedness and said he was a clever boy. 此文是記人的文章,以事件的發(fā)生為序。首段交代事件的發(fā)生(一個(gè)男孩掉進(jìn)了大水缸),然后在第二段記敘了司馬光救小男孩的經(jīng)過(用磚頭砸缸,把小男孩從洞口拖出),最后是小男孩的的父母和其他人對(duì)司馬光的贊揚(yáng)。文章第二段還夾有對(duì)司馬光外貌、年齡、心理的描寫,進(jìn)一步襯托出司馬光的機(jī)智、聰明,從小就能樂意助人的優(yōu)秀品質(zhì)。4、按人物特征的主次順序。例如前面那段記敘Mr. WangXing的文章的開頭對(duì)該位老師進(jìn)行了外表描寫(次要特征)之后,下面可以這樣展開:(8)Mr. Wang was knowledge
23、able. He spoke English fluently and gave us lectures in English, which was not common in middle schools. He explained the grammar and language points carefully in class. After class, whenever I asked him questions, he was pleased to answer them and always encouraged me to raise more questions.He was
24、 also very caring. I was the top student but I was poor. He often offered his table lamp for me to use, saying it was good for my eyesight at night. He sometimes invited me to have dinners in his family, too. 此文中,作者在開頭段描述了述王老師外貌特征,并通過knowledgeable, also兩詞平穩(wěn)地實(shí)現(xiàn)了上下文的過渡與銜接。在展開段中,作者不僅敘述了王老師學(xué)術(shù)水平高、教學(xué)工作耐心細(xì)
25、致,而且敘述了王老師在學(xué)習(xí)和生活上無微不至地關(guān)愛自己,熱情幫助自己的優(yōu)秀品德。此文就是按照人物的特征由次到主的順序展開的。三、記敘文的結(jié)尾。記敘文的結(jié)尾不像說明文和論說文的結(jié)尾那樣復(fù)雜。敘事的文章通常是依照事件的發(fā)生、發(fā)展和結(jié)局這樣一個(gè)自然的順序來結(jié)尾。無須在結(jié)構(gòu)上及方法上有特殊的要求。在記人的文章中,作者通常是有感而發(fā)。所以在此類文章結(jié)尾時(shí),作者時(shí)常發(fā)表感慨,陳述自己對(duì)某人的觀點(diǎn)或態(tài)度。在有些“難忘的某事”之類的文章中,作者可用一些議論來結(jié)尾。例如,前面所講到的“郊游”和“難忘的老師”兩篇文章,其結(jié)尾可分別是:(9)We spent a happy day on mount Mo. When we arrived home at 7 p.m., we felt exhausted but extremely excited.2(P. 85)這段文字是按照人物活動(dòng)的先后自然順序結(jié)尾的,即從早晨出發(fā)到晚上回家。(1”) In 1982 I entered university, far away from Mr. Wang 's home, but I would never forget him. It was he who made
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