1、ogthe word “precious” is closest in meaning to oexactoscarce©valuableoinitialthe word “exposed" is closest in meaning to oexplai ned ovisible oide ntified o locatedthe word “propulsion” is closest in meaning to ostaying afloatochanging direction odecreasing weight omoving forwardthe word u
2、threatenedm is closest in meaning to o restrictedoenda ngeredo preventedo rejectedthe word "delicate" is closest in meaning to ©fragileopredictablecomplex©valuablethe word “progressively” is closest in meaning to oopenlyoimpressively oobjectivelycreasinglythe phrase "devoid
3、of is closest in meaning to oconsisting of chidden by©except for olacking inthe word “readily” is closest in meaning to ofrequently©easily ointelligently oobviouslythe word “assistance” is closest in meaning to ocriticism©leadershipohelp©approvalthe word “inevitable” is closest i
4、n meaning to oun avoidable oregrettable ocon trollableoun suitablethe word ugratify0 is closest in meaning to oidentify o modify osatisfy osimplifythe word “distort”' is closest in meaning to omistrustmisinterpret ocriticize orese ntthe word "expanded" is closest in meaning to°was
5、 enlargedowas improved owas varied°was rejectedthe word “disrupted" is closest in meaning to °prol on gedestablished ofollowed oupsetthe phrase "gathered some momentuni' is closest jn meaning to°made progress obecame active ocaused changes combined forcesthe word "s
6、pearheaded11 is closest in meaning to oledaccepted ochanged resistedthe word enhance15 is closest in meaning to°use oimprove °co un teract°bala neethe word “sophisticatect is closest 泊 meaning to complex oamazing ocreativepracticalthe word "channel" is closest in meaning tor
7、educeo removedirectprovidethe word “immeasurably” is closest in meaning to ofrequently ogreatlyrapidly oreportedlythe word “inclinatiort is closest in mean泊g to argument otendencyexample°war ningthe word "concept11 is closest in meaning to o power°reality odifficulty oideathe word “de
8、spondent” is closest in meaning to ocuriousounhappy othoughtfulouncertai nthe word "concur" is closest in meaning to oestimateoagreeoexpectoun dersta ndthe word rate is closest in meaning to ojudge o reject odrawowantthe word "relevant1 is closest in meaning to ocontradictoryoconfusi
9、ngodependent oapplicablethe word “relatively" is closest 泊 meaning to o unusuallyo comparativelyo occasionallyo naturallythe word “relics” is closest in meaning to oresembla ncesregionsoremai nsorestorati onsthe word “seeps” is closest in meaning to ©dries gradually oflows slowly©free
10、zes quickly©warms slightlytpo1-5the word “incredible” is closest in meaning to °con fusing ocomfortingoun believableointerestingthe word “out of sight” is closest in meaning to ofar awayohiddenopartly visibleodiscoveredthe word “overlie” is closest in meaning to o covero changeo separateo
11、surroundthe phrase "'so much for” is closest in meaning to othat is enough about onow let us turn tooof greater concern areothis is related tothe word “championect is closest in meaning to ochangeddebatedocreatedosupportedthe word “plugged" is closet in meaning towashedodraggedofilled
12、uposoaked throuqhthe word “attributes” is closest in meaning to ascribes©leaveslimits°con traststhe word “autonomous" is closest in meaning to artisticimportantoindepende ntestablishedthe word “penchant" is closest in meaning to ocompromise oinclin atio notraditi on©respectt
13、he word “dramatic” is closest in meaning to gradual©complexvisible°strikingthe word "attain is closest in meaning torequireresistoachieve°en durethe word “prone” is closest in meaning to ©adapted olikelydifficultoresistantthe word “prevalent” is closest in meaning to predict
14、able©widespreadsuccessful©developedthe word "feasible11 is closest in meaning to°in existence©without questionoachievableomost likelvthe word uenhancen is closest in meaning to o protectimprove°orga nizeomatchthe word “devised” is closest in meaning to °combi nedoc
15、reatedointroducedosuggestedthe word “integral” is closest in meaning to oessential ovariable o practical oin dependentthe word “arduous” is closest in meaning to odifficultonecessaryoskilledosharedthe word “ensuing is closest in meaning to ocontinuing osurprisi ng oinitial osubsequentthe word "
16、unprecedented" is closest in meaning to odifficult to controlowithout any restrictionounlike anything in the pastorapidly expandingthe word “virtually is closest in meaning to oclearly operhaps ofreque ntlyalmostthe word “inevitable” is closest in meaning to°un fortunateopredictable©u
17、navoidableofinalthe word “particular" is closest in meaning to ©natural ofinal ospecific©complexthe word i<guaranteen is closest in meaning to oincrease°en sureofavorocomplicatethe word “pales" is closest in meaning to oin creases proporti on ally odiffersoloses significa
18、neeois commonthe word "adjacent1 is closest in meaning to oforeignstableofluidon eighboringthe word “squander" is closest 泊 meaning to o extend otran sformo activateo wastethe word “dispersal" is closest in meaning to development ogrowthodistributio no protect! onthe word “massive” is
19、 closest in meaning too huge° anciento common° successfulthe word “methods” is closest in meaning to ©waysshadesstagesorulesthe word “accompanied” is closest in meaning to oreprese nted odeveloped into owere associated withocame afterthe word “emit” is closest in meaning to ouserequir
20、e©releasedestroythe phrase "amount tom is closest in meaning to ocan identify°changeoare reduced byototalthe word “project” is closest in meaning to estimateorespond°argueoplanthe word "inhibits" is closest in meaning to° consists ofo combineso restricts° esta
21、blishesthe phrase "in the same breath” is closest in meaning to o impatiently° humorouslyo continuouslyo immediatelythe phrase "indefinite perioef is closest in meaning to periodo whose end has not been determinedo that does not begin when expectedo that lasts only brieflyo whose impo
22、rtanee remains unknownthe word rebound" is closest in meaning too declineo recoveryo exchangeo movementthe word marked" is closest in meaning to ocon siderableo complicationthe word "exhibit" is closest in meaning too fight offo show° causeo spreadthe word “facilitates” is c
23、losest in meaning to° slows downo affectso makes easier° focuses onthe word ususpended" is closest in meaning too growno protectedo spread outo hungthe word "afford" is closest in meaning too offero prevento in creaseo removethe word “overwhelming” is closest in meaning to o
24、 powerful o favorableo currento reasonablethe word “implements” is closest in meaning too skillso toolso opportunities。practicesthe word undisputed" is closest in meaning to o mysterious。unexpectedo ack no wledgedo significantthe word “significant” is closest in meaning too numerouso important。
25、unexplainedo suddenthe word “relatively” is closest in meaning to。surprisinglyo collectivelyo comparatively° characteristicallythe word diversification is closest 泊 meaning to o emergence of many varieties o steady decline in number o gradual increase in body size o sudden disappearaneeosurpris
26、i ngolimitedoadequatethe word “principal” is closest in meaning to°major olikely owell protected distinctthe word “trappings” is closest in meaning to ocon ditionsproblems oinflue nces odecorati onsthe word "accumulate11 is closest in meaning to ogrow up°build upspread out obreak apar
27、tthe word “adjacent" is closest in meaning to onearby oexisti ng especial°deepthe word “sloping” is closest in meaning to oshifti ng oinclining oformingorollingthe word “foul” is closest in meaning to oreach°floodpolluteoalterthe word "pose” is closest in the meaning to eclaimomo
28、delassumepresentthe word “excavating” is closest in the meaning to° digging outo extendi ngo destroying° covering upthe word “consumed” is closest in the meaning too changedo exposedo destroyedo coveredthe phrase “tentatively identified” is closest in the meaning too identified after caref
29、ul studyo identified without certaintyo occasionally identifiedo easily identifiedthe word “perspective” is closest in the meaning too sense of valueso point of viewo calculationtpo6-10the word "promote” is closest in meaning too complicateo prevento encourageo affectthe word exploited" is
30、 closest in meaning to outilizedorecognizedoexami nedofully understoodthe word “vastly” is closet in meaning to oquickly oultimately ogreatlyojnitiallythe phrase “grew accustomed to” is closest in meaning to obegan to prefer owanted to have©became used to°insisted onthe word “retained” is
31、closest in meaning to©gained oestablished o profited from omaintainedthe word “rudimentary” is closest in meaning to othorough ostrict obasic ooccasionalthe word “meticulously" is closest in meaning to ocarefully oquickly ofrequently oobviouslythe word endured11 is closest in meaning to ev
32、anishedodevelopedovariedosurvivedthe word “virtually” is closest in meaning too possibly©absolutelyosurprisi nglyonearlythe word “plausible" is closest in meaning too flexibleobelievable odebatablepredictablethe word 4<phenomenonn is closest in meaning to oexception orepetition ooccurre
33、nceoideathe word “critically" is closest in meaning to o fundamentallyo partiallyo consistentlyo subsequentlythe word “perspective” is closest in meaning to° systemo theory° source° viewpointthe word “objective” is closest 泊 meaning to oachieveme nt orequirement©purposefeatu
34、rethe word "scores" is closest in meaning tomembersolarge numbersopopulati onsdifferent typesthe word turbulent” is closest in meaning to ©fresh odeepo violent©temperatethe phrase “obsession with” is closest in meaning to o thinking about o fixation on o interest ino attitude tow
35、ardthe word “fostered” is closest in meaning too accepted。combinedo introducedo encouragedthe word “spheres” is closest in meaning too abilitieso areas。combinationso modelsthe word “diffused” is closest in meaning to。emergedo was understoodo spread。developedthe word profound" is closest in mean
36、ing too fascinatingo far-reachingo necessaryo temporarythe word “ritual” is closest in meaning too militaryo physical° ceremonialo permanentthe word “fleeing” is closest in meaning to° afraid ofo displaced byo running away fromo responding tothe word “massive” is closest in meaning to o an
37、ciento carefullyo very largeo carefully protectedthe word pinpoint” is closest in meaning too identify preciselyo make an argument foro describeo understandthe word ingenuity0 is closest in meaning too ambitiono sincerityo faitho clevernessthe word “predominant” is closest in meaning to o most aggre
38、ssiveo most productiveo principalo earliestthe word "cope" is closest in meaning too adapto moveo continueo competethe word “fluctuations” is closest in meaning to o extremeso retreatso periodso variationsthe word "bombard11 is closest in meaning too approacho strikeo passo circlethe
39、word "disruption" is closest in meaning too exhaustiono disturbaneeo modificationo disappearaneethe word “merge” is closest in meaning too expando separateo straighten outo combinethe word “relics" is closest in meaning too remainso siteso requirementso sourcesthe word “miniature” is
40、closest in meaning too temporaryo smallo multipleo familiarthe word “hints” is closest in meaning too clueso featureso argumentso effectsthe word “persuasively” is closest in meaning to aggressively©inflexiblyoconvi ncinglycarefullythe phrase prior to" is closest in meaning to o beforeo im
41、mediately aftero duringo in spite ofthe word “vast" is closest in meaning too froze novarious olsolated©hugethe word “inhospitable” is closest in meaning to o not familiar o not suitableo not dangerouso not reachablethe word “impetus” is closest in meaning too chaneeo protectiono possibili
42、tyo incentivethe word “justified” is closest in meaning to osupportedoshapedostimulated©suggestedthe word “flourish” is closest in meaning too continueo occuro succeedo applythe word “objective” is closest in meaning too unbiased。positiveo systematico thoroughthe word “compelling” is closest in
43、 meaning too commonly heldo persuasiveo originalo practicalthe phrase uat random" is closest in meaning to °finallycover a long period of timeosuccessfullywithout a definite patternthe word abundantly" is closest in meaning to o occasionallyo plentifullyo usefullyo fortunatelythe word
44、 “propagate” is closest in meaning too multiplyo emergeo liveo evolvethe word "dormant1 is closest in meaning to ohidden°in activeoundergroundpreservedthe word illusory is closest in meaning too definiteo illuminatingo misleadingo exceptionalthe word sparsely is closest in meaning too wide
45、lyo thinlyo clearlyo freshlythe word associated is closest in meaning too obviouso significanto expectedo connectedthe phrase provided that is closest in meaning to o as long aso unlesso as ifo even thouqhthe word fastidious is closest in meaning to° rapido determinedo flexible° demandingt
46、he word “prestigious" is closest in meaning to o highly regarded° financially rewardingo demandingo seriousthe word 4<engagedm is closest in meaning too noticedo praised° hiredo attractedthe word “synthesize” is closest in meaning too improveo defineo simplifyo integratethe word “a
47、gitated” is closest in meaning too emerged from beneatho created movement ino arranged themselves ino pretended to bethe word “penetrate” is closest in meaning too collecto pierceo melto endurethe word "accumulated" is closest in meaning to ocollectedofroze noreleasedo coveredthe word “exc
48、luded” is closest in meaning to° kept outo compressedo damagedo gathered togetherthe word "accrete" is closest in meaning to oadvaneeotran sferoflatten outocome togetherthe word ustatusn is closest in meaning to o origino importaneeo qualityo designthe word “evolve” is closest in mean
49、ing too dividedo extendedo developedo vanishedthe word “instigate” is closest 泊 meaning too improvedo investigatedo narrowedo causedthe word "whereas” is closest in meaning too while。previouslyo surprisinglyo becausethe word "striking” is closest in meaning too noticeableo confusingo trueo
50、 unlikelythe word “erratic” is closest in meaning to° dramatico importanto unpredictable° commonthe word “deliberations" is closest in meaning to o recordso discussionso resultso variationsthe word invoked" is closest in meaning too dem on stratedo called upon° supportedo ex
51、pectedthe word key is closest in meaning too historical° manyo importanto hiddentp011-15the word "meager” is closest in meaning too very necessaryo very lowo traditionalo primarythe phrase "'an english innovatiort is closest in meaning too a new development introduced by the engli
52、sho an arrangement found only 泊 england o a type of agreement negotiated in english o a type of partnership based on english law the word "vital" is closest in meaning to o attractive o essentialo usualo practicalthe word "context” is closest in meaning too connectiono in fluenceo env
53、ir on merito requirementthe word ucoren is closest in meaning too materialo layer o center o framethe word depicts is closest in meaning too imagineso classifieso elevateso portraysthe word mperplexed" is closest in meaning too defeated o interested o puzzled o occupiedthe word “preposterous&qu
54、ot; is closest in meaning too unbelievableo in adequateo limitedo creativethe word “accumulating” is closest in meaning too newo increasingo convincingo extensivethe phrase “impose on” is closest in meaning too increase for o remove from o place on o distribute tothe word “artificial” is closest in
55、meaning too attractiveo not realo short-termo well designedthe word “prediction" is closest in meaning too surpriseo discoveryo explanationo expectationthe word upinpoint" is closest in meaning too observeo locate exactlyo copy accuratelyo recognizethe word derive" is closest in meani
56、ng too requireo gaino useo producethe phrase “assisted irt is closest in meaning too initiatedo dominatedo helped witho setupthe phrase " depicted11 is closest in meaning too identifiedo revealedo picturedo imaginedthe word "criteria” is closest in meaning too standardso findingso ideaso t
57、echniquesthe word uregardedw is closest in meaning to analyzedo consideredalteredo criticizedthe word "paradoxes” is closest in meaning to difficultiesoaccomplishments©parallels°con tradicti onsthe word uovershadowedn is closest in meaning to odistracted fromoexplai nedconducted©
58、coordinated withthe word "neglected” is closest in meaning to ofailedoneededstarted©expectedthe word "drastically" is closest in meaning to obviouslyounfortunatelyorapidlyseverelythe word "dwellers" is closest in meaning to osettleme ntsfarmers°tribesoinhabitantsthe word "fractures”
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